I Made 100 Kids Build Worlds Most Secure House!

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yo yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video alright so as you can see i have put a hundred something players each in their own box and i am about to tell them to build and they have absolutely no idea what they're gonna build this is gonna be epic i mean just look at the boxes look at this it's gonna be sick okay so what you guys are gonna build i'm just getting straight into it right away is the most secure house you can possibly build just a dope looking house that's protected so yeah that's pretty much it we're about to turn on build whoever has the best house wins i don't even know how we would determine who has the best house because i mean there's hundreds of them and there's gonna be hundreds of houses i guess we'll see i don't know if you can tell but i am really really really excited to make this video because i've done a secure house building competition in the past but never with a hundred players and go you have 30 minutes so yeah it's gonna be really interesting to see what approach they all take since they have one chunk each to pretty much build whatever they want ooh i like this start because i mean lava's gonna be protecting the house right like i don't really know how this is gonna be a defensive house but i guess we'll see hmm there's so many different approaches people are taking i just love doing these hundred player build battle competition things because like is this really a secure house no but is it going to be funny yeah probably i could totally see this being a secure house like the ground work and then it goes up and then what is this i'll kind of question it just going to keep spectating and looking at the builds we get user joined your channel hi hello oh hi hey i'm recording a video oh what are you doing uh wow it's funny that you join right now it's a 100 player secure house building competition thing you know how we did like a battle against each other it's like that but a hundred yeah literally i just started ah okay okay get on get out get on i'm coming i'm coming okay okay i'm here oh wait i want my volume on 14 oh you're here what do you think oh hi what do you think so they have 30 minutes and we're about like two minutes in this looks so cool there's so many good ones wait you're giving them 30 minutes yeah 30 minutes is the right amount of time so you're like letting them go all out then yeah they are going all out like oh my god this one's cool holy muffin yeah dude these are sick yeah some of these are pretty darn good i'm excited to see what we see in like a few minutes from right now because this is just the start to the secure house okay if you had to live in one of these which one would you pick um at the moment uh i mean none of this one well look at this one i don't think this guy understands what this is secure needs to be because this looks more like a this is not a house yeah this is a normal house remember secure defensive house yeah dude i don't know some of these guys are just going for really not secure defensive houses yeah i'm here for it wait what is this person building this is not a house there's a building no they've got time they've got time let them figure it out what to build a pillar um it's gonna be a house soon just don't question it i'm questioning it why are so many people going for just straight up like dirt like everyone in this area notice how like they go they build like similarly around them everyone went for like grass here yeah oh this guy's building kind of cool he's doing like a maze thing i guess that's pretty secure people have to like find their way through your house it takes them longer if they don't know how oh oh look at this oh my gosh this one's good they did really good really quick i love how fast like they built it really okay should we cut the time in half and then tell them to build something else after two oh yes yes yes well okay let's see as we get closer maybe we can give them like a ten minute warning if it looks like they're wrapping we might decide to cut the time down and have another topic so don't take your sweet time bad what is this how is this even like i don't what this is i guess coming along maybe i mean maybe this is a secure house it lives in the sky no one can get to you that's pretty good that's true that's true no one can get to you so it's kind of secure i mean what would you build yours oh look at this one look at this one this is sick let me see oh this is nice so you're sitting through some walls and stuff oh yeah totally um yeah some lava walls okay this guy is just building a normal house yeah i know what this is not secure what this is just a normal house i mean maybe they're going to like cover it in lava i don't know maybe maybe you never know i mean i'm seeing some people build towers towers are producing flowers i'm seeing like uh flowers just straight up flowers holy muffin look at this guy oh he put lava at the bottom and he builds whatever this is oh my goodness that's pretty sick just go up and look at these secure houses oh my god oh my goodness they're so so cool i love it okay this house is really good you have to come see it but i don't know how it's secured oh i mean it's made out of iron it's like maybe it's meant to be made out of metal i guess hmm that's pretty secure i mean it is more stylish than secure exactly so should a secure house look good or should just be like secure we're gonna rate your houses out of 10 for looks 10 for security and then what else dinos and out of 10 for shininess um yeah bad boy halos pick hey did i spell shiny in this right is that how you spell it yes tiny is just like everything else you know so does that mean like having some gold and diamonds and stuff like that well it's like it's like you know it's sort of that wow fact that pizzazz yeah like whoa over here there's gold whoa yeah no oh look at this one skippy this one's cool i love the little miniature style oh i really really like that like this has a ton of shininess to it right because it's very like whoa has something extra that you haven't seen really anywhere else that's true because a lot of them are very similar to each other so if you're able to stand out like this oh my god tp should it be oh wow cool very neat now should there be like oh my goodness it's a cannon this is a giant cannon skeppy is it yeah no way so their house has weapons that's right oh my god you're right yeah how did they do it so quick it's like a bunker skipping it literally that's so cool i wonder if he's gonna make an inside oh that'd be cool i hope he does we'll check back on it later let's go this way what uh okay um i mean maybe these are supposed to be lazy i mean surely that has to be a 10 out of 10 for shininess right this is pretty shiny you have a laser grid system that's pretty good someone filled my head hey there we go that's a good house because the head will be empty so you'll have a lot of room are you saying my head is empty no no no i mean like what the heck you just said i don't have a brain get out you were never invited to this video well minecraft heads are hollow you don't know that huh you don't know that yeah i do wait let me know yeah come and look inside my head my head has a lot of brain power this is weird or anything right no okay um look in my head oh my god you're right yours is empty oh my goodness there's a small tiny brain what your brain is small no because that's that you said that's what it's like in minecraft my brain is small then you don't even have a brain no there's no brain even there wait your whole body is empty we're like your body oh my goodness i can see the end what are we doing all right let's say five more minutes then we will build one other theme oh i think you guys did a good job i'm a loving bear houses they're so cool dude so many people over here went for cacti that's very smart no is it yeah cacti is very very shiny no no i mean think about cacti right like see this look at this dude's house what he should have done is he should have replaced this with cacti that way like oh you're trying like oh no pointy okay i'm gonna sit up here in the sky and we're gonna play music right here right now and we're gonna see what changes in the next five minutes i'm literally gonna sit here and the footage is just gonna be sped up so it's gonna be interesting oh can i do the song that will overlay yes go to oh my gosh all right you ready to go look around yes are we gonna give them the uh time up yes one more minute one more minute you ready to turn off build yes tell me when final touches now perfect let's go take a look around all right where should we start um right here oh wow look at this ooh this one looks pretty good i know i like next we have the big brains cappy head with a fat brain inside did i mention i have a big brain inside there this is my brain i don't think that very tiny brain wow unless your brain is made out of lavas keppy goody this is a pretty good house for give it and a security that shine um seven and a half out of ten this one uh pretty silent i like the house i like the house for sure not really secure not really secure now but it does look nice this i i don't really know what to think about this i know i will probably get out so first before you kill me can i 1v1 you or the vid please that would be fun oh bad do you want one of you on him i'll take that yes no 1v1 1v1 three two one go oh gg what you killed me all right next house that doesn't count this is not secure it's got a big hole in the roof and a hole in the back that one fails ooh this one's got a bunch of cannons i like it scary this is a good one because you see if you come at it from any angle you get blasted is there an it's got lava no it's simple and elegant yeah effective very effective all right i like this one from an artistic interpretation i give this an eight and a half mm-hmm this one's kind of this one doesn't make sense interesting and he's advertising his channel nah i give it a two out of ten i'm kidding probably like a seven this one is dad i just realized we have hundreds of houses to look at so we're gonna have to do this more effectively yeah we do especially if we want to do another topic so let's just speed through them here follow me there's a pass for the chest it is really hard try to find it what l the password is behind the big face oh wow he put it right here uh password oh oops what oh my goodness i don't i don't even know muffin you know what here let's just fly and we'll look at like the best ones here's this one i like this one because this one really has a really cool vibe to it i know you like this one i know you really like it but it's it feels like an actual like house he made use of the space it doesn't feel like just kind of a meme right and if you're not good at parkour that's pretty secure yeah yeah no yeah i'm going to mark it i like this one i like this one tv oh this one looks cool oh this one you can go in and it has oh it's got a drawbridge and he's got this is secure skippy if you don't have like a way to get up he can blast you down that's kind of that's so cool okay this guy gets props what the heck come here what i love it this is a great house oh skeppy check this one out so this muffin head has the same sort of top thing he's got little defensive but come and check out his door if you go in oh that's so smart because then you actually can't get in unless you have the face that's great i like it that was like what you didn't invent yes i did oh really how did you invent it um yeah because i'm the owner it only does that for me oh really yeah because it knows me face id yeah well i'm sorry i'm doing much better alone can't believe you no that doesn't count it doesn't count as inventing face id dude there's so many good ones it's so hard to really look at all of them like look at this one okay this is really cool looking this one has a lot of texture think i was going for a really big build but he never ended up finishing or a guy oh oh my god tptp tv oh it's your head i know so again lots of empty space inside all right so we've gone through and looked at many bad boy halo will now pick a winner for round one what i can't pick i will pick winner for round two oh oh look at this one scubby this one's cool they're all so good i love it okay i labeled some of my favorites no no no no no no no no we're not playing that game you're just gonna pick one so i have to pick one just pick one yeah that you like it's completely opinion based so it's like whatever you like so no one's gonna have any hard feelings wait so i get to pick it yes the one you like the most okay all right i picked it right here skevie oh i knew you'd pick this one yes so like like here's what's so great about it you go up right and he set up a trap here so if you trigger this right this thing will push you the redstone's turned off so it doesn't do it but if you did the residence was on boom you get knocked back in it's great the ultimate defensive house and it's so cute so this one yep this one gets defensive points shiny points and it looks right let's get him in a call let's get him in a call right now hi hello is in love with your house you don't understand oh thank you i love it so he was the winner by the way if you didn't know and very secure it's actually like it feels like a secure house like a lot of people built like these crazy super secure muffins that don't really vibe they don't feel like houses and yours does it feels like a great little house yeah small but very secure i love it 10 out of 10. well congrats dude good luck on the next win maybe well i'm judging for the next round so maybe you want to go for something that i'm going to like of course i mean i like your house yep everywhere dad really really like no no no i'm leaving bye so it is all cleared up now we are back to square one topic is whatever bad boy halo says i am the judge all right bad what's the topic how about they all have to make a skeppy plushie what i want to see a skeppy plushie you do yeah oh or a skeppy toy just say that no you say it it's your topic no you say it it's your topic oh my goodness okay make a skeppy toy oh my god it can be any toy just has two piece skeppy themes oh my gosh you have five minutes yes no give him an hour one hour no an hour are you crazy yeah one hour no what what's wrong with him turn on build people don't need to be building me for an hour bad yes they do on your mark and go ooh and it's off and it's off and it's off i can't believe people are building me it's gonna be exciting bad how am i gonna pick a winner they're all building stuff about me how could i not pick everyone cappy you have to ask yourself okay if you could have one of these things made into a toy that you would own then that's the winner should i make it into my own toy oh yeah i could do it that would be so cool okay okay okay like what if someone makes a skeppy race car oh look skeppy this guy i know what he's building can you guess that he's building uh no a skeppy crib what that no no i'm not picking that one this is the one you i'm not picking that one no no no no no no no yeah yeah you want it look it's me on a chicken ah a skeppy chicken i could get behind that that'd be kind of cool you are kind of a chicken i am not a chicken what chickens are loyal and furry and stupid they're not stupid they don't have a brain and i have a brain my head isn't hollow yes it is hollow skip no it's not plus chickens are short and you're short that fits how tall are you how tall are you tell everyone right now i'm taller than skeptic no he's not whatever skipper is bad i'm gonna meet up with bad sometime before the end of the year and we're gonna take a picture here we're gonna take a picture and we're gonna be standing next to each other and everyone's gonna see who's taller exactly and it's gonna be me boy it's gonna be me bad boy halo you know what is if anyone ever tweets that i will what will i do probably do nothing but it's not true it's not true can't do nothing to the tall boys i'm a tall boy you're a short boy it's okay hashtag bad boy halo is taller no i love it you won't even say like no hashtag skippy's taller because you know it wouldn't be true i don't need a hashtag to prove my point exactly because it's unprovable shorty i'm done with you oh sure already how does this have anything to do with me tv eb this is clearly a i don't think he gets it i don't think he gets it either oh my gosh look at this one this is cute a little skippy ducky why are you laying down are you cloud watching uh yeah sometimes i like stargazing i'm just looking at it that's cool let's head to night time yeah do you think there are any minecraft constellations honestly like i'm looking up and those are stars right so like yeah but like are there constellations like i just i just wonder now i wonder if they just did a random sky or if they actually like did like real stars you know what i mean well look up at the stars is this what i am always see or is it different each time is it good i don't know oh this is my favorite this one looks really cool oh my goodness what it's a vlog it looks scary it looks cool no it looks scary whoa this one looks scary whoa this one wait the chicken one is standing on a wait what am i a moose you're a teddy bear this is a skippy teddy bear oh oh that's funny oh this is cool a skeppy jack in the box get me in the box i want one of these now skippy can you make me one of these i'm not going to give you a skeppy in the box oh you climb into a box for me that's how we'll meet up you're climbing a box no that's not how we're meeting up i know you'll have your shell no you'll be shipped to me right and no and then when you get here you'll jump out of the box you're like surprised how about one random day i just show up to your house without telling you i don't know would you be mad at me yeah i would be very very surprised oh you wouldn't be mad at me i don't i won't say that i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming no no no no no i still have your address from the pizza video no no no no no no no if this video gets a hundred thousand likes i'll just show up hold on let's go get me no i'll think you're a burglar no you will what if i do what if i'm like oh there's oh this is this one this is a winner skippy i found it turn off build all right turn it off give him a warning yeah i am oh my god bad look at this this is so cool this is so sweet oh this one is cool race cars your toy car is only 471. mine's a thousand dollars wait what nothing 471. oh we can't pick this guy then because he's clearly mispricing this is way too hard to pick a winner i don't know why the theme was about me this is so hard no i saw a skippy duck tv to me scubby look it's a skeppy duck oh my gosh it's cute all right let me try and look around and see which one i'm gonna pick this is wow this is a whole house dedicated to me oh my goodness someone built you actually in a little race car vroom vroom that's so good look at this look at this bad come here come in the mine cart with me what is this oh it starts here okay go ghost can't be go oh this is the drop oh oh what hello technical difficulties here i gotta push you we did that work no might go well this can't be your winner well to be fair redstone's disabled it would have won look i'm like in a box because i'm a toy oh that is smart that is clever can you put the little orb on this one which one the box one i like that one oh it's me it's an apple i think oh this one's really cute there's so many cute little ducky ones oh oh a choo-choo train include never mind this isn't the winner heavy look it's a 14 skippy train that's cool oh my god this one's nice too i'm loving all of the cute little skippy bits these are so great the skippy crib has to win to be honest what where's the skeppy crib yeah think about it wouldn't you want to like put your baby to sleep in a skippy crowd oh my god oh this is cool these are so cool oh my god look at this it's my youtubes oh my gosh there's already a toy like this this is great he did a really good job i know a lot of people did ducky toys oh i know that i can't pick oh look tp this guy did another box one that's cool oh i like that you two skeppy number 48 debbie you have to pick one i know this one is good enough to be the winner i think come on that's cool did you see this get being a race car one no your tp oh wow look you're in a little race car yep there just can't be creeper hippie with a wooden axe did you see this one it's a steppy bear that is cool oh and even built a box for it wow there's one i just saw here it is guppy look this guy built your youtubes too but he did something a little bit different look he gave it a brain wait really oh big rain they didn't finish the sword though yeah bad this is too hard i can't pick a winner you have to i want to pick so many winners all right well skippy you're gonna have to declare everyone the winner you gotta pick or you have to declare everyone the winner is that okay what you can't declare you said i could i mean i guess you can there's so many good ones cappy this one's hard ah okay all the ones that are labeled with the little green orb are the winners oh that's a lot i know i know i know i know oh i had a lot of fun today thank you for joining this video with me i was surprised you well i guess you saw what i was doing and then you came right mm-hmm i saw what was going on i got you this is really cool it's a bad boy halo thank you to everyone watching me and bad are going to meet up soon it's going to be great it's going to be great first we have to make muffins though thank you for watching if you enjoyed subscribe like comment bad do you have anything else to say bye you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,985,914
Rating: 4.9622626 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, worlds most secure house, secure house, minecraft build battle, secure house battle, house battle, badboyhalo
Id: JL4LRu5-Spo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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