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oh hey y'all welcome back so i have a client here with some silver beautiful hair it's so beautiful so i'm going to start by using the resurrection mask it is full of proteins and you know what protein does it helps reconstruct and strengthen your hair strands you know we have you know protein like keratin in our hair and when it lacks this protein it can start to look lifeless so especially with gray hair it's a little on the weaker side you know just because you know in our last video we talked about when the hair stops producing melanin that's what makes the hair gray so it's like i just want to add everything into it to give it life and keep it healthy and nourish it as i can so the resurrection mask can be used on all hair types i just actually put it back in stock matter of fact everything's in stock right now um things might be moving fast so you know as this video is on you can go to and see what's going on so i am breaking her hair up into sections and i am just putting the conditioner all throughout her hair and making sure that it is evenly [Music] coated now usually i would put a client under the dryer with a cap for about 30 minutes but instead i'm going to go in with this steam gun and i am going to open those cuticles up and make sure that their protein gets into every single strand so i got this um steam gun from the toei i'm gonna put her website right down here and you can go check it out i love this thing it's super quick easy and it's straight to the point so it's my little boo we use it almost every day at the salon [Music] now outside of the steam making sure that that conditioner is deeply penetrating it's also increasing the softness and it is encouraging blood flow to her scalp so once you get that blood flow going you already know that stimulates the growth so that makes everybody happy and it helps to repair any damaged hair so now i'm just going to go ahead and massage it in you know when you put conditioner in it's not supposed to go directly on the scalp it's supposed to go on the hair but you just want to massage that and just wake up those roots and that also encourages growth so now that i have rinsed her conditioner out really well i'm going to go in and i'm going to blow dry it i'm going to start with our satin shield serum it's in stock right now deeper in go over and get it if you've been looking for it it's back um and i'm just going to rub it throughout her hair and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to only do her hair in two sections because she is getting a twist out today she doesn't want any heat on her hair she's had a lot of problems with people putting heat on her hair and turning her gray's yellow so today she wants to do a natural style she said i want my hair wild and free i just want my curls so i'm like okay that's totally no problem because i know a lot of people can't do gray hair without turning the yellow and singing the hair so we don't want her to go through that anymore even though i know how to do it without that it's like natural styles are better and it's healthier for her hair especially while she's taking care of her own hair during quarantine [Music] now of course i'm blow drying right now with our favorite dryer if you know you know and we have been working trying to figure out how we can get this blow dryer back in stock on amazon i told you a lot of people like when's your blow dryer gonna be back on so this is not my blow dryer this is just a blow dryer that is the best dryer ever and i'm about to have a little situation for y'all so just hold tight because the dryer is coming just know that my team has been working very very hard and i mean very hard to make sure that we have a really cute connect for y'all because i do believe that you guys deserve this dryer and we want it now so that's what we're going to work on and you know hopefully i'll have some really good news for y'all in about like the next two weeks so hold tight i will be announcing it um and i'll probably put it in the community section on youtube so just look out for my post all right that's all i got to say about [Music] that [Music] [Music] now i know y'all like he you just said that she was in the natural style why are you even blow drying it in the first place and the answer is simply because she wants a haircut today and y'all know how i feel about making sure that the hair is blown out and stretched as evenly as possible so that the cut can be precise so this is exactly why i'm blowing it out i'm only doing it in two sections and i'm doing it on medium high because i don't want to put hot hot air on her grays because i don't want to discolor it whatsoever [Music] i see look how beautiful this is her color is just so grand in my last video somebody said well how come uh people just don't go great when it's time to go gray and listen like everybody's not ready for that all the time like some people want to keep their hair dark and that's okay you know i always talk about us being individuals and having our own opinions on how things should go and if somebody wants to keep their hair dark instead of gray that's their business and vice versa so i'm just going to comb it out this time i'm using a black cape so i can see better usually with dark hair i use a white cape and you see her hair grows round so i'm just going to go in with my hair strands of hair shears and she asked for quite a bit off so i'm just going to take off about two inches two and a half inches because that's what she requested [Music] we're just taking all that wispy hair off and we're going to make sure that it is nice and solid and chunky all the way from root to them tips [Music] so talk to me when your hair starts to get gray would you fully go gray instantly or do you feel like you're the type of person that might dye your hair and keep your hair dark i feel like depending on on how early it happens for me see my mom and dad didn't start getting grays until they were in their 50s like literally like my mom might have she only had a few grades maybe in her 60s but my dad got his in his late 50s and it was like you know in his beard and stuff like that so i'm probably going to grade late i'm 37 and still don't have any grades but a lot of my friends have quite a few you know so what do you think i think that if i'm blessed for my grades to look as beautiful as this i'll probably rock out with it i had a great week before and i loved it so i think i would go with it you know some grays aren't really as you know i don't know some of them this salt and pepper look i might not want but if it's white like this and silver i'm all for it tell me about you what do you think you would do you know what i'm lying this salt and pepper is kind of fly because it's like a happy medium it's like half dark and half light so you can kind of like gracefully bow out you know what i'm saying so i don't know i don't know i'm going to keep thinking about that i really want to hear your answers next i'm going in and i'm just going to even her hair out with some soft layers so it won't be just like all one length you need to graduate it out so that's what i'm pulling her hair out just to make sure that when you ever see a video of a haircut or a person and they bend their head down and the hair just kind of looks really choppy this will eliminate that you need to go in and just take those ends and layer them out to be all even when it's pulled out it can't all just be even with the back and it also doesn't all reach to the bottom so you have to make sure to go in and get all the hair [Music] [Music] so now that this cut is complete you see how heavy it looks now nice and full nice and chunky and i am going to start her twist out so i'm going to start with kara ashley's curl defining mousse and i'm just going to put it through her hair and we are just going to comb it through each section one at a time [Music] now i'm just going to go in and part out the first section for her twists [Music] [Music] [Music] now i'm gonna go in and add a little more mousse um sometimes you gotta be careful adding a lot of product because it'll end up leaving a build up or sometimes you'll end up with like you know flakes and all of that that wouldn't happen naturally look at that look at that beautiful wave you know right now it's weighed down with product but it curls up a lot tighter than that but i just love how that happens [Music] it just looks really pretty so i'm going to go in and what i'm going to do is start with two strands it's like doing a cornrow but two strands so i'm gonna do a two strand twist and i am going to stay on the base of her scalp i'm not gonna you know make it just loose i'm gonna do it to the base just like i would do a cornrow [Music] once i complete that twist on base then i'm going to carry that twist out all the way to the end and then i'm going to use a flexi rod to hold the end so you can use a perm rod you can some people's hair you can just twist it and coil it through your fingers in it a lot but i just kind of wanted to give it a little more um so i made sure that i used something that will help you know curl up the ends as well [Music] [Music] you can also use a smaller flexi rod if that's what you desire your ends to look like or a larger one i'm twisting it because i want that twist to be as tight as possible without hurting her of course and so i'm just going to go in and i'm going to put that on the end and lock her twist in place [Music] uh [Music] now i'm just going to do that again with my next section taking two strands and i'm just going to do an arm base twist two strand twists all the way down to the nape and i am going to use a flexi rod to lock it [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that i have that back section complete i'm going to move on with the second section of hair i am doing these twists fairly big because she wants her ringlets to be big so she just kept saying i like my hair wow i like my hair wow and i'm like all right we're going to give you some wild hair you want to know what's so cool about this client is you know how i say on my videos like you know i don't do hair in the salon anymore i just make videos so if you think that i might want to work with you shoot your shot and this woman created an instagram page and she she you know she shot her shot so i told her like come on in girl so that's how she got in the chair and i'm so happy that she did she came from new york and i loved her hair so much so i gave her a part over on the right side where she said she usually wears her part and now i'm going to part the next section so that i can do her twist for the front of her hair again i'm doing another on base twist and if you do small twists you will come out with really tiny crinkles but if you do bigger twists like i'm doing and the crinkles would be a lot larger so the point of this although she has a natural curl pattern twist outs manipulate your hair and form it into a pattern so if you see anybody's curl pattern just looking too perfect in uniform nine times out of ten they manipulated their hair to do that but you know not saying that natural hair can't be a perfect curl because it totally is but if you see it just looking super uniform more than likely it was a twist out or curlers or rollers involved which is also okay because sometimes you just want a different look than just your natural wave or your natural curl so just remember that larger twist equals bigger curls and smaller twists equal smaller curls [Music] [Music] now feel free to do any pattern you want to put your part where you want to put your twist where you want to if you want the twist to hang in the face like a bang clearly you would twist the hair towards the front you know if you want a middle part any way you want to do it do it your way [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i see the visualization [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now her twists are done and i'm going to put her under the dryer and it took her hair an hour and 15 minutes to dry fully so that's long but not as long as some people so what i'm going to do next is how you unravel these twists is the same way you put them in just unwrap the rope this will eliminate a lot of frizz i also put a little oil on my hands before i started taking them apart because that also helps eliminate frizz [Music] [Music] see those little curly curls coming through those manipulated curls they look pretty they look shiny that styling foam really put a nice shine on it and i'm loving how it's looking this looks silver to me like literally it looks silver [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i see the again try not to be super aggressive while you're unraveling these twists just take them out the same way you put them in two strands one thing about her hair is that she you know even if it did get a little frizzy it would be okay because she kept saying i want my hair wild that's one thing i remember about her she kept saying i want it wild i want it big i want to wow so i'm like you know it wouldn't have been too bad if it got frizzy but i i definitely want to start here and be in control of the amount of wildness and frizz that i give it i don't want to start off frizzy because if you start off frizzy you can't go backwards so you want to just start the way it is and then build it up from [Music] here now i'm just going in with my double layer pick also by kara ashley and i am just lifting the roots and that's going to help give her some volume i pull it through but i do not pull it through the ends because that's going to break the curls up too much and you want her hair to just get bigger over time if you are natural or if you're considering being natural every day the hair gets bigger and bigger so you know you can start off big but it's just going to just get bigger and frizzier and louder by the day so i love my hair like day four and five it's huge so you know i'd rather my hair get bigger on his own than me overdo it on the first day because then i feel like it just gets old a lot sooner [Music] so from the looks of things she loves her hair and it's a good starting point for it to just get bigger and bigger every day and how she'll take care of this she can either get a bonnet i don't like bonnets for twist outs and stuff because i feel like the hair can get smashed but she can just pull it up in a pineapple on the top tie a scarf around it loosely and then in the morning shake it back down so this was a great experience and again shoot your shot if you feel like you want to come get filmed let me know and i might see you then all right guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 617,105
Rating: 4.9193578 out of 5
Keywords: hair, hair care, gray hair, silver hair, old hair, black hair, natural hair, African American hair, baby hair, edges, hair growth, how to make your hair grow, long hair, hair cut, hair trim, straight hair, heat free hair, hair dye, hair color, dyeing gray hair, how to get rid of grays, short hair, hair color for grays, flat irons, silk press, hair breakage, hair shedding, bob cut, hair tutorial, blow dryer, kinky hair, nappy hair, cover gray hair
Id: gmk_I9tX-8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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