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so in the last episode i got my first job at the gas station after saving the owner from getting robbed before i went to my first night of work i decided to get myself a weapon to protect myself just in case something like that ever happened to me especially during the night shift what happened during my first night of work will shock you watch the entire video to find out what happens welcome to episode 10 of block city hey guys become a member of the channel today for exclusive live streams every single month the rage nation is awaiting you enjoy the video we won't be buying all right then give me my ten dollars back ah that was a pretty good episode of the block city hmm maybe i have some time to watch another episode no no no i shouldn't i shouldn't i should probably walk around the house a little bit just because i need a little bit of exercise you know if i if i just watch block city all day i'm gonna become fat so let's just take a little walk real quickly just a little run around the house oh hey ashley how's it going hi honey hey how's it going how's your day been i just finished binging some uh i just finished binging some uh block city you know if you haven't if you haven't watched blog city you have to you have to you can't miss an episode wait do you want to watch the next block city episode with me come on let's let's head on over come on come on oh my goodness you know i was gonna i was gonna exercise a little bit but i'm i'm in the mood to watch some block city do you want to block city and chill yeah well baby rage needs to go to daycare oh man it's always baby rage this baby rage that's ow can you take him i'll watch it oh i'll watch it tonight when i'll watch it when you work tonight oh i wanted to watch it with you we could have had a little movie date night but ah no no no how about how about you save watching it until later okay we're watching it fine okay okay sounds good uh so yeah i'm gonna go i have to run some errands okay i'm gonna go get baby rage okay and then i'll take him to daycare hopefully you have a good day today okay okay see you later all right i gotta go i gotta go and grab baby rage real quickly baby rage where's my little cute baby at hey that's me right there look at me guys dang man i love this house no matter like at first i kind of regretted buying this house because it was so expensive but baby rage where are you at um baby rage oh wait where's baby rage baby rage baby your age where are you at i swear if ashley's trolling me and and made him hide in our room in our bedroom baby rage huh i could check the security cameras but i don't know i i could have sworn he was i was watching tv and he went upstairs i'm pretty sure right playing with his toys and everything i i don't know he could be in the backyard though which he should not be all by himself because you guys remember what happened last time right oh my goodness spike it has been such a long time since i've seen you spiky spike how's it going little baby doggy okay you want a bone and give you a bone if you want okay you know what i'm just gonna leave spike alone because he's just having the time of his life just sunbathing out here in this beautiful weather ah okay guys i might be in trouble if ashley finds out that i lost baby rage for the 15th time she's gonna kill me so uh i better i better get to looking guys where are you baby rage where is baby rage guys like i'm i'm i'm looking around but no baby oh wait there's some there's some toy blocks right here oh there's another hold on a second there's a stuffed piggy right here and then wait what was this was this here the entire time i had no clue guys what baby rage baby rage wait where is he at where's baby reach um there's some toys here but where is baby rage wait toys another wait what's this there was a whole tree house outside of my house and i had no clue and it's two stories what in the world baby rage what are you doing here what are you doing baby rage i didn't even know this had this existed i know dang well you did not build this this is so high up are you okay like how how are you climbing up and how are you like going back down what in the world you're only three years old baby rage i need to take you to daycare okay i need to take your daycare so follow me don't fall down now don't fall down now i don't even know what he said to be honest but um yeah come on come on down don't get hurt okay don't get hurt all right we gotta go today carrie get get get your toy of choice okay get your toy of choice we'll go you don't want any toys okay okay yeah yeah yeah get your little um nutcracker toy all right so let's head on out come on come on i gotta take you to daycare because daddy has to go to work soon so i'm a little bit stressed because it cuts into my block city episode time you know i i just want to watch my favorite show the black city so yeah um i would take a bike but it's kind of dangerous for you to hop in so hop in the truck let's uh baby rage you need to sit sit in the right seat can't get you can't have you getting hurt okay why do you leave your toy there bud eh it doesn't matter let me take you to daycare real quickly all right baby rage we're here i'm gonna go ahead get on out all right baby rage hope you have a good day okay don't get don't get into trouble again because you guys know what happened last time apparently he was really really bad but but that kind of reminds me of myself when i was a kid oh my gosh get in the right seat all right so it's either i go back home in washington block city but ah man what should i do guys like it's kind of dangerous to work at you know work at night at the gas especially the gas station because the day we went to fill up our gas we found someone trying to rob the gas station so maybe i should stop by the mall to get some like get a weapon at least i don't know i don't know if i want to be holding a gun after all that's happened so let's i don't know maybe i can find a good weapon or something like that i can use at the mall i don't know i know there's a gun store right we've been there before let's just go ahead head into the gun store if it does exist oh it does exist there it is the gun store and of course this time we're not actually breaking in and stealing all the weapons because there's someone working here hello sir how can i help you today well i'm just looking for um a weapon basically it doesn't have to be a gun it just has to be something enough to hurt someone just because you know i'm working night shift at a gas station and you know how dangerous that can be it's my first night by the way oh you wouldn't believe uh sure well you wouldn't believe how i got the job actually if if you're interested you know i'm sure you're interested so let me just tell you about the story uh basically so violence dude you you run you run a gun store what do you mean so violence that's all you're about okay anyways anyways yeah a weapon yeah it doesn't have to be a gun like i actually oh how about a taser let's do it let's do it how much will that come out to i only have like 240 dollars so you know i'm not i'm not rich like all these other oh forty dollars take my money take my money that's not even that expensive let's let's let's get a taser gun oh that's the taser oh this is actually quite stylish have a good day can i test her oh don't hurt anyone sir i was so close to shooting him guys uh can i test it out no you can't test it oh pretty sure i just shot it i can't even use it on the target here no oh all right well guys i'm kind of feeling like a little happy right now and and i kind of want to treat myself before i pick up baby rage because you know if i if i bring baby rage with me i'm gonna have to you know get him a cone as well and i don't want to do that right now i'm in the mood to treat myself not my baby guys not my son i'm here to treat myself and i have two hundred dollars to spare so just head on over to the ice cream store let's see what what excuse can i make up this time oh i can say oh my gosh i can say my wife's in the hospital and i've been playing i've been paying for her medical bills oh oh there's oh must be closed today dang it ah that would have been so nice that would have been so nice if if they were working today i would have been able to make like a pretty funny excuse and hopefully we could have gotten something but i guess we gotta go pick up uh baby rage real quickly guys let me let me go pick him up from daycare he's probably waiting for me he's like why why isn't dad show up yet okay i hope my son wasn't being bad today oh there he is he's just waiting for me hey baby rage how is today how was daycare today good are you doing good good oh good okay well i gotta drop you off at home real quickly okay i gotta drop you off at home real quickly and daddy has to go to work all right all right baby rage we're almost home wait get out get out get out baby rage just a second okay okay i don't know why the front door is open uh hold on baby rage baby rage i need you to stay here okay there has been so many bad things that have been happening you know in the neighborhood guys what if there's another robber inside our house okay i have my taser in my hand just in case i'm going hey hey anyone in the house freeze freeze i have a gun i have a gun freeze freeze freeze wait what are you doing but the the the the front door was open it was wide open so so i thought someone was breaking in where where are they oh what do you mean oh i left it oh wait why would you when i got groceries oh good thing it didn't shoot you oh my goodness i think it went past her oh it was an accident oh okay okay so sorry so sorry i have this like i bought a tape is that taser yeah i bought it i bought a taser uh why just to protect myself you know how all these what is it with you and weapons around our kid i'm so sorry like we need baby rage oh my gosh i think baby rage got scared i'm so sorry ashley i'm so sorry great i'm so ashley i'm so sorry you scared what can i do i'm trying to protect our family okay i'm doing whatever i can like there's a lot of bad things happening in black city you know you know that you know so i promise i promise i won't hurt any of us okay even though i almost shot you just now but i guess well i have to head out to work let me get you lunch for work okay okay sounds good man it's almost time for work my first day at work guys i feel like i'm going to school or something like that my first day of school or something okay well we got a little lunch box okay okay thank you there you go all right have a great night dang this feels so weird going to work at night but um um you better promise me okay you don't watch the episode be safe don't hurt anyone hey i can't i can't promise you that if they try to hurt me okay ow okay fine all right well i'm heading off to work okay bye honey all right well oh yeah that's right i parked my car out front because i thought the door was left wide open well well then guys it's almost 12 a.m let's head out to the gas station for my first day of work and just like that i'm here this is my first day at work guys like i'm kind of nervous i'm not gonna lie because just just because it's my first day of work and also it's night shift i haven't worked night shift in like ever this is my first time ever working at a gas station and at night wait why is it why is the door wide open what in the world okay i better close it well help wanted all right all right i'm pretty sure i got a note from the owner saying that the passcode to the vault was one two three or something like that let me just go ahead and check our inventory everything is good you know all the food is in line the coca-cola oh the cola machine from mcdonald's very very similar we have a little cake dispenser i think this is cake dispenser um we have um some desserts over here man this is actually pretty pretty nice okay so what oh we have a little gasoline station of course of course we got this you know gasoline boxes and stuff all right well let me go ahead and check the um oh the vault is full of money guys dang they have 100 oh wow 200 dang this is some there's a nice amount of dollars in here guys okay well guys i guess i'm clocked in this is my first day here working at a gas station no customers just yet though left my car out there i i'm keeping my eye on my car guys just in case someone tries to steal my money i mean still steal my car wait what's that sound oh what in the world wait is it just me or does that girl have red eyes uh hi uh how's it going very good yeah how's your night how's your night been hey um yeah having a good night yeah do you have tools uh what kind of tools what kind of tools uh are you looking for like ones doctors use um you might have to go check the mall because this is the gas station to open up people and no no we do we do not you have nice eyes oh how how much what what do you mean how much how much who is that guy hey what is he doing he's looking around okay okay all right for your eyes uh my eyes are not for sale hurry up lady okay actually that guy behind you might might have his eyes for sale actually all right well she just left she just asked how much my eyes are hey sir what are you looking for uh people are so annoying oh um what are you trying to buy here uh chocolate okay you want some chocolate and chocolate cupcake okay that'll be uh ten dollars ten yeah what do you what do you think this is whatever what do you think this is a grocery store nah this is a gas station i'm here to rob you oh oops not the carrot there you go i mean the the carrot is just a you know healthy treat because you've been eating a lot of health unhealthy stuff you know are you calling me no i'm not calling you yeah yeah dang that guy was in a bad mood dang what are you just throwing the track okay well man these people are um what did he just say i did not see what he said but uh yeah guys like some people are just in a bad mood at night so i gotta be nicer to them you know it's my first day at work so just gotta be nice to everyone oh what a nice little lady right there maybe i should um you know what while she's filling up her gas i should probably write something in the work log i think there's a work log let me uh let me log number one this this is so creepy guys weird stuff i told you guys night shift is probably not the best idea this lady came in asking for tools to gouge out people's eyes then she also asked how much my eyes cost like what that is so weird all right and then another page log number two very rude customer all right that should be good all right let me go ahead and put that back in the protected vault just like so all right hello um hello uh hello um are you looking for anything specific ma'am ma'am are you looking for anything specific hi hi uh are you looking for anything can i have these things uh sure chocolate syrup we got bourbon biscuits and oreo cookie sure and a lottery ticket uh okay is this a lottery ticket oh it is okay sure here's a lottery ticket there you go ma'am and that'll be uh twenty dollars how much uh twenty dollars for the uh lottery ticket oh thank you wait wait you forgot your stuff here's your stuff right here there you go all right perfect i hope you have a good night wait what is going on outside what the heck did i just see her car get thrown around for for some reason i don't know what just happened to be honest dang all right so far you know everything has been good so far just those first two customers a little bit what the what was the was those sounds coming from wait is there someone in the bathroom i feel like someone's in the bathroom or something like that you know what i'm gonna take out the trash uh because that guy threw away some carrots right here you know i'm gonna throw throw out the trash real quickly in the back um dang someone is going ham in the bathroom guys i don't know what what they ate but dang they went ham let me just uh oh crap i get i didn't give that lady the chocolate syrup oh well it is what it is and let me just throw away some of this stuff that i don't even need i should probably eat the the lunch pack later later i'm not really hungry right now but um let's head back inside wait uh did i just lock myself out oh my goodness i might just have to go back in from the front guys oh my goodness oh my goodness wait uh oh there's just two kids okay okay maybe i shouldn't have like a taser just in case it looked kind of suspicious that for a second because i got locked out but everything seems to be okay hello hello what do you what do you oh wait let me get back um hi sir uh these two little sweet kids guys hey man how's your night i'm actually doing good it's actually my first night on the job i'm working night shift we need help oh oh uh are you guys okay are you lost wait where are they at each other what uh we no no no need your money oh that's not a bb gun i thought that was a fake gun for a second uh open the register um or we shoot uh oh no no no please please please no no that is not something you should be playing around with please kids i have a family okay please please please okay okay oh my goodness these kids are gonna kill me if i oh yeah stop shooting stop shooting stop shooting okay okay these kids probably don't know a lot about money so i'm just gonna give them the low bills real quickly all right kids here's your money all right this is everything in the register all right this is everything in the register please please just ah oh my god oh my god please please that is everything we're rich stop shooting oh my god oh my god he's shooting at me oh my gosh guys i need to lock the door i need to lock the door oh my god yo they're shooting everything what in the world not my car though please do not shoot my car i'd be so mad guys holy crap i'm i'm definitely gonna lose my job guys what in the world why does every every bad thing happen in block city guys this city is just so messed up you know what i'm taking the rest of this money i i know i'm getting fired anyway so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put in a log a work log real quickly log three final all right i'm just gonna i'm just gonna basically explain everything two kids came in and robbed me they both had shotgun i don't want to die so i quit p.s i'm taking all your money all right well uh i gotta take all their money all right you know what guys i'm out i never i never want to work here again i knew it was such a i you know what i can't even i can't even complain i needed a job and the man gave me a job so i everything will be just fine everything will be just fine all right everything will be just fine oh man well i guess i'd better head back home and explain to my wife that i don't have a job anymore guys oh my gosh
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 813,140
Rating: 4.9268646 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, Night Shift, RageElixir Minecraft PE, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Scary Minecraft Video, Working Night Shift in Minecraft, Working Night Shift in a Gas Station in Minecraft, Block City, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition Block City, RageElixir Block City Minecraft, RageElixir Minecraft Block City
Id: l8ncvbymTbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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