Yes, hair DOES get thinner with time!

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome back today i am doing my best friend's mom hair who is also my mom because she's been in my life since i was two years old and she called me recently with some concern she loves wearing her hair and heat style she doesn't wear any other way but she was talking to me about how you know her hair has been coming out super silky straight lately and what can we do to make it appear a little fuller so the truth is hair does thin with age and you know her hair is not as heavy and full as it used to be sometimes sometimes you have to do a few things to you know make it appear a little fuller than it really is so that's what we're going to do today so first i am going to start by sectioning off her hair and just gently combing it out i know we always talk about how important it is to gently comb the hair because you don't want to cause any breakage while the hair is weak the hair is weakest when it's wet so you want to take your time i'm using a denman brush today i'm going to put the link for the denman brush below simply because i love the spornette brush that i always give you guys but it doesn't last as long as a dim and the denim is a lot more expensive but it lasts a lot longer so when the salon is best for us because the spornette brush after a while it starts to melt from all the excessive heat from the blow dryer but the denman holds up much longer so also i might have a little connect for y'all with this blow dryer coming up i'm just keep your fingers crossed because i might got a little situation where we'll never gotta wait again okay so i'm just gonna go in and i am blow drying her today um on lower heat on the lower heat setting this way even though the hair will still get straight with a lower heat setting it is still have a lot more texture than it usually does when i do a blow dry so that you know that hair will be a lot fuller when i'm done [Music] another way to help the hair look a lot fuller is to blow dry in larger sections so you know this section that i'm doing right now would usually be about two sections for texture like hers but because we wanted to look a lot heavier today we are going to blow dry it in bigger sections to help avoid breaking it down so much with the heat [Music] so as you get older your hair strands become smaller and they also have less pigment so the thick coarse hair that you may have once had eventually becomes thin and fine this is also why the hair turns lighter and even gray many hair follicles even stop producing new hair so this is the reason that this is happening you know most of the time when you get older even not even like in your 60s and 70s but as time goes on period you know you might had a lot of hair when you was a kid a lot of people love bringing up how much hair they had when they were a kid and it's like okay when you're a kid that's just how your hair was but as you get older things just start to happen to your hair your body your skin and everything so that's the real reason the scientific reason why that happens [Music] so now that her hair is blown out i guess you can see it's some texture to it it's straight but it's not as silky as most clients that i do and i'm just going to comb it out and looking at her ends another way to make your hair seem a lot fuller is to get those stringy straggly ends off so i'm going to take my hair stranded hair shears of course and i'm going to go in and i'm just going to take off the thinnest part of her hair to put some more weight on it before i trimmed i asked her i said mom you want to take some hair off or you want to go ahead and do what needs to be done so we took about it took her about 25 30 seconds she's like uh uh and i'm like we don't have to you know but you know she's like just do what needs to be done so i'm glad that she chose that you know i'm always glad when people choose that even though i'm down with gradually taking people's ends off because if i wasn't i wouldn't even offer them that option i would just tell them you need to cut this off but i always want people to feel comfortable in the chair even if it is somebody super close to me i want you to be comfortable so if you want to gradually take it off that's literally your business you know what i mean so don't let anybody force you into doing what needs to be done right away if you're not comfortable do what needs to be done but even if you do gradually take your ends off that means that you should get a trim a little more often than eight to 10 weeks because you don't want those split ends to continue to split and in the long run you end up having to cut them even shorter so just remember that if you choose the long road just make sure that you get your ends trimmed a little more often than the normal time frame next i'm just pulling the hair up in her crown because this is her thinnest area the crown so i'm pulling it up and i'm going to give her heavy layers now usually you know i just go along with the ends whatever needs to go and i am cutting but needs to go up here too but i'm going a little bit deeper just to make it a lot heavier so that it just has a lot of weight remember we talked about this before if you are in hair school do not cut past that knuckle because you will get in trouble if you still have um practical on your test do not cut past that knuckle i'm just doing it because i'm living my best life but you don't do that okay don't be like i learned this on deeper hair tv it's really easy to get caught up in what we see online whether it's youtube whether it's instagram you know you know the original way that you were taught to cut is like falling off of the map because of what we see online so don't let that happen do what you're supposed to do get that paper and then you know then you can move forward and do what's most comfortable for you but although i'm showing you how i do things don't mess it up for your test all right now i'm pulling it up at the top just to make sure that it is even everywhere if you saw the last video or the video where i trim my own ends you know i like to pull the hair up high too because if you just pull your hair completely out and just just keep going through it with your hands it should be even all the way around just even cut okay so no unevenness anywhere [Music] [Music] nice so see now compared to how it was it's a lot heavier and it's going to give the illusion of fuller hair which is what we're going for so now i'm going to grab the 22 titania and i'm going to put it on the temperature of 380. now i know a lot of people here will not get as straight as desired on 380 but what we are doing again is trying to keep the hair on the fuller side so that's why we're going to use the low heat see this little patchiness here she also does semi-permanent color on her hair every couple of weeks and when she retouches it she tries not to do the back you know she just does the edges and all in the crown where you're seeing it so that you don't she doesn't have to constantly put color on her hair so that's why you see those patches in the roots because that's where her hair is growing in and that's also her natural hair color now you know usually i will do a tight curl along the back that matches the rest of her hair but she wants to show the length that she has so what i'm doing is i am just curling it very loose basically bending it so that her hair can lay on her neck and then i'll make it tighter with you know the higher up there we go so i'm going in and i'm grabbing hair and i'm doing about one inch one and a half inch sections just because the thinner the section is the more heat that's concentrated on that piece of hair so you don't want to do that because that's going to break it down with the heat more if you do bigger sections with lower heat then that will leave as much texture in there as possible so that the hair can be full [Music] [Music] so now that we are working our way up closer to where the ear is we are going to make the curls a little bit tighter not super tight i'm just going to start giving a little swirl um just to put a little action in there and help it look full and how i also do this is to give it a little volume when i go in with my iron i like to pull the iron upward first and then do my curl that way the hair at the root sits up and it gives it more volume okay let me show you that again i'm going to take that section and take your iron and curl up right off that base just curl upwards and then you go into your curl that way the root sits up and gives that volume that she is looking for see [Music] see now watching it from the side you're going to be able to see how that curl is sitting up and out instead of just flat to her head see nice and full [Music] [Music] so [Music] now the higher i get towards the crown i am going to curl it even tighter and i'm also going to lift it you see i went all the way around at the top because i want it to be more volume at the top because that's her problem areas now with this step i'm just going to take that top curl at the top of the crown and i'm going to curl it all the way around and just make it one big curl so she can have the height that she's looking for and then i would have deleted this part because the light is so blown out that's why it looks so bright at her roots but it was such an important step i couldn't skip it for y'all and now i'm going to do the same thing i did with the nape of the neck by making it loose i'm doing that with the bangs so she can have her length there and i'm going to do the rest of the hair just like i did the top of the crown and boom she has her height she has her volume she has her fullness and she has her curl now she wraps her hair up every night with a soaker satin scarf but guess what she does it on top of roller she still rolls her hair at night like isn't it so amazing i envy it she rolls her hair at night so she rolls her hair and then she puts her you know satin scarf over top of it and her hair is super healthy it's just going through a few things you know as time goes on so i'm just going to take our laid edge control and i'm going to put it on her edges again the light is a little bright on this part but i'm going on her edges and i'm just going to lay them down because she calls them personal summers but she also sweats sometimes randomly so this helps her roots and her edges not to draw up so tight when those personal summers come so thank you guys for watching and i will see you all next time you
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 323,774
Rating: 4.9634104 out of 5
Keywords: hair, hair care, nappy hair, thin hair, hair breakage, hair growth, how to grow hair, thin edges, how to get your edges back, baby hair, hair tutorial, natural hair, black girl hair, gray hair, hair loss, bald spots, African American hair, heat free hair, flat iron, flat iron curls, heat styles, 4c hair, 4b hair, type 4 hair, hair color, hair cut, deeper than hair, sosheargenius, shear genius collection, hair products, dull hair, shiny hair, real hair, hair trim
Id: dBUYL57QtdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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