I tried Food Art Bentos πŸŽƒ Halloween Kids Lunch

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hi i'm carthage and this is spooky dookie snooki today in the spirit of halloween we are going to make food art bento boxes spooky ones scary ones he's just really tired right now because he just ate a whole pumpkin insert pumpkin footage oh he's so sweet i'm actually not going to use my usual guide of tick-tock i'm going to try to do these on my own in my brain in my imagination there's a lot of stuff going on here zoom in you're gonna be able to tell yes that's me that's who i am that's what i'm thinking let's get into it [Music] the first thing we have here is a little pizza now i'm going to cut the pizza so it can fit into the bento because the bento don't i'm a lot of room does carthage use regular kitchen knives no she uses exacto knives to cut her food like this thing is so sharp though it's just making light work of this so i have this here and i'm just gonna quickly see if it fits not quite needs editing just like karthik or instagram photos this is my favorite kind of like lunch pizza that i used to get it's more like pita bread than it is like an actual pizza we're going for beauty here we're not so much going for um nutrition it's halloween after all so we just need to make sure that we're getting our vegetables but in a fun way okay that's a cute that fits what are we gonna do to make this pizza spooky well sir i'm glad you asked me that question oh what's that in the comments everyone's saying carter what are you gonna do with that pizza what are you going to do with that pizza i'll like this video if you tell me what i'm going to do with that pizza no i mean what you're going to do with that pizza not what i'm going to do with that pizza because i'm watching you making okay i'm going to take a piece of cheese all right and i'm going to cut it into a ghost and then i'm going to melt the ghost on the pizza so it's going to be delightfully delicious and delightfully spooky i just hope that processed cheese was the right move because you know regular mozzarella might melt to my will better halloween's all about bending things to your will you just have mash you do them [Music] okay i'm gonna get claimed i probably have to make this shape pretty intense because i just realized that like when it melts it's gonna get a little warped look he looks like a little poo a little booze too early to be protecting the house oh i haven't fed him enough kids today what do you think is that pretty ghosty yeah i think it's pretty good i feel like that's pretty ghosty okay so i i put on my oven to broil so i'm just gonna like throw it in for two minutes so now i've got these like little baby jalapenos these are little peppers and then i'm gonna put little eyes on them i really want this ghost to be like super cute oh look at him he's cute can you give him a little peppercorn pupils oh my gosh he's alive he can't see now i'm hoping that this is an adult and not a kid's lunchbox let's be honest it's a kid's lunch box showing up to the construction site with that have you have you ever met a kid though who like could eat a whole peppercorn and be like look at that cute okay now we're gonna have to enter phase two the next up we're taking sausage and we're going to make sausage mummies and they're going to be very cute in my opinion in my humble karthugurt opinion this is a pretty meaty lunch okay this is the kind of lunch that you give a growing boy look at this little guy oh he's too short these guys are gonna be longer this guy's got a hat this guy's the sultan look at him he's the sultan of swing all right now i'm gonna oh my gosh sausages are so greasy i'm gonna poke a little hole in his head because i don't want i don't want my son touching this grease that's mama's job i'm gonna give him some eyes isn't it cute that's how you know when something's cute when terry this is little i just expect that you're talking to the audience and i am i don't think they want my opinion they do they're sitting there going yeah and i'm do you care about terry tell terry you care about them look at these little guys they're made by you hi little cutie padooties i love these little things i would have been so happy as a kid to like get these in my lunch especially for like messy foods because it just makes a food a lot more fun to hold now we're gonna use i mean it's gonna be a cheesy day what can i say we're gonna make little mummy bandages around here got my first bandage he's a real cute mummy actually i want this bandage to like wrap around his head because i feel like that'd be kind of cute the nice thing about this kind of cheese is that you can really bend it to your will it's very malleable and it really sticks look at him he's wrapped up he's on his way to the insane asylum i've never been so hurt and offended by sausage before actually that's a lie karthik has been offended by many sausages that's what she said what i was just trying to focus on and kept thinking your finger was a sausage excuse me are you calling me sausage fingers no the camera is the cameras the cameras the cameras look at him he's just here for the summer isn't he cute i love him me and him i might actually be dating wait oh yeah your carthage didn't recognize you with the eyeshadow thank you i try to do a little halloween look but i'm not very good at makeup so so because we actually i didn't plan for vegetables to be in here so i'm gonna put kimchi on the bottom of where the mummies are gonna sit like i think they're gonna be sitting in a very bloody awful little habitat maybe the red will make them stand out more who knows their tomb is looking awfully messy honestly i've always felt like if you're eating a raw fermented food then that makes up for all the other unhealthy things you're eating then i'm gonna lay down my babies oh my gosh they're so cute [Music] get in get in pal [Music] oh how cute the little mummies i was gonna rash of them make them a little bloody but i don't know if i have the heart now we're gonna move on to sweets who wants some chocolate pudding what could be more halloweeny than dirt and worms and what could be more delicious than dirt and worms this kind of reminds me of like when i used to go to pizza hut and i get like a little pizza and i'd always get dirt and worms i don't know where to put this you have to be a creepy hand you have to give me yeah i really like halloween okay we're gonna put our chocolate in oh my goodness pudding i actually hate chocolate pudding unless it is presented to me in this exact way i am a dirt and worm fanatic i think it's delicious i think it's one of the finest combos known to man and whenever i was a kid if i got dirt and worms or if i got strawberry jello with whipped cream girl i would lose my mind when i think halloween i think poop and here we go and then of course like you can't just have pudding you have to have the dirt so this is some crushed up oreos wait don't you put the worms first i'll put the worms first you just want to put them in there i want this one to be like kind of sticking his little tentacle out like that where is the white and red worm like this this candy pack doesn't have my favorite kind of worm sad pathetic it's white and green but yeah there's white and green and then red and yellow yellow get in guys time is money perfect now we put the dirt i only had a peach oreos so but they smell like they smell like fuzzy peach so i feel like this is gonna be a delicious combo get in there i think this needs more dirt behind it yes oh yes and you know since it's halloween you know what's up you know what we're doing we're kind of overdosing on candy here so i'm gonna put cookie and i need to give credit where credit's due i didn't make these sam did oh pillsbury did i heated them you cooked them we have little ghosts and little pumpkins and it like kind of matches the whole aesthetic of this bento how cute do you ever just got like really excited like when i wake up in the morning and my mom's like honey no school no church i guess you'll have to play video games i'm like oh mom i love you i'm so glad you had kid kid like me yeah those are the best days it was the best day oh and snow days i love snow days i'm hungry we have our completed bento here i'm just gonna write a little note don't shoot it until i write my note i'm actually going to complete this by putting syracush on the mummies i just feel like they need it they need to know that they're not here because we want them to be here they're here because they're bloody we're ready bento number one is done [Music] more cute than spooky but still pretty cool so that's number one she done wrap her up i'm gonna start on number two here we have buck buck number two starts off with some wonder bread the star of this dish is going to be a wounded teddy bear delightfully cute yet delightfully devilish i've got this like little teddy bear cut out here and i'm just gonna try to cut myself a teddy bear as best as i can please mama work it's hard to make bread bend your will tell you that much imagine like my kids are getting ready for school and they're like our lunch isn't ready yet because mom can't find her exacto knife and i'd just be like up yours children find mommy her exacto knife uh oh his feet a bit botched he looks pretty solid okay so terry pressed this one down didn't use an x-acto knife and it is way cleaner than carthage and her x-acto knife okay this is gonna be the top piece cause she clean okay so now i'm gonna cut him some eyes i'm a little nervous about this one i'm just going to poke these with a sharpie so i know where the eyes are okay now should he have an ominous smile should he be that's the question now i think creepy smile yeah i agree oh he nasty he nasty he looks evil jam gotta make it stick together you know what i'm saying do you like jam sandwiches or pb and j um the way that it's like pressed down on the sides it kind of reminds me of uncrustables aka the snack that i've always wanted but never been able to have because i'm canadian you have to be really careful with pb j and just put it in the center otherwise you get it all over your fingers and nobody likes getting anything all over the pinkies especially something as sticky as pb j gross gorgeous this is just so pretty we're making this into an uncrustable okay wait why does even eyebrow now what where did the eyebrow come from there's nothing on the inside okay well your boy has eyebrows now puberty hit him like a freight train i can't be blaming him for this it's gonna be ticking i just want it to be good you know we'll be right back just too cute right now so i'm just gonna mess them up i'm just gonna mess them up good i'm just gonna like kind of make him look like he's seen some hard times in his day i'm putting exes in his eyes exes all the time he's gonna be an evil part dead ugly little guy that looks sick also i want him to have like little pink little pink dots in his ears just so you can know that once upon a time he was pretty cute i'm gonna put a little pink on his fingies too because is it halloween if the kids don't get their fingers dirty nah god this frosting smells good he's a dirty dirty guy so now i'm gonna put like i'm gonna do like the little pink circle here and then i'm gonna put blood here and then we're gonna stab his stomach this is a wounded zombie bear who once belonged to a very nice kid until the clown grabbed the kid dragged him in the sewer oh me and my fantasies okay so this has just got kind of got to be a little dirty i think what i'm going to do because like the reason why i did pink is because i have this like pink sucker with like a scorpion in it and i kind of want to stab her through you know i just kind of [Music] have to like have to you dumb bear you dumb dumb bear that's gory yeah why does he seem happy about it though getting little guy miss you you got owned oh my god he got destroyed okay well that's a lot of frosting and candy so i'm gonna put some little orange cherry tomatoes because you know orange gorgeous halloween like do they not look like pumpkins on the vine i want to put like this little black cat so one of them is going to be this little black cat the silvera pumpkin one the vine on it look just looks really pumpkiny and then the last one is going to be a little spider well it's more of an ant than a spider but looks like there's a little bug crawling around in your in your bundle i'm gonna put some blueberries in the middle just for some darkness does that not look like a rotten pumpkin do you ew bloobs these flamin hot cheetos they look like rotten fingers and i want to kind of like show you how disgusting they look as fingers does this not look like a toe to you ew that's just disgusting is my child even gonna notice that i carved little nails into these rotten fingers i don't think so but like ew it's a finger last thing because it's already really bloody i got like a cherry pie well i mean it's kind of a pretty pink actually that doesn't look like blood to me but whatever looks like someone made a mess you yucky okay sonny's definitely gonna get his fingers dirty with that one so i'm just gonna there you go sonny [Music] i feel like this like jacked up bear looks a lot scarier than my bear like look at this i'm gonna switch them out mine's too happy for fruit what can i say i'm a happy girl there you go that looks evil love it well guys these are my these are my monstrosities these are my frankenstein's monsters i think they're pretty cute i mean they're kind of like arts and crafts he like kind of like she tried but hopefully not five minute craftsy because i tried well guys i hope that you enjoyed this video i know this is a little bit early i know halloween isn't for like an entire month but i'm getting excited i love it i'm dressing up this year okay i'm going out i'm going to enjoy my life and you better enjoy it too get in the spirit with me um yeah okay i hope you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye mmm peanut butter and frosting thank you so much
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,323,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, gloom tries, art, interesting, pretty, bento, school lunch, kids lunch, lunches, lunch box, food art, kassie mom, hacks, 123 go, school, food, food hacks, gloom tries cooking, recreating tiktoks, tiktok food, tik tok lunch, tiktok, tik tok, bento boxes, sulhee jessica, halloween, halloween food art, halloween food, halloween treats, halloween diy, pumpkin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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