I Want to Speak to the Manager: The Stupidest Reasons

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managers of reddit what's the stupid reason a customer has asked to see you restaurant manager here we provide complimentary bread baskets on our dinner tables one lady clicked me over because who doesn't love that to tell me i was running the most unhygienic establishment that she had ever eaten in and that with her food hygiene level 3 certificate she couldn't should have me shut down why the fuss there was some jam on the bread and i had clearly taken used breakfast stock and tried to cost cut by serving contaminated bread at dinner i'd cast the bread not 10 minutes before burning my hands on it as it was fresh out of the oven definitely not leftovers i apologized profusely yet non-committally removing the offending bread amid increasingly patronizing comments about how i really ought to know how to run a restaurant and that being so thick as to do this blah blah blah on inspection the red blobs of jam with drips of red wine from the bottle next to the bread basket that the lady had poured herself needless to say i wasn't shut down t that's the word you are looking for suggested adjective dumb i had this insane woman flag me down at a chinese restaurant i used to manage she very loudly told me she found a hair in her mongolian lamb and showed me a long source covered blonde hair for reference i had short black hair at the time and the entire kitchen and weight staff on that night had relatively short black hair the woman had long blonde hair instead of letting her cause more of a scene i apologized and got the kitchen to make her a new serving to replace the meal even though she and her kids had essentially eaten the entire serving already the part where crap started to really go down was when she came up with her family to pay she refused to pay her entire bill due to the huge thick hair i found in my food which she loudly announced to the room at this point the restaurant owner came out and started having a screaming match with the woman for trying to rip us off her kids appeared to cry on cue i sent my boss back to the kitchen and said i would figure it out i turned to the woman and explained calmly that i would be happy to take the mongolian lamb off of her tally despite the replacement serving so long as she paid the other 90 plus for the rest of the bill she refused and called the cops because my boss had yelled at her no joke best bit was the cops ended up telling the woman she needs to pay her full bill and that emergency services shouldn't be called for such petty reasons happy i'm not in that industry anymore haha tldr lady tries to use her own hair to get out of paying for her tables food aussie cops provide quality sass i know this isn't what happened but i am imagining a whole kitchen full of ethnic chinese staff being accused of letting a blonde hair into the lamb that is a rather absurd mental picture because a bartender properly poured a beer it was stellar in the stellar chalice it's listed in the menu as 13.5 ounces and that's the fill line dude asked the bartender to top him off as the head had died down a bit bartender does so and the guy wants the head completely poured off bartender points out the fill line and says that he can't just pour away be ahead is mostly beer customer takes this as attitude dude doesn't like it and comes to me and since i hadn't heard this i immediately point out the fill line he ended up returning the beer i like to think that he had to go to the bathroom where he would have walked past that lame nine-step perfect stellar poor poster that we have that specifically references the fill line and that the beer is supposed to have head oh and i had to spend a solid five minutes explaining sales tax and how it applies at a restaurant but not at a grocer mainers for a while made a glass big enough to hold a pint and ice as it was part of their bit to sell it over ice the amount of people who watched me pour it to the line and then put ice in and accuse me of under pouring it were insane i'm not trying to fleece you out of a cm of cider i promise quite a few years ago i was working at a pizza chain and i had someone call in and ask an employee if we would honor a coupon that was over a week expired my employee told her that we couldn't honor it but he would ask me before he got the chance to ask me she decided to make a big fuss was fairly disrespectful to my employee and wanted to speak to me about it directly she complained saying it was only expired by a few days i backed what my employee had told her we wouldn't be honoring it about 20 minutes later we got a call from her again and this time i had answered she didn't make it the whole way through asking if we would honor before i told her the answer was still no we had caller it so i knew it was her again about an hour after the second call the employee who took the first call comes back to me saying there is a woman at the front of the store who wanted to speak to me about him not honoring a coupon it was the same expired coupon she told me that she would be going elsewhere for pizza from that point on because our service was terrible specifically that not honoring an expired coupon for a loyal customer i had never seen her before and we had no records of orders from her was bad business i told her she was welcome to go elsewhere the ultimate kicker is that the coupon was for 50 cents off any order it wasn't a big deal and i would have absolutely honored it had she not treated my employee like crap on the phone tl dr customer was rude to my employee so i wouldn't honor her expired coupon yeah i thought she lost her chance when she started being a bee asking me what the showtimes were they demanded i come over to guest service where they stood tapping their foot impatiently keep in mind i am in another part of the building so it takes me several minutes to walk all the way there i get to guest service and ask them what the issue is they say we need to know the show times for today i give them a weird look as the box office is literally right outside the doors with a huge marquee displaying the digital showtimes we also had a huge digital mcqueen sign on the inside of the building in the lobby displaying all of the current show times it was also a weekday so it was slow we have the showtimes outside on the display board and box office i mistakenly told them well it's cold outside this really baffled me as it was nearly 60 degrees that day and the husband was wearing shorts 60 is warm as i live in the northeast after reading them some showtimes they got mad well don't you have anything right now i told them that no we did not have anything starting in the next five minutes they stormed off without buying any tickets don't know how someone ends up that entitled stupid and complains about standing outside in spring weather was the casino beverage manager in vegas and was covering the pool bar manager that day it was in the middle of summer and the pool team calls me saying an irate woman wanted to speak to the manager i make my way out there in 100 feet while wearing my suit and tie this lady was seated in the vip area and was complaining that her margarita had melted within 10 minutes and wanted me to give her a replacement as it melted too fast last i checked being a beverage manager didn't give me control of the elements nor the laws of thermal dynamics but i tried to reason with her that it was 100 f and we can't prevent ice from melting but i sure as heck was melting in the sun with my black suit she was totally livid and insisted that either we get her a replacement or to put her partially consumed drink back into the blender with more ice re-blending the drink was never gonna happen as it violates a bunch of health codes i turned to the pool manager and asked did anyone verify her vip status as vip guests have an assigned casino host which would liaise with me directly or i would know who the vip guests are during the pre-shift brief long story short she snuck into the vip area so i got security to kick her out of the pool in a blink if you're going to be crappy and sneak into a place don't draw the attention of the people who can kick you out that's double dumb customer comes to the bar and demands to speak to the manager won't say why won't deal with anyone else he's told i'm not working for another three hours and says he'll wait stands at the bar angrily a staff call upstairs to me i live up there and explain he's just standing there touching he realizes they're on the phone to me and gets angry because i'm upstairs and won't speak to him went down and asked the problem when x ran this pub he used to have mild on tap for me you don't it's disgraceful what am i mean to drink now i explained that yes x did stock mild and when i arrived i audited the stock and realized most of the barrel was getting wasted every week so i stopped ordering it and switched to a nail that would sell [ __ ] is still angry and says if i order it he'll drink it i tell him he'll have to drink nine gallons in three days still adamant i should order it so i told him i'd order a barrel and if it didn't sell he could pay for the wastage i got a spare barrel from another pub tapped it wait in surprise surprise he had one pint that week and sheepishly vanished forever comma i tell him he'll have to drink nine gallons in three days a pint an hour for those who wondered i worked at a toyota dealership and a salesman said his customer asked to speak to the manager because jesus told her that we would provide her with a car i asked her if jesus was paying cash or financing she literally expected us to just go oh okay well pick out whatever tickles your fancy as a server i got tipped in jesus pamphlets every sunday i thought about asking them if instead they could pray that jesus would pay my light bill instead of sending me bible pamphlets i get called over for a price match for a lego set i get there and it's clearly a clearance price from a different location which is a policy exclusion of which i inform him shows receipt it's from a different location you have to honor it clearance differs from store to store but regardless the price match policy excludes clearance pricing so i'll call customer service and if they overrule you you'll do it i walk away while he makes his call of course he doesn't get his way because the policy is available for literally anyone to read before doing all this horse crap tl dr just because it's clearance that doesn't mean it is or is going to be here the general public simply does not understand retail i worked at a marine business for a number of years i was the head buyer for a long time one of the things we sold was anchor chain we sold a lot of chain for boats we will buy it in bulk and sell it for the same amount as online retailers when you account for shipping in a lot of cases we sell 250 plus to a single buyer i had a customer come in and want to buy 250 feet of 3 stroke 8 chain this stuff weighed right around two pounds per foot he wasn't happy with the price that was listed and asked the sales staff or someone higher up i was the only one available and had to go deal with this he pulled up the internet and showed me this place that was three states away had it for sales slightly cheaper than what we sold it for i told him we wouldn't price match and he'd still have to pay shipping the guy says no i don't i'll drive to go get it great go get it fast forward two weeks guy comes in and i asked about his purchase yes he did buy it and yes he'd drive three states away to pick it up in his honda civic hatchback he blew out both rear shocks because the dumbass didn't account for the weight of 250 feet of anchor chain in the back of a car it was pure vindication i manage a landscape supply yard one of the customers came in saying our employee was very rude and refused to load him knowing this employee i knew they had to be a good reason the customer asked the half black half korean employee if a health breed like him knew how to operate the equipment that was the first thing the customer said to him obviously had no problems telling the guy his business wasn't welcome he proceeded to tell me how much he'd damage our reputation and we'd hurt without his business the guy spent under five thousand dollars a year with us to put that in perspective it's march with several feet of snow on the ground and i've had six sales over five thousand dollars today in just an hour of being open we have not missed his business yikes good that your employee knew he could refuse service without repercussion when i worked for apple years ago a customer came in to buy a new ipad totally normal interaction but before i ring him up i ask him what computer he has to verify that he'll be able to use the ipad this was the first generation of ipods that only worked with a version of itunes that could only be installed on macs that had a dos that could be installed on the newer versions with intel chips it comes out that his computer doesn't have an intel chip so he won't be able to use the ipad i apologize explain that he can't use this generation but the previous generation will work and i can help him order one online though we don't have them in the store he says no instead he wants a new computer i say great and begin to talk him through pricing and options he says no that he wants us to give him a new computer that it's our fault he can't buy our new ipad and we need to make it right i tell him we can't do that and he says we'll see and demands a manager my manager really relished telling him to get the frick out of his store in so many words i've never had an ipad but it always seemed some crazy hoops you had to jump through to get good use out of it uk worker here for a large supermarket every little helps customer comes over this toaster is 25 pounds in argos and 30 here what shall i do me buy it in argos in her words she could not believe the audacity of me suggesting she go elsewhere so i stated we don't price match with other retailers called over a mangers whose opening words after i explained the issue were buy it from argos it's cheaper some people are strange i manage a movie theater and oh boy i feel stupid complaints all dang day being in charge of our customer review responses is a headache and a half and the discounted days bring in all sorts of crotchety old farts i had a lady complain that there were children in an auditorium showing a wait for it kids movie when i was nine months pregnant bitterly fat and woodling an old man snapped at me for not moving fast enough to serve him a beer one guy once demanded movie passes because he fell asleep in the middle of the movie and was p he missed the ending an elderly couple threw a fit that i wouldn't accept coupons that were older than emmy and oh the attempted scammers my most recent instant was just the other night a man was practically counting the ice cubes that went into his soda cup and when he said that was too much and my concessionist poured some out he got angry then when my concessionist asked what soda he wanted just to clarify he snarled some variety of the contemptuous what are you knew and cancelled his whole order half of which had been made then he left then he came back five minutes later and complained that my concessionist wouldn't give him the other items for free it didn't actually escalate to calling the manager over because the second he turned to flag me down he saw me staring at him and realized i had heard the entire interaction and just left but jesus christ i gave my concessionist a pep talk and some pointers on how i would deal with a similar situation in the future and he brushed it off but why people are like that i'll just never understand sadly people are like that because it's cheap and easy to be a dong at best you get something free and at worst you get what you wanted as long as you're willing to pay for it terrible people recognize this and exploit the heck out of it god i hate those people i used to work in a bar we added a new tap to start selling carlsberg beer because of some promotion the supplier was doing a few days later old guy demands to speak to the manager he says that the carlsberg tastes often totally wrong tastes fine to me but he says he's been drinking carlsberg as his main pint for a year and knows it tastes wrong i was the one who set up the kegline tap ctc so my manager takes me aside at first i'm thinking ah frick i must have upped the beer lines somehow frantically running through all the steps to imagine what i could have done so wrong and if i've somehow been poisoning out customers with bleach or some crap for the last few days then the old guy says yeah you must have messed up big i drink carlsberg here every week and it's never tasted like this i'm thinking what we didn't sell carlsberg here before a few days ago so i call up the head barman where the frick were we getting carlsberg for this man before now was it bottled carlsberg or something oh him lol just gave him a but visor he made such a fuss when we first opened that we didn't sell carlsberg that we just gave him bud and he's been drinking it ever since don't argue with him it's not worth it so i went out back and fix the taps i apologies to the man and i told the barman to give him butt visor in a carlsberg pint glass no more complaints so i went out back and fix the taps i apologies to the man and i told the barman to give him but visor in a carlsberg pint glass sir i must make a complaint i ordered a bud and you put beer in my glass not a manager but when i worked at a tex-mex restaurant a woman asked to see my manager because she was supposed to get 90 cents in change but said she didn't want that much change so she wanted me to give her a full dollar instead i told her if you don't want your change you don't have to take it but i can't just give you extra money even if it's just 10 cents she then asked to see my manager who gave me the most really look and proceeded to politely tell her the same thing i used to be a shift leader at cinnabon and the unbelievable amount of people who asked for stuff we don't have and get mad that we don't have it is atrocious that is ranch meat pretzels glaze chocolate our store phone was broken for a few months or so which has been nice not taking calls but it gets a lot of questions why we don't pick up the phone when they call one person came by and said they called here and the manager told them they could have a free cinnabon because theirs was dry and old i asked if they talked to x a previous manager who no longer works there they said yes and i gave them the sassiest one our store phone hasn't been working for a few months so that is clearly a lie they stormed off i felt good about the rest of the day give me some meat with that cinnamon bun at the restaurant i used to work at a rule was actually made for serving couples if the waitress is a woman they have to address a woman at the table first and if the waiter is a man he has to address the man at the table first it's because of the numerous complaints we had about servers flirting with the customers spouses imagine being that insecure i don't want to believe you but i have no trouble believing you i'm not technically a manager as i don't manage a team i am however in an executive corporate complaint department so if they ask for someone above the manager they get me a customer was transferred to me p that our bank didn't offer a weirdly specific investment product that one of our competitors offered ranted raved and argued for over 30 minutes demanding we offer this account wouldn't take no for an answer thought i could somehow create an all-new account type unlike any other account we offered immediately when asked why he didn't open the account with the other bank if they had what he wantedly in the tone of five-year-old who doesn't get their way uses wind but i want it with you i don't end up with td bank i was a team leader for three field insurance adjusters a while ago to be clear insurance adjuster is not the sort of job that ordinarily has escalations occasionally i'd get a person who was p about the check the adjuster was trying to cut for them a lot of people don't know how insurance works and many think that if they total their eight-year-old car we're going to give them enough cash to go buy a brand new version of the same to beyond that it's not something i normally had to deal with which was good because i was out adjusting claims and cutting checks and trying to hit my numbers right along with my team so imagine my surprise when i get a call from one of my adjusters asking me to speak to a customer in person the [ __ ] i am fortunately not terribly far away and i had a gap an appointment so i had over this is highly unusual and this employee is not known for being highly unusual this particular adjuster was around 25 and very attractive she was also highly competent and professional all of these things are relevant this guy dinged up his beta that he inexplicably had full coverage on the cost for parts only exceeded the actual cash value of the car so she totaled it and was preparing to cut him a check for a whopping five hundred dollars a minimum hour company set for crap cars like this is giving someone a check for 32.50 is more likely to enrage them i should add that she did all of this fine by the book work while the 65 year old man with a santa beard dirty overalls and who smelled like fesses was sexually harassing her he was mad about her rejections of him he was mad he was only getting 500 he was insistent that this pose was worth closer to 5 k nope she needs to close out the case but the guy is being belligerent and wants to talk to her boss she is feeling increasingly unsafe she was coached following this that if she ever felt unsafe she should leave immediately and not stay to try to wrap things up and calls me over dude first tries to negotiate with me over the acv of his car nope then he just wants me to give him more money out of his loyalty to our company not gonna happen finally he tells me that he'll drop the whole thing and accept the check if my adjuster agrees to go out on a date with him at this point i'm just done with this [ __ ] bag i went back to my car printed the check and brought it to him told him to sign i told him he wasn't getting a date with any of my staff and we were leaving immediately if we left without giving him the check there would be no check in the future he begrudgingly signed and we departed i went back to the office and noted that it looked like he was using his vehicle for hauling uw followed up and non-renewed his policy he officially became some other company's problem not really stupid but just awkward medical office manager here we are a specialty ophthalmology office so we aren't quick to discharge because patients have very little recourse in our region a couple of weeks ago i had to discharge a 70 plus year old male patient due to several sexual harassment claims from multiple employees over the past year each time i got to claim i sent a certified letter to the patient stating the terms you have three strikes and then you're out first time he tried fondling the arm of one of our assistants who was taking iphotos second time he slapped an assistant in the rear on her way out the door third time he had finished his appointment and was outside but followed an assistant back inside and around the office telling her how sexy she is on top of this he continually made sexual remarks to staff members for the entire duration of his appointments anyhow i sent a letter spelling all of this out and effectively discharging him minutes after i put the letter in the mailbox his 70 plus year old wife called because she wanted to reschedule his next appointment she never accompanied him to appointments so she was completely oblivious to the shiska's baggery of this guy toward our female employees i had already effectively discharged the patient in our scheduling software so i couldn't move his appointment even if i wanted to without re-establishing him as a patient so i told her that we were about to have a very awkward conversation i didn't know honestly whether it was legal to tell her anything so i told her that he had been discharged but i couldn't really say why i told her that i sent a letter addressed to him and that it went into great detail about why i suggested that she speak with him about it after he received that letter of course she grilled me for information she asked was it because of his conductor employees and i replied that there are very few reasons why we would ever discharge a patient and that that was certainly one of the reasons otherwise she was trying to squeeze blood from a stone i wouldn't tell her anything else because i simply didn't know where the situation stood in terms of hipaa and basic professional privacy etiquette she hung up 10 minutes later angry at me to the point of tears but also suspicious of her husband of 50-plus years i bet the conversation at their dinner table was really tense at night lady demanded to speak to a manager because she couldn't math at all whatsoever i'm not talking about taking percentage off a price i'm talking basic little one plus one plus one math we had a product on sale for a dollar and she bought eight of them she was absolutely befuddled as to why her total was not one dollar and demanded to see a manager because the cashier was ripping people off i had to explain that one of the product was one dollar well yes i know that so why is it eight dollars i pointed to her bag and said there were eight items there but the sign says a dollar that means i should get it for a dollar it shouldn't be anything like that so i literally pointed to each one and counted out loud how many dollars she was spending she paused for a while and went okay fine but then my total should only be eight dollars why is it more because tax i had to explain tax to her mind you she was also a regular she had made many complaints before all of them stupid but none about sales tax it shouldn't have been such a foreign concept my mom worked at a dollar store for a while every single day people would come up with 20 items for a dollar and a 20 bill she had to explain sales tax to people every day i don't understand how these people function in society if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,525
Rating: 4.8936172 out of 5
Keywords: want to speak to the manager, i want to speak to the manager karen, stupidest reasons, dumbest reason, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: eLd3OSqyXsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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