I Watched Falcon & The Winter Soldier Ep. 4 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and i just watched falcon the winter soldier episode 4 at point 2 fabric speed this will be a complete breakdown plus my point to fabric speed series i'm gonna go shot by shot and try to explain everything that i see but let's i'll have you know i found more easter eggs and details in this episode than any other in the show but they're mostly towards the end so i ask you to watch the video in its entirety but before i begin please give me just 55 seconds to thank today's sponsor raid shadow legends today i'm excited to share that raid shadow legends has a brand new playable faction named the shadowkin for new players looking to jump in the fastest way to level up your champion is through farming the campaign you earn xp and get loads of silver and artifacts at the same time great shadow legends has just hit their two-year anniversary and they have loads of events and tournaments going on right now for the first time ever they'll have a clan vs clan tournament and later this month the fan favorite doom tower has a new rotation with two new tough bosses if you let's want to get a huge head start on raid click on my link in description or scan the qr code if you're a new player you'll receive jotun an epic champion for free who's super helpful for the doom tower on top of that you'll receive 100 000 silver 50 gems and three engine shirts so you can summon champions while in game you can help support my channel by downloading raid today you'll find the rewards in your inbox right here for the next 30 days today's episode opens in wakanda and we finally get to see how bucky got himself free from the winter soldier program it wasn't only shuri who helped him ayo one of the leading members of dora milaje also helps de-program bucky this is taking place post-civil war by the way the background score in this scene was just epic it went from wakanda's theme to buck his cream and eventually a sigh of relief and just look at the reaction of ayo when she realizes bucky can no longer be brainwashed now i have to take a second here and appreciate sebastian stan's acting he has been playing bucky since the beginning of the mcu and i think it is one of the best casting marvel has ever done cut to the present day where ayo asks bucky how could he set zemo free bucky tells her that they need his help so as a result she gives him only eight hours after that the dora malaysia will come and apprehend zemo so bucky comes back to the apartment and immediately lets both sam and zemo know about what's coming i thought there might be some sort of cliche betrayal here from bucky by not telling zemo that the wakundens were looking for him but i'm glad the writers didn't do it notice this apartment is covered in stained glass windows with a star pattern that just so happened to be colored red blue and white the stained glass remains in the background during all of the conversation in this room the color patterns the stars all indicate towards captain america this is just foreshadowing how sam one day will wield the shield they come to know about the bombing of grc supply camp and zemo uses the situation to propagate his own agenda he gives a monologue on why super soldiers are no different than supremacists i think daniel bruhl has a great voice for this kind of monologue and we just kind of hang on to his words don't we and i love this quick clarification from bucky nazis to ultron to the avengers hey those are our friends you're talking about the avengers not the nazis so bucky just saved sam from having a very fine people on both sides moment zemo then says they have to kill carly morgenthau but sam and bucky think otherwise bucky says the serum doesn't always corrupt people just like it didn't corrupt steve now if i pause the frame here for a second notice the two stars behind bucky are positioned in a way that could be a nod to winter soldier in the comics anyway hearing bucky talking about how the serum didn't corrupt steve rogers zemo says but there was never another steve rogers you notice sam's reaction here but there has never been another steve rogers has there so as soon as zemo said there has never been another good super soldier the camera specifically focuses on sam which means out of all people zemo might have been the one to convince sam that he has to take the mantle of captain america because he is the only one worthy after steve rogers the trial then makes a plan of visiting dhania madani who apparently is a mother figure to all these lost kids she's the one who raised carly cut to the flex measures where they're watching the news of their own bombing as i said in my previous video the security guards that carly killed here didn't deserve to die because in this episode we come to know that one of the workers only joined a week ago and is a father of two so no matter how good of a cause carly has her way of moving forward is definitely wrong sam bucky and zemo visit the grc resettling camp where donya madani died they're looking to find out when's the funeral cause in the funeral they will find carly zemo bribes a kid with turkish delight which apparently is irresistible the kid tells emo when and where will be the funeral but zemo gives that information only to himself as a leverage so that bucky doesn't just hand zima over to the wakundans but this angers bucky and zemo starts to get in his head so sam says this he's just gonna extort you into that stupid head tilt thing he's just gonna extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing and notice as soon as sam said it zemo realized this is exactly what he was doing so he immediately straightens his head this is again another great piece of writing from derek callstead sam then talks to sharon over the phone and asks for help sharon says mad report is about to get real nasty because zemo killed dr nagel who was the only one capable of making more serum so now power broker wants the serum back from carly no matter at what cost but let's focus on the fact that sharon said mad report is about to get a lot nastier you killed the golden goose magikor is about to get real nasty and notice in the second phone call which takes place near the end of the episode we can see a wound on her lip so mad report did get crazy over the killing of dr nagle anyway sharon agrees to help sam by putting a surveillance over to the camp cut to a graveyard where the flag smashers are hiding the remaining serum this gravestone by the way belongs to this flagsmasher's grandfather who fought the nazis and told his grandson about all the greatness of captain america so since he was a kid he grew up as a captain america fan and how does his fate end he gets killed by calf's shield that too for someone else's crime so the guy who looked up to captain america but got killed by the shield is yet another fantastic piece of writing walker and lamar track down sam bucky and zemo in latvia he commands them to not keep him in the dark instead work together as a team but a team that he controls walker proposes they should catch carly by surprise but sam sees an opportunity to negotiate a bloodless solution with carly because carly just lost her mother figure so if there's any time to negotiate peacefully it is now now listen to what walker says here you're gonna let him do this you're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a super soldier alone isn't this what he ends up doing himself letting lamar go fight the super soldiers alone and notice walker wasn't agreeing with sam's plan of solving it peacefully until lamar said this this is a bad idea wait john if you can talk it down it might be worth a try so lamar is like john's moral compass he's jon's voice of reason he's the only one john listens to more about this in a minute the kid that zima bribed earlier shows them the path to the funeral but jon gives sam only 10 minutes to negotiate with carly anything more than 10 and they engage he also handcuffs zemo so sam starts to have a meaningful conversation with carly no fight no guns just words he empathizes with her sense of loss and cause but gives her a sense of the harm she is doing he says killing other people to make the world a better place doesn't make it better it just makes it a bit different and while he's negotiating joan over there is preparing to engage but notice he again foreshadows his own fate do you really want his blood on your hands even though lamar's blood isn't really on his hands but he is responsible for his death to some degree anyway so as soon as sam begins to earn curly's trust john marches in and ruins the moment a fight takes place while zema over here uncovers himself because we know already he's really good with his sleight of hand zima then confronts carly and shoots her as a result carly drops the bag carrying the serums and while zima's focus is on the serum another flag smasher helps carly escape now zemo stayed loyal to his mission and destroyed all of the vials all except one which of course john takes it and puts it in his pocket but notice this head tail thing coming around again when jon first looks at the serum this has become a tradition for all marvel villains now carly regrets not being able to protect the serum and in that moment she receives a message from the power broker so she comes up with a plan a plan to kill the new captain america without sam and bucky intervening the idea is to lure sam and bucky in one place while having jon and lamar in another and that's exactly what she does but notice when she says they will kill captain america the camera only shows us this guy aka nico we separate them and then we kill captain america it could be a foreshadowing of what's to come but i think the reason they showed him specifically is because deep inside he's still pro captain america cuts back to the apartment where zemo asks sam if he would ever take the serum but sam answers almost immediately without hesitation that he won't now this is in accordance with the comics sam wilson in the comics actually never took the serum even after becoming captain america anyway sam sends a message to sharon asking her to keep an eye on walker cause sam fears he might go after carly enters john walker along with lamar he orders sam and bucky to hand zema over but sam gives jon a real blow shield or no shield the only thing you're running in here is your mouth enters the dora melange to apprehend zemo john introduces himself as captain america but dora malaysia couldn't care less and notice how every time jon introduces himself he also adds captain america but steve never really did that even when introducing himself to a [ __ ] tree i am thrilled i am steve rogers hi john walker captain america at this point i wouldn't be surprised if johnny used his suit to get free drinks at the bar now this fighting sequence was done very well one of the dora milage aims her spears so accurately it only locks the shield to the table without hurting jon's arm and if you look closely it actually goes through the strap and of course this scene where ayo disarms bucky quite literally did you know they could do that no he was genuinely shocked when this happened and yes this scene where one of them kicks of the shield like cap in the elevator is beyond epic it makes sense though because they're trained with vibranium so they obviously know how to properly wield the shield now i can't help but notice zemo seems to have an uncanny ability of making everybody around him fight each other he of course makes use of the situation and escapes through an underground tunnel so el chapo is now canon in the mcu john then whines about the fact that he just got his ass whooped by wakandans who are not even super soldiers i actually felt bad for him when he said it i understand he has big shoes to fill and everyone is expecting him to live up to the legend this defeat at the hands of the durham lager along with this conversation in the mall both convinced jon he should just take the serum but notice he does question the meaning of his medals of honor we both know that the things that we had to do in afghanistan we awarded those medals felt a long way from being right so no matter how much we hate john walker at least he's not a narcissist because the serum turns good into better bad into worse so imagine a narcissist taking the serum that would be a nightmare for the whole world carly then calls sarah and threatens her so basically carly's blackmailing sam so that he comes to meet her which it does along with bucky therefore doing exactly as carly had planned she wanted to separate bucky and sam from john walker so that the rest of the flag smashers can kill the new cap and the reason she wants to kill him is because he is hiding behind a shield meaning him working for the government killing him would send a message and this is the exact reason she doesn't plan on killing sam cause that would be quote unquote meaningless so hearing all this sam figured out carly's intention now thanks to sharon who at that point threw a satellite saw jon walking into the grc resettling camp so you're telling me sharon can see anyone in anywhere so she has eyes everywhere if she is not the power broker then she's at least the eyes of the power broker now as soon as sam tells bucky that they have to save jon and lamar from there both bucky and carly leap from the second floor at the same time but notice carly's jump was significantly faster than bucky's and she also rams him to the ground another visual detail indicating that dr nagel's serum is way more powerful and optimized cut to john and lamar who are about to walk into a flax matter's bait by the way the way he points his gun and holds his shield is of course another callback to this scene in captain america the first avenger lamar then moves ahead of jon so the flag smashers capture him but notice this american flag on jon's suit is in black so what does a black american flag mean black flags have historically been used to signify that no quarter will be given meaning the captured enemy combatants will be killed rather than taken prisoner so it perfectly makes sense that someone like walker has such a symbol on his suit now after lamar is captured we get our very first glimpses that jon is now another super soldier first we see some incredible reflexes and then we see him throwing the shield with such vigor a regular human wouldn't be able to do so and then of course we see him bending this pipe in half that leaves no question that he is now a super soldier we get some hand-to-hand combat and really marvel what's with all the knives lamar sets himself free and joins the fight and was i talking about jon having good reflexes what about this though bucky not only dodges a knife but literally catches it and notice another detail here which will definitely require you to watch it in pointy fabric speed otherwise you won't be able to verify anyway look at how the camera seems synchronized with this guy's kick almost as if someone is signaling the camera to look to the left this takes place for less than a second and it's a shame that most people don't even notice such brilliant work this actually happens when you have a good director writer and an action team alright now that i've praised marvel enough i think it only makes it fair if i point out a blunder as well i don't usually talk about mistakes in movies because i find plenty but i do talk about some which i find funny so notice this captain america is actually not wyatt russell but a stun double who seems to have a black mustache now russell of course has a blonde beard so this is definitely not him but you know what for producing such quality content i forgive them for this mistake i mean who else is watching stuff at this lowest speed to even find a mistake like this then comes the moment of truth this flexmaster aka niko who grew up as a captain america fan was given the job to hold jon steel so that carly can stab him and kill him but lamar comes to the rescue and saves john walker as a result carly punches lamar so hard he flies into this column this immediately kills him that's how lethal of a punch that was this is by far one of the most grounded deaths in the mcu plenty of regular people have been thrown into structures in a similar way before and they have been totally fine but this show is different and not just that lamar took a punch from a super soldier right on his chest chances are he died even before hitting the column well in civil war during one of bucky's flashbacks we saw how one of the winter soldiers grabbed a man by his neck and literally slammed him to death so super soldiers killing people just by a punch isn't something new indicates how brutal they are but it mostly shows how steve actually had to restraint when he fought regular people basically he knew when to go full force and when to hold back steve used his powers accordingly unlike every other winter soldier that there is as a matter of fact bucky also has this ability he knows when to hit and how much to hit the killing of lamar unleashes the beast the serum definitely played a part here it amplified jon's unstable personality and i'm just loving this portrayal of evil captain america by wyatt russell he's doing a phenomenal job he even double takes before striking with his shield therefore generating more power that's good acting anyway jon eventually kills this member of flagsmasher even though it wasn't him who killed lamar so for the first time in the mcu we see blood on the shield that too a blood of someone who grew up loving the shield and what it represents as terrifying as it may be but this shot is just beautiful to look at it looks like something i'd see in a john wick movie wait wait a second this episode was written by derek colston as well so yeah it totally makes sense now in general this new captain america doesn't handle death very well whereas steve dealt with bucky's death and even agent coulson's death like a soldier is this the first time you lost a soldier we are not soldiers the whole world has just watched captain america using government property to murder someone in broad daylight i can't even fathom what happens next now let's jump into some details eh not every bystanders were recording in their phones though notice this woman was genuinely shocked witnessing a murder right in front of her eyes and behind sam and bucky there was another woman terrified of what happened but still recording what do you want lady [ __ ] likes then the episode ends with john realizing a lot of people have witnessed what he just did i can't help but find similarities with machiavelli which was teased in the previous episode almost every character in the show thinks the end justifies the means meaning the action they're taking are justified regardless of how they go about achieving the desired end result we know what carly wants is good we know jon did this to avenge his friend but the way they're doing it is that correct i'll leave it up to you to answer this episode really defined the differences between steve and john steve avoided getting blood on his shield by deciding not to kill tony in that moment had he gone for his head instead of his suit tony's blood would have been on steve's hand but john allowed his anger to get the better of him this episode also establishes how sam is the perfect captain america he's a good man not a perfect soldier while jon is a perfect soldier but not a good man steve saw in sam what it takes to be captain america and that's why he gave it to him and that's it this would be my breakdown of falcon the winter soldier episode 4 at pointy fabric speed i hope i was able to give you that some details that he missed at regular speed if i did then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button if you haven't already follow me on instagram and twitter to get updates about my channel till then i'm kevin hart and i'll see you lads in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,901,168
Rating: 4.9402328 out of 5
Keywords: Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I Watched Falcon & The Winter Soldier Ep. 4 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Falcon and The Winter Soldier in 0.25x Speed, Falcon and the Winter Soldier 0.25x Breakdown, Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 breakdown, falcon winter soldier episode 4 explained, falcon and the winter soldier breakdown, falcon and winter soldier easter eggs, falcon and the winter soldier episode 4, falcon and the winter soldier episode 4 easter eggs
Id: hDImk4baDyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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