I Tested How Intelligent Skeppy & BadBoyHalo Are...

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all right it's kevin hi are you ready i am ready i am ready to guess what skippy oh well there's a sign that says puzzle map v3 yes but guess what what i didn't make this one well you didn't no oh so i'm not gonna get tortured well i don't know no the point is we gonna do it together so it's like me versus you no no like we're team oh we're on the same team yes we're on it oh that's so fun i love that i know i'm so happy okay awesome let's crush it okay well i guess since this is puzzle map v3 if you somehow haven't seen puzzle map v1 v2 throwing it on the screen right now go watch that first and then come back here it'll make a lot more sense my bad take it away okay so well they they told me that team oh wait wait wait wait wait no like and subscribe right now otherwise you will grow up people your toes on your beard yeah and wait you should check if you're subscribed because there's a chance that you're not and why would you not want to be exactly also if this video gets like i don't know a hundred thousand likes we'll do this with other youtubers ooh that's a great idea oh okay i just thought of that alright man take it away take it away okay so skeppy here's the thing i have no clue what these puzzle maps are um all i told the testers was i said build some puzzle map have a bunch of people test them to make sure it works smoothly and put instructions and i asked them before what we should do and you know what they told me they said teamwork is very important and that's pretty much it all right well let's work together as a team to you know potentially be all the other youtubers that we're gonna get oh my goodness kevin we have to get the best time yeah we have to we will i've been designing all these puzzles for this very moment yeah so if i don't do good people are gonna the sign or like what are we doing i selected it so i'm gonna set this up oh okay okay but yeah we've been literally leading up to this very moment for us to crush everyone exactly okay you have no idea what's gonna happen i have no clue i literally they built it i have not seen it at all so i have no clue what's behind here i logged on this server earlier because bad built it on my server and i logged on like hey no get out get out don't go in there and then i had to get out yeah exactly we have no clue how to do these puzzles literally guys i have not seen anything the builders can testify to that i kept my nose away from it so here we go this is going to be just as much a surprise let's do it here i'm i'm ready i'm sorry i'm starting the timer are you ready uh yep yep as soon as the door goes away oh get in game mode zero all right i should be oh let's do this let's do it let's decide all right come on there's been a large build up and hype up two two one oh gosh hello even i can escape the odds what okay odds let me go over this wait this room this room over here come to this room how i can't do anything uh what do you see like describe this seven two three three different sides two three uh can you right click them uh no i can't do anything to it you can't no wait so seven you said seven seven is all my left three and four okay wait so seven will do you see any buttons oh look yeah there's seven i'm at right click seven what happened nothing nothing happened nothing okay wait um oh my goodness do i have to click you said two two yeah two is in front of me two okay three i'm gonna click three what happened nothing what oh my goodness no i think that's working okay uh let's try it again seven everything yeah i'm just gonna push all the way oh it works whatever you know it opened more door ow what the heck what happened i i don't know i just died okay go back in the player two place okay push it again push it again again i'm pushing it even i can escape what happened odds i opened open all three doors no open the seven okay which store is that do it again i'll try it i'll try and go through okay i'm in i didn't die and now i have a four and a one a four and one what happened nothing is that one seven what about now nothing now it worked okay now it was seven and a three and one so that i have no idea what these things are i don't know we're just experimenting okay so what door open what door opened nothing no the last one that you went through the one okay so seven one what doors are you facing seven three one seven three one this time i want the three to open did the one open yeah okay don't don't touch that let's try this one what's this yes the three and i'm dead okay oh my god okay i'm starting to think that the blue wool kills you all right and back i think maybe if you go the wrong way oh no no look above look above wait oh are the red ones oh it's a path so we can't take you down okay okay i know this one i figured i figured it out wait uh go go back in go back again right once kill you okay yeah so you have to go that's so smart i didn't say that i need to go right forward forward forward what number is it uh four four okay did it open no now no okay so that's not four okay get the one to open get the one to open no no no i we gotta do that one where's did it open i mean no it didn't now okay go through it okay what what's the door uh no no yeah go are you looking straight okay eight all right i'm gonna try these again okay uh open uh nope tell me what's gone bad i got the left door okay nice you got it you got it okay yeah like that way five five five whatever that means yes i think let's try these two open no yes got it oh okay and then eight eight yes which one i don't know i don't even know what you're doing okay go on then eight nine nine okay it opened okay now we need two two oh my goodness two or four okay nice you got four okay going here now it's no no no no no no no no one go back you have to get to that one wait do you have to come to this joe seven no no there's a purple door no no no it's getting away it says hold on it says escape and it's purple there's barriers here this might be a troll go back wait purple purple i think that's a bait that's a trick okay what's the door behind you there's a six to purple and seven to the ladders okay no you gotta go backwards to the door you went through to the purple yeah what's that one okay open it again it's a six you did it okay i'm back okay what's that one to the purple is two two okay let's try that one you want me to go in yeah go in what if it okay you're open nice player one even's on left odds on right what where where are you i'm in the purple one i can't see anything you can't see anything it says player one evens on left odds on right that's all it says what does that mean i i don't know but wait i have a red clay and a brown player in my life you have a red clay and a brown clay oh even's on left two four six eight odds on right which what is that that's one three five seven okay what does that mean is that like a hint that's a hint that's it okay is there a door behind you there's a six an eight and a two okay wait which one goes out the way you came in the two the two two okay okay what's the door in front of you towards the ladders yeah six six two four six next uh seven seven uh one three five okay uh we're almost there almost there go right seven seven seven coming you got it you got it you got it done nice okay i'm going up what does this mean just go up that's the exit down here could have come down the entire time i'm stuck i can't go through you have to like push a button i think i see a button there i can't read the sign hurry i'm going it's fine i just want to climb faster i'm going as fast as i can well you're going up slowly okay well i'm here so be quiet all right next time we need to write down the doors if we come this button will tp everyone here should i do it push it okay okay okay what does this say wait reset player two click to teleport player one i'll go players yeah read it read everything each button represents an answer to the question each button represents wait each button oh my god there are five buttons on each side if you die your teammate must jump in the lava and reset course all but one of the buttons will kill you all right so we need to find the button okay i'll go i'll go in i'm teleporting here i'm in player two wait did you go player two no i want player one really yeah okay okay wait one button yeah all but one button will kill you so what what's the answer like what what are we supposed to do look look for a button that's like hidden i think okay i see one button two button yeah don't click that don't click that i see two buttons wait there's signs did you read that did you read them no i have many uses some are considered useless but plenty are necessary to survive i am more common than others but i lack in quality but at least i burn brightly what does that mean i burn brightly what the muffin okay there's one on an end stone one on a obsidian one on a pink wall um one on stone brick you think that would be it rightly well mine says you should read yours what is yours a spark oh there's signs right here look at them is enough to destroy a city a whole city though without its source of fuel the beast becomes weak and the battle will be cut short and eastern terror oh we each have a hint on our side okay you know that so does that have to do with the i'm gonna click the diamond button it's probably not it wait wait okay here go back through the door too wait no can't we go back to i didn't know it does that over oh my god go player two hurry run run run run run let's do it i don't wanna do this again go back down it's easy we know the pattern okay so let's remember the pattern seven yeah okay so you just do the path seven one one seven seven five five uh six six you're making sure not to uh hit anything bad right yeah no um two two okay it's okay it's okay i'm mad i didn't know what it was okay at the very beginning six six seven seven oh i should have pushed the button i shouldn't have just jumped in the lava like a dum-dum yeah you should have pushed something okay um one one three three seven seven oh great i have to find this ladder again oh so fun i love climbing this ladder and i get to love i love you yelling at me that i can't climb the ladder fast enough yeah you're a slowpoke i see you down there look at you taking forever hi my name's skippy and i take a million years to climb ladders no i guess this ain't your fault well it is your fault you push the diamond button what does diamond have to do with bruh i don't right now no i thought you could go back to the same thing oh wait we have to reset hold on what never mind we didn't push a button okay one you still there one read the sign okay park is enough to destroy a whole city though without its source of fuel flint and steel the beast becomes weak and the battle will be cut short oh dragon would that be the dragon should i click it um i think yeah the dragon egg is not it the dragon egg is not it go on go on some are considered uh useless plenty are necessary to revive i am more common than others by lacking quality but at least i burn brightly do you think it's coal it's cold it's maybe it's flipping not call are you kidding me kevin did you go back in the same day yes i'm waiting for you to open seven seven i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running next number okay next number is one next number is seven seven next number is five wait one seven two five six six you should write these down yeah it's all the way over here one two seven five six uh two six six seven seven all the way over here okay one one and three three seven four oh wait no jk all right i'm coming out okay hurry scappy hurry it wasn't call and it wasn't the dragon one and i clicked the diamond one so we know it's not that ah i can't believe we're taking so long on this i know just sorry it's okay we're doing good we're only 12 months right 12 minutes cappy figure this okay let's think about this very carefully okay so oh my god oh my god literally oh are you dumb are you dumb okay okay okay on the right side we get we get two choices it's two buttons we get two buttons we get it's red it's flipping wood yes skippy why couldn't you just you were the ones i would i picked this one [Applause] i can't believe this ain't stay on your side you clicked it after me seven you're you know the numbers no i don't seven seven ah okay seven one one seven nice keep going five six i gotta run hurry six open it two two uh six two no what two two what ah two six six seven seven why is it so far away seven one one okay three three ah wait which one's three oh it's this one okay seven seven okay let's do this again hurry up your little muffin head [Music] i'm doing as fast as i could all right go go go okay don't don't push anything don't push anything ready oh hold on i gotta reset it just in case okay here we go which side are you going skippy tell me this i'll go on the right okay you go right i go left okay so i'm pretty sure it's wood boop okay it is wood wait what do you want me to hit read your hint again let's really think about it okay a spark is enough to destroy a whole city though without its sorkey of fuel so the beast becomes weak and the battle will be cut short ending its reign of terror i think it's that one over there wait because that one's got no no what are you doing skippy stop you can't leave me skippy oh oh i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it now all right what do you want that one i think that one this yeah because it's next to one of those things i'm gonna die right three two one dead well what is it i don't know no flipping way gosh darn it wait i have a question i see i have a question i have a question why couldn't we have both gone on the same one and then use the same path because it opens up the opposite side skating yeah why couldn't we have just gone on the same path figured out what it is i figured out what my god is this i could be literally we could have just gone on painting that's why we needed to work together because there was a picture on the wall i figured it out okay uh the numbers are seven yes one seven oh yeah uh five yes and then six yes oh my goodness two two six okay yes yes yes oh god all right all right it's all two two two two two wait what really two yeah i did six two no jk one jk one dang it skelly get trolled one yeah yeah okay and then seven i mean three three three one seven okay uh seven three three three open three ah go go yeah yeah okay i'm going we're actually doing good they told me the testers times and i think we're doing good hooray [Applause] why can't we both go here why can't we both like this look we could theoretically but come on come on come on come on come on come on come on it's weird it doesn't appear no don't push us up over here because i reset listen don't go why did you reset it you blocked me we would have had the best time if you just listened to me no what do you mean no we pushed every button i don't understand god you bald i hate you come back then are we off you can't cheat scuffy that's the definition of cheating open one one we're gonna get the one we're gonna be the worst youtuber seven five five five we're literally gonna be the worst pair up okay six six two two six oh nice seven no no one one seven three three three is what we want three under the c7 don't give up i can't believe you reset like we literally i can't believe it next butter i'm going back down no if you're god batting you you are wasting this huh that's our time like 20 minutes no we're it's 19 minutes we're doing it no that's good the testers apparently took upwards of 30 minutes whatever okay are you kidding me every second okay okay i'm going i'm going player one you put the you put the log push the wood where is it yeah push it this one right here this one right here this one right here this one right here a spark is enough to destroy a whole city though without its source of fuel the beast becomes weak and the battle literally at the top it's literally the monster the button is literally at the top of one of those things it's it yeah you've got that's where the fuel is that's where the fuel is oh my gosh i seriously hate you i swear if it is i'm gonna it is because that's what the fuel is yeah i know that's the fuel but how do you get up there is there one up there i don't know i cannot see because i am down here you know what i'm gonna go to this corner i might be able to see it how many buttons did they say are on each side they didn't say okay there's one two three four five buttons five buttons did you push this one yeah you pushed this one yeah you pushed that one over there i don't i don't know i don't i don't think so what's the difference between this one and this one that's what i'm saying i don't think there is and then the last button is on endstone how do you know it's right here both the buttons are on this side they're not they're not okay i'm pretty sure it's like a big troll okay let's think it's the fuel that thing is the fuel is enough to destroy a whole city though without its source of fuel the beast becomes weak and the battle will be quite short on the obsidian is it this one just hit it just hit it bad just hit it you've got to be brilliant i love this what's the difference i don't know there's literally no difference between those two i've i hate okay okay trying to listen carefully wait is this it excuse me we won are you kidding me that was it 21 minutes in time our time sucks we did so bad everyone's gonna i hate you frippy i hate you art to animation pdl i hate you della i hate everyone i hate you bad i hate myself i hate everyone watching and bye bye i'm never making another video again that wasn't like a youtuber you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,393,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, i tested how smart, i tested how dumb
Id: oqavDkN--WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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