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ho ho ho ho Merry Christmas and welcome to the Block City Christmas special my brand new team and I decided to make a very special episode for the rage Nation so I hope you guys really enjoy this one this is the best episode of Block City yet this episode gets 50 000 likes in the first day you guys will get more special episodes like this Christmas Block City merch is now available for a limited time only at redelixsterstore.com we have T-shirts hoodies phone cases and stickers get them now while they last use code rage to get an extra 15 off your purchase at checkout and worldwide shipping is also available [Music] so after so many months I finally convinced you to watch Vlog City with me what did you think of the first episode of the brand new season of Block City Ashley I know I know know how stubborn you were at first but what do you think what do you think I really really hope you know after what I've been told after what I've been telling you about Block City of how good it is um surprisingly impressed babe oh my goodness I'm so glad so now you'll watch more with me hmm does that mean you know what what do you mean no what I thought it was good well it's okay it's okay well usually after every blog City episode I think it's time to take a nap a nice long I'm just kidding of course I will oh yes well that we'll watch those later because I think I need to head to head to bed real quick because I need to take a nap because wait what you can't take a nap wait why not I this is my routine I swear every single time I want to take a nap you always distract me with something there's always something you need me to do what do you want from me Ashley I've done enough I've done enough it's 7 P.M come on it's Christmas Eve hunt um I forgot I actually forgot oh crap the house is still pretty empty we only have the Christmas tree up oh my God Ashley Ashley I need how dare you forget what do you want me to do what do you want me to do I know I was supposed to put up the Christmas lights oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is bad this is bad where should I put the snow globe okay I'm gonna put it right there probably put up the Christmas lights I'm freaking out right now I got the Christmas like wreaths and up decorate now okay okay what should we do afterwards though what should we do afterwards I know the kids are playing upstairs they should probably go to bed early because tomorrow morning we're gonna have our Christmas celebration wait we haven't even bought them gifts oh no oh no Ashley did you handle that please tell me you did please we need to tell the kids the Christmas story okay but we'll do that they're upstairs but did we get the gifts did you handle the gifts no oh no we're screwed oh my goodness okay okay Ashley can you wait upstairs for me please honey I'm gonna go ahead and uh finish decorating the house and I'll be up uh I I'll be up I'll be up in a second don't stress I have an idea okay well um uh can can you wait for me in the kids room I'm gonna go ahead and finish decorating the house real quickly and hopefully you know we can figure everything out it's the kids first Christmas and we gotta make sure everything is good I'll see you upstairs hurry up okay okay I promise I promise okay okay we gotta do this right we gotta do this right we gotta make sure everything is okay my favorite holiday has to be hands down Christmas because my birthday is in that month where else do I need to put lights um maybe right uh okay okay you know what I'm gonna head upstairs I have a few lights to put up left but oh where we put up lights right here I'm gonna put more lights uh in their room okay yeah I'll put more lights in their room um right here that works okay hey kids hey kids mommy and I have uh something to tell you guys blah blah blah whatever I'm busy he's still snotty and spoiled as usual I really hope he changes rage Jr listen yeah you better listen mommy and I have a story to tell you guys Amber's being a good girl as always man she looks so much like her mom and him of course he looks like me but sadly he has to be all spoiled brat hopefully Amber doesn't turn out like that well raise Junior I'm not gonna call you baby rage anymore it's Christmas Eve and you know what that means you know what that means for you Junior no well I know you like your laptop and everything but if you listen to me you're gonna be able to get 10 laptops if you wanted oh yep you better be a good child otherwise you get cold yup so let us tell you about Santa he lives all the way in the North Pole and he has all these elves working for him and they're making gifts for kids and as long as you behave throughout the entire year you will get an amazing gift or multiple sometimes yup yup and if you behave like rage Jr and be a very very bad kid throughout the year you'll get coal so you better behave okay race Junior I know you've been very very ill-mannered and you know you haven't been a very good ugh no no Ray Jr I need you to listen okay if you want if you oh oops I I accidentally turned on his laptop but they're short elves just like you they're very short he's gonna turn you into an elf okay if you don't listen so all right well all I'm saying is Santa sees everything you do and he hears everything you say so if you want a gift you can write a letter to him but you need to be a good kid okay race Junior you promise okay fine all right you can write a letter to him I know Amber wants to write a letter to him but she's too young guys I don't even think she knows how to say anything still last time she was speaking gibberish so cute though guys she's so cute what do you guys think about the bunk bed Ashley you like the bunk bed that uh I built for them what do you think about them yes yup I I worked really hard on building I'm not much of a handyman but I tried my best hopefully it doesn't fall apart um but yeah oh let me let me see I think this house needs a little bit more decorating just a few more lights here and there I just want to make sure this house is as festive as possible um that's adorable you really outdid yourself this time sweetie oh thank you so much Ashley oh you're done oh he already wrote what letter to Santa oh Dear Santa my name is Rage Jr and I want a go-kart for Christmas my daddy told me to be a good boy Mario Kart for the win from Rage Jr alright kids behave now okay behave now now be good and go to sleep or no gifts yeah take a little nap because when we get back we'll have some really really Mario Kart okay okay okay we'll have something nice planned for you guys okay um I'm gonna call your babysitter now okay I know you guys don't like your babysitter that much but he's a good guy and um I'm gonna no it's okay we're gonna we're gonna be back we're gonna go put this in the mailbox okay it's gonna take a long time but it's okay all right let me call your babysitter all right yeah yeah the kids need to be uh taken care of yeah all right see you in uh see you in five minutes all right behave with the babysitter okay kids yep yep these these kids better behave all right Ashley let's go let's go all right guys so we're basically gonna pretend to put this in the letter or put this letter in the mailbox but we're actually going shopping at the mall this is the plan you had right okay we gotta go we gotta go before the kids notice that we're like we're actually lying to them let's go let's go let's go before they see us not actually put it in the mailbox all right uh let's see let's see all right let's hop into you know what let's take the no this this is your car right here uh oh I forgot to fill up the gas oh crap good thing I have Jerry cans prepared don't worry Ashley I know we're stressing right now but baby you had one job I'm sorry Ashley I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm actually so sorry oh no but we should be good now we should be good now we're gonna way to go oh why are you so mad at me we're gonna make this the best Christmas for the kids okay I promise I promise all right hopefully we can find some great gifts for baby Rage or rage Junior and Amber and I gotta get some I gotta get some gifts for don't worry I still love you she better well I better I better I I hope I don't forget to get gifts for Ashley but yeah I heard oh oh uh I didn't say anything I didn't say anything that that wasn't me that wasn't me and we're finally here Ashley oh man I know I know my parking job isn't the best but I'll get better over time okay Ashley let's head on into the mall we gotta find gifts for the kids and I gotta get you a really nice gift as well possibly what's up what what why are you looking at me like that let's head on into the mall did you lock the car oh yeah annoying Block City guys yeah we could possibly get you know our car stolen at any moment yes I locked the car now okay you had one hey why are you always so mean to me she's always so mean to me guys all right well let's head on in and uh I think oh oh I think we should go to the shop you you didn't come with me last time but there's a really really cool shop that just opened up um this is where I got the gifts for uh baby rage oh my goodness this shop just opened up and it's probably my favorite store in the mall already and here we are Ashley I think she just walks it it's a really really good store and of course this man oh welcome to the shop again it's him again guys it's Mark hey Mark um it seems like you have multiple jobs in Block City but you know I'm not complaining you you seem like a really nice guy um yeah all right Ashley let's look for some do you know this guy babe yeah uh he was working here before and he was also working at McDonald's he was working at the ice cream parlor he was working at the daycare somehow I don't understand but yeah he was working here um all is good we are cool yeah yeah yeah well let's look for some gifts um let's see let's see what they have they have uh all is good yep yep yep um that that's not suspicious at all I mean I did get a lot of comments about that but everything should be good um let's see we have oh Ashley do you think do you think baby rage likes Batman he never mentioned anything about Batman but this Batman doll maybe I'll think about it I'll think about a GameCube oh Growing Up Guys guys like whenever I went to like oh Ashley do you remember this guess it's too bad if he doesn't do you do you remember GameCubes from back in the day oh this was my childhood I went over to my friend's house we used to play GameCube and that right a Game Boy oh my I still have mine oh my goodness I think I think maybe rage would like this rage junior he might not appreciate the old games and stuff could I get you any help um no we're just browsing for now if we need any help I'll make sure to ask Mark you seem like a really nice guy thank you thank you for even asking you know what Ashley I did win the lottery should I go all out for these kids hmm I think I should go all out for these kids and I may have something special for Ashley but I'm not gonna say anything for now um you know what screw it I'm getting everything for baby rage raise Junior and Amber why not this is their first Christmas usually Ashley you get mad at me for uh just going all off and spending a lot of money I know I'm very irresponsible with the lottery money it's Christmas I'll let your shopping spree slide this oh slide but just this once ew okay okay I promise you it's only this one time okay I promise uh we also have oh a basketball oh my goodness I've been meaning to buy a basketball for baby rage but I keep forgetting there's a basketball hoop in their room but no basketball so let me grab this basketball right here and oh we should get oh we should get gifts for uh amber as well yeah he needs to work out more he's only one I need to work out more I I haven't worked out all 20 20 but that's besides the point um uh oh we have a doll wait we should get adult chunky right hey that's not nice it's not nice see I told you guys she's always so mean to me oh but we should get this uh we should get this doll for uh amber do you want to hold on but I still at oh see you guys this is true love as chunky as you get they still love you all right uh you want to hold on to uh Amber's gifts oh a dollhouse let's just grab everything for Amber as well it's her first Christmas as well and we also have a little Tierra right here this is nice you want to get this for her she's a little princess if you think about it she's our little princess all right you'll hold on to that and that should be it right that should be it hmm I think that should be good hey Mark hey Mark ow did you guys see that she jumped on top of the shelf and just whacked me in the face oh my goodness what what Ashley a go-kart wait rage Jr did say he wanted a go-kart oh um how much is this actually this is I hope this is not too expensive Do It um hey hey Mark um how much does this go-kart cost I really really hope it doesn't cost that much guys because if it costs so much I don't know I mean I am rich but after you said but at the same time like dude he's only one guys he I feel like he's so spoiled already I already got him a GameCube a mine boy and a this is worth four thousand dollars that's so expensive it is currently on Christmas sale 50 off oh wait does that mean it's four thousand dollars after the sale or it's before the sale so are you saying this is two thousand dollars we need a discount right now yes please so are you are you telling me this is only two thousand then yes I'll do it if it's two thousand yes okay okay okay Mark check me out right now check me out right now I got you I got you I got you oh my goodness this is good this is good all right here you go could you wrap these for me could you actually wrap these uh gifts for me uh Ashley you want to hand the gifts over sure thing he said hand the gifts over to Mark hand the gifts over to Mark he got us he got us all right all right Ashley hand him over hand them over hand them over to Mark he got us he got us all right uh do you need the payment now or something oh oh I think he's wrapping the gifts for us guys oh my goodness I'm telling you guys this is the best store in the mall hands down all right yes yes yes okay okay I don't know how much this is gonna come down to probably like eight thousand dollars total but you know what it's all good all right we got the oh we got the presents okay this is perfect this is actually perfect all right all right um Mark hooked me up with the gifts man this guy Mark is probably the nicest guy ever he might be my new best friend at this point all right all right so will you be taking credit card then there you go okay perfect all right all right take my money take my money oh my gosh hurry up why are you rushing me I thought I thought you said Christmas was a special time we gotta take our time I know it's almost Christmas but still still come on don't rush don't rush all right Mark's just chilling hurry up Mark my wife is getting mad at me for taking too long all right thank you so much there you go all right all right Mark have a great day I think I think we should go out sometime and just you know chill and have some lunch or something have a wonderful Christmas you too you too Mark I've been seeing you around lately man not suspicious at all but yeah uh actually let's head on back home oh my goodness did you already get my presents huh oh you did oh what a surprise then then how come we didn't have oh oh okay let's head home my goodness wait oh there's a mall said Ashley there's a mall Santa here Merry Christmas ho ho ho we should have brought the kids actually oh man we really should have brought the kids honestly ah it would have been an amazing time if we brought the kids it would have been A1 honestly Ashley ah I kind of no no it would have ruined oh it you're right you're right it would have ruined the surprise but man other kids would have wait actually Ronnie art isn't that rage Jr's best friend hey Ronnie how's it going [Music] uh where's your parents where's your parents Ronnie he's all just chilling by Santa I mean we should have had our kids come here too but like where's your parents rage's best friend where's your family where is your family Ronnie I don't know where is my parents what are you lost oh no where where did his parents go I mean I have I have called them okay okay I have their number okay hold on hold on let me call them what why would they just leave the kids here hello Mr Mr and Mrs laryn um your your son Ronnie is at the mall right now did you guys know that yeah you guys are at home now it's okay sweetie we're with you okay okay um is it okay if we bring Ronnie back to our house and have them do a little play date with rage Jr okay you guys don't celebrate Christmas oh okay um we'll drop him off after Christmas then okay okay all right see you later um I don't know why you just left your parents I mean left your son there but oh okay okay well I guess we're taking Ronnie home with us I don't know why they did that but they forgot him that is so rude leaving their kids and don't celebrate Christmas I mean you know some people don't celebrate Christmas but leaving their kid leaving their kid oh my goodness Ronnie you're coming with us okay I hope you're okay you'll get to play with rage Junior okay come on come on let's head let's head home man all right well at least at least we'll have Ronnie you know have some company and you know Amber and and race Junior can have fun with Ronnie while you know we we set up for Christmas and all that that should be really fun and for tonight guys I have a little plan I have a little plan for the kids honestly it's gonna be great I'm gonna dress up as Santa it's gonna be really really awesome so let's head home now and uh let's plan for the rest of Christmas this is gonna be so so nice I wonder how the kids are gonna feel when they hear about Ronnie hey kids how is the babysitter I have a little surprise for you Amber race Junior especially you Ray Jr we have Roddy we have Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie we found him at the mall and Ray's junior is so happy raise Jr I got you a surprise it's not it's not no go-kart but anyways Junior man they're so happy to see each other all right kids kids kids kids you guys can have fun in the morning but you guys have to go to sleep yeah he's gonna spend Christmas with us yes he is because uh his family doesn't celebrate Christmas but we found him at the mall stranded alone but uh kids you guys need to go to sleep you guys can have all the fun you guys want tomorrow but we have to wake up at 5 00 A.M you guys get all the crazy Christmas presents you want Santa's gonna come tonight okay I don't want to go to sleep no Ray Jr if you want your presents from Santa you better go to sleep okay okay please listen fine okay oh he's so sad guys Ronnie you too you're gonna be sleeping uh right here okay we'll get you your blankie and stuff like that um you've got to go to sleep or you get nothing yeah Ray Junior you hear that you'll get nothing if you don't go to sleep see your little sister's already asleep Amber's already asleep all right guys go to bed all right I'll talk to you guys in the morning 5 a.m okay Ashley you know what we're gonna do right or I mean you know what I'm gonna do right um I'm gonna I'm gonna have to do it come in here come in here come in here we gotta talk in here we gotta talk in here all right let's pretend like we're gonna go to see I mean you're gonna go to sleep of course oh sorry about that you're gonna go to sleep of course but I have all these gifts I have all these gifts for the kids and I gotta go Santa mode so you can head to bed Ashley I'm gonna go ahead and change real quickly all right I'm Gonna Change real quickly this is gonna be so funny how do I look Ashley [Music] I can't believe I'm doing this guys I guess a parent's gotta do what a parent's gotta do you're still cute as always babe oh thank you so much Ashley man I guess I really am a dad now I gotta do dad things well Ashley I better do what Santa got to do it's been a really long day I know I know we still have to wake up at five just because the kids have to wake up at five doesn't mean we don't have to I'll let you go to bed I'm gonna quickly do this and I'll come to bed with you okay it's no fun to just place down the presents I gotta do what Santa actually does good night Ashley I'll see you in a little bit all right guys so as as you guys know Santa basically goes on top of the roof and goes down the chimney it's no fun if I just you know place the presents right beside the tree I set up this ladder right here I need to go on top of this house right now I hope it's not too high up where you know I break my legs and stuff like that this is kind of risky but at the same time I gotta do it for the kids guys I have all the presents in my inventory right now it's already all the presents for the kids and here I am up on top of the roof holy crap this is actually a much higher drop than I remembered than I imagined this is my first time on top of the roof okay okay okay I can do this I can't back out now I'm already I'm already dressed up as Santa guys I'm looking real chunky man I'm looking real chunky I'm the real Santa I can do this all right ready three two one everything will be okay ah this is not a stupid idea is it ah ah ah my my legs oh oh I'll be fine I'll be foreign oh he doesn't know it's me does he hey hey kid Hey kid go back to sleep all right if you don't go back to sleep if you don't go Santa no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey I am Santa yes but but you can't tell anyone you saw me okay you go back to bed only good kids that sleep on time will get presents all right go to bed go to bed okay little boy all right go go go go oh my God my legs ah oh my God this is painful this hurts this hurts so much oh my goodness I need to place down these presents okay okay I gotta place down these presents Oh my legs this is painful okay I need to stop crying oh gosh okay we got we got presents for baby Amber as well all right let's place the presents down over here oh man I need to go to bed oh gosh this hurts Ashley's already in bed oh it's finally time for me to sleep oh good night Ashley [Music] Christmas everyone wake up Ronnie raise Junior ever wake up everyone it's 5 a.m you know what time it is it's Christmas it's Christmas Merry Christmas you guys ready you guys ready to open up gifts oh man I'm sure Santa got you all gifts I'm sure Santa got you all gifts all right come on downstairs oh my goodness I wonder what I got from Ashley I wonder what Ashley got me oh okay okay everyone everyone sit down over here by the living room everyone take your seats everyone take your seats don't don't open the gifts yet Ashley over here over here over here um all right all right you got your kids ready you kids ready oh I'm so excited I'm so excited all right after this we'll watch Block City but um I think I think the kids should start off by opening the presents um you know what Ronnie you're our special guest and you've never you've never celebrated Christmas I mean neither have they but like you know your family doesn't celebrate Christmas so come on over here we actually got you a special gift because your parents don't celebrate it so we got you oh no where's the gift go oh oh you know what you know what you can take one of uh you can take one of Ridge Junior's gifts is that okay race junior he is your best friend what come on come on raise Junior he's your best friend don't you want him fine yeah don't you want him to be happy okay okay fine fine raise Junior come over here come over here you can start with Ronnie then rage Jr then Amber okay sweetie okay so uh we'll start with rage Jr actually and then any of the gifts you want to share with Ronnie you can do that okay is that okay with you Ronnie man this is such an amazing Christmas you said it's okay all right raise Junior any Orange present you can open everyone gather around Amber Ashley come on come on come on I can't wait to see what happens oh I can't wait to see what race Junior got what'd you get what'd you get a basketball yeah yeah you're gonna love it you're gonna love it there's a basketball hoop upstairs what supposed to be grateful deflated well I mean I can fill up the air come on don't don't look at things negatively rage Junior come on all right all right all right let's move on to the next gift oh my goodness he's so picky guys crazy oh okay fine fine fine let's do uh you better be thankful yeah you better be all right fine Amber your turn all right do you want to share that gift with uh Ronnie then or do you want the basketball oh oh I I guess Ronnie got the basketball I guess that's Ronnie's gift do you like it do you like it thanks see see how grateful he is raise Junior you gotta be more like Ronnie learn from Ronnie okay all right well Amber it's your turn it's your turn any of the Pinky Presents it's all yours come on come on come on let's see come on everyone gather around I want to see what Amber gets let's see what Amber gets for her first present let's see let's see let's see what'd you get what'd you get Amber oh that's sweet of you rage Junior oh what is that that's a doll house look how cute it is oh she's so happy oh she's already playing with it all right all right all right Ashley then it's your turn it's your turn it's your gift let's see what you get let's see what you get come on come on let's see let's see okay okay and oh not that first [Music] uh uh yeah what do you think what do you think I got you baby I mean we're already married but I got you and I got you an upgraded ring I got you an upgraded ring I hope you like it foreign it costs 10 times more than the wedding room than the wedding ring I gave you I love it oh oh I thought she was gonna get mad at me oh oh I'm really glad you like it oh my goodness I thought she was gonna get bad at me honestly okay race Junior again I'm so glad you like it wait is it my turn is it my turn actually actually I wonder what you got me is it my turn or is it still the kid's turn hmm should we wait for my gifts for last they did say save the best oh he said my turn you're going last fine okay ray Jr go it's your turn oh yeah give it to me give it to me it's Junior give that present to me give it to me okay okay I don't think he saw what it was guys I don't think okay it just says vehicle crate phew okay raise Junior I want you to open another gift that one we're saving for last okay okay let's see what he got let's see what he got hey let's go instead of the GameCube I decided to get him another Nintendo switch because the other one he had broke it fell off the tree house and broke so Ray Jr do you like Yay oh he actually likes it let's go let's go okay okay Amber it's your turn again come on let's see what Amber got let's see what Amber got for her next present come on come on come on what did you get oh she got a little Tierra she got a tiara she got a little crown I I think she likes it she's already sitting by it okay okay all right very nice that's so cute yeah it is oh look how happy she looks man Amber's so grateful with everything she gets that's so nice Ashley of course it's your turn I feel bad for Ronnie he only got one gift look at him she's so adorable right she looks just like you so cute okay your turn your turn Ashley let's see what she gets hopefully I mean nothing's gonna beat the engagement ring but you know what what do you think can I open another present no no not yet not yet okay do you like it Ashley I got you a rose I think she already took it out of the thing I think she likes it this is beautiful man my wife super grateful I'm so glad all right rage Junior this is your last present let's see what you get let's see what you get come on oh oh what'd you get what'd you get what'd you get he got a mind boy ew what's old are you calling Daddy and Mommy old because that's what we played with when we were kids hey you know what I'll give it to Ronnie Ronnie here do not disrespect me like that yeah yeah don't disrespect us like that we're not old okay we're not old all right well come outside this is your last present all right this is your last oh you know what just because you were rude you don't get your last present okay how about that yeah yeah see see what happens when you're ungrateful Amber come over here you have one more present do you want your last present come over here let's see man you can't act all mopey now come on you can't act all sad and mopey that's what you get all right Amber let's see what Amber gets for her last present come on come on and oh she got a little doll this is probably gonna be her favorite one let's just say that wait where'd he go did he go back to his room hey hey Ray Jr I got you a gift okay fine fine you get to open your gift but you have to wait you have to wait for your mommy first Ashley come over here this is your last present let's see what we got let's see what we got come on I think you'll like this one too but you got you open the best one first I don't want to wait well you have to and you got a perfume I Got You perfume I got you for a few it smells really good let me just tell you guys that it's gonna smell really good on her so yeah all right well that was your last present I can't believe you opened up the ring first that cause you're saying I smell bad no no no no no no no no no why does that smell but it doesn't smell bad I I I just wanted you know this for special occasions I promise you smell good you smell amazing all the time okay I I didn't mean it like that I hope you're not mad at me okay okay everyone outside everyone outside you know I'm kidding I love you oh okay okay oh my goodness all right all right rage Junior this is your last present I really really hope you like it I wonder what I got all right everyone gather around all right let's see what race Junior got come on he's gonna love this one this is the present you asked for I really hope he likes it guys I really hope he likes it OMG yep we're the best presents of the Year guys we're the parents of the Year we're the best parents oh my gosh she's already driving off hopefully he doesn't get hurt oh hopefully he doesn't get hurt he's he's oh yo yo Ray Junior get out get out get out hey help oh my God get out get out get out get out oh go go go go go get out get out get out come on come on oh my gosh he almost drowned over here over here over here holy crap yo oh materials don't matter I just need you alive come on come on as long as you're safe it's okay guys in the first 20 seconds he already broke the go-kart raise Junior I'm just glad you're okay that was fun okay well now you don't have a go-kart but it's okay everyone gather around it's the special moment now they we're saving the best for last now where's my gifts all right I'm just gonna sit here and just wait for my gifts yeah oh well I'm sorry Richard you shouldn't have driven it into the pool so uh get up lazy fool huh what do I need to get up don't I get my gifts too I want gifts for Christmas you said I have to wait for last I want to see what you got me Ashley come on come on come on where is my gifts oh follow me okay okay I'll follow you oh I wonder what I got wait where's she taking me where are we going I wonder what I'm gonna get oh my gosh kids come on kids I'm so glad Ronnie got to spend Christmas with us too wait you know I was actually thinking about getting some workout equipment I haven't been working out all of 2020 so this is actually amazing thank you so much thank you so much Ashley oh give me a hug oh my gosh that's actually awesome yo oh that that was great that was great all right well I hope everyone had a wait what are you telling me there's more wait hold on kids come on go on mommy has something else for me I guess yo wait up hold up what else did she get me where is she taking me every single time where are we going huh where are we going what I'm so confused where's she taking us um guys I'm actually confused where are we going kids do you guys know about this do the kids know do the kids know anything about the the present I'm getting kids do you guys have any idea do you guys have any idea what I'm getting I have no clue they're saying no okay what is it Ashley no you got you did not get me this it's for you oh my goodness this is probably the best gift that anyone could give me oh my God is that for me no it's for it's for Daddy you're not gonna get to ride it I love you oh I love you too wait hold on hold on how are you able to buy this that's the real question I'm sure this costed thousands of dollars how were you able to buy the speedboat hold on a second I'm actually confused where did she get the money guys huh look at baby rage no I know what you're thinking don't do it don't do it oh you know a certain husband's credit card well then I get I guess it's the thought that counts guys uh she may have used my credit card to buy that speedboat but it's all good let me go grab it Jerry can let me go grab a Jerry can so I can fill up the boats I'm gonna take a nice Joy Ride oh my goodness thank you Ashley I really appreciate it this has probably got to be the best Christmas I have ever celebrated you know growing up I never got to celebrate Christmas so this is actually you know my first Christmas in Minecraft too this is really oh oopsies okay let me fill it up come on come on where where's the gas tank I think it's back here maybe oh my gosh let me fill up the gas where do I fill up the gas where do I fill up the gas someone fill up the gas for me please I need oh wait I think it's right here where's the gas tank wait is it this oh I got it I got it wait a second I think I think it worked oh no it didn't not yet not yet oh it just started filling up hold on come on there we go there hey hey radio no no get out of Daddy's get out of Daddy's speedboat we yo this is actually so lit wait one day when we go on vacation on a little uh Lake vacation or something like that we have to go on a nice story right but for now I'm just gonna enjoy it in my little Lake in the backyard you know this is actually so nice oh my this has got to be the best present hey what's up what's up Ashley I'm really glad this was such an amazing Christmas we spent all together ah all right well I hope everyone had a great time everyone back in the house help I'm stuck oh no oh no hey get out get out get out you better give me a okay okay you get a kiss mwah all right all right everyone in everyone into the house we gotta end Christmas on a really really good note all right everyone sit down everyone Merry Christmas Merry Christmas everyone Merry Christmas I hope you guys all had an amazing day and enjoy all the gifts you guys got today but other than that I'm gonna hey give me that give me that Ronnie everyone sit down we're gonna enjoy some Block City to enjoy the rest of Christmas [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 2,667,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Christmas, RageElixir Block City, Minecraft Christmas Special, RageElixir Christmas, RageElixir Christmas Special, Block City Christmas, Christmas Special RageElixir, Ashley and RageElixir, RageElixir Baby Rage, Baby Amber Minecraft, Baby Rage Minecraft
Id: 9OrVUYdWL5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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