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so while i was on the block city server my best friend double a12 joined the server as if i wouldn't notice i guess he didn't learn his lesson from last time he tried disguising himself as baby rage but miserably failed so i decided to prank him as the grinch by changing my name and changing my skin i hope you guys do enjoy this trolling video let's get right into it [Music] man i wish ashley was home so she could make me some food i'm so hungry i mean we do have some donuts let me see what's in the fridge someone needs to go grocery maybe i should go grocery shopping for once i don't know but milk milk okay okay milk doesn't sound so bad milk and doughnuts it's a deadly combination i'm not gonna lie let me grab some of these doughnuts and we got some milk all right you know what i'm gonna drink some milk enjoy these donuts while i watch the brand new season of block city i'm such a i'm not gonna lie i am such a huge fan of block city all right let's just sit back relax and enjoy this episode while i snack on these donuts you know i'm gonna put these what is happening these donuts are you know what i'm gonna put the donuts right here yes yes yes i can just look back grab back grab my snacks that's actually hilarious okay okay i'm just like sitting here i'll just be sitting here and watching w12 joined the game okay i guess did he not learn guys did he not learn his lesson when he tried pranking me last time and i banned him off the server and then he and then he begged me to unban him after after the prank and he was like please please man i won't do this again what is he up to now he's in front of he just changed his name to baby rage what um what what is this i'm gonna hide up here upstairs wait why is the head so big if he's actually serious about trying to prank oh can you see me oh i should probably move back wait should i prank him or something wait a second guys i have an idea i'm gonna well should i prank him as santa oh i have an idea i think i oh i got it i got it fake name set rage elixir grinch i'm i'm gonna prank him as a grin since he pranked me as santa i'm gonna prank him as grinch i just gotta change my skin to the grinch hopefully it worked alright okay okay i for sure look like grinch i just hope he's able to see me okay he's right there in front of my house um you know what guys i can always fix the glass all right it's okay it's okay i know it's my house but i can always fix the what does he do guys what is he doing he just went inside my house is he pretending to be he's pretending to be baby rage isn't he where is he going is he like roaming around the house i gotta i gotta go take a look is he going where is he going i'm scared he's going to already see me i i need to be like as discreet as possible i think he just did he see me where'd he go okay okay i think he's oh he's coming upstairs he's coming upstairs i think he's just trying to like play it off as if he's in his own room right now or something i wonder if there's any windows that allow me to see inside oh my gosh i can actually see yo this is so bad i feel like a stalker but like in my own house this is so weird why is he snooping around my house dude stay in your room i i oh i wish he came back he's like looking for me or something holy crap you know what i'm gonna join his discord server i wonder if he's like in his recording discord server um okay whatever that thing we just thought was i think it was rage maybe because like i saw a lot of red but wait he saw him no oh my gosh okay dude he actually saw me where the heck is he this is his house right i didn't actually go into the wrong house at block city uh oh yeah he's never guys he's never been on block city other than maybe okay yeah it's probably other than that one time he tried pranking a gaming setup down here i think so oh man oh he's coming back upstairs okay okay guys okay i'm gonna spy on him from here as baby rage and this is down i'm gonna spy on him right here right this looks like a youtuber minecraft setup wait wait wait i wonder if he's gonna come back into his room if he does i'm gonna break it did you guys hear that oh crap wait did something just break oh crap oh wait what wait how did how do you not see that were these windows broken uh oh okay i heard a very famous it's pretty far away wait hold up was these windows broken what the heck what was that what was that okay okay guys um 100 i don't think that's right anymore oh my gosh he almost caught me where'd they go guys he always caught me what am i talking about baby mode right now i don't know how much damage i can is he almost coming where am i supposed to go where am i supposed to go i was supposed to prank him guys i know rage is like it's i need i need to get to that knife somehow dude outside we should be uh go back upstairs guys where the heck is this oh wait i can't let him get too close to me guys calm down calm down uh okay okay when he when he tries going upstairs up soon and okay okay he went upstairs i'm gonna try go getting the knife but i don't know a wrench a i almost got caught already killed myself obviously but like he better not think i'm the one that broke his window i broke that flower pot oh crap he's right there he's right there i need to get to the backyard somehow cards are gone so maybe he went out so rage obviously isn't home okay okay guys guys guys i'm actually i need to get to the backyard somehow because i'm gonna try to get to the um the secret tree house outside this room for a minute you're here early okay i'm gonna go inside and try stealing the gift bathroom like bedroom night downstairs it's kind of weird and okay okay he's hiding he's hiding okay i'm breaking all the grip i am pretty sure it was great i'm going to steal all the gifts like the grinch where'd he go where'd he go i'm going to open the door again oh all right he's going to see me breaking the gift guys oh okay i hope he didn't see me i'm hoping he didn't see me pretend like i didn't see him where'd he go i'm gonna have him follow me he came outside oh he's gonna see me coming up the tree house yo okay all right all right he's doing some stuff to this house wait wait how do you not see me really hope like when rage gets home he didn't think that wait how do you not see me you know what since like you know since stuff is being broken and you know like we're interested in what is he doing here all right guys wait what this is the one window i broke but like rage won't oh oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck i'm gonna say yo yo yo why is holding a knife me uh follow me uh little am i supposed all right all right i'm kind of a genie a big break okay you know toe boy you must need like a computer to be um fixed a little boy all right i am baby rage i guess all right heck of this come to your plate again i'm gonna say come to your play pen little buddy house is this what you're all about i guess all right okay a nintendo switch yo yeah i'm gonna take that ah all right wait that that's that's his though oh wait no it does not actually baby rage i almost tricked myself what's up what's up man your entire switch is right there all right putting you up for display you know how it is all right all right well this is where i live all right if you kind of have a funny note this is where i live really just does the person in this um i am oh okay he said something about my nose no you like live in this tree nose oh you know oh oh i think you heard me your nose looks good it is a very uh nice yeah yeah no i i no no no i don't know what you're talking no i don't i don't know what drama i didn't mean i didn't wait what is he saying about my nose i made him mad jail joe um quick question i'm gonna say a little boy will disappear like you're not like breaking into his house right little boy will you oh okay yo yo yo okay yo what should i do to him what should i do to him okay okay i'm gonna slash him all right i'm gonna slash him all right and we're gonna leave this door open and i think i'm small enough to hide in this bathtub all right where'd he go wait where'd he go i'm not gonna check in here because the door is open right dude his head's so big i can't tell my head is poking hey i saw that bedrock what was that for wait hold on hold on guys i have an idea i actually need to use the bathroom so i kind of need the privacy so if you would like you know okay yo yo i don't even own this house yo all right okay where's your dad i can see him i'm gonna say where's your dad where's your dad oh oh that's all right he forgot he was playing as baby rage oh my goodness guys i i think he's in the house next door yeah yeah okay i will take well he's next door all your presents if you don't give me yeah okay okay my nose take all your presents if you don't give me your problem yeah yeah no no no he was talking about your nose bro what's wrong guys what's wrong with my nose no okay okay yo say one more thing about my nose okay guys i need to die figure out how to get out of here say one more thing about my nose and bro i wasn't even saying anything i swear it was rage the adult one not the bigger one i thought the real baby rage was raised a real baby bro did i really say that plan out loud bro i he's really trying to park guys he actually tried parkouring outside hold up hold up where is he going yo he's actually parkouring all over he where are you going baby rage guys guys guys eris really really tried pranking me he really tried pranking me as baby rage and failed miserably he'll be in there yeah i'll wait i can't hit him oh there are you hitting me he's in there he's there yeah he's like on the second floor come with me i'm gonna say you want you want some candy there has to be a way to sleep wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where is he going where is he going a van or something a mini contemplating his next evil plan most likely contemplating no no i would never i would never do something like a minibus not the one breaking his stuff a minibus be like okay bro what's the grinch doing what's he doing over there oh is that a car hold up come outside i have an idea i would be like hey come outside i have an idea he has a knife but there's a nice car outside sure all right all right all right you know what okay okay what's he doing bro like if this guy is just like a recurring kid i got a whole bowl of candy yeah yeah yeah don't worry i got this this is some jolly rancher some laffy taffy [Music] guys do not talk to strangers man because stuff like this will happen why are you in the right seat all right going on here i'm gonna grab the jerry can i'm gonna fill up this car real quick what's wrong with you all right i'm gonna hop in this car oh yo oh my bad i thought we like hop in get out because you got out all right there we go i'm not gonna filled up the car he'll steal his car yeah i knew he was gonna try to steal my car but i'm gonna take him into a very very nice place [Music] huh guys i'm going to take him to the park i just want to like wait hold up yo yo what if like rage gets home and oh mcdonald's yo hold up no forget he wants to get he wants to go to mcdonald's i'm taking him to the park guys i'm taking him to the park keep driving i guess we're not getting mcdonald's guys i'm a little sad okay i think this is the mall parking lot all right i have an idea guys wait where are we going somewhere that looks very foresty he's scared guys he's scared yeah i'm just saying like i i mean i'll just admit now i'm not the real baby rage so there's really no reason to kidnap me if you wanna oh i know you're not the real baby rage okay but obviously i'm not the real baby rage all right so if you want to let me go like right now and just go after rage like totally fine this is a park all right yo okay yo where's the swing set follow me for a gift i'm playing i'm gonna say follow me for a gift like a sandbox there's a lot of set okay follow me for okay all right all right what does this even mean he's gonna die he's gonna die guys i gotta get i gotta kill him wait how's he going so fast wait how's he moving so fast wait hold on i was getting away so fast yo i waited just for this exact very first plan oh my gosh i need to get into the car oh are you get rid of him guys i didn't get rid of him how dare he hop on [Applause] oh my gosh okay okay he needs to die he needs to die guys how is he not dying oh my gosh he's really taking a tour of the world right now i promise i promise range might be here rage might be here mcdonald's okay i don't know why but i feel like if we get to mcdonald's worth it dude why is there no back door all right all right okay okay you're gonna die i'm sorry he deserves to die that's what he gets guys he really tried stealing my car bro how did you get here hey man okay oh yeah i'm gonna be like i'm sorry i'll give your candy back what do you need tell me where you try killing me tell me where rage is dude i just told you he i want to give him a big big big bro and like maybe i'm going to give i'm going to give um i'm going to give rage a huge huge present i don't know that nice to give him a giant mansion a giant magic bro no you're not i killed santa i thought it was baby rage i'm not gonna fall for it you killed scent oh hey you didn't need to tell me this information okay yo yo chill chill okay tell me i'm gonna say tell me dude i just told you i don't know the guy is weird he just does whatever he wants tell me all right i'm gonna make him say say rage is the best dad ever say rage is the best dad ever bro he is he gonna say it okay all right i'm waiting i'm waiting i'm waiting rage is the best father ever oh yes he said it okay i'm gonna reveal myself i'll reveal myself like like bro if you need proof i'm not like bro he just like how do you turn to rage did you skin raise his face oh oh wait no i i'm confused you really thought you could prank me dude you really thought you could prank me i would never try to kill my own kid but you wait no no wait what was going on bro i'm supposed to troll you what just happened i know i saw i saw you tried turning into baby rage but you failed miserably look at how big your head is man baby rage doesn't have a head this big okay okay okay and his name's not even baby rage it's rage junior now no no no i have an explanation okay hear me out you didn't learn your lesson after i banned you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what's it what's expectation okay first of all my head is too big because i got too much brain power so it couldn't contain all of it all second of all bro i was supposed to troll you again don't do this dude you just ruined my video all right i'm not unbanning you this time i'm actually not like wait i'm actually gonna be looking i'm actually i didn't do anything what no no no you can't do it this isn't fair why not tell me why this is not fair and i won't unban you if if it's a reasonable excuse okay all right all right i actually have a great account you ready bye [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 882,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft Grinch, Grinch in Minecraft, I Became a Grinch in Minecraft, Scary Minecraft, 2020 Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Prank, Grinch Prank in Minecraft, Playing as The Grinch in Minecraft, Pocket Edition, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Block City
Id: RhNJh6qQybE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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