I Tried Japan's PIG Cafe

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we are currently in harajuku and today i get to do something rather pleasant actually for once surprisingly i'm going to a pig cafe i have no idea why that's a thing but i'm going to find out and of course this isn't my video idea it's cajo's idea as always cajo welcome once again thank you why why are we here they look adorable come on they look irresistible so i guess let's just go inside and find out what's going on oh we're gonna wait touch them touch them i know this is totally irrelevant to the video it doesn't matter at all but they had a slipper dispenser and i don't know why but that's really cool i just got the gundam vibe and the reason why there is a slipper dispenser to begin with is because you can't bring your dirty outside shoes in that might get the pigs sick and just general cleanliness and obviously due to the fact that you are petting animals you have to wash your hands and then also sanitize yeah wash those hands carved hygienic what's wrong with me i just want to touch the pigs already let me touch them and before going into the cafe you obviously have to agree to all the cafe's rules very normal stuff such as please don't take the drinks outside the only accepted payment methods are cash visa and mastercard and don't go to any countries with swine flu which obviously we've all been doing a lot of recently the first 30 minutes cost about 10 and every 30 minutes afterwards costs about five and you have to buy a drink at least one time and of course all the normal stuff that you have to do right now whenever you go anywhere which is obviously get your temperature checked and put on your hazmat suit mine's pink check this out and the cafe is themed quite nicely and it looks like a nursery of sorts i just realized that maybe i was raised in a barn for pigs moving on this video is sponsored by demon waifu demon waifu is a mobile simulation game in the style of anime 2d and it's about the harem and japanese lifestyle with tons of entertainment you can get intimate with your soul mates in the harem an elf queen a pure girl an exotic dancer a charming baroness all kinds of beauties waiting for you improve your affection with the girls to provide bonuses to the subordinates and increase your kingdom's power did you know that you can also recruit subordinates to do your bidding gather your elite troops and lead them into countless battles enhance your subordinates and lead them to become the lord of the other world each subordinate has different talent skills strengthen their abilities and defeat enemies did you know that you can also dress as royalty cheat into exquisite clothes as you like various clothing styles available for your consorts and support notes show your love with these exquisite clothes and of course you can battle it out in the arena in the arena the strong wind respect enhance your kingdom strength and challenge other demon princes defeat them at all costs and fight for the highest honor in the cross server battles and don't forget you can make friends set up a guild and battle side by side lead the guild with your friends to become more powerful than ever so what are you waiting for smash that link in the description down below to download demon waifu today but before we jump right into playing with all the pigs i want to ask the owner a few questions about why all right so we're inside the pig cafe now and this is the owner oh no oh no uh co-founder and owner and also the breeder of wow yeah i'm like jack of all trades with pigs why a pig cafe of all things i really love animals and owning a micro pig for myself was my long time dream i asked them how they got a hold of micro pigs i was looking for where to buy micro pigs and there was like no place to buy them seemed like a very common yeah yeah amazon maybe so i was looking overseas and i found this uh small farm in wales whales gang represent okay i'm sorry i just you know no one knows about whales so i get very excited when people know also my ubereats is here in like four minutes what the [ __ ] i asked him how expensive it was to bring pigs over and he said between ten to twenty thousand dollars oh my god i mean you know because the pigs come from wales and obviously i come from wales yeah and nothing this would like never work in wales because everyone would just be like go to the farm whilst the owner was explaining to me about why microp cafes exist and why there's a need for them in japan i got a little distracted by our new friends they're very cute they're very very very distracting i love everything about this cafe it just looks amazing so adorable and cute i'm wondering why why pigs specifically are not like another type of farmland i think they like really resonated with me they're kind of calm but likes people but also independent and kind of lean back in a way yeah yeah which i found like really nice like dogs are could get a little needy cats are a little too like doesn't hate you but you know yeah i know i know that cats don't like me now i won't lie there's probably some of you watching this who are thinking oh my god this cafe is cruel etc etc because i've been there myself i've thought the same thing and there are some cafes in japan or in other countries which i do think are a little bit cruel and so i wanted to ask the owner why is that not the case here first of all like they really love people yeah and they get pretty lonely by themselves me too buddy me too i think they don't really mind being with people first of all yeah and well since i really loved pics from the beginning i wanted to make them a safe environment you know like not like put them in a small cage i wanted them to just run around be free and if they want to come to people they could come to people if they just want to hang around they could hang around they were just there hanging out it's chilly hello oh he's coming oh no oh no corner so we don't have to force them to come they just like choose to and yeah this is amazing i can get behind this can you tell how happy i am i want to go back i've only ever seen like massive pigs and they're normally like you know a bit ugly but this is just like they're still little piggies so they're gonna get a little bigger maybe about this big we also have a adult sized pig in our head so this cafe acts as a sort of kindergarten if you will where other customers can come buy them if they want and when they get too old they're given away to other families i feel like you're so distracted it is very easy to get distracted i can get behind this you know what does tails tell you oh they're kind of like kind of like dogs if they're happy they're swinging around oh nice and if they're like very calm it doesn't move as much and how do you want to pet them oh yeah so they love a berry belly rub so if you kind of like rub their belly they get very calm and sometimes they kind of show their bellies and stuff like that i do the same thing pig what are the odds it's crazy i thought they'd be running around like causing chaos they do sometimes yeah yeah they don't hate me this is amazing this is so normal they also make pretty crazy noises i think it's very obvious whose video idea this was yeah yeah you're gonna say cajo's child i'm your mommy they're very calm and they're also very clean yeah you think normally like pigs are quite dirty by nature but they're like it's how you manage it like they like to pee and poo at the one spot so like they basically it's very easy to teach them where to pee into what is the chance that they'll pee on a customer or improvement i'm just very very few i don't think it ever happened i thought why why is he specifically going for this box you were sitting right in front of the toilet well get a front row this seed the owner also walked us through the menu and the different types of drinks and snacks you can purchase from donuts to iced coffee is there anything to feed the pigs with that you do as well or is that like all you guys control them yeah because they get fat pretty easy and they also become pretty crazy with food oh yeah because they're apparently pretty hyphen yeah i asked the owner how might a person perhaps go about owning a micro pig no reasons don't ask me don't question me they let me know that it takes a lot of time about two to three months and they are very thorough with the questions they ask and they won't just be handing out pigs to anyone but that doesn't mean i can't steal one i asked what made a micropig different from every other pet well they are pretty strong they do flip over much about anything and there's like very few places there uh very few hospitals like you could take them to so it is difficult in a way but just taking care of them they're kind of like dogs that likes to eat more in a way out of curiosity i asked to see the largest pig they had and uh damn this boy thick i'm gonna see the big boy this is tenchan and he is built like a brick [ __ ] house anywhere he goes jojo music is playing it's probably the biggest it'll be many people like never stole like a livestock egg but yeah and it's quite common for tenchan and other large pigs to be roaming around the cafe as the owner likes to let the other customers know and perhaps potential buyers what the size of the micro pig will actually turn out to be eventually as they only really remain small when they're at infancy this is about probably uh 20 kilos don't just get a pet get something that you can bench people think you know pigs are dirty and kind of ugly people often say that about me too but i think i'm pretty clean they're super friendly and even if you don't want to actually own them i think like coming to the cafe and get to know the pigs a little pretty good but now that all of our questions had been answered it was time for me and caho to enjoy all the things the cafe had to offer pigs and some nice treats so you can sanitize your hands before you eat a donut because you've been touching pigs so it's very adorable you know oh my god i don't normally go to these cafes because i think normally this is the kind of place that you would go on a you go on a date right i feel like you're taking that but last time you went to cat cafe right i went alone as well i didn't even have anyone to go with me that's pretty good i'll give it like a shovel yeah it was more like a five it's a hard doughnut i'm not really fond of hard doughnuts the donut is also picked nice oh i didn't realize the doughnuts appear yeah i just completely missed that i'm not very smart he's really going at my butt over here so i'm wondering kind of what made you want to come here i said you did a cat cafe and so many people like that and i was like what else is interesting there are just too many choices yeah like i was saying earlier like there are a lot of cafes that i've seen that look like oh my god like this feels i feel bad for the animals like in korea they have raccoon cafes and i i hear like the raccoons they do not like it what do you think about a hedgehog i feel like hedgehogs aren't meant to be like pet animals right so i feel bad cat is very understandable you know cat is considered to be pets like typical yeah are you gonna be buying a micropig i don't know it's just i don't live by myself you're just streaming and i just i don't know guys it's not my first it's just my picks but same time like no one will listen to my part so that's cool is that something you do often women do not fart you know we just don't function that way okay cow all right you don't really come here to do stuff you can't like just chat right and just enjoy having oh my god there's a new pig a new challenger approaches lauren he's the tiniest one here oh my god wow why are they like totally different colors oh he's peeing oh he's just going at it i mean you know i respect it you know what i wish i could do that in my mind all the way so why do they look completely different to the other it's not like they're a different kind they're all micro picks you're so popular with these pigs why why do i not be popular with pigs why do i not be popular with pigs connor do you speak english i thought it could maybe you know pigs like women like prefer women more but genders don't matter they recognize brew they're they don't have good eyesight so maybe brock is not yeah maybe because i'm very improved yeah maybe maybe and now it was time for us to feed the pigs normally not reserved for customers but we asked nicely if we could oh what's going on i don't know [Music] [Laughter] and boy do they go in and the delicious meal that i've prepared for the pigs is sweet potato and carrots but i can oh my god why are you carrying my lunch it's very intense that is they are running just running everywhere nothing here don't worry about it there's nothing on my left and it quickly turned into a fighting pit to see who could lick cajo's hand the fastest uh that is not a sentence i ever thought i would say out loud it's too aggressive the slobber is so intense i told you oh my god these pigs do not round if you are holding food near them and it's not in their mouth they will bite you [Laughter] no no as many of you might think it's a pig it feels like he's chewing a really good piece of chewing gum what i mean you're gonna pee on me you're gonna pee on me who asks that cajo i think it's my my body still smells of food and the staff said that i'm probably quite warm is it because i'm fat is that why i'm warm i got a lot of layers okay this is really relaxing i can get behind this you know i want a microphone i want one i'm gonna steal them i'm not kidding i'm going to i want to feel i feel like this is an accomplishment i don't know how often this happens maybe i can get three people let's go for the world record clearly they watch youtube you know they're uh the fans of the chat they must be fans of cosplay i think that's that's what's going on here you know with like cancer you do like the s is there anything like that you can do with pigs like really do you ever like mimic their sounds maybe needless to say the pigs were left unimpressed when customers come here wear blue be big bring your seven-foot friend although it might look a bit comical in this uh this is are they attracted to any smell i smell like a pig is that what you're saying and you know what i don't care if i smell like a pig at least i'll be accepted i feel like i found my boys oh the matching cotter what's going on and i'm not quite sure what happened but earlier in the day the pigs wouldn't go near me and then all of a sudden the pigs couldn't get enough of me now i know what true love feels like i don't want this video to end if you're watching this congratulations you've met my child i think that yeah we've probably experienced everything we can experience today how do i escape so one cool thing that the the owner told us is that these are all themed after the three little pigs story so this is the the stone brick house this is the wood house and they have the one made out of i guess hay that's supposed to be but it looks like a tree but it's hey it's hey i forgot for a second that what happened in the fairytale story well i don't exactly read it often so i haven't remembered much the way it's been themed is really cool in general it's all like fairy tale ass so if you are here in japan and in harajuku and you have an hour to kill come to the pig cafe but this has been a fun little video a lot less embarrassing than our normal videos right like you're not embarrassing me this time so just so comfy and cute yeah this is a chill video to make you don't have to feel bad about pork because there are micro pigs there are different times why do you put it like that so i'm going to go home now where my sad life without a micro pig is and cry about the fact that i don't have one i guess we'll be leaving now so yeah sadly our odd fun day over with micro pigs is come to an end so that's so satisfying [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 948,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Micropig, Japan, Pig Cafe, CDawg, Shibuya Kaho, Connor, ConnorDawg, Japan Pig Cafe, Animal Cafe, Funny, Cafe, Micro-pig Cafe, micropig cafe
Id: nKY0lHlG8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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