I tried an EXPERT level Food Art Bento

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hi i'm carthage and this is tempura oh the head tilt it never gets old does it we have made all sorts of different kinds of food art bentos particularly ones that were inspired by tik tok and they're fun and they're cute but i wanted to pay homage to the inventors of the food art bento the kaizeki so today we are trying the real thing so expensive in fact that i got this and terry's eating some vector with fruit [Music] look how beautiful this is the restaurant that we ordered from only seats three tables per seating there are three tables in this restaurant that's how seriously they take this food art now this is the top layer what is that it's so cool so we have grilled a5 miyazaki wagyu with ponzu sauce now wagyu beef is one of the most expensive beefs you can buy these cows are treated really good and they're extremely marbled like there is so much fat in wagyu that it just kind of melts in your mouth and i'm really excited to try that look how juicy and glisteny that is like does that even look like beef to you that's some rare steak janelle [Music] oh it's in ponzu sauce daikon soaked in plum and japanese spring petite turnip now i wanted to get a drink for this the sake brand was founded in 1688 and it wasn't available to the public at first it was only available to lords i don't even know what lords are this is like some feudal japan stuff see how that goes just like a tiny bit just you know wet my beak just wet your beak with a 2019 international sake award winner yeah it's really good it kind of reminds me of like all the sakes i've tasted but it's like a little less like thick this ball right here is house-made sesame tofu with a oh my give it a try whoa sesame wasabi go really really good together this is the softest tofu i've ever had it like melts in your mouth like butter imagine the flavor of wasabi but not spicy that's like kind of what this is and i know that kind of probably sounds weird but it really works you know the thing that they shave to make wasabi i just ate that thing here we have japanese pompano fish which i don't know apparently it's described as the most edible fish in the world because it's like sweet and mild and you can eat the entire thing boiled tomaya hotaru iga which is firefly squids i don't know what a firefly squid is but it looks interesting and sweet miso on top there's also palette cleansers in here that's just a straight-up squid yeah i don't know okay that's really weird that makes me nervous this is literally like anime food it's crazy to me how the presentation is as important as the taste for this kind of bento box and i'm living for it i've never had japanese food at this level before so that's the fish yeah i don't know how this fish is keeping up with the most expensive beef in the world what's this i'm eating it mountain potato blossom look at the little star okay i'm scared it's time to eat the squid i don't know about this i have to i can't i'm doing it i can't it's the best squid i've ever tasted in my life i just don't like how it's the whole thing if i was raised eating this then like what a treat what is this this looks like a broom a piece of fish it's like sweet i think it's a japanese ginger stuffed with sweet vinegar egg yolk no that's this this is japanese ginger stuffed with sweet vinegar egg yolk what a fun thing it's so fruity and floraly and citrusy and the yolk is so rich it's just like it's everything this like transcends time so this tier was the best thing i've ever tasted in my life and also this is supposed to be an eight course meal that was really filling so i can't imagine how it gets better let's take it off and move on to the next one oh that's cool oh pretty simmered arrowroot potato taro root potato plum taste kyoto red carrot burdock root with fuki aka japanese spring stem vegetable so this is a lot of japanese vegetables there's white turnip dome with sweet rice a four day simmered meat oh there's soba noodles in here and shrimp wrapped with seaweed baked bamboo shoots there's shrimp inside fried rice crackers okay what this is like a prawn with soba noodles wrapped in seaweed and like a tempura batter and it's really good this thing i know this is corn looks like zucchini yeah i guess i'll eat this corn the dog's trying to eat his vegetables too in asia corn is like a very big deal i never really appreciate the way we make corn here but every time i have it over there or like part of an asian meal like i can really appreciate it a lot better a little snow pea give me that [Music] pretty good huh i know it's some high quality cuisine i know i'd be crying too i don't know what any of this is but it's really like everything is really good like this looks like a witch's broom oh everything about this they really thought about it oh this is eel i've never liked eel before but that really does it for me i don't know what this is but i'm sure this will do it for me too it's peter pumpkin head is that what potatoes are supposed to taste like it's so good yeah i need to know what this thing is because like this thing's crazy oh it's a white turnip dome with sweet rice well i'm gonna try this thing like look at this it's your birthday this is okra with shrimp stuffed inside and rice cracker on top who does that for one bite who does this for one bite i hope they do it again i would go vegetarian for these vegetables they're that good some of them are stuffed with meat yeah but here we have box number two whoops it's a fresh pair of chopsticks oh whoa you gotta get a picture of this this is insane so this is line caught sea breeze surrounded by some pallet cleansers how cute is that this mini soy sauce there's radish there's carrots there's daikon there's a garagar i've never had a gargaar in a way that wasn't like a meme you know what i mean like like making like a gargaar like jellos or jellies or whatever i've never had it like i've never seriously had this but i'm gonna have the fish first this is very tender it's gonna lightly dip it so i can actually taste it usually i only get salmon sashimi because i find that the other ones are like it's like a weird texture it's like tough or it's too fishy this is this has like everything i like about sashimi it's just very pleasant and the soy sauce actually it's a very mild light like sweet nutty soy sauce that compliments the fish really well okay i'm gonna try one of these a vinegar daikon wrapped in radish oh it's like a very mild light pickled vegetable it goes so good with fish temperature gargaar little dots in it the agar gar like tastes like the entire experience like wrapped into one it's like it's like just like an umami bomb i thought it was gonna be like a little bit sweeter like the the radish and stuff but it's not does she eat the bird it's carved out of a vegetable oh it's a daikon radish crane [Music] it's the best crane i've ever tasted all of these are like the best version of the vegetable or the meat you've ever had the way that these are folded together it's just very cute so now we are moving on to my favorite part of the day dessert so this is just fruit right like this is just melon shizuoka i don't know how to pronounce that but shizuoka musk melon now these melons they happen to go for like up to 22 000 of melon i don't think this is a 22 000 melon personally but i think that this thing sold for like 300 if you look at like the netting on the outside here this melon in order to be grown it was a full-time job and it took like a hundred days to grow this melon i looked into it just like really expensive fruit it's like very interesting to me ahem kampai tangerines though i don't know a lot about that looks to me like it's just japanese orange i've had a lot of like mochi from like the asian grocer and stuff but i've never had like a real authentic we're not playing this is how we do mochi i've never had like the intense stuff like that i'm here really [Music] look i've never had that first off we're gonna try the melon so the japanese they really like to give each other like really nice fruit as gifts and i think that's the cutest thing like there's no garbage with it you're just like giving somebody like a really well nurtured fruit i've eaten a lot of melons in my life i took the first bite juice went all over my pants okay i see what you did there i was like oh okay she's a juicer so i tried to take a second bite to compensate for the amount of juice that fell in my pants and more juice fell on my pants my pants are covered in melon juice i usually hate melon but if there was to be a perfect melon this would be it it has the melon taste but it's also quite sweet but not too sweet it's it's like taking a drink and taking a bite at the same time just make a big mess it gets everywhere look how pretty that is they wrap these up they like water these they polish these like they have like special polishing gloves it's a whole ordeal to get these melons going [Music] that's what she said you want some melon eat some melon fine this is a really expensive melon i mean that's one way to not get the juice everywhere when you take a bite go tangerine tangerine dream this tangerine appears to have like it has like little bubbles inside it like i know that regular tangerines have that but like you can really see the bubbles in this it's like there's like more chambers to keep the juice if all tangerines tasted like this i'm starting to feel like i don't like fruit because i'm eating our garbage fruit yeah like our north american garbage fruit like we don't even have mangosteen like screw this expensive stuff i just want like the normal fruit that they have in asia just the normal fruit this is the best tangerine i've ever had my entire life it's like the perfect subtle beautiful tangerine flavor not even a hint of tartness it's so perfect that it almost tastes like a tangerine perfume would smell it tastes like the essence of a tangerine i just burped and it was the most pleasant citrusy florally burp i've ever had in my life people who eat like this their breath is probably good in the morning like maybe this is why everyone there lives so long i don't know anyways let's try this mochi what could possibly be groundbreaking about this i mean the leaf's a cool touch but how good could it be [Music] the leaf is salty i don't know about that putting my mouth around the leaf at first was very strange because i was like why is it supposed to be a dessert this is why is it salty i come from a world where we eat chocolate cake it's just sweet that's it it's a little shocking at first the salt but then when you bite into it the inside is so sweet that it becomes the perfect mix of sweet and salty you know like you know how like a batch of chocolate chip cookies it's only really really good if you put just enough salt in there or like dark chocolate with like some little sea salt flakes in there this kind of has like that but i've never had anything like this i've had a lot of mochi in my life never had anything like this [Music] i feel so bad for me why because you've never had it before because i've never had it before my stupid butt thought that red bean paste was supposed to taste like the way i was tasting it at the store no this is what red bean tastes do you want to buy it the thing that elevates this i feel is the fragrance it's so strong like it's still in my mouth right now a lot of that probably has to do with the cherry blossom leaf like it's like an explosion of like red bean and flowers in my mouth like this actually tastes like spring this tastes like making out with senpai under the cherry blossom tree it actually does let me get it without the leaf because the leaf's quite strong okay the rice actually isn't that flavorful it's supposed to be a carrier and it's supposed to have like that glutinous feel so it has like a dessert feel to it the real money is the leaf and the red bean paste they're kind of like tea but like with a little bit of salt on top why is the red bean so good the red bean paste that you get at the store like inside the mochi it's like it's brown to like a very fine paste this like you can still see the skins of the bean in it there's some sweet treats yeah now we have like a little thank you dessert that isn't part of the bento but i want to see what's in here and how it tastes like if they can do just like the simplest things that good girl i'm getting impatient thank you what is this a little matcha bean that looks kind of cool hey it's a lot smoother than i thought it'd be there's a lot of matcha in that and it's like it's real matcha it's not like that matcha flavor that you get at a lot of like coffee shops real matcha has a very strong flavor and whenever people say like like matcha with no sweetener it always makes me nervous because i don't think that they know what matcha actually tastes like but yeah that's very matcha-e if you had green tea ice cream it's kind of like that what about this they're both really good i prefer the fruit and the mochi but they're really good the popular food art tiktok bentos are cool in that they take regular foods and they make them more fun to eat in an artistic way it's kind of the same because it's a lot of like very regular ingredients it's just like taro it's just radishes it's just beef but all of it is done to a higher degree and all of the craftsmanship in every single piece in the in the presentation it just makes eating more fun i think it's worth it i think it's worth the higher price point what i'm trying to say here is that i think it's really fun when people try to make art out of food what i just ate there was an experience like it felt really authentic like i really felt like someone was sharing their culture with me similar to how i feel when i go to singapore and eat you know what i mean like it was special i'm really glad that i got to try and i hope that you guys enjoyed watching me enjoy it i feel like it was probably hard to watch hey i hope this encourages you to support your local cultural hot spots these guys at this restaurant are doing food at a really really high level and for the past year like they vote they were only seating three people per night and now nobody's been there for a year i hope they're doing okay it was nice to be able to support them and what they do like keeping their culture alive and keeping like the fine art eating alive i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see you on the next one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,236,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, bento box, japanese food, kid's bento, kids lunch, kid's lunch, food art, japanese food art, japan food, food review, japanese culture, japanese cuisine, taste test, bento box lunch ideas, lunch ideas for kids, bento box tiktok, bento box japanese
Id: SAyID7uXvFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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