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because you guys have been so supportive with the block city series i have decided to continue making more episodes i really hope you guys enjoy so in the last episode i found out that my wife had a dark secret in her secret base under our mansion i also found out that she was cheating on me with the real jim davis and that my baby wasn't really mine what happens next will blow your mind leave a like and watch the entire video welcome to episode 8 of block city hey guys become a member of the channel today for exclusive live streams every single month the rage nation is awaiting you enjoy the video oh hmm where am i oh man that was a long nap what wait where where am i why is there a school why is it why is there a skull on the ground uh what in the world why is there blood all over the floor and how did what guys where the heck am i how did i even get here i don't even know where i am like this this is not my house like i the last thing i remember i was i was driving away to find a new neighborhood what is what what are those sounds um how do i get out of here um why why are the doors barricaded what did i get kidnapped what is happening oh my goodness i'm pretty sure this is the front door too i can't even get out because it's barricaded like like oh my goodness guys like how how did this even happen oh my gosh every single door is barricaded guys i might just have to i might just have to drink myself to death or something i don't know what do i do like the the kidnappers if i did get kidnapped they're coming for me so what what am i supposed to do like what is this supposed oh wait wait can i get out from here like this door oh my gosh it's an iron door it's it's gonna be impossible for me to get out of but what are those sounds do you guys hear that oh my do you guys see where are these dead bodies coming from like i swear that's gonna be me in a few hours or like minutes if i don't do something um how do i get like look at all these iron doors right here they have like different colors and stuff for some reason the one downstairs it had like a yellow carpet or something like that i don't know guys i'm just looking around seeing if they're what isn't this the thing they used to like chop off heads i guys like i actually don't know what's happening right now um how did i even end how many people have they i swear if there's someone in the bathtub too i'm gonna cry what is happening i just want to get out of here guys how what am i supposed to do is there anything up okay okay the attic is where the sounds are coming from what could be up here what okay i i hate spiders i'm i'm out of here guys there's no way i'm going up there even even what i'm stuck oh my gosh of course of course i'm stuck how do i break the spiders are coming to get me guys this was a trap made by the spiders it has to be it has to be guys i'm gonna die this is this is the end for me guys oh my gosh guys these these spiders were plotting something okay so there seems to be a way to like go from here but i don't know if there's like a secret door or something like that where i can escape from because like i said i don't know where i just woke up i just woke up um i'm pretty sure i took like a super long nap i don't know the last thing i remembered was driving away from from block city you know i was driving away from block city after oh my gosh i don't even want to remember it i i i don't even i don't even want to talk about it guys you know you know what happened you know what happened um there's a cake in here there's a cake in this oven like i bet you guys they used ingredients from those dead bodies guys i i don't even know is there anything in any of these pantries i can use um in this bucket possibly the knives oh oh maybe i can protect myself with the nut wait what is this um doesn't say anything on there red room key wait a second this might have something to do with the carpet colors i'm not i'm not too sure though but if it is oh no this no guys this is the door with the dead body in it oh this is a trap i better i better look behind me when i'm doing this i don't trust this guys okay it let me in but i swear something's gonna hit me in the back of the head and just what is this place this is so creepy guys there's a red rose in like some sort of like glass casing anything in any of these shelves nothing what's this orange room key okay okay um so apparently this is someone's bedroom but they for some reason like dead bodies and always did you guys hear that what was that sound my gosh guys i feel so groggy right now because i just woke up out of nowhere like well i don't like i said the the last memory i had was just you know me me driving away so i don't even know what happened if i even got kidnapped huh this is a a kid's room oh my god that's that's a skeleton of a of an infant what this is so terrible guys this is actually terrible this is this is disgusting um i'm pretty sure this was a little girl's room and of course inside of this toy box what is that sound it's so disturbing blue room key oh my gosh i'm pretty sure the sounds were coming from this room too what i'm so scared why is there why are there more dead bodies oh is this supposed to be no no no this is not a casket it can't be it has to be like some toilet uh like like towel towel um basket right oh my gosh i hate walking by these skeletons okay what is this yellow room key okay anything in any of these other boxes i have to make sure i check everything before i leave if i can even leave okay so this is the yellow room key right this is this is the way to get out wait guys i might be able to get out now no way no way no way we're out oh my gosh i i gotta get out before before anything else happens what is this thing right here i bet you guys that's another thing that we're gonna use to like torture me or something like that wait a second is this scooter free to use oh the key is already in it oh my gosh all right all right we need to get out of here guys i have no clue where to go but wait hold on a second i need to check this trash bin i bet you got no never mind i'm going i'm i'm going i was about to say there's probably a dead body in there too i don't doubt it but i have no idea where i'm go oh there's construction going that way but if you guys really think about it this might be a trap like this might be a trick forcing me to go one way but you know what we're just gonna fall why are there so why are there so many zombies on the road guys what is happening um ah oh my gosh oh my gosh when did this become a zombie apocalypse all of a sudden what in the world do you guys see all those zombies on the on the road look at those they hit me all of a sudden oh my gosh okay okay well if there is some sort of zod i swear this city is the worst guy this what is even happening there's a gas station right here there's the oh wait isn't this the wait i know where i am wait that's the park where where where i took like oh my gosh there's more zombies oh my goodness i'm wait is this is this a mall okay okay if this is a mall i know that they have a gun shop somewhere like a weaponry shop so maybe i can stop by there i don't know usually like i've seen like zombie apocalypse shows and stuff like that like the walking dead or like you know um resident evil and stuff they basically break into stores and like take take free like just free guns and stuff okay okay this was it right guns i this is my first time ever coming into the store and guess what i'm doing i'm stealing guys okay so they seem to have like outfits and stuff i should probably do this quick because there's zombies roaming around in the mall as well uh which outfit do i like the most oh we got the we got the rona suit guys let's let's take the coronavirus um heb suit helmet you know what i'm taking this this looks like the the the safest route to go um oh we have staff required for gun access man there ain't no staff here i'm taking whatever i need guys um all right let's see what i need i probably need a shotgun i'll probably take some snipers too just in case ace s50 um sniper rifle just in case oh what is this oh okay okay i gotta hurry i gotta hurry give me all the guns give me all the guns what is this tf oh my god this thing is a whole laser what do you guys see that oh my i basically just took all the guns rocket launcher oh my goodness guys i've never held a gun in my life but what i just did is probably not the safest thing to do with with guns i should probably take some oh oh my god i did not mean to shoot that i did not mean to shoot that guys let's probably um do i have a pistol already i don't have a pistol pistols are important guys because in in movies like you know the last resort if you need something for for last resort you got to use a pistol so we've got a scar from fortnite i'm just kidding guys uh we've got mac 10 we've got a sniper rifle i'm going to use that okay okay okay okay i'm using a shotgun boom yeah eat them shelves baby all right guys we're gonna work we're gonna work this man you know what i thought this was scary at first but now i feel invincible oh yeah let's go yeah bob oh my god do you guys see the blood oh this is crazy all right you know what for fun hey hey this is what they do in call of duty zombies i'm pretty sure all right you leave them all right you group them up right right right right i got a rocket launcher in my hand right now oh baby oh my i'm having too much fun with this guys all right my hunger is going down okay okay ready ready watch this wait what i'm i'm out of bullets what in the world okay there seems to be a lot of laser bullets though that i can use where am i supposed to go guys um i don't know guys like me maybe um last time it was all a dream or something like that maybe maybe with like uh i have no clue like um because because in the in the last time you guys know what happened right but maybe maybe that was all a dream because if i got kidnapped it must have all been a like a hallucination or something like that and maybe my my kid and my wife aren't actually dead i i like there's only one way to find out guys right there's only one way to find out let's shoot and and run all right let's just go guys let's just go i feel like i'm destroying this city um okay okay let's let's go find all right let's let's go back why are there so many zombies oh my gosh i gotta use the mac 10 now guys man the mac 10 doesn't really do too much damage i think the scar is the way to go there's so many zombies guys i literally just drove past all of them um i really hope my wife and kid are okay oh my goodness oh man please please let it all be a dream let it all be a dream i hope they're okay i can't believe a zombie apocalypse is actually happening um wait my car is right here so wait hold on a second so maybe maybe it was all a dream i have no clue but maybe i should enter from the front door i should probably go in with no weapons just in case you know my kid is there baby rage baby rage so cute guys so cute um man let's let's get into the house um i don't know why i didn't need a key to get inside huh that's so weird um ashley ashley huh where where where could ashley be oh man i'm looking swagged out guys look at me look at me all right we need we need to we need to go look for baby rage man where's baby rage where's baby range where's my son son so maybe in the play what is that no no no no you aren't what is happening you are not baby rage you're a baby you're a baby zombie what is happening no no no i do not want to go through rounds what uh is that you ashley no no no no no no no no no no no what is happening what is happening guys what is actually happening what what my what what i'm blind i'm blind oh crap guys i'm shoot i'm shooting my mac 10 guys i don't know i'm just blind i'm out of all i'm out of bullets what is happening oh my gosh i can't believe this is actually happening so this is a real zombie apocalypse and my baby and my kid i don't know did they become zombies because i i killed them or or is it i don't even know what's happening anymore what what is actually happening huh why am i okay i'm so scared guys i'm so scared do i just hop back on this uh uh on this on this bike and just get out of here but i don't know if i i don't know if i should because i can't see a thing i'm blind um okay let me enter back into this house because maybe i can find an answer wake up ashley we no no no no no no no this has to be a trick you you were you took such a long nap what do you mean nab you were just a zombie did you sleep well a zombie um nothing nothing uh well what do you mean you took a long nap did you have a bad dream yeah yeah i did have a bad dream actually what happened ashley what happened i i actually don't remember what happened um what do you mean you said i took a long nap but the the last thing i remember you fell asleep but the but but but the last thing i remembered was wait hold on uh where where is that button ashley where where is that button right here i swear you're scaring me are you am i okay are you okay i i could have no no don't act like i'm crazy i please don't act like upgrades so you're saying you don't have a secret base underneath these stairs right here maybe maybe you should go pick up our kid what is happening um okay um it was his first day of daycare um what what's our kids name again i swear i swear she says baby gym or something it has to be baby jimmy baby rage oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah baby baby rage yeah yeah okay oh i almost had a heart attack guys oh okay um okay are you sure you're okay yeah i don't know i feel like if i did take a nap that would that was one long nap huh man that felt like a really long nap to me man okay um i'll go pick him up okay i'll go pick him up here don't forget your credit card and get a treat for his first day hmm okay okay why not why not let's get him like some some dessert or something like that all right ashley i'll talk to you later honey all right let's go let's go pick up baby rage uh let me hop in this car real quickly wait get in the driver's seat now let's go let's go what just happened actually because um i could have sworn there was a whole zombie apocalypse happening maybe i was just having a nightmare so you're telling me all that stuff never happened this is so weird guys i don't know but i'm pretty sure the daycare is like behind the school that i went to behind the high school i went to usually yeah yeah oh okay okay so i think i take a turn right here into this parking lot i think so i'm not sure so man this brings back good memories guys i went to this school for one day oh and then i graduated oh man wait so so does that still mean that the real jim davis is alive or did i kill him or not i didn't kill i didn't kill him maybe maybe baby read it i don't know um this has to be a right daycare this way oh okay there we go there we go let's go pick up baby rage i really hope he doesn't look like a zombie um oh we've got other kids here hey how's it going baby rage daddy's here hello hello okay baby rage stop right now are you his father we look like doughy he gets it from me ow son relax he has been terrible today that does sound like my that does sound like my kid you're so cute baby rage i usually don't complain but he hasn't been hitting the kids it runs in the jeans it runs in the jeans all right uh i'll make sure i take care of that okay are you okay kid uh uh yeah yeah i'll please do all right not a problem um goodbye all right you have a good day too mrs uh what's your name mrs um uh complain a lot hey race you to the car daddy all right let's go let's go let's race ha you really think uh you're faster than me nah you'll it'll take you a few more years to get faster than me all right let's hop into it hey all right let's hop into the car now all right baby rage you want a treat for your first day you want a treat yes okay okay what are you feeling son what are you feeling son you want um you want cake or ice cream because i think there's like there was ice cream okay okay i'm pretty sure there was like a um like a new ice cream shop that opened up near the uh the mall all right gotta look both ways and then let's take a right here my teacher smells oh she does oh man disgusting all right um baby rage you're getting so good at talking and stuff you're you're starting to get you're starting to get good man my kids growing up man man i i could have sworn i must have been asleep for a while cause i missed my son's first day of school i really wanted to drop him off at school thank you okay okay so not very very good at english just yet but you're getting good all right so pretty sure this is the brandly new open uh ice cream shop oh this is my first time here actually oh we've got a floating ice cream hello welcome to the ice cream shop dang we have so many flavors we've got strawberry cherry vanilla mint chocolate um blue raspberry chocolates what is that pistachio we've got orange what what flavor do you want what flavor do you want baby rage my treat my treat for you for you know for your first day of school can i have vanilla vanilla man of course this is my favorite flavor too uh can we have uh two scoops of vanilla or two cones one scoop each vanilla sure oh i'm excited i might be more excited than my kid oh man sure that'll be five dollars okay here you go here's my credit card you had a good first day of school son man this is your treat okay this is your treat this is your treat for your first day of school um sir uh is there a problem uh your your card is being declined huh that's impossible what usually people's cards get cancelled because it's like expensive i overheard your conversation oh um yeah son son i'll get it it was his first day of school yeah it was his first day of school and i really wanted to treat him for you know some dessert for his you know uh since it's a special day it's on me enjoy oh really oh my gosh thank you so much oh thank you so much wait oh yay here you go baby rage yeah we actually got two free codes oh my gosh have a great day you too ma'am oh my god you're so sweet all right let's head back to the car what is happening though what my card my card got declined is my my hey dad uh are you poor what what why would you say that son did all of my money run out guys um oh no i might have to find a job guys i don't know your pokemon card didn't work my pokemon card does he mean my credit card wait there's a mcdonald's right there maybe i can find a job there next time i don't know guys tell me in the comments should i should i find a job in the next episode or something like that i can't believe no there's no way my credit card got declined for five dollars all right guys well please tell me in the comments where should i try and find a job in the next episode are we gonna live on the streets now no no no baby rage we're fine we're okay okay there's nothing to worry about man i don't want baby rage to worry about anything guys all right enjoy your ice cream and uh i'm happy i'm happy you did well on your first day of school hey ashley hi um uh head to your room baby rage i gotta talk to your mom real quickly uh hey ashley so we might have a little problem here so when i took our kid out to get some ice cream my credit card got declined what happened oh no the bill what the the the bills you know the bills are due soon oh what am i supposed to do i can't believe your car got declined what oh my gosh i was i was just thinking you what about us you know your family oh baby rage don't don't listen to your parents are you we're we're not arguing we're just discussing something can i have cookie okay yeah he's doing his thing go what what do you mean go um ashley i can't believe this no no no this wouldn't have happened if you didn't use up all the insurance money to buy this giant house yeah yeah you i i i said we could have gotten a smaller house and no you were like oh we're a brand new family we should get a million dollar house but now look at look at where you're not even working we had so much money you already have a job baby rage um please go yeah baby rage i'll get you more ice cream soon okay i promise you get more ice cream very soon can i go outside uh sure sure sure go go go go go outside yeah go outside and and uh yeah yeah and with that with what money what do you mean with what i i'll find money okay with no money man you don't even work why do you and i should be yeah what do you mean what about you oh oh okay okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry ashley okay i'm sorry ashley you know what i'll find a job for us okay for the family man i i really regret buying a house this big this is not a house that a normal first family should have for a first home all right fine fine ashley i'll go find a job great that must be the mailman huh oh no oh no where's the mailman where's the mailman go check the mail first of course it's probably the bills aren't isn't it oh of course it is let's see what the mail is all about probably just a ton of junk let's see what's past due oh no of course water pill past due internet payment past due car insurance oh car insurance payment past due electricity payment past due great yeah great oh my god i think she's mad at me guys fixed it uh or maybe in our baby ranger and i are moving what we're family are we not we're in this together are we not you are blaming we should have got this house you know what fine i'll go look for a house i mean a car okay i mean a job okay oh my god where where is baby rage you know what i'm i'm gonna take care of this i'm gonna take care of this i am the man of the house ah man i did huh now that now that you mention it hmm let's uh let's head back to near the mall i think i actually saw a newly opened up mcdonald's they might be hiring i don't know because uh since it just opened up there's a chance that they might be hiring for new uh employees or something like that so let's go get a job oh my gosh fun fact guys i've never actually had a job the the only job i've ever had is this right here which i don't even consider a job guys making youtube videos is probably the best thing ever uh here it is okay okay we have mcdonald's okay let's go ahead and park right here there you know this mcdonald's is quite big for what it is guys like this is a huge mcdonald's with no play place like usually the big mcdonald's they usually have a plate oh wait they have an outdoor dining area oh my this is fancy mcdonald's what is this beverly hills mcdonald's or something like that hi sir how can we serve you um i'm actually not here to eat like usually i'd order three big macs and like um wait you've got donuts at mcdonald's dang creeper cola and you know what i would but i don't have any money right now and uh i'm just here to see if you have any job openings i'd like to work here if you don't mind oh oh what do you mean oh uh how serious are you oh i'm very serious like i i need any dollar i can i like if i see a penny on the floor i'll pick it up so i'm serious i'm serious i'm basically on the verge of homelessness even though i do own a three million dollar house yeah but we don't talk about that well then we can get you started on a trial sure why not where where do i get started how can i get started do i do i head on back all right i'm gonna head on back to do lunch hour is gonna happen soon okay sounds good um which what you want me to do sir and my shift is over um so so you're not gonna so so all over t uh um uh so so if you fail you are five yeah i'm not even gonna get training sir good good luck um oh shoot good luck he says good luck he says i've got no train hey by the way guys his skin is a red red and black look at my skin guys i basically don't even need a like uh like a uniform or outfit for this for this oh who's this hello miss hello hello how's it going um uh what what how can i help you today can i get a cheeseburger um sure uh where where are the cheeseburgers oh we've got a cheeseburger right here okay okay here you go um that'll be uh 3.99 oh a credit card oh very tempting guys maybe i can keep this this one get declined uh here here's your credit card um here's your cheeseburger thank you yeah not a problem enjoy your meal i would never do that guys i would never switch out my credit cards maybe the next customer that person seemed nice you know that that person seemed nice maybe next time if i see another you know another person different something like that so so far we've made like three dollars so far and i don't even get to keep that money but you know what it is what it is all right um all right when do we get our next customer i kind of want a free drink since i work here now can't i drink some creeper cola we've got slime cola we've got the sun drink moon drink enderman drink uh what is this tnt drink um any new customers no no new customers oh we got another kind sir coming in kind gentlemen hello sir how's it going hello sir hi how's it going um how can i help you today can i get two cheeseburgers oh sure of course you can all right they have a caesar salad as well oh very nice um oh and a salad okay you have quite the appetizer um thanks okay that'll be uh all right so that's six dollars and um that'll be ten dollars please oh dang he has a premium credit oh oh he oh he got he got dollars he got cash on him okay here's your salad and here's your two burgers sir enjoy your meal is this your first day uh no no no no i haven't seen you before oh no it's because i've been working here for a long time you know i i just i just usually work in the back yeah nice to meet you sir enjoy your meal well this is the first time i've seen here's a tip oh wait five dollars too oh guys i'll be able to buy some ice cream for my son don't let the boss know oh i will not i will not all right i'll see you later have a good day sir what a good guy guys what a good guy see we need more customers like him man i i was kind of scared to let him know is my first day because you know they usually like to mess around with the new people dang so far pretty good day guys pretty good day um uh we we could cook so uh cook up some stuff if we wanted i'm feeling a little thirsty which one do i want to drink i think slime slime limeade sounds pretty good let me uh let me drink that up um very good very good all right guys um i wonder when my shift is going to be over it's good oh i'm getting a little tired uh maybe i should take a nap on the job oh we have another person coming in okay we've got another girl hello hey um wait is this a girl or a guy i have no clue oh how can i help you today [Music] how can i help you hmm who is this uh what is happening oh no uh wait don't move a muscle okay okay okay okay my hands are up my hands are up oh my god he's serious he's serious he actually shot him what do you want what do you want sir what do you what do you what do you want sir oh my god empty the cash register or else i'll make you into a break okay okay okay okay um uh crap uh here here you go here you go take everything all right take everything take this credit card too i don't want it i don't want it there's probably nothing on that credit card too all right take everything in the cash register go all right is that all you got yeah i mean that's all the cash register go here you go there you go here you go come over here come over here sir there's there's still one empty or five no this is all the money i made he's gonna kill me oh gosh he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's serious all right all right sir here's your here's the five dollars okay all right that's all that's all i swear that's all oh he's taking a free cheeseburger all right good thing i still have this ten dollars guys oh my gosh what in the world this guy is so that was so scary that was my first time ever getting robbed at gunpoint and he killed somebody in front of my eyes um crap guys should i get out of here we just got robbed we just got robbed that has never happened to me in my life what was i supposed to do like there was no way i was gonna try to grab that gun from because i was probably gonna get like a hole blasted in me or something like that um maybe i should get out of here guys maybe oh gosh maybe maybe i should get out of here i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know guys like i i don't feel safe staying staying in that store staying and make the oh no that isn't that the guy that hired me just okay um what happened oh crap the alarm went off oh man some guy came in and robbed us at gunpoint he killed a person too he killed someone robbed yes yes someone killed someone that person you are fired what do you mean what was i supposed to do what was i supposed to do huh that was my first i've never gotten robbed in my life what am i supposed to you didn't call the police what do you mean i would have died oh my god i forgot to call the police buddy get out um you are fired oh can i get a cheeseburger no all right oh my gosh guys where am i supposed to get a job now i mean who do i even know in this neighborhood right who do i even know oh man at least i still get to keep the ten dollars you know at least i'm not super broke good thing i gave him the five instead of the 10 because he wasn't going to keep checking hopefully we never run into that robber guy and i swear this town is this city is the worst this might be worse than the last one guys all right so i have an idea in the mall there's the real estate place maybe i can get a real estate license or something like that maybe i can you know do some real estate where oh my god i just ran over a bunny i'm so sorry maybe it i hope it's still alive okay still alive oh my goodness i would have felt so bad if that bunny over there died all right let's get into the mall and let's go find a job maybe that real estate place is hiring i don't know guys um we got the bank right here seems like they're closed no one seems to be working here how about in the real estate section oh the guy is working in there oh hey sir nice to see you you again ah yeah we don't take houses back oh man you're right you're right i did buy the house from you well um i'm not here for that actually what can i do for you i'm here to work for you i'm looking for a job sir me yeah i'm here for you yeah a job to work for you here yep you don't seem to have any other employees so come on take me in i don't have a real estate license but i'm down to try yeah i wasn't hiring anyone but but but there is this house that needs to be shown i've been dreading it hey a job is a job i'll take it where's that sound again how about you you try it out sure if you can sell it i can sell anything i'll hire you all right all right sounds good if you can sell it i'll hire you all right okay sounds good all right let's i'll send you the address all right i got this guys good luck good luck all right let's head on over to the house and um i promise you guys right now i'll be able to sell it trust me according to my gps taking a left right here will take me to the house wait a second guys isn't that how isn't this the house where i was like kidnapped in hold on a second guys um is there even someone trying to buy this house what they said it was a showing for a house or something like that uh i could have sworn there was whoa the dead body is still there what so wait oh no someone is honking a horn oh oh no there's still a dead body um hi hi sir damn we've got a newly uh new couple i'm jenna hi jenna what are you showing us around what's your name sir my name is rage i'm derek all right derek and jenna you seem like uh you guys seem like a lovely couple uh yeah i'm the i'm the real estate agent trying to show you guys around uh before it you know before this is our first house we've never bought it before a while this is such a nice house yeah yeah yeah yeah um it looks beautiful oh my gosh guys if i can sell it though i'll get a job so i gotta try my best all right uh yeah come on in guys can you show us inside of course but before we do that ah instead of taking you guys through the front door the pictures of the inside were so nice oh yeah yeah i'll take you guys through the garage because it's actually a really cool garage right it's uh it actually goes downwards yeah yeah you've never seen a garage that does that before do you we actually have a nice um station right here where you know you get your tools and stuff like that very nice workstation how's the backyard a little dirty oh it's just dirty just because you know um we had some construction here the other day they're they're just reconstructing everything uh right after you buy it though right after you guys buy it it'll be all good oh shoot i i've actually never seen the backyard before oh guys no no those are no no those are um decorations um they the last seller yeah halloween direction uh decorations um they actually sold the house yeah yeah around halloween time and no one has bought the house since so around the house you guys will see like halloween decorations and stuff like that so if you guys don't mind let's get let's head on in can we keep the decor oh man that will be uh negotiated you know with the previous owner which i'll i'll handle all the negotiations all right so you don't even have to talk to the previous owner all right so anyways we've got a nice ouch oh oh right here yeah this is a pretty realistic um uh decoration i'm so sorry i'm so sorry if you need a band-aid just let me know we've got a wine cellar right here very nice uh very clean kitchen is this blood oh no no no no oh well yes actually it's a pig blood it's used for decorations and it can be cleaned up yeah it can be cleaned up really really easily i love animals no no don't worry about it don't worry about it it's we call it pig blood but it's not actually pig blood if you know what i mean yeah yeah um oh oh you like this um oh this is not actually uh like animal skin by the way this is not actually animal fur it's faux it's faux animal fur which means it's fake you know the pictures were much different oh trust me uh honey can i speak to you for a second the house is very modern oh excuse us okay sure sure no no i really hope they buy it guys let's see what they're saying i don't like this place i'm getting a weird vibe oh no i gotta do whatever i can to sell this house shoot this was false advertising i'm i'm stuck hey excuse me let's see if there's any saving ah um we need a new realtor sir need help yes please oh thank you thank you so much sir are you okay yeah i'm okay i'm okay um don't worry i got you all covered uh if you guys work with me jenna jenna trust me um uh come come with me for a second jenna i've got to talk to you real quickly fine yeah yeah all right so uh this is a state-of-the-art room right uh very nice all right let me close this door real quickly all right all right so see what's in my hand right here hey hey what are you doing jenna what what's going on what's going on sir there are spiders that that can be cleaned up later nada stop india all right jenna you see this here you can have this if you buy the house ten dollars all right oh ten dollars yeah yeah thank you what what do you want derek you guys can split the money okay we won't be buying all right then give me my ten dollars back hey but thanks for the money i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no my ten dollars oh my god they're just stole my money this cup what the heck these couples don't even drive on the road oh my gosh i just lost his job i'm not even gonna head back guys not even gonna oh my gosh i don't have guys my car is running out of fuel and i have no money oh maybe i should just stop by the gas station or something like that and see if there's like i don't know i might have to live the homeless life and ask for money guys like uh times are tough 2020 is a it's a rough year for everyone i want to cry uh here we are at the gas station of course and i have nothing uh um i gotta fill up this gas but wait who is that right there wait isn't that the guy that just robbed me at gunpoint oh oh my gosh that is him he just pulled out his gun oh my gosh how did he not notice i was here what the heck am i supposed to do something he's gonna kill him he's gonna kill the guy in the gas station if i don't do anything oh no hello sir no mask allowed what do you not see he has a whole robbery mask going he has a whole skill oh oh my gosh can i help you sir oh no what am i supposed to do do i do something do i grab a bottle or something i don't know guys are there any bottles in here oh my gosh i gotta do something empty the register okay okay no you don't stop yeah i actually hit him hard enough oh please i have to unlock it uh oh i knocked him out guys oh oh my guys i might be stronger than i thought you saved me oh five dollars thank you um how do i ever repay you um i do need a job i do need a job so i mean if you're hiring i'd love to work for you sir we're hiring for the night shift night shift um thank you so much uh sure why not i can hire you in return fine fine sounds good uh if you're hiring night shift i'll work night shift honestly i got nothing else to do so how about an upfront paycheck really i've actually never met anyone who does i mean i guess i did just save your life we gotta call the cops too don't forget to do that now what how much did you just give me 100 250 55. uh thank you so much of course no problem don't forget to call the police i'll see you soon then sure uh what time do i start 12 am 3 am just let me know say the name say the word i'll be here 12 a.m will work got it i'll be back soon and now i can pay for the gas wait actually here uh here's five dollars for the gas let me go fill up my gas real quickly and uh let's head home wait you know what guys um i did have an argument with my wife uh instead oh oopsies oh no no no no i should not be blowing up the gas station now all right let's head to the mall real quickly let's grab a gift for my for my wife and i wonder if they still sell puppies here i don't know puppy love store okay okay we've got oh wait this this this is actually a new employee maybe i should have found a job here hi sir hello ma'am um i was here to uh come get a dog today um do you have any uh puppies available today we're unfortunately waiting for new dogs to come in oh man what do you have we have bunnies though oh look at these cute little bunnies guys uh okay um how much are you charging do you want one yeah of course of course i want bunnies uh yeah because i can't wait for the dogs to come in guys i need the gift now they're only ten dollars oh if you have change here's a 50. i'd like to hmm i like the ones with uh let's see i like the one with the black eyes there seems it seems to be special oh thank you thank you thank you for the change i like the one with the really really dark eyes the one right there yeah give me that one yeah i want to name it hmm it's either um i i name it plushie fluffy or poofy um you know what guys i'm gonna name it fluffy why not you you can name it sure okay sounds good let me name it fluff mister oh oh i got it i got it guys mcfluffin all right guys his name is gonna be uh his name is gonna be mcfluffin instead of mcmuffin there we go we got mick fluff in here all right and we've got carrots thank you so much there you go all right mr mcfluffin you're coming with me we're gonna head back enjoy your bunny thank you so much miss all right let's go ahead and head back to the house and see what ashley thinks about it guys let's see what my wife thinks about it um what oh my gosh this is gonna be so hard to get the bunny back to the house though hey don't you dare hop away now come on come on you're coming in the car we're going come on hurry hurry i really hope ashley likes mr mcfluffin like look how cute he is oh my gosh alright mr mcfluffin this is your new home come on in come on in all right ash i really hope hey baby rage come meet your little new uh your your new pet litter little mr mcfluffin yeah you like him maybe ray do you like him yeah all right he's very very fluffy and stuff yeah very nice very nice a bunny oh um uh i don't think she knows i found a job how are we gonna afford it oh don't even worry ashley here here take a hundred ha ha ah ha ha you already know ashley i already bought the i already bought the yeah i got a job i got a job and since we had that uh argument and everything oh thank goodness you know i wanted to make it up here's mr mcfluffin it's all yours it's all yours this is your new pet uh yeah this i hope this makes up for it i hope this makes up for it actually you know how much i love my family so i had to do it for you you know for us i'm sorry about our fight oh not a problem it's still your fault for for making us buy this house but you already know i was just stressed yeah yeah yeah not a problem not a problem uh well i really hope you like mr mcfluffin though he's so cute yeah yeah just don't forget though it is fun um but yeah um ah baby rage loves loves mr mclaughlin what was that oh nothing nothing nothing i just hope you you know i said i hope you're having an amazing day all right well um the problem is i won't really see you guys at night time now because i'm working at a gas station night shift yeah it's better than any job right i mean i mean it's better than no job right if it pays the bills yeah the bills are quite expensive in a three million dollar house that you may not buy but you know um it's all good uh i'll make sure we're all covered huh no no nothing i'm gonna did you say something no i didn't say anything i didn't say anything this is all for the family you know okay yeah yeah all right well i guess i'm getting no sleep tonight we won't be buying all right then give me my ten dollars back ah that was a pretty good episode of the block city hmm maybe i have some time to watch another episode no no no i shouldn't i shouldn't i should probably walk around the house a little bit just because i need a little bit of exercise you know if i if i just watch block city all day i'm going to become fat so let's just take a little walk real quickly just a little run around the house oh hey ashley how's it going hi honey hey how's it going how's your day been i just finished binging some uh i just finished binging some block city you know if you haven't if you haven't watched blog city you have to you have to you can't miss an episode wait do you want to watch the next block city episode with me come on let's head on over come on come on oh my goodness you know i was gonna i was gonna exercise a little bit but i'm i'm in the mood to watch some block city do you wanna block city and chill yeah well baby rage needs to go to daycare oh man it's always baby rage this baby rage that's ow can you take him i'll watch it oh i'll watch it tonight when i'll watch him when you work tonight oh i wanted to watch it with you we could have had a little movie date night but no no no how about how about you save watching it until later okay well we're watching it fine okay okay sounds good uh so yeah i'm gonna go i have to run some errands okay i'm gonna go get baby rage okay and then i'll take him to daycare hopefully you have a good day today okay okay see you later all right i gotta go i gotta go and grab baby rage real quickly baby rage where's my little cute baby at hey that's me right there look at me guys dang man i love this house no matter like at first i kind of regretted buying this house because it was so expensive but baby rage where are you at um baby rage oh wait where's baby rage baby rage baby your age where are you at i swear if ashley's trolling me and and made him hide in our room in our bedroom baby rage huh i could check the security cameras but i don't know i i could have sworn he was i was watching tv and he went upstairs i'm pretty sure right playing with his toys and everything i i don't know he could be in the backyard though which he should not be all by himself because you guys remember what happened last time right oh my goodness spike it has been such a long time since i've seen you spiky spike how's it going little baby doggy okay you want a bone and give you a bone if you want okay you know what i'm just gonna leave spike alone because he's just having the time of his life just sunbathing out here in this beautiful weather ah okay guys i might be in trouble if ashley finds out that i lost baby rage for the 15th time she's gonna kill me so uh i better i better get to looking guys where are you baby rage where is baby rage guys like i'm i'm i'm looking around but no baby oh wait there's some there's some toy blocks right here oh there's another hold on a second there's a stuffed piggy right here and then wait what was this was this here the entire time i had no clue guys what baby rage baby rage wait where is he at where's baby reach um there's some toys here but where is baby raid wait toys another wait what's this there was a whole tree house outside of my house and i had no clue and it's two stories what in the world baby rage what are you doing here what are you doing baby rage i didn't even know this had this existed i know dang well you did not build this this is so high up are you okay like how how are you climbing up and how are you like going back down what in the world you're only three years old baby rage i need to take you to daycare okay i need to take your daycare so follow me don't fall down now don't fall down now i don't even know what he said to be honest but um yeah come on come on down don't get hurt okay don't get hurt all right we gotta go to daycare get get get your toy of choice okay get your toy of choice we'll go you don't want any toys um okay okay yeah yeah yeah get your little um nutcracker toy all right so let's head on out come on come on i gotta take you to daycare because daddy has to go to work soon so i'm a little bit stressed because it cuts into my block city episode time you know i i just want to watch my favorite show of the block city so yeah um i would take a bike but it's kind of dangerous for you to hop in so hop in the truck let's uh baby rage you need to sit sit in the right seat can't get you can't have you getting hurt okay why do you leave your toy there but eh it doesn't matter let me take you to daycare real quickly all right baby rage we're here i'm gonna go ahead get on out all right baby rage hope you have a good day okay don't get don't get into trouble again because you guys know what happened last time apparently he was really really bad but but that kind of reminds me of myself when i was a kid oh my gosh get in the right seat all right so it's either i go back home in washington block city but ah man what should i do guys like it's kind of dangerous to work at you know work at night at the gas especially the gas station because the day we went to fill up our gas we found someone trying to rob the gas station so maybe i should stop by the mall to get some like get a weapon at least i don't know i don't know if i want to be holding a gun after all that's happened so let's i don't know maybe i can find a good weapon or something like that i can use at the mall i don't know i know there's a gun store right we've been there before let's just go ahead head into the gun store if it does exist oh it does exist there it is the gun store and of course this time we're not actually breaking in and stealing all the weapons because there's someone working here hello sir how can i help you today well i'm just looking for um a weapon basically it doesn't have to be a gun it just has to be something enough to hurt someone just because you know i'm working night shift at a gas station and you know how dangerous that can be it's my first night by the way oh you wouldn't believe uh sure well you wouldn't believe how i got the job actually if if you're interested you know i'm sure you're interested so let me just tell you about the story basically so violence dude you you run you run a gun store what do you mean so violence that's all you're about okay anyways anyways yeah a weapon yeah it doesn't have to be a gun like i actually oh how about a taser let's do it let's do it how much will that come out to i only have like 240 dollars so you know i'm not i'm not rich like all these other oh 40 take my money take my money that's not even that expensive let's let's let's get her taser gun oh that's the taser oh this is actually quite stylish have a good day can i test her oh don't hurt anyone sir i was so close to shooting him guys uh can i test it out no you can't test it oh pretty sure i just shot it i can't even use it on the target here no oh all right well guys i'm kind of feeling like a little happy right now and and i kind of want to treat myself before i pick up baby rage because you know if i if i bring baby rage with me i'm going to have to you know get him a cone as well and i don't want to do that right now i'm in the mood to treat myself not my baby guys not my son i'm here to treat myself and i have 200 dollars to spare so just head on over to the ice cream store let's see what what excuse can i make up this time hmm oh i can say oh my gosh i can say my wife's in the hospital and i've been playing i've been paying for her medical bills oh oh there's uh must be closed today dang it ah that would have been so nice that would have been so nice if if they were working today i would have been able to make like a pretty funny excuse and hopefully we could have gotten something but i guess we gotta go pick up baby rage real quickly guys let me let me go pick him up from daycare he's probably waiting for me he's like why why isn't dad show up yet okay i hope my son wasn't being bad today oh there he is he's just waiting for me hey baby rage how is today how was daycare today good are you doing good good good okay well i gotta drop you off at home real quickly okay i gotta drop you off at home real quickly and daddy has to go to work all right all right baby rage we're almost home wait wait get out get out get out baby rage just a second okay okay i don't know why the front door is open uh hold on baby rage baby rage i need you to stay here okay there has been so many bad things that have been happening you know in the neighborhood guys what if there's another robber inside our house okay i have my taser in my hand just in case i'm going hey hey anyone in the house freeze freeze i have a gun i have a gun freeze freeze freeze wait what are you doing but the the the the front door was open it was wide open so so i thought someone was breaking in where where are they oh what do you mean oh i left it oh wait why would you when i got groceries oh oops oh good thing it didn't shoot you oh my goodness i think it went past her oh it was an accident oh okay okay so sorry so sorry i have this like i bought a tape is that taser yeah i bought it i bought a taser uh why just to protect myself you know how all these what is it with you and weapons around our kid i'm so sorry like we need baby rage oh my gosh i think baby rage got scared i'm so sorry ashley i'm so sorry great i'm so ashley i'm so sorry you scared him what can i do i'm trying to protect our family okay i'm doing whatever i can like there's a lot of bad things happening in black city you know you know that you know so i promise i promise i won't hurt any of us okay even though i almost shot you just now but i guess well i have to head out to work let me get you lunch for work okay okay sounds good man it's almost time for work my first day at work guys i feel like i'm going to school or something like that my first day of school or something okay well we got a little lunch box okay okay thank you there you go all right have a great night dang this feels so weird going to work at night but um um you better promise me okay you don't watch the episode be safe don't hurt anyone hey i can't i can't promise you that if they try to hurt me okay ow okay fine all right well i'm heading off to work okay bye honey all right well oh yeah that's right i parked my car out front because i thought the door was left wide open well well then guys it's almost 12 a.m let's head out to the gas station for my first day of work and just like that i'm here this is my first day at work guys like i'm kind of nervous i'm not gonna lie because just just because it's my first day of work and also it's night shift i haven't worked night shift in like ever this is my first time ever working at a gas station and at night wait why is it why is the door wide open what in the world okay i better close it well help wanted all right all right i'm pretty sure i got a note from uh the owner saying that the passcode to the vault was one two three or something like that let me just go ahead and check our inventory everything is good you know all the food is in line the coca-cola oh the cola machine from mcdonald's very very similar we have a little cake dispenser i think this is cake dispenser um we have um some desserts over here man this is actually pretty pretty nice okay so what oh we have a little gasoline station of course of course we got this you know gasoline boxes and stuff all right well let me go ahead and check the um oh the fault is full of money guys dang they have 100 oh wow 200 dang this is some there's a nice amount of dollars in here guys okay well guys i guess i'm clocked in this is my first day here working at a gas station no customers just yet though left my car out there i'm keeping my eye on my car guys just in case someone tries to steal my money i mean steal steal my car wait what's that sound oh what in the world wait is it just me or does that girl have red eyes uh hi uh how's it going pretty good yeah how's your night how's your night been hey um yeah having a good night yeah do you have tools uh what kind of tools what kind of tools are are you looking for like ones doctors use um you might have to go check the mall because this is the gas station to open up people and no no we do we do not you have nice eyes oh how how much what what do you mean how much how much who is that guy hey what is he doing he's looking around okay okay all right for your eyes uh my eyes are not for sale hurry up lady okay actually that guy behind you might might have his eyes for sale actually all right well she just left she just asked how much my eyes are hey sir what are you looking for uh people are so annoying oh um are you trying to buy here uh chocolate okay you want some chocolate and chocolate cupcake okay that'll be uh ten dollars ten yeah what do you what do you think this is whatever what do you think this is a grocery store nah this is a gas station i'm here to rob you oh oops not the carrot there you go i mean the the carrot is just a you know a healthy treat because you've been eating a lot of health unhealthy stuff you know are you calling me no i'm not calling you yeah yeah dang that guy was in a bad mood dang what are you just throwing the trash okay well man these people are um what did he just say i did not see what he said but uh yeah guys like some people are just in a bad mood at night so i gotta be nicer to them you know it's my first day at work so it's gotta be nice to everyone oh what a nice little lady right there maybe i should um you know what while she's filling up her gas i should probably write something in the work log i think there's a work log let me uh let me log number one this this is so creepy guys weird stuff i told you guys night shift is probably not the best idea this lady came in asking for tools to gouge out people's eyes then she also asked how much my eyes cost like what that is so weird all right and then another page log number two very rude customer all right that should be good all right let me go ahead and put that back in the protected vault just like so alright hello um hello uh hello um are you looking for anything specific ma'am ma'am are you looking for anything specific hi hi uh are you looking for anything can i have these things uh sure chocolate syrup we got bourbon biscuits and oreo cookie sure and a lottery ticket uh okay is this a lottery ticket oh it is okay sure here's a lottery ticket there you go ma'am and that'll be uh twenty dollars how much uh twenty dollars for the uh lottery ticket oh thank you wait wait you forgot your stuff here's your stuff right here there you go all right perfect i hope you have a good night wait what is going on outside what the heck did i just see her car get thrown around for for some reason i don't know what just happened to be honest dang all right so far you know everything has been good so far just those first two customers a little bit what the what was the was those sounds coming from wait is there someone in the bathroom i feel like someone's in the bathroom or something like that you know what i'm gonna take out the trash uh because that guy threw away some carrots right here you know i'm gonna throw throw out the trash real quickly in the back um dang someone is going ham in the bathroom guys i don't know what what they ate but dang they went ham let me just uh oh crap i get i didn't give that lady the chocolate syrup oh well it is what it is and let me just throw away some of this stuff that i don't even need i should probably eat the the lunch pack later later i'm not really hungry right now but um let's head back inside wait uh did i just lock myself out oh my goodness i might just have to go back in from the front guys oh my goodness oh my goodness wait uh oh there's just two kids okay okay maybe i shouldn't have like a taser just in case it looked kind of suspicious at for a second because i got locked out but everything seems to be okay hello hello woody what are you oh wait let me get back um hi sir oh these two little sweet kids guys hey man how's your night i'm actually doing good it's actually my first night on the job i'm working night shift we need help oh oh uh are you guys okay are you lost wait where are they at each other what uh we no no no need your money oh that's not a bb gun i thought that was a fake gun for a second uh open the register um or we shoot uh oh no no please please please no no that is not something you should be playing around with please kids i have a family okay please please please okay okay oh my goodness these kids are gonna kill me if i oh yeah stop shooting stop shooting stop shooting okay okay these kids probably don't know a lot about money so i'm just gonna give them the low bills real quickly all right kids here's your money all right this is everything in the register all right this is everything in the register please please just ah oh my god oh my god please please that is everything we're rich oh haha hi my god oh my god he's shooting at me oh my gosh guys i need to lock the door i need to lock the door oh my god yo they're shooting everything what in the world not my car though please do not shoot my car i'd be so mad guys holy crap i'm i'm definitely going to lose my job guys what in the world why does every every bad thing happen in block city guys this city is just so messed up you know what i'm taking the rest of this money i i know i'm getting fired anyway so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put in a log a work log real quickly log three final all right i'm just gonna i'm just gonna basically explain everything two kids came in and robbed me they both had shotgun i don't wanna die so i quit p.s i'm taking all your money all right well uh i gotta take all their money all right you know what guys i'm out i never i never want to work here again i knew it was such a ah i you know what i can't even i can't even complain i needed a job and the man gave me a job so i everything will be just fine everything will be just fine all right everything will be just fine oh man well i guess i'd better head back home and explain to my wife that i don't have a job anymore guys oh my gosh oh wake up what what's happening what is happening wake up baby rage is missing i can't find usually i'm the one that i usually i'm the one that loses baby rage but if you lose him oh he is long gone okay i was making breakfast i looked everywhere ashley i'm i'm sorry to tell you but if you lost baby rage then there's nothing we can do i'm just i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding ashley i know exactly where he is he should be in his little um he should be in his little tree house just just look there real quickly yeah the tree house yeah you'll find you'll find him in this tree house we have a tree yeah right i was so confused at first too also you know what you you go find baby rage while you go find him since you're the one who lost him i'll go check the mail for today i know that i know the melee i just just came just came around so let me just go check the mail real quickly and oh my goodness guys i still have not told ashley that i may or may not have lost my job yeah so oh don't plea please no no please don't tell me there are more bills aren't they house mortgage bill soon oh my goodness day care payment due soon at least it's not past due though okay okay credit card payment due soon as well you know what i'm hiding these she doesn't need to know guys she doesn't need to know ashley does not need to know okay well hopefully she found baby rage i really hope she did ashley where are you at ashley did you find baby rage oh there she is yes see i told you i know exactly where my son is i can't believe we have a tree house right i was so so surprised well actually i'm the better parent at this point buying this pair ow buying this parent was buying this house was so smart it really was but um you promised me okay you promised me we will watch the movie together tonight the block city movie not even the episode the movie ugh what do you mean uh we had this plan do you not work tonight uh nah nah i called in sick i called in sick because um yeah i didn't feel like working tonight to be honest awesome it's baby baby rage rages last day of daycare oh really then he gets a break man baby rage growing all up but still being a bad kid let's be honest it's only a few days long what only a few days well that's okay i guess do i have to take him to daycare then um so maybe you can do something special for him please fine ashley you you know how much i love my family and you know how much i love our baby so i'll make sure you do that baby rage it's almost time for daycare where are you at baby rage is he is he in his room oh he's not where is baby rage what is he still please don't tell me he's still in the tree house where's baby rage baby rage oh there he is hey rage what are you eating oh is that pancake is that a pancake man ashley makes the best food all right well all right um time for daycare you got your little backpack okay okay let's go on come on it's almost time for daycare man i should probably treat him to something you know he's been a he's been a pretty good kid you know he's honestly not that bad of a kid hey baby rage hop in the car in the right seat okay there we go there we go it's your last day of daycare are you excited for your last day of daycare hmm are you excited for your break yeah i mean he seems really really excited yeah yeah okay well have a good day okay yeah he better not be a bad kid guys because i really want him to grow up to be you know a nice young gentleman so yeah all right you know what i'm gonna go to the mall i swear this is like my daily routine now drop off my kid go to the mall and then pick up my kid at the daycare but um you know what i gotta treat baby rage with something you know gotta do something special for the kid because you know they only get to have a little childhood one time in their life so gotta make sure their childhood is a is a really nice one so head on over to the mall see what we can get baby rage all right guys let's see what we can get for baby rage at the mall okay we're back at the block city mall uh obviously we do not want to get another pet because we already have spike we already have mr mcfluffin uh there's a dollar store come on guys you know i'm stacking baby i got hundreds i got 50s i got 20s guys i'm pretty i'm pretty rich right now even though i don't have a job anymore but you know what ashley doesn't need to know all right i'm i don't think i'm gonna tell her because she's gonna kill me oh the gun store is closed i was thinking maybe you know baby rage can have a little weapon on him just in case you know how dangerous the black city is so far you guys have seen you know baby rage can handle a gun pretty nicely he got rid of jim davis i'm just kidding guys he does not need a gun he's too young for that i don't know how he was able to use that laser gun on jim davis to be honest uh what store is this um i'm guessing the store is out of business this one is also out of business dang there's a lot of closed shops here hmm uh there's a camp shop as well is there anything else there's a second floor but let's go ahead and check out the camp shop real quickly because i mean it is open the gun store isn't but this place is open hot sale coming soon what's that over there campground information hot sale dang it seems pretty nice you know what i'll check it out why not hello hi sir how is your day going what can i do for you um i don't know i've never actually gone camping before so i was wondering if you have any like recommendations or something like that you know what guys maybe i can take my family on a camping trip just because you know this is a good way to distract my wife that you know i'm not actually you know that i don't have a job anymore and also you know it's something special for the kid my son has never gone camping i've never gone camping so it's a really good experience so you know what show me around i recommend starting off with the sleeping bags and fishing poles oh okay i'll take three of the sleeping bags how much do those sleeping bags cost actually any certain colors hmm okay uh they're ten dollars each you know what i'll take two red ones and i will take uh one pink one for my wife yeah i wanna you know be matching with my son my little baby okay sure sure yeah i got 30 on me baby uh and you want fishing poles yeah i mean can we get a discount or something because i am buying a lot of things yeah yeah discount since it's your first time camping i'll give them to you let's go everyone wants some free stuff guys ding for free oh my goodness hand them over is that all for you um i mean don't i need to get like bait or something like that for the fishing or or are these like already baits like you know installed oh we don't sell that sorry i guess we're fishing without bait guys all right well here's your thirty dollars hand them over my friend oh we got two two red sleeping bags and one pink one honestly we didn't even need um you know a third fishing rod but it's okay where are you going camping oh i have no clue like i know we have like uh like a woods like a forest be behind my house so we can maybe we can go uh you know camping there we actually have some information over here oh so it's not a good idea to camp behind my house oh they're having a great deal really campground it's super fun okay campground information dang it does look pretty neat pretty nice place oh and they have hot tubs spas and a little park tons of things lots of children very relaxing take a book if you want okay okay let's take this brochure real quickly um let me let me let me just grab this real quick i'd like to see what this is all about all rights let me see this book all right can't bore his info are you looking for a fun campground to stay and make memories you don't want to miss out on our deal family weekend 100 wait a second sir is it 100 for everyone like total no way it's a great deal you know what guys it does sound like a deal they have really nice cabins too like so the state the entire stay is 100 how many days is it is it like three days or something like that yep activities included that does sound a little too good to be true but it's three days i believe oh perfect it does sound a little too good to be true but meals are paid for as well wow why is it so cheap then it's their summer special they do it every year really wow wow wow wow you know what take my money before they close it down for the winter um why why do they close it down for the winter is it is it like way too cold or something oh ah you know what take my money all right well do i do you have like tickets or something like that for the campground so they know we're coming or do you just tell them my name or something like that uh you just tell them who you are oh okay perfect so it's already registered as long as i paid my money guys my family is going to be so happy i should probably go pick up baby rage but before i do that last time you guys remember i wanted myself an ice cream cone but unfortunately the ice cream parlor was closed maybe this time the ice cream parlor is open so let's go check it out guys let's go see if the ice cream parlor is open so i can try and trick him again get a get get ourselves a free ice cream cone wouldn't that be nice okay i really hope it's not closed this time though because if it is i'm gonna be so mad i'm craving ice cream oh the ladies working here hi it's nice to see you again hey welcome to the ice cream shop yeah yeah yeah wait hold on i think i'm getting a phone call oh hey babe oh oh you're you're at the hospital right oh man you're having another surgery oh man i'm so sorry you know what don't worry don't worry i love you so much i'll pay for the surgery i know we don't have much money left but um you know you know how much i care about you i'll pay for the surgery i know it's 50 000 but i got you okay don't even worry about it all right oh well i'm at the ice cream parlor so i'll talk to you soon okay bye-bye uh uh yeah yeah can i take a can i can i get a um a scoop of vanilla ice cream is everything okay oh don't worry about it don't worry about it um it's just you know my wife is having a little complication with her heart uh where's your son is he with your wife uh no he's actually at daycare i have to like you know run my kids to errands and stuff like that you know it's been it's been quite tough it's been quite tough you know what ice cream is on me again i'll give you a cone and take to your kid and wife as well uh probably not for my wife because she probably shouldn't be consuming you know sweet stuff for now you know oh okay what flavors um can i get you know what you know can we get uh two strawberry cones not my favorite but you know what i'll take it thank you so much all right well have a good day bye i hope she gets i hope she gets better yeah yeah me too me too all right well i hope you have a good day okay all right bye-bye yeah we just got some free codes guys this is so messed up please do not do this in real life i i'm just doing this for fun okay i would never do this in real life well i gotta go pick up baby rage real quickly so let me just go ahead and do that baby rage wait what are you what are you doing outside what are you doing baby rage why were you doing i i get it it's your last day of daycare but you don't have to be i was trying to go home don't worry hey hey i got you i got you i'm here to pick you up here's some ice cream yeah ice cream yeah this is for you this for you all right hop on in hop on it mommy's gonna be mommy's gonna be really mad that you left early but it is your last day of daycare and hey i got a big surprise for us where are you going get back in the car i have a really really nice surprise for you when we get home okay all right here we are honey i'm home honey i'm home baby rage make sure you close the door honey i'm home baby rage yeah he just finished school why is he home oh i i have a good excuse i have a good excuse i know it's early but it's his last day and honestly on the last day they don't really do much and i have a really really awesome surprise for everyone look at this look at this camp voorhees we can go on a three-day camping trip for his break you know reading i know you don't have i know you don't know how to read just yet but it's okay camping yeah you know i've never gone camping i didn't have we don't camp i know it's okay but you know it's a it's an experience you know baby rage is still young give them a nice experience i got i got sleeping bags we actually got a good deal we got free fishing rods since you are working now yeah exactly you know i'm making all this money might as well use it on something it was a deal too it would be nice uh the bat the only bad thing is that it's a it's a few hours away so it's gonna be a long drive for us but you know what this should cheer you up i saved some ice cream for you i know it's a tiny bit melted but go ahead you know the lady was actually really nice she gave us free ice cream so you know pretty nice pretty nice yeah yeah i told her uh i i told her about you know it's the last day of baby rages school and stuff like that you know yeah she was really nice she was really nice so pack up yourself guys baby rage go pack of your favorite toys and uh we're out yeah hope you guys are excited let's go let's go let's go once you guys have packed up let's go on a drive are you guys ready all right let's hop on in and it's gonna be a long drive but you know what it's all good it's all good we're headed to camp voice wait wake up oh oh my goodness oh wow that was a really long drive i'm not gonna lie whoa we just made it to the campgrounds man how long was that that was like what two three hours are we there yet baby range we're here we're here i think this might be it uh i think this might be it i'm not i'm not sure um this place is a little run down don't you think where are the kids yeah they told me there was gonna be a lot of kids a lot of fun and just everything is playful and stuff but huh why does why does everything seem so abandoned there doesn't seem to be anyone here huh well there's no one in there uh what are they saying let's get to the cabin first what do you say park park park you know what all right all right baby rage you can play with the park come on i hope you like the park i know there's dang these these seem like adult uh no okay baby rage oh we have a nice little bouncy castle come on ashley come on we're here on we're here on vacation let's have a little bit of fun the stress is so high the oh the grass is so high i don't yeah it's like they haven't cut the grass in a while or something like that do they not take care of it it does seem like that but maybe it's just the look of it maybe it's just the look of it do they i feel weird let's go to the cabin okay baby rage let's go to the cabin okay let's go to the cabin let's go let's go let's go let's go check out our little uh you know cabin spot maybe that's why it's so cheap though you know if it's gonna be this low of a price there's gonna be some drawbacks you know maybe they just don't take care of the okay ashley don't fall off now i think the cabin should be this way i'm sweepy uh is that our cabin which one is our cabin they said our cabin is cabin number six i believe one two three four five six is this one it ah no i think is it the one at that oh this one is it how come all the other cabins seem like there's no like i don't know uh maybe i'll go park the car real quickly hold on let me park the car over here there we go all right perfect uh what is he saying the door is open oh hold on hold on don't don't go to no no don't don't go in yet baby rage i have a taser just in case okay guys got you protected i'm the man of the family yeah all right all right let me let me go look inside the house all right the coast is clear all right wait where is it whoa whoa what was that sound oh my gosh ashley you scared me you scared me ashley all right there's a lot of spider webs around here this is uh yeah i'm scared of spiders so let's just hope there are beds already yeah i mean they said that everything is already you know furnished and everything did you buy sleeping bags yeah i bought sleeping bags that guy scammed me you waste hey he told me i needed it okay so this is gonna be uh baby rage's bed all right nice where are we gonna sleep dang they only have single beds man good night uh baby rage um i guess we're sleeping for the night huh oh wait oh this is our bed right here all right let's go to sleep let's go to sleep ashley where are you at let's go to sleep let's go to sleep i think early in the morning i'm gonna go fishing is that okay with you i'm gonna teach baby rage how to i'm hungry ah you want me to go fishing now let's go night fishing i do need a fishing rod though i think i left it in the car or did i give it to you well you can wow you said let's go night fishing and you're making me go fish are you serious i swear guys my wife is always torturing me i don't even know guys i'm really out here fishing at night when everyone's just sleepy guys like literally baby rage is sleepy i haven't even eaten i'm sleepy too like i almost fell asleep driving here but you know what i'm gonna go fishing real quickly hopefully hopefully you know we can get a little bit of good fish you know a little bit of food for the baby and the wife man i've never gone fishing before so this is my first time ever fishing don't even know if i'm doing it right there's no bait either that guy really set me up for failure the camp doesn't look as nice as it is oh wait something oh oh i yeah i just caught some rotten flesh ew all right please let me catch something good please please please ow what ha ha what do you mean haha let me let me let me this place is kind of creepy is it i haven't really like noticed any creepy vibes other than that this place is kind of like abandoned all right oh i got fish i got fish hey ashley i just caught salmon oh cool yeah we can eat salmon for uh dinner i guess you said you were hungry so uh what am do you see that see what what was that wait wait where did it go i swear i saw something at the top of the mountain but no i don't see it maybe i'm just sleepy yeah i swear i just saw something too but guess my eyes were playing games with me because i'm sleepy as well i'm just as sleepy oh oh i caught a puffer fish i'm getting weird vibes here you know what here here you go cook the salmon because you are really hungry i will you know what do you want to get out of here we can we can hmm uh let me see uh we have a problem actually can we just sleep here for the night please don't say it why can't we leave uh because we have to spend more time as a family no let's go to a hotel uh no we can't we can't ashley no no we can't actually we can oh no oh no no gas it was a three hour you didn't get gas it was a three hour drive what do you mean what do you expect me to do you always blame me on ever for everything i can't stay go find gas the please of being married guys i constantly get bullied i'll stay with baby rage of course you will you never do anything i'm so tired i just wanna sleep ashley i thought you loved me all right guys well i gotta go and find some gas ah well i don't even know if i can go in to these cabins yep they're locked dang it that first place that we uh went to wasn't locked i was able to open the doors and stuff so maybe if i check over there we might be able to find something hopefully yes which is what i'm hoping for to be honest uh so there's something they're supposed to be like some sort of like bar or something like that right there's a nice cafeteria area um nice kitchen we got some cake but where's the gas i need gas um there's a what is this up here oh jerry can use this jerry can and phil oh fill vehicles with fuelium it can hold the equivalent dang we got some fuel oh my goodness all right you know what i know this camping trip didn't go the way it you know it was supposed to but it is what it is i just want my family to have a good time you know uh well at least i have some good news i can go and tell ashley that we got gas and we can get out of here we didn't stay at a hotel tonight which is nice um but wait who is that right there wait what wait what yo that guy has a knife yo yo yo that guy with the mask has a knife wait where is he going oh there's ashley oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm tasting him no please i'm tasting him i'm tasting oh my gosh what just happened what the heck that mask i've been seeing it all around see that mask is right here too what the can we leave please yes yes yes ashley i found gas i found gas who in the world yo uh go fill up the car i i will i will i just figured it out i just figured it out this is called camp voorhees how could i be so stupid this is jason voorhees like jason yes like jason go okay okay i'll go fill up the gas oh my goodness guys i put my family in danger just because i got a deal just because i got a deal all right let me fill up the gas real quickly all right should be filled up now hopefully there we go there we go it's working get in get in get in baby rage get in get in we we need to go guys why isn't the car going why isn't the car going guys the car oh my goodness i need to how do i fill it up oh how do i fill up the gas oh there we go there we go all right there we go oh my goodness i really thought i filled up the gas before but i go go go she said hurry okay i'll get out oh my gosh this is before he's coming for us guys i need to go i need to go oh my goodness oh my goodness media get out of here guys why are bad things always happening to us i don't know guys but what am i supposed to do is this the right way i don't know but we i sure hope so well i hope so too i know ashley i know it has been ours but do you even know where you're taking us uh of course i mean look look at this pathway right here this yeah yes yes actually this way this way we did not come from here no trust me i know everyone's tired and stuff like that but i'm sure it was this way i i know for a fact i know for a fact everything always goes wrong we are tired well if you guys really we almost got i know i know i was not expecting that they they gave us a deal with the campgrounds i couldn't just you know let that offer go well if you guys are so tired you guys can yeah a deal i mean you guys can just sleep in the car and all i'll i'll you know if i find something in the car uh in the middle of no okay fine fine i'll protect the family where are you baby baby rage where are you then to get killed oh there he is oh my god oh my goodness i almost lost the baby again no no that's not what i meant to say but of course okay well so what's your plan well maybe out here in the woods there might be you know we we might be lucky enough to find someone and hey baby rage stop going up so far ahead stay with the family okay oh oh sorry sorry i did not mean to hit you baby right no i'm sorry that was just a little pat on the head okay this is oh my gosh baby ray that's not what i meant to do guys so hope you hit our kid hey don't act like you know uh we we shouldn't discipline our okay okay all right maybe you know if we go into the woods we might find someone camping out here or something like that and maybe we can ask for directions because this does seem like a campground like in the middle of nowhere they wouldn't have a little built bridge like this come on think about this logically man what did i tell you guys ashley i told you i told you who's the smart one of the family me great not you no me it's me okay well well follow me follow me i'm sure i'm sure anyone who lives in here or something see it seems like they were cooking up something here as oh never mind well the furnace is still hot okay so hopefully someone's here let me knock on the door hello excuse me anyone home it looks abandoned i don't think anyone's here so does that mean we we can't just go yes we can if it's abandoned oh baby rage is over see he has he has the same you know he's just like me he i mean he is baby rage after all you know let's look around oh there's a baby carriage right here there whoa does that mean there used to be a family that lived here because there's a little um like i don't know like there's a two two two people bed and then they have this little crib right here hey baby baby rage get back up here oh my goodness are your legs okay sheesh man my baby is not careful guys all right i think we're up in the attic right now let's go ahead and snoop inside of these packages we shouldn't be no yes ashley ashley listen to me you want to get out of lot alive right you can snoop i'll be downstairs okay well be careful gosh we can't stay split up we got spruce uh you know what i shouldn't be taking any of this what stuff the bunny okay let me take that actually because baby right what what's that sound downstairs okay well anyways let's keep looking around a baby stroller right here stuffed teddy you know what baby rage might like these toys you know oh a xylophone all right i already know baby rage is gonna love these toys we got toy helicopter okay he might not like the dolls dolly jill and dolly mia probably not all right well there doesn't seem to be anything that's useful to like help us you know get out of here or something like there's squirrel plush no baby rage wouldn't like that uh luggage nah nah we don't need that trophy dear empty map wait hold on say this might actually help us get out of here i don't know guys i'm gonna have this empty map just in case you know handy just in case baby rage i have baby rage baby rage look at this look at this i got a toy for you baby oh what in the yo this jack in the box looks so so creepy guys what in the world yeah this there was a baby here this was a play room baby rage don't don't think about this man i got something for you i got a toy helicopter for you i got some xylophones i got a stuffed teddy bear for you and a stuffed bunny see daddy loves you free toys for my little kid yeah yeah see look guys ow what what did did you steal um no no no no no i'm just i'm just um sharing you know sharing is caring okay sharing is caring where is where is baby rage going oh my goodness well well ashley i did find what do you have yeah what do you have baby rage you have nothing right yeah you have nothing well i got this map right here from the attic where is baby rage going where are you going baby rage huh okay there seems to be this dining table like right like there's dining room right here what's over here what how did baby rage find whoa what is this right here ashley do you see this this place looks so creepy what in the world is there like is this like a sewer a sewer baby rage come on baby rage come on let's go what in the oh my gosh what did her baby did our baby just fall we need it we need to go oh my god we need to go after them we need to go after him baby rage oh my gosh where in the world are we ashley where are we so so what who's the smart one well both of us maybe rage was the one who took us hey hey baby ranger was the one who's baby rage bad baby rage why'd you do that ow what is this i don't know where we are stop hitting him okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry it seems like we're in some sort of like creepy laboratory like look at this guys they have like these weird experiments some of this is like spilled and stuff like that oh my goodness what it seems like they were doing like some sort of procedure here and like syringes what in the oh my you're risking you're risking i know okay i know we're risking our lives okay well whoa ashley look at this we can't keep doing this well we couldn't even have a simple i promise i'll make it up to you guys okay i promise i'll make it up to you too are you trying to kill it no i'm not i care about our family okay next time uh please give me another chance well look at this it says siren head experiment number one i've heard of this thing before have you ever heard of this ashley it's like this giant monster like a hundred feet tall and it has like sirens as its head and it eats like human beings is this from your video games no it's not real no it's just videos i've seen i'd well i would say it's not real too just get out of here i will i will but like we see it right here oh my goodness how do oh wait baby rage just found an exit for us wait baby rage okay let's go let's go baby rage man i don't know how baby rage is so like intuitive with this like how does he know what's in the world is that siren head oh my god ashley run run run baby rage run run run run oh my goodness oh my goodness what the heck is just standing there guys this is actually so creepy what is that whoa what huh what what what is happening baby rage where did you get that gun how did you get that gun wait is siren head still standing there okay we need to we need to go baby rage give me that gun okay oh oh my goodness where did you get this gun tfg 10k i need to save my family guys i need to shoot this thing yo yo this iron head thing needs to get out of here guys i don't know how the how baby rage even got this oh well it's out of ammo we need to go we need to go we need to go i'm out of ammo i can't do anything let's go let's go let's go we need to go we need to go go go go go go go it keeps following us guys oh my goodness that looks so creepy guys let's go go go go go i need to keep my family safe oh my gosh back to the car back to the car back to the car i need to turn it back around too oh no that's gonna take an extra two seconds and in those two seconds i'm probably gonna die what he dropped out of the toilet baby rage why did you drop all the toys i got those toys for you oh my goodness all right you know what i don't i don't want to have any memories of this wait i should probably keep the map for myself all right let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh why am i in the wrong seat great i'm sorry ashley okay time to get lost no no i promise i promise i know exactly where maybe even killed don't say that our kid is in the back he hears us okay i don't know how long it's gonna take but i promise we'll get back home two hours later man i told you guys i knew where i was going now we're back home and they're all both asleep so they don't even know how we got back home man i oh actually i should probably fill my gas oh my goodness my gas tank is super super low let me go ahead and fill it up bro quickly man this car takes up so much gas i wonder how much it's gonna cost oh wait hold on isn't that my boss uh hello excuse me you uh i'm just here to buy some gas i'm just here to buy some gas uh sir how much will uh i think station number three b ha ha how much how much is the total sir so you think you can just let my store get robbed and leave trust me what do you want me to do my my life was on the line and i already knew i was gonna get fired so that's why i left okay pooft i didn't rob it so you want gas yes yes yes i do i do um it's i will put it on your last paycheck oh phew i just realized i have no money right now guys i legit have no money left okay thank you so much and uh do you think i have some you know some money left on the last paycheck anything else buddy yeah i was kind of you have ten dollars that's actually perfect you know what i'm thinking guys i could take my chances i know i've been like really really unlucky but you guys know how the saying goes if you're super unlucky there might be a chance that it could flip all around because when things go too well something bad happens okay sir uh could i get a lottery ticket i think sure okay can i get the million dollar one i think that's ten dollars right yeah the uh millie the millie uh the millie bomb yeah i have a pr guys i'm not gonna lie here you go sucker all right well have a good day okay oh i think he's actually mad at me guys well i have a really really good feeling about this well let's go ahead and fill up the gas tank of my car real quickly i wonder where ashley and all that is uh good to see you we made it back but where is our baby um ashley i actually have no um i think he went to take a little pee break yeah i took him to the bathroom okay well it was kind of your responsibility you were in the car oh there's baby rage oh okay well i should probably fill up the gas guys i mean yeah fill up the car with the gas and just like that we should have enough gas now everyone hop on a board everyone get in the car hey we actually got a ton of fuel from that 5 000 blocks oh me poop oh okay nice nice i hope you feel better now did your dad take you yeah yeah right right baby rage i took you no no yes i did i actually took you to the bathroom all by myself no i swear baby rage don't lie now and lying is bad lying is bad baby rage okay i'll take you guys back home i promise okay i promise i'll don't hit me again okay okay okay i won't baby rage all right well i promise you know even though this vacation didn't seem like one i i really really hope i can make it up to you guys you know ashley i know things may have been rough lately but you know i bought a lottery ticket and i have a great feeling that you know we have we might get really really lucky this time okay i promise i promise i'll make it up to you guys i just want to sleep i do too but finally home hopefully we can get good and uh get a good night's of rest well good night good night everyone what she just closed the door on me maybe rage get in all right well i think it's time for us to rest hey rage go upstairs and go to sleep it's bedtime now can't wait to sleep in my own bed home sweet man i swear block city is probably my favorite minecraft show on tv right now it can't get any better i swear ah man i could keep on watching this but honestly i should take a break like hey hey ashley how's it going i just uh i just watched some block city not to interrupt your show you know you promised me that you would watch this with me the other day but you still haven't i'm looking forward to that well you know i was cleaning yeah yeah you were working around the house and i found some booze oh past due oh oh no actually when i found them they weren't past due when will these get paid uh soon soon soon of course soon we have wait wait what when do you go back to work in like a few hours uh yeah yeah in a few hours ashley it's been a while oh yeah i took like this um vacation time off and today is actually my first day back yeah so don't even worry about the after one night of work okay yeah i'm serious i'm serious don't you worry about the bills i got it paid you know you know i always got things handled we we got this house somehow you know well i'll finish cleaning all right well baby rage is that his friends oh he is okay okay good thing you dropped him off this time uh all right i'm gonna head to work soon so good luck with cleaning okay the day hey bunny little bunny you're staying here you're not leaving all right well i'm gonna head to work okay i'm gonna head to work goodbye okay all right oh no guys i forgot i didn't tell ashley that i still that i lost my job basically that i got robbed and basically got fired from my job but um you know what guys this is my last chance you guys see this lottery ticket that i bought last time yeah we're gonna have to use it at this point and like i said i have a pretty good feeling so many bad things have happened to me so it has to switch up sometimes right let's just hope that you know maybe we can win like 500 or like i don't know like any any money i get from this is good because we did spend ten dollars so as long as we make like eleven dollars back i'll be happy okay well let's go ahead and park the car i have a really good feeling about this guys they did say that the lottery winner announcements were today and yep lottery winner announcements okay oh phew lottery day finally right hey man how's it going you know you feeling good about your lottery ticket i'm feeling real good i am oh just trust me though you're probably not gonna win because i'm gonna be the winner let's be honest okay winning numbers rude i'm saying man i just gotta be confident eight okay okay i have eight nine seven six eight nine seven six please please eight i have eight nine okay okay does this kid have nine nine nine nine eight nine i have that too i think i'm gonna win no it's it has to be me please be me no seven okay okay okay i have seven okay what does this kid have i got this what he still has the same numbers no no i have eight nine seven six eight nine six yo i won oh yeah get out of here boy get out of here i won yeah get out of here little loser of course it's you uh hey hey xboss hey hey whoa whoa this kid came back just to punch me of course it's you there's a lottery ticket i'm the winner of the winner boss well well x boss again you can't handle a fight what wow anyways oh my goodness how much do i win how much do i win i hope i at least won 11 please like i need to pay my bill somehow you know you need to make my money back please please please do you want me to load up the 1 million on your credit card 1 million no you're lying aren't you you're joking around with me xbox just because you know i got you robbed and stuff last time but hey load it up load it up i need to see the one you did buy the millionaire lottery i'm so excited oh my god i cannot wait to treat my family with something congrats guys you already know i'm about to treat my family with a vacation they have never even heard of you know i got i gotta make up for what happened last time guys yeah with the campgrounds speaking of the campgrounds we we need we need to have a little chat with that person with that person who scammed me basically with a good deal but ended up being some some serial killer campground or something like that well let's go ahead and park our car real quickly let's head into the mall guys i i think i think we're just gonna have a little chat with that guy right there in the camp store okay where's the cam store oh here it is here it is cam shop oh i'm never coming back here after this hi sir would you like another well would you like to purchase another camp excuse me sir we need to talk you scammed me here take this jerry can take this empty map yeah some dude some map no refund sir i don't care about the refund man i'm just here to to talk your ears off because we found a serial killer that tried to kill my wife and my and my kid at the at this i can't believe can't breathe sir you never heard of jason voorhees before you did whatever you could to scam me didn't you you scammer talk to the hand cam all right guys well let's go ahead and uh go find another shop real quickly man that cam oh my gosh that was like the worst deal ever fitness center i can't get my family anything at the fitness center um can i get something here no okay uh all these like stores are closed what is this travel rights i don't think i've seen this store here before travel right oh and there seems to be someone working here maybe i can get my family in an amazing vacation or maybe just you know for ashley and i we've never been on like we didn't make guys did we even go on our honeymoon this could be it because it's because we had a kid so so soon hello welcome to travel right how does a vacation sound sounds great miss um well i was thinking you know do you have any like amazing vacation plans going on right now because i would really i really need one right now after everything i've gone through and you guys have seen it firsthand how about somewhere tropical let's do it like a island or something like that something like that i've always wanted to go on like a island does sound very very fun are you taking your family yeah i was i was thinking about taking my family but we have a newborn so i don't know if it's actually like we currently have a honeymoon special oh i was just talking about that just now uh maybe have a break from your kiddo oh that sounds amazing actually you know what get get me a ticket for two just my wife and i we can have an amazing vacant oh my gosh guys uh can i have your name and your wife's name my name is rage and my wife's name is ashley oh my god i can't wait to get my tickets oh man when when is this vacation actually because we should probably you know have everything planned out and stuff obviously because vacations like this you shouldn't take it lightly okay your flight actually would leave tonight what is there any other time you can leave or something but the special makes it worth it oh my gosh all right well i do have a lot of money right now how much how much is it how what's the price because guys i'm i'm balling now i have a million to spend tonight is the last night to get the 20k deal 20k ain't even nothing all right here you go it's a wonderful trip yay yay all right i'm i'm paying up that 20k baby all right thank you so much you're welcome for the business i'm a millionaire keep that in mind all right sir have a wonderful vacation all right not a problem and uh i appreciate you for helping me out so uh it leaves tonight you said yes sir oh well i i better get going oh my goodness i can't wait to let ashley know about this guy oh my gosh she's gonna she's gonna love this so so much guys we have like i said we had a kid so soon that uh we never had a time you know we we never had time to go on our honeymoon so let's head back home and i need to tell ashley as soon as i can oh my gosh oh my gosh i need i need to tell her now ashley ashley where are you i'm back home i'm back home ashley ashley ashley hi um i actually quit my job just now i just quit yeah what we have bills don't even worry hand me those bills i'ma pay them right now i'm just like that i'm just really like that you have no faith in me all right let me go to the computer real quick i'm gonna go pay the bills bada bing bada boom all right let me pay this bill pay that bill pay this bill paid that bill paid this bill paid that bill all right ashley they've all been paid did you steal who do you think i am i'm not a robber i am your husband rage and i always a thief what oh yeah see i'm your husband you know i'm not no thief look at my that too look at my credit card it's a premium credit card now and only prem and and premium credit cards they're the only ones with one million dollar in credit so you already know wait what did you say all right i'll take this and go no ashley hand it back ashley hand it back i got something special for us oh you are so funny all right well basically i just spent 20 000 on our honeymoon yeah what hey we didn't 20 don't worry okay oh my god oh no we never went on our honeymoon we had our kids so soon right after the marriage so did you sell our house no i won the lottery do we need a break no no no i bought the i bought a lottery ticket and i won one million dollars ashley i won one million dollars well you should start packing though you should start packing though i'll start packing but not to sell the house we need to pack no no no we need to pack for a vacation i spent 20 000 for a honeymoon vacation we're going to a tropical island let's go let's go let's go we need to go and once you have it packed up meet me at the car and we need to catch our flight by tonight bye tonight ashley should i go get baby rage no no um do you do you know any babysitters just call them up real quickly because we don't have too much time and get a baby babysitter for spike too cute you spike all right well i'll meet you at the car all right no bb rage this time finally guys a time some time away from our baby guys i'm waiting in the car hopefully ashley you know packs up real quickly hopefully she shows up quick because um we need to go guys it is turning night time so we gotta go to the we need to go to the airport quick oh she's here go go come on come on come on ashley hop on in oh yep she has her luggage ready all right let's go oh my goodness so when i tell you guys i'm excited i'm so excited for our first vacation together just us as a married couple [Music] [Applause] oh that was a really long flight like six hours or something like that what a flight ride that was like six hours long aloha hey there are you our um tour guide or something like that because they did say this was a special package all right ma'am well where do we get started it is very late at night this is amazing ashley i got you let me give you a tour okay let me give you two a tour ashley i know you're tired i'm tired too let's get a little uh tour right quick and then let's go to bed you know our honeymoon all right well um this is a really nice place guys oh my goodness they have like cabins up on the mountain this is the vip lodge are we staying at the vip lodge oh my goodness imagine if we stay at the vip lodge that would be so nice wow this looks beautiful guys like what oh wait is she taking pictures hi cheese take a picture yeah we go we're creating memories our your first room is the first one to the right oh i'm guessing is this one right here okay perfect all right all right uh we'll probably check out the room in just a second but before we do that i think she has more to show us we have a nice pool right here super nice oh my goodness there's a hotel right here too but we stay at the vip resort guys man ashley's out here just taking so many pictures save the pictures for later actually we have so much to explore still and we got this dude just chilling man when the six pack out hey ashley why are you taking pictures of other dudes huh you have a plain writing lesson book that that's this way okay okay plain writing listen whoa yeah this place is so so nice what's this this is definitely worth it we should we should make a vlog or something ashley oh my goodness start a youtube channel or something a couple's channel a family channel man you already know how many views we will get ashley oh my gosh uh the nether club what is this the nether club is this like a nightclub or something that'd be really this is the local nightclub oh this seems really fun too like there's probably like beautiful girls and stuff in here too you know wait what amazing right yeah it's amazing oh yeah amazing this is the beach side okay okay very nice beachside all right dang we have a lighthouse too and stuff guys imagine all oh my goodness all right well uh what else is there the lighthouse the night the lighthouse right here very very nice oh okay okay um oh we have a raft too this is so cool can we go on this raft as a couple on this oh no what what is this dude this looks fun why that's the emergency raft well i mean you know it's still a raft it hasn't been used in years well if it hasn't been used in years we'll make use of it you know we'll probably make use of it or something all right well i don't know why it hasn't been used in there up there up where the blue thing oh what is that up there is the local restaurant dang imagine the view from up there that looked beautiful honestly actually i'm gonna take you to that restaurant later during our trip because this is like a you know like a four day resort so very very exciting hope you guys will enjoy the rest uh you will you are free to rest this is awesome ashley let's go to bed i know we're really really tired so let's start the vacation tomorrow morning [Music] [Applause] oh that was one amazing night and look at the view this looks so beautiful from here we have a nice pool view and everyone's just vibing down there look at these people just enjoying the vacation ashley are you glad now are you glad we had a good time you know are you having a good time so far for once oh my god don't even worry i promise you we'll have more moments like this in the future well i actually have something really really awesome you know uh planned for us part it's part of the program and what we're gonna be doing today you know what i'll just i'll just take you there you're gonna love this it's just right down here um it's uh what wait wait i think it's a lady right here i think what are what is she saying step right up and take a ride on the roller coaster yep we're going on a roller coaster ashley i know you're not too keen of roller coasters but oh but trust me you'll love this this should be fun man trust me i know you'll love this please let me in uh for two people out out fun wait you have to be this hot man i already know i'm this tall i sorry i'm not ashley stand up stand up straight see you're good to go ashley trust me you're gonna love this you're gonna love this this is our trip this is our trip not just mine you first welcome welcome welcome thank you thank you all right i can't wait to hop into this roller coaster all right this is gonna be fun uh you hop in first ashley no okay okay fine oh my goodness this is going to be fun this is going to be really hey i want to go with ashley all right i'm ready this is so awesome whoa where are we going yo this is great this is actually so so great oh whoa we're underneath the water as well ashley you better be enjoying the roller coaster it's not that bad it's not that scary wow that was fun ma'am thank you so much for giving us such an amazing experience it was cool it was no problem thank you so much yeah cheese oh stand here okay okay all right cheese oh my gosh all right we're capturing memories soon we're gonna be making a family channel and we're gonna be making the big bucks out here oh my goodness all right so what else should we do what else should we do should we go to the beach or something like that let's enjoy the beach okay sure sure all right let's enjoy the beach um oh we could get some tanning done as well you know what i doubt guys i definitely need some tanning real quick so let's do some tanning and tomorrow we also have some pretty awesome stuff planned go get your uh go get your swimsuit i'm gonna go grab mine as well [Music] [Applause] yesterday might have been fun with the roller coaster and beach but trust me today's even hey sir excuse me can you leave us alone we're a brand new newlywed couple hey i know i remember you took a picture of him okay i can i won't hey take a picture of me all right we're going we're going right down here oh my goodness we're gonna have so much fun with this one right here oh my gosh we are going to be taking a plane lesson what yeah well we're not really taking a plane lesson we're we're gonna be renting a plane no yes oh what do you mean oh someone else is flying sure uh yeah yeah yeah someone else is flying not you but me rent a plane for an hour okay all right hi sir hello i actually um i i purchased the special plan so uh hand me the key and i cannot wait all right so what is this sir wait we fly this alone no not alone we're we're both in the uh in the plane all right thank you for the guide thank you for the guide ashley hop on in trust me as your husband i want you to trust me okay read the book all right all right let's read the book let's read the book by signing by signing this agreement i am agreeing that the the resort is in no way shape or form responsible for any accidents that may occur i will not sue or blame anyone if something happens while i'm driving the plane i'm aware these are not plane uh experts yup i'm signing it by rage elixir bada bing bada boom rage oh wait uh um what is it called um flights uh contract all right there you go it has been signed the flight contract uh i think i'll watch and take pictures no ashley come on hop on in come on don't be shy it'll be it'll be so cool for you go on be safe ah actually i really wanted actually to come on uh you know this flight with me but you know what it's fine i'm gonna go ahead and fly this plane oh i'm taking off guys yo this is actually so fun this is my first time actually uh flying a plane oh my gosh how do i get back down so that just happened uh yeah i don't think that was supposed to happen well then um yeah look at the video i saw the picture um you may leave now okay well i'm we're going we're going where's the plane no no actually they can deal with that later they can deal with the plate later okay uh what else do we have planned for today oh wait i i i'll frame i'll frame that picture okay okay here here's the picture let me look at it again oh my gosh this is so embarrassing here's the picture ashley oh man man hey aren't you glad you know you didn't come on the flight no more see i'm giving you the time of your life on this trip i'm kind of hungry i have the perfect spot how about some dinner i have the perfect spot come with me ashley remember when we were getting the tour whoa we oh man i'm gonna take you to that amazing restaurant with that beautiful view watch this oh we could you know the nightclub could be for you know we could save that for tomorrow okay right we can save that for tomorrow let's just uh let's just head on over to the restaurant i cannot wait to try their five-star restaurant on this island we're here at this beautiful and amazing well i i'm assuming it's an amazing restaurant oh oh wow and of course they're taking pictures oh my gosh sky view restaurant okay think of it here take a picture you you like taking pictures so much cheese all right well let's head on in we have reservations for tonight come on in i already knew you were gonna be hungry so please wait to be seated welcome how many will we be seating today i oh well we have reservation for two for rage if you don't mind taking us to our seat this way all right man this is nice could we uh excuse me sir could we uh take the seats over here the view is much much nicer the ocean view beautiful sure alright look at that guys we have the tiki hut downstairs i mean down there let me know what you want could i have the uh oh uh i'm ready to order this is amazing ashley uh while you look at the menu i'm gonna go ahead and order real quickly if you don't mind i think i will be ordering the lobster fettuccine with salmon with uh with a filet mignon um three uh wagyu steak three um three chunks or something like that three sirloin or something like that um the best of the best in the world and uh since you know we're near the water more lobster why not a whole life-size lobster all right what about you ashley uh i wonder what this is going to come out to because honestly i have money to spend guys can i get salad with and some spaghetti and you can have some of my lobster too it's all paid sir oh oh my goodness this is gonna be the best time of our lives this place is amazing oh cheese oh actually stay take a picture you know take pictures of the view right here yeah beautiful oh man i am stuffed whoa i am so full now i'm glad you guys love the food wow delicious and i'm so stuffed oh thank you so much for the amazing customer service here's uh just just put it on my car 500 tip for you so yummy all right ashley ladies first okay all right you know you know ashley i am um you know feeling a little stuffed right now and i cannot sleep right now so no no we shouldn't go back let's go on a little hike might as well right to um you know walk off the food we could we could do that real quickly uh where do you want to walk we can just you know walk on right here and hopefully you know if we run into a trail or something like that just enjoy the view just enjoy the view or something like that you know you lead the way okay i'll lead the way how oh we could you know remember our teenage years we were a little rebellious and stuff like that we could be a little rebellious now let's go off trail what do you think what do you think ashley oh no fine hey you always say i'm a this has gone great so why not exactly you always say i'm like troublemaker and whatnot but at the end of the day you used to be really troublesome back then too all right so ah wait i had a i had a really great question too so you see that volcano right there right i think it's a volcano that was that was connected to our to our um resort pretty sure hopefully that volcano is still dormant because if it's not that's so scary hopefully right right let's just go on this hike man i don't guys this is definitely trespassing for sure at this point we are really trespassing ashley but you know what it's our honeymoon hey don't take pictures right now we could you know this is evidence that we were ah why would you do that why would you hit me ashley i took you on this trip sorry okay okay all right well let's look around see if we find anything down wait what is this wait is this like a little gift shop down here that no one knows about secret gift shop uh what i don't think so no it does look like a real let's not what happened with you and your sense of adventure i know you love having adventures come on well maybe not going in there all right of course you're taking hey here here take a picture cheese all right how do i take your picture shirt cheese all right you know what uh now let's go no no no don't run away now ashley you know what i'll go i'll go you're gonna stay here and if there's nothing in there i would you know it you were right all along but this time i'm gonna make sure you know i know i promise you know i'll get i'll find something good or something like that i'm gonna explore do some exploration and wait hold on a second is this like huh the entrance does look a little weird but what is that right there [Music] is that up whoa what why are the no these have to be decorations why are there corpse why are their corpses like huh they're like chained against the wall and like uh where did i just get myself to whoa but this does look shiny it's a diamond crown oh my gosh don't mind don't mind if i do ashley's gonna love this crown with pillow oh ashley i found something ashley come here i got something for you come here look at this look look look wait what wait it was a gift shop wait did you hear that did you just hear that that was so loud oh what is that what is that oh my gosh we should probably head back oh my gosh i do have something for you but we need to we need to that was really loud oh no what what no why are you taking pictures right now yo the volcano erupted is it because i grabbed the crown or something like i don't think i was supposed to grab the crown what in the world is happening did i just make the volcano erupt holy crap do you guys see that oh no oh no what do we do what do we do what do we do oh actually actually don't get left behind our hotel room uh no no don't even worry about the hotel room i think we need to go to the safety raft ashley we need to go to the safety rack now you know the emergency rap that hasn't been used in so long we need to go holy crap ashley hurry i really don't want to leave you behind because if i need to leave you behind i will at this point i cannot okay i'm joking i'm joking oh gosh oh my gosh we i oh no we need to go back we need to go back and and you know hopefully we survive this i'm really really hoping you know we we get out of this alive and see baby rage again you know anyways what happened to baby rage did did the babysitter say anything ashley hey keep running he's doing great okay okay okay well let's go let's go let's go let's take the let's take the raft oh my gosh let's take the rap come on come on what what'd you say uh what is that oh hello sir are you the uh indigenous tribe guy who lives here um sir i don't even see what he's saying um whoa this guy's oh why is he hitting me get in the raft actually ashley we need to go we need to go get in the raft oh get in the raft why is it taking so long to drive go go go go go go oh my gosh we're gonna get out of here we need to get out of here he's angry ashley i'm so sorry i'm so sorry this is all my fault once again what did you do i'm pretty sure because i grabbed because i grabbed the uh the crown in there there was a really really shiny crown in there i grabbed that and because i grabbed it i think it caused the volcano to erupt i'm sorry but i i promise you we'll have other chances where i'll be able to make it up hopefully okay then i promise actually i promise i know we've been through some rough times but i promise things will get better
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,285,338
Rating: 4.8955946 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Block City, Minecraft Roleplay, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay Block City, Block City Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Movie, Minecraft Roleplay Movie, Minecraft Block City Season 2, Minecraft Block City Season 2 Movie, Minecraft Block City Movie
Id: _WwKv0AdvFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 20sec (9020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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