Upgrading A House Through EVERY Update In Minecraft

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this is the oldest version of minecraft well to be specific it's the oldest version that you can actually play in but this is what's known as pre-classic or when it was called cave game and as you can see there's not really a lot to do here it's a big barren wasteland the only thing you do have is the ability to place and destroy cobblestone blocks so my idea was that we would start in the earliest version of minecraft and make our way up through each major update in the game where they release new blocks or new things i can use to build with and gradually build and transform a house and that's exactly what we're gonna do perfect i mean it's not anything special obviously you don't even get a door you get no windows nothing obviously i can i can make a window like that but there's no windows so this is our little house but what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna upgrade to the latest released version of this pre-classic minecraft and use what assets are available to be able to build something a little bit more like a house so this is the final released version that they have of pre-classic minecraft and as you can see there's a few little changes we actually have a cursor or a crosshair in this one which we didn't have in the last one and we have the ability to change blocks which we also didn't have the ability to do before you can also respawn randomly in the world or you can spawn a bunch of steves either way this is our house that we just made i'm gonna upgrade what we've currently got into something that's a little bit more substantial something a little bit more like an actual house so another thing to add that in this pre-version two a block is actually right click and to place a block it's left click which is the opposite of what it usually is so it's a little bit confusing to get your head around honestly it's nothing special but really it's all that i could come up with anyway this is my little house what do you think and there's no door there's no interior there's no windows it's just a bit of a shell but that's what this game was back then it was so early in development that they were just testing stuff enjoy your house steve's because now we're gonna upgrade to the next version okay we are now in the classic version of minecraft and obviously things look a little bit different and because i've gone from pre-classic to regular classic i've had to rebuild things and start again hence why i didn't really make the biggest most insane building possible because that would have just been a massive pain to rebuild but either way i've rebuilt it and as you can see we've got a bunch of new blocks as well so i'm gonna do the same as i did before and i'm gonna upgrade it with the new set of blocks that we've got we've got brick we've got glass we've got log we've got loads of new materials and so let's see what we can come up with all right so this is the updated house we've made for classic and as you can see we've got a few new blocks here i actually built this little pedestal here because obviously i can't fly so the house looks a little bit different okay actually it looks completely different but i mean aside from that i have tried to incorporate a lot of the new blocks into the build and kind of see what we can come up with now honestly building this was so infuriating for some reason whenever i right click to place blocks or left click to destroy blocks sometimes instead of placing just one block it would place two or delete two as well as you just saw there so it doesn't happen all the time it happens randomly but it was happening a lot more towards the end when i was doing the roof so it's very frustrating inside we've got another new block we've got wool so i've used grey carpet down here we've got a few little support beams some stairs leading up to the next level nothing fancy just something to demonstrate what you could do this early on in the game evidently not a lot so now we're gonna take this classic build of a house and it's time to upgrade to the next update so moving on as you can see we are in minecraft inf dev now this was the first update i believe where they implemented survival which is why i've got hearts down below for health i've got an empty hot bar and i have an inventory space now obviously things aren't as simple as they are nowadays with updating worlds as you saw in the previous version i had to manually rebuild the entire house and for this version i decided i'm not gonna do that instead we're gonna skip it because realistically there's no point in me rebuilding the house and doing all this especially in survival because it's going to take just that much longer so let's go into the next update and see what new blocks we can also include in the build so it's a different day but we're back and i've finished building the updated house in the beta version and this is what we've done so it looks a fair bit different yes we've changed a lot from the previous version the one that we built in classic but we've got loads more new blocks to work with here as well as i actually have the ability to fly which makes things a lot easier in fact in this beta version there's a lot more things you can do you can fly you can actually crouch towards the edge of a block which you couldn't do in the previous version so yeah obviously there's been a lot of changes if you look at the house here as well you can see that a lot of things have changed it's been upscaled slightly but i've tried to keep the base foundations the same anyway let's run through the things that we've added using this update of the game in the previous version we really didn't have a lot to work with we had a few simple blocks and that was it now we have this catalogue of loads of new blocks to work with and as you can see it makes my life a lot easier and i'm able to add a lot more detail into the house we've got doors we didn't have doors previously we've got trapdoors we've got stairs we've got slabs in fact even in these chimneys alone i'm using new stairs new stone brick new track doors new iron bars and obsidian so yeah a lot of changes a lot more details and overall a much better build as you can see things are starting to kind of progress into this gothic style fantasy mansion and i've kind of gone for that wear and tear look trying to use the cracked and mossy stone brick and so to enhance that i've also added a bunch of vines and leaves creeping up the side of the building it is kind of crazy just to see the leap in how much stuff they've added from the previous version to this version well mind you the previous version was actually alpha but even so they still didn't really add a huge amount of blocks in the alpha stage so of course i'll show you the inside as well nothing too fancy but i thought i'd do a simple little interior so we've got a little grand staircase here we actually have gates and fences the thing is with these fences and gates actually is you can't just place them normally you have to put a full block underneath before you can place them and another thing that i just tried to do in this early version is you can't middle click to select any blocks sometimes you can but most of the time you can't anyway enough dwardling is time to move on to the next version of the game now to be fair this update doesn't really offer a lot of new blocks so not a lot has really changed but i am very quickly going to run you through the changes that we've made so as you can see on my hotbar these are the new additions we've got mycelium we've got lily pads which i've included by doing a little pond down here nothing special but i just wanted something to feature them and showcase them a little bit of course the other notable change here is the chimney i haven't actually changed the design at all i've literally just swapped out the bricks for the nether bricks and i've used a cauldron and a brewing stand atop the chimney stack more of the actual changes take place inside we've got this spiral staircase that leads up to the top of the tower and at the very top we come to a little room a dim little room mind you it's just a little addition to use some of the new blocks okay now that's done it's time to upgrade to 1.2 in 1.2 we were greeted by a few key blocks so when incorporating them into the build i decided to swap out the grey ball that was here previously and replaced it with some new jungle logs and some chiseled stone brick we've also got a few new features here at the front door we've got chisel stone brick down here and some redstone lamps and then for interior we've added an entire another level and as you can see we've got a few varying wood colors in this version there still aren't any variations of slabs or stairs so we're still using the regular oak for the stairs themselves but we do now have a few different color variants for wood which we can use to help expand the build even further anyway quick little update done it's time to move on to the next version in 1.3 we can finally place stairs upside down meaning you're now actually able to pull off some normal looking roofs there still isn't the addition of a corner stair but now that we're able to actually place a stair upside down it leads to a whole load of new possibilities along with that you're also able to now place slabs on the top side of a block and you also have the ability to put logs in different facing directions so with all these new additions we've done a little bit of tweaking and cleaned up the interior to make it look a little bit nicer anyway let's see what's next on our agenda with 1.4 we've made a few slight additions to the exterior of the house but the majority of it has been re-tweaking a few things i've made a few subtle changes to the little gazebo design down here most notably the new edition of the cobblestone wall also as of literally the last update we now have the corner stairs we now have anvils so i've lined the roof with them as well as stone buttons we now also have wooden buttons which i've lined the door with and we have item frames so i think it's time to move on so we've got a new expansion we've made things a little bit bigger i've basically just mirrored over this section of the house to the other side and with the new blocks such as quartz and hoppers i've included them throughout the build to make things a little bit more interesting as for the inside i've literally just mirrored the same thing all throughout so we've got a wider and bigger space to work with than previously but that just about does it for this update in 1.6 we had the addition of horses and hay bales so next to the mansion i whipped up this quick little stable here trying to keep it in the same sort of theme as the building obviously i didn't do brick work but instead i used log to make a frame for the building and then mimicked a similar roof style to go on top of course you've got all the horses in here they've each got little pens and yeah so i wasn't really planning on making a separate building entirely but it is where it is and this update is revolving around horses primarily so with that done though it's time to move on to 1.7 and this is the big update because we can now finally use mods now we're in 1.7 we can make use of some mods specifically the replay mod since this is an earlier version of the mod it's not very stable and it's not compatible with optifine meaning i can't use shaders at this stage in the build having a few mods at my disposal now i use world edit to reshape and terraform the landscape creating individual prints for the buildings from the previous version i now also have the ability to copy and paste sections of the build and expand the project more extensively i spent a long time figuring out how i wanted to design and expand the build bearing in mind and trying to incorporate the new blocks i have at my disposal in each new version i began by extending the middle section of the roof into a tower and carving out a circle to embed a stained glass window unfortunately due to the instability of this version of the replay mod the next piece of footage was corrupt so we're just going to jump straight into 1.8 as you can see we've made a few changes to the build with the addition of some larger stained glass windows on the side of the building you might also have noticed that we've got the ability to use shaders in this version next i plot out an outcropping to begin extending this mansion into more of a castle first by introducing a singular tower and connecting out to the balcony of the main building i bring the design around the building further adding much more detail to the crenellations i also choose to add some thin rectangular stained glass windows to incorporate a pop of color against the gray stone to finish the 1.8 upgrade i edit the sandy terrain and turn it into something more fitting jumping in where we previously left off i began adding further layers to kick off the 1.9 upgrade i map out a base section for the castle to sit on lining it with crenellations i then start working on the grand entrance to the castle building it into the cliff and taking some design inspiration from dark souls i chose to feature a more boxy traditional design for the entrance to contrast the fantasy s concept that i have going with the main building end rods were added in this version of minecraft so i decided to use them to create spires and add further details to the castle in this clip they emit quite a lot of light due to the shaders but you'll notice this is much more subtle from the next clip onwards now we're in 1.10 and i move the building into the sky to allow for more capacity to build i copy the entrance section to the east and west sides of the building making a few alterations to the design as i do so i start working on a smaller outcropping with some more refined details copy and pasting it to the other side since we have access to the bone blocks for the first time in this version i decided i wanted to create an undead skeleton dragon gripping onto the side of the castle for the body shape of this dragon i used the dragon from gringotts in harry potter as my reference with some obvious adjustments to make it appear more skeleton like i include end rods and quartz slabs and stairs to refine the shape and then start mapping out the skeletal structure for the wings bsl shaders don't really complement this version of the game for some reason the bone blocks emit a slight glow which will change in the upcoming clips to finish up the dragon and our 1.10 upgrade i add some flesh and some muscle fibers to give it a little life 1.11 didn't offer any major new blocks so we're jumping right into our 1.12 upgrade so i began changing the roof from dark oak wood to grey concrete blocks and replaced the balcony flooring with the same dark oak copying the top section of the tower we previously made i add several smaller towers along the lower tier of the castle finalizing the entrance i create the beginnings of a bridge and copy the same design to the side entrance of the castle that will lead to a different part of the build to fill in the dead space where i extended the height of the castle's base i decided to make a gothic church-like building protruding from the wall i add some more stained glass windows before swapping the two protruding buildings around as i wasn't happy with the previous layout and wanted a more tiered effect to the castle i felt that the taller building fitted better up top and made adjustments to the shorter building so that it's flush with the walls and the whole thing looks like a complete unit there were some new blocks added in 1.13 but i skipped ahead as the replay mod isn't supported in that version so instead i incorporate both 1.13 and 1.14 upgrades in one hit as you can see from the surrounding landscape as we progressed through the upgrades minecraft's terrain generation caused any unloaded chunks to change leaving us with a square unrealistic plot of land to work with so to fix this and to lead into the 1.13 aquatic update i do some major terrain editing and transform the landscape into islands in the middle of an ocean to make things look more natural and organic i blend everything into the existing surrounding landscape using sand to create an ocean floor in the previous clip i started building out the side bridge that would lead to a second island which i add here out the front i also build an island for the main entrance to connect onto which includes a winding path down the rocky cliff face down to sea level to finish up i re-added the water into the ocean with the ocean mapped out i introduced some 1.13 additions including seagrass kelp and coral to create a reef around the islands making some final changes to the castle design i copy the bridge design that i previously made to the main entrance of the castle providing a section of land for the bridge to connect up to on the island connected to the side entrance i copy the initial tower design from the main castle and make alterations to it to make a standalone tower embedded in the rocky island it sits upon finally i moved the building that was previously a stable to sea level and convert it into a dock adding a few small fishing boats and making some design alterations to match that of the main castle 1.15 was the bees update which didn't really provide me with any new blocks that i could feature in this build so we move on to the final and latest update of the game which is 1.16 this new version provides us with a bunch of new darker stone variants which fit perfectly with this build so i make some alterations to the castle by swapping out some existing materials for new blocks the nether update provides some perfect materials for creating dragons so i thought i would experiment and make a second dragon flying around the castle i begin mapping out the body and wings using blue wool which i tweaked until i was happy with the composition i continued by filling in between the skeletal wing structure and started to experiment by converting the wool into the new blocks since we made a dragon out of the new warped nether blocks it seems only fit to upgrade the existing bone dragon to incorporate the new crimson nether blocks this was a much shorter process as all i had to do was replace the existing blocks and flesh out the design to move away from the skeletal concept we had before and make it resemble more of a conventional dragon finally i add more to the main bridge but create a collapse section perhaps broken by the dragon to add some story behind the build i build the bridge design down into the rocky pillars below and place the broken section of the bridge into the ocean as well surrounding it with debris and rubble i connect the side bridge up and move the whole island and its tower closer to the main castle and with that the final upgrade is complete [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] right well i hope you guys enjoyed this little transformation video throughout the ages of minecraft now this video took a lot of effort and a lot of time so if you want to get the download for yourself then you're gonna have to get this video to 60k likes if you get it to 60k likes then i'll upload it to patreon and you can check the build out for yourself i have to admit i didn't think it would have been as fiddly a process as it actually was when planning to do this in the first place if i'd have known honestly i might not have followed through with it also we only have a few weeks left of the trixie blocks merch so if you want to get your hands on this or the hat or even the face mask then go down to the link in the description and check out the store like i said there's only a few weeks left so cop it while you can because once it's gone it's gone it's not gonna come back again and we finally got some pictures of us actually wearing it as well so you get an idea of what it actually looks like on the face that's also all over on the store so go check it out leave a like if you enjoyed the video and you want to get this build for yourself and aside from that i'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: TrixyBlox
Views: 4,405,035
Rating: 4.9374194 out of 5
Keywords: TrixyBlox, Oscip, Minecraft, Build, Gameplay, Upgrading A House Through EVERY Update In Minecraft, Minecraft House Transformation, Youtuber Minecraft Transformation, Minecraft Castle Transformation, Minecraft Dark Souls, Minecraft Harry Potter, Minecraft Dragon, Transforming My Minecraft House In INSANE Detail, Minecraft House Transformation From Alpha To 1.16 In Minecraft, EPIC Minecraft Castle Transformation Build, Upgrading My Minecraft House To A Castle, EPIC Minecraft Castle
Id: rpKntOXjmlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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