The Promise Is Bigger Than The Problem Pt 1

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[Music] open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of John at chapter 6 John chapter number 6 and I want to commence reading at verse 22 through verse number 35 it's a lengthy reading I need to read it so that we can get this whole salt the day following when the people which stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was a nun of a boat there saved that one wherein to his disciples were entered and that Jesus went not with his disciples into the boat but that his disciples were gone away alone howbeit there came other boats from Tiberias nigh unto the place where they did eat bread after that the Lord had given thanks when the people therefore saw that Jesus was not there neither his disciples they also took shipping and came to Capernaum seeking for Jesus and when they had found him on the other side of the sea they said unto him rabbi when camest thou hither jesus answered them and said verily verily I say unto you ye signal not because he saw the miracles but because he did eat of the loaves and were filled labour not for the meat which perishes but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life which the Son of man shall give unto you for him have God the Father sealed then said they unto Him what shall we do that we might work the works of God jesus answered and said unto them this is the work of God that you believe on Him whom he hath sent they said therefore unto Him what sign show us thou then that we may see and believe thee what does thou work our fathers Eitan manna in the desert as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat then jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world then they said unto Him Lord evermore give us this bread and Jesus said unto them verse 35 I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst thank you you may be seated grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever I want to preach from this subject the promise is bigger than the problem the promise is bigger than the problem I need to say from the outset whatever your problem is God's promise is bigger chapter six of God's gospel opens with the people being out in the desert place and there's nowhere to buy the bread and Jesus asks one of his disciples Philip who is from that region where can we buy bread that these may eat and be satisfied and Philip has no real answer because they're out in the desert place they are away from all of the the places where bread can be secured and so Andrew Symonds brother says Lord there is a lad here but all he has is two fish and five loaves Jesus takes the two fish and the five loaves and he lifts it he lifts them to heaven and he prays and gifts thanks and when he brings the bread and the fish down he gives it to the disciples and says to them distribute it to the multitude and they gave out the food to the people and there were about five thousand men not counting the women and the children and when everybody had eaten the scripture says and were satisfied jesus said take up the fragments they took up twelve baskets of leftovers everybody was filled everybody had eaten and were satisfied he says the disciples away they come in the middle of the night Jesus comes to them walking on the water and John's Gospel says he says to them it is I be not afraid and then the disciples are going on about their business and Jesus is on the other side of the sea and the crowd follows him to the other side not because he's a miracle worker but they follow him because they won't eat they are following Jesus for what they can get out of him they are nominal Christians they are peripheral believers they are always on the outside looking for a handout that they don't really love him they're not really interested in his miraculous power they're looking for something to fill their sensual needs they're their spiritual needs are left to the side because they want to fill the flesh and and many people are like that at church they don't really come to worship they are nominal in their faith they never sing a song they never participate in the responsive reading they never read a scripture they never enjoy the choir sing they never hear really what the preacher is saying because they are nominal and on the sidelines waiting for God to do something for them as a matter of fact the new nomenclature for joining churches now is what does your church have to offer and people want to interview me sit down with me and say our past I want to join this church but I want to know some things about this church and what kind of ministries do you have to offer and what is your stance on this and what do you believe about that tell me what lily Grove has to offer and of course they would be better talking to Reverend Washington about that kind of because I'm a Christian on Mondays Wednesdays and Friday and if they catch me on Tuesdays and Thursday the wrong thing may come out what do you have to offer what what what do you bring for the sacrifice that God has done for you for the ways that God has made for you for the doors that God has opened for you the question ought not be what does the church have to give me but what do I bring to the kingdom of God all to Jesus I surrender all to him I freely give they were following Jesus for the fish and the lose this this remarkable miracle serves as a life-sized illustration for a sermon that Jesus was about to preach in this passage we are presented with a new portrait of the Lord Jesus Christ he who has just given to his followers life's bread is now presenting himself as the bread of life this is an interesting portrait of Jesus since bread is a substance known and used by every society on the face of the earth most people enjoy bread I don't because the more I chew it the bigger it gets in my mouth I don't like sandwiches I don't like hamburgers hotdogs doughnuts because the more I to bread it just expands in my mouth I'm probably the only person in here who does not like bread but most people who have good sense enjoy bread it's the stuff the substance of life bread has a satisfying quality that whew you few food products ever have any way you slice it pardon the pun any way you slice it bread is good and it is a food that most people need use and enjoy this morning as we take time to dissect these words of our Lord I want you to see that the promise of Jesus is still bigger than any problem that you and I will ever encounter for in life whenever we need sustenance whenever we need substance we can always turn to Jesus Jesus is heavens bread the scripture says that they told Jesus that when our fathers were in the wilderness God sent them manna from heaven and Jesus said to them the father has not sent you manna from heaven he has sent you the true bread your father's in the wilderness ate manna and the word manner means what is this but you have now in your presence the true bread and you still looking for manna I wish I had one or two more witnesses here God has sent you true bread and you still looking for something if I can make this make sense if you're gonna get this message heaven's bread is a person according to these verses the bread of heaven is not a system or a denomination being Baptists were saved being Church of Christ won't save you being Methodist are Catholic won't save you but he who is the bread of heaven is a person this truth simply serves to remind us that we can never be saved by some religious system or method Acts chapter 4 verse 12 says for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved except the name G you cannot be saved without calling on that person I don't care how long you've been in church if you don't know the man Jesus Christ you're lost and on your way to hell I don't care how large print your Bible is you have to know not only the Word of God but the god of the word in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God come on you can help me sin and the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us the bread that comes from heaven is not a religious system or a denomination its oppressor you have to know the person Jesus Christ brothers and sisters it's it's it's amazing how we believe that our name on a roll means salvation your name on the church roll is just good for a wedding and a funeral that's not that's about all you're gonna get with your name on the road no if you want to go to heaven if you want to see God you've got to come through the person Jesus Christ Heaven's bread is a prison not only is that bread a person but you have to testify that that bread still has power Jesus has power to save secure and satisfy every sinner who comes to him by faith this is what separates Jesus from all the other religions and self proclaimed messiahs of the world all of the other religions say gets yourself together and then come and join us not so Christianity you got to quit eating pork and you got to you got to quit drinking and you got to quit smoking and you got to do certain things in order to join other religions get yourself out of the ditch and then once you pull yourself up and dust yourself off then you are qualified to come and join us well thank God that's not the religion that's not the Christianity of the Bible or the message of the Lord Jesus Christ he does not wait for you to clean yourself up he gets in your mess with you I wish I had somebody here he does not wait for you to get yourself out of the ditch he gets in your ditch with you and he doesn't allow you to stay there but he helps you until you can pull yourself up that ought to be a word for some of us who are so hard on other people when the same kind of parentheses and constrictions we put around others we don't put around our sin come on help me preach if you can all of us have seen all of us have come short of the glory of God all of us deserve hell but God sent Jesus so we could go to heaven and since God sent Jesus to die for us Jesus doesn't wait for you to get yourself together I need to say to somebody who's on the periphery somebody who's on the outside looking in trying to get some things right in your life you'll never join church if you're trying to get some things right in your life because most of us in here and got it right yet [Applause] well let me let me go and speak for myself I ain't talking to you super Saints in here this morning I'm talking about Terry Anderson I'm talking about me and about five other people in here who I know unlike me who know that if the Lord took his hand off us if the Lord he don't have to move the head just lower it a bit and we'd be in a club right now we'd be just getting out of the hospital from being crazy right now but if it had not been for God's amazing grace God's abundant pardon God's righteous forgiveness all of us would be in hell this morning it's not by might not by power is by my spirit since the look there is none righteous no not one thank God thank God that that bread still has power when you try to try to follow these gurus and life coaches and people who tell you how you ought to live and what you ought to eat and and what you oughta wear I got a I got a friend like that a good friend of mine like that he he doesn't eat meat anymore and he does he draw vegetables you trying to tell me Reverend you need to go wrong let's go wrong just just just get the greens out the ground just just eat them right out the ground I say with no bacon he said no Reverend you got to go wrong so you mean no pigtails in them he said no no she's got a cleanse and you got to go wrong I said no so you mean no fat back you say quit playing around I'm trying to get your health and I'm trying to get your strength I say well I'm gonna be a pallbearer at your funeral because I'm eating some pig tails I want some bacon and don't talk about my dietary habits because there's a whole lot of stuff you doing you ain't got no business girl I serve God and he says don't call anything I've created unclean you gonna help me preach this won't you cuz it's not what goes in the body that define but what comes up haven't got a witness here you can do all of that raw living you want to live if you don't know Jesus Christ none of that means anything to be healthy and go to hell the Bible says is better to go to heaven with one eye you go help me preach this water then to be destroyed with both eyes because if you don't know Jesus Christ exercise diet go to bed on time all you want if you don't know Jesus the person of God you are lost and without hope but he has the power to save to secure and the satisfied and there are some believers here this morning who still believes still believes that he saves to the uttermost that he secures until the day of redemption and that he satisfies more than anything you can mention our name in this life ain't God for Jesus who is the person of God with the power of God and if you're looking for Brad that will not satisfy don't come to Jesus I want you to see in the text the bread is a person the bread has power but that bread also has a promise physical bread can sustain life for long periods of time however after a while the physical body will die even though well-fed but when you receive Jesus Christ he gives a Salvation that is not only good for this life but it will lash into everlasting life my brothers our sisters here's the promise if you come to Jesus physically ill or wounded perhaps brokenhearted suppose you had to live that way forever forever depress forever sink forever needing a transplant forever needing medication forever feeling bad and then some days good some days bad some days up some days down some days you got it some days you don't suppose life went on like that forever it wears on you some time as a child of God it wears on you sometimes when when when you live long enough you become last one almost in your family that's a burden that's the that's a burden that's almost insuperable to bear and then if that's not your situation that's some debilitating illness some chronic disease that keeps gnawing at you and eating away at you and sapping your strength and sapping your energy and if that's not the case for you you have to take care of somebody who's going through that and then if you've got children that's another story once you get one straightened out the other one starts acting the food if they're not a food at the same time come on help me preach if you can and that applies to those of us who just got one child if you got one they have crazy it's always something and then if you get over 50 you can show enough shout right now then if it ain't one thing it's another if it's not your eyes it's your shoulder if it's not just shoulders your knees if it's not your knees it's your lower back come on talk back to me head actually how you doing Reverend everything is hurt that's how I'm doing I'm tore up from the floor I'm down I'm sick I'm tired suppose you had to live like that forever forever needing a liver transplant for ever needing a heart transplant and no relief would ever come but thank God I think I getting ready to shout here now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he comes we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is I have not seen ears I'm not heard neither has it entered the hearts of men the good things that God has God has in store for them that love it behold I show you a mystery I wish I had a Bible reading we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye but the Trump of God shall sound I wish I had a witness and when this Marvel has put on immortality and when this corruptible has put on incorruption then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your sting grave where is your victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore you helped me said won't you therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord don't let your friends tell you don't make sense to go to church every time the doors open don't let those silly people tell you don't make sense to work so hard in the church serving God is going to pay off after why if somebody ought to help me it's not only gonna pay off after a while but I'm reaping some benefits right now God is doing some good things for me right now God is answering my friends right now God is opening doors for me right now God is making away from me right now his bread is a prison his bread has power his bread has promised what are the heads of the close this heavens bread has a price it has a price before this bread can be enjoyed it must first be receive this is a simple statement I'm almost embarrassed to share it with somebody as deep as you this is a simple statement but in order for this bread to be enjoyed it must first be received let me see if I can make that plain when I was going to school that bishop I've told you about the people I used to live with in Innes the Lister family miss Tilly Lister the old matriarch of the family miss Tilly it was was an old woman and she lives her daughter's lived with her she had a daughter two daughters and a son who lived with her her daughter jewel taught school in Dallas and Lola lived at home taking care of Miss Tilly and jewel worked in Dallas taught at a middle school in Dallas and so I would ride with jewel on Fridays that get down to Ennis to spend the weekend because I was a musician at the New Hope Baptist Church and I would ride with jewel on Friday and get there and spend the weekend with miss Tilly and the jewel and and Lola Matilda's daughters were different like day and night Lola was plain-spoken and didn't suffer fools and didn't take a whole lot of nothing not even from Miss Tilly till they couldn't have a way with Lola jewel let her do what she wanted to do letting me do what I wanted to do but you had to walk the chalk line with Lola and so I would ride with jewel because Lola was too mean to go to church with Eva Lola she was a loving person but she was like Martha in the scripture she didn't she didn't have a whole lot of time for playing and so I'd spend the weekend down there and some mornings jewel would get up and fix breakfast and then some mornings Lola would get up and fix breakfast when jewel got up to fix breakfast she'd put on as I learned how to eat with the right fork and on spoon and all of that because she's real dainty and real elegant and she would put all the stuff out there and fix the food and make sure my coffee was just right and she just prepared everything just was just beautiful look like you were in a restaurant Lola cooked and got back in the bed [Applause] and and so when I got up enough nerve when I got up enough nerve to ask her why didn't she put all the napkins and stuff out there like jewel and the knives and forks and old and she said look look I mean I mean I mean let me help you she said me and rule are different jewel do all that mess she said I went bought it I cooked it the least you can do is fix it you're saying [Applause] she said now you want all that you need to get your wife I'm going to bed can I help you with that Jesus went to the cross died for your sin shared his precious blood on the cross the least you can do so lord help me here the very least you can do is get up and come get me he's not gonna serve it to you on a silver platter with the napkins booth come get it whosoever will let him come [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 41,469
Rating: 4.806344 out of 5
Id: AhKIY54uN4o
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Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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