I tried Squishy Strawberry Milk Mochi

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hi i'm carthage and this is my giant dog kidney bean hi kitty bean why are we still here today we're gonna make one of my favorite asian desserts mochi except it's gonna be like a squishy milk emoji excited don't talk to him why not because he's here for me [Music] wow so we're at the asian supermarket the other day and we see this beautiful emoji emoji is one of those things that i really like but i don't like i'm not like super obsessed with it i just really like it that makes sense yeah like i don't die for it so hopefully today i can make something i'm dying for but i i definitely die for like the texture the squishy like it is such a squishy fun cute look at this it is such a pretty little thing for my mochi today the plan which might go wrong is for there to be like a sweet milk outer part a white bean kind of like inner ring and then a real fruit center that's what i'm trying to do i've never made moshi before in my life but i'm karthik oh that's so good we're gonna start with the white bean layer first so i have these kidney beans they're supposed to be skinned kidney beans but i couldn't find it i'm gonna put it in a strainer and press it through and hopefully it'll get all creamy and the skin will be left behind i'm really hoping this could be how most cartoon guru videos start out yeah pressing balls through a strain disastrous that's what i was going for oh actually very well known fact about carthage carthage is actually asian do you know that i'm quite proud to be asian and i don't care if you don't like asians as long as you do it away from me i'm aloof okay but what about your asian brothers and sisters i get mad on their behalf yeah so don't do it around them either no i mean if you like had a problem but you just sat in your house like then like knock yourself out hope you die from the stress yeah i thought it might go like this yeah should we blend them it's stressful blend them that would be the smarter thing to do this is rice syrup rice mulcher rice malt syrup i need three spoons oh i've never worked with this before just zoomed in on your chins my chins yeah oh my goodness oh cheers goopy indeed i feel like this is going to be like a little sticky my eyebrows move up every time i feel like the blender was more on than it's ever been hey oh my god she stuck his nose in the flour the bean paste is done reminds you of your good old classic chickpea days where you got it all ground up and you went it's hummus and you weren't happy about it nice yeah i always like the bean flavor in mochi like when you mix like a savory and sweet because to me like the bean flavor is a little bit savory but it's also really fun in desserts the bean paste i put a quarter cup of sugar i put a tiny bit of food coloring and it's still really wet so i'm going to put it on the stove for 10 minutes until it gets uh loses liquid and now we're going to work on the mochi potato starch potato starch potato sweet rice or glutinous rice flour bang sugar spatula so i put food coloring in the white bean paste just because i want the outside to be really white and then for it to go from that to like a pink paste to like a very red jam milk in there watch out nope this isn't for you so this is going to be lumpy for a while we'll see how it goes so right now it's just looking like liquid and hopefully it becomes mochi like there's already like a few pieces that already are looking pretty jelly and squishy that are coming through what's the word is the word emulsify is the word goo with i yeah i think that's the word what do you think yeah it is and apparently every time it sticks to the bottom the rest of it is going to pick it back up now i'm a little worried about how i'm going to shape this because i feel like i'm going to burn my hands starting to lump up starting to incorporate very sticky yeah it's coming along and it smells really good i love milk desserts i love olive oil cakes hopefully this is a grand slam we're making ourselves some flubber i did not think it would be this like smooth it's gotten this sticky and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it on this liberally dusted pan with cornstarch now get it in okay it's time to leave your home yeah get out you little milk mulch go on get we don't love you no mo get out of here you here when the ball sack left its home i watched a woman and she told me it's what to do you watched a woman i watched a woman and she told me i was doing the right thing she's got the goop she's doing the sweet oh it's so hot that's hot oh this feels just like mochi it's like the perfect squishy fun consistency this is exactly it i just hope it tastes good because like every time i eat mochi including the one that i have at the beginning of the video it's so heavily dusted with uh powder on the outside this like reminds me of like scratching styrofoam and it's like making me sick now for the hard part okay we have to get this bean paste which actually looks quite lovely in this mochi and some fruit in the middle a fun beautiful cute food [Music] [Applause] [Music] with strawberry in here i'm covering it in bean paste and then i'm going to cover the rest in zamochi just the way they do in japan yeah no it like comes together a lot easier than you would assume [Music] looks great good looks like a real mochi does it i'm so happy with how this bean paste thickened up i'm making a jam one now and this one looks a lot more like the first mochi we had with like the three different colors get into it i have to put so much bean paste to like hide the jam i still want the jam to like spill out yuck [Music] what's in your hand squishy milk mochi i'm excited i'm nervous because if these are bad i'm gonna cut in half and see how they look on the inside oh boy oh that's kind of cute whoa that's kind of cute do you think yeah it looks great what's wrong with that nothing wrong with that i've taken a bite [Music] did you do it it's really fun this is like if you enjoy like the white bean the black bean the bean the red bean flavor profile and then you'll really like this if not then you'll find it very very strange [Music] is it like hummus this is a jam center i'm gonna cut them in half i just wanna i need to know interesting better closer warmer the gem is just too overpowering like everything else is so gentle and this jam is like here try it tell me if you agree i don't think so you would think that like the strawberry just can't compete with the jam but the strawberry can and does compete these are really easy and fun to make mochi [Music] sorry i like it better than the one that i had at the beginning of the video because it just feels healthier and fresher i mean there's a lot of like glutinous rice in here but it's a fun little dessert i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see you on the next one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,100,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomykassie, gloomgames, kassie, 2021, kartha, kartha gewart, kassie tries, gloom tries, strawberry mochi, at home mochi, squishy dessert, squishy mochi, mochi recipe, japanese mochi, best mochi, japanese mochi recipe, at home dessert, japanese dessert, asian dessert
Id: yHGfH9koZjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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