I Found 65 Bottles of Beer in a DUMPSTER!

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good morning everybody welcome back to my dumpster-diving channel today it's like 7:30 in the morning I just last night I was like I'm trying to wake up super early with the sunrise and good I'm driving so just woke up at the first well I actually already looked in this one and there's nothing but at the first dose I'm doing primarily retail shops cuz I love going to them early in the morning before they're open no pressure of getting caught at all so let's see we can find I have on brand-new gloves today nothing all right those over there are not anything that I ever looked through so let's keep going look at that Texas sunrise well this looks like a bunch of that cross-stitching stuff I found a couple of videos ago these are all used weird I kind of like this thing but I think it's just a cat toy it's kind of cool okay let's go up there Wow so this space got new dumpsters these are all like brand-new but nothing in them well they look pretty brand-new dumpsters okay so right across the street I'm driving over here right now there's this sewing machine shop and I've always been really curious about them but I've never doped there before well now y'all know alex is like getting really into sewing and everything and so I'm thinking I wonder if Kay lake have anything he would like so I'm there's my makeshift tripod for you oh my gosh dang y'all and it's Thursday normally this is a pretty good trash day okay we're having terrible luck with the retail shops so maybe my trash schedule is not the same or like the trash schedule that I know is not the same for apartments and retail shops which would make a lot of sense but Thursday's normally pretty good for apartment complexes Thursday's it's seeming not at all good for retail shops so let's find something else why don't we drive over to the campus and find out we're gonna go to some college apartments check their dumpsters okay I'm not entirely ready to give up retail spots yet so I'm here [Applause] okay well that's like iron but I'm gonna leave that let's keep going mm-hmm okay I'm gonna put this in my car but it actually feels kind of heavy and I don't know if these cases they're just always heavy oh wow oh you guys that's really all right so a giant hardshell guitar case I'm gonna go back and look for more though cuz I think I saw a bag that might have had some stuff in it I don't think there is anything left in there but I'm really stoked about the guitar case that is awesome so first find of the day not bad I am excited about retail shops though now I'm realizing that I think Thursday is trash pick-up day but that's actually really good if I can get to the ones that haven't been picked up yet because see how they like already put the trash can out in front of those doors it's like an all enclosed in there anymore I think that's because they're making it easier for the trash truck so I'm just gonna keep going because hopefully this is when like the most trash will be out so let's go see what else we can find empty sounds really good oh my God look at all those bugs yeah that's the spring in Texas for sure just bugs and these white trees those are like some of my favorite trees ever they're so pretty and they only last for like a week I love them alright I bet an apartment complex now I felt like something oh look the filter dropped I love this thing it doesn't have a little that's so cool all right let's see if we can find the lid or the field okay here's this filter look ya'll this hasn't even been used okay I moved to another dumpster because there was like a maintenance man over by the other dumpster and so whatever I'm getting out of the way but there's clothes in it so I'm going to set up my camera and [Applause] here but I don't think I'm gonna take that BCBG this nice jacket all right some really nice athletic clothes from the dumpster all right now I'm gonna go back to that first dumpster in this complex and see if I can find the little pot for it so let's go see if we can find it I'm back let's find the little coffeepot [Music] there's a jacket [Music] hmm I'm leaving this bag it's very torn up spanks alright I'm not finding it but we got a couple more things there we go look how green the grass is now it's screen time here's this little iPad case Betsy John oh it's Lilly Pulitzer I really don't like Ryan parked so I'm gonna move my cocker and then go back there's a lot of stuff I also think that I saw like a couple cases of beer just like unopened bottles so gonna be going back to check that out I like my parking spot a lot more now and I brought my bag there we go so maybe they just didn't like this flavor [Music] there's a safety thing for the outlet this is the second one that's been in here this box is really in the way I'm gonna move it then it's out of the way and it's and this okay y'all there's more solos this is so weird oh I wonder if someone gave up drinking for Lent here's a 30-pack beer is a really fun one for me to find because we love beer or ciders whatever these things are like having the stuff at the house that it's expensive and here we go this is all three I've now gotten four six-packs of the cider and a 30 your certificate holders I can definitely use all of this foam sheets for packages are awesome and classic drop off and it's time to get those I can see more all the way in the back we're going to have a [Applause] all right we got so here's one and then in the car this whole case this is for six-packs this is 30 beers well party at our house I think all right not bad well probably nothing is gonna top fine being like 70 beers so I'm gonna go home and I'll show you everything all laid out that's seriously so wild I found wine before I have never found beer like cases of beer cuz it really doesn't go bad that's why I'm wondering if maybe somebody gave it up for Lent or maybe maybe they just quit drinking in general or they found it in their teenage kids room or something I don't know that's crazy to throw out that much beer also I'm guessing that those blueberry ciders are gonna taste bad because why else would you throw them all away but I really like that Brit I guess I think it was like red what was its back there I don't know whatever brain that lies I've actually had before and I do like them so I'm wondering if maybe I'll like the blueberry also though the way my hair is doing right now reminds me so much of dumpster diving in the summertime cuz like my hair just gets so frizzy when it's hot outside like if I sweat it all it just like this hair up here like doesn't really grow so it's just like a little baby like curls everywhere but yeah this is what I look like in this summer I get real sweaty so y'all are gonna get to see that if you haven't been here since last summer you're gonna get to see me in like a hundred and ten degrees whether in a dumpster you're welcome all right I'm gonna go home I'll see you there I'm back home everything is laid out on the table and then of course we'll just do a little an admission of pilgrim he's playing in the grass which we need to mow I tried to come out here in MO yesterday but our lawn mower won't start so we have to like clean this part of it and then I'll get to mow this super awesome giant backyard and the grass just grows non-stop alex nighted rock-paper-scissors overhead oh I lost [Music] and if y'all missed it I did his puppy DNA video so I'll put it at the top and you can click that if you want to see it so exciting all right let's go check out our dumpster signs here it is so I mean we'll start with the beer you got one two three four five and a half six packs of reds blueberry ale if y'all have tried this let me know how it is okay so it expired in 2019 the leaked cider doesn't expire probably same with these beers December 2019 Wow also they were like really trusting that baby well there we go I'll let you know how they taste but if y'all have already had these before let me know I'm curious about it I like some of Reds other stuff like they're Apple ale but this blueberry woman I've never tried so we got five I have six packs of that a 30 pack of Miller High Life we got this which decor so I have a giant bag of Halloween stuff from last Halloween so I'm waiting until this fall to list those so I'll just put that with those we got this cool watch it works it says it's stainless steel it's an armature on an all sport it's waterproof cute purple color so there's that these two little Cheers mugs they're not in the best condition but they're kind of cute there's this really awesome um what is this called Americana collection and I guess it's like a little you know grill thing an oven with the coffee pot which I still didn't find it I'm sad about but there's the filter in there never been used it looks like and then this I thought it was an easy bake oven at first but there it is I think it's a real thing so there's that we got the happiest baby book with to safety outlet protectors and this brick uh okay this brick a mirror I guess for your car so you can see the little baby while you drive we got plastic drop cloth just like a brand new one of those but we got certificate holders there's there's ten in each one of these so we got thirty total that's awesome there's and oh this is gonna be so good for my packaging this is just like some whatever this stuff is I mean it's probably for packaging it just like wraps it up and protects it then this BCBG athletic track jacket is so cool it's like a racer looking kind of jacket it's super cute kind of looks like a motorcycle jacket so we got that and then this these all need to be washed but this is just another pile of a couple articles of clothing here this is like a corset Spanx style thing a dress and some more athletic wear so there we go I mean obviously the beer is the highlight this is so much I don't know what we're gonna do with all this especially if this stuff tastes bad there we go and there's pill just enjoying this weather oh and I forgot the guitar case okay so we got this huge hardshell that's huge it's just like standard but this is a hardshell guitar case with a very fuzzy interior so it looks really nice a tkl made in canada the actual metal part have like some rust on them but it definitely would still protect your guitar and be perfect for carrying it so there's that us from a good our shop okay and real quick I forgot to show this this is that iPad case that I found in the same dumpster with all the beer and it's like brand new it's super clean on the inside it has like a cute little headphones pocket and it's Lilly Pulitzer which I've seen a lot of people say it's like one of the top selling brands on Poshmark so I'm really excited to just finally found something by her but we'll see how it sells the zipper is maybe like getting stuck a tiny bit but if you'll have any tips for like sticky zippers let me know other than that it's like in perfect condition so yeah one last thing all right well there you have it that is my dogs driving video from today basically just a ton of beer it's like 70 beers so not bad I'll let you know how the blueberry al taste and thank y'all so much for watching as always happy diving and I will see you next time bye say bye Pookie he's so comfortable ok so I decided to end this video with actually trying the blueberry ale so we'll all get to experience this together ok so it still was like carbonated it smells pretty good ready Cheers honestly it's really good so good it's like not a really strong blueberry flavor I was kind of expecting it to be like so like popsicle II tasting you know with like her like medicine II it's actually really good yeah all right 10 out of 10 stars I don't know it needed bat money but it really is not bad and now I'm glad that we have like hundreds of them okay I wish you could try it okay well there you go the end of this video is me saying that this is actually pretty tasty and for being free I'm coming from a dumpster ten stars for sure there we go alright that's the actual end of this video it's like 1 o'clock now so I don't feel so bad um sitting out here and finishing this so I'll see y'all next time and Cheers heavy diving file
Channel: breafkast
Views: 133,782
Rating: 4.9135671 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, beer, blueberry ale, redds ale, high life
Id: bZmJ6eUcCt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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