Trying the most popular candy on the internet

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hi i'm carthage and this is thrill house thrill house you like thrill house like milhouse yeah but thrill house today we are trying the most popular candy on the internet [Music] so this is a 2021 way to make a s'more you put marshmallows chocolate in a cone you wrap it in foil and then you set the foil on fire that's ingenious personally i like a graham cracker a lot better than i like cones but that is a beautiful looking s'more i don't have a fire because i can't start a fire here without getting in big trouble but i do have a flamethrower so we're gonna try it out my mom makes good s'mores hopefully you didn't invite 12 friends over for ice cream yeah i mean yeah one time when i was little this kid on the bus was like my mom makes the best popcorn balls yum and i was like oh can you like bring me one next time you have one and he was like oh for sure uh-huh and then he never did and i have a feeling he ate my popcorn ball one idiot okay so i'm gonna take some dark chocolate sea salt yummers yummerific sea salt dark chocolate my favorite chocolate of all time i just love the way the salt gives it that nice that that sodium you know that sodium potassium pump you put the chocolate in the hole put the chocolate in the hole isn't that awesome it's amazing so cool stunning recently i went to the grocery store and i bought tic tacs and um gotta say it i'm not like fully in the mood for candy right now because i ate like five tic tacs just now but i have a feeling that when this is ready i'm gonna be like really excited you know what the cool thing about tin foil is what it doesn't get hot one sec what careful thoroughly other side look he's as tall as me when we sit down now yeah you're supposed to put it in a campfire obviously but here we go with our homemade torched smorsh oh it actually melted the marshmallow looks exactly the same it does how did the chocolate melt in the marshmallows we got this should we torch it a little bit okay that's good enough it doesn't have to be too much but how do you eat this i'm gonna eat chocolate all over my face [Music] um first of all i feel like it would be way better over campfire i just think that graham cracker is a lot better than a cone and it's so messy this next one i really want to try these are chilean gushers you just take regular store-bought gushers you mix them around i mean it seems pretty easy right i i guess they're like getting their own slop all over themselves you're adding some sugar and then you add homemade chile powder it looks interesting it looks really really interesting and these took a while to get here but i wanted to try them so bad i wanted to try chilean gushers i i really like the idea of like sweet and spicy together sweet spicy is like a really nice combination and sometimes you just gotta know what all the [ __ ] sometimes you just have to know what these people are talking about and if these people are just talking about a bunch of stuff that doesn't really matter or if they're actually onto something this is really well sealed okay they're a little sticky aren't they a little unconventional sweetened peppered jelly tots i'm so excited all right i've got my toothpick a pink gusher these are my favorite all right oh whoa okay so at first i was like you're buying store-bought gushers and you're putting some spices on there and you're selling that how is that transformative but this is very very transformative it tastes like kind of fizzy almost there's so much dimension of flavor that you're just kind of like whoa that's sweet that's spicy that that that's effervescent like what let me try again this is the first time i've ever been tempted to try the green one it's like there was never jelly filling to begin with like the jelly filling has gone from the inside to the outside these are completely like flattened now so wacky yeah the most interesting thing about this is how sour it is my one complaint about gushers if i had a complaint about gushers is that they are too they're just sweet you know there's just the sweetness then there's the artificial flavor whereas with this like i feel like it's as sour as a gusher should be there's like a dark one on the bottom here and i really want it is that like just too much to like try to get it that is so fun if you like sour okay so these dip and sticks apparently they've been around for a really long time and i don't know they look a little ah they look a little conventional to me i've never had like a gummy stick that i could dip in like a slime and then and eat it but it just sounds like it's gonna be very sweet i'm nervous apparently when we bought this it said popularized by tick tock store it's interesting wild cherry berry flavor that looks fun huh i'm like sick just looking at it honestly that seems real that seems real sugary i can eat so much sugar if it's in good balance but if it just tastes like sugar i get really sick oh that was easy okay you open it you have like this little uh preserver i suppose okay you got the gummy stick which is like kind of i mean i guess it's got to be a little bit hard so you can get it in this like thick viscous syrup oh that is thick oh my goodness it's like a french fry dipped in ketchup but the sugar version oh that's sour [Music] four gummy sticks with gel is a serving how could you even eat four gummies i feel like this would be a really good way to like if i'm going terry i'm having like a really hard sugar craving just throw this in my face and like really i can only eat half of this you take a bite you like it it is juicy it's now time to tell you guys a cautionary tale about these candy packing videos that i really like to watch these mushrooms here the ones that just got laid down like the baby blue mushroom things are the only things in this pack that i haven't tried so i ordered the mushrooms and they still haven't come because they're labeled as magic mushrooms and i think that they've been confiscated twice in a row because i got another one sent here too um so i don't get to try my mushrooms but i assume that they're just gonna kind of be like a gummy perhaps marshmallowy candy i just liked that they were blue i really like the blue candy packing unlucky but we've got we've got a lot of other candy so this girl here got sent a lot of different candies and there's a few of them that really piqued my interest i was like huh they make that that looks delicious so she's just unboxing right now and come on girl pull it out not that i've had that it's terrible this hot chocolate cotton candy looks really good she didn't try it in the video so i was like get me that hot chocolate cotton candy i need to try it now now but there's another thing also that i want to try with it look at this sprinkle gummy donuts can you imagine like a gummy being that big though i feel like it's going to be kind of hard to take a bite out of but we're going to try here we have the sparkle donut and we have the hot chocolate cotton candy you know what i want to do though i want to put this in a mug and then dip my gummy donut in it i know it's not going to do anything but i i feel like it's just childhood dream that i need to live okay it's not as brown as i thought it'd be which is like a little uh weird and it doesn't smell as strongly of chocolate as i thought it would maybe they like straight up use a oh it's so soft yeah they definitely use like some sort of coconut or cocoa sugar in this i found it interesting how they just allowed it to be this like kind of white underwhelming color as opposed to a nice rich brown but by the looks of terry's face it tastes very good so i'm excited to try it dip my gummy donut in it okay oh so pretty it smells like tutti frutti okay it's hard to check the void out wait it okay so the bottom part right here tastes like those like uh those gummy burgers everyone's have those gummy burgers right the top tastes like like those like little mini gums that used to get those like mini fruit flavored gum like juicy fruit it tastes like juicy fruit at the top and the bottom tastes like the gummy let's taste this this tastes exactly like hot chocolate it doesn't taste like chocolate it doesn't taste like marshmallows it doesn't taste like anything except for hot chocolate this is really really unexpectedly good there's something about it that like isn't too sweet this is just like literally i'd rather throw up than eat the rest says this is really good i need your review oh yeah it's too much hey just cassie fight up here my bite you you okay well you can't bite it like a donut i thought it you were supposed to it is a donut that's crazy though okay this next thing is very popular especially like in the asmr food community um this is popping candy you get these little jelly snacks you can just rip the top off and drink it through there but people like to bite right through the side and it makes me nervous to do that because what if it pops all over your face but it seems like when these girls do it they do it so satisfyingly i'm just scared that i'm going to end up like this like she's going like it's not brain okay let's just hope that let's hope for the best here they are look at these beautiful little things oh these are these are like very like squishy they feel like a ripe fruit like you know when you're like checking if a fruit's ripe like an avocado it's a little soft i'm gonna make a mess okay so this is like the top part that you're supposed to like twist take off and then drink through it like a straw but everyone else goes like this i just got this shirt today all bibbed up yep here we go okay there's got to be a way to do this that like the asmr girls they know and i i don't know yet so it smells really good smells like one of those like grapes scratch and sniff stickers okay here we go [Music] oh i knew it i knew it would go down instead of up maybe my teeth just faced the wrong way i don't know mmm it's grape-tastic it tastes like like those those uh jelly shots that you get you know what i mean yeah this is a god okay so speaking of the blue candy that i couldn't get here is one that i could get i was watching this filling up a little candy thing and i was like okay those look cute little blue marshmallows those fish adorable i've had them before those are bigger than what i'm used to though these next little things the baby dolphins i've never had those before but i wasn't like too intrigued by them the frogs well they look like frogs to me but they're turtles same ingredients the swirly fish i want the swirly fish i want the swirly fish bad give me a swirly fish hey nope you can't lick my donut we interrupt this program to bring you a special report swirly fish swirly fish can you believe these rolls on these fish maybe i've dreamed up that they're better than they are because i was like we need these swirly fish see wait they kind of smell exactly like i thought they would they smell like those like those uh campanella or what are these yeah the campanellos companion [Music] it tastes exactly like them they taste like a campino if you ever had a campino it's like fruit and cream um but only has a red one so i've never had like a blue campino which one do you want the orange one yum well you got swirl fish for days i really like these they're really good if you want like um something really unhealthy if you really want like the artificial strawberries and cream taste then these swirl fish are really good okay so this japanese creme caramel opening it up oh it looks so beautiful so jiggly so yellow he's putting it down you give it a little tap here oh my goodness that is so smart oh it's so beautiful it is so stunning i wanted one so badly but the problem is i couldn't find it i couldn't find it well i mean i could find it but i didn't want to like import it you know because i already felt bad about the other things that i imported so um i made my own remember the time you ate my goldfish and you lied to me and said i never had any goldfish but why'd i have the ballpark why did i have the ball okay i have three tries to get this creme caramel extraction perfect i feel like this one's gonna be good i just wanna bang lift it off and then the camera just move you know kind of like that one did one two buckle my shoe oh come on idiot buckle her shoe no no no no oh that was a temperature look at all the caramel it's like stuck in there it sucks no this is what you're supposed to do you're supposed to knife it on the sides get your cram caramel get it girl get it it's all happening again the crown all right this one's plastic so i can slam it harder all my crime caramels are ugly can i show you what the picture on the box looked like wouldn't say like what she paid for and what she got disgusting anyways i'm gonna give it a try i don't think i've ever had creme caramel unless you count like creme brulee and panna cotta which i don't [Music] ah that is so sweet it nearly killed me who's stupid now huh it nearly killed me overall i'd say the most popular candies on the internet are quite fun to eat quite a fun time some of them are way too sweet oh god i don't know what i'm gonna do i don't know what i'm gonna do to like undo the i was fine until this i was fine until i took a bite of this and now i like i feel like i just went on a carnival ride and now i'm like dizzy from it like i'm like nauseous from the ride let me know what your favorite candy is in the comments hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,754,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, tiktok, tik tok, most popular candy, most popular candy on the internet, most popular candy on tiktok, popular candy, international candy, american candy, top 10, best candy, candy review, new candy, food videos, kassie tries, gloom tries, trying candy, best new candy
Id: BZn-0H0g_sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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