CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE Food Challenge

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hi i'm carthage and this is king george chanel louboutin iii the other two didn't make it no they didn't i have expensive taste and despite the fact that i was raised with a silver spoon my friend's lunches at school always piqued my curiosity yeah they were great and delicious i like to eat your food you want to try my food and i like to hang out with your friends too wait since when you said you would never go camping with us okay i'm sorry today i'm going to have an expensive meal nora here is going to have a cheap little how cute this is my everyday meal and we're going to see if we will trade or stay i'm excited to trade some meals because i want to try her style of food and i want to try your um grab grub that's a good way of putting it [Music] what do you have there nora i'm starting off with a corn dog this is my favorite i would go and have it with my parents at the fair and they sizzle it up fresh for you and you get this nice sweet juicy little thing this one is made at home you can see it exploded a little from the microwave but it just makes it that much more authentic what do you have i wanted a corn dog as well but you see i got rice dogs absolutely stunning now this is an asian corn dog but these run for about eight dollars a piece and this one's 125. yummy dang it i mean expensive is good but it's not always better i want that corn dog that looks so good what is rice corn dog made out of instead of cornbread it's a rice flour i've never had that before i'm so excited can we trade are you down on the count of three say stay or trade one two three trade no rock paper scissors yeah i guess i'm gonna have to eat this goodie but it'll be so good i'm gonna try my volcano how do you put this in your mouth what a classy meal it's so juicy oh my goodness this is so good this is like a carnival dog here because i feel bad you can try this but i'm not doing this again [Music] i like my more what what is that around it potatoes ew this has like a really heavy feeling like you can't eat more than half of this i can have 10 of these and i'll be good this is filling filling means quality 125 plus 125 plus 125 plus 125 and how much is this again eight dollars i guess mouth makes up yeah i like this next up we have sushi i get my sushi from the grocery store what do you have there my favorite california rule beautiful crab it's delicious i love the thick layer of white sticky rice around it gives that nice thick flavor you actually like grocery store sushi better i think so yeah i don't think i have a lot of experience with restaurant sushi and this sushi is only five dollars that actually seems kind of expensive really for imitation crab cucumbers and rice is it imitation crab looks like it well i mean who am i to judge i have this this is wagyu beef pressed sushi this was thirty dollars that's not even fish you can have whatever you want on sushi now i can put like a corn dog on rice and all of a sudden it's sushi yes oh that sounds good actually day or trade one two three okay well you made it look good i haven't tried it and also beef on sushi is freaking me out have fun with that what you don't even know what it tastes like no whoa i had sushi once in an airport and i almost threw up so well i hope you don't throw up is it nice and like cold and thick it's not my thing it's um fishy i don't like fishy well the fact that the crab tastes fishy means it's authentic crab crab shouldn't taste fishy so you're saying it's bad crap now fine my turn i don't know what vague is but i'm guessing it's like some nice meat it's aged japanese beef massaged fed nice grains oh my god apparently some plum wine as well i kind of feel like this beef was treated better than i am probably i have to try it you have to try it because you're going to agree with me that's better than this this was so expensive we can't let it go to waste so i'm trying the meat doesn't even like fall off like you know like fish would you like it it's not salty it's insanely good what are you talking about i don't know tastes weird like baby food that's insanely good i don't like it her pal it's just kind of off i like my grocery sushi okay you can have it back yay with this it's just a really really fine marbled juicy melt-in-your-mouth slice of beef like i was like okay beef on sushi weird fish is supposed to fall apart but this beef melts in your mouth not in my mouth maybe my mouth is just not like made for that kind of melty meat i'm still feeling a little peckish after that sushi i'm always hungry we're about to eat some burgers yay my favorite what do you have i have a junior chicken this is like a perfect appetizer you know before you go for the full burger from the dollar menu this one costs two dollars and forty cents did you know that and then the chicken are the most processed burgers on the mcdonald's menu why would you tell me that this is one of my favorite things it's one of mine too that's why i know that what do you have i have a 20 burgers priest burger also a chicken burger on a keto bun because i wanted it to cost more that thing is thick i don't know how i'm going to get that in my mouth this uh bad boy is a nice small structure fit perfectly for your mouth so you can chew and drive chew and work are you throwing shade at how dry you can take my burgers let's just say this is not date food right it's a chicken burger with bacon tomato lettuce jalapeno poppers mayonnaise caramelized onions everything you could possibly get together there's like a thousand ingredients in there exactly three two one okay you're not gonna believe this coming from carthage i do not like expensive burgers one bit i like all burgers but i wanna eat my little one rock paper scissors yeah no wait wait wait there's no way like yo scissors cuts rock okay sure wait you're so fast [Music] that's not fair yeah my turn [Music] it's actually good i'm not giving this back oh well this chicken is perfectly crisp and juicy on the inside and the seasoning is so nice and the bacon mmm just like everything about it since i tried both i can say that this one with a stone bun is much better really wow look at the sound this makes what about me so i think i win this one with a trade you can't win because that's my food i'm just lending it to you you'll treat me sometime right for the final dinner round before we move on to desserts there's dessert we have king george chanel louboutin's favorite food i think it's pretty self-explanatory this is imitation crab made from pollock that's why i thought it was fishy when i ate the california i eat it like a cheese string okay i didn't know you could do that but i'm sorry i forgot if we have to trade it girl i think you're gonna be okay i have here some king crab i never knew crap could come so big i wasn't really a crab person i was more of a lobster tail person but then i tried king crab for the first time and i was touched by an angel well have you tried this bad boy no it's so delicious and juicy and different forget about this this is delicious juicy and different too but it's not like a bunch of fish crammed together in a machine who says that's what it is it is if you've never had king crab before i can understand you thinking that this is absolutely disgusting to look at but it is absolutely phenom well this one is less than a dollar per stick and there's like eight sticks in the pack so it's four dollars and this is 75 for one leg that's like my internet bill it's quite expensive but it'll do one two three okay okay if you take my crap i'm gonna take the crab rock paper scissors i can read you why why i was doing wrong i know how you play now i'm not even thinking about i'm just trying to win so this is part of the king crab with the shell removed you get so much meat this is like just from one segment and then there's the uh honestly objectively when you look at this they look exactly the same no they don't give me something please i also have a nice dipping sauce the sauce makes it that much better oh my god oh it's insane this is the kind of thing you only have on occasions i guess that occasion will never come for me if you want to try it yes i do i want to try this nope that's rude fine be brave put some salsa that makes it better with a sauce so this is what real crap tastes like it's so naturally salty and delicious and buttery horrendous you're so mean so bad okay if you asked me would i sell my soul for this crab that's a big big yes [Music] what's in the salsa please oh that's okra oh can you have that yes yeah oh saucy okra delicious for some desserts nora i have twinkies twinkies everyone's favorite why is that name familiar to me basically it's like white angel cake with white frosting and icing inside white cream filling it's white okay and it's inside hi in there i have japanese cheesecake if you've never had this before it is the softest fluffiest melts in your mouth not too sweet unlike twinkies it is an absolute delight oh there's like a little ladder i just want you to see how soft it's like a clown how soft that is i want to lick the fork but i won't twinkie's turn oh you get three this only costs 225 for three this is 12 but you get enough to last a while i mean i guess if you put this volume in there kind of adds up twelve dollars like isn't expensive but it's relatively expensive compared to for other cheesecakes one okay i'm gonna try to win this one i have to win at least one i feel so pretentious but i really don't want to eat those twinkies rock paper scissors it's hard to explain how soft it's like a souffle thingy yeah it's so look at that it's like bouncy it's a jello first time japanese cheesecake that's so good i feel like i'm in heaven it has like this nice eggy flavor you can just feel the eggs were whipped really well and it's toasted on the top and it's a perfect sweetness it's not too sweet that's the thing i like about it because like this i can already feel my blood sugar squeeze it that's hard i remember twinkies being soft when i was younger yeah i feel like this one's a little expired it's so sweet my throat's really dry in the ad there's so much cream filling but if you look at this not getting too much ah you and your delicate palate it's very delicate they call me the god tongue oh i like where that's from finally we'll have some tea and biscuits oh biscuits what kind of biscuit do you have madam i have a girl scout cookie this gorgeous little three leaf clover cookie comes in a box of two dozen for five dollars oh isn't that interesting because my cookie you get one this is a corn cookie a real freeze-dried corn is used to make it i saw it on the tv and i was like i want to try so it's like made from like corn or like corn okay one time a bunch of viewers came to visit me in toronto no they're really cool cookies and they were like uh ew but then we all enjoyed three two one stay thank you it's perfectly moist the cream is not too sweet i love it what about you huh i've ascended to the heaven of corn my favorite ice cream in asia is like a corn flavored ice cream never had that either this tastes exactly like it it smells like corn [Music] oh my god no no it's perfectly salty under and like corny on top soft and still like a little biscuity i love how soft it is well do you feel like you learned anything today i learned a lot crab is better than imitation crab japanese cheesecake is better than twinkies i do think that the pogo actually beat the crap out of the expensive rice dogs 100 percent beta at the end of the day expensive took a majority win however i am carthage and i'm gonna say that if you're buying your own food then obviously expense is going to win because more fine ingredients were put into it but if you're cooking at home then cheap always wins because it's convenient fast and always a guaranteed taste because you get to make it yourself well yeah you can microwave it oh my god i think me and nora are talking about two different things that being said go and check out nora's channel she also did the cheapest as expensive except her sister my great friend eleanor was hosting hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like see me again make sure you push notifications go check out nora and we will see you on the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,528,405
Rating: 4.9222379 out of 5
Keywords: cheap vs expensive, food challenge, cheap vs expensive food, expensive food, cheap food, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomykassie, nora, noraverse, collab, cheap expensive, comparison, cheap versions, expensive versions, compare, difference, cheap vs expensive food challenge, vs challenge
Id: eQR7OTSvzes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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