I Went From POOR to RICH in Minecraft!

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so in today's episode of black city i went out to look for a job because it turns out that i have no money left i was about to spend my last 20 on food when this strange homeless man came up to me and took it away somehow things got better in the day and i ended up as a millionaire watch the entire episode find out what happens welcome back to block city [Music] oh i have not been up this early but i can tell you guys that i am looking snazzy it's time for me to look for a job finally finally i only have uh 20 on my name right now i don't think that's enough to pay for any of the bills especially because this house oh it's so expensive well gotta say goodbye to the family look how cute you guys are oh look at rey's junior amber's just oh look how cute amber she's growing up all my kids are growing up and everything well ashley i am uh i'm actually leaving you told me to find a job i'm finally doing it i i got a drawing you gotta draw another one oh raise junior let's see race junior is getting so talented is that a drawing of dad oh okay okay oh my gosh that is so good you are getting so much better finally you lazy man oh ashley i i'm just trying to make sure the family's good i think i think amber likes it i think i think i don't know well kids uh dad's gonna go find a job uh wish me luck okay wish me luck wish me luck too ashley i hope i can find a good job for you know to support the family cause good luck finding a job bye okay okay all right bye give me a hug all right you two kids kids stop jumping around everywhere raise junior you're ruining the furniture we you know we don't have much money left man you're gonna destroy the furniture give me a hat give me a hug give dad a hug all right all right you too you too let me lift you up oh you're so cute all right everyone i'll see you later okay wish that oh you want to hug too all right fine give me a hug all right all right all right enough with the sappy sappy stuff you know i still have 20 dollars left i mean i could still treat myself if i really think about it i'm finding a job soon so honestly i'm gonna get paid so maybe um i think i'm gonna go for that three burger deal that they're having at mcdonald's yeah i'm kind of hungry i should probably eat before you know i can't be going to interviews with the empty stomach i might be a little grumpy so let me stop by mcdonald's all right man we should really i should really start treating myself to better meals to mcdonald's but right now i'm kind of poor there's like literally only twenty dollars left on my family's name that's uh that's pretty terrible if you ask me well all right can't wait to eat my three burgers yup yup yo yo stay back stay back i don't know what you want from me he said sir sir sir frank frank okay okay hello frank do you have any spare change i know it looks weird like you know i i look pretty uh rich right now with my suit on but i'm basically in the same position please i really need it sir i mean i'm basically in the same position you are right now i'm basically going to go homeless at this point but you know if worse comes to i got nothing oh i mean worse comes the worst i can always sell my house and i'll be good man this guy looks oh my goodness this guy is in rough shape oh my goodness when was the last time he took a shower yikes um crap um huh oh uh nothing uh well i i got you i got you well this is the last 20 dollars i have on my name like i literally have no more money left thank you good sir uh i mean i'm gonna be well i'm gonna have to take your place now this is my spot now you wanna swap clothes with me you're basically me at this point well have have a great day oh uh all right well i think i just got robbed that was a um how am i gonna get my burgers uh hello gabe oh hello may i take your order yeah um are you a new worker here by any chance because i've never seen you here i mean yes oh i mean i've seen people like you know people that look like you like you're you look very familiar actually you look like that last guy that was working here but um can i get three burgers please i might i might have some money left oh yeah that will be 20 i mean i might have some money left on my credit card can you check can you check if uh the card gets declined or not i don't know if it's still negative 500 guys i hope it's not oh no no no no this is bad i have no money left i have never felt this poor oh my goodness i might have to if i can't find a job today we're basically screwed because we have overdue bills what it it's denied oh my gosh well uh can i still get my 20 bur i mean uh three three burgers please i'm i'm like starving no sorry please please like i used to work here actually um they they have the uh the mcdonald's alumni uh you know um discount where they give free free food you know please please gabe well the manager here said no no no i i know the manager like he he used to be my best friend like i used to work here so long it was definitely not just one day it was like a year or two years i was working here for so long please please sir but he told me no sir man i'm starving oh my gosh well i guess it's time for me to find a job i i have no money left where where did all my money go well i don't even know if i have enough like gas in my car left to to go huh who is this sir uh who are you this dude has a whole suit and everything frank i'm glad to find you again who are you i mean you do you do look really familiar even the name seems really familiar but like i was that man that was just over there he's one of those he's one of those fake less homeless a fake fake homeless men that that pretend to be homeless and take two people's monies huh you just robbed me give me my money back give my money back no what what do you mean no i gave you my last 20 dollars i'm this close to punching this man oh oh i would like to thank you yeah but thanking me is not gonna get me any money thank you me is gonna you know thinking he's not gonna do anything i'm gonna be poor forever i just came wait i just came over from huh what from from cubetown oh wait that that sounds really familiar i think i think someone i know lives in cube town actually frank is your is your name frank by any chance my name's uh my name's rage by the way um i've been trying to find people and people nice enough like you oh oh okay okay sure um well i'm about to head out um so hope you have a good day as well sir i need to uh go find a job i'm basically i would like to give you something uh sure what is this premium credit card um okay have a great day now oh he just gave me a premium credit card it probably doesn't even have any money on it but there is there is a bank across the street and i'm kind of curious to find out how much money there is on the premium credit card i mean if even if he you know what if he what if he decided to uh give me twenty dollars back but like why would it be on a premium credit card as far as i know like the premium credit cards they're super super hard to get and like i don't know like i i just know that uh you know anything's better than having nothing right okay well these guys are pretty busy right now um is this one open oh it says closed um hello sir uh hey i'm just gonna sit right here i'm waiting for wait you can help me wait really it says close though sir um it's not closed anymore um well um i mean if you can help me i can help you real quick oh okay okay i mean this is gonna be really quick anyway so uh so i just had a really really uh important question i was just curious well this man just handed me a credit card it's not under my name or anything like that i don't know if i'm allowed to use it but i was just wondering what the balance on this credit card was because i know i mean i probably shouldn't tell them i have negative 500 on my on my name that'd be kind of embarrassing to be honest wow what what he said wow um what wait he's like double checking and stuff what what is happening i'm kind of scared dude i'm kind of scared another negative there's five millions on this car what what do you what do you mean this has to be a mistake what do you mean five million what five million yen 5 million pesos it's waiting to be accepted on the cart what dollars this has to be a mistake this has to be a mistake hold on uh can you hand me that card back let me okay okay let you oh yeah try again try again try again holy crap if there's actually five million dollars on this car it's the same i need i need to go back uh give me the car give me the car thank you so much thank you so much franklin oh i i need to get back guys i need i don't know where that old man went but i should probably head back and try to give him the give him the credit card because um this is like i'm happy to take twenty dollars back but i don't know about five million i don't know if i can accept that i don't know if my family would be okay with that what if this is like you know burglarized money like what if this is illegal here's your order thank you good sir oh oh frank frank frank frank uh hi hi um i need to talk to you real quickly uh i know you're in trying to enjoy your meal right now but like uh the premium credit card you gave me apparently it has five million dollars on it i mean i should probably be quiet but like there's five five million dollars on it like are you sure yours yes i know what he handed it back to me like this it's a mistake right isn't this a mistake like i gave you 20 dollars i was looking for people like you what what do you mean what do you mean you were looking for people like me oh yes oh so no one in this city would help you that's why i came here oh oh god i got it oh my goodness um so this is your first time in block city right oh well i mean enjoy your meal enjoy your meal i'll wait i'll wait um after you enjoy your meal um i'll give you i'll give you a tour of vlog city why not why not i'm so thankful for you right now like i was i basically had no money left and like my family was we we i have a whole family i have a i have two kids i have a wife i basically would have gone homeless if i didn't find a job by the end of the day but like this is definitely gonna help me i mean this is gonna basically set me up for life like thank you so much frank oh my goodness all right all right let me let me take you let me let me give you a tour of lock city let me give you a tour of black city oh i can't wait to tell my family about this so you're okay right you're okay with uh me taking the credit card yep oh okay well hop into my car i'm gonna give you again i'm gonna give you a little tour of uh you know the city that i live in i'm sure cubetown is much better you did say people in cubetown wasn't willing to help you but you know we have a bank right here so uh how how is cubetown like i i feel like it's a nice place it's probably better than block city to be honest but uh this used to be the neighborhood i used to live in it's a pretty nice neighborhood but the people here aren't the you know it's not the safest place the homes are nice uh and this right here been good it's been under construction lately oh really oh so it's kind of like a new town isn't it well um i mean the people i know who live there are pretty old which kind of explains a lot i mean i mean yeah yeah but this right here is my house this this right here is my house or used to be my house and uh well my kid got kidnapped and a lot of bad things happen yeah i really don't want to talk about it wow nice i mean i don't know about nice but like you know it is a nice house though it is a nice house it's broken down for some reasons so right beside the mcdonald's there's a community pool that was just built pretty pretty recently i mean if you think about it block city has been under construction really recently as well to the right it's uh it's the school the high school that i went to as well as you know they have a lot of things here i'm going to take you to the mall why not why not let me let me go to the mall uh would you like anything from the mall i mean it's a it's a pretty nice place they've been a little small what what do you mean it's a little small no no no no no once you go inside it's pretty big let me show you let me show you let me show you look at this look at this what do you think frank this is a pretty big mall i would have to say right don't you think this is a pretty still pretty small oh well i mean you know there's a lot of stuff here and stuff like that well i have more to show you there's a park there's an ice cream parlor could be a little taller i mean looks pretty tall to me sheesh i can kind of see why he's saying it small but in my opinion it's a pretty big mall well let me show you the other uh places around here um i should probably show you my house later but uh to the right there's a gas station and to the hold on wait this wasn't here before hold on hold on hold on frank this is actually my first time seeing this uh i've never been here what is this block deal wait this seems to be like a car dealership or something frank look at this i've never seen a lamborghini in person before this is quite beautiful eh what you don't like it like look at this lamborghini it even has a license plate that says youtuber on it this is the stuff what oh you're more of like a you're more of a bike person aren't you they are amazing i mean i've never ridden uh you know bike or anything i'm just scared i'm just kidding i don't want to get hurt um but they got pretty awesome stuff they got minivans some smart cars a super modded bmw oh my gosh look at this an m4 gt5 sheesh you know you know what i'm thinking frank i have five million dollars on my name what do you think what do you think should i buy a car should i treat myself i mean my family is not gonna be too happy when they see the uh super expensive car but like i'll explain to them what you deserve it what do you mean how do i deserve it you gave me five million dollars for free all right well let's head on in let's head on in maybe i oh i've never test driven a lambo before i've never driven one before maybe i can test drive it all right hello hello sir hello rel um huh what the um what's going on oh um well uh what do you want man this guy is that coffee in his hand man this guy seems really tired like look at his face like the color is gone in his face well uh mr rel i was just um you know i was just looking and i was wondering if i could like test drive any of these uh vehicles here if i was allowed to but i mean look at this oh they have another one here sheesh super modded out bmw not allowed what no test drive come on please please please please let me at least test drive the lamborghini come on come on come on i mean i would like to know the prices first though um could i see what the price of uh the lamborghini is i really really really wanna know hmm i mean you do want you do want your money right give give me a good experience oh that will be [Music] 500 000 [Music] you're joking right uh not too much can i at least test drive it please bro like i mean you know uh if you give me a good experience i might end up purchasing this car like we are actually really really like convinced please sure why not i mean are you gonna ride in the car with me because i'm pretty sure you know we we gotta like do all the paperwork and stuff and make sure you know i don't steal the car right uh yeah yeah yeah well um i don't feel like what well is it okay if frank hops in the car with me are you cool with that i mean yeah sure why not yo if we really wanted to we could just steal the car from this man this guy has like no energy frank what do you think i know and oh yeah yeah i've been hopping hop in frank we could literally steal this car for free if we wanted all right let me hop in holy crap even the inside of this lamborghini looks so beautiful it has a dashboard like a touchscreen dashboard hmm my first time driving a lamborghini let's see how it is all right why is it why is it not moving why is it not moving it's not moving does this does this car need some gas or something i'll oh oh it's going it's going all right let's go let's go frank come on come on let's go oh my goodness sheesh oh my goodness this car seems really low though oh wow oh wow okay okay frank frank i need you to turn around i'm kind of scared oh god i'm scared yo yo you're out of control yo take me back take me back holy crap i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared we're gonna die we're gonna die oh please please please frank please frank just park the car just park the car please please oh my gosh you just crashed into my car yo not in not into the store please oh my god i'm hopping out i'm hopping out oh my gosh frank get out of the car you almost died holy crap oh no these cars these days uh we might have you know you will be paying for that uh i'm actually not a big fan of uh this car put it on my tab what what frank no no you don't have to do that man you don't have to do that for me please please please like ah it's nothing you just spent five hundred thousand dollars just like that i gotta feel bad now okay like i mean nothing oh okay all right then if you're so convincing all right well uh mr rel is it okay if i i know this sounds bad after what we did but like frank is paying for it so we should be good is it okay if i test drive this super modded out car too how much is this one actually i'm kind of kind of curious how much is this car i'm curious i'm curious this looks so nice too that is 200 000 i mean it's not as expensive as the lamborghini can i test drive this one please please sir i mean can you fill up the gas for me actually because um because apparently you know uh oh yeah sure okay thank you so much thank you so much mr rel all right i cannot wait to test drive this car all set oh okay all right frank hop in the car let's do this let's do this my dude all right all right how do i get out of here oh my goodness oh oh this modded bmw goes crazy oh my goodness okay i gotta make sure i'm not hitting my own car i'll probably test drive over here so i can show you you know give you continue giving you the tour so on the right we have the gas station and on the left we have uh oops oh no no no this one's still hard to control but it's not too bad actually i'm actually driving pretty nicely kind of uh dang this car goes fast but on the right side this time there's the ice cream shop and stuff okay i like this car it's so fast but like i like it i like it oh god i crashed in the same spot okay hopefully hopefully it's not too damaged oh oh oh oh no oh no okay um not again um yeah the car is a little damaged hey uh mr l mr oh my goodness he's asleep uh mr rel i've decided that i will be taking that car i will be taking that car right there you said it was two hundred thousand dollars give me the papers i'll sign him wait really yeah oh so now he's all full of energy yeah of course dude of course mr rel um let's let's head on in let's head on in let me sign the papers real quick and follow me oh wow now he's full of energy and everything okay all right time to sign the papers i'm ready to go take my credit card process that 200 200 000 let's do it all right let me sign these papers real quickly thank you so much frank for uh basically changing my life my goodness wait why did you need the two why why did you need the 20 in the first place if you were this rich huh really weird uh to see if you would be kind enough oh i mean ah i mean yeah you're welcome oh what he handed me the twenty dollars i gave i mean i don't need it now but thank you so much uh is this is everything good to go mr rel oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm back enjoy your new car for real hold on hold on wait frank frank frank i'm so thankful for you take whatever you want like like from this selection right here choose whatever you want i'll buy it for you i'll buy it for you yup yup anything you want man anything you want my boss is gonna be so happy what have they not gotten any sales for so long uh what you want the harley all right shoot shoots fill up the gas fill up the gas on this one fill up the gas on this one mr row oh my goodness here here uh process my credit card as well here take it take it he's in such a good mood now he actually looks a lot happier now too all right well frank nice doing business with you handshake give me a handshake yeah thank you so much thank you ow this is going to be so much fun in cubetown shoot dude i got you man that's 30 000 i think man i think ashley i think ashley's gonna be so surprised oh my goodness ashley's definitely gonna be so surprised i need to take ashley on a ride in this car oh my goodness sheesh ashley oh that's my wife's name that's my wife's name oh you want to meet my family actually follow me after this follow me after this i got you rel mr ro hooked me up with a card hooked me up with a card that was thirty thousand dollars no problem no problem all thanks to this man right here courtesy of mr frank all right well have a good day ro have a good day uh have a good day have a good day all right frank you know what to do follow me on my car my dude okay hopefully i don't crash this time this car is super super low like i am not used to this frank let's go follow me oh my goodness why is this car so fast okay i should probably slow down before the turn up up ahead probably i'm not even on the right side of the road all right and take a nice turn right here oh i think i think i i think i got a good handle on this now all right all right man this car is so nice like it has such good control too which i'm super happy about and take a nice sharp turn right here oh oh my gosh okay and then slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down and i am right and oh my goodness i should park it right here there we go there we go oh wait oh where's uh where's ashley oh there they are wait race junior is up in front of the house too hey guys hey ashley hey race junior um i have something really awesome to show you guys who is that uh well this is my friend i know this looks weird but like this is my friend frank he's actually from cubetown isn't that where your parents are from cubetown hello young one old man no no no no rage junior don't call him an old man that's kind of rude okay that's kind of rude that's where my parents live oh so it is cubetown okay well frank uh my this is my wife ashley and uh her her parents actually live in cubetown which is uh that's actually a really really awesome coincidence um and rage junior is my son i also have a daughter i think she went to bed uh well um well his name is rage junior and my my youngest one is amber my my youngest daughter um but actually i have a surprise for you amber's sleeping i have a surprise for you i have a surprise for you i have a surprise for you oh my goodness look at my brand new car uh actually i have good news and bad news bad news i didn't find a job i i still i'm basically still jobless no job no job razor lick sir where did that come from uh um well no job uh i should probably troll her um i well frank and i we actually stole these things did you know did you know that a car dealership opened up in black city well we were just like huh you did what okay okay i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking frank i like to joke around with my family a lot it's a joke it's a joke i actually just bought this car for two hundred thousand dollars two hundred thousand dollars and i actually treated frank i was uh you know i was like you know i was trying to be kind and i bought him a thirty thousand dollar harley davids no rage junior you cannot have this this is mr franks what why are you sad you can't even drive it where did you get that money for for that five hundred thousand dollars rage no no no 500 000 that was my um that was the lambo that i was thinking of getting this is 200 000 dollars yeah so i mean ashley um to tell you the truth so cheap man frank that is not so cheap but uh this man frank right here just saved our lives our family's lives he gave me this credit card right here for uh helping him out with twenty dollars you know i got really lucky apparently he gave me five million dollars i mean it's not 500 i mean it's not 5 million anymore but what yeah what no no don't give my don't give my kid any money don't give my kid any money he's gonna don't spoil him any more than he is uh here here here ashley here's some money we're rich ashley can you believe that we're more rich than we already were thank you rich man ashley we're rich can you believe that oh my goodness i i don't even have to find a job anymore which is nice i'm speechless right ashley i promise to treat you so well i promise i promise let's get some dinner sometime no more mcdonald's i'm gonna take you you better all right i got you i got you no more mcdonald's i'm gonna take you to a nice dinner from now on every single night i'm basically a multi-millionaire now yo frank stop throwing money around like it's nothing sheesh but i mean thank you well uh frank this is my family um do you have any plans for the rest of the day or um do you want to eat dinner with us finally i'm so tired of mcdonald's i mean had to do with what we had left you know stop i'm sorry i'm sorry i promise to treat you now okay i promise well um i have to get back to my duties in cubetown duties what you have a job there or something i mean all right well thank you so much for changing our lives frank you could say that thank you so much frank ah i i really want to give you a hug right now thank you so much frank you are such a good man have a nice day you too oh my dude this man really hooking me up oh are you the mayor or something mayor probably not actually don't don't say that he's just uh you know he's probably just the wealthiest guy there or something like that bye rich man now you don't call him an old man you call him a rich man well what do you think about this car what do you think about this car do you think it was a good purchase i mean i know it's expensive ashley but like five million dollars to 200 000 that's not too much think about it like i had to treat myself you know sheesh my goodness never in my life did i think i would be i call the front seat i mean there's only two seats in this right junior this is a beautiful car i think red would have been better um sure but like i really like this well everyone uh oh where'd he go well everyone let's go let's go my goodness our lives have been changed all right everyone to bed it's uh it's getting dark outside anyways all right well amber's already asleep it's your turn to sleep too i'm gonna buy new toys hey hey i'll buy you the toy give me the money you're not allowed to hold any money okay raise junior you're too young you're only one years old give me the money right now right now hand it over hand it over raise junior i know you're sad but hand it over all right good night good night rage junior yeah i gotta make sure i'm a responsible parent well ashley let's head to bed ow why'd you why'd you close the door on me my goodness well we're rich now can you believe that oh my goodness oh oh it's dark oh it's dark outside all right well let's head to bed goodnight ashley i'll treat you i'll treat you next week okay i'll take you on a i don't know i'll i'll do something for you all right anyways tonight [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 2,973,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, RageElixir Block City, I Became a Minecraft Millionaire, Million Minecraft, Minecraft Millions, RageElixir Millionaire, Block City Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Block City, Helicopter, Rich Man in Minecraft, Poor to Rich in Minecraft, Poor to Rich, RageElixir Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay Block City
Id: kDQv-wsTa0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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