Judge Not Part 2

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father bless us now as we preach teach the word of the Lord in Jesus name Amen if you were with us Thursday night we we took the time the Thursday night teaching was dedicated to what our Lord was not saying when our Lord said judge not we mentioned the fact that Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 1 judge 9 is now the most popular scripture in the world it has surpassed John 3:16 for a long time John 3:16 was number one for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life it has been surpassed and surpassed big-time by Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 1 but it has been surpassed basically because of people's misunderstanding of what it is our Lord is actually saying faith teach the world the left people who want to do whatever they want to do they misinterpret this passage Misgav screw it to mean that you should have no opinion whatsoever on their actions that that we should not give a distinction between right and wrong good and bad [Music] better and best that we should have nothing to say about that they're wrong it is not possible for Jesus to tell his disciples to be wise as serpents and then tell them to totally do away with their critical faculty to be able lose the ability to analyze to look at a thing critically and see what is right and what is wrong there is still such a thing as right and wrong someone said the other day on a particular radio station that I will not name that they're trying to build a bridge we're trying to bridge the gap between the world and the church if someone is trying to bridge that gap it is wrong to do that for the Bible says that we are to put a difference between holy and unholy clean and unclean so actually we're supposed to blow up the bridge between the world and the church unless the world come over and the world wants to be saved the Bible asks the question what fellowship have light with darkness have righteousness with unrighteousness the Bible tells us that not to build a bridge but we're to come out from among them and be ye separate saith the LORD now one of the ways we know that the Lord was not saying do not exercise your ability to discern the difference between right and wrong is what the Lord says in our text the law says in our text that we're not to give that verse 6 which is holy unto dogs well the verse 6 was not speaking of canines you're speaking of people and he says cast not your pearl before pearls before the swine who's talking about people well if you can't judge if you can't make any distinctions between people's actions then how are you going to determine whether or not a person is a dog or good person or is there such a thing as a dog ish individual and a good person a man the only way you can determine whether or not you're dealing with a slime or someone who needs to be delivered is to have the ability to make distinctions a man also the word judge I said Thursday night I don't teach all Greek words to you because I mean if you got a whole bunch of syllables you're not going to remember the word anyway but you'll remember this one the word is Creole queen Oh judge ke arah you know the root the basic word in the word judge is the word separate or to divide to divide to separate to make distinctions to come to decisions so you know the Lord could have been saying even when you read everything else that he has said that we're not to make a distinction between right and wrong that would make no sense how could he warned us in verse 15 of this same chapter to beware of false prophets if we can't distinguish between the true prophet and the false prophet it makes us sense so he couldn't have been saying have no opinions about anything it couldn't be it couldn't be a situation where he's simply saying there is no such thing as right there's no such thing as wrong every all actions and all deeds are the same if that's the case then there's also much no such thing as sin and there's no such thing as being lost and there's no such thing as sin and no such thing as being lost there was no need for Christ to come and to die on the cross there's no such there's no need for religion there's no need for any of this if there if there's no sin well what did he shed is blood for do you follow what I'm saying see you got to think about this done and then those in the world who says I don't judge or in most cases the most judgmental people because here's what they say they say I don't judge but I'm not like those here for critical Christians who judge everybody they just judged us I don't make judgments that statement is a judgment in and of itself for you have said that you deem no actions worthy of distinctions of deciding whether or not this action is right or wrong the the main person who scream I don't judge let their husband cheat on I don't judge already let that man have your wife see if you're gonna judge that tell me if that's all right let somebody rape your child says you don't judge of course you judge of course we make distinctions you can't live without making distinctions and and the ability to decide if you lose the ability to decide and the ability to discern you will be lost in this world you won't you won't even be able to get home from church today because when that light turns red you got to make a distinction you've got to separate between red yellow and green now some of you you know that green means go red means stop some of you have judged yellow two means speed-up but I'm telling you that's not always a good distinction the word credo also means to make to judge in a judicial manner the judges in the courtroom it also means to pronounce a sentence to judge it also means to condemn to finish a matter or occasion also to condemn so the Lord the sense in which the Lord meant used the word here was to to prejudge I won't tell you what he's what he is telling us when the Lord says judge not a good passage of scripture that gives us an example of what the Lord was warning us not to do can be found in Romans chapter 14 Romans the 14th chapter and I'll read in your hearing the 10th through the 13th verse is a good example of what the Lord was telling us in Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 verse 1 and down not to do if you love the Bible today you'll be blessed by this presentation if you don't just yawn through it Matthew's Gospel chapter 14 and verse 10 says but Romans I'm sorry Romans I'm sorry 14 and 10 says but why does thou judge thy brother not the vow that he's speaking to oddly enough our Christians to whom the Apostle Paul called weak in verse three of chapter 14 it says let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him that eateth not judge him that eateth for God hath received him let's back up so you get a full understanding it says him verse 1 him that is weak in the faith receive ye but not to doubtful disputations says that brother in the faith who is weak receive him but not to dispute full arguments don't receive your Christian brother and you're fussing about them and you're arguing and you're arguing arguing about non-essential differences there are differences that we have from one another in the body of Christ that are in the category of non-essential somebody wants some lady likes to wear her hair up another lady likes to wear her hair down of someone like today they like being a brunette somebody wants to be a blonde and and that sort of thing and people can be different there those are non-essential differences a man some song will have the communion in the Sunday morning service somebody will have it in the Sunday night service there's a difference but that is a non-essential difference so you don't receive each other arguing about non essentials and and and then when you do have a non-essential conversation it should be hit head or held as a non-essential conversation I wish my second assistant or elder Anthony Wilson was wise enough to come over and and and pull for the dolphins and join me even though the Dolphins hadn't won anything at a long time but he insists on hanging with them boy so so but when we talk about it we talk about it like it's something like we're not gonna fight he's not gonna leave the church I'm not gonna excommunicate him you follow me that's that's non-essential and this is what Paul is talking about non-essential you want to wear unless it's official day you want to wear a blue suit someone as well as a black suit that's non-essential hey man it's not he sent you a person is not going to go to hell over 90 sent you so you can't look at a person and she has her toes out but she has on shoes and believes you have no shoes on oh you can't say they're not saying if they're bad foot is you might want to find out why maybe maybe you could help them out and you know instead of saying you going to hell cause you Church with no shoes on what would you say then if they looked at yourself I don't have money for shoes they could give me to buy you for a penny then right that's that's non-essential help them out amen and then when you help them out and you go buy the shoe and bomb but if you cannot buy them a shoe that they like you know go and get something that yeah well I'm gonna help you but you have to wear my kind so you have the teenager dressing like the church mother and advice and then sometimes vice versa so you don't want to do that and so what are you talking about things like that doubtful disputations about non-essential difference now what's not a non-essential is this is not a conversation here about adultery fornication homosexuality lesbianism thievery murder abortion those aren't non-essential difference the cross the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ those aren't nonessential difference if you you are here you don't believe that Jesus died and rose again we have a major difference and if you're a member of the church and you won't be for long unless you change on that because these are foundational truths and we have to agree on the foundational truths so there is a difference between essential and non-essential differences well pastor the Lord convicted me I don't wear any makeup at all the Lord brought me out of it that's great what a what a mighty move of God but you can't you can't you can't preach that for everyone else and you can't assume that the next person is not saved like the Bible said because they're not convicted or don't share that that's a difference there but it's non-essential a younger woman who's a young maiden and she's got a young husband you know she wants to dress accordingly to keep that young man looking in her direction he's young and full of testosterone the wind blowing Oh Lord all right now you can't you can't expect her to then is in terms of appearance in fashion to go to the store in the section that's not made for her and put that on and still she wants to keep huh I'm teaching you to differ between Nani sent you and he sent your differences now some of you are getting uncomfortable if you shouldn't sometimes it's good to talk about these things because they get confusing a child I wouldn't put that on but what did you put on when you are age oh when you were his age that's you know again I'm not talking about being obscene a vulgar you already know we've all read already preached about not having your pants hanging off your rear end we already talked about you know not showing what shouldn't be shown so that's already covered until you take too long to cover everything I'm assuming that I'm building on I'm talking to people who followed me long enough to not act now to not know to not come walk away with a silly conclusion so is the pastor saying we don't have to look holy no mo bang yo were you already know better than that but non essential differences says his non-essential verse two for one belief that he may eat all things and another who is weak eateth herbs on it so that has one man did give me the hamburger yes the beef I I want I want the beef yes and the pork and behind it here baby back ribs you name it he believes that he can eat whatever is put before him if he bless it in the name of the Lord and it doesn't victus spirit then there's another person whom Paul calls weak in the faith who who believe that is you know maybe a sinned for them it is anything other than Irv's now if y'all go out to eat together let the processor enjoy the Hamburg you go you gonna eat that they ordered it didn't honey if you just you don't know like I know well don't tell me right now let me let me finish this and enjoy my meal praise the log honey I don't think I mean anything myself but salad alright enjoy but all I see is dressing drowned a thing and typically people who over the strict like that give them three months go out to eat with them again they have all that stuff stacking right back on their plate and you you know you're scared to ask what happens he's just so one believe that he can eat herbs that is vegetables only and you have to admit the vegetarians now people are vegetarians vegans they walk in an air of superiority yes I am I'm a vegetarian I I don't eat meat anymore okay well good let me have I'll take that you know amen I'm gonna bless the food eat in moderation praise the Lord but that didn't agree with me okay we didn't know what you eat it but it agrees with me now you me pop it off so we matter of fact we have a ball we have good fellowship when I eat talks back mmm good you got to know how to get along the point is you never let something that shouldn't divide you divide you a man you shouldn't do that hey man I don't eat bread someone said I was unfair last night and I asked the people that the tale I was at the head table to get Speaker I think is there anything any better than bread and butter you get the butter the bread a little warm you just slather the butter on it I better hush some of y'all won't hear the rest of the sermon and you just Oh that's just good you don't any too much ever you my wife got only one time cuz I was putting all the butter on the bread and she's trying to keep me alive so that's okay I'll cut back amen and at home share that smart beat and that's good it's good for you know that but just that good ol from heaven buddy you know the kind that back in the day I bite into it and I think about when I was a little boy and my mom used to make biscuits and grape jelly and put butter on it I told you it's a different kind of sermon but I'm trying to teach you I'm trying to illustrate I'm really not talking about branding butter let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth for God has received him both are saying so verse 10 says why but why does thou judge thy brother and why does thou set at nought thy brother for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ as it is written as I live saith the Lord so when you judge people improperly you play God and you're assuming authority that you do not have you're assuming that you're qualified to do that that only God is qualified to do now you got to get Thursday night to know what Jesus wasn't talking about but I want to show you what he was speaking of he says for we for as I live saith the LORD every knee shall bow to me to the Lord and every tongue shall confess to God not to your brothers or your sisters a man so then let every one of us so then let every one of us so they excuse me every one of us shall give an account notice this why are you paying attention to your brother every one of us will give an account that is going just kill you of himself to God you're not gonna be able to get up on that day and talk to God about anybody but yourself well Lord that sister over there that brother that creature that know you you're gonna have to tell God on that day and and God has truth sever you ain't gonna be able to lie about anything cuz you you're standing before God and you could you'll only be able to give an account of yourself this is my self-righteous folk you got to watch it because we're as you see the fault and everyone else you don't see the fault in yourself and the only person that you're gonna give an account to God for is yourself you're not gonna give an account to God for your husband you're not gonna give an account to God for your wife you're not gonna give an account to God well you're not gonna be able to talk about him on that day about the people who did you wrong guess what I got I want to disappoint you you won't be able to stand up and talk to God that day about your haters now somebody yeah I know some of you saying now why lies my word just be lost then you probably will if you don't get this and understand what God is saying every man shall give an account of himself to God so let us not judge look at this one another anymore but judge this that no man put an occasion put a stumbling block on occasion to fall in his brothers way let's go let's let's come to the conclusion that we're gonna help each other stay safe help each other stay in the church help each other grow yeah that we will help each other make it yes this is what our Lord is saying are you with me here he is speaking against we mature the premature passing of judgment look at first Corinthians now stay with me for a few minutes will you first Corinthians chapter 4 I'm gonna call your attention to verse 5 but for you to understand it fully let me let let allow me to start with verse 1 and now really quickly says let a man so account of us I preached from this passage not long ago as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God you see that moreover it is required in stewards that a man be faithful be dependable now let me get to where I want to get to but with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged view he says to the Saints at Corinth it's a small thing Paul says that any of you would dare evaluate me all of man's judgment it is smudged it's a small thing that I'd be judged of you evaluated by you all of any man's court I judge not my own self look at this he says now for I know nothing by myself notices he says I judge not myself but then he says this I don't know of anything that I'm doing that someone could bring charges against me for that's what I judge not my own self means says I judge not my own self yet am I not here by justified this is an awesome point he says I don't know of what charges that someone could bring against me but that still doesn't mean I'm right now I want that to sink in because see many of us think we're always right just because you're not aware of what's wrong doesn't mean that there's not something wrong it just means you're blind to it while we're pointing at someone else you got to know that somebody's pointing at you so Paul says here and he was being honest he says I can't think of any infractions that I'm guilty of but that doesn't mean that I'm not guilty of any it just means that I don't see what weaknesses do you have well I don't think I have any weaknesses what a better answer may be I may not be aware of them but I'm sure that I have now you know you you you're almost where you ought to be because the Bible says as for our sins we know them Paul now I'm not sure he says but I that doesn't mean that I'm justified but he that judge me the judgment that I am trusting is not my own but I'm trusting the Lord's judgment therefore here's what Jesus was saying in Matthew's Gospel chapter 7 and verse 1 therefore judge nothing before the time he's warning against the premature passing of judgment don't look at someone who's struggling today and write them off god bless your brother with a Tennessee State shirt oh I don't know you I'm glad you're here I can't look at him and said well he's a he's he's no good just singling you out hadn't even met him glad you here don't know his name but you came prematurely that's the judgment are you with me some of us actually look at people and just write them off well I know they're not safe how do you know they can't be how do you know what the Lord revealed it to me I'm going back to my original question how do you know because you're an answered that yet cuz that's a non-answer that's judgment I hold that they're going to be a lot of people in the kingdom sitting at the table with Abraham Isaac and Jacob that we thought weren't going to be there and meaning whom we assume will be at the head table will not this is why you can't write people off people people people get people can get right late in the evening if they're watching my television I ask the schoolteachers I sure would like to meet today especially the one who told me that I was a clown I guess some of you still agree with it I had wanted to tell you just a clown you're a clown matter of fact I saw him years later and I shook his hand and I said you know I remembered it and I said to him how'd the clown turn out and he told me was proud of it let that bless me don't prematurely judge you met you may know something about somebody you may have something on them I know they're no good because here's what he or she did the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin a person can get right with God and why are you holding that against them they're just going up up up up up and you'll sitting there mad getting nowhere fast because you won't let go but I know they did yeah they did it but God all of us did something [Applause] [Applause] this is what he's teaching against the premature passing of judgement the Bible says judge nothing before the time well what time until the Lord come so you can't come to a conclusion until Jesus come well I know they went to hell how do you know unless you've gone and I know you haven't because nobody goes and come back so if you stand here talking to me you're judging you're doing what Jesus said not to do can I get a witness I guess not today he says judge nothing before the time to the Lord come who both shall bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will look at this make manifest the counsels of the heart none of us can judge another person's heart no you know before you can accurately come to certain conclusions you you got to you you won't like me but you got to walk a mile sometimes and someone else's shoes meet somebody and oh person was a hussy and you just oh they're no good and this is just writing them off right until you find out that their mama was one and their grandmother and they came up and all that stuff and nobody taught him how to dress no nobody taught her how to put on a foundation or two how to properly wear islip or how to dress and you just assumed that person's not saying and you write them off but as time passes they learn seeing God when you learn better you do better they learn and they grow and they get it together and there you go having passed judgment before the time and and and and they Jesus before you do they pass you in the rapture the law trying to decide whether or not to just drop your back it's a good teaching here and every man see their envision shall every man have praise of God that is every man will get what the Lord has for them you have to be careful how we write people off what our Lord is speaking against here is he is saying that we are to avoid amongst ourselves and as believers as people being censor us since Sura sniffs is not good to be censors is to be a believer or a person who it was inclined to find fault that is not a calling I met a preacher one time who said God called me to be a troubleshooter I look for trouble I never invited him that's not a biblical calling you listen if you are that kind of person please please let the Lord deliver you because people like that are miserable they are the most unattractive people because they sit around and try to find things that are wrong if it's wrong you find it if it's wrong in the person you see it 100 things can go right the 100 first thing didn't fire quite right and you know you caught you killed that that's the way you are well you become a person who is very unattractive you become a person who has you repel people you become an individual it makes you then naturally suspicious of people and let me tell you something nothing is more unattractive like being distrusting and you become an individual who is ultimately always unhappy because there is Fault in the world Society is fight we live in a fallen world we live in a sin cursed world and you don't have to look far in the world you look far look hard to find fault in anything or in anyone no one is without fault so he says avoid being censors you setup on your perch and watch and you and you inspect the people to see who's right and who's wrong like you're qualified you're not the watchman you're not a shepherd you're not the pastor you're not the leader and then the Lord didn't call their leader to do all that I try to find out as little as possible so I can be free to preach like I'm preaching this I haven't ever heard anything bad on anybody said one who is he after all others this law told me to preach the sermon on the mount so I'm not nobody in particular I'm teaching you what the Bible says so you know what the Lord was saying versus what what he wasn't saying avoid being censor us avoid prejudgment or prejudice when we are prejudiced we prejudge that is we come to conclusions about people without knowing the facts see this is see this is where we part company with the world see the the liars the cheaters homosexuals the less they say to us don't judge me well when we tell them they're wrong we're not judging them there are acts that are wrong there's no right way to be a pervert there's no right way for a man to marry a man there's no right way to commit adultery there's no right way to steal there's no right way to lie so if a person actually did those things and you call them that you have not judged them it's judgment only when you assume that they have done something that way done that and you go on an assumption without knowing anything about them this is what the Lord speaks against so-and-so is a certain kind of way I just discern it in my spirit please because I noticed you you know these discern us it's amazing what they don't discern why can't you discern that devil standing right beside you oh I hope you come to church next Sunday it's good I didn't bring him and bring somebody with you you got to grow to where you can't you your goal is not to bring yourself Jesus when he says judge not he said avoid stereotyping you can't assume that just if you're black and just because the person is white and you had a run-in with a white person but you didn't have a run-in with that white person but you've had a run-in with a white person or white persons you can't assume that all white people hate you and you can't assume white person that just because you ran into a problem with a black person that all black people hate you or just because somebody was white black or Hispanic and they broke into your house you can't or stole something from your place of business you can't assume that not all blacks steal all whites steal all Hispanics steal this is what the laws warning against just because you met somebody one time who shouted in the church and danced and praise the Lord then you met him after service and found that they were crazy you can't assume all shouders are crazy I know of doctors lawyers pilots accomplished businessman accomplished business women who danced in the spirit who danced and praise the Lord can I get a witness and and and and they're highly intelligent stereotyping are you with me you don't like this kind of talk today judgment a legitimate judgment is really I'll tell you what it really is it's really ego tripping but we usually judge others to make us feel better about ourselves I don't like him I don't like her I don't like him he speaks with too much authority she's mean we judged them and we feel better about ourselves by putting them down but remind let me I want to read something he says but when one develops a judgmental attitude they estranged of us they hinder spiritual development and lastly they create a certain reaction what is the reaction the Lord says judge not here's the reaction lest you be judged see when your sense service when you stereotype when you do these things to other people you invite these same things to you that is a built-in law of reciprocation whatsoever a man so that shall they also read now if you can't take it don't dish it if you can't take the magnifying glass of scrutiny being applied to your life drop your magnifying glass I'm just trying to see I'm steadying alright well why are you looking through the magnifying glass at somebody someone else is looking through their glass right at you that's that's actually what are you saying and it is part of them judge not lest you be judged for whatever what judgment you meet that will come back to you you can't stand off and be elitist and hold your head up like you are an authority and not expect people to apply the same thing to you some of us are elitist and embark on the church I don't know I don't know why how you think you that spiritual just know no more than Isaiah knew and barely come to church hallelujah you know I myself I don't I don't I don't I don't participate in stuff like I'm not that kind of a person see God let me tell you this is the kind of person I am oh no I maybe said that for 40 minutes you would think that they were talking about Jesus because every attribute they gave you concerning themselves every virtue everything is just perfect and don't nobody share that opinion of them but themselves that's what he's warning against this good preacher Baraka don't go for him have to tune it up a little bit I got to give him something this is good preacher here's what it does keep in mind that Paul says every man should give an account of himself to go so since you're gonna give it a counter of yourself to God on a dare in the day of judgment don't you think that we ought to begin to spend more time looking in Woodleigh and less time watching everyone else thank you thank you thank my brothers you think my brothers all the guys who are married you think our marriages would be better if we paid more attention to our sad and what we're not doing then to our wives and what they're not doing and wives do you think that it would be a little better off if you paid more attention to yourself and what you're not doing then to him now if the husband is of the opinion that he can't do any better because he's just right and if the wife is of the opinion that she can't doing it better because she's got it all right both need to call the lawyer because it won't be long before this marriage ends what was the reason Jesus gave for the father did for the the for divorce it wasn't that people couldn't get along hardness of heart what is harder how does that work with this a unwillingness to change and unwillingness willingness to see yourself you would rather let the house fall in you'd rather let so let us raise your children you'd rather let some let your marriage go kaput the hardness of heart hear me today hear me today judge not lest ye be judged it is strange when we when we use illegal illegitimate judgments it repels people hinder spiritual growth and create a bad reaction let me just let me just share this with you john g butler talked about this reciprocation that the actions that we put on he said the consequences of prejudice if you pre prejudice ly if you judge prejudice ly you can expect the same or expect to experience the same in return are you with me he said judge not lest you be not judged for what judgment you meet with judgment you judge it shall be given to you let me quote tell you what john macarthur said he says most people feel free to judge others like this because they erroneously think they are superior somehow superior to others when we assert our right to judge we imply that we are qualified end of quote also someone else says this when we assert our right to judge we will be judged by the same standard of knowledge and wisdom that we claim is ours romans follow me now chapter 2 I'm enjoying this I'm learning this kind of you know preaching this kind of sermon would have an effect on you studying for it what we have one to you be repenting all through the message long oh bam bam bam beware of anybody who's never found in the world you have any person no matter what you preach oh I got that check check you got all the boxes checked most I'm the person we have all the boxes checked have none of the boxes child watch this romans romans chapter 2 verse 1 says therefore thou art inexcusable o man whosoever thou are that judgest for wherein thou judgest another thou condemned estelle not the act of judging but here's why he says this now condemn it thou r self for thou that judgest doest [Music] the same thing now you can condemn the man if you're doing the same thing that the man who you just condemned is do not a solution is not well I'm not gonna condemn not gonna judge now the solution is get holy and get to where you can say something because standards must be preached thank you for those three claps you don't tell you the truth look at this he says but we are sure that the judgment of God only God's judgment is according to truth against them which commit such things and then he says they he drives it home and thinkest thou this o man that judges them which do such things and to such things he talked about his Romans chapter 1 men leaving the men and getting with other men and women leaving women I mean again with women and turning the truth of God into a lie and all that kind of stuff ignoring God and failing to appreciate God he says think it's now this old man that judges them which do such things and those things are wrong and to us the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God he says do you think that you're gonna judge them who are doing this stuff and if you're doing the same thing you're going to escape God's judgment no way no way this is good innit no way you can't even it no matter how wrong they are and then no matter how true what you're saying is if you're doing the same thing then the judgment that you pronounce on them you've also pronounced it on yourself you know I feel the pushback today let me let me swim a little more see you you got to you Saints we've got to watch it because we are the standard bearers and nothing hurts our calls like the standard bearer being caught up in the same thing that he's been bearing the standard concerning now in one area brother wooden and a LGBTQ Xyz community agree upon a hundred percent you are not going to slip and tip and be with us and then preach against us yeah I thought I think the order out everybody who does that other words you're not gonna screw us and dance around screw up that's good preaching look at your neighbour head at you talk to your neighbor all day tell your neighbor practice what you preach that's what the Lord is saying the warning is charge not lets you be judged way if you're walking upright when the world comes after you you can stand up under the pressure can I get a witness he says for the same measure you mete it shall be measured to you again bad with me here then he asks a question that some of y'all hoped I wouldn't get to today why be whole is the mote verse three in that brothers eye this is a metaphor or simile he's really not talking about moat or ah he's talking about your brother's soul but he uses this to illustrate a point he said why do you even notice the moat one writer said that Jesus reached out and got a little sawdust from a man standing in the audience I and others believed that the word moat literally means a tweak or a little stick something that's too big for the eye but small how do you notice that twig or that move and your brother's eye but you don't consider the 2x4 or that log that's in the King James said being your own so can you see the imagery there a man with a 2x4 stuck in his eye is passing judgment on someone else with a little sodas in there now does that make sense to you see the point here is that and it's often the case that the scene of the critic it's greater than the sin of the person he is criticizing that should never be that should never be that should never hurts the calls when when the critic is walking in more wickedness than the person that they are criticizing because you can't help him he said why huh why are you trying to even get the log out of there because see you got a problem say I don't want a blind surgeon operating on me I'm laying down the man come in he's in surgery where a patch on his eye wait a minute wait a minute it's time we got this bad boy wait a minute doctor can you see cuz this is surgery now this is not you get rid of Riddle knives and one of your eyes now I want a doctor with two preferably four eyes and then get that that machine where he can look through the thing and it magnifies my eyes so long because these are my eyes and I can't play with my eyes I have one soul [Music] and if I should die and my soul is lost [Applause] there are no do-overs if you lose your soul you don't get a chance to get it fixed over again so we need somebody working on us who can see clearly what Jesus is talking about Jesus says first of all before you try to get that more out of your brother's eye get get the log out of your own because you can't see you might cut his throat you might cut his ear off brother laying there and the nose is missing cuff while you are aiming at the eyes so you got a log in your eyes you got a problem your method of deliverance was off this is why happy songs there's no delivers in you gotta be gotta you got a bound person writing the song even if they're writing about Jesus there's no deliverance of that that's the problem Snoop Dogg no deliverance he can't get you delivered he's not delivered you got to get delivered yourself you can't point me to a cross that you hadn't found you can't tell me about a Jesus who you do not know you got to get delivered your fur virus yourself I heard Jesus would eat all Peter when I walk convert strengthen the breath see today we all ask God what what cole mize mmm work on my site look I got a beam in my and I'm not trying to kill my brother I'm I'm trying to help him but I'm I'm really not qualified Oh God every worker in the church or ask God to examine us bring me up a little bit right here praise the Lord because see you you came work the altar you can't praise the Lord beyond the mothers bowl you can't be a good missionary you can't be a good elder and you can't be a good pastor with a log stuck in your own for even though we may try to help somebody else the problem here will be off because we can't see clearly good God Almighty we won't pray the right plan we won't fast at the right time because we can't see clearly but if you let God work on you in the right order here's the right order work on me Lord work on me welcome man man work on my heart work on this spirit God get that log out of my because I want to help my brothers I want to help my sisters I want to be an encouragement to somebody I want to live in a manner where the world will love you because of something I've said but I can't be effective until you break every yoke break every chain because I want to see clearly too many things are going on in the world we're aborting our babies our sons are being turned out our marriages are failing trouble is around every corner the devil is busy and God you've got to have somebody somebody to use somebody to operate through well here volunteering my services Wow [Applause] use me but in order to use me let him get the love so that I can see clearly how many wanna see clearly so that you can help somebody else well lift your hands and let's start at home and say Lord welcome me lad why call me wacko my mind woahh cold my heart like all my spirit set me free so that I can win somebody else I got friends I got brothers I got family members there are people in my neighborhood who needs the cross who need salvation who need to be delivered clean until the log it removed from my yes somebody praise the Lord in here you can't win them at the club if you're at the club we can't win them when our sin it's greater than they when the lifestyle or the standard-bearer is worse than the people who are listening can't win them can't help them this is what the Lord is saying can't do it you know why cuz you can't see clearly I need to be able to see you need to be able to see see some of you you you you you you trying to do too much blind you need to be able to see church workers we need to be able to see saints we need to behave to see and we can't see if that log is jammed in our home and you really can't help anybody if you have any you have you haven't even noticed it I always see this tendency I don't even see this thing the Bible says who can understand their errors Psalms 19 Lord keep back thy server it's good from secret faults secret faults are not the secret sins and things we do and we keep them under cover secret faults are faults that we have that we are not aware of Lord deliver me from faults that I have that I'm not aware of I don't see it I just don't and Paul said even though there are no charges being filed against me that doesn't mean that none should be I don't see I'm done different kinds of sermon today I don't want to spend too much time trying to make it into what it is not it's not a Jew ballistic message in these last days the Lord wants to use us to help get the mold the beam and everything else out of other people's eye but we can't do it until we allow the Lord to get the beam out of our our community needs us every pew needs to be over time filled with a new convert somebody who previously don't know the Lord I'm not talking about this recycling them from somebody else a church but there are people out there but because we have so many things in our eyes we can't see clearly we don't even see the lost amongst us that's why most of us don't witness to people who ever know witnessing here we think witnessing is I want to invite you to my church day of my pastor preach I mean that's good to invite them but people need to know who Jesus is [Applause] who wants the Lord to work on their site meet me at the old [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 873
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: qeMhYVqq-uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 49sec (4069 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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