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in today's episode of block city my brother came to visit me again however we got a little too curious and decided to go back to the secret lab where terrible experiments were happening we may or may not have spotted the evil scientist once again but watch the entire episode to find out and let's get 30 000 likes for more seasons of block city in the future today is gonna be such a special day for the kids or most mostly race junior oh good morning ashley good morning all right let me let me wake up the kids you know what we're doing today i'm surprising ray junior all right good morning kids ever oh they're already awake uh good morning son uh well i want you to to wait for me in the backyard okay go go go go go go yes yes yes go to the backyard i have a surprise for both of you guys kind of just wait for me there okay just wait for me there i don't know if you guys remember but in the last episode yep i am getting rage junior another goku i mean i am a i have i've mult i'm a multi-millionaire now basically thanks to frank oh good morning bligh good morning all right kids all right all right all right wait wait wait wait wait wait ashley come take a look at this i got a little surprise for the kids oh my goodness all right raise junior stand right here stand right here i don't know if you guys remember but uh yeah it's all disgusting and rusted what is this oh you're about to find out take a look buddy if i can open oh there it is there it is and there you go no way there okay okay this time before you hop in the go-kart no what do you mean how your dad's a rich man again this time you better take good care of it okay it lasted five seconds last time let me fill up the gas real quickly for you okay this time you better be careful all right let it rip oh no i hope the same thing i hope it doesn't either okay okay be careful be careful little rage junior okay okay oh oh yeah i i don't i i said carefully oh okay i hope he doesn't go on the street and stuff okay raise junior race junior not on the streets rachel here because you almost killed me get out get out no rage junior get out now now now yeah get out okay okay not too crazy okay go slower next time okay sheesh i know okay don't don't ride it now okay oh but anyways wow the weather is so nice today race junior i know what i want to do today where do i oh it's really nice out today yes it's super sunny and everything amber you can stay out here play with everything you know play with your toys and stuff right junior swimming today swimming today you want to go for a little swim yeah okay okay let's go let's go change into our swim trunks remember that blue swim trunks i got you yeah all right let me go change real quickly go upstairs and change okay go go go go go let me change let me change oh my goodness it's super rare to have nice weather like this in black city and just like that i am now in my swim trunks all right hopefully rage junior is ready as well race junior you're good to go oh there he is there he is i think i'm gonna read in here okay sure sure no worries i'm just gonna enjoy swimming real quickly oh yeah let's go let's go let's jump into the pool go go you first you first i want to see how much you've improved uh i did i did a drawing oh let me see let me see let me see let me see what you drew this time is that is that my among us character you is sus okay okay all right you better you better get in the pool now i wanna i wanna see have fun thank you thank you ashley all right oh oh you're gonna use the diving board be careful race junior watch this be careful be careful oh my gosh don't break a leg oh oh he can actually swim in the deep end now sheesh amber amber don't get too close amber go over there go over there you get you're too close to the pool you're making me nervous all right all right all right all right i'm gonna put your bear right here play with your bear right there all right watch me raise junior check this out check this out yeah wait wait wait go go go okay okay you're okay let's go let's go i'm gonna jump as high as i possibly can and three two one and jump 360. [Applause] oh man that was that was pretty pretty awesome all right well come into the pool and let's do some swim some laps come on come on i taught you freestyle last time let's do some laps let's do some laps all right all right all right [Music] oh okay okay that was that was really awesome that was really awesome okay okay swimming is super fun isn't it rage junior oh my goodness i'm doing so good i know you are doing really good ashley come for a swim with us come come first one with ray's junior and i hey huh oh i bet she wants to go for a swim huh it is super super sunny outside but uh what's up what's up ashley i'm gonna teach you how to swim soon amber once you get a little older there's a strange nerd looking guy out front huh whoo strange nerd looking who uh who could who could it be oh hey bly that is looking so cute all right who are you talking tim tim what what are you doing here um you know we went a house hunting a while ago ow what who is this guy i'll explain in a second but wait what are you doing i'm giving this neighborhood a second chance because i can't find a better house so really welcome come on in come on once again come on come on come on i don't know if i want to stay here okay okay okay i'll try to change your mind today well last time you didn't meet ashley well ashley this is my little brother tim plays and uh you know this is actually i have a wife yeah you didn't believe me last time you thought i was holding on man you thought i was last you thought i was lying last time well this is my wife right here um oh huh hi oh wait last time you came here did you meet my daughter you have a daughter i thought you it was only you and rachel oh oh god you need to come and see the house is so different yup he was here once yep yep he was here one last like last time but you kind of missed him yeah you were you were out grocery shopping i believe but um uh why didn't you tell i'm pretty sure i did oh i must have forgotten well hey i'm sorry oh my gosh raise junior is so high up in the air why raise your head ray junior not that high you're gonna break your legs yo okay okay that's my that's my son that you met last time hey junior get over here oh this is amber right yeah okay so amber this is uncle tim this is my brother this is uncle tim and oh ray junior you remember i know you from beautiful oh my goodness ray junior go change go change you gotta you gotta go oh i was kind of scared to raise junior yeah i know i know i know he is kind of a brat still too uh race junior go change i'm gonna go change real quickly too okay let me change let me change all right let me go and change youtube race junior go change go change all right let me go change it real quick quickly why is it in the pool oh there you are come on come on let let's go back to to uncle too hey tim look at look at the new shirt look at the new shirt i got i got uh rey's jr i wanted this one i know i know what is the guy i didn't have oh yeah wait did you jump in the pool no i didn't oh here this man was about to jump into the phone fully clothed look at this look at the shirt what do you think i bought it for now did you where'd you get it okay okay i actually didn't buy it i actually didn't buy it forever junior uh my wife did all right well before we head out um because you know i'm thinking we should get something nice to eat you know it's been a while since i've seen you um before we do that i'll be mcdonald's again okay it's not mcdonald's this time i promise this time okay i'm gonna take you somewhere gourmet i heard that there's a brand new restaurant opening up or i think it already opened up but it was like very recent another fast food restaurant man this time i promise all right but follow me first follow me follow me oh gas station oh okay that's where it is okay well i know exactly where that is now uh damn tim no no that's ray's juniors he's gonna be mad he said hey yeah he's uh he's very selfish all right to my card see you later bye-bye ashley see you actually hungry so all right let's go let's go i have a surprise for you before we go see you later can i go no raise junior this is this is uh i don't mind but but but come on you know he come on come on just do an eye we gotta catch up but no rage junior no all right junior just stay with ashley and amber it's fine okay let's go he said oh always in the way all right so are we taking your car or my car oh we are but like let me uh let me surprise you with something so you know you know brandon right you know brandon crafter the guy that kind of looks like you with a glass yeah just a little bit well he came by black city and i surprised him with a brand new house and guess what he did what did he do he wasn't very grateful he left he left he said oh there's a ghost in here oh and then he left so i'm here to surprise you with this house it's kind of hard not to believe in though this neighborhood is a little weird no it's not that weird come on it's not as weird as like other neighborhoods that i've lived in this is like slightly better you know quietly okay okay okay here's the kitchen right here this is all yours it's super nice though it's super modern super modern house why don't you get this house instead they just built it it's brand new i mean it is my house because i bought it so it is here instead of your other house the other one is like more of a family home you know well i mean it's your house now it's your house now so don't even worry about it um but yeah you have a nice pool my pants are what now man why do you keep jumping into the pool spaghetti all right uh you might want to dry up right here right by the fireplace we have a nice fireplace nice little living room area nice tv you know 50 inch tv we have like you know different movies and all that all right hey you might you might burn yourself oh my goodness uh let's go upstairs we have another myself we have another uh entertainment area very nice um right here bathroom shower very nice uh we have you know a nice computer forgot our bears actually work here yeah you saw yourself you're like uh but we have a nice gaming setup yeah you like this do we have minecraft open for me i like that you like this yeah i do this is all yours this is all yours brandon only slept here once and he left after that only once i mean there has to be a reason man though i might want to buy a house myself so no no no well you can stay here for now yeah i'll stay here for now i might i have to move into a different house okay okay okay sounds good you said you couldn't find a better place to stay or something yeah last time we went house hunting we found like a haunted neighborhood or something i see i see all right hop on in we are heading out to the restaurant oh my goodness i think you're gonna love it tim oh man i promise this time it's gourmet it better not be mcdonald's okay it seems like we're heading towards mcdonald's no no no no no don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it oh can you drive [Music] everything about you is dangerous i don't like this what do you mean okay so ashley said that the restaurant was running for a car what where you're on the sidewalks oh ashley said that the restaurant was right beside the gas station so to the right is the gas station so where where the heck is the restaurant is it to the left right here uh that looks kind of sketchy does it not is that a restaurant or what this restaurant looks fine are you sure is it a restaurant oh wait like uh wait do you see who that is who gordon gordon ramsay wait he's here in new york city city it's made by cory ramsey so it should be like amazing right yeah you said it's going right let's go oh my goodness okay okay he's the best of the best chef you know from what i've seen all right go on in all right all right oh my goodness this is gonna be amazing where is everyone everyone we're right here i don't know what do you mean where is everyone you mean you mean like the my staff oh oh yeah where is your stuff i mean hope it is happening right now yeah you know they're stupid huh oh my goodness i think he's angry where's his staff where the heck is this uh yeah is everything all right can't do nothing i mean you can cook for us yeah you can oh are you not no yeah all right oh aren't you the chef you know aren't you the chef here all right very nice um all right well you take our order then here i'm gonna sit right here i'm gonna sit right here okay all right what do you have here what's the matter hey tim tim right here it's gourmet it's gourmet uh yeah yeah yes especially gordon ramsay come over here gordon come over here where's the menu come on man as well you're the waiter you're the waitress you got the menu come on gordon come on gordon serve us he is kind of rich already by himself yeah do you see his watch he has a rolex sheesh i mean i'll take the rollers instead of food if you don't want to hurt us what would you like mmm gourmet gourmet hmm i would like a bunga what pic already okay i said i would like a bug the way you say it oh i was so confused with you i would like a vaga and some chips please chips at a restaurant okay no no that's how they say like instead of fries they say chips i'll take pasta all right all right so my brother right here we'll take some pasta yeah hey uh wait um while we wait oh is he gonna go cook okay okay he's gonna go cook any drinks um i'll take um i'll take a strawberry smoothie uh do you guys have any of those did you just ask for that here just say water just say all right okay okay okay okay uh gordon gordon i'll take uh i'll take one i'll take one dr thunder please please all right thank you thank you see tim you gotta choose good drinks like that come on i don't know anything about gourmet food all right let me go talk to gordon real quickly i've always wanted to meet him hey uh gordon gordon excuse me chef uh can i take a selfie with you real quick can i take you uh can i take a selfie what why not dude so rude man i used to i used to watch every single episode of your show i'm working i don't care oh okay okay okay okay please don't poison my food please please please please okay okay okay how was that uh he wasn't very nice i mean you shouldn't be walking into someone's kitchen like that yeah but but that's but that's you gordon ask app he gets our food no no no no i wanted a selfie now so i can post a selfie on instagram while we eat you could get the selfie before we eat no hurry up man i'm getting hungry sometimes you gotta give them the same energy you know you know how rude he is we gotta be rude back all right all right all right you're not gonna get food okay all right let me see let me see is this my bug all right and dr thunder again yeah why did i only get water i said i was gonna get one use that water we had not we had not chips okay um whatever thunder drink you were making right here where's my it's right here it's right here look if you have it i ordered it too i said what i'd get excuse me excuse me sir excuse me gordon ramsay excuse me the meat is raw go remake that burger for me let's go let's go let's go let's go he's sorry he's sorry he's sorry all right calm down calm down oh yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry all right he said leave mom get out of here get out of here he meets you too he's gonna slice you too do you wanna get sliced oh i don't have money i don't have money on me well i guess you're dying yeah okay i have a premium i have premium credit card i have a premium credit card i'll pay i'll pay tim tim wait in the car where's the car here you go don't steal my credit card now all right come on uh i'm paying i'm paying hurry up hurry up put it on my tab man he's so rude man that's why that's why sometimes you gotta be rude back to people who are rude charges twice what do you mean charges twice oh you know what guys let's just leave whoa wait you don't have my keys wait you have my keys ow wow he punched me out wire car all right what where'd you learn that from all right tim tim we we gotta head back get out of because you had bad manners i can't even get a selfie i'm sorry okay i'm sorry well something maybe next time maybe next time all right at least we know that gordon ramsay works in a terrible customer i don't think he wants us back there hey usually i'm a good customer okay usually usually usually uh okay stop driving so weird just drive straight we're almost home we're almost home it must have been the dr thunder that's making me a little drunk or something i don't know what it is hey all right we're home we're home we're home okay we're home we're home we're home okay okay okay we're at your house what what what is that oh uh you know what i don't think you want to go there man let's go there what don't drive don't drive there don't drive there don't drive there i think it's better if we walk there but let me just warn you right now that place might not be the safest place all right it looks so cool no no no it's a lab it's a it's it's like a secret lap see block wait wait wait wait do you see who's that no no wait wait tim tim tim that guy right there i met him last time he's actually an evil scientist and he's wanted by the police tim henry shh huh what's happening oh yeah tim i don't think this is a good idea um you can't see me wait what do you have excuse me you're right there excuse me uh aren't you the guy i saw last time what are you what are you doing here what's that in your hand yeah oh it's you yeah you've seen me before you gave me a job here well well you said you were quitting and how did the job well i mean two cops showed up and tried arresting me and they told me you're wanted by the police what are you yeah yeah you uh what what exactly are you doing here uh can you explain what you're doing here at the lab i need to get my stuff up um okay all right go go for it then i mean you can go ahead damn tim i know we should call the cop said right yeah i don't think i can trust why are you why why didn't you tell me earlier i did i tried to all the time i tried to okay hold on let me call all right i i'm leaving no no jim stay with me please please please uh hello hello yeah is this is this 9-1-1 uh yeah uh i found him i found the i found a little scientist tim tim try to block the entrance time try try to block the entrance a little bit okay um there's this track we found the we found the evil scientist that you were looking for the wanted evil scientist okay you'll be here how are you doing okay okay you're uh my brother's boss but i i don't really know anything about they'll be here soon they'll be here soon tim tim i haven't you've been up to no no no ah tim come over here let let him grab his stuff let him grab his stuff damn tim i called the police and they said they'll be here soon so let's just wait up in front if he tries to leave oh wait he said he said wait what wait what he alright no no no no wait tim back oh they're here they're here hello hello stop stop stop stop right there yeah that's him that's him that's him right there yeah yeah stop oh my goodness why do they have like shields and like crowbars you won't catch me what oh my goodness we got you completely surrounded tim don't get too close because he has like poison and stuff he has poison that man has poison oh what the oh oh hopefully they can arrest him hopefully they can arrest him get him get him get him i'll stop him no no no tim what if he hits you with the poison try try okay okay i'm not even gonna try to huh you already used it okay okay oh they're beating him up oh excuse me police police relax he he's just a human being relax you're going a little too far i can tell when i can when i oh he oh okay okay they arrested him phew all right well see you later man see you later man but what what what is he doing oh what is he doing oh no he's releasing them get him get him get him get him get him get him he tried to release frankenstein oh my goodness no no he's gonna release here brian no no no no no get him get him get him okay fine i'll help i'll help i'll help no stop breaking it stop breaking it get him just arrest him already please okay okay finally they arrested him all right hey guys oh my goodness yeah take him away take him away please don't be careful they're syringes oh yeah careful careful take take them away yes yes yes yeah get out of here you evil scientist you're in you ow what the heck why do you hit me get out of here get out of here i called the police because you're wanted all right i don't want to what huh uh wait he said i will find you what do you need yeah not if you're in jail yeah you loser oh my gosh i will make you suffer what first no are you gonna do anything yeah you make me suffer everything those suits what oh that's so funny they're like go out we're mine those suits were mine here just get him out of here oh my goodness look at him look at him wait wait let let's see him get taken away that'd be so funny take him away police take him away you have the right to remain silent get him out of here yeah get in the car yeah he's resisting arrest get him out of here he said wait let me say something wait wait tim tim he said let me say something all right all right say something then say something say something you might want to walk out of that block though because i can't see what you're saying but tell me what you're saying man you know those suits yeah yeah those those uh lab suits as those lab coats yeah yeah i know those what about them the incredible ones oh yeah my family yeah the entire family turned into incredible for a day hey what what why is he laughing did he have something to do with them what he said take me away tell it to the judge yeah tell it to the judge i don't know what's happening but does that mean that this lab is ours now basically yeah basically oh my goodness hold on hold on before we go without the creatures though uh it should be fine it should be fine he didn't like fully crack them open but let me show you something the lab coats the lab coats he left behind they're premium put it on put it on let's put them on let's put them on there's two left there's one all right one for me one for you [Music] look at you oh my goodness hey yo we're twins right now we both have the suits on and everything oh my goodness he almost let out here ryan frankenstein's almost and frankenstein oh my god that we can use to repair this nope there's no glass but this lab is ours right we can get it repaired anytime but there is one better right now because i know but i don't have any i don't have any but uh there are other places in this lab that i really wanted to check out that i couldn't check out before good or anything to open this up see i'm live yeah yeah let's try to spin it uh you you go on the other side you go on the other side because i don't think i can do it alone all right ready three two one oh there we go it opened up oh very nice secret lab i don't know if i should be doing this what it's our lab now tim yeah but he was a mad scientist he couldn't have anything down there he has herobrine out in the open what could be going crazy it can't be that bad it can't be that bad come on all right fine fine fine fine fine it shouldn't be it it can't be wait do you see those those potions are all spilled two of them and they look poisonous oh i'm staying on this yes they stay a little further from them i can't even understand the language in these science books um yeah there's like pills yeah there's like potions and like pills all over the place uh are these skeletons yeah these look like the anatomy of like a human get wait is this real don't tell me that i hope not don't get too close to the potions what what it is probably real you see this bed right here he probably cut him up and put him on the thing okay okay okay okay there's only one more place to check and we're getting out of here okay i'm closing the door i'm closing the door all right we gotta open the other one together we're getting rid of all of that all right we're getting rid of that we're getting somebody together yeah if this becomes our lab we can't be having any of this we'll get arrested all right all right you go on the other side ready look look up what before what chamber chamber i mean it could be like a good chamber you expect something good out of the bag i think all right all right all right ready three two one ah oh all right all right let's check this one out go slowly man go slowly roll it back up oh no see tim i told you it was a bad idea to come back no no no no we're out of here oh my god no dab dab dab dab down with this place he's he's leaving yo i'm dropped down here oh oh my goodness i was gonna die i would have been one of the skeletons sooner or later oh oh my god what i thought you left the door open oh no oh no no i i closed that i closed it oh my goodness maybe why is that out of here oh there's like a little stray dog right there oh oh it's getting mad oh gosh go go go go go get in my car get in my car i need to park okay go go bar get in my garage okay we're good we're good we're good oh my goodness oh my goodness all right all right let's go let's go back let's go back all right you can't just leave the house like that wait what he's doing hey oh raise you in here did i not tell you you can't go on the roads oh my goodness not behaving when i'm not around sheesh ray junior no more parked that thing right there all right ashley i took my um took my brother around this uh this town took him to a really nice restaurant you haven't been there yet but i'll take you there what is here we got let's get inside what are you two wearing uh well uh look look i i don't know okay okay let's go back into the living room all right that's staring at us yeah yeah we'll explain here tim take a seat on my sofa take a seat take a seat take a seat all right all right we'll explain so turns out we we found him we found that wanted mad scientist and i called the cops on him i did the right thing this time and he got arrested and so we decided to become scientists ourselves right right high five high five high five high five wait why is that dog still out there oh my goodness yeah but we need somebody to clean up that lab because it is oh yeah yeah um yeah nothing's wrong with it i saw the police go by are you guys okay yeah we're fine we're fine you guys catch the bad guy yeah we catch the bad guy look at his shirt looking super super clean all right well what body what what what'd you tell her what did you tell her what what do you mean bodies i i didn't say anything there's nothing wrong with it it's just it's just not safe to go there right now okay yeah yeah it's just not safe to go oh yeah you do send bodies you say clean up bodies hold up hold up that just hit me you said that in front of ashley oh my goodness okay well don't tell don't tell anyone about this all right tim the dog is here again oh my goodness don't tell anyone about this okay don't tell anyone about this all right uh wait wait where you going wait it's my car but oh oh are you just parking it over there oh okay okay nice nice all right perfect you just ran over the dog what are you doing all right make sure you make sure you park the car very nicely at your own place all right tim you'll be staying the night here right yeah all right perfect well good night tim hopefully yeah wait tim this is this is your place now though tim yeah yeah oh no oh i'll see you tomorrow all right all right see you tomorrow all right good night good night all right ashley my my brother's uh gonna be sleeping at that house i can't believe you got what do you mean what do you mean i promise everything has been figured out so don't worry about it all right well let's go to sleep uh tim will be sleeping uh over there to tonight all right why did you go back well tim was really curious tim was really curious okay that's why oh don't forget to wake up the kids all right fine fine i'll wake up the kids and then i should probably check up on tim i hope he didn't leave just like brandon did the first night wake up race junior hey junior ow ray junior wake up amber wake up wake up all right all right i should probably uh um ashley you want to come over you want to come over and uh wake up tim all right oh you wanna come too can i drive the car today okay fine but like first first let's go say hi to uncle tim all right let's go say hi to uncle tim everyone come on amber youtube all right all right all right tim tim tim how's it going i hope he slept well at the new place all right listen tim you know what hey tim tim the family just wanted to say good morning uh where where are you going uh um i thought i'd take a nice little drive around the neighborhood oh really i mean hey i'll i'll take you around it's okay no it's fine i'll i'll just go by myself okay what do you mean i always almost ran over ray jr oh my god this dog really wants to die what are you doing tim no tim where are you going wait you don't know where you're going though she said are you okay we're there i know most of the neighborhood is fine no no no tim please please don't leave dude i'm not leaving i'm not leaving i'm just i'm just uh taking a nice soldier i don't know for some reason you're not for now for some reason you're not convincing me very much please do i want to go to restaurants you know have a nice little food for breakfast i just realized about myself by myself why because you want a selfie with gordon ramsay yeah myself you're gonna have to back in the lab out of my car get out of the way oh my gosh where's my gun damn i need to pop those tires again [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 849,975
Rating: 4.9305086 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft Block City, Block City Minecraft, RageElixir Block City, Block City Roleplay, We Returned to The Secret Lab in Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Video, Crazy Scientist, Evil Scientist Minecraft, RageElixir Lab, Block Labs Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay, We Returned to The Secret Lab, Evil Scientist in Minecraft
Id: brRwGqfN0oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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