I was TODAY YEARS OLD when I found out my hair could do this!!

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hey uh so ever since my book all hair is good hair came out I've been wanting to wear my hair natural natural so that's what I've been doing I'm about to actually not about to because clearly I'm doing it but I'm giving myself a rinse because my hair's like that ashy Brown and I just feel like it always looks older when your hair is dark so that's why I'm giving myself a rinse and I will put the link for the color down below I use gray solution because it takes when my hair makes it super dark almost looks black but it's not it's I think it's expresso bean so yeah I'm gonna put the link down below just in case you want to get it I should not be pouring this rinse on my hair and doing it like this I usually put it in a bowl and do it a little more organized but gratefully you know it wasn't as messy as it could have been [Music] you want to make sure that you're getting your ends really good saturating with whatever color you have left just pour it all over it and make sure that every piece of air is covered because if not it's going to stand out now I'm just gonna put a plastic cap on my head and then I'm gonna put tighten around the edge to create a barrier so it doesn't drip down my face so here I am sharing my new news with you to begin I am dropping a line of microfiber hair towels okay so microfiber is way better for your hair than cotton it doesn't pull rip or break your hair like cotton does and we have our logo embroidered on a towel very personalized and it's pretty much one of the biggest house that people who make microfiber towels have to offer for hair so they will be on this site come February I'm gonna find the day give me some day ideas so I can drop them soon I usually section my hair off a little better than this to comb it out but my hair has been so soft since I started this journey and it really detangles really easily so if you need to section your hair off and do it better than me then do it but this was pretty easy for me this time shake it girl so I'm keeping my or hairs good hair spray bottle handy it's a continuous spray bottle you can get that from deeper than hair calm keeping it because your hair has to be wet while you do this and now I'm just going to go section by section and I'm going to start by adding a phone [Music] in big sections I'm just gonna create two strand twists I'm not gonna do on flats at the head I'm gonna do them individually and my squares are gonna be pretty big because I want my hair to come out fuller as soon as I take the twists out as opposed to waiting for them to swell you want to make sure that you have a brush handy because you want you need to be able to detangle your hair as you go along you don't want to use tangle hair to make your twist because then they're not going to be smooth [Music] to help set my curls I'm using aunt Jackie's curl curl defining cream in the foam that I'm using is by Nairobi I really like this combination it works well for my hair but as you know of natural hair you have to almost try everything to see what's perfect for you I'm in love with this combination right now but I don't know if there's anything better for me and I'm definitely gonna try a whole lot of things before I tell you that this is the best but for now this is the fourth time I've done my hair and this is the best turnout thus far so I'm so in love with how my hair curls up naturally and I will say I was about last month years old when I found out that my hair could do this you know I I knew that it curled up when I washed my hair but as far as the moisture part I never really took the time out to see what was best for me so my arms are tired that's why I just did that but you know I had to just check it out it's like you never know what your hair can do until you try and I'm so grateful that I did because I've never been so in love with my hair as I am now [Music] now the first time I did my hair natural it was a wash and go so I just wet it and we put foam and a gel in it it's forward to curl up like this and we just left it like that it was cold but I think that I like volume over definition so I decided to do a twist out so it could help me achieve the end result a little faster and elongating my length because I want it to hang a little more than it did so I like the twist our process way better [Music] then I'm doing my hair like this I'll be so tired like oh my god there's so much hair left it's stressful but I definitely love the results so it's totally worth it so when you're twisting your hair your natural curl on the end is going to help you lock each twist in place so when you're done twisting your hair you just twirl the ends around on your finger and can create a coil and that way it'll lock the curl in place it might be a little elongated when you first twist it but after it starts drying it's going to shrink up and lock [Music] now I like to twist my hair towards the front because I am in love with bangs I want my hair to be across my forehead some people wear their hair open or part in the middle but me bangs is for me I love the drama once you're done you want to make sure you tell blot all that excess product off of your hair so you don't have build up and see my ends are locking already they're already starting to shrink up and dry so it's gonna be real cute when I take it out okay I usually let it air dry but today I went under the dryer for about an hour so that my twist could dry and now I'm taking Jamaican black castor oil with lavender and I'm gonna put it on my twist and I'm also gonna use it to unravel them to help reduce a little bit of the frizz because I like frizz I'm not gonna lie but I just wanna I don't want it to be too frizzy too early because I need to be able to have something to fight with [Music] so now I'm just gonna unravel the strand by strand the same way I twist them down I'm gonna untwist them and once you get it completely unraveled you're gonna take each side and break it up into about three or four pieces [Music] [Music] see how good my natural curl like those ends up listen your ends are gonna save your life with your twist out cuz when the rest of your hair gets all big and crazy I like it like that personally but when the resting hair gets all big and crazy those ends or we're gonna still keep you in the definition family you know what I'm saying like when that volume comes you need your ends they will hold you down because your hair will look done way longer than it should [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that all your twister out you want to take a pic and fluff out the roots now this is a tricky part because some people wouldn't do as much as I'm doing but I want my hair big and I wanted to start off big I don't like the beginning process it's not about definition for me it's about volume so i'ma pick it out as much as I can without raking all the way through the hair and then I am just going to let it swell over time at the end I'm add some pictures to show you how my hair ends up looking over the course of about 560 [Music] okay so it's getting there but it's nowhere near where I want my hair like I want it to be huge and it takes a few days you know it's already you know I kind of picked it out and made it a little frizzy and the ends are nice and tight but I want my hair to be huge but literally my favorite day is usually day three and for my two favorite days so for now for it to be fresh it looks pretty big and I can't wait for it to get bigger and bigger every single day [Music] so when the outers is day two and in the middle it was day six here it was day five and it was real real frizzy but I loved it though and here was day one they're super juicy like follow the drip thanks for watching y'all
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 4,109,218
Rating: 4.8998718 out of 5
Keywords: twist out, natural hair, natural hair twist out, twist out tutorial, natural hairstyles, short natural hair, natural, defined twist out, twist out on natural hair, natural hair journey, natural hair tutorial, flat twist, twist out routine, two strand twist, braid out, twist out natural hair, natural hair products, natural hair styles, flat twist out, how to do a twist out, perfect twist out, natural hair twist out 4c
Id: 7z8HKfOMoI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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