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hey guys become a member of the channel today for exclusive live streams every single month the rage nation is awaiting you enjoy the video so in the last episode i pretended to be someone else so i could graduate high school but now that someone jim davis his life is ruined because of me anyways ashley invited me to hang out with her and i'm starting to really like her so i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend watch the entire video to find out what happens welcome to episode 2 of block city man life is so much better as a high school graduate look at this we have a high school diploma guys i mean i know it's not under my real name but starting today i am jim davis all right so you guys know when you graduate high school or college like you put your diploma like on the wall so let's put it up on display just like that and we really don't need this id anymore guys like i could give it back to jim davis the real jim davis but we could get in trouble for that so let's just hide it here like i said we have become kind of like criminals and i i'm i i'm kind of sad that you know i just moved into this house and you know what i don't wanna i don't wanna leave already so anyways good morning to you guys let's go ahead and take a nice little morning nookie let's uh oh oh oh excuse me all right let's go ahead and take a shower real quickly ah very very nice guys let's get clean let's get clean there we go i know i'm supposed to you know not be wearing clothes when i take a shower but that's just how i do things guys that's just how i do things things have become very very different oh wait did someone just ring the doorbell hold on ah wait gotta look at myself real quickly all right i'm looking fresh all right i think someone just rang the doorbell i'm not too sure though let me go downstairs see what is up like who who would ring my door maybe it's a neighbor i don't know uh let's go ahead and look around wait there's no one here um wait hold on was this here before uh hey jim it was right really nice meeting you i'd love to hang out with you today i'll be at the mall if you decide you want to ashley oh wait wait hold on a second how does she know where i live yo this is kind of creepy guys like how do how does ashley know where i live like my name isn't really jim jim davis uh like if they looked in the school records that that shouldn't be my address right i don't know but hey ashley's looking cute we might have to meet her up you know at the mall because she she said she's gonna be waiting for me i hope she's waiting for me alone because if she's with her friends i get kind of nervous you know approaching someone when they're with their friends all right you know what guys i'm i'm a little too happy right now all right you know what instead of taking my scooter i'm gonna take a nice light jog to the mall and meet up with her i'm so excited guys i'm actually so excited and we have our friendly neighbors right there wait is that is that jim wait that's mrs davis so i'm assuming that's mr davis that's his dad she says you are a disgrace to this family oh i never want to see you again wait what what is going on here guys you had one chance at graduation and you blew it leave at once oh oh my gosh guys yo jim is wearing like a wait that's the gym we know right jim davis he's wearing like a gray hoodie and like brown pants oh my gosh i think his parents are angry oh shoot maybe we shouldn't get involved with that guys like oh imagine if they found out that i was the one who took his id and like graduated in his name oh my gosh yikes all right you know what guys i'm just gonna take the scooter and head to the mall as if i didn't see nothing all right let's keep moving oh my gosh oh my gosh let's head to the mall and meet up with cute cute ashley i cannot wait guys i cannot wait wouldn't this be considered as a date nah nah nah maybe maybe i shouldn't consider this as a day or else or else i'm going to be a little too nervous let's take a left right here let's head to the mall and that right there to the right is where we graduated well i don't think i was supposed to graduate there but yeah well let's head to the mall real quickly this is my first time heading to the mall by the way let's go ahead and park right here block city mall all right guys i just parked my very beautiful red scooter and uh yeah let's head to the mall i wonder where ashley is i wonder where ashley is she said she was gonna be waiting for me at the block city mall and i am here all right i'm so nervous guys like i'm getting the butterflies right now okay anyways let's go into the mall where are you at oh ashley ashley hi oh wait what were you looking at puppy love store jim i didn't think you were gonna show up i'm here i saw i saw you left this little note in front of my house was that you the dogs are so cute oh they are they are do you want to look at the dogs real quickly before we get some food or something because i am kind of hungry i just woke up um yes oh which one's your favorite which one's your favorite these are all so cute i kind of like big dogs but at the same time i like small dogs too which dog is your favorite ashley huh i like the beagle i don't know what the beagle is but all right all right yeah yeah the beagle the beagle yeah all right all right okay okay the beagle is very cute i'm assuming it's the middle one right there but yeah yeah yeah oh we got the worker right here hello sir um oh hey sir what can i help you to with today uh nothing nothing we're just looking around uh i'm actually hungry yeah me too like i haven't had any food this morning i just woke up actually ashley um so let's go get some food um do you know any good food spots here because this is my first time here actually at this mall um i mean mcdonald's mcdonald's for a date i mean maybe she doesn't consider this as a date okay okay my favorite oh it's her favorite oh okay okay all right let's go let's go let's go guys guys like i want to be a gentleman and buy the food with like for her for us but like i'm kind of low on money um something uh okay ashley um pick out anything you want on the menu um just make sure just make sure it's under um ten dollars for the full price just please you know you know it's uh okay you know how i just graduated high school you know not not not many high school kids have a lot of money you know you know what i mean all right well she's sure i think she's kind of mad guys uh okay um hello sir uh can i get um in ice water can i get an ice water and one mcchicken please guys if i spend two money or too much money on myself she might order something big all right let me see what she gets can i just get an ice water and uh yeah one mcchicken please oh what about what about ashley ashley what do you want i'll order for you chicken nuggets a fry a milkshake uh how much would that be okay five dollars um eight dollars and two dollars okay okay so so it should be like nine ten dollars that should be fine hmm what she's gonna order more uh wait or maybe an apple pie for us to share okay okay share okay okay all right yeah yeah can can we get all of that please uh yeah can we get the the apple pie fries uh chicken nugget and a shake please all right thank you so much all right let's go get a seat uh so you know before they call us out you get to choose the seat all rights all right let's enjoy our meal i am stuffed especially that apple pie that that really topped off the meal honestly that mcchicken was good but that apple pie though ashley i'm so glad you ordered that oh that was a good meal i know yeah okay um you know how like we're kind of bloated and like full from the food maybe we should you know take a little nice little rest right here on this bench ah yes all right all right look at this guys we're so cute sitting here together oh oh actually uh ashley can i um i'll be right back i just need to use the bathroom real quickly got to make sure you know my hands are clean oh a smiley face okay okay okay positive uh awesome awesome uh all right i'll i'll i'll be right back i'll be right back oh guys i'm actually kind of nervous i'm sweating all over the place puppy love store she i have a plan guys i have a plan i really really like ashley and i'm probably gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today i know i haven't met her too many times just yet i you know we haven't known each other too long but i saw her looking at these dogs and like maybe this might you know make her say yes like a higher possibility of her becoming my um girlfriend so uh hello sir uh ma'am um hey sir what can i help you with today um so uh this is actually gonna be a gift all right um there's this girl that i really like and i want to ask her to be my girlfriend and i think you actually saw her um a few minutes ago or like you know like 15 minutes ago we went to eat some food right you remember us right yeah yes yes okay okay uh so she said she wanted a beagle and i actually have no clue what in the world that is uh but can we get that please can we get that we can totally get you the dog you want yes yes yes yes not not the dog i want but what she wants okay okay oh this worker has some bones okay okay okay um all right i don't know if i'm supposed to go back there am i supposed to go back oh am i supposed to come oh okay okay okay all right i didn't know i i had to come back here but go ahead and tame the dog uh uh sir or um uh ma'am um which dog is the beagle just making sure oh it's that one okay okay let me let me tame this dog real quickly come on this dog is so stubborn guys hurry up jeez i am running oh there we go i was like i'm running out of bones but oh look how cute this doggy is i already know what i'm gonna name this dog guys i've always wanted a dog even in real life too and you guys know i love naming my dog spike uh is this dog gonna follow me come on come on come on hello hello come on follow me okay you know what screw it i i think oh i mean maybe i can ask this person for a leash oh they have one uh yeah yeah this is exactly what i was gonna ask you for all right thank you so much guys their customer service is absolutely amazing all right let me let me drag spike out of here come on come on come on cutie come on cute little doggy okay i should probably close the door so the other dogs don't escape come on spiky spike spiky spiky okay okay let me just go ahead and close these uh these doors real quick also sir take this oh what did they give me water bowl oh whoa we got a whole bundle package we got a throw stick we got a dog bed did you want a name tag uh yeah yeah yes please i'd like to name my dog spike if that's possible perfect oh okay oh my gosh we already have spike this is honestly the cutest thing ever and it already knows how to sit okay i'm gonna take spike with me real quickly uh oh wait wait wait oh sir wait can you repeat that please sir ma'am i apologize i apologize i totally forgot to pay here's uh my credit card i don't even know if i have enough money left guys oh my gosh i already spent like ten dollars today now i have to spend another eighty dollars thank you dang it wait wait where's my credit card okay thank you so much all right all right guys guys i should probably uh put the doggy over here all right all right sit here spike i'll be right back okay uh hey ashley hey ashley i thought you left me no no i didn't i was just taking a you know uh nice time at the bathroom trying to look good for you because you know you're looking all cute and stuff for me i thought i wasn't you know i thought i wasn't looking good enough did you hear that wait did i hear what what wait what the the dogs are barking i think oh um actually follow me follow me follow me i have a little surprise for wait wait actually uh don't don't look just yet close your eyes okay close your eyes yeah yeah and follow me let me hold on to your hand okay okay follow me okay okay follow me follow me we're about to do it guys my heart is beating oh my gosh this is actually scary oh no okay okay uh come over here come on come on all right now look this way look this way all right all right perfect don't turn back until i i count to three okay all right one two three ah surprise oh my gosh i yeah i i got you a little present you got a dog no no no no this dog is for you yeah i got this dog for you and um no way i actually uh had something to ask you ashley okay um so i just really wanted to say you know ever since the day we met which was yesterday um i i just thought you were really really beautiful and um i you know i just wanted to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend oh really uh yes yes really oh yes oh no way oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh god she said yes ashley said yes hey let's go okay okay well uh would you want to come back to my place and basically you know oh that that that's released now all right so do you want to come back to my place we can teach spike some new tricks and stuff like that that'd be really really awesome and the worker actually hooked us up with a water bowl a food bowl a dog bed and the throw stick yeah oh wow that's so nice yeah i i swear they sold that dog like it was a um like a bundle or something like that but yeah let's head back to my place and uh yeah let's uh let's play around with spike spike come over here we got your little water bowl right here your food bowl and we should probably put the dog bed right here so you can you know watch tv with us and stuff like that if you need to come on spike come on sit sit oh that's so cute he's already listening and he's uh he's only a baby he's only a baby wait uh what'd you say your place is really nice oh thank you so much i had a question actually how did you know where i lived because i know you like you know sent me the letter and stuff and i i didn't tell you where i lived last time so i was like just wondering but yeah spike is so cute spike is so so cute we got the food bowl i had it delivered by mail oh okay okay that makes a lot of sense that makes so much sense uh but yeah spike go go fetch go fed spike go fetch okay spike hasn't learned fetch just yet maybe you know you can teach maybe you can teach spike how to fetch here actually uh here ashley here's um here's the uh you know the throw stick you can teach oh oh you're throwing a lot of sticks okay okay thank you for an extra stick spying such a good boy such a good boy spike oh wait what are those do you guys hear that what do you hear that ashley huh yeah they kind of sound like police sirens wait wait [Music] oh oops oops i was not meaning to throw wait who is that officer wilson what what is going on guys wait wait wait wait isn't this jim's house wait hold on um hello officer what is the problem sir please stand back oh oh um wha what's going on there has been a crime oh really okay okay what what actually what what jim what what's going on my ex greg lived here wait here in this house her ex greg davis oh that's wait you're a davis uh yeah i mean davis is a pretty common name you know a lot a lot of people have the last name and dave is true yeah yeah yeah um um yeah uh so officer what is going on here like i i um like i don't know double homicide of two parents wait what no suspect was seen wearing a gray hoodie wait hold on guys wasn't jim wearing can i get your name sir and address uh i'm going to go home this is scary spike and i will see you later okay ashley make sure you go back home safe okay i don't want anything happening to you uh what did you say uh be safe ma'am okay uh yeah yeah be safe sir too okay i'll talk to you later sir oh no uh yes yes officer your name my name um crap if i say jim then he's gonna know because they're looking for jim david um yeah my name is uh um oh crap should i say my name all right uh yeah my name is rage my name is rage and um yeah all right well it was nice talking to you if you see anything suspicious let me know okay i will i will definitely do that uh officer wilson officer wilson uh i will definitely let you know i'm a good samaritan i'm kidding i'm kidding officer wilson all right good have a nice day all right well oh my gosh guys oh my gosh i'm pretty sure the cop was looking for jim davis the real jim davis uh i should probably guys i should probably hide this high school diploma because it says high school diploma of jim davis i gotta put this in this cabinet guys oh my gosh i i don't know what i'm gonna do but uh things have gone pretty interesting guys like we did this to jim davis he went and killed he went and killed his mom and dad i'm pretty sure i don't know guys i don't know let's go back let's go back to the house because the police isn't there anymore i don't know if the crime scene is still there i don't think we're allowed to enter the house right now but let's just go take a peek let's just go take a peek guys let's go take a peek inside the house and see if the crime scene is still there i know i shouldn't be doing this guys but it's kind of my fault oh wait a second is that mr davis that we saw oh and mrs davis the one who kicked jim out wait their house is actually pretty nice i'm not gonna lie but what the oh my god oh okay okay i should i should probably get out of here before my fingerprints and my footprints you know get caught oh my goodness what do we do guys what in the world do we do you know what guys i'm just gonna try to sleep this off and pretend like none of this ever happened all that matters is ashley guys oh my oh my gosh i can't believe every single city and neighborhood that i move into something bad happens i i need to sleep this off i i just i just can't i just need to clear my [Music] mind you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 2,222,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay, Pocket Minecraft, I Asked Her to Be my Girlfriend, Minecraft Girlfriend, She is My Minecraft Girlfriend, My Minecraft Girlfriend, RageElixir Girlfriend, RageElixir Minecraft Girlfriend, RageElixir Girlfriend in Minecraft, Roleplay Minecraft, Block City, Block City Episode 2
Id: Rt_RxuDfwfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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