I tried Edible Food Art on Tik Tok | Kids Lunch

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hi I'm Karthik goober - and this is Gatlin Wilder we don't watch tick-tock for the dancing the memes and little boys who don't realize they have old cuts when you watch it for the oddly satisfying food art videos [Music] today we're gonna make some of the most satisfying food art I've ever seen bento boxes for little kids and when I saw these tic TOCs it was like the most amazing ASMR holy crap got a try it kind of foods I've ever seen so ready to get in there Gatlin I see something that's the opportunity I'm gonna go for it you take it a seat oh he's taking his seat for this one he's getting back up for this one he put his foot on the cutting board for this one that's insane [Music] what do you say Gatlin are you ready to go somebody sent you at me hey don't talk to me like that in front of other people time to watch the first tag tag this girl starts the beginning of every single one of her tick-tock saying let's make lunch for my kids and I love it today we're doing a breakfast for lunch I'm sorry I love breakfast for lunch Gatlin oh he'll be eating soon we're starting her up I don't know how to work this thing gonna oil the pan I hate cooking with cast irons cuz you can't just grab the handle like every time I do it I'm like it's a real Karthik your tinkle kartha guru eats turkey bacon instead of regular baking because I just like it better unfortunately Carr FiguArts fiance really does not like turkey bacon at all it is not a sad excuse for bacon I don't know why you would ever say that if I was a little kid and this was my lunch like I can't even explain how happy I'd be Jesus thinks smoking hikers oh it's poppin' all right I think five is what we need thank you for your service turkey bacon it's gorgeous I think I love turkey bacon so much because it reminds me of like Saturday morning cartoons and like making an entire pound of bacon this is the easier bento that we're starting with and then we're gonna get to like they're really cool satisfying ones but like I just don't know what could be cooler than bacon okay that's just like Ross oh look at these little pancakes these are the cutest thing ever I didn't know that they even came like this but you know we've been stocking up on supplies and I'm discovering all sorts of nice processed foods exist all right come with me to the toaster this is all gonna be timed perfectly Karthik you're cooking you want to know the cool thing about my outfit today what I'm wearing pants and socks because I'm just feeling a lot more mature lately like you know how sometimes grannies wear pants with their dresses that's like what I'm on these days it's amazing I even got ready today I don't like standing too close to toasters they you know they always pop when you li suspected ah no I'm gonna make sure my bacon stop burning oh she cookin well some of this is like way more eat it up than the other part is it weird that I don't like crispy bacon like this isn't really my vibe I'm gonna eat like the inner parts and not the outer parts and cakes perfect oh oh these are nice turkey Bakey should I be using plastic and a cast iron I just don't know here we've got an undercooked one on top but like low-key that's what I like so oh thanks they call these uh social distancing nails this really reminds me of like the childhood appetite do you don't I mean like how it's just so small I need to cut these pancakes again into quarters so they fit but it's kind of nice cuz like they're already bite-sized like you don't have to bring a knife you just bring a fork this is such like a loving idea to serve for your little chillings your spawn I'm gonna cut the bacon and a half too just to make sure I might have to cut it lengthwise too these are like little baby Bacon's now it's so cute stop eating your I'm sorry haha I am slicing up the green grapes so there's no choking hazards you guys came at me in my first video for not Kate seriously this girl's just trying to make lunch for her kids and people on the internet like how dare you not cut up those grooves oh sorry sorry sorry the next time she cuts her grapes up good imagine being so stupid that you choke on a great sad vibes ooh grapes are smaller than I thought this woman like really meticulously got her grapes I gotta say holy am i learning it's just basic cutting technique Shawn you're supposed to be like yes sweetie and I think you'd be the greatest mother oh yeah a lot of your kids lunch there was lots left over look at that there's tons and so I cut the grapes up into tiny little pieces because you guys said that you'd come over to my house and kill my family if I didn't do that there's those get the grapes all fit in there and I added some blackberries and some goldfish for their site so grapes are a choking hazard but blackberries aren't these are bigger delicious ah sorry I'm just trying to do the best I can as a mother oh my gosh my cute lunch okay and now the last thing rabbits I don't know we're a healthy family we're feeding our kids rabbits not goldfish I am the girl with the rabbit tattoo if these don't taste like goldfish I swear - swear - jeez it doesn't matter cuz you're giving them your kids not you yeah but adults like to eat these - oh I want to have kids just so that I can make their lunch have fun at school sweetie well you're gonna have to do a lot more than that if you have kids that's not true okay so I know that you love ketchup so I'm gonna put a little ketchup here and also like syrup and your mama's got a bunch of my most Canadians are rolling over put the whole bottle no Canadians are dying right now we're in the land of the maple syrup and I'm using an Aunt Jemima it tastes good what do you want from me except for that's just a light it is yeah why why oh I was hoping it would fit here can I close it no I can't no that was well you could probably pour it in there and it would just stay like water tight you know it's spill everywhere when your kid gets to school and they open their lunch they're like Poole a thorough here okay I'm gonna put it in the middle of the pack a spoon for you oh you could just dip the pancakes true you need to go just shut up don't make fun of me gosh okay what does she do now oh this is the best part look steady like look at him he's hanging out in the waves he's getting some Sun and a puss I'm here too oh my goodness is so cute this girl really goes overboard and she writes a little note too I just can't even believe it lunch number one is complete it's only gonna get harder and now you feast on me yes you mmm thanks no problem just gonna clean up my station while you eat take what off I don't know some guy on the street said that to me one time so I thought it'd be nice to say to you excuse me good enough isn't that the cutest lunch you've ever had mm-hmm you like the sticky no mm-hmm ready for round two not yet I want a piece of bacon and a little rabbit oh it goes for the rabbit first Gatlin really likes cheese this wholesome isn't making lunches and sharing them only karthick goo it would do such a thing Callens got again snails custard hey don't lick it a cutting board I'm gonna cook our next lunch on there I'd say it was a success oh thanks you shouldn't have no problem yeah we're moving up to a harder one now let's see what it's about today I'm starting out with some watermelon and cutting them into flowers shaped after I'm gonna take a straw and poke a hole right in the middle of the flowers a straw okay she's just she's going nuts beefer gonna bit last night and she dreams about her kids lunches how do you cut a watermelon you start in the middle or what you go lengthwise do you go with the green or do you go again this is like literally how I hurt myself hmm fruit ninja yeah oh good idea there's a sticker here I don't need to know that it was from Guatemala huh okay one two three now you can cut slices oh I swear if I was a mom I'd be like here's lunch kids it's good isn't it I tried hard enough all right I'm gonna cut these in here hmm watermelons so weird look at that thing look at this thing in US veins you'd see right through it I'm not actually a big watermelon fan let's go poof you know mother hen is hard work I got one I got the perfect stereotypical this is watermelon cut of watermelon what dude I got all sorts of shapes and sizes these these flowers right here - bang it's a flower it'll look more like a flower in a second that one's she thick that's all I got to say I mean this is fun because then you just get like the good parts of the melon nobody likes boulder straw [Music] I wonder if the kids of this mother know that their mom's a genius like an actual a galaxy brain lunch maker maybe they trained their lunches free oh I'll be so sad like I'll trade the lovely note in my lunch for your gushers hmm they fit like an actual glove last night I was trying to sleep couldn't sleep he's having night terrors Serna through a hallway there's a man wielding an axe and I was like I should put blueberries in in my kids watermelon flowers and that's how these were born okay that is everything isn't that where the meat and rice is supposed to good dang it but let me try this cuz like it's aesthetically pleasing is it tasty pleasing I'm sure you'd like it if you like watermelon not me though I'm just gonna have to stack they use then because they're not gonna fit I just realized in this tick-tock it literally says don't worry no food is wasted how are people just ripping this woman like constantly I cut my grapes like my kids will choke on it I swear to god I'm like how is she causally apologizing anyways what's the next part of her amazing lunch and I saw Justin - yeah but you better not be wasting them blueberry inside raspberries and I'm idiot Oh raspberries I don't know if I have raspberries off discount mom yeah I can tell strawberries strawberries were on sale at the grocery store there was only one pack of raspberries left and I didn't want to take raspberries away from some unknowing person who wanted to have in that day because truth be told I don't love fruit I really don't there's savory people and there's sweet people I'm not a sweet person you be careful no I'm Karthik you were like I've been cooking since I was four I came out of the womb and I was like fine you may only if you don't talk to me stay in there oh my nail went through it these nails are wildin I can't control that's just lovely that's just fantastic no food is wasted what next girl all Trice that's something I can get behind this is a lunch that like my mom would pack for me and I would ignore all the fruit and be like can you just fill the other compartments with rice next time more rice and meats that's all I want for Christmas rice and meats rice and wieners nothing could be finer oh so cute you seaweed seasoning with sesame I don't have that so we're using soy sauce Ponyo Weston's over parties goodness the Kanye Taylor Swift drama was like four years ago I don't know my soy sauce appears to be broken because I used it for another video and so we have this late disgusting like tin foil set up on top and that's just an absolute disaster what next lady little Smokies sausages and now for her note I'm writing hey baby girl yeah it's Friday please remember to wash your hands be safe I love you okay that's way too cute also they've got like mini wieners and I've got like thick boys these are thick boys and I don't know if I can like cut them cuz you know when you like cut a wiener and like all the insides just go everywhere whatever we're cooking wieners how did you get this thing going cookin up some waiters me adding chips yeah cuz she only put like two things in her lunch and I want more you then put a hickey yeah like variety hey you doing over there Gatlin I've dedicated the past ten years of my life to this real fruit real fruit gummies these are popping Oldham I've been there follow me the paper sausage keep up mm-hmm how's it going I don't ever do interviews he likes to smell about a say I do too I really didn't want them to be undercooked so this is a little charred not particularly fond of that it's the best I could do [Music] hey just don't accidentally choke and die on these kids all right your next bento is ready just ate lunch though well I'm hungry now okay can you eat it Wow [Music] sausages I've never had sausages and rice would say [Music] and actually I feel like I'd eat more fruit if it was right in front of me cuz this is appetizing right now mmm oh no the next one that last one was so good I actually ate the whole thing so this time I'm gonna make one that if I got it as a kid for lunch I'd be like yikes cheese and pepperonis although I don't eat pepperoni so I'm using Turkey on sticks I make five of these things I mean it's like kind of cute and stuff but like it ain't a meal you know it's not a meal like rice and sausages now that's a meal just cheese chunks oh look look how this is like knotted yeah it's like a mozzarella and wrapped around a cheddar sausage on rice might be my do you think this will be for you know what it is don't worry Gatlin you got some coming your way this just reminds me of like how small your appetite is as a kid like when I was little my mom used to like take us to McDonald's and she'd get one burger and she cut it into quarters and me my brother and my sister would all eat a quarter and would be like so filling it's got like third or the fourth quarter I bet my dad probably swiped it he probably just like quietly is it the fourth quarter but I didn't even realize and do fractions back then I didn't know where that stuff was going I mean I feel like this is like too much sandwich meat I'm gonna cut it in half yes yes mama I'm really interested to try this it's like a really cute idea though like I bet the other moms are like jealous of this mom the other moms are like that idiot has way too much time on her hands dreaming up these amazing lunches and this mom's just minding her own business doing what she can putting cheese and meat on sticks Gatlin's Wilding over there Dallin knows when there's cheese afoot he has a feeling I think he just like knows the way that plastic sounds by now and he's just like I hear it where is it it's a lot more aesthetically pleasing with like the dark pepperonis that she used than this like white meet the breast of the turkey the most popular part but I'll never understand why it's not good what do you think of people who like take out a toothpick and use it at the dinner table like after they eat like people or like all the on teeth oh do you like that I dude that I hate that disgusting okay let's get these little cheese's oh my goodness so cute look at that so satisfying look at these they're the cutest little things I feel really bad for Gatlin should I get Gatlin this yeah there you go young fella you've been waiting a long time for this oh the cheese keeps running away from him oh he got it it's ridiculous how much he likes cheese step two I'm adding some Triscuit triskin Triscuit ooh I have pecan nut fins this is where it's at we don't have two types of crackers do we yeah we got harvest snaps you know who eats these green chippies they nasty it looks cute though I must say this is like very satisfying to make next I'm going to cut up some cantaloupe and using a shape cutter this one's a heart I'm gonna add those and some grapes oh this is before she cut the grapes and then she got owned on the internet and then she started cutting them but we have honeydew thank you it's just all I mean how do you do and cantaloupe for me are equally disgusting I hate them both there's something about having like a tiny portion of something like this that makes it a lot more appetizing you could say that it is actually quite wasteful to like cut out a little heart and then just let the rest sit here looking like this but at the same time I feel like this is a very smart way to get your kid to eat their fruit and then some fruit is better than no food that's what Karthik guru always says okay grapes that we're not cutting cuz she did it she's slipping she doesn't care about her family - cucumbers why cucumbers are actually my favorite vegetable when I was a kid my mom used to make rice and fish and cucumbers and when she did a freak out me like yeah like it was my birthday way too exciting very fresh it's really nice when you put a few of slices of this in your water how does she cut them oh she just leaves them it's so funny how we judge moms how we're like wow she didn't slice the cucumber's hey hey hold you cat you you can choke on that it's a Kiwi there's probably a way of peeling through this that I'm not aware of so I'm just gonna like not all the spines are gonna get into you oh really I don't know I've never actually like bought and ate my own Kiwi my mom always did it for me kay my Kiwis your squares isn't it kind of cool how they look like a little Sun tropical fruit have tropical personalities I've been sleeping on Kiwis for a long time and this is why it's good to be around our mothers cuz they get you eating stuff like this hope this mom sees this video it was like who is this idiot who is this absolute who can't leave the house so she's making pretty lunches I'm eating your pitiful lunch what are you gonna do about it it's so unnecessary but oops I mean does he really have to be stabbing the fruit I don't think so we don't need so much needless violence I'm gonna go a little ham with my my picks I'm going to use them all this is what you give your kids when you want them to scream just crawl it on top of the food I wonder why she use toothpicks and not like the little pic like these little things he looks like a chip I gotta get him out of there that's like actually a hazard and how cute is that I feel like it's probably like best policy to like not put ones that are the same color as food in because if I was a kid I totally just eat one hmm this one's long she long well this is my final this Packard's gonna scrunched in this dress has a shock when you close this thing I think you surrender to space yeah isn't it great it's great time to try my lunch I get a cracker tail this is just not my vibe the succubus achi Versace Versace we love a Sachi ok if this was salami instead of Turkey like the mom intended it'd be pretty good and it's funny because you can use the toothpicks to eat everything else thank you now watch such hope to get on all these covers good by itself Ilhwa honeydew i shall decree that I will eat honeydew if it's cut into a heart this big coz that's actually not bad that's actually not bad try Terry not too bad gonna be good what it is I just ate cucumber before I ate that and it was like a nice like mm-hmm it's just a good combo mm-hmm we're trying to get my lunch if you're wondering why I did this it's because I I was watching tick tock I was watching this girl make lunch and I was like that is awesome it's not very often that I feel like that about food so I'm started to try this out I hope that you guys enjoyed it I know Gatlin I know you don't have to tell me twice I know you want some cheese meat things but this cheese is pretty processed and this meat is pretty processed to the best I can give you right now is honey he likes it maybe he likes it cut into a heart too because he doesn't usually like fruit like this no he hates it he likes it you're so hot and cold about this gallon I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you have push notifications and I'll see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 7,880,861
Rating: 4.9153872 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloom tries, art, 2020, techniques, style, interesting, pretty, bento, school lunch, kids lunch, lunches, lunch box, food art, kassie mom, kartha gewart, hacks, 123 go, school, food, food hacks, gloom tries cooking, recreating tiktoks, tiktok food, tik tok lunch, tiktok, tik tok
Id: jzJZkN_S5ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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