7 Silver Players vs 1 Grand Champion

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yortblort 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/idontwanttosorry 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's going on gamers so I'm back with a new video and today we're gonna be playing seven silver ranked players in Rockley as many of you know about a year ago I played against seven bronze ranked players and one that mad then a few months later I played against seven golds and actually ended up losing so you guys really enjoyed both of those videos and I did skip over the silvers so I figured now is as good of a time as any to challenge seven Silver's to a rocket League match so this match is gonna be a best of five and here's how it's gonna work I'm on the orange team and since we can't actually fit all seven Silver's on the blue team four of them are gonna be on blue and the remaining three are gonna be on the orange team but they're gonna be playing against me along with everyone else so basically everyone on the field regardless of what team it looks like they're on is playing against me if you want a chance to be in a future video like this follow me on instagram twitter and join my discord server to stay up to date when I need new players just before we get into the games here I wanted to give a huge thanks to our sponsor over on I promise I promise is basically a company that provides vitamins to enhance and protect your vision and their new screen shield Pro vitamins are specifically optimized for eSports because the supplements improve eye health reduce eye strain and it can even give you quicker reaction time so it's safe to say these will greatly benefit your eyes but you don't have to just take my word for it the screen shield Pro vitamins also benefit people like pro call of duty player clay ster and are even used by the legend himself some Muskaan they're continuously making the screen shield Pro better and they obviously use all natural ingredients and I've been taking it for only six weeks now and I've already noticed a difference so go to their website now take it with me and make sure to use code muskie for 22% off your whole order and if you buy it now you'll also have a chance to win a free two out of Rockley coaching session for myself so this is definitely a super good deal for a fantastic product but with that being said let's get back into the video all right let's do it let's do it definitely gonna be really tough and these guys in front of me are not on my team yeah just know that everyone on the field is playing against me so should I go for this kickoff go for it okay yeah and they always like to go for the kickoff for some reason and I made it really clear they are not are not on a they're not acting in my team oh please miss these literally messed his teammate up oh my god I'm just I'm honestly just betting that everyone's gonna mess each other up oh I was gonna try to set up a cut sir pinch dang let's boom it make like six of em Joe maybe over the Ole Miss yeah I never know how good these guys are like I never know if they can hit it on the wall or not so you got a previous in hey well what a 50/50 thank God they didn't go in this is gonna be so hard it's like your shot don't score we're fine I'm backwards I'm behind this half lift I got it let's hit it away see like they kinda it's not this rank where they're kind of getting an understanding of hitting the ball in the air and everything thanks lady no and go that's what I wanted to catch that oh no it's gonna about a good bomb all right when in doubt whenever I'm in doubt like what to do I'm just gonna kind of retreat back to net I think I feel like I think that's bad I'll be honest with you oh my god guy you take it we take it so honestly now I just have to chill back I can stall time I can just play goalkeeper if I want but I'm not gonna with jibt play goalkeeper role I'm just gonna kind of play a more passive than normal okay they're trying to bunt me it looks like I'm just smart you actually took the base to which is so smart now I'm really low again lesson I've learned from all these is like half to avoid bombs that's super super important a little baby shot towards the net they get the same thing get on the wall I think I have an advantage over all them whenever it's in the air oh I couldn't get the angle for the double top gotta get back to a clicky I was fine it's got a void bumps I roll it up for myself because in the area that's definitely like I said that's definitely where I have the the advantages in the a I'm not gonna commit for this honestly like there's nothing wrong than just chillin back here I'm just gonna get back get some boosts and slowly apply pressure we miss you know overall these guys so we barely got the dunk kind of wet bumps if you commit there you miss I feel like some other misses like my kind of turn into fakes like I think they're gonna hit it and I mess up because they miss that that could be a possibility get hit away here I just I started like 20 times now I know I definitely have a big advantage when the ball is in the air I'll bring this off the sidewall see myself boom it is it a nice horse and I could say if it's a it's gonna go all the way back here normally I don't recommend going all the way back but in his very different situation in normal obviously normally not playing against seven people Oh God oh nice Ariel nice aerial he got me this way okay no no no no no no oh good go good you okay he messed him in to see me know what it touch geez what a touch this guy dude sand you if they if they just get some chemistry down and stop messing each other up there I guarantee you they're gonna be me but if they they don't get the chemistry down I ugly this looks like they're not getting too much kimchi down looks like they got some solid solo plays going the team plays aren't quite there every 50/50 is so risky to you and by the way these guys are all least I think five of them at least in a voice call so that definitely gives them not like an advantage over me but definitely gives them a better chance of winning it I feel like you miss and kind of right through this car I've the advantage here might be in trading its hits the bar hangover this is it in who what does he attack monsters with the save should be able to get back in time he might have a touch though Oh God he missed I'm fine he's gonna kind of pinch this towards Annette definitely not the power I was looking for bit alright ish money for for for rotating near post kind of ruining everything here easy fake okay I probably wasn't the best situation to faking let's see oh god he's trying to dim with me oh god no what touch oh my god they should have definitely gotten to go there the guy got an insane touch don't score that's not in we're good we're good 40 more seconds 40 more seconds oh god this is not good this is not good I wake her shot that's fine listen they mess each other up that's even better for me little touch away I'm not gonna jump oh god roll run thankfully it uh kind of broke it away here boom the hard okay I'm at the point where I'm not even gonna try to score I'm literally playing defense 15 more seconds I gotta hold it down no no mm-hmm no come on what a shot I turn really poorly here I should have turned the other way we got this I think I'm gonna right now I'm not gonna risk it I'm not gonna risk it it's gonna stay back thankfully I didn't get bump there that was have been an incident can you save it let's go let's go I just need to set those aerial plays up from my own corner and gives them such low probability to save it four more seconds I gotta hold it down for game on let's do it these kickoffs I can definitely go for is I'm not at a starting out of disadvantage it's literally gonna hit this one away okay okay okay all right so we took Game one against the seven silver this is really tough though thankfully not a lot of them have been bumping me which is great so let's get into game number two all right we're good we're good on these I'm the biggest possible disadvantage here I've seen to get boosts and avoid bumps is that straight in are they gonna miss they almost mess each other up yeah I was too afraid of booting that so hard cuz I feel like I've had a bad recovery so I just stopped it coulda probably owned a little harder there boy who like 17 bumps in a row touch above him I'm just gonna go back to works see like I could have gone for that and actually scored but I'm expecting them to hit it that's why against low ranked players that's why it's kinda hard cuz I don't know what whether to expect them to hit it or not one extra touch there I'm just gonna get on my way back I'm surprising like not many people are really trying to bug me like if I were them I would get at least two people just shine above me because I feel like that would make a very substantial difference just being here you might save it [Music] and they're definitely not used to like hints that are super hard okay oh we got where did this man come from I thought I had everything zoned out and everything I knew that one guy was voted me and then he comes from nowhere oh my god what a play dude right after I say that they need more people bumping me peanut not gonna go for big beats obviously my honey takes it these guys are smart I thought he was gonna hit it so I didn't go the hit away honey gets the other boosts hit down away I was really really tough love booze I am gonna commit for this it was really risky Oh God come on please stop following me yeah we doesn't have like a quick angle and off backboard oh I miss we're fine though finally exciting store I'm gonna boot it there we go be like all of them and yeah they don't have any dedicated goalies either it's like they don't have a super good strategy I know when I played against the seven golds oh no no I got bummed when I played against the seven gold they had like a whole essay MLA format written game playing with like they knew exactly how many goalies they were gonna have exactly how many bumpers they're gonna have Jesus Christ they've definitely upped the bumping up I definitely feel like they they planned that like they called it out to bum more I have one piece get off of me okay at least I have a hundred boost awake for one touch it's somewhat away but attack monster sounds a shot here he made messes him up which is good will touch am I gonna go for this should have a he should be Oh God come on just got to get it over here we're fine I think I have one more is that in is that in come on come on let's go dude let's go a little bit of luck but I kind of bounced off his car a little pinchy pinch they didn't have a goalie back this time so we get goal number one let's see again I'm [ __ ] a disadvantage so I'm just gonna get these two pads and avoid bumps oh it could've been really bad thankfully uh didn't go like right into them oh wait I was actually decent hit puts me in a spot momentum it's gonna get a soft touch here and make you know a few guys ever come in hopefully again maybe see you not even close not even close I really stretch it going for them induce and you get under Busey yeah I feel like Silver's are really inconsistent like some of them like that guy and then the other guy they can like Ariel really well some of the others I feel like can't really control their aerials - well thanks my getting a demo'd asana neither perfect perfect don't get it don't hit it nice thanks for fine you're fine it sounded super dangerous spot oh we're good we're good okay so I feel like all of them can Ariel but some some are better than others just one a way off the ballots to get a little extra power they zoom it try to go down part I'm just gonna guess they're both gonna miss let's go I'm not gonna play super passive now that I'm winning his last time ending quite work I'm just gonna keep playing a normal pretty much oh god he's gonna trip on me I keep I keep avoiding their bumps on kickoffs which is great for me and they didn't take both the sort of smart which is in smart okay see like that's like that's like a champion level hit like it's a solid hard head and now it's in let's go dude three two one I think he can flip back and get BC and towards net is that end oho look up all I would avoid that too I got bumped right oh my mom's twice get off me get off me all right I'm just gonna this guy this dude is silver what this dude you're telling me this dude this went all the way up there oh my god ain't get boost just set back yeah I'm send back I'm showing I'm chillin yeah hey boy oh he jumped over me oh that's so funny I think I'm sorry oh we're good we're gonna hard I'm risking it let's go goal number four they just keep messing each other up and obviously when he adds the backward like that they're gonna have trouble with it why are they he's hitting it the wrong way what the heck ook at the pinch I just have to do this one away I'm gonna guess he's gonna miss it down towards nut I'm not quite not quite see I gave me goose a fine but we cannot get a good recovery after it was perfect all right and that is game number two with the win alright guys so if we win this game then we in the best-of-five series I definitely don't want to play more than one more game against these guys here I'm gonna get these two pads here I don't think I've enough time to get the big boosts okay I'm getting this piece though which is great let's see if I can I can slide on these guys oh god I mess it up I mess it up oh no what no way just goes in okay felt like they're gonna mess each other up again give me that one capacitance will hit over this guy get the double tap oh we can't get the angle get a memory see it's fun this one should be here there pick it up the wall I miss oh what a play that doesn't miss play guy man just misread the situation need to be catching that one on the wall to try to clear it out everyone demo Musti now oh God they called it out in quick chat this time okay and get it a pad or two kind of messing each other up a little bit here Oh will they miss a mess okay I think I can go for earn I think he's gonna like I don't I never know I never know oh wait did he touch that you thought that this one away okay we're perfect just how to preach on that one a little bit it's gonna be passed to them so it's saying that Here I am booming I feel I'm gonna trust him to miss this is it in let's go perfect peanut it's got a place Myers what pumps play smart stay back until I get an uncontested hey let's see hands a little angle here let's go he shouldn't miss that song go all I miss am I going for this know that someone's gonna hit it see they don't hit it they don't hit it but I feel like if I would have gone for that then they would have hit it and I'd be getting scored on right now this back towards my own corner kind of give myself time to recovery above one potential guy going I'm doing all this wall of wedding bumps as well with his super tough that's actually really good for me pre flip oh we missed it we miss it when I get back though okay that's actually so good for me because I lost Vaughn back that is actually so good cuz I was low momentum so I just got bumped there I probably wouldn't have gone back super quick might make him work a little bit here tell the way back push money Oh got it it's got a power slide trying to avoid him a little bit doing that one I can't that's a little bit too far away for me to go for again a defense keeping it a little bit of pressure without over-committing too hard cut the teamplay I don't want to go I'm so scared to go because if I go and I don't get perfect contact on it I get scored on I flipped in that hard is it end I can't tell it straight in pretty big miss play by name to kind of give that ball to oppression to flip into that try to get boost I feel like boost is more important than going to the kickoff you would bump like I can go let's get some power going yeah but if it's not in the air they're probably gonna get a touch on it there's the boom a little bit too high actually on that one it's still gonna make him work still gonna make them work I'm not gonna go it's just too close to zone another guy here I think where'd you go you should have a little out way to hit it away it was good this dude's this dude's supposed to be silver bro it's not one guy I feel like he can aerial higher than all the other guys okay okay I literally miss I'm literally a Grand Champion and I missed this dude what's he doing okay he's actually there let him get a little touch oh I missed you since once I'm hearing I was making stupid mistakes this game and I might have to turn it up and not to play a little aggressive all I got bumps I can save it though here's the corner dribble I need but he's gonna only miss see Miss but I know you don't have momentum for the dribble and he's near to you that's good want to beat one to beat backlit is it in your palm no I had so many of them beep oh no no no no like they're getting better as time goes on 100% I don't know actually keep I mean obviously keep trying but I don't know if actually you like just get ready for the next game or still try to win this game or I mean I'm so just gonna play really I'm gonna play really aggressive all the ceiling shot it was a little too far off the wall what is he doing what are you doing miss Oh without right through his car all right well I'm not sure what this one man's is doing he why would he get these two pets be ready for the save all got it actually hit it away that's all I can really do if I Morbius I pop it out for myself I really love the way for this is fun and then trying to make a little play here maybe oh god I had to get my flip back get my momentum back that was actually a really clean catch okay okay I'm zero you're above them no I just don't have no no please dismiss eBay's Heelys alright I have to go so have to go sick I'm up here let's go let's go let's go okay five seconds to get a goal right so I can't just go directly for it I'm just gonna wait I'm gonna quit close here and wait ah suck that sucks three seconds okay I have to beam this Oh any sake they're in the air that's it dang it's okay steps two months for me one one for them again if I win this next game here then I would at all and they have two more to win if they want to win the best of fire I don't feel like I need to change my strategy completely I just feel like I need to be more careful with my my over commands cuz that's that's the main times I get scored on so I kick off it boosts hopefully don't bang it it's good I got one gun and that one guy is going after me gotta wait for shine and beat everyone to this Oh what the guy was in the article you can get it no goalies no goalies oh gotta get pumps dang it he musta see mine up there and when it see me had to clear I'll just be all the way back no they have it on net they're getting better as time goes on I'm telling you I didn't think he had the hidden I shouldn't have slipped towards that booth so I should just flip back towards that I'm under estimating a man they've all like turned into golds no I'm honestly so dumb but I think lighting it's scored on there I mean I'm getting word they're getting better and I'm getting worse let's see I'll actually push over or I'm see the same thing what a bump it's actually pretty good for me I don't only have an angle or anything they're all gonna miss each other up there let's go a nice guy so we take those we take this good Busey a kind of mess up my hat flip let's see it's got bumped a little bit a little catchy oh I miss it that's actually good though can I go at the angle whoo let's go dude look they're all just rotating like right on top of each other it's bumping each other two passes right to me two goals actually push up a little bit here why is okay he's taking the kick off maybe a little touch oh no I'm kind of soft but kind of hard good clear good clear should have time to get back here they have the first touch as well if I go quick yeah I literally missed I literally missed oh he's there he's there oh he would have scored that to the stuff that's the best I can do is the VESA mount I see the boost is here gotta get the boost let's go so I got the boost and I voted both bumpers great what a shot what a shot alright world I won't go down I'll go P just kick off Oh God he might be here too they messed with this perfect I'll get boost dang every time into my backward that's where they get the goals a lot of the time this guy's it's gaiking like fast aerial really well they spun not the most not the best setup I can't really do much I mean obviously it's like in the air I can beat a lot of them alright so goal number three pretty solid again yeah kind of mess each other up a little bit he's sitting in net with too low momentum I see here it's gonna turn I gotta avoid this bump though as always it's off the side wall I know I am he could off me get off me no okay thankfully a guy what is going on he excellent admit assuming thinking every time I get the gold they just match it right away crazy nice shot this whole time I'm just getting bullied over here and their mechanics are actually decent gonna get a nice little aerial day good to go off with the bumps down away I got the boost uh that game just dude it as hard as I can literally I just can't hit the pole I literally can't hit the ball okay we're fine at sign to sign in and sign an I just got to make a less mistakes as simple as that it's gonna stop missing the ball I'm getting bummed goodie bump it down away I can't really go for this I kind of have to trust one of them to get in touch - there's seven of them try to get Visa oh my god I got bumps we're fine - alright let's see what's up two minutes just to get one goal we have two minutes to get one goal I said he telling myself that not doing things he's stupid he's there he messes he made up was good but this is this dude it's one guy I just need to remember his car and trust him to actually hit it but no one else that's the same guy who got the the Ariel go last time I'll say leave me mid boost nope I snagged it this piece is here gotta see who's gonna hit it let's see I'll leave this but just to get a really hard hit here that's good looks like they got two goalies now as well but I feel like a smarter and having exira think I can go the score to score let's go let's go we got it I honestly have to rely on them just passing the ball to me in the bid right there I'm actually gonna go for the ball I'm not gonna half look how it's gonna change it up a little bit that's not good though gotta have one bump there and he got the boost for me as well oh you messed him up he messed him up see it's good these pads get these pads here circling around my mess each other up again I've seen not a pass directly to me this time get a few pads make sure that kind of curve - to avoid box as well but he missed it super tough spot here in no way is silver score this okay we're fine four five he got the touch though that's actually a really hard touch they even get I can't really score here but I keep it in their zone keep in the air oh I could have scored that I mess up my arrow you got a solid clear as well gotta get big this and then avoid the bump okay I got I got a big base like a bump a little bit not too much no no pinch as hard as I can okay got it a little bit close there but what we good be good have turnout I know someone's gonna be there to bug me oh he actually touched it let's see okay I'm not losing I'm not losing I honestly forgot I scored four say okay I'm gonna trust them to not to not score this I'm only 19 B so what's going mess him up hey deuce b4 can we keep no it's like I say up alright I just have to end this right now I have to end this right now that's it to me pass it to me thank you oh okay got that mode please don't hit it directly towards night yeah okay that's actually good for me this dude though man it's Anna kegs are on fleek right now we missed the wall hit he missed the wall hit play a low-risk a ball here sitting it away should be an easy hit away and want that dig boost but they're gonna take it from me you gotta commit though that's good that's a really good hit now I just have to hope they mess each other up and they do they do they don't get that own gold O's good for them I get it can I get it is that it let's go let's hope it I wouldn't read that one extra head all right so we got is they took one game off me but we do end up winning the best-of-five here so if you guys did enjoy the video don't forget to drop a like subscribe here if renew and would like to see more content like this and come in the next rank versus rank matchup I should try peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 2,491,893
Rating: 4.8967915 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, amustycow, Rocket League, 7 silvers vs 1 grand champion, 1 grand champion vs 7 silvers, 1 grand champ vs 7 silvers, 7 silvers vs 1 grand champ, rocket league showmatch, silver vs grand champ, grand champ vs silver, 7 Silver Players vs 1 Grand Champion (Rocket League Showmatch), 1 grand champ vs 7 silver, 7 silver vs 1 grand champ, 7 gold vs 1 grand champion, 1 grand champion vs 7 bronze, 1 vs 7 rocket league, 7 vs 1 rocket league, RL gameplay
Id: QP2NfiTd9r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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