You Don't Have REAL 4C HAIR Sis! 🧐 | What 4c Hair Really Looks Like

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hey loves in today's video we will be exploring the many states of 4c hair including shrinkage what it looks like dry and wet as well as misconceptions about the hair type is it just me or does seem like in the natural hair care community type 4c hair is just synonymous with dry unmanageable hair that has absolutely no texture whatsoever yeah I know you've heard it I'm gonna debunk it today hey laughs my name is Leslie Abby Wambach Machado if you are new take a look around subscribe I've got a ton of natural hair care videos specifically centered around type 4 hair so I already know this topic is going to be a little bit of conversation but respectable down there type 4 hair sees one of the most versatile hair types so in this video I just want to show you my hair in many different ways so that you can see the 4c hair not only is a gross a tile it does have a pattern it's actually a quick disclaimer I'm not making this video to obsess about hair type pattern or numbers to be perfectly honest I believe that hair typing is simply a tool it's used to guide people in the right direction when searching for products techniques inspiration and information in fact the original hair chart was created by a man that didn't include 4c as a hair type at all and he stated in an interview with Elle magazine quote I always recommend embracing your natural texture kinky hair can have limited silent option that's the only hair type I suggest altering with professional relaxing [Music] yeah Andre Walker has since adjusted his statement but I personally don't believe in obsessing or fighting over a system that quite frankly didn't have me in mind I label my videos type 4 or 4 C's simply to help viewers find the content I create in order to help them reach their hair goals this video is to illuminate the beauty and versatility 4c hair can have in many different states so let's take a look at my 4c hair shown this is what most people identify as 4c hair my hair here has no product it's dry it's an it's shrunken state and lacks a clear strand pattern here my hair is stretch but again it's dry and needs a wash when I show my hair in this state I don't tend to get Commons that question whether my hair is 4c or not so let's review what 4c hair is by looking at the modified Andre water hair typing system this one has 4 C in it in the type 4 category for a strands have the clearest curl or coil B strands have more of a zigzag pattern no curl or coil and C looks very similar to 4a but the diameter of the coil is smaller and the shrinkage level is much higher my hair shrinks with like 75% or more shrinkage is a beautiful thing and it's a sign of healthy natural hair okay so this is my hair wet the excess water hydrates and pulls down my 4c hair allowing its natural pattern to be seen water is also the element that brings the process of shrinkage [Music] I have multiple strand patterns in my head this is a for a curl I have a line of this pattern on my edges around the perimeter of my head so when I wear my hair down on my face or I pull my hair up it's the most visible for a hair has way more hang time than the 4c hair that covers the rest of my head and I'm pretty sure I probably have some 4b strands in there too this is what natural 4c hair looks like moisturize also keep in mind I have low porosity hair this means my hair is slow to absorb water this back affects the way my hair responds to product as well I'll show you a little later what I mean but when my 4c hair is moisturized and looks and feels different suddenly hair that felt dry and brittle feels soft and looks oily [Music] in order to keep my hair shaft soft and malleable I have to apply water moisturizing creams and layer oil so that the water doesn't evaporate and leave my hair dry like the first clip and the more natural hair is fluffed combed and manipulated the less curl definition it usually has this is usually where people freak out in disbelief this is the revered wash-n-go the gel is weighing down my hair and it's keeping my strand stretch so it dries with a lot more definition that's a huge difference from the clip in which I allowed my hair to dry with no product at all this process takes a long long time to do so you need a lot of patience but the results can last comfortably for up to a week [Music] okay so remember when I said I have low porosity hair and that it could affect how it reacts to products I've got proof mm-hmm so a few weeks ago I did a fun hair experiment and did something called the max hydration method that video is it will make you laugh so definitely check it out but this method opened up my hair cuticle allowing a ton more water into the hair shaft and I tried the same technique of the washing goal you saw in that last clip but look at how much more frizz and less clumping of the coils I got you all this is the same head of hair but it reacted to a hair type closer to high porosity this is one of the many factors that can determine the results of a hair style this is why I love doing in-depth experiments on camera though I have a set routine that works just fine for my hair type you can learn so much by conducting trials y'all can tell I was excited about that right here is 4c hair dry and stretched with added oil this is the hair the next day dry with no product at all the main difference between this clip and this clip is lighting plain and simple also you want to keep in mind close-ups on camera like a camera lens by design is made to see things from a perspective that the human eye can't if someone were this close to my hair in person their vision would be blurry it's just not humanly possible to see curls and coils this close and clear in a real life I myself try to keep that in mind as well when I'm watching my favorite video content creators there's also no way I'd want to do that to someone that's a little too close for my comfort [Music] not one head of 4c hair is the same texture porosity density environmental elements genetics care and health of an individual can make a huge difference on how the hair can look perhaps with this video and others we can come to a new and more inclusive depiction of our hair I could go deeper but I'll end with this the vast physical characteristics of the African diaspora are unique and beautiful not one strand of hair is the same from person to person and so many factors can determine what we see and experience on our own heads I'm just here to share the knowledge I learn along the way in hopes that you can take what you can and confidently care for your hair while you go out and conquer the world so that is my hair that gives type 4c hair true or see him rented I do have a couple of other textures I have some 4a here and I know that there's probably some 4b but the majority of my hair is 4c many of us have many different textures on our hair many different patterns on our hair as well so I just hope that this was helpful for any of you guys who were confused it does have a pattern it is a coil a very small one but it is there and with the right products it can be defined anyway that is int comment down below what you believe your hair type of texture is if you're interested in learning more there's the under Walker hair type of system that I did a video on as well as to elbow is hair typing system that also did a video on and then you can also look at my playlist for hair density and porosity because those make a difference as well I hope this was enjoyable I hope it brought me clarity and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: LaToya Ebony
Views: 703,105
Rating: 4.9509516 out of 5
Keywords: Latoya ebony, Toyabootresses, what 4c hair looks like, 4c hair vs 4b hair vs 4a hair, does 4c hair have curls, 4c hair, what 4c hair looks like wet, 4c hair dry, 4c hair youtubers, Andre Walker Hair typing system with pictures, video of 4c hair, 4c natural hair, what black natural kinky hair looks like, lois hair typing system, wash n go on 4c hair, 4c hair texture pictures, real 4c hair, type 4 hair videos, 4b hair, pictures of 4c hair, pictures of 4b hair, latoya codner
Id: rpDJwutYX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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