Dr Jamal Bryant Have you had enough

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[Music] less hello come on let's give God a big tank leper praise would you help me celebrate the life and the legacy of dr. Martin Luther King jr. come on you can do better than that praise him praise Him praise Him praise Him bless it say he's worthy to come on let's sing it together come on everybody praise praise Him praise Him praise Him Jesus [Music] while you're standing I want you to hook three people tell them you got something to praise God for oh yes Jesus I need come on from the ride until he is worthy please me why don't you praise him praise Him praise Him praise Him [Music] there wasn't a suggestion it was a command come on would you praise him I said it wasn't a suggestion it was a command I wish you would praise them a little bit better than that I wish you would praise them a little bit louder than that come on come on I need you to praise Him come on I need you to give him glory through many dangers toils and snares I don't know what's going to happen in the next week but I know God is still in charge and for that we give Him praise we give him honor and we give him Thanksgiving you may be seated in the presence of the Lord good morning empowerment temple let me try it again good morning empowerment temple this is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it would you help me give God glory five friends who are watching online around the world amazing to note amazing to note today I would be the 88th birthday of dr. Martin Luther King jr. God's trombone for justice and for peace in our nation when you look at the state of affairs that were currently in under this despotic ruler Donald Trump it makes us really re-evaluate non-violence it makes us really put in the high power objective what it means to love your enemies that here's a man who's done absolutely nothing for Humanity I entered a little of the name of a Congressman John Lewis is an affront to our people collectively whether we live in his district or not and even while we celebrate dr. King I want on this day there be mindful of the life and the sacrifice of Congressman John Lewis who went across that Edmund Pettus Bridge in the face of raceless sheriff's I need you right where you are he is the last living person who has spoke at the march on Washington how would you help me give God glory for Congressman John Lewis come on you can do better than that some people don't know how to act when they're around greatness but I'm grateful that you do I with a harrowing week this was for our people for our ancestors and even for our legacy to see Jeff Sessions in hearing to become potentially of the next Attorney General of our nation when he is vehemently against the Voting Rights Act he was charged with arresting for in the middle of the civil rights movement four of the egregious crime of registering people to vote he has in fact been a staunch proponent and supporter of the Ku Klux Klan and now we find him potentially being the next Attorney General he has said boldly that he is for stop and frisk which ought to in fact give every alarm for those of you who have children or those of you who love any black man anywhere that he is in fact a high proponent of for law and order can you all believe I'm talking to you about this in 2017 that what it is that we saw are just moments ago in that amazing video that was in black and white and now can be a high-tech 3d color because of the steps backwards that our culture is making at this coming Saturday I want you to do everything you want to do but watch television I don't want you to give not one a moment time or attention to the inauguration on this Saturday I wanted to be the lowest inauguration in recorded history I am so proud that thousands upon thousands of women are going to be converging into the nation's capital on this coming Saturday for the right of women somebody ought to clap your hands are the assault on women and I'm so pleased a privileged and honored I'm one of the few men they've honored to allow speak at that gathering on Saturday as well as I'll be at Howard University at 9:00 a.m. for their peoples inauguration the students said they want to have their own inauguration they don't want to bear witness to what it is Donald Trump is going and I want to say how proud I am of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus this is the largest class of black representatives that we've had representing our people post-reconstruction 38 somebody ought to give goddang of 48 I'm sorry 48 members of the Congressional Black Caucus they are deserving of our prayers and our support I'm telling you if we ever needed to pray before we need to pray now your great grandparents would get up out the grave and would be in shock and all if they register headlines just from this week saying I thought we had made some strides forward and all the more this is where we are after a black president after eight years we diluted ourselves into believing we were in a post-racial society and look at where we are right now everywhere need seems to look like Old Dixie but I believe that we have the spirit of resilience and we refuse to go backwards we are in the midst of a series for our visitor and for those of you who are watching online are we in the middle of a series on the year of recovery how many of you believe God is gonna help us recover all he's gonna help us recover all and to to that in beginning on the first Monday in February every Monday of the month beginning the first Monday in February I am glad to share with you that we are in fact going to have Alcoholics Anonymous recovery classes here in our church as well as licensed therapists for those who are dealing with depression and trauma and anxiety I talked to other clinicians in whom we are partnering with and this immediate amazing service is not just for adults but for those even as young as 16 because we've got so many of our young people who are grappling with real-life issues at an early age and I want to make sure that our young people are covered that's going to be available that I tell you it's going to be free of charge for those who are in need of that kind of mental health assistance right here at our church I hope you'll give God glory and praise for that our music ministry is coming they're going to prepare us for the Word of God in route to that let me pause and publicly appreciate all of you last Sunday was one of the highlights of my ministry and our church history collectively we were able to prepare 25,000 meals that went to Haiti and here's your shout and made it to Haiti this week on Thursday would you give God glory for that y'all a shout and good it ain't every day you get to feed 25,000 people so let me back up and give it to you again you're the only Church in Baltimore that prepared 25,000 meals and shifted to Haiti and here's where you shout and made it to 80 on Thursday somebody give God a hand clap of praise what an expression an outpouring of the love of Jesus Christ how would you take a moment and invite somebody to worship with us even now worship with us even now if you will would you invite them to go to empowerment temple or after you would have done so I'm going to continue in our series this is our third gathering together under the auspice of the year of recovery and I want you to go to your Bibles to Psalm 23 Psalm 23 when our music ministry would have concluded I ask that you'll please stand and we're going to jump right in to the Word of God I know my different usually watches this service but let me say to him Steve Harvey we're praying for you on today thank you so very much would you lift up that hand you turn just a little thank you so much I bring every Chang will fall off of your life everything that's holding you back and everything that's holding you in place pray that God will break in so that you'll be able to move on with the rest of your life the Blessed people of God who are free indeed would you give God glory and praise even now I said would you give him glory would you give him praise thank you quietly I appreciate you media ministry you've done a wonderful job today thank you for the video presentation on dr. King let me say just a couple of things in route to the Word of God this is an hour where authentic leadership has got to come to pass and emerge and manifest not figurative leadership leadership hear me very carefully leadership is not speeches leadership is strategies let me give it to you one more time those of you are taking notes I want you to have it leadership is not speeches litchi leadership is strategies to that end I want to take just a moment of personal privilege in route to the Word of God to speak my utter profound disdain for the battery of meetings that have been taking place at Trump Tower with quote black leadership I and I say that in earnest is that over the last two weeks our president electrum has met with Don King kanye west's Ray Lewis Jim Brown and now Steve Harvey now the reason why you have been adjusted to dysfunction and many of you have in fact been brainwashed with conditioner to think that because you are visible you're viable can you imagine can you imagine for the Irish community speaking of an Irish agenda that Pat Sajak goes to meet with the president to talk about education and his qualifier is Wheel of Fortune can you imagine going to represent of the resurgence of the automotive industry that the person going to meet would be Jay Leno because he owns a hundred cars does that qualify him for automotive rights we have been deluded as a people to think that because you are a celebrity you are qualified to carry the mantle in the hour of dr. King there were significant players who were supporters from hey Belafonte - Sidney Poitier who made significant contributions to the movement but nobody confused them to be the spokespeople so you can meet with all of them and you've not met with one member of a Congressional Black Caucus you've not met with one black mayor or anybody who has done grassroots activation and mobilization and we say nothing and all of them without exception get off the elevator and say it was a nice meeting he's a nice guy he was nice to me with no strategy and with no financial commitment woe unto us that we would allow that to be president I've got to ask you as critical thinkers of our church what do you think would be the response if in fact representing the Jewish community was David Letterman y'all now saying nothing to me is that they respect him as a comedian Jerry Seinfeld but Jerry Seinfeld is not the spokesperson to talk about advancing the rights for Israel you've got to come forward with a plan with an agenda here it is and with a budget you're meeting with a business person and so when it is that you hear me call into accountability and task those or quote representing our people it is not an indictment on the individual but if in fact we don't hold our people to the fire we're all gonna be burned up y'all not saying nothing to me something has to be said and something has to be done hear me I'm not even asking him to call on preachers I'm asking him to call on people who have a strategy and you can't call Steve Harvey to build up inner cities when Chicago had 740 murders y'all ain't saying nothin to me he's a great host for family whew great offer for think like a man but to build up the inner cities of America bring in Maxine Waters and bring in John Lewis y'all not saying nothin to me bring in people who have a record of building up our cities our communities and our schools this president has no agenda for HBCUs no agenda for public housing and the lead inquiry of transition Committee for Trump is why are we spending so much money for development of Africa and if we roll over y'all ain't saying nothing at play footsy that the only black people the president-elect can have a conversation with his entertainers athletes we are in serious trouble but we've got people who are qualified to be able to come to the table and come up with a strategy cuz ya'll ben Carson don't know what he doing if we are in a place that the most influential black person in the White House is ben Carson and amarosa Negros y'all better wake up it is serious time for us to really dig in and figure out what is the strategy Psalm 23 thank you I am preaching on but I need to get that off my system so that we on the right place I don't know whether you know it or not this is empowerment temple I don't know what no other church gonna talk about this morning but if y'all wanna shout straight is gonna come here with no chaser come on Psalm 23 Psalm 23 verse number 5 Psalm 23 y'all and got me in my feelings Psalm 23 Psalm 23 I almost left my whole preaching series to deal with this I said no let me stay focused let me stay focused Psalm 23 verse number 5 we tell my recovery psalm 23 verse number 5 it's a familiar passage I want all of us to read it aloud together Psalm 23 verse 5 let's read it together you prepare [Music] bless the Lord let's read it again together with vim vigor and vitality you prepare bless the Lord would you be seated right with you I need you to arm yourself with a writing instrument some critical points insights and revelations are going to be shared with you that will be beneficial not just to you but even for the people that you care about you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows I want to preach on this the third Sunday in January have you had enough have you had enough sociologists from Massachusetts State University scrutinized the connotations behind the common phrase you drink too much on the campus of that public institution 4,000 individuals were asked to comment on 30 fictitious stories about drink people drinking from a minimum of two drinks to a maximum of 13 bottles of beer what soon became evident was that the quantity of alcohol was not found to determine whether the label applied drinking too much actually it was the Associated behavior that took precedence if the drinker was Pleasant and kind there was a considerable tolerance on the other hand if the drinker became aggressive and boisterous he'll be chronicled in the category of having consumed too much even if the amount was minimal so in social circles drinking does not hear this equate to volume is connected to voice and posture how you stand and how you sound alerts the people around you whether or not you've had too much there may be others present who consumed more but the difference it is very carefully is they can handle it the words of your grandfather they can hold their liquor so it is not breathalyzer its behavior would if that was the same standard God used that if what's this he was to monitor where we are he would have to look at our stand and our sound to be able to gauge whether we've had enough when I don't have enough of what I need I raise my voice if I don't need anything a muffled in silence you know the colloquial expression shut mouths don't get fed and if your mouth is quiet it sends a signal to heaven I got enough where those who have had too much and you can tell it take the likes of Donald Trump who has had way too much money too much power too much fame and it's evident here this by how he talks by how he treats people some of your language proves Abraham Lincoln right that whenever God is about to make a millionaire he has to figure out whether he's going to lose a man or gang 1 again the gage is language and behavior many who drink too much interesting enough consume moderate amounts of alcohol and then there are those who can just handle it the most dangerous are those who imbibe unhealthy proportions but there is no conspicuous change to their behavior so they aren't perceived as problem drinkers because they don't talk loud they not hugging everybody they not trying to fight so they've consumed massive volumes watch this and you cannot tell because there is no behavior change so the people who love them the people who care about them the people who live with them the people who work with them don't know why because there is no change there's no evidence I want to know how in the world are you filled with the Holy Ghost but there's no evidence no sign that is in you are you telling me you can just hold it you can handle that much Holy Ghost and it don't change how you walk it doesn't change your language how is it you are feel with the Holy Ghost but you don't go around hugging folk that you don't speak to people that you don't know how will you feel but you only pray when you in trouble huh how do you have the Holy Ghost and you'll never shout out loud you'll never clap your hand you don't ever make any noise there ought to be something that that gives the evidence is in you but a dangerous drinker you're somebody who can get filled and sitting up function and normalcy managed to get through the whole day and pop a mint and folk around them don't know they are drinking just to get through when you have had an encounter with God the people around you or to catch the fumes to say what is it that's on you that you able to smile when you got the weight of the world that's on your shoulder what's going on with you that you can give God glory when you shouldn't have been able to climb out of the bed what are you on that you able to speak to the folk that did you nasty what is it about you that you able to give God glory when your jumped over the bridge and you gotta say I don't know what it is but the power of God here's something on the inside that works on the outside and extreme instances they are those who are heavy drinkers who experience delirium what's this they experience delirium because they don't show a change in behavior or language and the people who don't show a change in behavior and language are in danger why because the folk around them don't know their liver died that their kidney is corroding so they sit in silence while they're dying on the inside I don't know how you sit in church with all the stuff that's going on inside of you and you sit there as if you not perturbed and stressed and worried and anxious and folk ask you how you're doing in you lie and say I'm feeling great 10 and you don't even know that you have trained yourself to cry invisible tears that that you have Creed committed emotional and psychological suicide but because you sit in church puffed up and proud as if you're not going to anything so can't help you you don't go to the emergency room to read magazines you go to the emergency room because I need to see the doctor [Applause] people don't man you suffering in silence they mine when you begin to demand change and part of the vulnerable brokenness of our president-elect is he can't handle being challenged god help me huh I'm afraid of adults who are unteachable that you know everything and when somebody showed you how to do it properly then you become defensive as if it is an assault and an attack on you you don't know everything the saying is the more you know the more you realize how much you don't know that's how I'm praying God please spare us from this idiot part of your consternation is the weight of not knowing I don't know why I'm in this lot why I'm in this precarious predicament I don't know why my body is shutting down I've absolutely no rhyme or reason why it is I'm going through a personal recession have no idea how it is that I've gotten to a place where I feel disconnected from God and I have no answers and I'm going through a change and here it is it is not a CSUN coz I've been dealing with it for a minute this is just four five of you there to talk out loud what I'm going through I am afraid is my new normal and I'm trying to figure out is this the way it's going to be and do I need to just gird up my launch to prepare myself for where God has me or is this transition I want to be mature I'm gonna be logical I'm gonna be rational but I got questions and here's for five of you the same five that are be honest I got questions and God ain't talking and I'm trying to manage this by myself without being bitter trying to remain hopeful looking for a glimmer of faith trying to be encouraged but there's another part of me in the back of my mad that's saying it is with it here's I'm just don't have to change some stuff around maybe this is what God is trying to teach me maybe the devil is behind it and can I remind you y'all ain't heard it in a while but there's a whole song your grandmother used to say trouble don't last always he may not come when you want him the car but here's an horn he's a long time God huh I'm not gonna keep you long I just gotta ask you this question have you had enough hallelujah y'all y'all ain't saying nothin to me maybe I should have asked this to 9:30 have you had enough of living from paycheck to paycheck have you had enough I'm barely getting enough oxygen to breathe have had enough pain being in your body have you had enough of your family holding on by swear when you had enough then you know the only thing you can do is change your voice and change your behavior but as long as you sit there you know keep being point out to you but those of you that are saying god I need to tell you now on this the 15th of January this can't be what my 2017 is gonna look like let me stop this cycle right here and talk to the man upstairs they say God you saw what I went through in 2016 I can't afford a repeat I need a new season for my life this is enough it's been argued that some drunk people don't remember the things they've done and they don't remember what's this the day after under the influence the memory this committed to mess you up is that when you are drunk when you are inebriated watch this under the influence the memory cells of the brain are akin to senility the same function of senility in the mind is what happens when you're drunk what's lacking is not the ability to remember past events but the capacity to ingrain new impressions to the memory database and that's where the enemy wants you he wants you to only be able to remember the struggle of your past so you don't have space for new memories hallelujah you can tell those who are drunk in depression because everything that they articulate is about what somebody did to them in the past what happened to them in their past but God sent me in this early morning worship encounter to tell you and I hope 12 of you will get excited about it get ready for new memories hallelujah let the rest of your life is gonna be the mess of your life you ain't never giving God glory for that in other words I'm giving God glory for stuff that has not occurred yet but they are gonna be so meaningful they're gonna be so powerful they're gonna be so significant why pastor is the new memory is gonna delete some of my old memories I need God to do something in my life that when I praise over the new I forget about what happened in the old I want positive stuff to be poured into my life that I can't even recollect how bad the bad stuff was putting those things which are behind I press towards the mark of the high calling I know for some of y'all just don't mean not cuz you ain't lived through nothing but but but for 50 of you can I make a declaration God told me to tell you the nightmare is over but whatever was one of the worse of memories you had to Harbor God said when you give me glory I'm deleting the fire your win when you praise me you ain't go haunt you again I am deleting nasty memories the function of the brain is impaired by large doses of chemical count compound that's in alcohol the ability to do things is severely impaired when nobody ever deals with I want you to write this down when nobody ever deals with is the ratio of people is getting ready blow your man when I read it when I discovered it I couldn't believe it I had to go spot check it and to other sources to make sure when nobody in America deals with is the ratio of people on alcohol is parallel to the number of people here it is on sleeping pills you missed it let me give it to you again the number of people who are alcoholics is the same number of people who are addicted to sleeping pill and here's the difference is the people who are on sleeping pills are never called addicts they're just regular people who can't sleep so when I can't sleep I get a pass but if I can't stand being awake I get vilified so alcohol is excusable but sleeping pills gives you carte blanche it's not just the sleeping pill is not making me tired the functionality of the chemical in sleeping pills is not making you tired it is it's dulling your mind is telling your mind it to make you stop thinking so but the intention of a sleeping pill is to make your mind stop functioning legally it doesn't get the fanfare why because it doesn't make the indulged egg dumb so nobody has pulled together a support group for people on sleeping pills why because the people on sleeping pills don't use their voice and the people on sleeping pills here this have no demonstration of a boisterous behavior they go to sleep that ain't bothering nobody so it ain't a problem when you're not disrupting my peace so I don't seek for you help counsel and intervention why because it doesn't impact me I'm lost so here is here is the divide and I hope you'll get it is that we are assigned by God to minister to a community that is on alcohol and the problem is we've got a church on sleeping pills so our brains have become dulled to what's happening in Park Heights why because we are enamored by the sound of music in church without hearing the sound of bullets six blocks away so we can shout on green carpet and not deal with folk who got a run-down cement so we have gone to sleep and dulled our minds to the reality of what's taking place in our community why because we it is a lullaby of worship lift up your hands say something soft be gracious unto God hold somebody's hand as long as you don't disrupt what is happening within the fabric of somebody else's life it is not authentic worship authentic worship is a disruption is that when God shows up he will change and challenge every area of your life and I'm trying to figure out when Negroes went to sleep this is the time we gotta wake up and realize we are in trouble our minds are slowing down minds are slowing down you you didn't read the paper the man is slowing down the state delegate gets indicted you ain't saying nothing Oh minds are slowing down minds are slowing down that that uh we got a black male with a white cabinet man slowing down got got no agenda on how do we revitalize where it is that we are in the absence of accountability why it is that we have not raised up another generation of young leaders with every person in authority from the controller city council president the mayor the congressman is all over 55 and you tryna find out where is the future of our people maybe we went to sleep have you had enough I had enough and so on so I needed to know where to go to get replenished I'm in Psalm 23 Psalm 23 ah first one I had to go to my dealer y'all I get it in a minute Psalm 23 first one had to go to the dealer the Lord is my shepherd here is your declaration of faith I will lack nothing y'all y'all just miss that I all know your relationship with your dealer until my man the Lord is my shepherd I will lack nothing I wait for y'all to wake up y'all act like you still sleep let me can't give it to you unless the Lord is my shepherd I will lack nothing will you lay hands on yourself and shout out loud I will lack nothing in verse one what's this he's my dealer he will supply God y'all are Bible Church I gotta join your church oh look look look at verse number two in verse number one he's my dealer in verse number two y'all get me miss it he's my sleeping pill hallelujah he makes me lie down I can't hear nobody I'm telling you God will give you rest like you ain't never had before they anybody here that knows that that when I'm in the middle of a damnable day if I can get in the presence of God I can sleep he is forefather y'all need to keep it on a hundred I can sleep knowing I got bills I I can sleep knowing I can't handle my job I can sleep knowing that doctor's report one favorable he put me to sleep [Applause] here's here's what you gotta uh look at verse number two he doesn't suggest I lie down yeah y'all missed that he makes me go to sleep cuz he knows me he knows I'm Restless he knows I'm antsy y'all ain't sayin nothin to me he knows how to stay up flipping channels he knows I'm be strolling through the gram y'all ain't saying nothin to me but he'll make me go to sleep and can I tell you he's done it many times for people who are knowing it there was a man by the name of Adam and Adam had Dominion and authority and power to make me everything and God said now you don't done a good day's work now let me put you to sleep why cuz I couldn't find you no help so I got a pull something out of you get your didn't have before but I can't do it while you're waking I can't do it while you're awake because you'll interfere with what I'm pulling out of you I'm in verse number 4 for those who got history and underworld number one you got dealer number two you got sleeping pill number four why says you dealing with this kind of traffic this kind of activity you need a protector cuz you carry you and wait y'all ain't saying nothing to me yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death now watch this can I tell you bank robbers don't go after empty vaults they only go after that which is full of something the reason why the enemy has been attacking you is because of what you carry and I'm tired of lightweight believers that don't have any real authentic of knowing it but those of you didn't know I serve a God that fills me up number one he's uh he's my dealer make sure I don't need nothing he's he's my sleeping pill to make sure watch this he puts me to sleep after I've done the work that he's called me to do number three watch as he's my yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'm in verse number five y'all I'm coming around the mountain he's my caterer what do you mean he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies some some of y'all ought to thank God that after you've had a rough day you ain't got to do nothing the candles are already lit the China has already been played he said I know how hard you work and you've had to do for other people now imma give you a season to just sit down now God please don't let me go to sleep in this chair I need you to sit down why God cuz I need you to look across the table and see all the folks that didn't expect you to eat that didn't expect you to do well that didn't expect you too heavy nah you ain't gotta fight them you ain't got a chaser all you gotta do is stand still and see the salvation of the Lord here's your best shout this morning if you don't have no enemies you ain't gonna have a table but if you got enemies you better get ready for a dining table for what God is gonna prepare here's our here's my last point none finished I'm letting you go he's my dealer make sure I don't like nothing he's my sleeping pill he makes me lay down he's my protector cuz I'm carrying weight and Foca trying to take my block y'all ain't saying nothin to me he's my caterer because he prepares a table in the presence of my enemy here's the last one in only 12 y'all of really gonna shout in here he's my part ender hallelujah but what do you mean he's my Bart and I thought this was recovery Sunday what's his hickey boy he anoints my head with oil some of y'all ain't gon like this not just at the same table is in the same verse I'm in verse five Psalm 23 first thing he's gonna do is pair the table now watch this this is amazing at the table he anoints me now y'all forgot my enemies are sitting across the table so what God does once he gets me to the table I'm supposed to be in he's gonna anoint me in the presence of my enemies can I hear somebody in here the reason why you got a shout is that folk are gonna talk about you but you know what they gonna say he anointed though I wish there was somebody in the room that knows when the anointing of God is on my life even my haters will recognize I'm anointed and I found out my time is up I didn't mean to keep you this long I found out that God has a problem hallelujah God has a problem and all of my years and Sharon Christian gospel of reading of the word in biblical training I never realized what God's problem was till I got to Psalm 23 verse 5 what's the problem real here's the problem the problem with God that I never picked up on is God does not know limits he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies and once they sit down he anoints my head with oil know what's wrong with God and then he comes over with a pitcher god I can't hear nobody and when he comes over with a picture do you know what my god does y'all don't want to know i'ma tell you anyway he starts pouring hallelujah when it gets halfway there I start waving my hand and shouted when he fills it up y'all ain't saying nothing I began giving God glory and then some crazy happens he keeps for and He pours even when it spills over y'all ain't getting this and the thing that I love about God he pause when it gets on the table car he paused when is running down the side of the table God said watch this i'ma keep whoring until you say you had enough and I believe that some of y'all wanna shout that this is the year y'all go keep pouring he's gonna keep calling me I said keep pouring overflow keep pouring opportunity he's gonna keep pouring hallelu I can't hear nobody I said he gonna keep pouring hallelujah one one of my father's favorite restaurants I don't go there too much but one of my father's favorite restaurants is a Fogo de Chao he he likes it I don't like it that much I'm a crazy crazy place about a focal de Chao is a Brazilian steakhouse if you ain't never been there and Russia they keep bringing meat Holly and every two minutes you can't even get your fork in without another way to Claire you want some veal you want some layer you want some steak you want some chicken you want some shish kebab and they keep coming y'all ain't saying nothing to me and you saying to yourself why they keep bothering me that they keep bringing stuff to me until finally the maitre d said to me if you wanted to stop and turn it over long y'all they saying nothing and long as they see green on the table is gonna keep coming and I need somebody in this room to give God glory because God say is don't keep cover for the next forty nine weeks blessings are gonna keep cover I need you to give him pray why because God I gave you the signal sending blessings into my life keeps sending checks to my keep opening doors for my children let it keep coming [Applause] [Music] I got the wrong Church y'all a shouting good why I didn't tell you gonna fill it up I said it's gone overfill and I wish 90 of you in this room that believe God is gonna bless your life for Supernatural overflow this year I need you to shout until it smells I I need you to shout until you missed you missed a major point Jesus is my caterer he put the linen out he said it and then it's gonna mess you up only father y'all gonna get it he willfully messes up wood he prepared its wine all over the table he says I don't mind the stain god I I don't care that some of it got on your plate I just needed to see where you celebrate that your overflow here's the shower you overflow looks like a mess god I can't hear nobody in here the overflow ain't gonna be neat the overflow ain't gonna be pretty they all the flow is gonna look a mess and he said that's what I got for your life how did you just and I I want you to lift up that hand I'm believing my faith guards pouring today hallelujah but I pray over every lifted hey I'm Mitchell and you'll just keep pouring keep on until we say we can't take no more keep pouring until what you put on us impacts everybody at our table keep pouring here this until you got to take some stuff away God for that I'll give you glory that this is my year full recovery I don't mean just financially I mean emotionally I mean for your family I mean for your body God give me more than enough even if it looks like a mess those of you your faith is connected to my faith in you believe God's going to pour some amazing miracles into your life would you give God Thanksgiving for it even right now I need every person standing I need to open the doors of the church for just one moment please hold your position wherever it is that you are foe can't even tell what you're going through because you've learned how to monitor your tone you've learned how to suppress your emotions but you need God in a real way wherever it is that you are whoever it is that you are and you need Jesus Christ to flow into your life I need you to come meet me at this altar I want you to come give me your hand but I need you to give God your heart you're saying I need to join this church I need to get saved I need to do something dramatically different Pacha all I know is I can't keep going on the same track I'm on because I'm dying on the inside and I can't get sleep would you help me give God some glory for this beautiful sister [Applause] I'm thankful for this one but I believe there's still another one here wherever it is that you are would you come to me very quickly please you're here I need you to come very quickly please hallelujah my time is fully elapsed would you take one moment and talk to two people and ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God everybody would you please do that for me I don't need you to do it now I need you to do it right now every person would you do that for me please hallelujah thank you hallelujah every person the Bible says that angels are rejoicing right now sinners that are getting saved those of you that are thankful under God I need you to give God glory even now sure - right hand of faith towards our beloved new friend and sister repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right give God some glory you may be seated medium is sure I'm gonna say even for the sake of time I'm gonna save that video for a 9:30 I was reading an amazing incredible and insightful article on the twenty Habits of eventual millionaires the 20 Habits of eventual millionaire would you elbow your neighbor and tell them I'm an eventual millionaire the 20 of them I'm going to give them what is today I want to give you four of those habits four habits of eventual millionaires I want you to write these down please four habits of eventual millionaires the very first one write this down is gonna mess you up say no y'all didn't hear what I just said the first habit of an eventual millionaire is to say no when you say no you got more time to read more time to learn the one I like more time to sleep more time to ask questions and a problem many of us present company included more time to do nothing and it's okay to do nothing more time for your family more time for your love life more time for your family more time for friends eventual millionaires have got to become proficient at saying no everybody in the room would you just shout out loud no [Music] here's the second one habit of eventual millionaire is to love love essential to our faith to our religion love is the only thing I like it that's worth surrendering to love what's this pumps your idea muscle you think better when you love what you do I say you think better when you love what you do you are more watch this you are more proficient when you are around somebody you actually love if you don't love it why are you doing it jesus said if you love me feed ma she as an eventual millionaire was the first thing that you've got to learn to do what's the second thing here's the third one the third one as an eventual millionaire is make mistakes mistakes watch this are the soul food and the secret recipe for success John Fitzgerald Kennedy our great presidents of this nation said if you want to see a great success look for a great failure because anybody who has been successful at something failed first you cannot be a millionaire if you are afraid to make mistakes you're this for eventual millionaires study your mistakes longer than you study your success study your six study your mistakes longer than you study your success Serena and Venus Williams wrote a book a few years ago called born to win and in that book chapter two Sarina gives a transparent testimony that she hates practice absolutely hates practice but knows is necessary for what she has to do are you prepared to make mistakes for destiny for future for prophecy here's the fourth one it gets us to where it is that we are the first one as an eventual millionaire first thing you have to do is learn how to do what second thing is what the third one is what here's the fourth one I love it here it is 20 habits of eventual millionaires I read it almost jumped off the train yesterday here's the fourth one plant seeds basic garden mass 1% of seeds contribute to 50% of flowers 1% of seeds represent 50% of flowers here's the thing is you don't know which seed will germinate so you gotta keep planting seeds because you don't know which C is gonna provoke the harvest all you need is one seed to shift it one seed to turn it around one seed washes will turn a drought into a farm you cannot be a farmer and exercise in patience because the other 49 don't work do you give up the farm now I gotta keep planting knowing my neck see maybe what turns the soil over ladies and gentlemen today is uh would have been the 88th birthday Martin Luther King jr. 88th birthday Amon Luther King jr. and his greatest threat watch this - the FBI - J Edgar Hoover is they understood with Saints don't your dream is a seed the threat on his life is that he planted it into a whole community of black people the dream of the capacity of a greater America was this that the nation couldn't see before he planted it and the seed is what made him a threat to the establishment there was a man by the name of Joseph I don't know if you remember him he's in Genesis go meet him my says his father put a coat on him of many colors and his was amazing he began to dream and his brothers were thinking about killing him why only because here it is he dreamed out loud his voice is what made him a threat the problem empowerment temple is that a seed is of no effect until it is planted and so his brothers did him the best favor of his life they threw him in an empty well it was not until watch this Joe is buried that he began to blossom because your best watch this your best results only come when people try to bury you they got no idea when I'm a seed I'm gonna sprout right through the dirt and I'm gonna be able to talk about it I want to challenge you on this dr. King Sunday I'm gonna challenge you those of you that have a dream for your children would you lift up that hand you've a dream for your family wave let him you got a dream for yourself can I tell you you're never too old to dream I didn't hear anybody you're never too old to dream my late sainted grandmother Pauline Lucas Williams didn't learn how to play the piano until she was 65 never too late to dream he I be able to dream and I'm believing by faith that much of the attack you've gone through thus far was because of the dream seed you carry and people are so afraid that it's going to come to pass I'm gonna challenge all of our Tigers we know what is required of us what is expected of us that we will give God our best we know that God always gives to us his best if we good every perfect gift comes from God everything bad came from somebody else how an every other person watch this you are not a tither but you are a dreamer you're believing God that God's going to help your dream come to pass in honor of one of the greatest American heroes that have ever walked this nation I'm going to challenge you every person on behalf of your children on behalf of your dream I want you to get a seed of $88.00 why pastor cuz I'm investing in my own legacy I'm investing in my own future I'm talking to those of you who are watching online come on help me I'm believing my faith God's gonna do something amazing in your life you just got to trust him for it what every person every person even if you're going to give it electronically on either side of the sanctuary I want you to get to your debit card very quickly you are planting a seed for your dream for your hope for your expectation every person I need you standing right now every person and he just ended to know this church was just a dream you don't even know that what you got on was a dream in somebody's mind what you drove here in was a dream for somebody's concept I'm telling your dreams do come true I want you to plant that seed as an investment the great late dr. Myles Munroe said the best ideas are in the cemetery people died with them because they never lived with them lift up that seed above your hair come on every dreamer lift up that cedars get ready to overflow Lord in the name of Jesus I pray that you'll bless every dream you'll bless every dreamer in Jesus name Amen would you turn to your right begin coming now from the last room and please your pastor love you I pray for you every day I want God to bless you until watch this it messes up stuff I want God to so bless you that it messes up your relationship with small-minded people I want God to so bless you here it is it messes up your definition of success or God does so bless you that it messes up watch this the way your family looks at you lift up that neighbors hand the civil rights movement their rallying cry was we shall overcome unbelievers not going to be some day has got to be today I need you to join me here Tuesday night I'm walking through the miracles of the Gospel of John hope that you'll please come and join me on Tuesday night at 7:30 our prayer meeting is Wednesday night at 7:00 those of you that need prayer shake that neighbors and you need prayer shake that neighbors and please pray for our nation this week pray for our people this we pray that god anointed in this week now went to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God rest may God rule and may God abide with each and every one of you hands for them now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said amen would you hug three people on your way out and tell them you get ready to get more you get ready to get more you
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 14,535
Rating: 4.6870747 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Jamal Bryant, jamal bryant 2015, dr. jamal bryant 2016 sermons, dr. jamal bryant 2016, dr. jamal bryant, dr. jamal bryant why black men arent getting married
Id: jIz1qnEza84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 44sec (4544 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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