I survived 100 years in happy wheels

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All right, we're checking out the only game where the answer to everything is pizza, it's Happy Wheels. There's a lot of stuff going on here. love how in between all the impossible stuff there's just this random slice of pizza. As always, they're-- Ow, As always, there appears to be a few things. You know, like an area with a question mark and a place that you shouldn't actually be able to get. I think you know what has to happen. Also, I'm curious. There it is. Ah, come on. Get there. I feel like this thing was put there specifically to beat me to death with my own alcohol. Ow. Why is it always aimed for the head? I know, I know, Thor approves. Actually what's back here? What? Oh my God. I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty accomplished right now. This is what happens when a bottle just gives up the will to live. There is nothing here. You lie. I'm not done yet. There's more I want. Come on, get up there. You know you want to. Okay, I see now why this is so hard, because the problem is to get an angle to go into it it always hits this. [laughs] Really? Hey. [laughs] Okay so you may be wondering, "Gray, why did you do this?" Because I just wanted to create an opportunity where I could go against what this says, which is, I'm never giving bottles back that land here. Oh really? [laughs] What? Wow, I got tluciffid yrev otherwise known as very difficult. That's still not good enough though. [chuckles] Come on. In case you wanted me to get it completely standing up. Huh. Oh, I'm starting to get this arc down over here. [laughs] Delicious pizza. God, I love pizza. Ow, at first I was like, epic, and I was like, yay, and then I saw fail and I was like, aaw. There it is. Yes, told you I'd get it. Yeetus. This is called Mountain Run. It says it sounds easy but it's actually very hard. I'll be the judge of that. Okay. Whoa, meh, huh, ah mediocre. Are these like breaking on purpose? Like if I stand here will it just-- Ah, it will. All right. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Okay, decent. Good, excellent. Oh man, they get real fast. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Bring it on. What you got for me. Oh-oh, I'm dead- or am I? Outstanding. Woo. Well done. Crazy face. This is called Pogo Fight. Hard. Cubed. So it looks like we have a double stack of children here. Can I just get past all this with this? Hold on. I definitely like not working. Yay. Wow. Oh. This is ca-- [screams] This is called Madness for Gray. What is this? Ah, there's something down here. You lied. You're a liar. Hello, Gray. [laughs] That's the downfall. Hold on, I'm trying to make this work. [screams] Yes. [laughs] All right is there like an actual winning area over here or-- I got both wins, yay. This is called 99% Will Gray. It says, "I made the hardest--" It says, "I made the hardest board, no one will beat it." Watermelons. I love watermelons. It said go right or left so I'm gonna go left. That was a bad answer. Okay so is it the green part of the watermelons is evil or is it like the red inside? Oh, this is easy. Yay. I feel like I was lied to. This is called Happy Wheels Slot Machine. With such wonderful prizes as death and more death and a new car. All right. Survey says prize. Okay, what is my prize? Oh, it's a pineapple. I mean that's pretty good I guess. I could eat it or I could use it to try and win another prize. Okay, there's another token right there, and we have prize okay. Is it possible to get anything else besides prize? All right there we are. Oh yeah that's going someplace else. Oh no. Question mark. Question mark what? What's the question mark? What is it? What happened? Nothing happened. Everything's fine. I can't grab the pineapple I want to throw it. I have a feeling that trying to get the win in this game is gonna be like pulling teeth. Prize. Okay, prize is a pineapple. I-I mean I really love pineapples I just- I'd like a different prize. You know, we're gonna yeet two tokens this time. Here we are. Okay, we got the question marks-- We have another prize. Maybe the question marks don't actually give you anything, they just keep you guessing. Like, that's the actual question mark, like it's a literal-- Death. Uh-oh, oh, God no. I love how after I died I got my pineapple and it fell in such a way that now I could legitimately grab it. All right, we're doing all the tokens. All of my soul is going into this one. Go. [chuckles] are you serious right now? Well, I got one chance. Oh, it's right there, it's right there. No, oh, I got the jackpot. Yes. Yes. I got a car. I also got Billy. This is called Village Attack. Who are you? Like, me or my son? Actually here, I'm gonna-- Oh, I'm sorry. Just-- Oh, my God. Oh, wow, I am so sorry, everyone. Oh. I-I di-- I'm kinda [?]. Whoa. I just murdered an entire civilization. Good use of my time. Ah, yes. The time has come once again for Gray to show his incredible expertise. Oh, my God. In Happy Wheels, as I go from table to table, breaking all of them with my rock hard body. I don't actually know what-- Oh, yeah, and we have a winner. [laughs] I mean, I kind of won, I also got stabbed in the trachea with the table leg. This is called the One and Only Master. All right, is there-- Oh, there's an area back here. Can I- do I-- What? Did I get it? I did not get it. So, are you supposed to, like, make this jump? Oh, I see. Okay. It's really, it's really kind of dark but there's actually a ledge right there. So-- Whoa, okay. You cheater. Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-who-- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. A little bit to this board. Bring it on. Okay. Wow, those things are, like, really deadly. [chuckles] All right, yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. Full back flip. Starting to understand why this board had that designation. Oh, yeah. Oh. Out of every place I could have landed, how could it have been there? Stop shooting me in the face. [chuckles] This is a long board. All right, here's what we're gonna do-- Besides lay down and die. All right, my plan is I'm gonna try try and take the arrows to the feet. Come on, come on. Give me your arrows. Come on, come on. There we go, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Oh, God. Oh, yeah. There we are. Okay. Now, right around here, and then we're gonna go whoop. There we are. Nice. What-what else, what else you got for me? Oh, I'm floating in the air. Okay. And land this, no problem. Not gonna have another random land mine just coming out of nowhere, are you? I go down or forward or what is this? Uh, okay. I hear- I hear rockets. What are the ro-- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, it's pushing me away. Don't you dare. Don't you dare. No. You. Oh, yeah, look at that. [laughs] Nice. All right. Oh. There's a hole there, come on. All right, so, maybe I have to get-- Whoa. Oh, my God. Oh, wow. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Okay. All right, so I think the idea is I need to get as far over to the right as I can. So-- Mm. Oh. Never gonna give up. Never go-- I'm gonna land on that landmine, aren't I? Oh, oh, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, I'm still alive. This is incredibly painful. Can I get over the landmine? I feel like the answer is no. I might be able to get up here. Oh, nice, sweet. Okay. Okay. Yeah. No. No. No. No. Ow. No. Oh, that is height. Nice. Okay so you've gotta actually-- There we go. There's a- there's an invisible part where you can fail, and there's like a-a fan pushing you around so you kinda have to do everything-- Uh, uh. Okay. This is- this is fake, there's an area here. So what we're gonna do, okay, look at that. We're going this area. Now, this is the fake part, so, we're gonna go here. I hate my life. Maybe there's something back here, hold on, I just wanna check this. Is there like a- is there like a thing back here or something? Or anything back here? Is it lies? It's lies. All right your board definitely scores like a- an A+ on the difficulty meter. If your purpose was to drive me crazy, mission accomplished. Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. Now we're gonna go and boop. Ah. Oh, there's actually two hidden parts here. Isn't that nice? All right, we're just doing it. And go. I'm so dead right now. Speed, speed, yes. Oh, oh, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop right here- right here- right here. Okay. All right, I don't actually know where this ends, but it's somewhere here. So stand, load it, jump. Oh, oh, okay, okay, okay. All right, whoa, whoa. Come on baby- come on baby. Ow, yes. [laughs] That was tough. Even this jet is having a sweet ray party. This is called Glass World. You decided to explore glass world, but all of a sudden you got lost. Okay, whoa. Secret, press Z. This doesn't seem that bad. Well, what's the secret? Oh God- oh God- oh God, that's not a secret. Number one, number two, number three. Oh, I can actually go over these? Wait a minute, [chuckles] hold on. Yeet. Oh, it's kind of hard. I love using my head to break glass, watch. Ah. This is really stabby. Welcome to glass world- glass world. Don't need helmets where we're going. That's right, Tom. Safety is for squares. All right, we're gonna need maximum speed for this. Ah, this board is ending up being a little bit more difficult than I anticipated. Oh, whoa. Oh, I almost got completely over it. [laughs] Doing things the right way is hard. Cheating is easy. And wait, oh, oh my God, the glass stole my helmet from me. Have a winner. Whoa, this is called Dodging Garbage. Ow, oh my God. Why? Oh, oh, God. Okay, ow. Are we done? Are we done? We're done? We're done, okay. Well, I-I see there's a car just looming up here. [chuckles] Boom, boom, what? Help. Oh my God. If I had legs, I would be dead right now. I can't believe how lucky I am. Are we done yet? Like the problem is I can't put any effort. There keeps being cars up here. I can't put in any effort because if I do, my arms will rip off. Evil sludge up here. Uh, okay. I mean, I'm sure it's fine. Whoa, oh God. Man. Ah, oh, I won. I did it. [chuckles] Yes. Welcome to the portal. Welcome to my laboratory. This is my invention, I call it the portal. By using it, you can travel to other levels. Oh, that makes my job easier. Oh, well this is a fully animated level. All right, Nixon, what do you got for me? Now step in. Don't be afraid, my friend- that doesn't look like a portal. It looks like a light saber. I love the taste of light sabers in the morning. Ugh, so do I need a- oh, slow fade? Okay, is it-- Did we, oh, that doesn't sound good. There's a lot of violence in this portal. Oh, we made it to a bottle run. Yeah, oh, whoa, whoa. Into a ball fall. Oh, wow, it actually like teleports you to different levels. God. There's no- this isn't actually that big of a deal. Whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, [chuckles] what happened to the portal? [chuckles] Poor Nixon is down here and dying. He's like, you know how in some amusement park rides, there's like a height limit? Well, and this there's an IQ limit. You didn't make it and so now you've destroyed the entire planet. guy's like, yeah, excellent. Go through the hole wall? Oh, oh. Oh, the portal's still working. Okay, did you go here? Click, sure. Oops, okay. I feel like- I feel like the portal is still working. Maybe I have inherited the power of the portal. Maybe the portal is just simply me now. This is a big elevator. Ooh, keep away. Oh, we've gotten to like a slender man. Anything back here? Nope. Keep away from what? Whoa, just the sounds are random-- Ah, how much time has passed? [laughs] I love how the guy's just bones now. All right, so I assume I have to go back into the portal. So here let me, Whoa, [laughs] this is like an incredibly elaborate board. [laughs] Yay, I made it to heaven. Did I win? Did I get elevated to like a-a new- a new life form pa-- To be continued? Wow. Well, I stepped into a death portal and I don't regret it at all. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels. Till the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 782,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, indie, impossible happy wheels, hw, i survived, 100 years in happy wheels, 100 years
Id: XycaYgPAOiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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