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welcome to the black city valentine's day special today i take my minecraft wife ashley on a date because i totally forgot it was valentine's day so i had to make last minute plans i really hope it goes well make sure you guys watch the entire video and let's get 50 000 likes for more special episodes like this in the future [Music] let me see what the kids are up to rage junior what are you doing are you doing your homework right junior uh no do your homework what are you doing i i bought i bought you a laptop so you can do your homework and sometimes play games you know you can later on become an mlg pro but no but i don't want no no no no no you gotta do homework okay if you don't do homework you're gonna you're gonna be a dum-dum do you want to be a dum-dum hmm i know amber's i don't like homework because i'm a smart [Music] you know what you have a point you have a point you are a pretty smart kid at one years old you're already using you you've probably solved this rubik's cube before i don't know what you do behind the scenes like i told you yeah but you you still need to do homework please please please ray junior or else mommy's oh uh yeah yeah yeah uh ashley she um race junior is doing homework right now right right rage junior right yes yes yes yes um yeah uh yeah hey ashley how's it going i didn't see you there amber's gonna be a good kid when she goes up yeah she's always just calm and just oh my i i swear ashley has like supersonic hearing or something she hears everything ashley um uh yeah okay well i'm sorry i'm sorry i tried to i tried to get him to do homework but but he's addicted to i know he's not doing i know he's addicted to playing games it's okay it's okay he's still one years old he's still young why am i getting why am i getting hit you should be punishing him just like you [Music] ow what are you keep hitting me my goodness amber you're you're you're gonna be my favorite kid soon right race junior you're gonna let amber become my favorite kid yeah listen up okay okay well what's up what's up ashley i didn't see you there uh when i came when i first came up here i don't know what you're doing up here you usually you know you're usually just chilling and stuff while the kids are playing i'm your favorite kid okay fine fine you can stay my favorite kid for now do you remember what day it is uh-huh anyways junior race junior what day is today what day is today i don't know um uh is it is today your your your birthday huh is is it your birthday no no uh uh oh raise junior race junior please protect me you forgot i don't know no no no i didn't forget oh no oh no oh no no no i i didn't forget i didn't forget it's your it is your birthday right is it our anniversary it's valentine's day oh it is oh uh i i'm so sorry ashley i actually did not no actually please please please don't be mad at me don't be mad at me i promise i promise i'll make it up to you right now okay i'll come up with something right now and i'll make you happy by the end of today you really i know but like by the end of today you'll be a super super happy person i'll make sure i'm gonna make it up ow you're gonna knock me off the stairs and make me break my back or something please please please please please please believe me trust me i will make it up to you right now okay just wait just wait right here just wait right here okay uh actually sit sit sit right here sit right here sit on this chair and don't open your eyes close your eyes don't don't look this way don't look this way okay perfect perfect all right all right all right crap i didn't know i didn't know today was valentine's day oh my goodness what should i do what should i do what should i do oh my goodness oh my goodness uh i know i know a brand new movie theater just opened up in the mall and like is are there any like good restaurants around i have no idea like i have no time for this but i have one thing that i bought the other uh the other week aha check this out i am looking snazzy i i think i think ashley's gonna like this she hasn't seen this just yet she hasn't seen the suits that i bought the other week uh i i just bought it for like special occasions but ashley you can turn around now and open your eyes i i hope she likes it guys because uh i'm kind of nervous oh handsome hey there we go there we go all right now now um i have an idea i have an idea okay so you know how i usually drive us everywhere this time i'm gonna get us a taxi how about that how about that i'll take us i'm not gonna tell you where we're taking us you know uh where i'm taking us just yet but um wait why is the front door open oh my goodness the kids could have ran out let me call the babysitter just make sure um you know we have the babysitter taking care of the kids while we're gone so let me call them real quickly hello is this uh steve yeah yeah um we need you to take care of the kids right now please please yeah i'll pay you in credit later but we need you like right now all right sounds good bye-bye all right he should be showing up pretty soon i hope i hope steve he's usually pretty quick like he drives like a really really fast car so hopefully he shows up soon um ashley you can freshen up you know in our room uh do whatever you need before we go uh but yeah um while while steve you know while we're still waiting for steve i'm probably just gonna sit here and maybe watch unboxing where's the remote where the heck is the remote oh hey my god huh did you guys hear that uh okay let's just pretend like we didn't hear that [Music] uh hey steve um hey rage bro come on in man come on in it's nice to see you again dude we can always trust you to take care of our kids i know that rage junior might not be the best behaving kid sometimes but you know you do a good job no problem rage bro all right all right well ashley and i we have a date today because you know what day it is oh wait don't you have a date today no valentine's this year no valentines yo steve no but i'm trying man you got it man i believe in you my dude you're a good looking man dude hey ash broski ash broski well the kids are upstairs uh we'll see you tonight alright sounds good all right well uh good luck with the kids ashley let's go i'm gonna order the uh taxi right now let's just uh see you later steve all right well let's sit right here and just wait for the taxi actually let's just let's just wait for the taxi right here man the weather is so nice today it's like i mean usually block city has really good weather but the other day it was raining so much ashley how are you liking the weather oh wait wait wait that that must be our taxi actually let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go um i think it's us uh is this for rage uh you call for us yeah oh man this man is looking snazzy ashley let's hop in the back you already know this is such a nice taxi wow wow wow wow you know where to go right howard all right let's let's go to the oh yeah i can't tell ashley where we're going just yet at first she might be a little disappointed but i promise i think this is gonna be a good day and we're here ashley we are here at the block city mall i know we come here often but i promise out what first thing she does she hits me there you go thank you howard uh i'll pay through a credit so don't worry about it man don't worry about it um thanks for uh thanks for giving us a good ride we always come here you know i you know i'm not the richest person in the world i you know we we we got a lot of money from the lottery and everything but like you know i only have like 700 left on my credit card but you know i'm still gonna make today a ver you need a job i know i know i know i know you don't have to remind me you don't have to remind me every single day all right all right all right everything will be just fine ashley let's go on in um so i know exactly where i'm gonna take you i already have a little plan for you um so yeah uh let's head on upstairs hmm yeah you might be a little confused right now but everything will make sense in just a second all right let's head on up to the second floor and right over in this store right here we're going to the hardware store because i need to grab some gas is that okay is that okay if i grab some stuff for the car um sure oh really oh all right sounds good i just need to grab some some jerry cans for the car and everything um oh wait but hurry up i mean there's no one working here and it's block city so let's go let's go ashley let's go let's go let's go let's go ashlyn come on oh my goodness we're gonna be in trouble we're gonna be in trouble okay so we have the food mart right here and oh we're supposed to be right here right here ashley ashley this is our first stop for our date our for our our valentine's day go on in ladies first welcome to the block cafe all right uh ashley let's sit right over in this corner right here let's sit right here you can wait right here i'll get us drinks uh what what drink would you like hey this guy's just enjoying his coffee right there um what drink would you like i'll order it for us on me everything on me today like a gentleman oh just the latte is fine all right hello there dave you seem to be very popular around here um i was just wondering if i could get two lattes two lattes one for me and one for my lady and and also also um two lattes anything else keep this quiet all right this is a valentine's date and i was wondering if you could make a special cake for my lady over there oh why is she looking why is she looking over here all right yeah yeah get us a special cake all right i gotta make sure i speak really really quietly because you know she can hear everything for some reason uh can you get us a oreo cake please yes okay okay all right i got you all right um here wait wait a sec oh okay wait wait a second i'll pay you first i'll pay you first just just uh bring it out for us you know special delivery uh take take an extra like uh 20 tip just because i'm making you deliver it to us all right ashley ashley you're having a little convo right now wait ashley ashley ashley um guess what our food or our drinks are coming out in just a second oh i think i think our payment is done all right thank you so much can you bring out uh the drinks for us please and and uh and the cake all right all right all right all right uh he should be delivering the drinks in just a second all right oh hello dave thank you thank you one for the lady one for me thank you so much and we have a special delivery of an oreo cake ashley your favorite cake we can enjoy thank you so much dave thank you so much for the special delivery i know you guys don't make too many cakes around here even though there's a really nice strawberry cake right there whoa my favorite when i tell you what i tell you i love i i know you love this so you know i had to i had to all right well let's enjoy our coffee let's enjoy our cake let me know when you are done you know what i'm gonna enjoy some of this cake as well i'm gonna enjoy some of this cake as well oh that man is heading out now all right see you later sir [Music] all right that was a very delicious cake what'd you think ashley very good meal or like dessert you know it's a it's a very nice meal slash dessert what do you think very good very good oh yeah we should probably throw this out into the trash can i don't know why i need that but yeah ashley there you go that was the entire valentine's date that was nice yeah well let's head on back now i'm sure you know i'm sure steve is waiting on us i i hope you enjoyed the valentine's date oh that's it uh no i mean no no no i was just joking i was just joking follow me follow me i i know exactly where else to take you all right let's head on out see you later dave thank you so much thank you so much all right let's go let's go let's go so um here here let me blindfold you real quickly look down look down and follow me follow me okay i don't think she knows this is gonna be great this is gonna be so great we're gonna go on a little movie date today all right turn turn turn left turn left turn left and then turn another left all right all right we are heading downstairs we are heading down the stairs open your eyes we're here at the brand new vlog city movie theater yay all right well first things first um i gotta go get the tickets all right uh oh is that is that dave yo dave how's it going broski all right well two tickets for myself and the fine lady right here two tickets please thank you so much oh we should probably look at uh which movie we want but i think this should be good for any movie right um these tickets are good oh okay perfect all right ashley um shoot you can choose today's your day it's all you it's all you today we have zombie night we have super rex mars get your snacks movie tips we should probably get some snacks what no no no no this isn't a movie but i mean you can choose which movie you want hey dave how's it going man oh zom zombie night oh on on valentine's i mean i think oh wait wait i think dave is recommending this do you want to watch this instead she's like no i want to watch a zombie okay fine fine fine well why zombie well watch zombie night then dave is like man they didn't listen to me it's all good dave it's all good man we're we're here for our entertainment all right come on let's go let's go let's go okay well i think dave might be giving us a little tour here oh where are we going next where are we going next we have an arcade area okay what's over there a snack bar oh all right well oh okay okay what's up what's up dave oh popcorn ashley wait wait come back ashley give it give me give me give me i'll hand oh oh i'll hand it over to the fine lady right there all right ashley i got us some popcorn actually right here right here i got some popcorn yes large popcorn for both of us oh the security guy said don't throw popcorn around what you already ate you already ate the popcorn the movie hasn't even started yet well let's see what else they have they have snacks and drinks what drinks do you want the smell of popcorn is amazing what will it be popcorn slushie um i mean i'll take a slushie please slushy please sir um so excited ooh we got a slushie do you want one as well here here ashley you can take mine you can take mine you can take mine there we go hand it over my kind friend all right all right what else do we have we have oh can i get ice cream yo dave hook me up with the ice cream not for my not for me but for my lady right there that's yours ashley yes what is this candy oh i want some candy oh here here you want this oh okay okay okay you can choose whatever ice uh candy you want um man so many lollipops man we're gonna get so fat tonight oh my goodness dave dave dave oh did i just see you eat the candy are you supposed to be eating candy on the job dude all right well they have zombie night right here this lollipop is pretty good okay i should probably save the rest for the movie all right oh look at this i think this is one of the actors he's like oh stop choking me dave dude i think man this guy is probably one of the most entertaining movie theater guys i've seen yeah they have an arcade you want to play games ashley or you want to head straight into the all right well she just ran straight in all right well i guess we're playing what what what you want to play more all right fine fine let's play air hockey start the game start the game all right here we go here we go what i'm gonna win i'm gonna win and oh my god she scored on me that's so embarrassing i used to play this no no what i used to play this so much back in the day head on in it's all you it's oh i think i have to give the ticket to this man hey ashley just walked in we need to give the ticket all right uh sir here's your uh here's your ticket there you go take the ticket man she's so excited all of a sudden she was just enjoying the arcade for so long all right uh thank you so much man thank you so much he said enjoy the movie wait wait wait wait ashley ashley i got seats for us upstairs let's go let's go let's go upstairs uh what is what is dave doing he's like he's like cleaning everything all right well let's go let's go let's go all right i got a seats upstairs they're like really nice seats i don't know if there's anyone else here i feel like we might be the only one i feel like i might have reserved us a good time for us let's go let's go oh who's this oh hey man oh wow they're just oh we have we have other people in here hello how's it going man hello hello all right uh let's uh right here right here ashley oh zombie night it starts in 18 seconds oh here we go here we go oh my goodness come on come on let's go let's go this is awesome all right i'm so excited there's a whole countdown going on and everything all right i'm gonna have my popcorn out too whoa the lights just turned off oh what is dave doing he just he just got in my way okay okay there's a sleeping zombie it's a whole zombie apocalypse movie are you sure you wanted to watch this ashley she's like yeah what oh my goodness oh he was just dreaming [Music] oh zombie zombie oh no he almost just died it wasn't a dream after all oh my goodness oh what'd you think what'd you think ashley that was a good movie yeah that was really good actually oh my goodness sheesh oh dad you're gonna fall off this man this man is about to fall off my goodness i think dave got in the way when i was watching the movie how do you get down there so fast uh well have a good day dave have a good day let's head on let's head home i think it's getting late i think it's getting late what's up yeah high five i i i would rate that a 10 out of 10 honestly oh oh i thought the movie started again all right let me enjoy the slushie before we go and then some candy gotta make sure i finish all the snacks before we go yup man that was a good movie right guys right guys hey guys guys guys it was a good movie right yeah yeah it was a good movie uh nice seeing you guys by the way i i thought i was gonna have the theater to myself but enjoy the rest of your day good night guys he almost ran me over where'd ashley go ashley uh oh oh she's already over there what the heck all right yeah we should probably head home before uh it gets too late because um the kids are probably waiting bye see you later dave uh have a great night uh good good luck with your job and everything bye ashley what did you think of the movie i'm sure she liked it because she chose the movie but we should probably head back because it is oh yep it is getting a little dark outside and we gotta go back to the kids i'm i hope i liked it horror is grand i mean of course you say that because you chose the movie i swear if i chose the movie she's gonna be like oh it's okay it's just uh it's just a movie oh uh ashley look look look look i got the taxi guy waiting outside just for us hello howard welcome back youtube thank you so much man ashley i hope you liked our i hope you liked our valentine's day today i had to you know basically pack it up do everything really quickly because you know uh that i forgot i forgot today was valentine's day okay i'm sorry about that but i hope i made it up to you um but we should probably get inside um yeah forgot i'm sorry all right well let's hop in are you ready to go home yep we are good to go home all right thank you so much howard for the amazing amazing ride home man man such a good she's like let's go we gotta head back and uh basically tell them you know we we basically have to go back to steve i hope rage junior behaved tonight i don't know if he did or not but ashley we're here we're here all right howard uh have a great rest you know have a good night man ashley we're here you can uh you can you can hop out now what we're here did she fall asleep i swear if she fell asleep man all right well howard have a have a great rest of your night man all right well ashley ashley ashley wait what'd you think of what'd you think what'd you think of uh you know the valentine's date did you did you enjoy it i really really hope she did i i had to basically like come you forgot my rose oh i'm so sorry i am so sorry but i hope you liked everything else i i hope you liked everything else i got you your favorite cake i got you desserts and you know i i got you like you know a good a good amounts of stuff yeah we need to do this more often huh yeah yeah i i i'll try my best i'll try my best all right i'll try my best well oh it's steve oh uh hey rage bro how's it going man uh how uh how did the kid apple what's up what's up man that me up that oh oh oh thank you so much thank you so much oh okay hopefully she didn't see uh ashley i actually didn't forget here's your rose here's your rose there it is i pretended like i forgot all right well uh how how'd the kids behave did they uh behave especially rage junior all good nice ow what are you doing oh oh hug hey race junior got all the homework done really he made me do homework as he should as he should ray jr get back to your room go do your homework go finish more homework if even if you don't have any more homework go do your homework all right steve um you know what i'll send your payment through tomorrow don't even worry about it i got you my dude um i just hope you have a great amazing rest of your day and also i hope you find you know a valentine man or you know get yourself a little girl soon all right yeah all right man have a great night man see you later drive safe all right bye all right mama ever so cute she's always playing with her little stuffed animals and everything oh yeah i draw this too all right let me see let me see let me see reyes junior what'd you draw oh rage junior with the drawing oh that is actually really cute that's me that's double a12 and that's brandycrafter man you are so talented i mean that shirt kinda wait wait stop stop stop moving so much that shirt right there looks really really familiar it looks like that right there uh oh are those your friends yeah i mean you have you have met this guy right here you have met brandon yeah he was uh he was here the other day and um he might visit one of these days this guy right here he might visit one of these days but to end off the night you know what to tonight i met brandon the guy you kid no it was a friendly kiss on the cheek all right it was nothing more than that all right well anyways uh we should probably head to bed kids head to your room kids it's time to sleep okay ashley away from me in the room we're about to sleep all right it's dark it's getting late it's getting late go to sleep yeah go to sleep i'm gonna make sure you go to sleep go go go alright amber are you asleep go sleep okay okay you too you too i want to play no right junior get to bed now all right well it's time for us to sleep ashley it is time for us to sleep it is uh very very late outside it's getting darker and darker well i'm gonna sleep good night [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 437,224
Rating: 4.944345 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Block City, RageElixir Block City, Movies, I Took My Wife to The Movies in Minecraft, Taking Her on a Date in Minecraft, I Went on a Date in Minecraft, Minecraft Block City, Minecraft Roleplay, Block City ROleplay, Block City Minecraft Roleplay, Valentines Day in Minecraft, Valentines Day Special Minecraft, Minecraft Special, Minecraft Valentines Special
Id: Ofdm03eHBI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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