I tried Kids School Lunches around the World 🍱

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hi i'm carthage and this is lunch today we're trying lunches from around the world around the world dog let's go [Music] we're going to start off with the united states of america a beautiful place with beautiful oh is this chicken nuggets yeah okay so we got chicken nuggets mashed potatoes one of my favorite things of all time the old fruit cup peas and cookies i mean hey this is a pretty well balanced meal i can get down with this i'm actually um starting so we're gonna try all of these and we're gonna rate them these are the weirdest looking chicken nuggets i've ever seen this is like the kind of chicken nugget you buy in bulk oh it looks like biscuits popcorn biscuit chicken nugget okay if i had this for lunch i'd be very happy i'm gonna take a tomato potato tomato potato bite enough butter to kill somebody that's what we like these peach fruit cups with like the sugar water oh usa usa i mean you can't go wrong with a cookie you really can't oh what do you think lunch i think your d gustation needs my evaluation as well give them some good old american cheese if i went to school and this is what we were eating i would lose my mind like this is the kind of thing that you can eat every single day never get sick of it it's got nice color to it i mean it's like brown brown brown but then the peas and the sugar fruits bring a lot of value here i feel like it could get better though and that i just don't have very worldly taste i'm going to give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars for lack of creativity deducting half of a point but oh my gosh um we both have our eyes on what's next but i don't want to spoil it i'm hoping for more creativity okay because that was just delicious it was inexpensive it was it's the american way okay you could look at that plate of food and be like there's absolutely no culture whatsoever there but fast and convenient is a culture in a way i think what do we have next italy italy oh my goodness oh oh my okay that is just absolutely stunning oil and balsamic vinegar thank you because that's what you got to dip your bread in you don't put butter on it you dip it in balsamic and oil i'm so glad that i didn't give america five stars because this is what a five-star lunch looks like this is color this is presentation does it taste good we'll see so in america i feel like you wouldn't be able to like have a fish be like your main protein because a lot of people are picky and a lot of people don't like fish i love fish it's salmon you know salmon's gonna be good this is like a sun-dried tomato pesto pesto sun-dried tomatoes are so nice there's another thing in here olives kalamata olives another thing that you couldn't put in a lot of north american lunches because a lot of people don't like olives a lot of people don't like fish it's also very expensive here as well it's hard to get good ingredients for simple things that are inexpensive here in canada oh dipping bread and oil in balsamic oh little salad is that basil and we'll try the grape i'm gonna need to go back and give the u.s a three yeah there's your three stars four i don't understand why i wouldn't be five though i'm trying to be picky here the only issue with this is that i feel like i would get sick of it you know when something's like absolutely objectively better but it's so good and the flavors are so distinct that you get sick of it like i'd get to a point where i'd be like i want a cream sauce i want an oil sauce i want like a protein that's not meat like i want i mean i'll always want the bread i'm trying to be strict but like i'd be thrilled to have either of them let's go next lunch lady lunch lady we're moving to finland finland first of all i'd like to apologize for my ignorance because i really don't know anything about finland finlandian cuisine unlike the italian and the american food i don't really know what i'm looking at i know that this has got to be beets bears eat beets this has got to be carrots this is uh bread i don't know what this is and is this an omelette a crepe for lunch this is pea soup with a crepe this is crazy we're gonna start with the most savory option this split pea soup soup i mean it's good like the flavor is very good but i feel like i'm eating baby food now i'd like to say this isn't what everybody in each country eats every single day for lunch this is just what you generally could expect i'm gonna try this uh this crepe something that i will say is i really appreciate the amount of color in this dish like similar to italy it's not just like brown brown brown and trying to throw peas in for color like it looks like these are actually dishes this is a thick crepe i assume that their crepes would be a little bit thinner but what kind of a girl would ever turn down a crepe not me it just specified on the reference material we used a crepe with fruit a breakfast crepe [Music] i'm not sure carrots and there's a hair on it it's a finland thing yeah i was very blonde hair i'm not sure that carrots and crepes go go together so here's the thing it's good i'd be devastated if i i had to eat this honestly um it's good though i really like the idea of a crepe being part of my lunch but all the other things but all the other things are just really not for me i don't like split pea soup i've made it many a time when i tried to be on health kicks i hated it beets and carrots are like good but i would prefer if there was like an actual protein it's nice that um you know there isn't like a big slab of meat and that like this is like a nice eco-friendly option this is a solid vegetarian option but i'm gonna give it two stars i don't wanna do half star grades and i don't wanna give out a five star yet that's the only reason why finland got two because this is this is good it's like crepes are good soup is good not having like a big heavy protein in the middle of your day and like getting tired after is kind of nice i'd be ready for gym class after this 100 because you wouldn't eat any of it [Laughter] five years disclaimer i've realized that in giving finland two stars that personally i would be really offended if somebody served like really just bad canadian food and they went canadian food sucks so this isn't to say that all the food from these countries are like better or worse this is just uh this is within the context of this video the ratings don't matter the ratings don't matter south korea holy unlike a lot of other countries i feel like generally south koreans can handle a lot more spice so it's interesting to get like a spicy option i just know that this fish soup this fish noodle soup is gonna be really really spicy i just know and kimchi is usually spicy i like the color in this dish i like the different use of things these peppers are scaring me but we're gonna try the tofu kind of hoping for some kimbap in here but whatever some kimbap and kpop that's really good yeah this is a vegetarian option that i can get behind it makes sense to me i like the carrots and peas and onions in the fried rice i love korean fried rice it's really yummy i'm gonna try this noodle soup these noodles are big the fish stew a lot of seafood used to flavor these spicy soups and it's very spicy and it's very fishy this is an asian flavor profile like they're really really fishy that a lot of people including my mom can get behind but i can't really get behind it kimchi's just always good spicy makes your mouth water but the nice thing about spicy food is you put out the fire with the rice so there's a lot of balancing going on in this meal it's not just chicken nuggets and ketchup like because we know that's going to taste good like these things actually kind of work together which is nice broccoli oh ooh do i have to eat a pepper oh gosh these are my least two favorite vegetables in the entire world i really thought korea was gonna blow my socks off because i love korean food but we're gonna give it three stars just for the fact that this is a healthy meal everything is complimentary i won't be starving after it because it's just a sugar hit and then you crash i like kimchi it's it's healthy for you like it's a nice fermented cabbage and these two are just so bad that i took two stars off but that's my fault for not liking vegetables what do we have next lunch lady we are traveling to france oh we certainly are oh my gosh oh jeez what is this a roast beast we got the roast beast we got the carrots got some apple slices got a a wheel of brie enough bree to kill a small child some green peas or some green beans and then kiwis that's really fun i noticed the skin is still on the kiwis did the french eat the skins yeah i mean it adds a little more color to your uh your plate there that's kind of pretty alright well the lunch lady is definitely the host who boasts the most roast here this is a perfect medium rare roast this lunch isn't gonna make your blood sugar absolutely skyrocket you're not gonna be crashing by the time you get home a lot of the lunches that i ate throughout my life made it so that when i got home i needed to take a nap because i was crashing so badly this keeps you really steady the amount of fat in the cheese that keeps you nice and steady i noticed when i visited france that like they definitely had a lot of foods that we would consider as very indulgent but um the portions were small enough that you just felt happy and satisfied and like everything was gonna be okay nice roast i mean that's pretty solid with this roast beef you'd be chewing it for so long that you're full by the time you're done your first bite all right well breeze good mm-hmm this very very good this seems very expensive this seems like something that you wouldn't get in america like you wouldn't get in american schools because it'd be so hard to like make this on moss ooh nice carrots they're carrots kiwi i don't want to eat the skin so i'm just gonna like peel it oh kiwi is that that burst and pop of beautiful brightness that makes the giant roast beast and the cheese feel a lot less heavy this is a very nice lunch um i feel like i can't get over like the value like i it is is cheese cheaper there like i this like this seems by far to be the most expensive uh lunch you can get the issue with it for me is that even looking at it makes me fall like it's overwhelming to look at with the usa chicken nuggets like i just couldn't get enough i was like give me more give me more and then the problem is you get hungry after and you're more likely to overeat with this you are not likely to overeat you're more likely to not be able to finish it and take your cheese to class with you and i like that about it because i hate things that are so palatable and so easy to eat that it makes me just like overeating like feel gross for the rest of the day i feel like you wouldn't run into that with this france four stars cheese this is just a little one but it's something you want some carrots oh there you go oh no what's next brazil brazil so very well marinated beef i like rice i like the salad and then sweet potatoes right off the bat i really enjoy the color of this dish like it's very very colorful it's beautiful like it reminds me of italy now this is supposed to traditionally be pork but oh that's tender this is supposed to be pork but i don't eat pork so beef [Music] rice of black beans [Music] down the hatch down the hatch this is a roasted sweet potato but it's supposed to be a plantain so i have to imagine it to be a plantain to bring a sweetness to the dish because there's no unlike all the other ones we've seen well most of the other ones this one lacks a dessert a hint of sweetness this is lush this is a luscious meal kale salad nice touch everything has like such a different texture to it it's a different flavor in each in each little compartment i really like the idea of like the bread and butter this is an incredible lunch this is something that i would like as an adult that i would order this isn't just a mere school lunch this is like a fantastic filling well-rounded well-balanced beautiful meal oh my stop that our first five stars goes to brazil very very impressive what do we have next we are traveling to spain what's with the whole lemon do i just suck the lemon shrimp oh it's for my shrimp i mean that's a lot of lemon shrimp and rice gazpacho which is a cold tomato soup usually it has a bit of a thicker consistency so i'll keep that in mind uh ew some bread and some lemon for squishing there's so many places where you just wouldn't be able to serve shrimp because a lot of people a lot of people don't like it a lot of people die and yeah a few people with shellfish allergies might die um shrimp and rice excellent gazpacho with it this is the freshness plate from the lemon shrimp to the gazpacho to the veggies to the bread like this is a very fresh and bright and we love our food we love our flavors kind of dish nothing here is like cheating with too much fat or too much sugar everything just tastes good because it is good because it's a good combo shrimp is one of my favorite proteins because you get a lot of protein for it but it's also really nice and light i'm really impressed with this one i would eat it any day of the week i would never get sick of it it's like a really nice midday snack my only complaint here if i was absolutely ravenous i would still be hungry after this because i think it's too light it's too funky i respect what they're doing here though four i think that this in italy are about the same are only five so far being brazil traveling to ukraine ukraine whoa what is that breakfast breakfast lunch and dinner we got sausages here traditionally pork miner turkey we got mashed potatoes some borscht [Music] love some good borscht this looks a little light for borish but i know what borscht tastes like we have some coleslaw and what the ever living god is this it's a crepe pancake why is it rolled up because it would be served like a crepe i don't know about this one cheese sausages and mash i've never seen this combo together before sausages and mash usually it's just like sausage and eggs but maybe toast you do have bangers in the mash okay that's actually a really nice combo some borscht it's good it's like tomatoey beady hearty kinda reminds me of stew coleslaw an interesting to put coleslaw with a pancake but what do i know it's good my palate just isn't used to it so i'm a little shocked do you put syrup on this or what i feel like it's more like that you do not use this pancake to mix all of this together that's ridiculous what if that's actually what we do i don't know i'm scared is this plain i mean it's one way to enjoy bread my issue here is that there's really like no um freshness no vegetable i mean i know there's vegetables in the borscht i know there's vegetables in the coleslaw but my standards are just so high because of places like italy and brazil that this um i'm holding a pancake wondering what to do with it it is cool in that it's like breakfast for lunch pancake sausage potato but then the borsch is just so out of pocket let me give you a two because i like what you're doing i think we just did it wrong here let's go next what are these kids eating over where is it green greece oh how fun how fresh how beautiful we love getting an entire fruit and not a fruit in a cup because we all know that oranges are elite we've got the chicken oh that's not rice that's not rice that's orzo orzo is like a little rice-shaped noodle it's usually served as like a cold salad with some basil and some tomatoes sometimes some mint it's gorgeous we have um what stuffed grape leaves right stuffed grape leaves what are they stuffed with how am i supposed to know just going to the school i don't run in we have the greek salad of course with the olives the cucumbers the feta the tomato and we have some greek yogurt with little pomegranate seeds okay this is a really really fun beautiful appetizing dish and i haven't started eating yet because i don't have cutlery chicken and orzo salad this is a beautiful cut of chicken breast i'm like actually quite excited at the idea of eating it this is the kind of thing that you could eat every single day and i like how there's so much freshness in the orzo like there's freshness everywhere this is just bursting with fun and interactive flavors [Music] grease you're crazy you're crazy am i supposed to eat the leaf on this thing yeah really yeah bite into it pick it up um too late whoa whoa it's a lot of flavor that was like a big hit of like lemon something very lemony about it it's like rice and beef in a leaf i was going to be concerned that there's rice in here when there's already orzo here but the balance is good i can forgive it we all know and love greek salad we appreciate how it tastes and greek yogurt with pomegranate this isn't like sweetened greek yogurt this is just regular greek yogurt and yet the pomegranate seed adds so much to it that's really really good i literally just ate an orange a few hours ago so i don't need to eat another one this is great this is perfect this is a perfect meal this is a meal i could eat every single day it's not too substantial and it's not too small it's just it's flawless this is a flawless lunch five come on lunch let's travel to the uk the uk what the heck is that what are those what is that a fish a fish cake i've been to the uk and i never had no fish cake are they saving all the good food for the adults and making the kids eat their fish cakes okay this kind of looks and smells like a fish finger it means like a fish and chips it's pretty solid not the usual oh no it's pretty solid though i really really loved fish fingers growing up and that's very similar so i feel like i would have really liked that as a kid these days say i don't really mess around with deep fried fish cakes okay some peas solid really bland these two are really bland all right we got yogurt with berries i really like and appreciate the yogurt with fruit on the side as a dessert option is this coleslaw okay coleslaw goes pretty good with the fish cake [Music] actually the fish cake's a little bland but with a combination of the coleslaw and the fish cake it's a really nice combo this is the part of the video where i'm eating vegetables that i just don't like because i have to like a good brussels sprout no i don't told you it's made pretty well what'd you do it's just nice i will say this is food it's food i didn't give it a 2 because of how well the fish cake and the sloth pairs together the yogurt and fruit i feel like is very nice it's a lot better than the sugar bomb you get in the states the rice and peas and the brussels sprouts i just it's not for me all right so coming in first place we have greece and brazil with five stars in second place we have italy spain just italy and spain italy and spain in the three-star category we have uk korea and usa and in the two star category we have ukraine and finland like i said before i feel like this is just kind of the butchered version of what these countries like this isn't like a representation of what like the best food that the country has like i said i'd be offended if somebody ate like really just kind of crappy canadian lunch and went oh canada sucks so that's not what i'm trying to do here i just wanted to have like a fun video where i go on a website i look at like a standard lunch there and then i try it even though greece and brazil are both tied with five stars i would rather eat from today the grease food i feel like greece is like my first place right now the lunch is poppin it's amazing please let me know in the comments what other countries you'd like me to try because i know i missed a lot and also if you're from one of the countries and you feel like i didn't do you justice let me know some of the foods that you would eat at your lunch at your school lunch that you think pop off and maybe i can like do some of these countries again but do it in the way that you see it i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications me and lunch i'll see you later so rude you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,185,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, gloom tries, art, 2020, techniques, style, interesting, pretty, bento, school lunch, kids lunch, lunches, lunch box, food art, kassie mom, hacks, 123 go, school, food, food hacks, gloom tries cooking, recreating tiktoks, tiktok food, tik tok lunch, tiktok, tik tok
Id: R3OKhtp9pEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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