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as is the case as is often the case this is a message that God first gave to me to speak to the men we had a tremendous meeting this past Tuesday night with the men I want to salute the brothers the fellowship hall was literally filled with men men and the sons coach Lester his tall skyscraper himself with his skyscraping son look like the the power forward and the sena walked in together and men and the men are attentive and i brothers I appreciate the hour of time that you give me on those Thursday Tuesday nights and we work hard to keep it within the hour and it that there's no honor to me and I'm glad for everybody but there's a there is a honor there's a grace that accompanies just standing up in a room that's filled with men the men are gathered together not to hear some hip-hop show not to drink we're not there for sports we're not there for any of those things but we're gathered to hear a word from the Lord that will make us better husbands better dads better citizens better men men are under attack manhood is under attack in this country today masculinity is under attack prays alone we live in a nation now that celebrates perversion you look at look at the commercials that air on television and look at the role that most of us play in the commercials we are being silly and stupid most dad's in a commercial the dad is a klutz even in the Kia commercial and selling a car the young girl on in the commercial speaks with dignity in plainness of speech and she's articulate the little boy is stupid he's bringing out balloons that they wave off that they don't need whether it's a little boys always all the way up to grown men men are under attack I enjoyed the cosby show back in the day until dad Huxtable began he went from being a good leader in the house the character now to being a fool a clothes a stupid man even the baby was smarter than he was I stopped watching it at that point because I understand that everything we look at he's trying to conditioned thinking and in african-american community in particular our men brothers we got to understand that we've got to be shocked married men single men brothers we got to be strong masculine go to school and learn be intelligent don't be a shame to be smart a man and and if you do the Lord will bless us other communities teach their men to be strong and so we had a tremendous meeting and the Lord dealt with me concerning this as I was seeking him the Lord said now I want you to preach this to the church this message today deals with the fact that people who see clearly are never liked by those who are blind to what is going on there's a clash between the believers who see what's going on and the people who are just blind I watched as the country of Ireland celebrated yesterday the applause in the streets and the joy on the faces of the Irish as they celebrated in mass this country that is overwhelmingly Catholic like what was the percentage Catholic eighty percent a more Catholic country and they celebrated the the Catholics voted to change the abortion laws in Ireland you couldn't have an abortion and and no one would be surprised in a predominantly Catholic country you would you would think that that a predominantly Catholic country would have strict abortion laws and a predominantly Catholic country and those Catholics got out there and voted to change the law the law was that unless except in the case of the life of the mother you couldn't account it a woman in Ireland could not have an abortion in Ireland if she could leave the country and have one but you couldn't have one in Ireland and that strict law was put in place I think around 1980 and they voted to overturn that and oh they were just cheering in the streets now we can kill our baby whoa it's so happy and as I looked at some of those who were clapping I thought to myself many of you are alive only because that in 1980 your mother couldn't leave the country and she had to give birth to you and there you stand clapping that that which is responsible for your being here has been overturned Oh God what in the world has happened is happening to this world as wickedness two three years ago devoted to force to bring to make same-sex marriage the law in Ireland so let's see all right see how these these last two major seismic shifts in their society is going to help them in terms of population you don't get children from same-sex marriages a man and then you throw in abortion and and and make it fashionable and legal to kill them then that doesn't help the situation and those people think that they're being progressive and modern and they celebrated their blind and those who see clearly see the error of that country on that island that they share with Scotland the message this message also this is also a message that raised the larger theological issues that existed at the time everyone there especially on the Israeli side thought that it was a military standoff that Israel had a military problem David didn't see it that way at all - David it was not a military problem in his eyes it was a theological problem because - David that was a man standing there defying the Living God and much of what we see in politics today is not political its theological its theological who told us that God brought the female to the male and endorsed marriage and said for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife what did we learn this we learned it in the Bible so when they endorsed other forms of marriage other than a man and a woman that's not just a political issue that's a theological one for if we can't trust the God of the Bible and we can't trust the Bible with regard to the definition of marriage can we trust it with anything else when the school's brought in evolution the theory of evolution and they adopted the theory of evolution instead of creationism that wasn't a mirror no matter that was a theological manner for we learn from the Bible that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth well if you dropped that and believe that some gas that you don't know where it came from exploded you don't know what caused the explosion and it blew up and behold we have a universe whether that means you you believed a lie a theory theory by definition a theory is unproven see evolution was initially presented as a theory we dropped the word theory that's unproven it makes no sense nothing can I explode and become a universe that is delicately and intricately designed that it that is complex or mind that operates on a complex order and a complex system and it functions everyday praise the Lord nothing can can explode and bring these things into being David saw clearly we don't have a military problem we have a problem of disrespect to the God of Israel this message is about the effect experiences with God or the lack thereof have on the on people's perceptions and on how people handle situations well you've been with God determines how you respond to life's situations there are so many things today this message also shows why ELab a been a dam and Shema david's eldest three brothers there were eight of them and all why they were rejected and why David was anointed to be the next king of Israel and one more thing the statement Kate I asked a question reveals how David saw himself and his role in the situation I think it was the basketball player Allen Iverson who was dubbed the answer but I ever said never won a championship David was the answer that day and he won the championship David saw himself as the remedy to the dilemma that existed at the time I am the answer to this situation the goal of this message and the aim of this message would you to pray with me now is for us to see ourselves our church our ministry our very saved existence and all of our lives experiences up until now as preparation for the things that we face today that we have a role in society not just me but you us together that we are called for such a time as this that we want to go from needing to be constantly delivered to being deliver us and showing people that there is a reality to serving the God of the Bible amen I believe up a room that everything that that has happened in our lives up until now it has been preparation for the challenges of this day amen I believe that Jesus will use us to be a blessing to be a remedy amen to be an answer for somebody we are anointed the body of Christ we are no need to in fact withstand and defeat the Goliath of our day are you praying with me let's peruse the text chapter 17 first point I want you to be aware of is what we're about to talk about what we described in the text according to verse 16 had already it took place for 40 days in a row before David got there for 40 days the Philistines were challenging the armies of God and also number two I want you to know that a calling to verse 1 this conflict resulted as was the result of an invasion the Philistines invaded the territory of Israel we're told in verse one clearly that so-called where the Philistines were gathered belong it to Judah the Philistines had left Ekron and traveled about ten miles into Judah in Israeli territory to wage this battle I want to say to you again no point in trying to hide in the shadow so if I don't say anything to the devil Satan won't say anything to me no Satan will find out why you live and walk all up in your house and say I'm here what are you gonna do about it it was an invasion the Philistines invaded Judah now it was not so long ago in chapter 15 if you study it that the Philistines were soundly defeated by Saul and Israel but here we have them making head again well think about the devil you know you defeat him you can beat him good but now he leaves for a season and you celebrate that respect but just know that he's coming back so here are the finished things again somebody said not again well here they are they're back to fight the first time is that probably it is likely that the word had gotten to them that Saul and Samuel had fallen out by now Saul had disobeyed Samuel twice and God had rejected Saul and Samuel had forsaken song and Sol had grown melancholy and unfit that was an evil spirit that was a spirit that would come upon Saul and Saul would withdraw himself and only a little shepherd boy shepherd boy was hired to play skillfully they got rocky to play for him to drive that evil spirit away well Satan figured the Philistines figured this would be a good time to make our move so Samuel and Saul has fallen out God has forsaken Saul praise the Lord and Saul is distracted with this fit that would come over him now's a good time to make our move see what the Philistines didn't know was that God had already unknown II someone else to be the king of Israel so if you read verse 2 through 3 you can read this when you get home saw mustered up his forces to face them and he faced them in a place called ela ela was a valley ela was the little place it was the middle ground between where the two armies were gathered ela was about 10 miles or so west of Jerusalem so the armies are gathered now you have to get a Philistines credit because they came this time with a different method of attack and this is why you have to stay spiritual it's why every one of us needs the Holy Ghost see the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost you should if you haven't been filled with the Holy Spirit you need to let the Lord feel you because Satan doesn't doesn't come the same way every time the devil knows how to come in different ways the Bible teaches that we are to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil wiles there give come from the Greek word method eeeh it gives us the English word method whiles means different methods of attack Satan may come after you one way this time but it may come another way the next time sometimes he comes that will plan a and then that fails Plan B if that fails you come with Plan C and sometimes you come with a b c and d at the same time uses different methods this is why we need to put on a whole arm while the believer has to stay prepared because none of us know what tomorrow may bring none of us know what tomorrow's attack may be like praise the Lord no matter how secure your position may be in life today tomorrow you can still be all shaky ground doesn't take the one report from the doctor doesn't take but one person not paying attention going through the intersection on a cell phone texting as you go through doesn't take very much at all for one lady while sitting on the plane the window went out and she was clubbing who would have thought snatched out of the plane almost and lost their life a freak accident like that talk to a preacher friend of mine yesterday he told me he was on his way to a funeral one of his friends father was out in the yard doing yard work horticulturalists just enjoying his yard work and tripped and failed fell and bumped his head no biggie got up and finished doing what he was doing went on in the house everything was cool developed a little headache from that the next day we went to the hospital they looked and they saw a little clock they said we got we got this fix we're gonna fix this and he's he's in the hospital they he's talking to everybody everything's good nothing's going wrong everything's good the man dies go go go that quickly very little notice god this is why we need the whole lama see he doesn't need the armor but his prayers his loved ones the survivors do because that's a tough they have a tough row to hoe in dealing with losing their loved ones their loved one that way when in the previous battles when saul fought against the philistines we fought against Palestine it was the army of Israel fighting down this time they come up with a different battle style this time instead of the two armies clashing as they were known to do the first time I said no no no Israeli army you stay over there on your side and we'll stay over here on our side of the valley of elah and we have a champion we have a middle man we have one man who will go out and fight for us you send your best man to fight our best man and whoever wins the minimum loss of life whoever wins in that person that army rules so all of a sudden stepping out to fight for the Philistines was their champion whose name was Goliath verse four through seven read it when you get home Goliath according to the Hebrew text was 9 feet 9 inches tall six cubit in effect and expand the tallest human being in modern times was Robert Wadlow Robert Wadlow was 8 feet 11 11 inches tall before his death in 1940 it is believed that Goliath himself must have weighed somewhere between 600 and 700 pounds he was many times stronger than a normal man Goliath he wore a hundred and seventy-five pounds of armor alone and could fight it could move with wearing a hundred and seventy-five pounds of armor the head of his spear weighs 15 pounds and he was a menacing sight to see someone said one time that Goliath was not all of that that he was it was sickly G he had a disease and all that kind of stuff no no that's not that doesn't jibe with the facts and it wouldn't have made sense it wouldn't made sense if he's just a tall lanky tree looked like he could drop dead any time propped up somebody would have father no no no no when he walked out when he walked out cuz let me tell you let me tell you the army that was afraid of him was not a army that didn't know victory not an army that wasn't given to fighting the Israeli army fault on the song we don't talk enough about saws warrior days but this man this battle was something unlike they'd ever seen before sometimes you go through things that you're accustomed to then all of a sudden Chicana there's a challenge that's unlike anything am i right about it that you've had to face before this is different this is a Goliath but for every Goliath God has a David hallelujah every challenge the Lord has an answer for you can I get a witness so now here's this man 600 700 pounds 9 feet 9 inches tall a warrior from his youth trained to fight body covered with armor ankles covered with armor and then had an armor bearer to bring his shield oh we face Goliath abortion is a Goliath disproportionately affecting the black community almost 2,000 black babies per day black life stuff snuffed out that should be in this country at least 70 million African Americans at least at least we have according to the Douglass foundation we have aborted more of us more black babies then slaves then black slaves that were brought to this country throughout the entire slave trade anims of going into the clinic and exterminating our has exceeded the number of us that were soul into this country into slavery in the bondage and I'm somewhat taken aback by our seeming romantic the romantic relationship the romanticism that we have with Africa and our homeland and we have a longing motherland and and and in that same sense as we can have such a hatred for those white folk who brought us into slavery but we seem to excuse the fact that we were sold into sleep we were not sold into slavery by whites we were sold into slavery by black Africans why people had no black people to sell Native Americans were Indians we sent the word Africa sent the word they're slaves for sale 20 to 30 percent of the slave trade went to America but today Goliath is destroying us Hispanics now outnumber us the lgbtq and whatever whatever other letter is a Goliath in our society boys and girls are being turned out we're celebrating wicked ungodly lifestyles they're not really lifestyle they're deaf styles because if everybody practiced it it would mean the extinction of the human race in less than a hundred years if everybody went homosexual everybody went less Miniver if all women turned to women if all men turned to me and there was no in vitro set of fertilization and no false ways to make babies it would mean the extension the extinction of the human race in less than a hundred years we would be gone why do you think my brother's God said it is not good that dummy the male should be alone in something when it come to procreation if you got ten thousand males we're still alone you got a million man there's a million man wanted for come to procreation we're still alone we don't get a partner until a lady sure and if that was a island what that was 10,000 men and one woman I tell you what would happen a short period of time that'd be 10,000 dead man though we kill each other trying to get to that one woman say Amen cuz I know I'd be in the fight oh yeah I don't owe him any but one huh we fight well I just sit over there in my corner and just praise love we're praising then why are you praising I'm gonna make my move say man man who think that they are women transgender community that is a goliath sick people deranged people got to be out of your mind to believe that you are a woman trapped in a man's body or a man trapped in a woman's body you got to be crazy there's a word for that the American Psychiatric Association used to look they'd lock you up for that until those people invaded them the American Psychiatric Association once they invaded it they began to be labeled differently I would love to ask the Association what changed since their behavior didn't what change that's a Goliath the attack on biblical Christianity is the Goliath in our society this growth of universalism these movements that seem to just just just sweep us away the wake movement the kinetic movement all of these movements these things are Goliath the rejection of the rule of law is a Goliath role police officers rogue police officers exercising unwarranted violence against African American men is a Goliath the disrespect for police officers the murder of those who serve in uniform in many cases just because they had the uniform Oh is a de Lyon yes yes yes we have Goliath Goliath Goliath to deal with and then the ringing of the life gives a speech verse 8 through 10 says and he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel and said unto them said unto them why are you come out to set your battle in array I am NOT I a Philistine ha ha and you servants of Saul choose you a man for you and let him come down to me if he be able to fight me fight with me and to kill me then will I be your servants will we be your servants but if I prevail against him and kill him then shall you be our servants and serve us and the Philistine said after he gave the rules of the engagement I defy the armies of Israel this day gave me a man that we may fight together oh he made his stain then he did he do it and on the other side quickest verse 11 says and we saw that all Israel heard those words heard those words of the Philistines they were dismayed and greatly afraid they were disoriented their spirits were broken there's a lot of churches today a lot of preachers who are dismayed they preach fancy sermons saying nothing they attack nor deal with any of the defining issues of our day in time they're afraid they're demoralized they're trying to stay in business they're trying to keep a paycheck gone they ought to be y'all got to be ran off they pick easy subjects and afraid to tackle the challenges of our time Goliath has frightened them you don't know why you don't know where they stand on abortion you don't know where they stand on a hold of sexuality you don't know why they stand on adultery and fornication you don't know where they stand you got you got preachers defending the so-called legends of gospel for singing with people like a Snoop Dogg and 1 1 1 preachers there who are we to tell Snoop Dogg where he whether or not he can let his voice be heard if it's in here Who am I the pastor if it's in here the Shepherd let me tell you something every one of you have the right to say anything you wanna say at any time you want to say sing any song you wanna sing praise the Lord you can do it you can do you have that right say whatever you want to say but to have the right to be heard it's a different story all together because you have to earn the right to be heard oh you can say what you want to in your shower in your house in your car by yourself but if you gonna stand here you got to pass muster a man I heard him say that rod and thy staff the the Shepherd put out his rod and he wouldn't measure the Sheep by his wrong see you got to you got to be saved times past you had to be saying you couldn't be no dope smoking cussing rapper who just decide you wanna sing a song and the next thing you know Saints buying your music something wrong with that something's wrong with that and 10 years ago 20 years ago the Saints wouldn't have considered it but in this day in time I don't think that wrong with it myself that I just said part of this message is those who see clearly there's a divide between those who see clearly and those who are clearly blind I'm preaching David angle I the armies of saw was demoralized they were afraid and they were silent they said nothing and in biblical dramatic irony the scene changes almost without warning you wouldn't even notice it if you weren't paying attention the scene shifts it goes from the battlefield back over to Jesse's house and it says in verse 13 it says here well verse 12 now David now David shifted scene now David the son of of that you fought Ike of Jerusalem Judah whose name was Jesse and he had eight sons and the man went among men for an old man in the days of song that is Jesse was a respected man but by now he was an old man he's an old man now and this old man had eight sons according to the text three of his eight were a part of Saul's army verse 13 tells us that Eliab and a been a DAB and a sham my jamya were in the army and David verse 14 was the youngest and the three eldest followed Saul David wasn't in Saul's army look at verse 15 but David went and returned from Saul look at this now to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem what I awesome young man David was this is powerful this speaks to his character his brothers were in Saul's army if you know anything about the text by night David had been in chapter 16 on naughty to be the next king of Israel by man David had been selected to be Saul's personal personal musician I saw that when that spirit would come over him David would play and he would play saw back into being blessed all this will have about nine and by now Saul had given Jesse a blessing so that David could live in Saul's so David by now live in the palace of Saul but he still never stopped leaving was his work was done he would leave Tsar's palace go back down to his father's house and keep them same sheep shepherding was the lowliest of tax see some of us are much too high-minded much too high man oh we've been elevated a little bit and we're left and when some things are beneath us but you better learn how to to hold to some of the small things don't make your move too soon you're hurt yourself your hack yourself young fault you can't start out where your parents have ended up you've got to work your way to where they are two years to get where we are and you think you'll come out the blocks day one whether whether if you talk about home whether you talking about professional the ministry Church business or whatever praise Allah and as the Lord elevate you don't let go of the all the lonely thanks the Meany things too soon here is David already unknown unknown about Samuel to be the next king living in Saul's palace the battle is going over where do we find him back in his father's battle shepherding the ship he still went home praise the Lord to take out the trash to check out the home site to make sure things was all right ma'am I wish I had a preacher CH no praise but I felt so now are you with me so now we see four of Jesse's sons three in Saul's army one between Saul and his daddy between Saul and his daddy between Saul and his death and you know what Jesse David I'm preaching hard David didn't make a move until his daddy told see had Jesse not said what he said in verse 17 David would have never been there and Jesse said unto David his son take down now take now for thy brethren and ephah of this parched coal and these ten loaves and run to the camp and run to the camp of that brother I know you've been in on it I know you live in Tsar's palace but here take this food go down to the battlefield and feed your brothers see you don't don't you ever get so hot that some things are beneath you praise the Lord you better wait on the Lord stay humble I can't get much happier stay humble and when the time is right God will elevate you you can't make elevation happen Bible self-promotion come if not from the from the east the West not a south but it is the Lord who takes down one and establishes another he's said to his son go and take that food down there yeah and they can see how your brothers are doing and carry these these 10 look at this King Jesus under the captain of that of their thousands yeah I got to bless them too now praise the Lord and look how that brethren fare and take that by other words see how your brothers are doing and get a report and bring it back to me so Bible said and now song and they and all the men of Israel were in the Valley of Elah fighting with the Philistine that is they were standing there not engaged not engaged but standing there saber-rattling right there in the in the valley and so praise God David in obedience to his father praise the law it was the obedience to his dad that put him in the position to engage Goliath in the first place verse 20 tells us and David he didn't drag his feet he rolls up early in the morning now this is the 41st day it rolls up early in the morning and notice this to work us to take on one task he didn't neglect enough my daddy has given me the task of taking this food to my brothers and these cheese to the captains and I got to find out how my brothers are doing but I also have to keep my dad is she know I can't be negligent look at it look at this give a little lesson now how to work I can't be negligent in one area because I've been assigned another area got to do it all can I get a witness Bible said praise the Lord and he left the sheep with a keeper he didn't neglect it he made sure that they were taken care of and took and went as Jessa commanded him and he came to the trench I'm in my text now where the battle was going on and where there was shouting for battle at least they were saying something a man first I was shouting at Israel and Israel was shouting at them and except for Goliath one was scared and the other was glad of it and so there they are and David rode on his carriage and left his carriage I feel my help and he ran down to the army and he came and he saluted his brothers and he praised the Lord was just doing what his daddy told him to do but turns out it was a divine setup because while notice the first 23 says and as he talked with them as David talked to his brother Eli Abinadab and sure my dad wanna know how you doing guys and they were talking with each other and everything was fine while they were talking 9 feet 9 inches 500 to 600 tun a Goliath got up and walked out there on the battlefield but this time he came and he walked out into the Valley of Elah but I'm gonna show you in a minute that he went from the valley and walked over Israel side and got up on the ravine and he was a little closer to the armies of Israel that he normally was you see when the devil gets Boley come out of the closet but I'm glad that God the Holy Ghost has given us something for the devil I see you coming Satan but I got something to tell you greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world and they that be with us a more than they that be with them you ought to lift your hands and tell God thank you so now here it is here Goliath came up and the Philistine the Philistine of gasps Goliath by name he came look at this out of the armies of the Philistines and spake according to the same words oh but something was different on the 41st day when he spoke from day one to day 40 David was either in the palace of Saul or he was in the backyard of jessa keeping the sheep in the pasture but on day 41 David wasn't in the palace and David wasn't in the pasture but David was down by the Battlefront and the Bible said he spoke like he had spoken the other 40 days but the difference is this time David heard him good God Almighty I want to do having a David's hit doesn't make a difference in anybody's life when you hear about what they're going through doesn't make a difference in everybody's life when you hear about what Satan is trying to do Leslie it made a difference of the young lady's life when you heard what she was suffering the next thing I know you got us all the way in Greensboro and we will meet after service and we will help that little baby and helper my why because see others heard but nothing happened but when it reached your ears you begin to put things in motion what happens when it reaches your ears what happens when it reaches your ears do that act like you don't know do you ask yourself what's in it for me do you walk on the other side of the street or can God count on you to make something happen when it reaches Calliope and David heard him and when David had God's anointed her when David heard the man whom God was with her and when David heard it verse 24 says and all the men of Israel when they saw the man they fled and war free what ago why are they running I heard what he said where are they going see thank God you gonna get mad with me for this but there's a lot of people of my own people in my own community who resent me in Upper Room by extension they resent you because we dare think a different thought cuz we dare see things from a different angle now I'm not running when they tell me to run now I'm not afraid of what they are afraid of my God God gives us power to stand our ground somebody shout something for him hallelujah they ran so David and begin to tell David David good God Almighty I'm almost done here just just wave your hands if you if you're getting something out of it they they told David they ran and they said David said they said in verse 25 the men of Israel said have you seen this man who have come up come up means come out oh that means he came a little closer surely to be fast he's come up praise the Lord and he's come up to to kill us and and to defy our armies and look at him now everybody's coming out the closet because they faint Christians are weak they think we're gonna lay down and play dead but they got another fault coming because God's gonna note some David's in here yes the devil is bold yes the devil is bad but I want you to know that the greatest one is on our side he came a little closer but he didn't know that he was signing his own death warrant and they said David said tell me and verse 24 says and it shall be that the man who killed this job the that the King will enrich him with great riches and give him his daughter and make him and make his households tax-free in Israel watch this and David speak to the man that's stood by him saying what what shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine and see this is what this is what David was concerned about take away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine [Music] that he should defy the armies of the Living God see - David it was a god thing it wasn't a military thing it wasn't a political thing but it was a god thing and this stuff that's going on the day it's a god thing David said who do we think he is I know he's 9 feet 9 inches tall I know he weighs 500 pounds but God's bigger than 9 feet 9 inches God's greater than 500 pounds said I want to know what's gonna happen and this man is defying God and the people answered and they told him what they told him before now here comes deal I deal I am Davis oldest brother now notice this meal I am reminds me of some of these preachers they will preach they will preach against preachers they will preach against whooping they will preach against shouting they will preach against holiness they will preach and call us old-fashioned they'll make fun of us for dressing up they fall off on us because we shop but they won't reach against sin notice a lion he won't put David O front street but you couldn't make him open his mouth against Goliath when it was time to stand against Goliath he said nothing and all of a sudden he's getting ready to hit a easy target they try to embarrass his little brother because his brother had more heart then he had learned that it's not the size of the man that's in the fight what is the size of the heart that's in the man yeah I'm gonna have a warrior's heart in this place today let me go warriors grab some at about hands and what kind of heart do your hair I see your stature I see your size your height see your way alaya oh just begin to ask david bombard him with questions and wouldn't even give him time dance what are you doing here what are you doing here why are you down here and the text tells us that he was angry why came it's now down here and with whom forgot I'm trying to belittle him did you leave those few sheep within the wilderness then he attacked as his character I know your pride and I know you're not earnest you got a bad heart and then he bear accuse them of being immature you're only down here because you want to see the battle but notice what he'll I Eli have had it's hard to preach and teach he had misplaced aggression that's what gets me today so many preachers bother me preach about you getting your stuff and your things back old there stay up they are on fire talking about material possession but when you throw out a real issue they ain't got nothing to say about abortion they don't have anything to say about adultery I've seen preachers and they preach hard about the Black Panther a stupid movie a movie that was could concoct it in the mind of a white Jewish man named Stanley black folk tweeted that movie lastly was a worship service the Black Panther were nothing but a mythical character and you got excited about a mythical character and a mythical land good God and if you watch the movie that was nothing new about it one black man killed another black man over drugs that happens every day that was some kind of drug that they had and one man's fault bill the man to kill the drug then the white man got into the flying craft and rescued everybody that's about it but when we talk about the cross when we talk about over here far away stood an old rugged cross you can't hardly find these guys who get excited about the clothes will get excited about Jesus let me see ya about the goodness of the Lord he's good he's God he's holy he's real [Music] well no wonder no one no one when samuel got ready to anoint what a David sons Sam your Sawyer Sammy said I know God sent me down with strength to a liar Eliab was big like saw look like a soldier built like a soldier tall like a soldier Sam you got ready to put it all on him God said no no no no no look said God says I don't see the way man sees man looketh on the outward appearance God's here but I I checked the hot he ain't got it I've been a dad don't you put no all on him come on don't put it all on him and the other son didn't get me and then I heard him I heard I heard Sam you say well don't you have one more cha [Music] jessa say I've got one mo son he keeps the Sheep he's running and he's in the back back there Samuel said go get him they went in that day that made it amazing who God chooses the very one that everybody has rights over the very one that everyone else Akane Rita the very one that everybody had says can't sing that fairy one says will amount to nothing that person and ceremony here who can say he chose me I was nothing I was headed nowhere fast he chose he chose me well David town brawl David downs and unknown at him to be the next king now David says to his oldest brother what am I doing wrong now you didn't give me a chance to answer your question crazy cuz that that helps us to the question number one what why am i down here according to verse 17 my daddy said number two where'd I leave doll sheep according to verse 20 with the keeper of the sheep hey man number three you say you know me but in fact you don't know me that's why you got rejected and I got anointed you don't know anything a man last question you won't know why I'm down here on the battlefield why am I so close well dad told me define you all and get a clear report and get your record and bring it back to him that's why I'm bi since I'm here and this man is define us and munafa just ask not watch [Applause] can I just look into okay see because see I see because the reason why I want to ask this question is see I've had some experiences see see eventually David ended up before saw and and I'm done but David said this David said no Saul said you can't fight him you were just too youth Saul said but he's been trained for war summons you David said you're right she said but sir I do have [Music] some references and some experiences to draw from I've never fought Goliath but one day a backhand and a bad grow to six feet nine inches tall they can weigh between 400 and 1200 pounds good God Almighty and the bear came and took one of my sheep and not only a bath but lion male lion can be five to eight inches long 3 feet high at the shoulder not counting the head and the mane and you know sir when a human being bites into a snake we have at least 150 to 200 pounds for scratch good God Almighty but when a lion bites into something it generates 1,000 pounds per square inch and a bear 950 pounds the squash along and the average Lancer is 20 times stronger than a man and the average bear is four times stronger than humans and sir a grizzly bear is able to chop up cut a person to the cup capitate a human being with one blow break the back of a wolf with one strike and both of them came against the sheep a whole lot of people ya gotta shake somebody's hand and say the law oh my side [Music] [Music] you don't have to touch anybody but just tell them Goliath is only big to you because you hadn't fought alone nor bad but I've been in a few back I've been in a few I've had some experiences I've seen God heal saying God delivered the lightning flashes he said the same God who delivered me from the lion and from the bed I slew them that server slew both the lion and the bed and and this uncircumcised Philistine I'll tell you right now he will be as one of them and I know that the lion and the bear I just told you how powerful their paws are David said God delivered me from that paw the Paul could have decapitated me had it had it hit my back it woulda broke my spine had it hit my leg it were taking my leg off had it hit my neck you were taking my head off back off I need about I need about a hundred focus out slide again saya saya Oh but god but god but god but God so if you read you will see that the story ends rather anti-climatic Lee for David steps out anga life is insulted mr. arrogant am our dog that you would send this child out to fight me my dog you coming at me with Steve's and he cursed David and he cursed David's come see that's the thing about David it didn't bother him well the man who curse him see how I told you for David it was always a theological issue see some of this I'm that's what I'm trying to tell you all the stuff you see going on it's about God it's about Jesus Christ it is whether whether it is played out in politics whether it is played out in sports whether however is played up it's about whether or not you believe the Bible and the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ whom he has sent he cursed David nothing happened he cursed Davis God David said you done and David told him you come at me praise the Lord verse 44 in the Philistines Saturday David come to me and I will give you a flash to the files on the air and to the beasts of the field 9 feet 9 inches tall five or six hundred pound and hundred seventy-five pounds of farmable and David said to the Philistine thou comers come Asst to me with a sword and with a spear and with the shield but ah but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of holes and the god of the army of Israel whom thou has defied somebody shot it's at the name of Jesus get that rock you one time it's in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of cheetah oh you heard [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus somebody prays a lot in here I come in the name of the Lord whom you have defile and not not not the for a second but this day will the Lord deliver thee into my hands and I was might be and I look at this little boy and see a day he could have said it today cause you know had he said this today he would have been a bully he's been a bully this is a messed up society regardless of what you think of the president yeah he called ms-13 gang members oh how horrible let him catch you you know who should have got mad when the president called them animals the animals hang up the one when I heard that I just ask one question is a dog an animal is a dog an animal is a dog an animal Jesus called them dogs Kastner give not that which is holy unto all right then so at the end of that David tells him I'm gonna cut your head off Oh judge patty said it today all the news what he said what kind of warriors that yo people to a waterboard ain't nobody ever died from water boy whenever though we don't waterboard the enemy has not been for waterboarding we wouldn't got that information to get bin Laden and now now how you gonna fight by not fighting send our soldiers over there and they couldn't put the magazines in the gun unless they were fired upon you're sitting down David David said no I'm gonna beat you today and oh I'm cutting off that big head of yours Oh long Anderson Cooper and Donna Lyman would have had a hissy fit can you believe what is can you believe what he said okay fine you can't fight you can't talk you can't have a conversation everything now everybody's offended I don't know what kind of world is here don't mean to be masculine and j.crew has a new t-shirt out that is pink the thing than solar for boys and you know it's written on the pink shirt by j.crew for boys that is so loud in the shirt called about 20-25 dogs so for the little boys little boys will have any money so their parents bought it it's called a child abuse parents bought it parents are gonna put their little boys and a t-shirt a shirt by j.crew but pink that has written on the shirt I'm a FEMINIST too can I ask a question anytime anytime for somebody to step up and say something I know customer something ought to be saved whoa Davey said I'm going to cut your head off and I'm gonna give that caucus no my lord oh no this is too this is too much Oh God let me cover my children's ears the wife honey let me cover your ears don't want you to hear this that go wouldn't going off I will give that caucus the caucus of the host of the Philistines if this day to the files of the air and to the wild beast of the earth that all the Earth may know it is real and all this assembly shall know that the Lord save if not by sword not by spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hands the battle is the Lord's and it came to pass when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to me David for I love David so collide gets up walking toward David if it didn't run from him and David didn't walk to us Bob said David Haye ran to water oh it was one like one like us ran toward it we're always trying to get away trying to dunk trying to show our responsibilities call for prayer if I call for prayer right now have freely cuz you ain't you don't you are professional prayer Dodgers you running the wrong weight David ran toward him in there something first forty nine and David put his hand in his bag and took this whole bunch of rocks no a stone and sugar I told you that I mean it was anticlimactic one stuff I mean this thing this thing was shorter than a Tyson fight fullfil was still coming in with that popcorn Mike Tyson to knock the man I got trying to get his seat scuse me bang fights over G David was the first Titan short fight quick fight liquid folk was the folk were wondering they were closing the aisle to see what was gonna happen and open now David took a rock took one stone and slung it and smote the man slowed him in his forehead and you know his helmet had brass that covered his forehead stone went through the brains hit him in his forehead and the stone sunk in his forehead and I see him boom but like wrestlers don't nobody know how to fall out doing professional rest but no no no let's don't go profession let's go MMA when they falling for real oh you just loose it oh good night Irene when David hit him when David hit him the show was over the man failed to the owners face to the earth and David prevailed took took then took Eliza's soul it's a big one and cutting the man's head off it is also just gruesome Friday David see how you get dirty sometimes we're David's we'll call to be deliverers pastor that don't sound quite like Bible well I guess Jesus was wrong too in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus looked at his disciples and said to his disciples you are the light of the world you are you speaking of them a city that is set on a hill cannot be here neither do men light a camera and put it under a bushel but they put it over a candlestick that all might see the light then I heard him say so therefore let your light so shine let it shine like a candle on a candlestick let it shine let it give light let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven I preach too long there come a time when we have to get delivered there come a time where we have to let God position us to be solutions to be answers to be people who help others get delivered not always needing deliverance ourself I don't want to be any lamb who would talk be to my brothers and sisters but ain't got nothing to say to the devil I don't want to be a saw who was sit down and have a conversation with a child and then let the youth go and fight his back then put his armor on David and the Bible said David says I can't fight in this because I haven't tested you know everybody says that Saul's armor was too big that's not what David said never never said it was easy he just said I'm just not what I used to fighting with it restricts me too much we'll know whether to be my turf it just mine hey man when the Bible says that David was writing writing is not little it sling he was real wasn't a fat slob whip strong strong guy mr. Simpson you don't know right you want to know I'm just tell you the truth I told you to be too sensitive you can't you can't say anything anymore I that's a dilemma for people like me I'm trying to figure out lord help me cuz I'm trying to preach you see I'm trying I'm trying to get folk delivered you gotta get him to live with a bunch of euphemisms so he goes out and he fights he fights with what he knows you believers when you're out in the world stop trying to remember the world's talking points stop trying to bring the world's lingo in here use what you know use Church nomenclature see ah look I can fight with Scripture I can fight saying what the Bible says I've tested it I proved it that's what I know now if I try to go out there and be anything other than a preacher and what God called me to be I can't fight with it see I can't pretend that I'm a politician I'm not one of them can't pretend that I'm a medical doctor that's not what I do in in approaching the issues of society I can't approach them with a Muslim worldview I don't know anything about that a Buddhist world view a secular worldview people say well lead to Bob a lot of it sometimes can't do it and tested it don't know that kind of fight but I know what to fight with and when the devil when the devil when my wife needed surgery I didn't call on faith cuz I don't have faith in faith I never said I'm just gonna be positive there's no deliverance in there I never said praise God I'm just gonna keep on believing mm-hmm I said in the Lord in the God of the Bible that's what I know I didn't go and I wasn't tempted to go get drunk I didn't want to drink I didn't want to smoke I didn't want any drugs I don't know that didn't need anything mind altering they need a valium but I know how to pray these are the things you fight with what you know today let's fight with what we know let's allow the Lord to use this you're stronger than you think you are you're more powerful than you think you are you just got to use what you know praise the Lord when you go into these secular settings you have to do your job but you don't have to become secular go by the company policy do what you do but you can't you can't fight with tools that you don't know I want to be a David I want to be a solution I want to say when sinners I want to reach the laws I'm gonna I wanna I don't want to be a Christian in Survivor mode that the the best I can manage is for me to come and get delivered every Sunday I want to get delivered and then go out and get others and bring them in I want to be I want to be a difference maker praise alone I want to help my church [Music] [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,371
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: t2MY9ojyY5E
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Length: 91min 0sec (5460 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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