Divinely decoding dreams - Dr Jamal Bryant

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on our own we give ourselves to him and tonight we expect no less i want to pray with you tonight i want you to relinquish everything that you have held fast to today i want you to now disassociate with stress with weary anxiety i want you to put yourself in the posture to completely receive what heaven has in mind what god has in store to your delight you ought know that angels are being equipped to bring forth every answer to unresolved issues and unanswered questions i want to pray because i feel a burden for tonight but i feel like there's going to be a supernatural release for everything that has been held up the angel declared unto the man of god we heard you the first time but there was warfare in heaven because there were satanic principalities that were trying to block you from getting your prayer answered whatever it is that has been an obstacle to your answer is going to be discombobulated on tonight i pray in the strong name of jesus that god will in fact open up your mind that he'll seal your heart that he'll fill your hands that he'll point your feet that he'll open your eyes that he'll incline your ear but he'll stir up the gift that he'll provoke your memory that he'll anoint your head with oil that your cup will run over that goodness and mercy are going to follow you it's in his name we pray amen i'm grateful to be with you on tonight appreciative for uh the ushering in of the anointing by ministers john and tiffany respectively i need to urge you with a a sense of urgency that you would arm yourself with a writing instrument that you would go to your note-taking section in your smart pad and your device on your tablet even in your laptop i thank you elder sailor this is my second year of being a pastor here at new birth and it has taken me two years to get to the place spiritually to be able to exercise and operate in one of my primary giftings it is one in which i am jealous over a one in which i hold in high esteem and regard because it is a gifting that is not regularly seen in the body of christ it is a rare one god has entrusted me with the gift of dream interpretation to give understanding to dreams to give clarity to dreams to give confirmation of dreams last week we made a deposit of the seed plot tonight we're going to up the ante and then on next week we'll go into full demonstration i i want to teach tonight i want to teach tonight decoding divine dreams decoding divine dreams that's what i'm going to be talking about for the next couple of moments i it is required for you to understand the underpinning of this assignment that you will go to genesis chapter 40 genesis chapter 40. and i want to lean in on one verse and that one verse is uh verse eight genesis 40 verse number eight here's uh how it reads in the new international version the cup bearer and the baker say to joseph hear this we both had dreams but there is no one to interpret them then joseph said to them do not does not interpretation belong to god watch this joseph says to the cup bearer and the baker doesn't dream interpretation belong to god and then watch what he says next i'm still in verse number eight tell me your dream very heavy lifting i've got to go back here the cupbearer and the baker said we both had dreams but there's nobody here to interpret it joseph says dream interpretation belongs to god and then says tell me your dream decoding divine dreams outside of martin luther king jr probably the most known dreamer is joseph we first meet him in genesis 37 when it is that he has favor with his father and his favor with his father and the father blesses him with a multicolored coat and the lord then gives him a drink but i need you to see the sequential order softly musicians is that he got the favor before he got the dream he had the robe on him before he got the drink any person who is the recipient of divine dreams you already have favor on your life i don't know who needed that confirmation but there it is he first shares this dream with his brothers and they are offended to say the least and say are you saying that we're going to bow down to you that we're going to end up working for you he then shares that dream with his parents and his father saying are you saying that i am going to be beneath you all of this is in genesis 37 and while it is he was upset his feathers were ruffled the bible says he kept all of it in his heart a few verses later his father sent him on aaron go check on your brother go check on your brothers but the brothers had moved on they went another place it is interesting all of this is just um sidestepping before we walk down main street is that when god gives you a dream he will move people into another place they will not be able to stay because they are not on the same mind frame not on the same vibration not on the same level not in the same realm of consciousness he went to where they used to be and they were no longer there they saw him coming from afar off and now they've renamed him here comes the dreamer i got to give you this i need you to take hold of it is that they labeled him before he could even tell before he could even tell it to him in all of your years of sunday school in camp meeting and revival nobody ever told you that satanic properties also have the gift of discernment they can tell who you are and what you carry hear this before you arrive he wasn't even there yet they saw him from afar off and said here comes the dreamer it's a terrible thing and i want to caution you please don't let your enemies know who you are before you do don't let your enemies announce your arrival while you're still on your way shows up in the bible says that his brothers strip them and they throw them in an empty pit here is one of the most overlooked miracles in the bible his naked the well cistern as they call it biblically has got to be 16 feet minimal into the ground here is the first miracle that nobody ever preaches about joseph is thrown in an empty well hear this and not one bone is broken i want you to look at the stuff you were thrown into and how you came out with not even a blemish not even a scratch it was not because of you i need you to hear this but because god was protecting the dream he was protecting what he deposited in you he sold him off into uh slavery his own brothers did some point that i needed to be mindful of dreamers your first level of engagement will always be opposition from people who share and bear your last name one strangers it wasn't an opposing army these are the people in whom he was raised with i know i'm shooting off a uzi full of bullets of revelation but i need you to get all of them to get to where it is that we're going they throw him in the pit and then they wanted to leave him for death but one brother spoke up on his behalf i want to introduce that brother to you now the brother of joseph's name was judah the brother of joseph's name was judah judah said we can't let them die let's pull them out of the pit have you ever considered that your praise while it is aimed towards god it is also connected to lifting somebody else there is a um a principle that you learn from kleenex boxes i wish i had bought one tonight the principle you learned from clinics boxes that it took 23 years for other companies to learn how to do it a kleenex box go find it right in your home if you pull one kleenex out do you know what happens another one pops up because the way that it's put in the box when it is lifted it lifts the next sheet that's how your worship has got to be is that when god elevates me whoever is connected to me has got to be pulled to another level i never you know you've never heard it on this wise but you need a kleenex anointing god when you pull me up whoever is connected to me needs to be pulled up the same way this dreamer by the name of joseph i'm trying to get through the story is lied on it is the first class action lawsuit for sexual harassment potiphar's wife makes up a charge on him and says that he has accosted her when in fact he really has not i want you to know that when you are a dreamer you are going to be light on your integrity is going to have to endure assassination attempts he ends up going to jail and one of the issues that i have long since grappled with in scripture is that i've combed through it from genesis 37 through genesis 50. that's where you can find the sum total of joseph's story is nowhere does joseph ever defend himself and say he didn't do it sometimes as a dreamer you've got to learn that your most valuable weapon is silence sometimes you've got to learn what an old preacher told me many years ago that silence can never be misquoted can you imagine that there are people who will vilify you over a lie do you know how many people's lives you saved because you never told your side of the story do you know what kind of crown awaits you because of the integrity you had when you had all the goods to blow up somebody's spot but you decided if i hold my peace i'll let the lord fight my battles he goes to prison and while he's in prison let me show you the favor that is on joseph's life the favor that's on jose joseph's life is he becomes here this a marshal of the prison while a prisoner he becomes an official in the prison while he is a prisoner this is not where joe wants to be never interviewed for it i wonder how many of you were with me 7 30 this morning when i talked about megan mackel markle and dealing with being a prisoner in the palace some of you are prisoners to your place of employment wherever it is that you work it is not where you're supposed to be but you've gotten good at being out of place it is what jill nelson calls in her a book published in 1993 volunteer slavery nobody made you do it but you signed up for it he's in prison and is given authority given right and uh a cup bearer and a baker make the king of egypt upset and he throws them into prison and there is not any rap sheet provided for us to know why it is that they're in prison but they're there and here's what's amazing and telling joseph has charge of them the text says hear this they are still officials but they are in prison you would be amazed how many people who you look up to admire may i say are jealous of because of what they have and you don't even realize that they are encumbered they are isolated that they are finding themselves afflicted by their profession joseph uh runs into these two in whom he has charge over a cup bearer and a baker now i'm in genesis 40 verse number eight and they go to joe and they said here it is we both have had dreams but there's nobody to interpret them and joseph said to them do do do not interpretations belong to god and then he says the most uh bewildering statement after declaring that interpretation belongs to god he then says tell me your dream when we are introduced to joe in genesis 37 he is a dreamer it is not till he got stripped it's not until he got beat it's not till he got thrown away it's not till he was lied on it's not until he was in a position he didn't want to be that a new gifting emerged and that new gifting was dream interpretation i do not know had joe not endured all of that whether his gift would have been unwrapped i want to give you several uh keys or principles as it were on how to decode divine dreams i've got a couple of them i need you to write them down please is going to help you for where we're going next week number one almost tongue in cheek because i've already spilled the first one number one write down your dream write down your dream until you write it down it remains a dream when you write it down it becomes a goal the bible says write the vision and make it plain though it terry wait on it write down the dream even if the dream is from your soul or the dream is from satan i still want you to write it down why because dreams reveal things about ourselves and sometimes dreams reveal the adversary's plan write down the dream that's number one somebody write that in the chat for me please write down the dream second thing i need you to do is judge the dream judge the dream drunk dreams here this can come from medicine you took from something you ate a movie you just watched a subliminal message that was suggested dreams can also come from the enemy deceptive dreams nightmares and then there are dreams that come from the lord did it come from myself did it come from satan or did it come from the savior those are the three categories did it come from myself did it come from satan did it come from the savior your discernment has got to kick in first thing you're going to do is write down the dream come on somebody write that in the chat for me number two is judge the dream number three hear this pray through the dream pray through the dream once you've judged the dream to be accurate it's time to exercise good stewardship for praying about the dream here's the amazing thing that i've discovered in my walk with god is that if you pray in earnest god will give you the dream again i taught this when i was preaching a few years ago in uganda and i want to give it to you tonight from atlanta is that god often uses dreams to provoke prayer god often uses dreams to provoke prayer because he needs your attention he yearns a dialogue and a discussion with you pray through the dreams prayer is your primary way of unlocking the meaning next next week i'm going to devote the entire hour to dream interpretation there's no way i'm going to be able to get to all of you but god can address every dream you've had the next one hear this is you've got to discern through your dreams discern through your dreams in other words how am i feeling when i wake up am i feeling distraught i'm feeling the spirit of death am i feeling aroused that's going to help me compartmentalize is this dream from self is it from satan is it from the savior a critical one hear this is review the context of your dream when i was a seminarian at uh duke university they told us taught us in old testament studies that you will butcher the texas through homiletics if you just read the verse but don't deal with the context of the verse you'll mess up what is the meaning what is the import and what is the significance context means the part of a discourse that surrounds a word or passage or story that sheds light on its meaning it is the interrelated condition in which something exists it is the environment it is the setting i've got to know what is the context this morning we were able to god's grace aid and assistance to send two tractor-trailers uh 18-wheelers of water to texas if somebody just happened to come upon the campus while we were loading all this water it would seem meaningless because we're not a water company until they knew the context we're sending it to texas because there are people in beaumont and houston without any running water there are people in galveston who have got to boil water we are sending it to jackson mississippi tomorrow because they have gone 12 days without water and nobody is coming it is the context to just say to you i need you to bring me water without giving you the context of it will leave you high and dry you have to understand what is uh what is it that god is painting what is it that god is painting through this dream every detail in a dream has significance god doesn't do anything without purpose the average person i shared this with you on last week let me give it to you again the average person dreams three dreams a night and more often than not you only remember the last two minutes of the last dream three dreams a night and you only remember the last two minutes of the last dream you only dream when you hit the part of sleep called rim which is deep sleeping i often tell people i admonish them as i share with you tonight one of the signs that you are anointed is not your car it's not your income it's not the square footage of your home one of the signs you are anointed is if you have trouble going to sleep the enemy wants to rob you of sleep why because he doesn't want you to dream because he knows your dreams are coming attractions it's sneak previews i've got to give you very carefully very quickly a couple of questions that i need you to go over all of these are before you send me your dreams before i interpret it before i go into the throne room about it what is the main focus of your dream what is the main focus of your dreams most of your dreams will star you most of your dreams will star you even if other people are in the dream you will more often than not be the central character of the dream were you an observer in your dream if you are an observer to the dream it indicates many times that there is a call to intercession or there's about to an interruption who were the people in your dream and what do they represent where did your dream take place is it what alice walker calls the temple of my familia was it alice in wonderland a place you have never been before what were the key actions of your dreams i need you to write this down some of you may have to go back and watch this again what key colors stood out what significant numbers were pronounced what key symbols what we were reoccurring what dialogue took place in the dream that you can remember it's a snapshot that you relive that you recall that you woke up and it felt as if it was real like john who declared as the revelator whether i was in the body or out of the body i do not know all i know is i saw a new heaven and a new earth and he had that kind of dream while in jail here's what i need you to do on next week i am going to be interfacing with you in a more intimate way i want you to send me your pronounced prominent and most profound dreams in which you have not been able to decode i want you to send those to me at prayer at newbirth.org prayer new birth dot org i need you to send me the dreams not the stuff that you made up but that god has been showing you that has disrupted your sleep that has rearranged your sleeping pattern i need you to send to me prayer newbirth.org the entire hour jonathan or tiffany one of them or both of them are going to sing just for a few moments and then on next week i am going to be in intimate face-to-face dialogue with you about what it is that i am hearing god say what it means for your life and how it is that you ought govern yourself accordingly way of it is that you find yourself on this night here's what i want you to do i want you to lay your hands on your head lay your hands on your head i want to pray for you tonight that god will meet you right where it is that you are that god will exceed your expectation but god will give you clarity about what is taking place that god will remove everything here it is that is not like him but it is like you you being the son of our living god can you imagine that in seven days prayers are going to be answered within seven days god is going to give clarity to confusion within seven days satan will be escorted out of your subconscious within seven days god is gonna crucify self so that you can see him son of the living god we come to you tonight knowing that you are the dream keeper knowing that you have the authority to show us a mystery that we will not all sleep we come to you humbly knowing that you will give the nod for when the trumpet will sound we thank you that when the dead in christ are lifted we will be amongst that number now god we give you authority over our dream space that whatever it is that you have been trying to show us whatever it is that you've been trying to tell us whatever it is that you have been trying to express god i ask for free occurring dreams help us dream the same dream help us dream the same dream until it finally makes sense to us god in our dreams show us the people we care about in our dreams show us who we shouldn't be who we should be living without and our dreams show us what all of our trials have been about in our dreams show us a incoming uh attraction of what the next chapter of our lives should look like god in our dreams show us what we need to put out god in our dreams show us what you're trying to get out of us we declare it to be so it's in your name we pray amen i can't tell you how excited i am about your dreams moving some of you have have lost your capacity to dream you don't even remember the last time you've dreamt but i'm telling you god is about to impregnate your imagination what is getting ready to happen for you literally eyes have not seen quite frankly ears have not heard here's what i want you to do i want you to come into covenant with me that within these next seven days god will confirm some things but god will reveal some things god will hear this awaken some things i want to challenge you i want to charge you tonight hear me those of you your faith comes into agreement with my faith your expectation is in alignment with my assignment your spirit man your spirit woman has quickened in this exchange that you know that dreams here it is are not going to crush over like a sugary sweet this is not going to be what happens to a dream deferred this is your manifestation month i want to challenge those of you who can and will i don't usually i'll pull you this far to stretch you this wide but as many of you that can and will i want to entreat you i just would see tonight as close to 100 as you possibly can as close to 100 as you possibly can if you can't afford to do that that's fine i say get as close to 100 as you possibly can those of you saying pastor all i can give tonight is 37 god loves a cheer forgiver the others of you saying all i can do is 49 god bless you but those of you that can and will i want you to come into agreement with me i want you to come into agreement i gave 50 this morning in our morning prayer i'm going to give another 50 on tonight because i'm trusting god i am believing god for your dream the next seven days i am gonna hearken up my heart i'm leaning my head on the breast of god to hear his heartbeat concerning the matters that impact your life that are tied to your family they're circumnavigated around your destiny i want you to sow that seed tonight as close to 100 as you possibly can i'll tell you that the greatest gift that you can ever give god is your life you can give them your soul you give them your mind i want you to to understand this that joseph was right only god can interpret your dreams and i'm grateful that he trusts me to be a conduit to be an emissary to be an ambassador but i'm telling you even when you can't reach me can't find me can't get connected to me i'm telling you god is the best secret keeper i have ever met i'm telling you that he will fight for you for his life and he did so 2021 years ago on a cross he died i hope you can hear this with your dream in mind if you're not saved i want you to give your life over to god you don't have a church home that has space for dreamers then you ought to come on over you need a place where you know that you can color outside the box that you can dream in a place that is unconventional not non-traditional i'm telling you new birth is your space this is your canvas where you're gonna finger paint what it is that god has for your life you're gonna spray paint whatever it is that the spirit has given you that with a rolling brush everything that's in your mind is about to mature into your hand i want to be your pastor i want jesus to be your lord and i want the enemy to stay far from your dwelling hear me and hear me well i'm excited about what god is doing at new birth i um i i i dream at such a heavy capacity that sometimes it startles me sometimes it'll wake me up in cold sweats three o'clock in the morning you'd be amazed how many times through the burdening of the holy ghost i called your name i spoke out for your family i went into warfare for your health for your marriage for your children because god showed me some things and i'm believing no good thing will god withhold from you because i believe he's not going to withhold it from me one of the things that i dreamed about is a healthy church i dreamed about it and i i tell you it's coming to pass hundreds have been walking with me on saturday morning at 8 am i want you to join me this coming saturday morning and do no less at 10 a.m we open up our kings table for those who are dealing with food insecurity i want you to please join us saturday morning at 10 a.m no questions asked it is touchless delivery all you've got to do is pull up on us and we going to drop groceries on you and your family be mindful we're in the middle of our linton fast i'm asking you to drink water every day that that's the only beverage you ought to be partaking of is nature's beverage and that is a water physiologist physicians both agree that you ought to be drinking at least eight glasses of water a day eight glasses of water a day so i want you to start substituting that coca-cola neck coffee start drinking water asking that you walk every day saturday we walk together as a family but independently you ought to be walking around your neighborhood in the parking lot of walmart in your local gym on the belt line wherever it is that you can go but i want you in some form of exercise that daily i want to ask that you would read the word every day if you're not doing so you ought to be following new birth on all of our platforms on our new and improved website we are newbirth.org and every day a scripture will be given to you tonight we were in genesis 40. i want you to read that whole chapter tonight genesis 40. i was in verses 8 and 9. but i want you before you go to bed for you turn on netflix and hulu i want you to read genesis 40 start taking notes make sure that there is a journal on your nightstand make sure that your ipad is close by because i'm telling you i release something for dreams to come and i want you to be able to write those down with some cohesion uh so that when it is that you are emailing us at prayer newbirth.org that you'll know what it is that you are writing we're asking you to abstain from wheat uh while we are in this a litten journey and there is no whining amazing amazing new birth is a novel innovative creative and cutting edge ministry uh last sunday you were able to meet in an intimate way uh pastor kerry turner this sunday i'm telling you buckle up because it's about to go down you're to meet minister jonathan nelson his upbringing and his background his roots his dna his family on this coming sunday it's going to be absolutely amazing and i want you to be a part of it sunday 9 30 11 30 and 1 30. here it is tuesday and nobody told you they love you nobody told you they praying for you let me be the first one i want you to know your pastor loves you i'm praying for you i'm cheering for you and i am believing that in the next seven days god is going to give you a dream that makes sense and a dream you understand now one of him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may god make you sleepless until you help somebody may god make you restless until you help yourself make god irritate you until you have enough sense to worship him and may god bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of god said amen and amen god bless you i want to see you on saturday morning at eight o'clock come on walk with your pastor god bless you [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 15,023
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: divinely, decoding, dreams, jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant responds to monique, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant 2020 sermons youtube, jamal bryant new birth, jamal bryant paula white, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons
Id: AXjhND0tO8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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