Expensive VS Cheap Food Challenge ft @Gloom

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oh hi there my name is eleanor and i have very expensive taste and i'm gonna introduce you to someone who doesn't have expensive taste please introduce yourself i eat my own poop i hope you do not i'm gorfy and i like cheap food genuinely i grew up with it preservatives they taste good to me if it tastes like plastic or has a plastic sheet i want to eat it i cannot fathom that i'm going to prove to you that cheap food is better than expensive food that's why i'm going to be eating my expensive everyday fare and she will be eating her cheap food live a little and we will see who wins this challenge i'm going to show you the world and i will show you my world [Applause] butler bring in the beast we have a butler of course i do where do you think you are honey toronto yes with a butler toronto with a butler [Music] wow what can i say maggie gourmet burger only the best for me [Music] i wonder what i'm getting oh lovely presentation as i thought you don't even use a plate no for the love of god this is a plate how lovely this is a mcdouble and this is a vague or made burger this is on the dollar menu no matter what kind of time you're going through you can eat good and this costs 40 dollars what peanuts you know what i think i think that processed cheese tastes better on this kind of a thing than whatever that is um 30 day old aged cheddar yeah old cheddar that nobody wants aged there's a difference butler water please do you prefer yours from the tab or i thought so what about you [Music] sparkling thank you george can i have one thank you garcon i love the little kitch taste you have you don't seem hungry i'm i'm getting through this oh i'm full already [Laughter] you got some burger on my skirt darling and you got a shot of this i hope your skirt wasn't too expensive it's only a couple thousand pounds now darling you may think i'm pretentious but this burger everything from the very grains of the bread to the tomato that came from the okanagan farm did you know my tomato was named jennifer what was your tomato named heinz it could be organic oh i like the word organic everything about this beautiful vague gourmet burger is organic it doesn't make it good though oh yes it does i just ate my whole thing stop it the only plus about this is that it would be more filling i think this is better i think this is better why because it's so beautiful the brioche bun is so delicious and it's kind of sweet with a little bit of salt from the pickles and the meat is perfectly seasoned it's just delicious i can't i will not argue on this one i will not argue oh you're just closing the door yes you're staking the wind yeah just like that just like that the rich always stealing from us huh next is my favorite tacos thank you oh wow what is that it's an aji tuna taco i prefer just beef tacos it has beautiful lettuce radish tomato guacamole and rice inside that's raw fish in there yes it is and what do you have for us for your tacos monsieur it's time for my taco something fell out of it taco bell oh i've never heard of it taco tuesday you've never went to a taco tuesday and just like slammed 50 tacos oh no darling 50 tacos on my stomach i will say this does look bad but um she tastes good i'm pretty sure i'll win this one let me open this well you got gold cutlery like that's just not even fair i don't even know if i need cutlery for this taco refreshing and delicious palatable fun easy cheap cheapest the word i would go with but also good mine is it's actually the fish is not raw it's fried aji tuna and it's delicious and you get the fresh lettuce but i will give you one thing it's not as saucy as i expected it to be i will say i probably wouldn't get fish tacos at taco bell would you like to try yes let's try it oh i like how your shell is like kind of crispy even though it's soft shell exactly you get the best of both worlds i win another win for us you want to try that i suppose you try the hard shell oh there's a hard shell oh it's quite beautiful quite gourmet i won't get sick from this no guarantees do you like it better yes really because i like yours better yours has like that that that mayo lie and it's got like lime and this doesn't have any lime i love this seasoned ground beef it tastes very gourmet thai that's a tie a tie we did it phyllis now yeah sure is it phyllis i think you have too many rich friends named phyllis well then you are one of them now my dear okay i'll be a phyllis what do you eat george bring my filet mignon filet mignon that is one thing i've actually never had oh well you should be excited because we have the most beautiful filet mignon with perfectly roasted asparagus and have you ever had mashed potato in a spring roll oh no well i can't wait for you to try it phyllis you know it's serious when the steak has its own little forest on it what are you having garcon thank you this is a tv dinner i unironically like these i grew up on these they are absolutely whole they've been cheaping out since the 2000s it used to come with two the dessert used to come up to like halfway i feel like it evaporated and um what is that thing that you reheated it in wait you so you think the other steak evaporated too perhaps the chemicals shall we try we shall madame let's do it i mean i'm sure it spills going to taste quite good oh yummy what kind of meat is that again um so it's even though it's called salisbury steak it's actually ground beef that's it's kind of like a brown beef so you're eating a burger yeah i'm eating a burger with mushroom sauce security yeah okay oh my god eat with the pinky raised gotta eat the tv dinner in style i love how you add class to even the littlest of things ooh that corn is off color tasty though okay the corn is not good mine came with the dessert did yours mine came in a spring roll and i have some candied bacon so if you count them bacon as a dessert i'm sorry but you have to try my dessert you have to try this have you even tried it yet no but i know and you're like you have to taste this you have to excellent cuisine okay let's taste it together okay that's delicious it is the mashed potato is soft inside crispy on the outside with a spring roll cheddar cheese on top adds a perfect amount of saltiness and the peppercorn on the steak it's seasoned wonderfully i'm to make you the perfect bite of this meal and you're going you're going to change your mind girl so this is called tv dinner style you get the gravy you get a little mushroom what is that thing mashed potatoes it looks very powdery it did come from a can you get a little bit of the dessert you know like the swedish meatballs you get at ikea no what killer no leave a comment what's ikea okay well they have meatballs okay jam potatoes take a bite here comes the aeroplane or sorry here comes the g6 [Music] you don't like that it tastes slightly artificial i don't know what this meat tastes like but it's not meat it tastes like a bunch of different animals put together into one little patched up patty well i mean the raccoon rectums are a little cheaper i don't like it i think you should try my steak here but it's just a piece of meat this is i just look at the seasoning i gave you all of the flavors that ever existed all right fine filet mignon [Music] i win really good yeah okay no you don't win though i win you you're losing to nostalgia nostalgia for who tv dinners this is nostalgia to me i eat this in front of a tv as a kid choking on steak so what do you think mighty i wouldn't okay you put your foot down i do put you put your foot down for the burger i'm putting my foot down for the tv dinner i suppose the guest can be right one time it is polite she is a gracious host elbows off the table honey sorry manners mind your banners okay karen darling now that you know we reminded you of your manners i have a treat for you i know how you your kind likes such things as pizza so i brought something similar butler please george what's similar to pizza besides pizza well like you know i'm sure you know what this is beautiful white cheese truffle with cremini mushrooms basil and truffle oil on top drizzled okay so what's the deal with truffle oil like why is it so expensive because it's made from trouble sweetie okay and why are truffles so expensive because they make everything delicious they make the world go round you will know once you taste this asking a rich person anything so why is this good because it's good why is it expensive because it is because you can afford it what did you bring for your um pizza oh i brought a delectable wonderful gorgeous stunning oh so many words i'd like to hear yeah you're gonna be here to puke okay just like i'm gonna puke all over that please don't not on my beautiful chocolate pizza uh it's george come george here uh oh george this is made of solid gold there's your tip why do you get a platter and i get a kid's plate what do you mean you brought this from home i thought you wanted it to match your sweater i don't it looks like it's like a pita with some dried cheese sprinkled on top of it and tomato sauce under it does taste like the pita bread i ate as a kid like pizza bread there's no juice in it where's the truffle oil where's the juice in yours right there okay fair point all right let's do this you may eat it just because i feel sorry you have to eat that for a rich girl you eat pizza wrong supposed to fold it i don't like it that way well my italian self doesn't like you when i eat one slice like this it makes me feel faster how delicious is that whoa want to try some of my cracker if i must truffle like fills your mouth and your nose it elevates the dish it does [Music] oh my do you like it i love this i think that you've been eating complex overpowering things like this for so long that eating the simple things and enjoying the simple things in life is opening your mind and your heart clarissa dear your elbows on the table got him i just wanted to show off my accessory you know anyway clarissa dear it's dessert time you know this is like this is definitely expensive because it's like an eight-course meal that's how i have my lunch dinner and breakfast well bring it in oh my favorite oh wow george i told you not to overdo the whipped cream you know i only like one tablespoon of whipped cream one tablespoon yes and what did you have i have a waffle as well oh the finest of waffles okay i'm so curious after that pizza i want to know where your waffle is george be a deer and lego my eggo you're learning i love these little quips you have oh again something flew out yeah well i mean yours yours has got a lot of dressing oh yeah you're just a little dry with whoa i always bring a bottle with me ah table syrup is there any maple syrup in here oh yeah what's gonna ask what is it made out of sorbic acid potassium sorbate and caramel color caramel color i'll be honest though i like this better than actual maple actually i can't say that the canadians are literally gonna you cannot say you don't like maple syrup it's good but like this is this is good too i feel like that's the one thing uh as both being canadian will agree on i love how the butler keeps you cutlery not me like expect me to just excuse me george is very proud of his belgian waffle making skill so i'm sure he was quite offended when you brought this thing this is delicious so what is so good about a belgian waffle let me get started basically we have a nice fluffy inner batter with nice crispiness on the outside and you can see a nice golden texture we have fresh strawberries that were growing in my backyard just now picked today wait then how do you know it was expensive you grew it at home because i used the most expensive soil products also i have the best fertilizer my dogs poop right there every day and let me guess the dogs eat caviar so their poop is enriched with caviar truffles and caviar very nice i think you should take a break and maybe try something a little less sugary yeah okay i think it says mrs mountain over here george overdid it with a whipped cream he thinks i don't eat enough george cutlery please there you go honey merci truth be told i've never had a belgian waffle before so this is a new thing for me what is that thing called eggo waffle oh a different kind i see how delicious oh another one another one eleanor wins again as always so the cream doesn't have sugar in it no low fat very very very good so we win i think we both win because we both got to eat amazing food well you definitely win because i fed you yeah and i won because i learned a new favorite dish today the pizza the pizza and you learned that ikea exists right the the swedish meatball so be sure to try that i'll let you know how i like it marissa is gonna be my new regular guest trying lovely foods and i'm gonna be trying her food as well yeah it's time for her to go and i hope she enjoyed her day now feel free to leave the house tata goodbye bye okay go away i'm gonna finish my waffle anyway i hope you enjoyed our show today this is eleanor tuning out check out gloom's video where i try her food and she tries my food now to talk like subscribe hit the notification bell [Music] you
Channel: noraverse
Views: 3,180,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noraverse, gaming, noraverse and gloom, gloom, chocolate, gloomgames, kassie, gloomykassie, chocolate challenge, nora, giant chocolate, food hacks, tiktok food hacks, expensive, cheap, challenge, expensive vs cheap challenge, cheap vs expensive, guessing, guessing cheap vs expensive, most expensive food, expensive burger, food challenge, colab, collab, most expensive steak, most expensive dessert, belgian waffles, food skits, bestie, nora vs gloom, noraverse vs gloom
Id: D_mif9rKPjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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