1,000 Tanks Vs Titan Enderman!

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who would win in a battle this giant ancient enderman or this titan gas 10 giga zombies or this massive titan ender dragon i'm gonna need you to pick a side which one do you think will win 250 military soldiers or these 10 mutated zombies i'm going with the army zombies soldiers and now that the pig size start the battle oh my god oh my god they just smashed them go zombies 25 soldiers are dead they're massacring them we haven't even lost a zombie yet yeah we got one oh wait what what what just happened wait we can do it there's only two left please please oh there's only one what just happened oh my god you got this it's 9v1 get long kill up the military one which means chandler and nolan each get one point and chris has zero we're now at the second battlegrounds there's 250 hope zombies versus one titan mech and before you guys pick i have 10 000 of my feastable chocolate bars behind me and whoever gets the most right in this video gets them chocolate anyways pick a side all right zombies i get meg i call the mech server start destroy him all right the meg's taking some damage i'm not gonna lie holy those rockets oh i can't even see what's going on there's so much destruction you guys are screwed i'm gonna win this oh what just happened oh we can win we can win there's only 30 zombies we can win we can win you guys are losers if you win i'm gonna be so pissed i can't hear you over the two points that i have up next is one titan mega boss tank versus 50 puny tanks small tanks i'm gonna pick the big tank i'm going with chris server start the challenge this time tank sucks oh he just shot a billion missiles all right we got rid of three tanks so far bro your titan's gonna ram hey this is some big attacks right here this is a big boy oh no i just lost so many tanks oh i lost yeah big boy hey chris you finally got a point i'm proud of you on the left is 50 crimson mex and on the right is chris's mom i call chris's mom i'm against chris's mom you know what i'm against my mom too begin oh yeah chris your mom is really strong we've only lost one mech and look how fast my mom's health is going oh he jumped oh body slam we just lost eight chris one more belly flop oh here we go oh they're why are they getting right underneath it now your mom's gonna win come on five left belly flop this guy's killing it back here this guy knows the strat no no oh he's missing yes yes yes yes yes shoot him oh no get up get up why are you going to him what are you doing yes the mother of all mothers no one can defeat chandler is now in first place chris you're a monster why am i a monster because monster legends is the sponsor of this video you mean the hip free to play game on ios and android exactly and they've even given us a third beast monster how many monsters are there literally thousands in monster legends you can collect and train with other monsters battle other players or try to conquer a venture map in dungeons yeah but can you breed your monsters there are thousands of monsters and you can combine them to create new epic monsters monster legends just launched their fifth era which focuses on mother nature and nature forces and monster legends just launched a special in-game event to promote their new era all you have to do is participate in this event and use special coins to clean up the monster legends island and every time a new milestone is reached all the players will receive an in-game reward and if we hit the final milestone monster legends will donate ten thousand dollars to beast's philanthropy wait how do i play all you have to do is click the link in the description and once you download it you'll get 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and 10 mr beast monster cells just for using my link act quick because these rewards are only available until march 17th click the link down below the video right now and download monster legends up next we have our giant mutated cursed zombie with a mile long sword versus ten max giant mutated zombie with a mile long sword i'm gonna choose the zombie from my nightmares i don't know what to pick well it looks like you're stuck with the other option it's about time i let you guys get a win so start the giant swinging zombie sword guy walking through his death oh wait bro they're starting to do some serious damage oh this zombie is done for he has another health bar what the heck is this what are those spikes he's turning the ground into lava is there any way the mechs can win holy crap i didn't know he was going to transform into a freaking monster nolan and chandler are tied for the lead chris as usual isn't this is where things officially get crazy that giant mutated zombie with a mile long sword there's now 10 of them going up against one ancient enderman yeah i'm going with the enderman i'm not gonna lie this thing is crazy i'm gonna go with the enderman i think i'm gonna go with sword bros chandler you start the battle when you're ready i'm ready oh he's got laser eyes what oh they're just taking damage the zombies are getting hell out oh he's melting you what is going on the zombies are getting stuck behind the spikes oh he's just corner camping them he's getting sucked in he's like last hope right here bro they barely did any damage hey chris if you didn't want to give everyone you love thousands of chocolate bars you could just said so maybe my family is on a diet jimmy have you ever thought of that what do you think this next battle is a frog it's not a frog it's actually ten titan tanks versus a giant mutant weird looking gas yo look guys i'm gonna go inside chandler's mom's mouth gentlemen you know what to do i pick gas i'm going with my mom all right i'll choose the tanks i wish i could have chandler's mom though i'm getting this chocolate and you're not getting any of it chris can i get a good old yeehaw to kick it off yeehaw whoa chandler's mom just got so angry stop it shoot chandler's bomb in the mouth jailer's mom is shooting tons of balls [Music] he's attacking me we're on the same team chandler oh here comes the big tank damage yo what what is this she summoned satan oh my god how am i supposed to compete with chandler's mom oh it's 1v1 all right come on gas let me win they're making fun of me yes chandler is currently in first place screw you nolan i stood no chance we are currently in the middle of nowhere there's nothing here until now spawn him in server oh whoa it's taylor's mom again who do you think will win chandler's mom or the ancient endermen ancient enderman ancient oh i guess i'm gonna go with chandler's mom chris can you give us a yeehaw to kick things off yey it's beating your mom in the pie hole they're just yelling at each other oh it's it's kind of close oh the demon rings are coming out teleport you fat enderman go somewhere oh what is that oh look up bro what is that up there oh that's doing damage right there yo nolan you're screwed what the heck bye-bye how is that fair at all you should have picked the enderman i told you on the right side of the arena we have the undefeated ancient endermen versus the giant ender titan dragon now chris and nolan both have five points chandler has six gentlemen this is for all the chocolate bars to be fair i'll give you a chance and i'll go dragon i pick enderman i'm gonna choose the underdragon all right start it oh no then we're losing i'm so stupid oh what let's picture frames what are these picture frames [Music] he's shooting stuff through the pictures oh they're multiplying yo look at them just dodging they're not doing that much damage what are those orbs they're spawning in the parallel dimension let's see what happens to the dragon no wait what is that yo what anime is this oh the ender dragon just quick chandler picked the ender dragon which means he has the most points chandler congratulations on winning ten thousand chocolates if you ate three chocolate bars a day it would take you a decade to eat all 10 000 of these so i recommend you give them away okay
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 32,995,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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