Thursday Night Bible Study 082720

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[Music] god bless you i'm bishop patrick l wood senior pastor of the upper room church of god in christ i'm also the prelate of north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction i want to speak to you just for a moment about a marvelous thing that is happening in our jurisdiction the church of god in christ academy of the third ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the state of north carolina is an awesome awesome academy let me tell you we are focusing on training our students to have a biblical practical and theological worldview it is important at our academy that you know how to accurately handle the word of truth it is important that the students understand how to make the bible relevant in the times in which we live there is nothing there is nothing like the word of god there is there is no greater gift that god has given to mankind than his word but if the word is not understood if the word is not accurately handled if the word is not properly applied then all of the blessings that are in the word of god for you and me my friends we will not realize them i believe that too many christians live their entire life with christ they walk with jesus throughout this earthly sojourn and they never get what god actually has for them while they they're here because many times too many christians do not know how to accurately handle the word of truth they don't know how to view the contemporary and the practical and even the novel things that are going on in their world through the lenses of the scripture i've often said this the bible is more current than tomorrow morning's newspaper but it won't be for you if you don't know how to understand it if you don't know how to accurately apply it at the north carolina third academy we are training christian men and women to be apologists for jesus christ not to apologize for the gospel but to be apologists that that is defenders of god's truth we want our students to stand on the word of god and know the difference between the bible and traditional sayings we want our students to be able to say the bible says thus and so and it's actually in the scriptures and we're actually using it in context and my friends we are training people to do just that our dean dr yvonne watford mckinney is doing a tremendous job leading this effort in north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction i invite you to give us a look i invite you from all over the jurisdiction from everywhere my voice is heard and this is seen from every christian reformation to take a look at north carolina third join our academy attend the classes whether they are online or in person commit yourselves to a semester commit yourself to this work and i guarantee you you will walk away blessed of the lord and highly favored and i can promise you you will walk away with a greater understanding of one of the greatest gifts that god gave to the human race i said one of the greatest gifts because he gave us the gift of his son he gave us the gift of the holy ghost he has given you and me the gift of life but the meaning to these gifts the the the the road map if you will the gps the thing that is necessary to understand these gifts is the gift of the bible god put this miraculous marvelous book together oh my over 1600 years multiple authors most of which never met one another and god compiled it and watched over his word and he gave us academies and one of them is the north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction academy to teach people how to accurately handle the word of god the word of truth i challenge you i invite you i beseech you i implore you joined north carolina third academy and be blessed as a result of it thank you very much well hello there bishop patrick hill the wooden senior here and i pray that you're having a fantastic god-first day this is the day that the lord has made and we're going to rejoice and be glad in it and i'm going to tell you something and i know i sound like a broken record but i'm excited i'm excited about tonight i'm excited about uh the things that god has given me to talk to you about tonight now the truth is saints as we deal with all of the things that are going on in the world today the covet 19 pandemic the unrest that's in the streets the things that are reported on the news uh the interactions between uh members of our community and law enforcement uh oh my all of the unrest at the and i mentioned the covert 19 and we're in the political season and so many things are going on and some of those things aren't uh uh registering on your uh scale at all some of you are you're dealing with uh trying to earn a living your jobs have been shut down in many cases some of you are wondering lord how am i going to make it this provision may be running out or that provision may be running out and the truth is all of us get tired at some point but my friends i want to tell you that the god of the of the bible is a god who revives restores renews he makes whole he adds light he gives us joy vigor and vitality he gives us the strength that we need to carry on in the name of the lord and i am going to talk to you about it tonight regardless of what you've been going through regardless to how long it has been i want to tell you that a blessing is on the way the god of the bible is doing great things he's delivering he's setting free you know i hear the prophet isaiah now he said this the lord's hand in isaiah chapter number 59 is not shortened that it cannot save neither is his ear heavy that he cannot hear he's still in the saving business he's still in the healing business the scripture goes on to say but your iniquities have separated between you and your god and your sins have caused him to hide his face from you let me tell you america it's time to turn to the god of the bible as never before there is no point in turning to godless solutions there is no point to adopting doctrines and theories and disciplines that do not put god first we've got to put god first and allow him to lead and you know what he will do he will enlighten your eyes he will open doors he will show you and show us the way out do you not know that god has the cure to covert 19 god has the cure to all that ails us jesus is that bomb in gilead and tonight i'm going to be talking to you from the word of god you've got to come and share with us those of you who are back in the sanctuary the lord has released you and you feel comfortable enough to come out you know we've been back now over 14 weeks and we haven't had any problems whatsoever we're practicing social distancing we're we're remaining uh vigilant we're remaining calm we're remaining clean we're doing our part and you know what the god of the bible is doing the rest so for those who uh uh are released in your spirit and you feel free to and the release to come we'll see you here and for our faithful youtube live audience and facebook live audience thank god for you we're hearing from you from everywhere and we appreciate your prayers we appreciate your support we appreciate the kind kind words that you've sent our way many of you have called the church many of you have reached out many of you have driven from as far as macon georgia uh richmond virginia a different places are all over you've come to be a part of the service thank god for you thank you for your kindness thank you for uh sharing and loving this ministry and praying for brother wooden i feel your prayers and i'm thankful for every one of them i often say as i close when you pray call my whole name patrick lane wooden senior ask god to touch me and to keep me and give me strength to stay on the wall because my friends were not coming down so tonight i'm excited and i want you to be excited and if you're getting a little weary and a little tired just know everybody gets a little tired sometimes but the lord knows how to reveal revive us all so tonight god's going to do it it's going to bless us real good and i want you to meet me here at the upper room church of god in christ right here in raleigh north carolina whether in person on facebook live or youtube live or however you will join us for get this bible study yes bible study we are going to study the word of the lord together god bless you um uh foreign [Music] do [Music] [Music] so so um foreign [Music] so oh so um so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my soul loves jesus my my soul loves jesus [Music] loves jesus [Music] jesus me bless bless his name and let the church say yes [Music] father in the name of jesus god we come before your precious throne of grace oh god on this evening god god we come with another yes lord in our souls oh god god another yes lord in our spirits oh god god we come before your presence o god and we give you glory god god we say thank you for yet another week oh god that you've kept us oh god god you kept us from hurt harm in danger oh god both seen and unseen oh god god you kept us alone the dangerous highways and by ways oh god and for that we say thank you god you've been better to us than we deserve and for that we say thank you god god your word says you've not dealt with us as our iniquities deserve and for that we say thank you jesus god we thank you for sending your son oh god to die on the cross for our sins oh god god raised him from the dead on the third day that we might be saved oh god god we thank you god for the ability to come into this house of worship oh god and to come before your presence god god we thank you god for the man of god oh god the shepherd of this house oh god god we bless your name oh god for bishop patrick lanewood and shinder god god we thank you god for his vision of god god we thank you god for his leadership oh god god we thank you god because you put him at the helm of this ministry and for that we say thank you god god we ask you to touch the word that shall come forth on today oh god god let it come forth with power and with authority god we pray in the name of jesus god god you let your holy ghost fall fresh in the room oh god god let your anointing fall fresh oh god in the atmosphere even now oh god god your word says what two or three are gathered in my name i am in the midst of god god we ask you to dwell in our midst oh god god we ask you to manifest your glory on this evening god we ask you oh god to let your word come forth oh god god let it convict hearts oh god god let it change minds oh god god let us save souls oh god god we pray in the name of jesus god god that deliverance be in this house on this evening god we pray oh god that deliverance fall oh god god somebody's struggling oh god god dealing with addiction oh god god deliver oh god god somebody's struggling oh god oh god in their bodies oh god god heal them today oh god god if there any sick among us oh god god send your healing handle god and god heal the sickle god up god we pray in the name of jesus oh god god that you would just let your will be done oh god god bind the enemy on every hand oh god up in the mighty name of jesus god up god we we decree and we declare god up god that this is your house oh god and we come before you in worship oh god and we come before you in praise oh god god will lift up your name oh god and declare you to be sovereign god god nobody can control oh god up what you decide to do oh god god you're the only one oh god that has all power in the palm of your hand no god god display your power in our midst oh god god let cancer be dried up on this evening god we pray in the name of jesus god god the yolks will be destroyed by the anointing o god god we need your presence god god if you don't pray reveal yourself oh god then our coming is in vain oh god god if your presence doesn't dwell here oh god oh god then our worship is in vain oh god but god we trust you oh god god that you will manifest your glory gather you will show yourself strong god somebody's waiting on you somebody's been praying all week oh god god for a breakthrough oh god god somebody's been praying all week oh god god for a miracle oh god god they need you oh god in their situation oh god god touch right now oh god up oh god lift up the hung down head up strengthen the people neo god up in the mighty name of jesus god god give us a word oh god that'll give us strength to carry on oh god god give us a word oh god god that will bring correction now god give us a word oh god of god that will bring the direction of god and deliverance oh god up god we pray in the name of jesus god up god you touch oh god up every lay member oh god up god from the least to the greatest oh god god touch him one by one oh god and touch us all collectively god up god we need you jesus god we need you jesus god we need you jesus god we call on the god of heaven oh god because you're the only one oh god that can intervene oh god in our situation oh god up god you're the only one now that can give us what we need god god we don't need oh god a democratic candidate or god god we don't even need oh god a republican candidate but we need you jesus god we don't need oh god anymore naacp leaders god we need you jesus god we don't need oh god a stimulus plan oh god but we need you jesus god we ask right now oh god in the name of jesus god god let the fire of your holy spirit oh god fall fresh all over the room oh god in the mighty name of jesus so oh god we pray in the name of jesus god up god that you will be done oh god god we pray oh god for our young people god god has a start back school oh god god already oh god up the enemies try to trouble the waters together but god we pray oh god that you cover them in your blood god god we pray oh god that you cover the minds of the young people god god as they seal god the perversion of our society as they seal god up all the things that are going on oh god god protect the young people oh god god help us oh god to make a stand for righteousness oh god god when the enemy comes in like a flood god your word says that the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard to resist them god up god we see the enemy coming in coming into our homes of god coming into our churches god up god coming into our schools god but god we push back in the name of jesus god we pray in the name of jesus christ god that you'll stand up and we lifted high oh god god pushed back against the enemy god god we thank you god god for the word of encouragement that you preached to the man of god just on sunday god god you taught us about stability oh god god being stable oh god in uncertain times of god last sunday before that god god you taught us that no weapon of god formed against us shall prosper god continue to encourage your saints god continue to encourage your saints god that we have the victory oh god that you are in control of god god let them know god that nothing catches you of god oh god but you know the end from the beginning god god you are he that declares the end from the beginning god of god we pray in the name of jesus christ god that your will be done oh god god have your way oh god up all over this room oh god we pray for our nation god god we pray for our president oh god god we pray god you give him wisdom god all of our elected officials god god give him wisdom god god turn the heart of this nation up back to you jesus god we need a revival god god we need to touch god up god we need you oh god god descend your word oh god like never before god god raised up oh god laborers for your harvest oh god that will go forth to god and and so in your harvest oh god i pray in the name of jesus god god you will just touch everybody oh god one by one oh god touch us all together god god we just want to be used by you god god whatever it is who god that you'll tell us to do god let us do it god got whatever it is oh god of god that you have for our hands to do god god let us do it heartily yo god that's unto you jesus of god we ask oh god in the name of jesus gotta touch our bishop oh god up touch his wife that stands beside him oh god up touch our first lady got him god that's the first family god god bless them oh god god keep them oh god god caused your face to shine upon them and be gracious unto them god god lift your countenance upon them and give them peace oh god god i pray for peace for the man of god god i pray oh god you give them strength oh god strength to stand on the wall of god god's strength to preach your word oh god god strength oh god to be courageous oh god in these last and evil days god i'll pray in the name of jesus god got you we would just have your way oh god oh god have your way jesus god let the spirit continue to fall god let your fire continue to fall god god give us power oh god holy ghost power jesus a power to cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god oh god power oh god to pull down every stronghold of the enemy god up power jesus up god to just let the devil know that he has no place here oh god power jesus to bind the enemy oh god in the name of jesus even right now father god i pray oh god god that you would just touch our minds oh god let us gird up the lord into our minds who gotta teach our hands to war and our fingers to fight god help us o god to be warriors oh god for your glory jesus god we're here because you called us up okay we're here because you chose us up god we want to be you so god god we want to do your will god god we want you to be pleased oh god oh god when we come into this house up god we want you to be pleased with our worship now when we go into the streets of god we want you to be pleased oh god with our service uh god we want to serve you oh god god the servant is not greater than his master therefore we humble ourselves oh god and we bow before you and we say lord what must we do oh god whatever it is oh god up here in my daughter send me i'll go oh god i've got whatever it is god i'm hearing my jesus send me i'll go oh god i've got to pray in the name of jesus god god that your will be done god oh god we just pray once again oh god god that if there any sickle god heal oh god if there's anyone that's lost oh god save oh god if there's anyone that's bound oh god god deliver jesus and god will be so careful oh god oh god we just want to say thank you jesus y'all we just want to give you some more praise oh god god because you've been so good oh god oh god you've been so good god you've been better than we deserve oh god up god's even better than we deserve oh god god we should have been dead oh god up a long time ago but it's of your mercy something that we're not consumed oh god god we thank you daughter because you're faithful oh god even when we're not faithful god god you prove yourself to be faithful and god we say thank you jesus even right now father god we pray oh god that you protect the saints so god thank you for keeping us our god god from cloven 19 thank you god for keeping us so all throughout the way of god god i pray you protect the saints up oh god continue to keep them oh god in the midst of this pandemic oh god in the midst of this crisis oh god god you are still god you still said i hear look blow up god you still reign upon the throne and god we call on you jesus god didn't do oh god the bible says that the name of the lord is a strong tower and that the righteous run in and are safer god we call on that great name god we run to your name we call on the mighty name of jesus say hey god there's no other name of the heaven given among men oh god when by we must be saved god we call on that great name the name of jesus oh god and you will find a hiding place uh god in you we find a resting place and god we thank you jesus and god we give you the glory hagar and the honor and the praise in jesus name amen thank you hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus tonight's scripture will be coming from first kings chapter 8 verses 27 through 30 and the word of the lord reads as thus but will god indeed dwell on the earth behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee how much lest this house that i have builded yet have thou respect unto the prayer of thy servant and to his supplication o lord my god to hearken unto the cry into the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee today that thine eyes may be opened toward this house night and day even toward the place of which thou has said my name shall be there that thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall make toward this place and hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant and of thy people israel when they shall pray towards this place and hear thou in heaven in thy dwelling place and when thou hearest forgive the word of the lord is blessed good evening good evening saints of god amen it's time for praise and worship we're going to bless the name of the lord and you can join in and sing with us can you put your hands together [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh pay the price yes [Music] yes [Music] cause i belong to you yeah [Music] [Music] oh you want me to do oh oh [Music] is [Music] how [Music] is [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just want to say thank you how [Music] [Music] and what he is hallelujah how much glory to your name hallelujah thank you jesus amen bishop patterson says we owe him our praise hallelujah let's just do that right now just give the lord a praise hallelujah glory to god i thank you jesus i thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you thank you lord you call me thank you [Applause] my mother hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my we praise and magnify the king of kings and the lord of lords on tonight we honor the god of the bible facebook live youtube live welcome to the upper room church of god in christ for the pastors bishop patrick l wooden senior a man of god for this last day and hour a man of god that will preach the unadulterated truth will stand firmly on his two feet and say what god says that's the type of leader we have at the upper room a man of courage a man of a room and it won't be long it won't be long you might as well get your mind right we're excited about celebrating 33 years of pastoral care our leader 33 years ah god has been good to us here in raleigh north carolina listen to me if this is your first time tuning in this is the same gospel that he preached 33 years ago the same gospel nothing's new he stands and preaches god's truth well enough of me help me in receiving this giant in the gospel america's champion for jesus christ please receive bishop patrick hill wooden hallelujah let us give praises to the god of the bible tonight for the lord is good the lord is good and worthy to be praised lord god father of our lord and savior jesus christ we just thank you thank you lord for another day and thank you heavenly father for life for health and for strength thank you lord for blessing us to a symbol for bible study father we have not invited a world-renowned gospel artist to come and sing we do not have special guests from all over the country we're just here on a regular thursday night attracted to the idea of coming to study your word and god we thank you that your presence is here and lord we thank you that even though we did not invite a world-renowned artist even if we had we wouldn't be blessed any more than how we were just blessed by these ministries ushering us into your presence singing to the glory of god playing skillfully on instruments giving you the glory and giving you the praise and it is true you have brought us from a mighty long way and who you are to us we know but god we cannot tell how much we owe so we come to the conclusion tonight lord that we owe you us our all we owe you to give the remainder of our days to you in service to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy acceptable unto god which is our reasonable worship in jesus holy name we pray thank god amen would you give praises to the god of the bible but almighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve you might be seated tonight in the lord's house we welcome you you who are here in the sanctuary we welcome the saints who are watching us on facebook live and youtube live we we are grateful for those who are watching from as far north as ontario canada and all over we're hearing from the people of god and we are certainly appreciative to our viewers who have been with us um ever since we started those new uh viewers who have discovered us and those who are praying for us and our members who are here members who are at home thank god for the saints of god we honor and we praise the lord for every one of you tonight and i pray that the word of the lord will bless you real good thank you elder wilson for that powerful introduction we certainly do honor our first assistant and to all of our elders and ministers tonight i certainly do thank god and we just give honor to uh those whom honor is due i praise the lord for my lovely wife i want to thank god for her amen i want to thank the lord for uh the tremendous job that elder wilson did with our men's department uh this past tuesday night what a week this has been and i'll tell you uh we're just getting started amen and uh and and god is is blessing us and that right early i want to thank the lord for all of the mothers god bless every one of you tonight and i want to thank the lord for a special lady who is watching we've talked with her all the way to church tonight i i thank the lord for my mother and uh you know at this time last year we had you offering up prayers because it was touch and go it didn't appear that she would see her 84th birthday and lo and behold uh she's two days away from her 85th birthday and i praise the lord for that and she's a warrior for the lord and and i'm grateful and we were both talking on the way to church on what a privilege it is to be instruments in the lord's hand i'm glad to be saved i'm not saved in a strain i'd rather be saved i love serving the lord the lord gave me not only did the lord give me life but god gave me a life said to my mother why would i be what would i be doing had i not met jesus at the temple church of god in christ it changed everything it changed my entire trajectory i was headed nowhere fast and i met the lord jesus and here we are 40 plus years later serving the lord and and and living for him and uh experiencing things that i would not have believed though some man would have told me it's amazing what happens when you serve the lord and my mama said you know son the bible says remember your creator in the days of your youth and how right she is and how powerful that particular passage is and i say to the young people remember him start out early in christ start out early i used to hear people say you know you got to sow your wild notes and go out there and make your mistakes and and and live for the devil and all that kind of stuff and then come on in and get right problem with that is you can mess your life up out there doing that you can make decisions that will that you can make decisions that getting saved won't unmake amen you can you can get yourself into things that be becoming born again won't get you out of you still go to heaven but you you still put yourself in a situation that you shouldn't be in salvation young people keeps everything away from you that should be kept away from you and it allows those things to be in your life that should be see serving jesus jesus protects amen whatever you got to give up to serve the lord you don't need it anyway it will work against you amen so you really don't lose anything to serve the lord you just gain and i thank god for being saved tonight and having a mind serve him in a day like today and to know who he is i pray that every one of you who haven't if you haven't gone through the academy pray over it sign up join us for a semester or two give it a shot i want you to know who jesus is on another level i want you to know him in a very real way and to know him with a depth that too many christians do not have because we don't invest in our knowledge of god and the knowledge of god is more valuable than silver we're supposed to seek it like men seek gold and so i want to challenge you to to to sign up and become a part of this move of god don't let this opportunity pass you by let me call your attention tonight to the word of the lord i want to call your attention to [Music] a psalm that is every bit as short as the 23rd psalm and yet every bit as powerful both psalms only have uh six verses psalms 13 the 13th psalm tonight the 13th psalm it's not the 13th division of psalms it's the 13th psalm psalms 13. if you have it say i have it it reads as follows how long will thou forget me oh lord forever how long will thou hide thy face from me how long shall i take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemies be exalted over me consider and hear me o lord my god lighten mine eyes lest i sleep the sleep of death lest my enemies say i have prevailed against him and those that trouble me rejoice when i am moved but i have trusted in thy mercy my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation i will sing unto the lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me amen i want you uh i want you to consider uh verses one and two tonight if you will be so kind the first and the second verse is where i want to uh get my subject from and i know i should pick one verse but i need to read uh both of them in order to um relay to you the message that god has given me for you tonight all right the bible says this how long will thou forget me yes how long will thou hide thy face from me how long shall i take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily and once more how long shall my enemies prevail over me you see four times in two verses here where david asked how long isn't that something um i won't teach from this subject tonight and it may seem a little weird but uh just bear with me on it everybody gets tired sometimes everybody gets tired sometimes everybody or we all gets tired get tired sometimes how long how long how long how long i hear people say i'm tired of this covert 19. i'm sick of these masks i'm sick of social distancing i'm tired of the way things are i'm ready to get back i'm ready to do what i do i want to hug people again i want to shake hands i want to oh i want to get back to normal how long everybody gets tired sometimes bless us lord as we study in jesus name amen now this psalm this particular psalm is attributed to david and it was probably written during the most difficult years david's difficult years in exile when king saul was pursuing him that was a very tough time in david's life david went from being a hero having defeated goliath and the celebrated uh young teenager was in his teenagers teenage years when he defeated goliath and the the women god bless our district missionary the women got him in trouble because they started singing uh saul have slain thousands and david ten thousands and from that point on saul got jealous and decided that he would come against david even when david married his daughter saul had no intentions of david marrying his child he had he did not think that david could meet the stipulations that he set upon him and sent him out to his death david came back victoriously and and and you know if you've studied the life of david you know that saul literally tried to kill him and he went from being a celebrated um man whom everybody looked up to a young man who was the talk of the town to being um hunted and hated and uh he literally lost everything and he had to rebuild and and and re uh do his life in fact he confessed this one time talking to jonathan in first samuel chapter 20 and verse three it says and david swear moreover and said here's what he said to jonathan thy father speaking of saul certainly knoweth that i have found grace in thine eyes and he saith let not jonathan know this lest he be grieved but truly as the lord liveth and as thy soul lived david said this to jonathan there is but a step between me and death that was a low place in his life he says i'm one step away from being killed from dying um as a there's a step isn't there something between me and death and uh david's exile when in dealing with saul consumed about 20 years of his life and the interesting thing about the entire life of of david is that david lived david died at the age of 70. he didn't live very long by biblical standards at all and yet when you read about this man's life it's like he crammed 140 years in 70 short years and by the time he died that he listen you talked about having left it all on the table and had lived and given god all that he had david certainly did but this psalm was written during a very very low time a hard time in david's life and in his life there were many highs and there were many lows but this time he was definitely in a low and it was not a not just a low now listen to this but it was a chronic low it was a lasting low it was not um uh he wasn't writing as a result of a bad day this thing had gone on for some time and most of the time when people ask how long people are at their wits in they they can't they can't how long is is saying i can't take much more that's literally what how how how long how much longer uh i i can't take anymore you know sometimes when people are dealing with loved ones who are sick and the doctors come in and the news goes from bad to worse and and you ask the lord lord how long and lord how much more can we take or people have said pastor i just can't take any more they're they're in a in a low place david was in a low place and he writes and he asks god how long now the word how long the phrase how long is not uncommon in the lament psalms if you look at psalms 6 and verse 3 david says my soul also soar vexed my soul is also sword vexed but thou o lord how long psalms 35 and 17 says lord how long will thou look on rescue my soul from destruction my darling from the lions god bless pastor parker so good to have you with us tonight man of god psalm 74 and verse 10 says o god how long shall the adversary approach and shall the enemy blaspheme thy name forever how long you know he wrote and it seemed like david wrote in uh psalm 70 it appeared that the wicked just got away with murder they could say whatever they wanted and behave any kind of way in psalm 73 excuse me and and we find them asking here how long in psalm 79 and verse 5 he says how long lord will thou be angry forever shall thy jealousy burn like fire how long this judgment lord psalms 80 and 4 4 says o lord god of hosts how long will thou be angry against the prayer of thy people and lastly psalms 94 and verse 3 says how long lord how long shall the wicked how long shall the wicked triumph how long shall the wicked come how long shall the wicked triumph what makes this how long um uh special here and what makes it different is that in a psalm that only has six verses in it and two of the six we see the refrain how long four times and for people who know how that's why i want you to attend the academy know how to properly interpret scripture uh when you see uh anything that is being repeated like that the repetitiveness is the emphasis he's emphasizing like uh the the the the uh the seraphims was flying and they were saying holy holy holy well in the hebrew language not holy er but holiest but holy holy whole as they repeat it shows just how holy god is you follow me so when he keeps asking how long that gives you some idea of the depth of the despair that he was dealing with at the time the question of this psalm reveals inner sorrow and outer trouble people are really going through our nation is not in a good place amen you look around and uh there there's constant protesting uh people are burning um businesses and homes they're concerned even downtown raleigh now about a planned protest downtown this week and uh you see uh uh with the with the cell phones we see uh the police colliding with citizens and yet another shooting where a um a black man african-american man uh he didn't have a gun that they revealed today that that was a knife but uh shot seven times and you know we're living in a day now where uh people don't wait for investigations they demand immediate sentencing they could kill the and and and many times by the time they find out what actually happened and it works its way through you know you don't want to you let me rephrase this it's quite a oops to find out that you were wrong if you didn't you didn't destroy 30 businesses four or five people are dead and you go oh well i didn't know that at the time well how are you going to get those people back their life's work there are businesses that won't come back amen and much of the trouble that we're dealing with is uh uh just it's it's lawlessness against god we listen we've lost almost 180 000 americans to covet 19 that's the number they give us and we all know that you know that number's rigged now because they count people who die with the virus also as though they died from the virus if they found it then that's your your cause of death so forth but let's just go with that number and everybody's talking about how bad that number is that's a bad that's a bad six months that's a bad three months in the abortion industry 170 000 that's nothing right we do anywhere from 100 800 000 to a million babies and i want to know from all of the preachers and all of the teachers where's the outcry see we can we can throw that number up and say look at this number that's a bad two months a bad three months in the abortion industry and how can you argue uh about how bad this is and this is a disease a virus and then turn right around and uh argue for or with your sanctify yourself support somebody who is for the most heinous heinous said bishop you always bring stuff like that up if you were in the womb you'd want me to you will say talk double that man's offering because the most dangerous place for a baby now especially a african-american child is in the womb of its mother i hate to tell you y'all don't like that do you oh but i'm telling you the truth and there is no outcry and when you do give an outcry against it people say oh you got to you're just playing politics or you're just for this candidate or you just for that you you're for that candidate but but if you but we're gonna we're gonna destroy each other over a much lesser number the nba major league baseball the hockey league wnba they decided to to boycott not play because they are protesting social injustice if i lived in chicago i'd be mad if i lived in chicago i'd be angry because chicagoans can get killed 50 per night and they still play the game just blow brothers and sisters blowing each other away in the streets little children one year old in in the baby carriage all kinds of stuff and they still play still play let's play let's play but if one black man get shot by the police then we're gonna shut down the whole thing but if 50 of us kill each other play ball there is something wrong with that there's something wrong with that there's something wrong with that so um that uh these are trouble times and these things affect you we live in the world we live in the world we don't live we don't live in a on an oasis or on a plantation uh or on a resort where these things do not reach us we we live in this world and uh we watch television and you you you turn on the news and you listen to the radio and and you try to watch sports and you try to watch a movie you you can't get away from it and so you you've got to know how praise the lord to cope psalms 13 deals with some deep things we see where death seemed near and the enemy seemed to prevail psalm 13 deal with the question that we all face or will face at some point as we live our lives and here's the question how do you pray in the silence how do you pray how do you pray to god in the silence and well what silence are you talking about his silence when it seems that god is not saying anything this is what we're going to i'm going to show you that psalmist is dealing with even before he deal with specifics and try to get answers about situations he had a much bigger problem because the writer understood something that i want you to never forget he understood that the lord is in charge so uh the the express what is expressed in this brief song are the deep longings of a troubled soul are you with me so let's let's look at this verse 1. now let me say this although a personal enemy is behind the scenes and i'm going to show you that he was dealing with an enemy the psalmist is not wrestling with what that enemy is doing he's wrestling with his personal doubts as to god's divine activity on his behalf his problem is god why aren't you moving you ever been there you ever been there i have god it seemed like you're not intervening fast enough but why come life why haven't you fixed this people talking about you like a dog god right why don't you let lightning strike him do something lord some of you working in areas where you're surrounded by devils and they got all of these new clauses that you got to work through and they're pushing diversity down your throat lgbtq and all the rest of the alphabets you got to go in and out with this you need your job and you want to stay saved and you're going to stay safe and then the moment they find out that you're a christian talk to some fine fine christians yesterday that here's how it works the moment they find out that you are a christian the next thing they want to know is uh what kind of christian are you are you a christian christian are you a christian are you a christian then you say well i'm a christian now i believe the bible what part of the bible do you believe today they're headed somewhere now well i believe that jesus died and rules again oh yeah yeah we plead that part too but what what what is your what is your thoughts on uh sexuality which which is where they were trying to get you and you knew when when this when this when the when when they began to talk that this is what it's going to end up now you what you and you know that you can't pretend that you don't believe what you believe and yet you want to keep your your your job so god has to anoint you with wisdom to know how to answer and and when the first thing you tell them is well i'll answer the question because you asked but i don't want you to go back to management or you go to them and tell them now i didn't i didn't i didn't start this i believe the whole book praise the lord now i'm here to do a job and i'll be the best worker i'm going to show up early and i'll leave late so you can't be an effective christian getting there on time you can't lead showing up late the christian has to produce because that's the way the devil tries to get ahead see the homosexual community has a plan their plan is we will do what we do so good that we'll make you accept our mess because we're that productive while they're while they're producing like that saints sitting on the corner reading the scripture on company time put that bible down and do your job praise the lord and then when it's time to pray you pray and live holy and watch god bless you that that was an enemy but david's problem was not with his enemy his problem with was with his what he perceived now hear me what he perceived to be i said proceed perceived to be divine inactivity so we got to deal with it we got to know how to deal with perceiving divine inactivity because you really you really have no way of knowing whether god is active or not you just can't see it sometimes because we can't see god moving we get in trouble with god because we assume that he's not because we because we can't hear his answers we assume he has he he's not answering because he haven't we haven't seen what we expect to see we assume that god's doing nothing so let's deal with it uh on this he he was dealing struggling he had personal doubts as to divine activity since no sickness is alluded to in the text the problem then is probably a mental one very likely the mental problem that he had he was afraid he's contending with a powerful enemy more than likely king saul and all of his minions he's lost everything and so and and his wearing on him hence the subject tonight everybody gets tired sometimes even the mighty david here we find him tired and he says to the god of the bible he asks in verse 1 how long will thou forget me number one he's accusing god of having forgotten him and let's be fair to the psalmist tonight i won't actually raise your hand that i may be asking for a little too much honesty but many of us have felt or have gone through and if you haven't keep living you will you'll go through a time where you will feel forgotten of god i've gone through it you can look around and see people getting promoted you can look around and see things happening for others you can look around and see god moving everywhere and and and and it's easy to to to to feel as though god have just forgotten all about you forgotten all about you i was i remember one time i was at a very low place and and and when i opened my mouth uh to speak to uh a particular leader about the the the anguish that was in my soul and and i felt overlooked by god the holy spirit said don't say a word and he said what's wrong with me i said well i can't say now and i had intended to tell him and what i wanted to say was i feel that god had forgotten me and the lord said don't say a word but even though i didn't tell him i can identify with this he says how long will thou forget me oh lord notice the question is not about anything that was present his first question the the first cry that he gives is not even about what his enemy is doing his first cry is concerning his perception of to him god was absent i don't see you lord i don't see you i don't see you i don't want to talk to you about this enemy i don't we're talking about what these human beings are saying because they're just human my biggest problem god is where are you i remember superintendent t.c leake when i was serving at fayetteville state and when i was not at the temple my pastor gave me exclusive instructions he said if you're not at the temple i want you at smith temple church of god in christ and i was there under the leadership of superintendent t.c leake and superintendent lee shared one sunday i'll never forget that a vision that he had and he saw wickedness engulfing this city and in his vision he was praying and he was saying to god lord where are you where are you lord where are you if he was dealing with the absence of god this is you know all of us know that the presence of god is absolutely necessary even when the lord told moses says i'm not going up with you i'm going to deliver you but i'm not going with it moses said to the lord look i i don't want an angel i don't want an angel if you don't uh travel with us then do not take us up from this place the lord says i'm going to get you out he says uh in my presence i'm i'm going to send an angel but i won't go thyself and moses said in exodus 33 and verse 14 and he says my presence will god answered there and told him my presence will be with you but what the lord had initially said to him in verse 33 and chapter 33 exodus verse 1 says and the lord said unto moses depart and go up hence thou and this people which thou has brought up out of the land of egypt and and and unto the land which i swear unto abraham isaac and jacob going up there that i swear unto thy seed to give it and look at this verse two and i will send an angel before thee and i will drive out the canaanites and the amorites and the hittites and the peripherites and the hivites and the jebusites i'm going to drive them all out this is good news and i'm going to give you a land flowing with milk and honey and i for i will not go up in the midst of thee i'm going to send an angel i'm going to give you everything you want but i'm not going for thou art a stiff-necked people lest i consume thee in the way and when the people heard look at this now they at least they had some sense when the people heard these evil tidings they murmured and no man did put his uh put on his ornaments nobody got ready to travel nobody um look at this they knew that this was bad news because the lord says i will not go with thee and moses says in verse 13 he says now therefore i pray thee if i have found grace in thy sight show me that way that i might know thee and he says to him and that i may find grace in thy sight and consider that this is thy people and he said my presence shall go with thee and i will give the uh rest see moses understood that he had to have the presence of the lord amen and saints we got to know the value of the presence of the lord david's cry here was for god's presence he says how long will you forget me how long look at this will thou hide thy face from me to hide your face literally means to withdraw thy favor literally to withdraw thy favor when god looks your way that's favor when the lord causes his face to shine upon you that's favor when the lord bless and keep you and he looks in your direction that's favor amen but if god hides his face from you then we're in trouble he said how long will you hide your face from me and when god when the lord withdraws his favor nothing works amen this verse reveals something powerful that david understood and that is that god rules in god's super rules it starts with god learn from him when you're going through when you're tired when when when the trial is is is going long and you don't feel like you can take it always know that it starts with god don't don't start your prayer with lord fix this lord make a way god no you you seek his face you seek his presence you seek to get into his presence in his presence there's the fullness of joy nothing uh aids the human mind and comfort the human spirit like the presence of the lord most of us when we get in trouble we do everything except seek god's presence we call everybody we want counseling we talk to 10 people we seek this person out that person out we look everywhere except to the lord nothing soothes you like getting into the presence of the lord he understood i got to start uh with the beginning i got to start where i should start i need to start with getting in to god's face i need the lord's presence because if i can get in his presence then you know he rules and he can fix everything he rules and he super rules he has power over the enemy he has power over nations he has power over co-workers he has power over unsaved loved ones he has power over sickness and disease his power over insurmountable odds he has power yes sir he has power so you got to seek him so you got to seek him you got to talk to him you got to talk to him got to talk and he can't talk in a hurry talk to him the uh i i get in trouble because mother turner i i say things that are honest and true that was a phrase that was popular in holiness in the sanctifier church when i got saved and it was a phrase that everybody who had been saved for a while understood and among the things that happened in some of these newer independent movements they shamed us out of using uh they changed our nomenclature these changes shamed us out of certain phrases and this is one of them that we just surrendered and uh and we're paying for it we used to tell people you got to pray until you pray through we came up on pray through pray through all of a sudden on television you see some of the smart bible teachers you ain't got to pray through what does pray through mean and we stop that we stopped am i right we stopped talking about praying through as though there's nothing to it as though it's a meaningless statement and we're all weaker as a result of it we need more counseling we need more help we're more fragile because we lost the sacred heart of praying through when you pray through you what are you what are you praying through you're praying through carnality you're praying through all of your natural thoughts cravings desires everything that's going on in this life you're praying beyond your wits when you pray through see and describe it somebody's saying well i've never prayed through you pray until you little by little you got to try to recognize when you get somewhere in praying through what happens is things come to your mind and what what sometimes we read it the wrong way so something weird comes to mind we rebuke it and then we just cut the prayer no keep praying because what's happening is you're expelling these things from your spirit yes sir you're getting them out so after a while what happens is as you pray through all of these things your education your intelligence what you know your power your positions what they said what the devil is doing how you feel fear this that and after a while you find yourself in the presence of the lord [Music] but you can't get that in two minutes you can't get there in three minutes you can't get there sometimes in an hour sometimes it takes all day long to pray through you pray through insecurities you pray through doubts and fears you pray through hatred you pray through uh bigotry you pray through prejudices you pray through preferences you pray through lust you pray and you pray until all that stuff is out of you now there you stand in the presence of the god of the bible and you can hear him like you've never heard him before you can see him like you've never seen him before and you know when you pray through but when you're finally in the prayer it's like you've been on a trip it's like you've been in therapy for a year it's like you've been on vacation for a long time and you walk out of that prayer saying it's all right now you don't even feel the need to revisit what you've prayed about because you know that you got into the presence of the lord and you never pray [Music] a greater anointing a word of knowledge a divine direction and until strength all of these things happen when we pray through but we traded in prayer we traded pray through for naming and claiming we prayed we traded pray through for just confessing yeah we did we traded pray through for a discipline that's that's not even bible it's not even bible touch and agree it's not even bible come on we're going to touch and agree on that's not bad jesus says if we agree as touching right he didn't say he agree ass toucher which is perfect agreement not perfect touching now i'm glad of that because see kovitz stopped us from touching but we can still agree as touching say amen see some of you you look look you got to get this because if you don't get this the devil is going to eventually get you because all of us get tired sometimes hallelujah he said lord lord how long will you forget me and look what he says look what he says you know he's going through forever will this never end how long this night how long will you hide your face from me you see and after he starts with god and he seeks the lord then he begins to deal with specifics he moves from the heavenly realm notice when jesus teaches his disciples to pray you don't start your prayer going straight to whatever is bothering you no he said you start your prayer with praise and worship our father which art in heaven hollow ain't no hollow wood be thy name hollow be thy name your name is holy notice where he starts with before you go directly to the problem god says no you need to acknowledge the problem solver you need to while you're going through you need to why are you going through acknowledge that you know i'm able to fix it right because if you approach god like you don't believe he can do anything you don't get anything out of that our father which i've never hallowed be thy name and before you even get to your problem uh uh thy thy will be done he ain't even got to yours yet thy kingdom come thy will be done thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven you have to play those exact words every time but it's the template you see you follow what i'm saying you got to start where you're supposed to start now he moves from talking to god about how great the lord is and he makes he makes a a a uh a request he says in verse two how long shall i take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily how long shall my enemies be exalted over me now look at this how long shall i take counsel in my soul crystal he's saying here how long shall i store up anxious concerns how long must i go with things that's just worrying me and bothering me and i can't talk about it how long see how long things do uh uh do i store up anxious concerns he says i have agony in my heart daily agony in my heart daily he says how long shall now he's dealing with my enemy be exalted over me see david was contending with an enemy some of us make enemies of people who are not our enemies your leader is not your enemy that's right your leader is your leader your parents are not your enemy your parents are your parents see you don't want to make a you got to know how to recognize your enemy right see otherwise you'll find enemies where they're but they don't exist david was dealing with a enemy saul was trying to kill him and he says i i don't even understand why he's doing me the way that he's doing me i mean he gave me the blessing to fight goliath he said go and the lord be with you he offered me his clothes and i you know some people said that they were too big uh for david that's not what the scripture says david didn't say they were too big for david just said i'm not familiar with them i haven't tested them they didn't mention whether or not they fit right well that wasn't the issue he says i don't fight with this i fight with a slain let me fight with what i'm comfortable with i mean you're comfortable with these things and you won't fight so why are you giving to me so and so um and and then he got he got the victory and he says now i'm for for what i've done look at where i am and uh i'm out here i'm out here i'm i'm no longer in my home my wife is not with me saul's daughter i'm i'm out here and he says i i've got this this is going on in me and and i have sorrow he says i i'm in agony every day how long shall my enemy dominate me it moves from the spiritual to the natural situation and it had gone on remember now it had gone on david uh this was about a 20-year shot in david's life span on the run from from saul and and and dealing with that and so um he contends here with continual sorrow continual sorrow have you ever gone through this a continual sorrow mixed with a victorious enemy it's something when people have done you wrong maybe you've been in a situation on the job they've done you wrong and you and you see them constantly being promoted but you know they did you wrong no no you know that they undercut you lied on you whatever case may be but they're still moving up right you just see it on the job you see it in church you see it in life see people who there's a continual victorious enemy it seems like they can do no wrong can get away with anything and nothing happens to them even though they sabotaged you see everybody gets tired sometimes right so uh and and here while going through this the the main thing he's saying is god you seem so far away praise the lord and he even asked god in verse he cries out for assistance in verse verse three he says he says consider and hear me consider here literally means look look in my direction in contrast to being a contrast to averting your face and contrasting to to looking away from me he says look at me see where i am or he's pleading with god into something consider look in my direction consider and hear me listen to me god for he feels that god was not listening now the text doesn't teach that god was not listening and i'm not teaching you that god doesn't listen i'm teaching you the from the human the text is written from the human side and where humans can go because we only see in part and we only know in part praise the lord job was not aware of the conversation between god and satan he dealt with it the best that he could had he known that that was a there was a wager and there was a meeting and that was a conversation and he had been singled out by god to go through he probably would have handled it much better so it's amazing when you when you read the bible it's amazing what god doesn't tell us faith teaches us to follow him and to trust him because let me tell you right now he's not going to give you all love he's not going to tell you every detail he's going to he tells us what we should know you know one of the reasons why god doesn't show all of it to any of us the simple reason is we can't take it it would destroy us it would ruin you amen the lord tells you i'm going to make you great and in 15 years i'm going to have you thus or so and he give you the specifics the effect that it would have on you is you'll stop you just you sit down and say well i ain't got nothing if i can just i'm going to wait this out because because if i can make it to my 15th year bam no he lets us toil and go through and and he makes us because he when he elevates you you need to be able to to handle it so he so he says to he says hear me lord listen to me god but but he said something he's saying i don't know if you picked up on it that i just rejoiced my heart uh in verse three the second clause he says consider and hear me and then verse verse the second the next clause just gave me joy oh lord my god in his lowest point he did not denounce the lord he says you're still my god yahweh you're my god that's what made david special even though he couldn't see his way he felt as though the lord was not listening he didn't say god i think i go serve another god right he didn't say i think i'll just give up i think i'll just quit he says oh no even though i don't know where you are i'm i'm begging you to listen to me it seems to me you withdraw my your favor and all that but you know what you're still my god there's no denying you in this whatever you do don't you denounce the lord is he still your god is he still yahweh your god is he still the god of your life is he still your lord and savior despite whatever he's still the lord my god amen he doesn't deny god even in this dark place he doesn't deny god and here's what he says to the lord he says lighten mine eyes you know what he was saying there to god he's saying lord restore my vitality lighten my eyes that is you know instead of my eyes growing dim from the grief and suffering i need you to restore give me my joy back the bible says and they looked to him and were enlightened the lord knows how to light your fire the lord knows how to to restore to rejuvenate you he says to the lord lighten my eyes psalms 6 and verse 7 he says my eye is continued he says my eye is consumed because of grief it whacks old because of all my enemies in psalm 38 and verse 10 david says my heart panteth my strength faileth me as for the light of mine eyes it also is gone from me see the the trial can take your joy it can make you better it can make you into someone else don't let don't let don't let the the trial do that to you don't let it change you now don't let it change your personality don't make don't let it make you get beside yourself don't make it let it cause you to get ahead of yourself trials can do that don't let it steal your joy and and and wear you out instead psalms 85 15 says blessed is the people that know the joyful sound they shall walk o lord in the light of thy countenance psalm 36 and 9 says for with thee is the fountain of life and in thy light shall we see light god knows how to light your fire and in god's light he will show you light isn't that something to enlighten my eyes also is a prayer for god's truth david says the bible says in of course john 8 and 12 and jesus spake again and said unto them i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life it is the will of god with all this crazy stuff going on for all of us to walk in god's light to sing about walking in the light to act like we're in the light and and not to live as though we're in the darkness and and all we're we're like the protesters and we're like sir the people on certain news programs they're all mad and upset and enraged don't you don't you take on their ways stop watching them before if you find yourself getting like them turn away from that because it's the will of god for you to have optimism for you to have joy and to walk in god's light have vitality to be glad every every morning you wake up amen to thank the lord of us wake up sleepy wake up tired tired tired you better let god give you vitality but ask the lord lord lord i need you to infuse me revive my soul see some of this stuff is spiritual you just don't know it well i need to go to the store and get something to give me some energy it'll work three days now you're right back where you are that's that means you're going through something spiritual you need a spiritual thing and this thing you can't buy it at gnc you can't order it uh in the mail you need a spiritual touch you know how it was when you first got saved you know how clear your eyes were you know the joy you had you know the joy you had before you hooked up with some of these joyless people amen and you got into other things and the gossip and this and that it and and then you started going through some trials and it weighed you down but david said to the lord oh god enlighten mine eyes light me up lord lest i die then he prays and we're going to pray tonight my time is running out he prays against defeat verse 4 lest my enemies say i have prevailed against him and those that trouble me rejoice when i am moved i want somebody right now to lift both hands and shout i will not be defeated amen god is not going to allow the enemy to make a fool out of you all of those who are holding their breath waiting on your demise waiting on my demise you know what i got to do i want to tell them you better breathe because i'll ask you better you better be able to hold it for a long time because the lord is a keeper and he we served a god who prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies let them watch let them wait let them count the days let them count the years and while they're waiting on you to die they're dead and the lord keeps reviving you and taking you up and taking you up and elevating you and blessing you and blessing your children and your grandchildren your wife your your husband god blesses your job he blesses your life while the enemy is waiting for your demise i believe that we serve a god the bible process that the lord promised that if we trust him he would not allow us to be made ashamed not claim that i claim it yes lord there don't let them rejoice when i move don't let they they they'll they'll they'll be glad to see me trouble they'll be glad to see you fall and god says you know what i'm not going to let them sing i'm not going to let them see what they want to see and you may fall and god says i'm going to keep it from them let me tell you something the lord is a keeper the lord is a keeper he's a keeper now notice notice what's happening do you see the transition you see how the psalm is shifting see what happens when you pray through see what happens you see the progression you see how his language is changing oh my he's going from where are you lord to god don't let my enemy see me fall he's gone from lord when are you going to move to saying god i know you can move and you won't let my dog my enemies rejoice over me see when you pray through you may start out with a lamentable prayer but by the time that prayer is over [Music] oh my you go you go from dealing with god's silence to god's illumination open my eyes lord from god's illumination to god's salvation deliver me lord and then you go you pray until you get to the proper response look at what david says as he grows and my time is coming to a swift load he says in verse verse 5 oh this is this is the clincher but i have trusted in thy mercy the hested agreement the covenant you made you made a covenant to be merciful you made a covenant with me to see me through upper room tonight youtube live facebook live do you trust god's covenant do you believe that he's still a god who keeps his word if you believe that don't let the devil make you doubt that if the lord says i'm going to do thus and so the lord may show you yourself in a particular place in life he didn't show it to you for you to get you there he showed it to you to show you where he's going to take you but while you're in the process you got to keep your trust in him see the trouble with many of us the reason why you're so troubled is because you lost your trust but when you begin to trust again you learn how to rest in the lord because you know that god has this there are some doors that patrick wouldn't just cannot open for patrick wood if they are to be opened god has to open the door so you know what i do with those doors i forget about them i leave them alone i don't get preoccupied with him i don't think about it let somebody else bring it up i don't care because i can't open it but i have a mighty god that if it is to be open when he says the time is right and he determines that he determines that not me not me and him he does he determines when the fullness of time has come in do you know what happens when the fullness of time come you hear something boom you look around what's that bam some cracks change some begin to uh jingle it earth begins to quake and things start moving next thing you know boom those big doors open up and all you have to do is walk in well what did you do i just kept on trusting and while i was trusting him i i stayed preoccupied with what he gave me praise the lord i did a good job where i was i stayed saved praise the lord and waited for the lord david says i'm trusting in your mercy oh a different heart now oh y'all better learn to pray through uh my heart shall rejoice in thy deliverance salvation oh no more broken hearts he's talking now about a rejoicing heart and then he gives the proper response he breaks forth into singing worship i will sing unto the lord i will sing this is worship praise is wonderful and it's right and when we praise the lord you can't go wrong but when you sing to the lord praise is in it but singing to him you're worshiping him now see when a man writes a one a song to a woman he he's worshiping her i've been a lot of places in my life and time i've sung a lot of songs i've made some bad rhymes i acted out my life on stage with 10 000 people watching but now we're alone and i'm singing this song to you oh he's he's laid it on and i see see you got to know how to sing a song to the lord and tell the lord i've been so many places in my life and times lord i've written a lot of songs god i've made some bad rhymes i fell and lord but now i want to sing to you and sing of your glory sing of your goodness and sing to you about how wonderful you are i'm not singing about where are you i'm not singing about look my way i'm singing because you've looked my way and now i realize that at giga clock he was there all the time all the time even when i thought he wasn't there in verse one the deliverance was still there because see god listen from verse 1 to verse 6 the lord never changed the lord never changed the god of verse 6 was the god of verse 1. you know who changed david did he changed he changed and i want to pray until i change because god don't need to change the lord doesn't need the lord has no need to speed up the lord doesn't need to slow down the law doesn't need to move in a hurry god doesn't need to do anything except what god is doing because god is perfect god is right god is always on time god is never late god is never slow god is perfect god is never early god is perfect the lord doesn't have to regroup redo change because he's perfect if he has to change if he has to speed up if he has to slow down then he's not perfect he's perfect he shows up at a perfect time he leaves at the perfect time he heals at the perfect time everything god does is perfect everything he does he does it well he doesn't get sweeter he's as sweet as he can be he doesn't get kinder he's as kind as can be you know who's changing we are changing i'm getting better i'm beginning to realize that he was there all the time the he the hebrew writer said to the hebrews it's not that god is moving too slow it's not that god's not moving fast enough i know y'all suffering he said to them you have need of patience yo you're saying come on lord come on god wait wait wait i said you and god said ain't my problem it's not me who do you think you are you have need of patience lord spoke to rebecca and told rebecca what he was going to do you know how becca does he forgets you know he rebecca got to he forgot that that guard is the band and he's the dancer that dawn on you tomorrow so you dance to the music rebecca tells the lord after god tells him what he's going to do i'm going to set me upon my watch because once the lord spoke to him you know rebecca told the lord oh no you can't do that you can't you can't do that you can't you can't use the people who are not as righteous as we are to chasten us even though i just got through praying that you need to do something about how bad we are god answers and tells him what he's going to do rebecca says oh no no no um you can't do that no you can't do it that way lord rebecca's alive and well that's spirit we will instruct god he got way beside himself and you know what the man said i i i'm gonna set me up on my watch and i'm gonna wait and see what the lord was saying to me because you know i've just told god of what he plans to do it ain't gonna work like that the lord came back to him and said black man uh that vision i gave you the other day write that vision and make it plain because what i told you i'm going to do i'm going to do it it will come and it will not tear it so uh and you better write it that he that readeth may run i'm not going to work a new plan because you want me to work a new plan because the last time i checked rebecca where were you when i made the heavens and the earth where were you why were you when i said let there be light where were you when i called everything forth where were you i'll tell you where you were you were somewhere in my mind when i decided to thank you up and allow you to be born my friends we serve almighty god all of us get tired sometimes and when we get tired it it blocks it affects the way we see things we feel that god is not there we feel that we're being held back we feel that things are happening too slow we fail to see the glory of god where we are we get in all kinds of situations we think that god's not looking on us we feel that we're being left over overlooked and all that kind of stuff you're tired you're tired and you know what we need to do facebook live youtube live when you get get like that you got to pray you got to do something about that because the problem with that is it'll it'll make you better it'll make you better and it will make you ruin your life it'll make you ruin your life you'll you'll make god your enemy and you'll get ahead of god you get ahead of what he has for you you'll let this this climate get to you and your crack and we go to talking about the world ain't never seen so many people complain i don't understand why north carolinians uh all the time about the heat in the summer it's summer i bought so hard here today i i don't know what what's gonna do what do you what do you think about this heat man every day somebody asked me when i think about the heat i'd be scared if it was cold it's august it's august north carolina summer north carolina summer is filled with humidity and if you're a native north carolina you've been in humidity we've been in this all our life say well it's so sticky it gets sticky every year this time just just put on shower put on as much dealer as you can and clean up amen ladies just know that you have gonna fall brothers just know he's gonna bunch he's gonna roll up and just go on and live and thank the lord that you can feel it like i mean because if you just can't take it now the lord has already and he knows how we got to know how we got to learn how to see through the eyes of the lord and be people who pray until we get through and that way you're just in a place where you just trust him right do you know when you trust god the pressure is gone trust is a place where all your ancient fears subside not that you don't want things and don't believe god but the worry the dread the fear it goes away because now you know i i heard one time something that someone had said about me and it was just dastardly and when it reached my ears i i got very very very angry oh i got i could chew nails and uh and i and i and i i i wanted to punch the person and i took it to the lord in prayer and um don't try to figure out who it is uh it was some time ago and uh quite a few years ago as a matter of fact and when i took it to the lord in prayer the lord asked me he says why are you upset that's what god this person said this thing about me and the lord said to me why are you upset and i said to him against god he said this thing and the lord said well when did he say god he said it last year and the lord said you just found out right yes he said so from the time he said it to the time you find found out did i not bless you did i not keep you did i not cause my face to shine upon you did i not take care of your family your wife the ministry yeah you did so why are you upset god said the only difference is now is that you know right what was said see what was said a year ago you just know now and you want me to do all this stuff because you know not because he said it but because you know and i'll tell you how i got i released it i said lord i know you love me and if you will let the individual say this and you not kill him you don't come down on him you don't crush him right you don't do all those things that i wanted to do when i first as if you will allow your servant to this to be done to your servant you know what lord and he said what's that i said if you'll allow that i will too you know what he said that's why i want you so i gave it to him then all the dread all the anger all the revenge all that right went away and it's been gone ever since and i thank god to this day that i didn't go and find that person and do exactly what they were trying to get me to do and that would be to throw away my dignity somewhere fight a holiness preacher fighting over something that at the end of the day it wasn't true and it didn't make and it did it never made a difference that's what trust is you just leave it in god's hand and he revives you dear jesus tonight we thank you for this bible study this word of inspiration admonition instruction this word oh god that speaks to our spirit speaks our heart all of us lord contend with things we all get tired sometimes we all know god feel as though you're not moving fast enough we we wonder god about divine inactivity we think you're not active because we don't know what you're doing we assume oh god that you're not looking our way because we can't see it and lord sometimes when we when we're tired lord we we we say what we shouldn't and go thank you jesus thank you i heard that lord go to where we should not go hallelujah but lord we thank you for the gift of praying through we thank you oh god for the opportunity we're going to bring this back even in our personal lives we're going to pray until we pray these things away pray till we pray the devil off our back pray till we pray through carnality and get into that place with you oh god that place where there's joy in the name of jesus that place where there's vitality that place that revives our spirit that place that causes the troubles of this world to roll off for us like water on a duck's back thank you jesus that place of god that place in you that causes us to rest in you in the name of jesus and to accept what you allow and then those things that are not of you to fight them and to destroy them oh god i declare tonight that the enemy of all of those uh who are gathered here tonight and those who are watching on youtube live and facebook live your enemy will not rejoice over you your enemy will not see you fall but the glory of god be on you right now god's anointing be on you right now in the name of jesus oh oh i pray right now i pray that you just move into that place where you you you are assured of the presence of the lord the lord is with me he's with me whether i can fill him or not and knowing that the lord is with me i realize now the work is not for me to know only that god is with me but god i need to make sure i'm with you and that that i'm i'm following you and that i'm serving you like your word says touch me now lord touch my heart touch my mind touch my spirit in the name of jesus we come against the enemy we rebuke him right now we rebuke him right now we rebuke you right now oh the lord revive your spirit the lord revive your spirit the lord revive your spirit may the god god bless you to wake up different in the morning god set your soul on fire god revive your heart and revive your mind in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] i hear the lord saying i'm looking your way i'm looking your way i'm looking your way favor is returning favor favor favor i'm looking your way in the name of jesus look in your way i'm looking your i'm way your way fires are burning atonements in the street trouble everywhere but i'm looking your way in the name of jesus and it is so now those who are here in the sanctuary those who are watching on social media tonight all of the saints of god for the next minute i would that you would just lift your hands all right and in your own way it don't have to be a song that you know doesn't have to be one that you've heard on the radio don't have to be one that you're familiar with and that may be it may be one that will suffice in your way saying unto the lord worship him for he has dealt bountifully with you go forth in the washroom [Music] where it's the name of the lord [Music] come on worship [Music] the anointing is in this place come on thank you jesus [Music] thank you [Music] and if you've touched heaven tonight just bless the name of the lord if you've touched heaven tonight bless the name of the lord hallelujah we thank the lord tonight for this masterful sermon that we've heard rendered to us by our pastor psalm 13 everybody gets tired sometimes bishop woody gave us many wooden nuggets tonight he said psalm 13 represents inner trouble and out of sorrow he said the most dangerous place for a baby especially a black baby is in the womb of its mother and he said how do you pray to god when god is silent and then we must learn to deal with the perception of divine inactivity that he said when the lord withdraws his favor nothing works and then you never pray through and leave that spiritual place empty-handed and then god didn't call us to perfect touching but he called us to perfect agreement and then when he got to verse 4 of psalm 13 he said do you see what happens when you pray through you might as well just bless the name of god one more time i believe that some of the saints are gonna drive home praying through tonight i believe that somebody might make their way to their secret closet when they get home and break through some more do you see what happens when you pray through hallelujah glory glory glory glory listen this offering time what an honor it is to be a blessing to our man of god tonight thursday night is set aside as pastor's aid and let me tell you something saints of god you've done a phenomenal job of upholding your end of the bargain and making true and sure on that commitment that you have made at the beginning of the year and i thank you from the bottom of my heart as the pastor's lady president for your continual support tonight we're giving again we're so we're blessing our man of god i'm giving one hundred dollars pastor parker has given 125 dollars elder peoples 100 chairman morgan 100. elder wilson 65 elder rayford he sent me a text message tonight and said don't forgive me i'm giving 55 and um evangelist lester she's giving 50. say man for all of these the instructions are on the screen for those of you who are watching on facebook and on youtube you can go to forward slash urc and make a donation there where you can text urc give to four five seven seven seven hits and you will receive a link to complete your giving for those of you who are here tonight god bless you if you have that one hundred dollars that fifty dollars that twenty five dollars you can stand at this time with that offering and the ushers are gonna come at this time and receive that offering from you you don't have to worry about passing that offering down they're gonna collect it from you receive these offerings at this time i tell you what the old saints used to sing a song they said leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone leave it alone god can handle it better than you can leave it alone does anybody know something about that tonight leaving it in the hands of the lord and god turning it all around and when god does it that settles it amen we have some more offerings over here for the long mind god bless you we are just a few weeks away from our pastor's 33rd pastor anniversary every time i get up i'm going to say something about that i know the world is going to do the same i'm excited are you excited listen this has been some kind of year but god has graced us with a man of courage amen and we're coming we're coming to be a blessing to our man of god i'm going to talk about more of that on sunday morning but we're coming to be a blessing to our leader amen has everyone had a chance to give because everyone had a chance to give all right let us pray the heavenly father god we thank you tonight for both the gift and the giver in jesus name we pray amen let's receive evangelist lester right now for the announcements um in the sanctuary anyone interested in a deeper study in the word of god is invited to attend our regularly scheduled tuesday night service will not be held join bishop wooden and the happy warriors every saturday in the fight to save the lives of the unborn at a woman's choice abortion clinton located at 3305 drake circle in raleigh participating for one hour in prayer would be greatly appreciated registration for the fall semester of the nc third coaching academy is now open through friday september 4th with classes beginning saturday september 5th all classes will be via zoom video conferencing tuition is 225 dollars per semester and new students must submit a fifty dollar non-refundable application fee with their application to enroll or obtain additional information visit or send an email to infotech.nc3rdca for an application prepare your hearts and minds as we celebrate the 33rd past story anniversary a bishop patrick l wooden senior a man a man of courage on sunday september 20th at the 8 a.m and the 11 a.m services here at the upper room this concludes this evening's announcements thank you for your attention to god be the glory for the things that he has done thank you so much for your support tonight thank you for your prayers i pray that the word of the lord bless you real good and those who are watching us on social media i pray that the lord the word blessed you uh as well so this coming tuesday will be our first eight uh i guess we're gonna name it something else uh it can't be the 8 a.m ministers in training class i guess it's going to be first tuesday night we'll come up with a name you all have to help me with names because i don't i don't do well with names it's called the minister's class so but uh i look forward to uh seeing how how we how it will go um i spoke with the district missionary last night and um i spoke with sister lester today this coming first sunday not this sunday but first we we will have our communion lord gave me how to do it for both services where we can have our communion and we need that we need our communion and i've just about figured out how to do uh the the the foot washing i got just one or two more little details that we need to we need to work through and we're gonna figure it out because the ordinances of the church are things the lord told us to do and he didn't say do them until covet 19 comes and then once kovy comes you got to cut all that out people finding ways to do everything else with covet you see all this all this fake hoopla about voting now you know good and well uh in november ain't nobody gonna get sick from going to vote they're not getting sick from going to walmart they're not getting sick from going to the box stores i was riding around today looking around everywhere i could see people before i saw folks sitting up in bojangles they built a new one on uh falls of the news at a old wake forest and folks sitting up in there and all this stuff people can do and go where they really want to go and people find ways to do what they really want to do i really want to have communion amen and i really want to have food and i believe it's the will of the lord that we that we we do so and so god is is blessing us to do these things and and um we'll we're going to see i'm excited to see the response that we get from the uh the ministers in training uh god's always calling someone and and we just look forward to what god is going to do in us may we all stand thank you for coming tonight thank you for your tremendous attendance thank you for your prayers and thank you for all that god is is doing in us and this coming fifth sunday night we're having our fifth sunday district meeting um um we uh superintendent william cooper and the new horizons district will be here and uh so we there's so many things that we have to look forward to and i feel your prayers i want to ask you to continue to walk in the discipline that we've walked in we've had 14 weeks been back in the church and i'm telling people about it you know other pastors and things are opening that church up people people are seeing that it can be done it can be done and let us continue to be wise is that all right and let us continue to honor our senior citizens and those who have uh pre-existing conditions let them leave first the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god and the sweet communion of the holy ghost be with you all in jesus name let everybody say god first god bless you our mothers are leaving uh uh first thank you all so much uh for allowing them amen amen amen amen we're letting them you're not gonna leave mother you're gonna just stay right there okay all right all right i understand amen yes ma'am i understand that all right god bless everybody you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,762
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: AGyb-mh30oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 30sec (9510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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