I tried WEIRD Asian Food Hack TikToks πŸ™

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hi i'm kartha goobert and this is kishito i'm so excited you know what we're doing today we are making asian snacks that have went absolutely viral the first one is the one that inspired this whole video because i was like alright shut up stop talking to me i'm making this right now [Music] first let's watch it every so often something really weird goes super viral like the garlic that had sriracha and chili peppers on it this has had that same type of phenomenon oh that looks comfortable oh look at them emily morico what does she do here she takes out some fish she crushes her down makes a nice fish slaw takes some rice puts an ice cube on top of the rice i assume that this is stale left over rice and she wants to like reinfuse it with water that's just my that's my guess she puts a little parchment or wax paper on top crushes it down microwaves it okay so we're gonna do that what's up pop-pop what do you think shishuito i got a little fish fillet little salmon fillet looks really disgusting i uh barely seasoned this fish just because i want to taste this exactly as it is this is eventually watch out that's really hot this is eventually going to be like a salmon sushi bowl of sorts now i think this it probably helps if you're using like a much drier fish this is like fresh shishuto's licking the air he does that when something's looking extra delicious so we have this and now i'm gonna put some rice on top true to the original recipe this is next day rice as you can see here it's like kind of lost some of its uh some of its fluffiness some of its bounce usually like this next day rice it kind of like bunches up like this but this is what makes fried rice so nice so we're gonna put this here i know it smells so good i cooked an extra salmon fillet if you want one that looks gorgeous i don't want there to be too much rice because i want to be able to taste the fish she wants to taste the fish too it's not for you papa put these ice cubes on top it's so weird it's a lot of water it is it's supposed to like reinfuse the rice but maybe just maybe just one that much my parchment paper is brown which i've never seen before but because it's compostable oh it's because it's eco-friendly how lovely okay now we're gonna put this here oh poor thing oh my god okay i assume so this like this is placed on top so it can like catch the moisture now i'm gonna put this in the microwave so here's the thing the rice looks really moist and like revamped like it's very it's very moist it's like very soft the ice cube didn't melt but somehow all of the rice got infused with the water what kind of science is this so we've achieved phase one on to phase two i got the exact same mayo that she has the japanese cupi mayo this is different than like cool whip okay it's a little bit thicker i'm pretty sure it's a little bit sweeter this is the mayo that they put on sushi it as you can tell it's like a little bit more yellow and she also likes to put street rasha here making a nice spicy dish and then we're gonna take our fork and then just mix it together it's rice fish and hot sauce and mayo the thing that i find rather offensive about this is that rice and salmon is one of my favorite meals of all time so the fact that we're mixing it all is very offensive to me hopefully it tastes good there has to be a stage where she puts soy sauce on here okay so she takes the ice cube out too and then she puts soy sauce all right one sec she is liberal with her soy sauce as a good girl is i know it smells so good like the dog's probably like crying right now he's licking the air this smells so good it smells like oh like perfect rice fish and soy sauce my favorite combo my absolute favorite combo but i don't like when they're mixed so kind of weird this is sufficiently mixed on to phase three man she puts a lot of mayo okay so mine is starting to look like hers she then puts avocado kimchi and she takes some seaweed sheets and eats it like a little avocado fish sushi roll it's very smart first off i would like to thank the original poster of this tick tock for actually making something viral that's real food look at this look how excited the dog is like this is real food he never goes like this for healthy food this isn't this is low fat whole wheat whole grain like this is actual this is some good food this is something that i would eat any day of the week and i've never seen something that i would eat any day of the week go this viral so i'm very happy for that i have these roasted nori sheets because we're on the topic of sushi bowls mine are wasabi flavored if you like wasabi these are really good if you don't like wasabi these are going to be way too much for you but let's give it a go we're going to take this nori sheet yummy put it on top here i'm actually going to take an avocado and then just try to scoop it this isn't sushi rice so it's like not as easy to hold all right here we go oh my god this is sushi in a bowl oh my god we have to make him some i feel bad something he can eat my only issue with this is i want to eat it with my hands because it's really hard for me to like get enough rice as i want i mean it with a fork oh my god oh my god oh my god it's so good it's so good this is one of the best things i've ever made and eaten on my channel probably because it's so similar to what i normally eat but like the mayo in this restaurant like really takes it to the next level oh my god okay [Music] i'm so so profoundly sorry if you like salmon avocado rolls that are spicy you have to make this it takes five minutes how long do you think that took me you don't even have to season the fish when you bake it you just put it in tin foil a little olive oil wrap it up and then bake it and it's like done in 20 minutes there's so much beauty to this dish okay we have to make the next one i'm literally gonna spoil my dinner so this next one is very exciting for me because it is a ramen topping something that i would never think to make but look how good it looks my recent obsession has been making soy cured egg yolks three ingredients so what you need is mirin equal parts of soy sauce and then you crack the egg yolks and put them in this uh this solution and then you let them sit for about six hours after that you get like these buttery egg yolks that you can put on top of your ramens i've made here an instant ramen this is my favorite instant ramen of all time except i've made it without the soup instead i'm gonna put tomatoes into it and then mix it so like the juice is kind of incorporate now my usual thing that i do here is i do butter tomato and pepper when i cook it dry like this but for this i'm gonna see if the egg yolk can substitute for the butter now i uh i actually made this uh egg yolk suspension last night i was gonna make more just for the sake of the video but it's equal parts of this and this and i wasted so much soy sauce for this so i don't want to waste more now this looks uh weird and scary and disgusting look at this good soup okay now this is what they're supposed to look like these little jewel looking things that's how it's supposed to look okay they just weren't flipped over now i'm gonna see if this serves as a good flavor enhancer i'm gonna pop the yolk oh wow this is like gel whatever i'm gonna pop the yolk stirrer in now i put egg yolk on so much stuff when i'm having hot pot i like crack yolks into a bowl and i like dip my meat in the egg yolk so hopefully this is as good let's see there's like that glistening yellow yolk on each noodle now that is so good why do we eat anything other than asian foods ever i'm gonna get like just a little piece of yolk so i can see what it tastes like it's better than butter this combination of flavors is the best umami bomb i've ever had i think i might actually like this better than caviar and i hate having caviar unless it's my birthday because it's so expensive but this i think it's better oh my oh we have the savory like broth base the powder the seasoning and then we have a bit of acidity from the tomato and then we have the creamiest we've got like the creamy element these egg yolks you can put them on anything and i'm i'm doing my bath i'm gonna flip them over oh my gosh these are genius while e coyote genius dang [Music] it's time to move on to dessert ice cream sniff yeah it's the ice cream sniff it's dessert time we are about to make two ingredient mochi which is very exciting for me we have some green tea ice cream that we melted down here and i'm gonna pour it in this thingy hopefully it fills it up all the way this is one third of a cup oh my gosh it's perfect it's actually perfect carthage is a genius an absolute genius icon potentially a legend there's this ugly girl that i've been hanging out with lately named gloom and she is just nowhere near as cool as me and she thinks she is you're looking he's licking the air he's licking the table he has never smelled he doesn't go this hard for western foods like western flavors like it's the rice it's the fish it's the soy sauce it's the matcha like it's that kind of stuff that drives this dog wild i just gave him some fish like i made two fillets gave him one of them and he's just getting so greedy okay now half a cup of glutinous rice flour i'm actually gonna do it over here so i can make a mess pour it in here i'm gonna stir it while i do it just because mom always taught me to actually there's so much screw it just put it in sometimes you gotta ignore what mama told you okay it's starting to come together although i feel like mine's a bit too dry because matcha is supposed to be very sticky should i get you more ice cream yeah we might have to start again but moshi is supposed to be sticky so we just have to kind of keep slowly adding fluid until it's just this little sticky thing at the bottom and this will get your arms pumped up good okay this looks a lot more accurate okay this is better this is what it's supposed to look like it took way more ice cream than i thought but i think the issue is i didn't use like authentic japanese ice cream i use like haagen-dazs so it's probably a lot of like filler in this maybe that makes it work less but now we're supposed to cover it for 30 seconds and wait you actually weren't supposed to cover it for 30 seconds and let it rest i'm supposed to microwave it right now for two minutes and then stir it's been microwaved for two minutes gotta give it a stir oh what the heck oh what the heck that's not stirring at all it almost seems like there's still too much flour yo this is the worst thing ever you can't even oh god gonna microwave it for 30 more seconds this is not it i've just made like a green tea loaf but i've i noticed and me and terry were talking about how in that one girl's tik tok she used an ice cream bar so like maybe the consistency of the ice cream is different like ours is just like very like milky like you know how ice cream bars or like ice cream in a tub tastes different than that like i guess that breyer's ice cream which is a lot more creamy the other issue too is like i'm afraid to touch it i'm supposed to like roll it into balls right now i'm scared it's pretty steamy yeah it's hot like you can tell this is like a thousand degrees two minutes in the microwave is what it takes to get a cup of water boiling like it gets it to like the lowest point of a boil so yeah i'm not really afraid to touch this it's hot oily hands every so often when you're cooking in the kitchen you got to get oily claws ah it's so hot die oh owie this isn't rolling into mochi it's not that perfect round smooth hey yeah this is uh not it this is a disaster he feels sorry for me he's trying to like save face for me right now because this is not mochi i'm gonna try it [Music] we're gonna call this one a fail we're gonna we're calling this one a fail but um the other two were fantastic we hope that you enjoyed this video please check out the creators who made these wonderful tick tocks i think i just did the mochi raw do not blame that creator if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye greasy wave yeah a greasy goodbye you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,503,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, tiktok food hacks, best food hacks, life hacks, ice on rice, food hack, tiktok compilation, trying tiktok hacks, trying food hacks, recreating tiktoks, tik tok challenge, testing food hacks, tiktok food life hacks, tiktok food compilation, tiktok food recipes, tiktok food trends, tiktok food challenge, tiktok food hacks compilation, tiktok food combinations, tiktok food videos
Id: 0t3HcjcWH-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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