I took harpoon runs to the extremes

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can become a yeti god it's happy wheels this board is made by the lord of yeti pies it says that if i beat this i get to become acknowledged as the the yeti god below is where florida belongs he double hockey sticks it's not where florida belongs it's where florida is i live there a cool day is 93 degrees alrighty let's see what sort of insane yeti bottle run you have prepared here okay looks prettier okay i can see how this could be annoying i will never until i'm the eating lord now i was almost there except me as you're eating savior oh god no i'm like i'm 70 in one piece see look i made it my head's there my legs are there i just got an arrow in my wiener i'd like to let you know that i'm not dead i'm a lot like um i really don't have a good analogy here yeah i'm dead come on [Music] this is tough level i could be the winner i could be the winner i just need to not die [Laughter] this is called flippy basketball you have to do the dunk it's zero g's come on baby oh triple flip yeah [Music] and i managed to die somehow ah yes look at how difficult tom hardy asked for an iphone for christmas and he's not gonna get it only thing he's gonna get is two broken legs apparently now i'm gonna do a soft backflip onto a one wheeled backward ultra kick-ass groin flip we're gonna go ahead and yeti backwards to bump upward then fall backward like this somehow i'm just biking on air that happens after you have a child like tom hardy destroy your life for as long as i have and we have a winner i appreciate that kyle is just getting more s's added to his name this is called grey's jet that's it there's no other real context what the hell what's happening how come how come the bridge is already starting to oh hell i was gonna say the bridge is already starting to die can i can i like let go of this and go down here or oh my god ah that's in my legs is it my freaking legs oh that actually helped me huh lucky me go go mr rocket i love you ow all right let's try this again nixon lay off of the pudding oh god why hasn't toys for bob activision made a reignited spyro cartoon i wanted to see what else was down here so i had to make sure i survived when it comes to eating this dude around man got like a got like a doctorate i don't know if i should go down any lower oh pandemic jumping simulator got some glory i'm a winner all right i guess i need to see what the actual oh my god oh oh sweet baby i won i can't believe it this is the hell happened to my son this is the flip challenge there are two challenges in this level go as far as you can before touching and how many flips can you do before touching don't go here i feel like there's an invisible blade ah yeah there is okay so real quick okay now i just need to tom dude brother oh god yeah go over there yeah perfect okay now i just need to pull myself this way there we go throw him down first he just got yearly deeded i'm gonna go this way oh there's no way out look i want to know what was down there all right click to get past and here we go come on am i going backwards what the hell how did i do i would launch stuff and i went the whole way backwards how can i be bad after doing that not completely inept okay then you have good uh-huh oh and then you have the win all right okay let's see if i can not go like 10 000 yards and then get eaten oh yeah oh got to not completely inept yeah i'm not stopping until i get to the wind in the air i'm not stopping until i get to the wind in the air it has to be possible it has to be possible oh my god i'm gonna do it yes yes also i need to let people know i'm still alive now flips two three four flips i'm nowhere near as good do these flips count because i'm still going technically this is called glass break for gray anytime anything is glass break for me i always get really concerned all right looks like we're starting off easy with some normal glass excellent okay it looked like maybe that glass piece there started to vibrate i'm a little concerned now damn it these nubs are real too that's okay though we have ways to deal with nubs what you have to do is face plant into the glass works great oh i just lost my helmet all right these these glass panes are getting a little insane here oh god i almost broke my neck tom can you get your foot out of my ass please he's like it's right where it belongs wow it really is he's he's like not letting go all right tom prepare to see the heat of a lifetime oh my son oh no that was so accidental oh i think i just ruined the glass hold on using using pieces of my son's inner sausaging look look it's starting to move the glass past the nub i just need to use it as a little meaty conveyor belt see look gonna nasa this [Music] they oh i almost stabbed myself in the skull all right tom listen as long as you stay where you are and your foot doesn't insert itself into my rectum you and your organs may stay into the end tom's like but gray don't we need speed we don't need speed where we're going all right maybe we do yeah yeah we're gonna do this okay i'm gonna do this alone tom tom you're in the way you're in the way dude galloway yes come on yeah this is called gray still plays impossible three i don't really know where impossible one and two went but there's a spinning windmill of battle axes that i have to get past can i go oh god no okay guess we're really doing this pro tip don't touch the blades thank you okay hey oh yeah oh god no i have no idea how i'm still alive you were not supposed to get here but in case you did i made this hmm angry animated butterfly butcher knives a ah just touched my ass in the battle axes prepare yourself because grace still plays again through one shot here we go yay ah you genie bastard all right adidas one adidas two adidas three not today satan all right didi over this nice oh god no please a lot of times they kind of like they seek out your groin so i don't like to stand near these things for too long see that it almost took my groin out okay so we have a couple of of explody bits here um i think i can jump over all these pretty sure i can yep well this is bad i'm still alive don't ask me how cause i don't know i'm riding the segway with my head luckily i kept my uh my helmet on all right well let's uh i i don't know i don't know how the hell i'm supposed to do this oh press me oh starting to wish i had those legs now oh this level is going to be a pain in my ass eatily deet you can't touch oh my god my meat all right jump up here off this oh my god i appreciate that you prepared for me a full liquor bar get in there right no no no no no oh there's a second jump this is probably the most involved nixon level i think i've ever had in my life oh hi um hmm uh i think i'm screwed i don't know if i can well can i cheat my way through this not really looking like i can yeah it was a bad idea what the hell i got rid of all the rockets see i planned that all right move all this over here and oh you gotta be kidding me okay oh i made it to the die die die area i have one chunk of a leg left but you wouldn't know because there's strawberry jam all over the background all right oh no no no okay i'm pretty sure i was almost there i had like two coins left technically it said three but i missed one uh because i was trying to not die okay that there jump over all of this this push that over there then yeah okay oh god no no no no no no no no i'm never oh going to give up i will hang around here for a little bit though don't touch the blades he said it'll be fun he said oh penis there we go [Music] i almost took that knife up the butt right there that was a big save big safe okay oh my god what the hell hmm i don't know what that is looks like a laser beam of death yep that'd be what it is most insane nixon run ever most insane ever okay nice there and the full jump let it all explode have all that go flying there we go okay sweet now tense jump land it all right so what the hell oh my foot's inside of my segway it's stuck inside of a damn segway i can't stop it it's pushing me forward look it's driving out of town no yay okay i got it out of the segway um i can't tell if it's coming down or up i think it's going clockwise that means i need to jump into it somehow and not die i'm still alive okay so what i found is there if there's effectively no way to get past that glass thing it's basically there's a cheat so my my plan is i have to somehow throw my segway into it and then get back on the segway so i can complete the board i i can't think of another way to get past it or you can just ow ow ow ow out go ahead please no okay good or you can get lucky and as you're doing stuff you can maybe maybe something flies through the air and hits it there goes the foot i kind of needed that all righty jump over this all right so that should get okay good oh no well do you notice where that harpoon went yes okay now that one i got thrown never mind okay get these pieces of wood oh no okay good good get these pieces of wood out of the way yeah all right get rid of that last one there okay get rid of the segway nope let go the segway let's go the segway okay protect there we go and there goes the segway maybe it's still there it is not okay so now the question is can i reach that yielding myself survey says no okay i managed to shave off both of my feet that should reduce a lot of my encumbrance all right now i have to knock all this stuff over and shoot it this way this this is the most annoying board i have ever played it is specifically made so that it is impossible to get to the next part if you do anything wrong but i think i figured out a way i just have to get rid of my legs i can do this oh my god i think that the the final glass piece is gone there was no other way around it yes [Music] oh oh oh i did it oh yes oh my god i can't type anything in i hope it still saves yes well after having every single harpoon and happy wheels go up my wiggly hole i'm gonna go ahead and have something to drink like a lot of scotch anyway i hope you all enjoyed this episode of happy with the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,947,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: GhSqPVqrzOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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