Medina Pullings - The breath of God

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everybody's stand with me please everybody stand all across this great tabernacle look at somebody next day and say breakthrough is coming ha ha sometimes it's easy to believe that breakthrough is coming to somebody else but look at somebody next to you and say breakthroughs coming to me yet is go ahead and celebrate just for a minute because you believe it yeah amen amen remain standing if you would now there isn't anything that takes God by surprise how many of you can say Amen amen and we had invited evangelist Dwight Thompson to be here with us this morning to preach a specific message that has become kind of iconic called hellbound train but he's been attacked in his physical body and was not able to be here it's only the second time in 30 years that he's had to cancel a meeting and so we understand that that's an unprecedented circumstance but listen none of this takes God by surprise and nothing that happens in your life is a surprise to God can you say Amen and in first Kings chapter 4 there's a long list of Solomon's officers in the establishment of his kingdom and he gets all the way down through lists a whole bunch of them and then one of them is a guy named saboteurs David don't name your children after characters in the Bible all right not like that anyway I mean if it's John or Peter or somebody like that that's great but zabba died don't know anyway that's that was this fellows name and here was his designation he was called the Kings friend now why was it important for the scripture to record the name of somebody that was known as the Kings friend well here's why because the King needs friends just like everybody else does and a friend is somebody who sees you when you're at your best and sees you when you're not at your best and loves you just the same a friend is somebody when you call upon them at the last minute unexpectedly they don't have a bunch of reasons why they can't help you all they do is set everything else aside as important as it is and say yes whatever it is you need I'll be there to help you my brothers and sisters that's the kind of friend our pastor has that's the kind of friend we have here in our guest this morning would you please welcome from United Nations International Church in Richmond Virginia dr. Medina pullings [Applause] Thank You elder canfield come on we'll harvest arts let's give Jesus a great big break he's worthy of the glory and he's wearing the ugly honor I feel breakthrough in the house this morning Oh would you tell you never you've been targeted for a breakthrough you've been targeted for a major breakthrough it's on the divine schedule of God he's scheduled your breakthrough for now not later now now now now sometimes just the warfare that we go through is the indication of what's on the way oh come on world Harvest Church you're not new to this you're not new to trials you're not new come on come on you're not new to a battle you know that when Hale gets the cuttin up it's just an indication get the biggest breakthrough that you've ever seen before it's on the horizon this is not the time for you to get shaking this is not the time for you to be unsure this is the time for you to know the God that you serve this is the time for you to have insight this is the time for you to discern the times and the season tell your neighbor you've been scheduled for a breakthrough and that breakthrough is now hey to Jesus today based on the Navy available thank you Jesus hallelujah we give God praise glory and honor' breakthrough is here it's not coming it's here I walked in with breakthrough [Applause] breakthrough has a name and his name is Jesus [Applause] right dough has a name and his name is Jesus right through it tell your neighbor breakthrough has a name I'm so excited I could shop for you breakthrough has a name breakthrough has a name and his name is Jesus he's breaking you out of some stuff he's breaking you into some places [Applause] some of you been dealing with so much pressure and so many issues so much going on but breakthrough is here breakthrough has a name and his name is Jesus deliverance has a name and his name is Jesus healing has a name and his name is Jesus come on yeah somebody shout Jesus we honor the Lord all today thank you Jesus there are miracles all in this place you will not leave here the same you will not leave here the same you will not leave here the same breakthrough is here relief is here device setup is here [Music] thank you Jesus we bless God too late devil we win too late we've made up our mind to serve him too late you made it in here today you better give God praise [Applause] you made it in the house today you better give back Wow [Music] [Music] right Hey [Music] [Music] you gotta play [Music] in the middle of the message but this thing is already done [Music] yes [Music] yup right through [Music] right - India ho [Music] right through in your family my kind of party right for window finances right cool in your marriage in your ministry you've got yes Bob it's the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's right rule it's a national connection the Nexus [Music] supernatural right through I don't know if you know it or not but you walked into something already prepared for you you walked into something already prepared yeah God already orchestrated it he already set it up for you here at the moment you stepped in this building today when you came to lift up your hands and give God the glory a divine birth loop hit your light how did you get there right through how did you get that right through how to just show up there right brutal how did that come into your possession right true if you knew what God just gave you ownership of you would go to prison I'm right now [Applause] just for you you play [Applause] [Music] but all the hell you think through the present you've been dealing with all the attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] territorial break move [Applause] [Music] sudeerneer Noah hallelujah la basura LA bolsa de Romandie bezu ha ha children on a Monday Della Bosca Chandana basta cara de Lobo so cool here on a Monday yabba satin they be saturator box older and Amanda did it I'm sorry I just came out of a prayer shudder [Applause] [Music] laughing [Music] oh no I'm a part of that page [Music] [Music] yes tell your you just stepped over to the other side tell the side of this thing [Music] all right [Music] all right on the other side of that thing we actually how did you get that you know say God gave me that because of what I had to endure he he he blessed me with it he favored me like this don't you pay the lawyers no attention you've been targeted for a major breakthrough while you're standing let's honor the man of God my spiritual father come on none other than the great pastor rod parsley let's thank God for this beautiful wife lady Toni parsley and that entirely beautiful family Ashton and Austin we thank God for the entire family let's go to Genesis the second chapter and remember don't get all churchy fire on me okay don't sit down and that for you it's not acting like you know what's gonna happen next okay because you're gonna have to be prophetically connected oh come on now come on that's how you're gonna make it in this season because the enemy is going around trying to pluck but you better be discerning and know what God is doing and what he is up to and come on and be come on be stable and unshakable in shaky times come on so don't you sit down and and see the side acting like okay here we go I know what's happened next when the Spirit of God hits you you better respond to what he is doing because your response is gonna hit your family your response is gonna hit your neighborhood your ability to respond it's gonna hit your company your response is gonna come on it's gonna affect your finances your ass pump all he needs is for somebody to line up but what heaven is doing ha all he needs is for somebody getting the earth to agree my third son is here with me on today I had five children my third son James is here James stand up and just wave your hands that's my baby he's gonna get me later he's away from home in college but I have him with me today and I'm so excited I was taking pictures of him in the airplanes that's mom don't check my pictures I'm like I birthed you Genesis 2 and 7 and the Lord the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul man became a living soul here it is the beginning of mankind that one breath that is still today given life how powerful the breath of God is that had one breath breathing into the nostrils of man and causing man to become a living soul is still continuously today giving life every birth of a baby is from that breath the giver of life God's breath is so powerful billions come and have come into existence because he breathed into the nostrils of man before that man was just a form just an image put together is it at something that's something like what we see in Christendom today I won't say Kingdom but I will say what we see at times in church we see the form but not really the power the form but not the functionality so manners form this is created in the image and the likeness of God but it does not have the ability to do what it is designed to do until he breathes see we can have the gifts and the talents but until God breathed on us we can't do anything but look like something if you ever walk by a story boutique and and you looked in the window and there was the mannequin look like a female nice dress some of them are really made up and even have the hair but it cannot talk cannot speak cannot love cannot do cannot function because there is no life in the form God breathe into the nostrils of man and man became whenever God breathed whenever the breath of God comes on humanity whenever the breath of God comes on a people you better know you just became it is impossible to have God breathe on us and we remain the same no no you change just like that you become just like that do you think about how Peter Peter went to cussin when he denied Christ three times but then are the same Peter who did not have Jesus in bodily formed with him after the day of Pentecost - shut up why because the man that he was before being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit come on here hallelujah was not the man that he was after Pentecost I'm here to announce to you that the woman lets you were before you walked in the doors and the man that you were before you walked in the door will not be the man that you we'll be when you leave out of here today because the breath of God it's gonna freeze on you sometimes they just get so annoying and hearing all this nonsense and yes I mean it's some of the stuff is good it's good you know good steps good steps you know do these eight things and you'll get this through these ten things that you'll get this but there's something to be said about come on a movement in the presence of God but a breath of God brings on you I don't care what your history was your background was what generational curses was and what the battles were before what your makeup was what your would you'd would you chromosome say would you listen what your body says what you've experienced what you mentally been through there's something about the breath of God that brings it all together and so I don't know if you want to go through eight years of schooling and and eight years of hearing all the intellectuals tell you what to do or if you want God today to just breathe on you look if you won't get to just breathe on you and you become come on here come on you become exactly who you need to be but where he is taking you all somebody said what the God we don't mean you didn't come to church this morning to see who showed up you didn't come to church this morning to see who was gonna stay home who's coming who's not you didn't come to church this morning come on here to see what somebody was going away on or what they were gonna try you didn't come to church this morning just to get a free cup of coffee you came to church this morning because you realize that in the presence of God there is Liberty and pleasures forevermore that God can do something in a moment it against presence that would take a lifetime of labor to try to achieve and you still won't get man became whenever God breathed breath his breath on us we become we are transform you're getting ready to do things that you've never done before because God is gonna breathe on you again oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes some of you have been tired and fatigued yeah battle fatigue just so much going on but I've come to announce to you that you have been divinely scheduled for a breakthrough and in that breakthrough God is going to breathe on you again and what has become tiresome and what has because you could become we're reading and just worn out you are now come on here now you are now yes yes yes targeted for breakthrough a refreshing the breath of God is gonna breathe on you and you're gonna get shrimp again he zekiel 37 Ezekiel was carried by the Spirit of the Lord into a vision God gives him a vision a vision and the scripture says in Ezekiel 37 and 3 and he said unto me son of man can these bones live and I live and I answered Oh Lord God thou knoweth he said unto me son of man can these bones live and I answered o Lord God thou knowest and again he said unto me prophesy upon these bones and say unto them oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord many of you are very familiar with this particular passage of scripture where Ezekiel is given a vision he's taken into a valley of dry bones in this vision he's he's looking at devastation and so it is symbolic of the children of Israel in their Babylonian captivity captivity that was not just a few days but captivity that was a long time I don't know if you have ever experienced going through something a long time I'm with you I've seen God do some suddenly but usually suddenly czar preceded by long time usually suddenly come on here can we just back this up just a little bit usually before there is an end suddenly there was a sitting and awaiting you know there's time that has been spent and then all of a sudden well I want to let you know today those of you have been going through a long time look like you've been dealing with this a long time look like you've been in a fight a long time look like you've been persecuted a long time am i talking to anybody getting here that it hasn't been just a week but it's been a while it's been some time now if the truth be told there's been some years that you've been dealing with this issue in your family it's been some years that you've been dealing with this situation in your body but I want to tell you that just because it's been a long time it does not mean that that's the place that you're gonna die again it does not mean that's where you end that does not mean that's where the situation settles anima even those things that have been around a long time are subject to change acts the woman with the issue of blood who was sick all those years and then all of a sudden one day Jesus is right there Jesus is passing by she takes the opportunity and she forgets how long it's been she forgets all the doctors that she's seen she forgets all the time she attempted to be well and it didn't work I'm gonna ask you today that I've been going through something a long time forget about how long get spin and seize the moment the opportunity put your healing yes healing is in the room today deliverance us in the room today breakthrough is in the room today restoration is in the room today new strength is in the room today how long gets been isn't it something that is he keel it's taken into that Valley that it's symbolic of the children of Israel has been in captivity bondage for a long time I've come to announce to those of you that have been in bondage family members that have been involved in bondage to drugs bondage to soul ties bondage to situations I've come to tonight to you today be free in the name of Jesus your captivity is over somebody needs to shout your captivity is over you are no longer captive to that thing you are no longer captive to that addiction you are no longer captive to that soul time you are no longer captive to that situation but be free in the name of Jesus times up times up times up times up times up times up times up times up times up times up devil pack your bags and go times up you will deal with that spirit no more ironically Ezekiel is in the same captivity and called to prophesy he's in captivity the same Babylonian captivity but yet called by God at the same time I know you've been dealing with some stuff I know it's been awhile I know you've had a challenge I know you've been under attack I know you've been afflicted but God is calling you he's calling you as an agent of change in the earth he's calling you to be salt and light in the earth he's calling you to be his ambassador he's calling you to be his spokesperson he's calling you to shine for him yes in the midst of your affliction in the midst of your battle you don't wait to the battle is over to answer you answer right where you are when God calls you you don't wait to a better time where it feels convenient huh so now you can be going through a test going through a battle the testing and the trying of your faith and God will call you to do something right in that very same season he didn't say Ezekiel I'm gonna call you to prophesy when you get free you know when you need to know how to prophesy when you're going through something you need to know how to prophesy when you're in a battle you need to know how to prophesy when the kids are cuttin up you need to know how to prophesy when you're under attack you need to know how to prophesy when they look like in some lean days you need to know how to prophesy you need to know how to prophesy in a day of abundance you need to know how to prophesy when there's been no rain know how to prophesy when the kids are acting like you know you never brought them to church before and didn't teach them the ways of the Lord that's what you need to know how to prophesy tell your neighbor prophesy it's giving that villain that that vision valid dry bones boy you say when the Lord take you into a better picture you would think God God would take them into a vision of the army already stand and say boy this is beautiful I see the children of Israel we shall look free we shall look better whoo we returned back to our land we returned back to all that is not the vision that God brings him into you know why because he needs to know how to speak to the thing that is not as though it were he needs to be like Abraham he needs - he needs to act like God the Father who spoke and it was who said let there be light yes see God will take you over into some devastating places for you to go in and speak he'll go and all your surroundings to look crazy and look like listen there's nothing good going on around here to give you insight as to what he's about to do and so he'll paint a picture on the canvas of your imagination he'll give you a work test a word to speak to the devastation and the desolation and the despair so that you can go and paint the city and paint the town and paint the community and paint the family you don't need what everybody else needs believers you don't need it to be all put together all you need is a word from God and you are armed and dangerous all you need is a word from God that state of bondage that's what he's looking at the dry bones represent hell they can feel how bad it really is how bad it really is when you sit in a hospital room and your loved one can't respond to you they come in and give you the reports and you're looking at the numbers and the monitors and everything is hey why old tubes down their throat they can't communicate with you see that's equivalent to dry bones try bones the dry bones represented how bad it really was here old yeah you gotta get it look like it can't get better from here look like there's no hope here the dry bones represented hopelessness but I want you to know that there is an answer for hopelessness I want you to know that there is an answer for dry bones I want you to know that there is an answer for despair and the devastation and there is an answer for it looks like it's too late they are serious the breath of God oh how do we go around and preach to our community preach to how neighbours and preach to those that work with us and and those that are around us in our everyday life that we are sitting to be alike to if we don't understand that people are dealing with devastating things but you are serving the one who says I am the resurrection and the life - you were dead yet shall you live that anointing rests on you Zeke y'all I want you to go in I want you I want you I want you to prophesy you notice if you will when he's asked a question he's smart Lord you know is this a trick question Lord you know you gonna bring me in the valley full of dead folks with no with no meat on their bones and then the bones are so dry it looked like skeletons as you won't ask me can they live what kind of question is that you know that's one for you can these bones live he began to speak to him and begin to tell him he began to tell him to prophesy he began to tell him to speak the word of the Lord was given to him the prophesy to prophesy to the bones now this is something because I'm gonna tell you most people would have got into that vision and if you just left it to man's conversation it would have been boy this is devastating this is so bad this is just terrible I mean there's so dad a real dad I mean look at the bones the bones are so dry they don't even have any more meat on them there's no all the meat is gone they passed dead they really did they get to the point of Kellison it it's corrosion I mean it's just just nothing left to them I mean whose bones is that we can't even identify is no technology and scientific stuff there at that time they even identify whose bones those are inefficient all we know is just this just looks like the valley of death around here it's just so sad what has happened captivity has been so long it's just so bad that you had got in trouble like that is this so bad that we had to be in captivity on the oppression oh we're so sad I remember the time when we was in our own place but look at where it has happened to us look at look at how devastated we are notice if you will that God did not tell him hard to talk about the bones this is going to be the reason why you saw or sink you can choose to saw or you can sing the way you sing is by talking about the bones talking about the issue talking about what's going on talking about what's happening and I don't know if you know it or not you can be on the phone for hours just talking about still but talking about it come on here doesn't help it talking about it doesn't fix it talking about it doesn't solve it talking about it doesn't heal it but if you will talk to it [Applause] [Music] if you were talked to it come on Alcott if you don't talk about it talk to it my mom has been in a hospital for two months she wants now and I'm telling you you got to know how not to talk about stuff and I'm in in that room because she's been in medical ICU it's been two months now and she's in there she can't talk to me she she she has the tube down her throat she can't communicate back to me and you know the temptation to go in and be like oh mom I don't even pray for her as mom I walk around her body and I say Wanda Wanda I'm talking to you si si si you gotta know how that stop being all emotional could that don't help your loved one doesn't help the situation that doesn't help the church that doesn't help the children you gotta stand in your kingdom Authority and I stand over her body and I speak to her lungs and I speak to her blood and I speak to her heart and I tell it what to do and I tell it how to recover and I tell it how to function you so emotional Oh Bobby I just little Bobby no no no no I stand around my mother's bed and I say Wanda and it's no disrespect but it means I have an assignment and I have no time to talk about how much time we had together and how could you do this ed how could this happen it Oh what what the strategy the formula was not to talk about the bones but to talk to the bones to tell the bones to hear the word of the Lord the bones are scattered see don't talk about what you lost talk about what's coming don't talk about who left stop to the ones that's coming from the north the South the East and the West don't talk about the deal you lost talk to to the multiplied million say hello I see you in my bank account hello I see you in my stock portfolio hello seven different streams don't talk about the cancer talk to the healing don't talk about the sugar diabetes and how it's making you feel it what you can't eat but talk about that healing that healing virtue tell sugar diabetes I am a child of God and healing is the children's bread tell cancer that the blood of jesus heals tell your body that the blood of jesus is restoring your burnt you your healing tell your body i feel my help coming tell your body I feel my strength coming tell yourself you're better than you ever been before don't talk about it what you talk about you give power to you keep talking about what they did and what's your child did and and what they're into but I want to challenge you to start talking to the situation and it's not telling it what its gonna be tell your son you're a mighty man of God you're a man of Valor that you are a guy that in like Daniel meshach Shadrach and Abednego you are cut above the rest you're selected for such a time as this don't tell that child you are no good drug addict you don't know how to do nothing right you keep falling into this and you keep falling into that see when we do that kind of stuff the devil sit back and he say boys we don't have to touch this they're doing a good job by themselves but if you will stop talking about it and start talking to it stop speaking over your children and begin to declare what shall be begin to declare household Salvation tell that child hear ye the word of the Lord one generation shall tell another generation of the goodness of the Lord tell that child you will serve the Lord the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tell that child you're anointed you're chosen you are selected to do braids works in the earth are you gonna talk about it are you gonna talk to it tell your neighbor I'm done we're talking about it I'm about to talk to it take 30 seconds and talk to it begin to the Claire come on Alcock 30 seconds open up your mouth world Harvest Church and begin to talk to it tell it to disappear tell it when it shall be speak to the harvest speak to the souls speak to the deliverance speak to the break room say hello Supernatural breakthrough hello expansion hello super great growth hello healing us hello freedom hello prosperity hello Western artists say it again I'm done we're talking about it it's a trick see the enemy knows what you talk about you are tied to be careful who the enemy sins to tell you to a conversation this eye way is so crucial you better be careful all right all right all right see when the enemy wants to tell you to a conversation when he wants to tie you to a conversation he's not sending somebody with a pitchfork to tie you into an emotional conversation to talk about what happened that doesn't solve anything rather than talking to a thing and being with God told us to be in saying what he told us to say and saying the word of the Lord I see you can't say the word of the Lord and be talking about it and talking about it you had to choose one or the other don't be double minded either you gonna talk about it or you gonna top the words you're gonna talk about it they're gonna talk the words you're gonna talk about it are you gonna talk to her you don't talk about it are you gonna talk the word I don't know if you remember that little story of Little Red Riding Hood uh-huh and add a little girl come in and oh my grandma you so rough see it was the wolf in the bed dressed in grandma's clothes I don't care if it's your favorite auntie I don't care if it's your best friend if they're coming to tie you to a conversation that moves you for where God wants you to be you better know how not to pick up the phone there's some calls you can't answer because you want to stay in a place of God you come out you want to have one language you want to have one focus you want to speak the word only you want to speak the word only not the word and doubt no it doesn't work that way you want to speak the word only and see that we'll send somebody with a pitiful story to try to tie you to something and tie you to a situation and tie you to a conversation that's just talking about folks that's just talking about stuff but not healing or settling or changing anything Adson up with it I'm done with it I'm not talking about it somebody stop your footage I'm done done oh it's on now it's on now once you decided you're done I don't need to hear about it I don't need to know about it I don't need to rehash it because we're in the state of the urgency somebody say a state of urgency there's a crisis in the land this devastation in the land this darkness in the land their souls that need to be saved in a land and I've gotta be on my assignment I've gotta be armed and dangerous I gotta have my guns blazing huh I gotta have the Word of God in my mountain see when you have your guns smoking that means that gun has been used it's not sitting on the Shelf it's not so we're collecting dust see you don't have time to be gossiping and you don't have time to be talking about 7:00 and you don't have time to be rehashing things because you need your gun smoking the prophetic word in your mouth speaking a word of deliverance speaking a word a breakthrough speaking the word of healing speaking a word of recovering because you're gonna speak and lives are gonna come back together you're gonna speak and healing is gonna take place you're gonna speak and marriages are gonna be restored you're gonna speak households are gonna come in order you're gonna speak and there will be financial increase you're gonna speak and neighborhoods will come together you're gonna speak and legislation will be changed you're gonna speak and godly schools will be erected you're gonna speak and there will be a kingdom media takeover you're gonna speak and solutions will rise you're gonna speak and the body of Christ will advance do you understand why the devil wants you to give him your tongue do you understand why he wants to use your mouth do you understand what he's trying to hijack your conversation oh but the devil is a liar I'm done with it the Holy Ghost keeps having me to say I'm done with it I'm done with it I don't know who don't come and try to call you this week I don't know what love one may try to reach out to you I don't know what church member might try to call you don't ever think the devil won't use somebody that you worship winning appeals if it's to get you to talking about something and not talking to something oh he'll use them too he'll use the person's shop next year he'll use the one speaking in town sir but somebody say I'm done with that I'm done done I'm done with that I'm gonna speak to a pain I'm don't tell it what to do I'm gonna say what the Word of God says you've got to know that the power of life and death it's in the tongue in the tongue put your hands over your mouth and say my mouth it's dedicated to the Word of God my mouth it's a consecrated weapon used by God to demolish the works of the enemy I will not take from God what he has anointed what he has consecrated and polluted with devilish words but my mouth is potent with deliverance potent with miracles I open my mouth and miracle solutions I open my mouth and recovery happens I open my mouth and angels are released I open my mouth uh-huh and there is breakthrough I open my mouth and there's sudden surprises I open my mouth and everything that's needed shows up somebody plays it [Applause] up open your mouth wait while you're praising him there's a quest download get a press release there's a press word that goddess almond you whip it to speak to the neighborhood to speak to the nation's to speak to the world to speak to the community just speak to the families just speak to those that are in leadership in government yes God is giving you advice applies of change a bicep hope applies to prediction a bicep healing huh a bicep restoration [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you gotta praise him there comes the tallboys it's gonna speak to your boys you better open up your mouth [Music] [Applause] soon as you speak and that in turbulence good job is yours soon as you speak the deal is yours the tingle is yours soon as you open your mouth the resources are release you better place right right wake out embrace them new shoe tongue the glory [Music] get on the gluon get on a glorious as a matter of fact rub massage to your neighbor look them in the eye and say neighbor whatever you do don't get the devil your tongue you are the boys that God is using to bring about great change as a matter of fact healing is in your mouth mommy it's in your mouth real estate is in your mouth transportation [Music] [Applause] do better what you said it's happening [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're anointed to speak you're anointed to speak [Applause] you are anointed to declare don't suck the queer thing and it shall be established unto you you better get ready something's moving something's shifted Yellin honorable subtler than a busser you need a gonna praise and God right there let's God will give you what you say you God will give you what you say God will give you what you say let them talk you say what God said some stuff you can't even answer don't even answer to it don't even don't even [Music] [Music] break out and play some break out and prisms after he spoke and prophesied to DuBose that was not enough the bones came together skin came back on the bone the sinews came on it boy that was quick but there was no functionality till he did the next thing he said prophesy prophesy to the wind son of man say to the wind hear the word of the Lord brought beside to the win Oh breath breathe upon the slain that they may live breathe on what's not functioning anybody here wanna take 30 seconds to prophesy to the wind breath of God breather gonna grab the God we don't me breath of God breathe once again we don't miss we need a refreshing let your breath we don't nothing Oh God we need your walk we need your breath we need you to breathe into a heart it's all lights what the body let you let your walk let your walk breathe in this lift your hands say bring it on me oh god oh god I need another touch I need another touch touch me again shake me again if I let me back together again wait on me I need another touch Oh God sinner refreshing scent of aggression that on my walk right send the repression that I may talk right center a question that I love right center a question then I'll speak right sit outside Oh Holy Ghost SubPop worried breathe breathe on my family breathe on my son's breathe on my daughter's breathe on my spouse [Music] God blow through this place open your mouth this way seven that's a west wind blowing across the nation [Music] - out America where's Emma ha ha never press one [Music] there's a bus win hey hey there's a crosswind huh when the body came back together again when the press win when the breath of God the Ruach of God huh yet I will shut up the word in the Hebrew breathe on the slain the slain stood as an army that meant life was revived this next place when you praise God this time there shall be a reviving a great reviving death shall be on reviving just that which was dimmed down and what died a reviving of that dream a reviving of that marriage surviving of those finances a reviving in the church a reviving for the first love the reviving for seeking God the reviving of a prayer life the reviving of a passion for gotta open up your mouth [Applause] you're getting it back you get your toy back you get your piece back you get your strength back you get your love back you get your creation back use your creativity back up getting it back your dreams coming back oh I feel like shouting I feel like dancing I feel like singing I'm no longer talking about it but I spoke to it and goddess and the fresh wind things will not be as they were hell but they shall be play them there shall be better you are stronger you are wise you better praise them it's a brand new day with brand new opportunities press opportunities West connections you've been appraised Emma's I see people being delivered you're gonna take the word to your community you're gonna take the word to your business you better place Emma's this time when you praise him praise them for the contact [Applause] who's about to come in contact with your joining that Western years who's about the covered contest with the resurrected one that lives a girl you better [Applause] - out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you better dance over there I'll cut see this whole thing is pathetic even right now is pathetic somebody also be dancing all over your rows cuz what was Hawk has now become easy yeah yeah yeah yeah they that wait upon the Lord he shall renew your strength they shall mount up with wings as of an eagle they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not painter get ready to flow and an anointing that doesn't get tired you get ready to see greater results recklessly [Music] you're here and this is your opportunity you gonna do something but like Ezekiel God is calling him number one he's calling you to salvation answer the call behold I stand at the door knock If any man will give my voice an answer the door I will come in Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart someone may have invited you all today but as the knocking of Jesus at your heart and your saying today enough is enough I'm no longer gonna be going astray I'm no longer gonna be double minded but today I surrender my life to Christ I answer I opened the door I opened the doors that's used today lift your hand up real high lift your head and we'll hide that's right you say I answer the door I answer the door I answer the door si si hands going up I answer the door listen I want you to make your way those of you what your hands lift it up I have an assignment right now I want you to come quickly right from where you are and I want you to come running to the altar run swiftly to righteousness run to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords run to Jesus run run to this ultra high yes I'm answering the Toraja I've been going through something I've been going through a lot I'm tired of the TYIN were out I'm tired of being frustrated and aggravated but today I answered the door I answer the door of he that loves me the one that loves me the one that gave His life so that I could be free and I'm ready to live this life and live it more abundantly their life set up for me to have freedom for me to have peace for me to have joy for me to have Liberty my Mansouri is knocking somebody's knocking he's knocking at the door of your heart he's knocking through this preach word he's knocking by the invitation you received to come the church today come answer for Jesus answer for Jesus this hope on the other side there's peace on the other side there's joy on the other side there's shrimp on the other side there's a light from the other side you're getting ready to live like you've never lived before you're getting ready to live like you've never lived before you're getting ready to live hi yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no longer dead man walking huh depression is over it's over it's over it's over joy unspeakable and full of glory joy unspeakable and full of glory hallelujah it's your brand new they come don't you stay in that world don't you stay in that seat he's calling you he's calling you somebody's knocking he's knocking at your door he's knocking at your door Oh sinner why don't you answer somebody said I'm answering I'm running to the door how do you want to the door you answer by saying yes you open the door by saying yes you open the door by saying yes ah somebody ought to celebrate these Souls snatched from the clutches of darkness and brought into the marvelous well you oughta rejoice you ought to rejoice you utter a choice because you're getting ready to see deliverance breakthrough everywhere you go God is sending you to get the one he's sending you to give don't wanna bring somebody with you every week bring them the church you'll have no time for all conversations you must talk to those that are slain talk to the slain you're getting your life back you're getting your two ring back yes you are yes everything inside of you yes yes [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] our team is getting ready to come hallelujah those of you that are standing around you don't have to come to the altar huh but you like Ezekiel have all gone through hell but God is calling you and you say you know what I'm no longer waiting come on Elkhart come to the altar come on come on come on there's no distance in the spirit you're right here there's no distance in this figure right here you're right here come on come on come to that altar get up get out of your seat come to the altar come on God is calling you come on cuz y'all help me call them come come on come out come on this is your best night ever come on [Applause] this is salvation and deliverance come up you say I'm gonna answer the call I see more coming maybe you need to call them again I told you your voice was anointed huh I told you your voice is chosen tell them again look like every time you tell them to come on somebody else come to get saved come on look back as they come up even right there an l-cut come up he's knocking at the door of your heart come up answer him huh I'm out you're like shopping on this altar yeah I feel like shouting with me we want to praise the get to limit us Jesus who gave us life yeah [Applause] here's my comment come on babies we have time for you we have time for your dogs coming that's what whole families get insane entire families getting safe [Applause] [Applause] as are you praising God but their God is dealing with your unsaved look what [Applause] [Music] that's what the enemy hates this church because this is a song winning Church [Applause] there's no such thing as perfect people it can't be perfect I'm here this morning but we serve a perfect [Music] and here's you this ministry you better pray check it go ahead and place it it's coming back together again do we have the teams that don't get their information come on 30 seconds let's plays up together [Music] [Music] you bet [Music] [Music] get dogs up and a receiving way they say father doc I asked you to forgive me of all of my sins wash me and make me whole and thank you for giving your only Son Jesus so that I could be saved I believe the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and I thank you that because he got up I can get up - I accept you Lord Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have you prayed that prayer open up your mouth because [Music] we know expand create a dream free to feel that God has called to the bed thank you Jesus [Music]
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 12,255
Rating: 4.9221792 out of 5
Id: 4VM_WyJ66Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 18sec (4398 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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