I Survived 100 Days as IRON MAN in Minecraft

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who is the strongest Marvel hero of them all some could say it's Thor with his Godly lightning power While others would say Spider-Man who can swing super fast between buildings however both these people are wrong strongest hero is definitely Iron Man in fact to prove just how strong Iron Man is I've added him into Minecraft with all of his suits power and now I'm gonna use those powers to stop three villains from surviving till day 100 in game on day one I spawned in as Tony Stark however I spawned without my Iron Man armor and that's a problem because there's three Marvel villains right in front of me and as you can see next to Thanos here he has a hundred day bomb and so does Ultron and so does Doctor Doom I have 100 days to defuse all three of these bombs and stop those villains but how can I do that without my Iron Man armor in fact the second I leave this rock they're gonna attack me for being armorless so we'll worry about their 100 day bombs later for now we need to use our Iron Man upgrade menu to build our first set of Iron Man armor the MK1 Iron Man but that Iron Man suit is way too expensive to make right now luckily it looks like I can click this Quest here to unlock Iron Man's flamethrower ability and it's much easier to unlock okay let's work to unlock flamethrower We're Gonna Leave This rocket the second I do they can start attacking me here we go I only have one life so I can't let them kill me go go go we're gonna go this way actually let's swim across the water go again guys go get him is it a tank oh my God deploy the tank he's literally riding in a tank oh God okay we have to swim oh God run oh I hear explosions Google I'm right behind him just keep moving this way oh I see a village I see a village over this way okay I'm at the Village I'm at the Village you can't escape us Tony let's grab some logs okay there we go we got one let's turn that log into planks I'm on the other side guys I'm coming around now okay where's the iron golem where's the iron golem there's gotta be an iron golem in this Village somewhere right there he is there's the Golem I found him he can't get me here we can kill him just by punching him here all the tanks here hold on jump this way get on the building don't let the tanks to you go this way oh he just shot the Golem oh he sees me oh god oh this week he's blown up the building oh no he's fighting the Golem he's fighting the Golem we're waiting for that column oh no I'm not that Golem took down a tank Let's see we can kill this guy real quick let's get near the Golem did she put she gets yes she's done nice okay now he's gonna kill the Golem let's go make a wooden sword quickly make a wooden sword there we go break this log make some sticks boom we got a wooden sword grab another log now let's get the Golem's attention one two three four now let's kill the Golem there we go we got five iron ingots okay let's quickly use that to make a bucket and now our hunger's getting low oh God he's on me he's running I can't print right now let's go this way let's go this way back this way let's go in here let's eat some food oh he's here quick this way let's get out of this Village let's get out of this Village there's one on me one on me oh quick this way oh that hurts I'm really low I'm really another portal oh they're on my tail I don't know what I'm gonna do here I got I got it watch this we got him he's in the lava nice we killed him with lava sharpness four oh my goodness use that use that one's on this one's on us I have an idea okay he's coming in he's coming in we can burn him here ready and boom oh he jumped over oh he jumped over it oh god oh grab it we got him we got him we got him okay we burned him but that doesn't count we have to kill him with fire damage there's still one more oh god let's get him let's get him he knows what I'm gonna do he knows I'm gonna try and burn him oh we almost got him nope come on this way go he's chasing me he's on my tail I have a good way to get him here the watch ready and boom we got him yes we kill the player on fire too we just need to eat a puffer fish and we can unlock the flamethrower okay let's quickly cut down this tree we gotta make a boat fast and get out of here before they come back three crafting table that should make a boat there we go five we get in case your boat go oh he's on his ultron's right there ultron's literally right next to us hit the boat hit the boat hit the boat go oh my goodness he's crafting oh does he have a boat oh he has a boat okay we gotta go we only have one and a half hearts we gotta go this is not good but you know what this is okay we're in boats let's just look for a warm ocean so we can eat a puffer fish and then we can unlock our flamethrower okay we found a coral reef yes we just have to find a puffer fish there's three right there I can see them we gotta be quick we killed it we killed it we get puffer eat it this is gonna poison us and bring us down to half heart we need to get to our boat now get ready to steal a boat go I stole the boat go oh my God my screen's going crazy just go with the boat okay quickly unlock flamethrower nice I now have a flame thrower in my inventory okay they're literally behind us let's go we need to get high ground oh this actually this will work watch this I got an idea here I can climb this quicker than they can let's see when you flame him oh we're burning him yes what what oh my God hit him down this mountain don't let him off yes we can burn them before they can get out don't let him up come on flamethrower they're going in the water okay put love on Place one of them's dead grab the lava back nice he killed one oh my gosh what so far you said yes we did it we actually beat them in a fight with half a art and it's all thanks to this flamethrower anyway with the sun rising on day two let's go get some food and start working on our first Iron Man base because we need to make the MK1 Iron Man suit just like he did in the movie so let's head down to this desert and let's get to work and so with the villain stop for now it was time to build Tony Stark's first laugh the sooner we had that built the sooner we could get our first suit of armor and officially become Iron Man Okay so welcome to my first Iron Man base if you've seen the first movie you're gonna recognize what this bass is themed after because in the first movie Iron Man builds his first suit inside of a desert cave just like I'm about to do here so if you simply walk behind this wall you're gonna see here's our entrance and when we enter this place is huge we have our armor stand where we quote unquote build the Iron Man armor melting station of course a bed and my personal favorite new touch a tree farm because it's hard to get wood in a desert so anyway now that I've shown you the base it's time to work on our first Iron Man suit the MK1 Iron Man from the first movie this thing may have been big and clunky but it definitely packed a punch so let's unlock this thing to get it we just need 32 gunpowder 64 copper ring gets in 64 strings so since copper is the easiest part let's head down to the mine shaft and let's go grab some oh right here actually look look at that that's convenient wait what the heck oh God okay we found a cave spider spawner and we need a bunch of strings but I don't have a shield on me so we'll come back and do that later let's keep getting copper for now okay we officially have more than enough copper now let's go back to that spider Spotter and start grinding them for their string because we only need 64 string to unlock the MK1 Iron Man okay we officially got all the string we need and now we literally just have to get some Gunpowder so since it's nighttime right now let's head back to the base and quickly sleep and tomorrow we'll go through the caves and kill a bunch of creepers okay so we literally just need some Gunpowder and we can actually become Iron Man so let's head down to the caves and kill some creepers now I just really want to become Iron Man I'm not wasting any time oh my God we're on two hearts that creeper just almost blew me up oh I see the villains let's get the flamethrower let's get the flamethrower out okay burn can we get two of them on fire wait what's in a tank that's right where's that tank I need to light that tank on fire we gotta player in the building so the tank can't get us nice we got one yes burn and burner burner okay go this way quickly eat some food we gotta get rid of that tank somehow hey careful oh he burned it he burned it at night I'm burning I'm burning I gotta get to the water all that's left is the tank going we're going for it wait he's dead go to here Iron Golem oh God oh God oh I see him oh thanks Iron Golem you killed him and I'm gonna kill his tank okay well I didn't see that coming but we gotta keep killing creepers so let's get back to it okay we have all the gunpowder we're gonna need which means we can finally become MK1 Iron Man once we smelled up our raw copper so let's quickly run up to the base let's quickly throw our copper inside of this Blast Furnace now let's wait for it to cook okay now let's grab all our copper and let's unlock the MK1 Iron Man what you're gonna notice is in my inventory but you're gonna see if I simply shifted right click with his armor I turn into MK1 Iron Man Who has 15 hearts of HP strength one and speed one I also take no fall damage at all and explode when I hit the ground so with MK1 Iron Man and this flamethrower we are basically Unstoppable which is honestly perfect timing because with this suit of armor I can finally start disarming the bombs that the villains have which is really really important by the way because if I can't destroy those three bombs by day 100 I lose and the villains are gonna do everything in their power to make sure that happens they do not want me getting my Iron Man suits but it's too late for that and now we can take on their bombs anyway now that we have the MK1 Iron Man unlocked let's unlock our last tier one upgrade which is Jarvis you know his AI assistant that he can just talk to I want that and I could luckily get it just by getting a bunch of iron tools Four Diamonds and a music disc and uh I already have a shovel ax pickaxe and sword so we literally just need four diamonds and a music disc go let's head down to the mine and let's get some diamonds here we go here's one how you jerk okay just like that we have five diamonds and now we literally just need a music disc so where's the best place to actually find a music disc well that would be an ancient city but I don't want to go to one of those right now because my current hard time I die so what's inside quickly check out the abandoned mine shaft below the base because sometimes those chests contain discs does this Mineshaft have any chests like I haven't found a single one yet finally we found one and it doesn't have a music disc great okay yeah this mine shaft was a total done it's not only really tiny and bugged out but it also only had one chest with no music disc which means we probably have to go to an ancient city if we want to guarantee we find one which could mean certain death but since we have no choice let's get looking we found when we found an ancient city let's go okay we're in an ancient city now we just gotta be really careful and just find ourselves a music disc here let's go up here first please let the first chest just have a music disc okay well it has a fragment but no music disc what about up there dang it still no music disc we got two chests here we're definitely have to set up a Shrieker if we want to open them though I think it's worth it Go music discs yes and that shouldn't summon award and don't move yes we got the music disc now let's get out of here and we're home now that we're home let's go get the music oh it's Iron Man all right Iron Man here's a funny prank am I just spoon oh God the villains are literally in my base right now oh he just came from TNT he's almost dead I thought he was oh god that hurt just keep anyone's fire don't let him through oh god oh I'm on fire go back in the tree base go back in the tree base keep burning him and backing off burn them don't let him through don't let him through duties burning me alive he's dead oh no I blew him up oh we got him he's dead nice that's two down oh he's honest he's on us he didn't even see us oh well they're all dead oh wait they're talking fine we'll just use our bombs oh God you remember the bombs from the intro apparently they're gonna start using them which means instead of playing defense at my base it's time to go on the offense and take out those bombs because if I can't take out those bombs fight a100 the server blows up that's a big problem and the real Iron Man would definitely choose to save the day and stop those bombs so that's exactly what we're gonna do but first our base is a little bit destroyed now so let's grab what items we can from our chest and let's go to a brand new base after our cave lab was destroyed I decided to do something I haven't done in a while cheat okay welcome to the brand new Iron Man base this base was designed to look just like Tony Stark's lab and uh no I did not build this one legitimately you see for this video I figured I should be living in Tony Stark's laboratory and ain't nobody got time to actually build that so I sacrificed eight days and I let my team spawn me in this beautiful base obviously we have the basic chest area a little crafting station here and even better Auto smelter than I've ever had and of course our automatic lava Farm but we start getting history's base complete assignment unlock Jarvis because we literally just to go into the chest grab five diamonds in a music disc Jarvis apparently comes in the form of a sword wait a minute what is it a multi-tool can I mine the ground okay apparently I'm just using it wrong if I shift right click this thing apparently it should whoa it's now a pickaxe and then it's an ax and now it's a shovel it changes this is amazing Jarvis well now that we have Jarvis's Tools in our inventory let's work to unlock Iron Man's Repulsor this is the charge blast you see him shoot out of his hand in the movie and he decimates his enemy so let's get it we just have to hit 20 pillagers with a crossbow use a goat horn and kill two of the villains with fall damage so since this upgrade is pretty easy let's quickly make a crossbow which is just gonna take us some stick strings and iron okay let's start filming a crossbow Hook by basically just taking an iron a stick and a piece of wood and then we just put all our sticks and string and stuff like this boom we get a crossbow okay so now let's just go find a Pillager Tower and start shooting some pillagers oh I see a Pillager tower hold up let's go up there we can finally get this done with oh here's a Pillager okay now we just gotta shoot them with our crossbow 20 times okay that's one that's twice four they're all dead I literally just gotta find one more thank you sir okay we've shot 20 pillagers with a crossbow now let's just go simply look for some goats because now we need to use a goat horn now let's even get one of their horns okay there's actually some goats right next to the Pillager Tower so we'll go home quickly get some Stone and then we're gonna come back here okay we're back in the goats we actually probably want to smooth out this area here to make it a little smoother so let's just remove all this snow real quick okay now let's build a stone wall right here there's gonna be actually probably the best spot for it okay let's build a little Runway so the goats can get up here plenty of space for them now and now we're gonna stand here completely some tries to Ram us he's going forward yes yes we got it we finally got the goat horn which is great news because now that we've done that we just have to kill two of the villains with fall damage which I need to do anyway because I need to figure out where they're hiding these bombs so I can save the server so we'll kill them with fall damage and hopefully learn a little bit about the bombs by heading to the villain base the villain base had to be somewhere nearby and after looking for just a few days I found it oh it's a parrot hi Mr parrot huh no shot I think I found their base look at this there's lanterns right here oh this is so hidden oh he sees me oh he just saw me wait oh my god oh oh I see a guy in a mech suit you mean Iron Man well either way we need to kill the villains with fall damage so let's just set their entrance on fire to get their attention this will slow them down a little bit and now while that's burning let's use that to quickly climb up into these jungle trees oh here they come go get them go get them Ultron Ultron okay quick get up in the jungle tree and now we can kill them with fall damage in the jungle okay here's one right here Ultron Ultron Ultron Ultron oh we got him oh I hit a Vine here Divine on the way down that could be a problem I got an idea let's do this instead let's build a platform like this okay nice we're way up now we're way up okay we can just hit him down all right I'm gonna Gertrude Robert oh he's climbing up again I see you oh he died to my sword no got him off yes yes that's one no okay they're starting to get around us now we got him ready okay we can do we can unlock the repulsar quick unlock the Repulsor now let's try this thing out ready oh let's try this one oh my goodness we can charge it oh it's even stronger when we charge it [Music] oh my god oh Iron Man's repulsar is sick okay let's head down we take no fall damage and now let's head to their base let's start burning them and I'm flying or Pulsar oh this is so good nice doctor Doom's gone let's get in the base let's get in their base nice he's done let's eat some food okay he's done keep going down the middle it's a boon he's trying to get away he's dead he's dead he's dead just run past him run past him run past him I got an idea we gotta find this bomb down It's gotta be over there right I found one of the bombs there's a bomb right here we got another honest like she's done he's done let's get to the bomb okay let's defuse it wait there's wires the blue one try to get in five days wait I can't I failed the bomb and now I can't defuse it anymore for five days wait what oh god let's just get out of here for now we can't defuse that bomb we gotta know which wires we gotta cut let's just get out of here go oh no you don't Iron Man get back here oh my God nice go this way okay they're gonna chase us here through the jungle let's get over here for a sec and then more clear area here we go oh a tank no you don't Iron Man gotta destroy that tank oh we gotta go that's hurting us that's hurting us okay I just spammed it nice that worked that worked get back here nice he's done this is our chance this is our chance go go go go swim go yeah we definitely lost him there's no one else on us we are out of here okay so obviously the Repulsor we now have is really broken and cool not only that but I finally got to see one of these bombs up close and I learned a lot about it it turns out that each of the villains has one bomb and it diffused those bombs there's some sort of wire code I have to solve and if I click the wrong wire well I kind of have to wait five days before I can try and defuse a bomb again I thought I was just gonna have to break these bomb but of course it's not that simple luckily we're Iron Man though so we have plenty of time to get stronger and figure out those bomb codes and since we now have the Repulsor finished let's get even stronger by working on our refresher drone now if you've never watched Iron Man and never seen the drones that are in it they're really cool and we decided to make an even cooler drone based around those called a refresher drone that'll basically follow me around and constantly heal me but the more important piece is that these refresher drones give me an item called scrap you can see it up here in the corner it's red it looks just like another eight scrap but red and that item is gonna be essential because I needed to become MK3 Iron Man the Iron Man we all know and love so let's get the refresher drone we just have to get 10 golden carrots five firework rockets and 30 emeralds and fireworks are super easy to make so we can have this upgrade done in no time so let's start with the easy part and grab all the emeralds that we saw here before okay here we go we officially have all 30 emeralds we need which means now we just need to get the firework rockets and golden carrots done with and since the fireworks is easy let's start there and we literally only need to make five so we only need two gunpowder and two pieces of paper both of which we already have and if we combine our paper and gunpowder we get ourselves all the firework Rockets we needed and boom now we just need 10 golden carrots which is stupid easy all we have to do is go to a village and get 10 carrots and then turn them gold so let's go check out the village right next door real quick and let's see if this place has any carrots we got three are there any other farms in this Village oh yeah we going right here please have more carrots in the other one Booyah the perfect number we now have 10 carrots and now we simply throw this raw gold inside of our blast furnaces and wait for it to quickly finish there we go all the Gold's done now let's just turn all of this gold into a bunch of golden nuggets just like so now we put our carrots in the center and we surround them with the golden nuggets we get ourselves the 10 golden carrots we need and just like that we've unlocked the refresher drone this tiny little guy that follows me around and is constantly healing me look I currently have regeneration and resistance from this guy and I can have more than one like 10 refresher drones which doesn't make them heal me any faster but it means I'm gonna get more scrap which is what we need for our next upgrade Iron Man MK3 where we need 128 scrap which these guys will give us hey look he just spit it out look there's a scrap and now the rest of them should also spit out scrap so now we have to wait till we get 128 scrap and then we'll be all done but to unlock MK3 Iron Man we also are gonna need 32 gold ingots and a totem of undying and if we turn some of our nuggets back into ingots we already have all the ingots we need so what we literally need is the totem of undying which we can get at a woodland Mansion to actually get to a woodland Mansion we need a bunch of stuff starting with sugar cane we're gonna need two stacks so we can make a bunch of paper we're also gonna need two stacks of sand so we can make a bunch of glass paint oh my go away is that a scoot no shot I just found a scoot in the water and Scoot is like super rare wait do I need scoot anywhere I already have the scoot for Mk 50 Iron Man I don't need to make a turtle farm later oh that's incredible anyway now let's actually just start collecting some sugarcane like the one behind me so we get two stacks of paper there we go just like that we have two stacks of sugar cane and now we just need to get two stacks of sand which we just change Jarvis into a shovel we can start digging up all this Santa we get two stacks okay there we go now we got two stacks of sand so now we just gotta grab a couple emeralds on the way home at the snow area and then we'll be good to trade for a Mansion map that should be enough to do the trades now let's just go home okay it's day 35 now let's just go trade with some villagers to get ourselves the Woodland Mansion map here you go here's a cartography table for you no well that was rude we need a villager to become a cartographer become a car yes finally okay now we can finally get the Woodland Mansion map and now we can trade this guy all of our paper for a bunch of emeralds till he levels up his bar up here and we can trade him our glass panes for even more emeralds oh wait we didn't smell cloudy oops back to the base okay the glass is done so now let's quickly turn these into glass panes so I'll just trade him all the glass panes for some emeralds and now we can get the Woodland Explorer map which will lead us to a woodland Mansion which is relatively in this direction so let's keep heading Southeast till we reach this Woodland Mansion okay we found the Woodland Mansion now it's just breaking through these windows right off oh well we broke in and now let's go get some totems oh I see one we can get a totem from this guy oh no you know you're running away get back here you there we go we got a totem oh our Iron Man suit just popped that's literally the first time we've lost our suit of armor so yeah if you didn't get what happened basically I automatically ejected from it when we died and now we're back to Tony Stark at least until the cooldown ends which was right now so now we're back to Iron Man okay let's work to get more totems of undying okay we have three totems but God I lost my Iron Man suit again so you know what we're leaving with three totems we are out of here see you later wouldn't imagine enjoy burning down okay so with three totems of undying we obviously have a super low chance of dying which is super useful it means we can now actually try and disable one of the bombs the villains have so let's head to the villain base and defuse one of their bombs because we're already past day 30 and all three bombs are still in play but before we actually go and do that I really want to stop using this clunky Iron Man suit it's truthfully time we become MK3 Iron Man since we already have 50 gold ingots we literally just have to get some scrap and we can unlock the MK3 Iron Man and the easiest way to do that is summon a bunch of my drones and farming them for scrap which should only take about a second and now we simply just wait for the drones to start throwing me a bunch of scrap okay there we go this should be enough scrap it definitely is and now with our scrap our gold ingots and the totems we have in our hand we can become MK3 Iron Man who might be a lot shorter than the other Iron Man but that's because this is the perfected model as MK3 Iron Man I get jumped to Speed 2 and strength two but that's not all because now I have the ability to fly so you'll see with the click of a button I fly up into the sky and now I can fly like I have a lytra on as Iron Man which honestly is pretty cool and now that we're MK3 Iron Man let's go to the villain's base and try and defuse one of their bombs when I arrived at the enemy base I found it abandoned and there was a note there that said that the villains had split into three different bases and at each base is one of the villain's bombs that I need to destroy if I want to win this challenge however just like I learned before if I cut the wrong wire on a bomb I can't defuse it for five full days and since it's already past day 40 I really have to disarm these bombs soon oh found a base oh and there's someone on top is that who is that oh I think it's Ultron hello Ultron I'm proud of this proud of my base yeah it's very old Ultron you're done with your face already holy yeah oh my god oh wiring yes okay right ultron's base now we have to find ultron's bomb and defuse it okay it's likely down here so let's go down where did he go oh I found him he was right there he's running he's running he's running where'd he go where'd he go oh funnel there he is oh he's done kill the tanks kill the tank scare him wait what oh what doctor Doom's here what how did Dr Doom get here oh wait what Thanos is here too they can help each other defend each other's bombs that's ridiculous ah oh God okay wait for him to come after me down here let's go up back up oh we're Landing in the lava oh what the bomb Oh my God the bomb okay hold on hold on okay wait what's down here let's swim down this ladder nice we killed Doctor Doom okay I know where the bomb is we just have to figure out the code I see a lot of blue on the base let's just try hitting blue and see if that works let's go in and let's just try blue okay so blue we got the first one oh my God it actually is blue uh red fail try again in five days we're locked out of the bomb again okay burn them burn them oh burned okay keep them back keep him back keep him back out of here let's climb here we'll try doesn't even know we're here oh yes he does you know what we failed to Defuse The Bomb and they keep coming back so let's just get out of here okay so that was a big fail but we did learn if we pay attention to the base's color we can learn how to defuse each bomb it makes life 10 times easier so since we have to wait five days before we can Defuse The Bomb again let's do an Iron Man upgrade in fact let's unlock Iron Man's shoulder missiles that you seem shoot out a ton in the movies I mean you seem to shoot a ton of missiles in general but you know what I mean now to get these shoulder missiles I just have to blow up a thousand blocks mine three mob spawners and kill four players with our Repulsor so if we simply go inside and use our Repulsor on some leaves you're gonna see it totally wipes out the tree and this is definitely the easiest way to take out blocks and there we go just like that we've destroyed a thousand blocks and made the entrance to our base yeah yeah because the villains aren't attacking me I'm attacking them anyway now we just have to go find three mob spawners and mine them so let's go down to the mines oh we found one skeleton spawner let's go okay let's just mine this up and there's our first of three spawners now let's just go find two more and there we go three out of three spawners destroyed okay now that we've mined three mob spawners we just need four kills with our Repulsor and since we already know where Ultron lives let's go pay him another visit with our repulsory it's always been the next couple days binding for new armor and enchanting it so we will be a hundred percent safe when we go back and try and get the Repulsor kills on Ultron there it is we got our diamond armor and Recovery drones this is gonna make life so much easier oh he sees me hello would you not see me oh he doesn't and that's an easy Repulsor kill let's go Iron Man is here man he really needs backup okay we know the first colors wait blue blue red black green wait I tried red it's not so oh my God the code is going to be blue green black red I'm calling it I think that's got to be the code because I already did Red I tried red last time is the second one it didn't work but what if it went the other way into green oh he's done all right I'm here oh God where are the others I see a nameplate okay let's repulse him I see Thanos on the roof ready to take this right Daniels come on he's shooting at me from above let's get him with the flamethrower tank Hank nice we got Thanos we just have to get two more kills with this Repulsor and then we can try defusing the bomb blue green black red that's gotta be it dude oh is he in the lava three [Music] let's whack this guy once and I'll just Spam him with it thanks we got him that's four for four that's all the kills we need fly let's get on the roof of the building destroy all the ladders okay they can't get up here quick let's quickly use this time to unlock our shoulder missile and let's try this thing out they're right below us hello [Music] he looks so confused why he started glowing red so this locks on so I can see my missile no matter where I shoot it it hits them let's just shoot it Adam [Music] you know what let's Defuse The Bomb what is it blue green black red oh it's a lot is coming let's try it blue green black red uced oh my goodness right through here let's go we defuse this bomb bye bye I got your bomb Ultron let's go he didn't even notice and just like Dano said in chat the villains still have two bombs left but we got the first one diffused and that's all that matters Ultron evil cries it's like an evil laugh but a cry what do you do with that like like after finally defusing ultron's bomb there was only two bombs left to go and so long as we defuse them before day 100 we win however I actually have to find the other two bombs which so far I have had no luck in finding but it was time to keep upgrading Iron Man until we could find the remaining bombs so I started to unlock the unibeam a massive laser that decimates everything our Iron Man is getting broken not only do we have a Repulsor which just decimates things but we also have shoulder missiles to take out big structures like this your house is now destroyed sir and now to finish up unilazer our tier 3 utility upgrade which is basically like the hammer of dawn from Gears of War if you've never seen that here's a clip yeah I'm getting that and to unlock it we just need amethyst shards sticky pistons and daylight detectors but I already got a bunch of the stuff out of the way for it like the Slime balls and the amethyst because it's really boring to get and I figured you didn't want to see it okay so like I said we have 12 amethyst shards and a bunch of slime balls which means we just have to make 10 Pistons to get 10 sticky pistons luckily making a piston is super easy so let's just grab a bunch of cobblestone and wood iron in our Redstone and just like that we can make ourselves 10 pistons and then we just combine those with our slime balls to get 10 sticky pistons and just like that we just need to get 10 daylight detectors which I have no idea how to make but apparently it's just three wood slabs three nether quartz and three glass which is easy so let's quickly run to the Nether and get some nether quartz okay so now it's just Minecarts okay that's all the quartz we need now just go make some daylight sensors let's just quickly make some wooden slabs so let's just grab our glass that we made earlier and now let's make 10 daylight sensors and just like that we have 10 daylight detectors and everything we need to unlock unibeam a devastating glaze you know I'm just gonna show you it I'm sorry Building look at this look at this it's like the hammer of dawn from Gears of War except it shoots out of Iron Man this power is really cool because I can laser people I'm super far away anyway now that we have the unit beam it's time to work on our tier 4 upgrades that is until we can locate another bomb because the second I find another villain base I'm gonna try and defuse a bomb but since we don't know where one is let's unlock Iron Legion this is gonna allow Iron Man to summon his iron Legion of five other suits to fight for him this actually happens in the movie too you get to see Iron Man fight alongside all of his suits of armor it's pretty sick so cool that I now want it and to get it I just have to become the hero of a village kill 20 Strider kill 20 Strider and kill six of the villains with explosions all of which I can do except for maybe become a hero of this Village because I kind of destroyed it so let's start by heading back to that Pillager Tower we know about in the mountains and let's go get bad almond okay we're at the Pillager tower now we just have to find a Bannerman okay we have bad Omen now it's time to become hero of a village so let's quickly head on home and tomorrow we'll be a hero I mean I guess we are because we're Iron Man but you know what I mean okay the village is right in front of me let's do this okay let's do this we got our recovery drones ready actually the missile's gonna do group damage okay first wave done let's get him with the laser two more to go we got this guy right here oh I heard him he just died the Iron Golem just killed him okay cool wave three oh yeah here comes a wave okay all we have left is the big ravager guys we can take him out with our lasers easy boom and with our refresher drones and Laser oh wait there's another wave why did I think it was over I thought there was only three ways I don't know Minecraft okay oh yeah I see them over here I see them and they're dead oh there's another wave oh god oh yeah hello thank you there's one more Raider somewhere we just gotta find him oh I see him he's right here oh he's dead the drones killed him which makes us the hero of the villain and now that we're done with that we can keep working to unlock the iron Legion which means next we have to kill 20 Striders so let's go into The Nether and already I can see two Striders over there in the lava so it's quickly float over to this island over here please don't land in the lava nice and now let's missile the Striders nice that's one Strider dead okay with those two Striders dead we just gotta get 18 more montage and there we go we've killed 28-20 Striders and now we shift to kill six of the villains with explosions which means we have to start looking for either Doctor Doom or thanos's base but I doubt they're in another so let's go back home oh go back home there we go okay we're officially done in the nether which means now we just have to go find Doctor Doom or thanos's base but I'm kind of low on Rockets which helped me explore so let's quickly kill a bunch of creepers for their gunpowder and then we'll be good to go okay that got us 10 gunpowder so now if we combine the gunpowder in the paper we're gonna get ourselves 34 more rockets and now we can start exploring for Thanos or Dr Doom's base on days 58 to 61 I was looking for those villain bases and I was able to find Dr Dooms but no one was there so I had a look around and I found a clue now I'm not confident I know all four wires I have to cut yet so let's just wait for Doctor Doom to arrive to see if he has any extra Clues okay let me show you this clue I found if we look around the back on this coal block there's a number one which makes me think that the first wire Doctor Doom has on his bomb has to be black now the bomb is literally just up here at the top of his base and if we go all the way up you'll see the bomb is just tucked away in this corner wait he's here at my base help doctor Doom's back wait why is his name Dr line wait all the windows are lime Dr lime that's the second wire hold on before he gets up here black was number one with the cold blocks at one so black this is green so this is lime and if I click this what what else could it be now we're locked out of the bomb for five days okay we can at least get the explosive kills now oh he's already here that was so fast with the missiles okay here they come they're all coming up now oh get him yes that's three kills already okay let's get in the air okay we just need to get three more missile kills let's get on top let's get on top nice where are they good below us ready boom what is he in an Iron Man suit he looks like Iron Man wait what why does he have an Iron Man suit nice we got him that's four oh the Iron Man what what what oh he got me okay we got him that's five wait what is all this down here Thanos teleport they can teleport to each other's bases what no wonder they keep getting here so fast okay where'd they go we need we still need to get one more kill on them where are they oh I see when I see when I see one they're in a tank let's get him with this ready careful careful oh my God nice we got him at six we finished it up now let's unlock Iron Legion and let's summon them to fight this tank my iron Legion is here okay iron Legion let's go fight him iron Legion attack oh my gosh oh my gosh yum iron Legion look at him they're just gonna blast him from all sides get him oh you can just like that my Iron Man Army has saved the day so I have no way to defuse this bomb because we're locked out of it for five days so we'll come back here in five days and try another code but I'm positive the first wire is black and I bet you lime is still part of the equation it just might not be wire number two so let's just go home for right now upgrade our Iron Man and we can worry about the bomb later so now that we're home let's go ahead and let's unlock nanotechnology which is the tier 4 utility upgrade that allows Iron Man to give himself any potion effect I want Iron Man is about to become the strongest he's ever been even stronger than he is in the movie and he can do this in the movie [Music] so let's start by getting five skulk sensors which we can get at an ancient city and since I already know where one is let's get going okay we're at the ancient city I know if I activate this it's gonna set off a Shrieker yep there it goes we got three skull sensors though I don't even care nope we didn't have one there I don't know what that is I want that block though yep there's the warden look at all the bottles of XP in here hey ugly okay let's go this way we don't want to get his attention too hard yet let's go to the other side of the ancient city oh yes five School sensors we got him and we can finally leave this ancient city and not have to battle a warden okay now we have to craft some comparators and observers and we'll have the nano technology fully unlocked now to make an observer is luckily really easy all we need is six Cobblestone two Redstone and one quartz to make a single Observer and a comparator is even easier just needing three stone three Redstone torches and another quartz so let's quickly make those because we can easily do that today so let's head to the Nether and grab some nether quartz and here's some quartz right here okay 42 nether Court should definitely be enough so now let's go back home and let's start by throwing our Cobblestone inside of our furnace since we need three stone for each comparator and while we wait for that to finish let's make the observers all we have to do is this grab five observers what are you looking at okay let's check out our Stone okay now let's build the comparator we just put all our items in like this and boom we get five Redstone comparators which means we can now unlock nanotechnology so you're gonna see with the click of a button I can open up a Jarvis menu which allows me access to my nano technology where I can give myself any potion effect I want yeah this is actually really op so let's just test it out and give ourselves jump boost 10. okay we have jump boost 10 for 30 seconds now oh my god look how high we jump this is so cool okay let's try another one let's try health boost can I give myself 10 extra Hearts oh my God that is way more than 10 hearts that is 20 yards oh yeah that has to be my new favorite Iron Man ability anyway now that we're done with these it's still Day 65. meaning we gotta wait like four days till we can diffuse any of the bombs again so let's start working on MK 50 Iron Man since time to kill and we are already have the scoot we need right here and so since we have the scoot we just need a heart of the sea and another star which we can start getting tomorrow okay so we're just gonna look for a shipwreck underwater so we can quickly get a heart of the sea oh is that one right below me actually oh no it's just a dirt patch I got tricked okay let's keep looking actually we can just do this underwater right oh I see a shipwreck right there yep I knew it I saw a shipwreck let's see if we can find a heart of the Sea map in here there's a chest right there oh that may have it oh it's the same chest nope I think this shipwrecks are dud yeah the Shipwreck didn't have what we needed we gotta go find another one okay we're at another shipwreck this one I see two chests right off the bat I think this is gonna be the right one though it has a TNT but no that's the wrong one is this the right one oh it is look at that there it is okay now that we have a buried treasure map let's see where this thing leads we're already generating the map so this thing really isn't that far we have to head Southeast so it's going to use our ability and fly up in the air and see what we can find here okay we're definitely getting close it's somewhere in these islands up ahead it looks like it's gonna be right off the coast like somewhere right in here okay I'm really good at finding these buried Treasures so let's see if we can find this buried treasure with only breaking a single block that Sandstone is a little weird actually I bet you it's behind the Sandstone right here oh my goodness I was spot on look it's right there okay perfect let's grab the heart of the seat that we need we got the heart of the sea which means now we just need another star meaning we got a battle a Wither so let's head on home and start killing some wither skeletons for their skulls okay so we're at another Fortress now let's just find some wither skeletons and Destroy them okay we've got all three Wither Skeleton skulls so now let's simply fly on back home where we can now take on a Wither or that's what I would say but starting tomorrow I can actually Defuse The Bomb again so let's simply store up all our stuff in here and let's start heading to Dr Doom's base okay there is one major issue Doctor Doom move bases and took the bomb with him we have to look for his new base so I did and I was able to find it on day 74. oh I see one oh my goodness hold on hold on I saw one I just saw one because I'm looking to look at him Doctor Doom is right there where is he going he might live in that house that could be a secret entrance no it's empty oh Woodland Mansion does he live in the Woodland Mansion let's get up there before he does he'll see us flying but it's worth it let's see okay we hit him once okay in fact let's slide to the base let's see if we can figure out the code yeah right here there's an entrance we need to figure out this code and find out where the bomb is Ultron okay Ultron lives in here but I don't see him where's the bomb okay we have to find this bomb and still figure out the code I remember the first color is black and I think lime's part of it that's all I know right now so we gotta figure out the other two colors and find Ultron I found their enchanter I hear one of them oh the bomb I found the bomb okay we know where the bomb is now now let's figure out the code oh wait this is all blue I think I may just figure it out hold on nice we got him he's dead two yellow beds okay ultron's back in his room and there's three light blue beds so it could be that the second number is yellow because there's two yellow beds and the third number is light blue meaning we just need to know the fourth number oh God just keep him back with the laser oh dude oh yeah this thing this laser is broken oh we got me nice we got him did he get that off are we dead Doctor Doom's name is still Dr lime so that has to be one of the Colors oh we're out of energy hold on eat some food okay let's try this on the bomb okay here's the bomb let's try and break in the top of the bomb there we go we're in the top now let's just measure that block and we're in oh they're here okay one's down two down okay he's far away let's try it we know it's black nice we got him okay Black's gone oh we got it we got it we need some food we need some food okay he's dead there's two yellow beds let's try yellow is this yellow oh my God it's yellow that has to be it and then what was it light blue so this one and then his name's Dr lime so lime yes we deserved it yeah we're done with the second bomb Bell just killed him off we gotta get rid of their beds let's stop them from spawning let's destroy both yellow beds now let's destroy the blue beds okay there's one over here one over here oh he's done oh one's on me doctor Doom's dead oh wait you lived oh he water bucketed I bet I got an idea ready we got some of our energy back now he's done right no we hit it there we go he's dead there's no way they're respawning here anymore right another bomb gun I thought you guys were gone get away okay now they're dead and now this place is burning to the ground in fact let's guarantee that their base Burns to the ground okay there's ultron's room and here's Dr Doom's room which uh is now also on fire and now that this place is burning let's head on home okay so with MK1 Iron Man unlocked and MK3 Iron Man unlocked we really gotta get MK 50 finished because I'm not gonna lie I don't love elytra flight an MK 50 allows me to fly in creative mode for like 10 seconds that sounds much better and all we need to do to unlock that now is kill a Wither so let's grab our soul sand and our weather skeleton skulls and now let's spawn this weather inside of this Village okay the weather's spawning and now we just gotta kill him it should be pretty easy with our missiles and stuff oh the missiles are so broken look at this yeah the weather doesn't stand a chance against Iron Man and now we have another star and so with a scoot another star and a heart of the sea we can turn into MK 50 Iron Man the modern day Iron Man Who is super broken I not only have 35 hearts of HP now but you're gonna notice I have strength three speed three and jump four but that's not all I also have the ability now to fly in creative mode for 10 seconds and then it's gonna drop me you'll see It'll fall but I only have to wait a few seconds and I can fly again so now that we have MK 50 Iron Man there's only three more upgrades to go we have the reactor overclock which requires a dragon head and dragons breath we have the steel Gauntlet which requires us to kill the villains 10 more times and then we have the Hulkbuster you know the giant hulk battling Iron Man suit from the movies I'm gonna unlock that and to get the Hulkbuster we just need a dragon egg 32 shulker shells and elytra which is all stuff we have to get in the end so let's start heading to the End by first going to the Nether and getting some blaze rods okay we're at the nether fortress let the battle begin so let's start by opening up our Jarvis menu and giving ourselves fire resistance so that way these blazes can't hurt us and now it's War okay that gives us 10 blaze rods which is definitely all we need now let's just go find a Bastion and start trading for some ender pearls okay perfect here's a Bastion right here that has a bridge on it and these tend to give the most gold blocks of any of the bastions we can find so let's just get rid of these dudes real quick what was that he just what they're just look you guys are dumb anyway let's grab this gold block okay so let's just jump down to the bottom of the Bastion and you're gonna see a ton of gold blocks down here and a bunch of ugly dudes so let's really get rid of all these guys no just grab all the gold and there's two more in the chest giving us 23 Gold Blocks already now let's fly to the top of the Bastion and see if there's any more gold up there man flying makes is so much easier where there should be a chest right over here oh hello okay there's no gold blocks on this one okay pretty sure that's all the gold we have here now let's just trap some piglets and trade for some ender pearls and now we simply just wait for these dudes to finish trading okay cool we currently have 19 ender pearls which is definitely all we need so I can kill these guys off now grab our gold backs now let's head on home and prepare for our journey to the end okay so we're back at the base but before we go to the end there's a few things we need to get first to get the reactor overclock we're gonna need 32 dragon's breath which means we're gonna need some glass bottles so let's quickly make those that's not enough okay there we go now we have enough bottles and now we're ready to go to the end so let's turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and combine them with our ender pearls to get our eyes Avenger now normally I wouldn't do anything through the night like this but we're running out of time and I really gotta get to the end so let's throw off the Eye of Ender and it looks like we're going this way let's go oh it's turning we're getting close oh we passed it the eyes going the other way now oh yeah we're close to this thing okay right below us is definitely the stronghold so let's start digging down okay we made it into the a stronghold now just go down here and start looking around oh I heard silverfish hold up yeah it's right here literally right here the spawner's literally right here okay break that now let's put our eyes vendor in now let's eat some food and go take on the Ender Dragon so first things first we gotta take out the crystals that the Ender Dragon has so let's go up here and goodbye now I'll chew to missile like that one and at that one until we destroy all of these things and just like that all the end crystals are gone now let's grab our glass bottles and grab a bunch of his dragon's breath there we go we have all the dragon's breath we need now now it's time for you to die I really didn't do much damage try our laser oh that does a good bit what if I Missle his head oh yeah if I hit the dragon dead on it does a ton okay let's get this Dragon ready okay the dragon's going to perch is a good chance to get on with some missiles he's almost dead one hit ready boom Oh we made a lot of enemy mad though and there we go just like that we've defeated the dragon and we can get his dragon egg now let's place a torch underneath the dragon egg and now it's ours perfect we already have the 32 dragon's breath we need for the reactor overclock and we now have the dragon egg for the Hulkbuster now let's go to the outer end and get some elytra so we'll just fly over to this thing over here and throw an ender pearl and now let's fly around till we find an End city that has everything we need on day 7 in 1980 I went around to a few end cities and got all the shulker shells I needed with those in hand I just had to get some elytra in a dragon head there we go finally we found an elytra ship okay so let's just fly to that elitership real quick and let's go below deck now let's grab the elytra and now let's go to the front of the ship and let's grab the dragon head and now that we have that in our hands we can already get the Hulkbuster our final set of armor where we uh yeah we're kind of huge and the Hulkbuster is really strong he has 50 total Hearts strength five speed five jump six I can now fly without a timer and when I fall this happens now let's just fly on home with our brand new Hulkbuster armor and we're home oh TT oh it's below me too it's blow me too oh God oh God why we are fly over here we'll be safer here oh no no we're the villains we destroyed your base oh I found them ow can he would miss what ow missiles what oh they vote missile launcher go away okay we gotta kill these guys break that TNT okay let's get with our missiles ready we're gonna pop that totem he's a totem one dying yes there goes the totem nice he's done we got one do we fit through here we do nice okay let's get outside let's get outside in a second they follow us actually where's our laser let's get our laser nice we got him there's another one in an Iron Man suit right there oh he went for me he has a lighter with those there goes his totem where'd he go where'd he go he's definitely around here nice come on get that Iron Man that's a fake nice we got him and last one but not least up there he's trying to run but you can't run from me okay they're dead but so is our base like our base's toast get set back nerd for once the villains aren't wrong this is a massive setback they destroyed my base on Day 82. meaning this base is Dr doomed so I guess with Stark Industries destroyed it's time to move to the Avengers campus and so and what has to be the worst timing in any of our videos yet my base was destroyed on day 82 which is a massive setback and that would mean I would only have 10 days to defuse thanos's bomb okay so welcome to the Avengers campus as you can see we spawned in the giant Avengers Tower and because we spawned it I had to sacrifice seven full days just to use this base but it's worth it because of how cool it is but now they're worth the Avengers base let's grab our another writing game from the chest and we can already get the reactor overclock an ability that takes this Iron Man suit and makes it even stronger so if I hit the overclock button you're gonna see that my screen says it's overclocking so as you can see in overclock mode we get haste 10 strength 10 speed 10 and jump 10. that's how broken this overclock is and with overclock unlocked there's only one ability to go and that is the steel Gauntlet and just like Dennis is a gauntlet each of these gems is gonna give us a different Power the red gem is going to allow me to blow up players instantly then there's the yellow one which literally will delete all controls that a player has so like you know when you go into options controls and keybinds and you have all these keybinds in Minecraft they're all gonna get deleted so they can't even move there's also three more gems but I'll show you those in battle once we unlock it because to unlock it we need to get the advancement called country load take me home which is another advancement where we have to use a compass on a lodestone now luckily making a lodestone is actually pretty easy you just need some chiseled stone bricks and one netherride engine now I don't actually have another right angle right now so let's quickly run to the Nether and grab some okay there's our first ancient debris you're gonna notice when I mine it it auto smelts into two netherite scraps there we go we found one there it is that's all we need you can't even see my head but now that we're done getting the ancient debris so I'll just grab some gold and now let's combine it with the ancient debris we just got to make another right angle and now we have to make a load Stone so now let's grab some of our Stone bring it over to our crafting table and let's turn it into stone bricks and then into stone brick slabs which we can then combine into chiseled Stone brick where we now have 18. if we just take that and put that in a circle like this with another writing it in the center we're gonna get a load Stone so now let's head to the nether okay so we place down the lodestone right here in the Nether and we right click it with a compass to get country load take me home and we're officially done with that advancement now we should need to go kill a warden so let's go back to the nether portal and let's head to an ancient city okay the sun's starting to set which says we still need to kill a warden we're just gonna get that done with Anyway come on let's go okay so we're back in this ancient city and I actually already hear a warden somewhere stuck in the lava hello there's actually a good place to fight him I noticed in the nether that I wasn't being attacked either oh and now you want me what is it because I'm flying okay let's go into overclock mode so we get strength 10. it's gonna make it much easier to kill this guy see there we go and just like that we've killed a warden and now we have to kill the villain seven more times so let's go fly around and look for thanos's base so we can defuse his bomb oh that's it we found it that's the Thanos base hold on stay low to the ground I found thanos's base it's right there I can even see his bomb in the glass now let's get their attention in a fun way there's one other thing the Hulkbuster suit can do that I haven't shown you guys yet and that's that it actually has a nuke built into its suit watch this let's get their attention first hello they see me now watch this if I hit P right here I think I'm close enough where I can nuke their base ready let's try it oh well what does that display of power okay we're still at least for a sec hold on oh that was a bad idea to being that close and doing that let's jump over here oh God we're low we need to get that soup back quick okay we turn back in the Hulkbuster so now let's fly out of this Ravine and let's figure out what that bomb code is okay right off the bat let's take out these tanks on top there we go let's get Ultron off here David the whole base is made of obsidian oh my god let's get our laser and let's launch him off ready oh switch hit us off oh he hit the MLG with that what oh there's another one flying in with oh they have suits too they all oh I can destroy obsidian we're in the base nice okay we're slowly getting into this base okay let's get off this hole it looks like there's two legs and I need to get into the legs to actually get access to the bomb so let's just go right in between here real quick oh look actually we can get access to the bomb right here okay I don't know what the code is so it's not risk inputting anything yet it's breaking here now oh okay get rid of him keep them off keep them off keep them off okay next we got him because we need to get 10 kills let's just get our 10 kills first I see one up here oh he's running he's running he's done nice we got him oh we got him we got him trapped let's keep him far away from everyone else oh we're out of energy oh God okay let's get some of our energy back now let's overclock nice he's done nice he's done nice and he's done okay that got us a bunch of kills one just jump down nice we got him it's nine okay we're out of energy eat some food all they have an anti-gun turret on me I gotta shoot a misled nice I took it out nice we got him this 10 out of 10. we can unlock the gauntlet now so let's go to combat and unlock the steel Gauntlet oh I dropped it oh God okay I have it in my hand I have it in my hand and you're gonna see what this Gauntlet in my hand I can now switch between reality mine Soul power and space Oh it's two different things say you can pause and read right there let's start with red though which is reality because if I just right click this guy right here he explodes and dies now let's delete this guy's controls with our mind ability your controls are gone why can't I move dude that one just fell to his death and this one's trying to get me and he's dead too let's break our way inside of here real quick we're going up okay let's go down here oh let's go what is this I'm in like a boot oh I just found a hidden room I bet you a million bucks this is gonna give me the code do I just hit this lever oh I do I do it's purple orange black yellow blue but I don't know what order it is okay I think purple was first let's try again purple okay let's go this side we know the first one's purple purple yellow black so it's purple yellow black orange light blue okay let's fly up and try this on the bottom oh we're about to win we already of the code get to the bomb get to the bomb get to the bomb oh they're already at the bomb okay hit him off let's go in here let's go get some blocks and block off the exit okay we're in we're in the bomb area now if we right click it it's purple yellow black purple yellow black what what try again in five days but that was correct oh God okay we need to get out of here I'm so confused well we got to 10 kills and we now have the gauntlet where we can delete their stuff let's just try out the gauntlet's powers real quick on them by trying this Soul one what does soul do okay I just used orange on Ultron so if any of his teammates get near him he's gonna kill them dude what is going on are you hitting me so watch I'm gonna stay close to him here and he should start attacking his teammates see look as this guy gets close he's hitting Dr limes you can't do anything oh this is hilarious oh my God he's hitting everybody Ultron stop you know what I think that's enough torturing them for now since we have to wait five days to try the bomb again let's get out of here and come back on day 99. with only a few days remaining I just waited till day 99 to see if I could finally defuse thanos's bomb okay it's day 99 which means it's finally time to take out Thanos and his stupid 100 day bomb so let's fly back to his base and let's start a war where with Thanos oh they don't even know I'm coming yet okay first things first let's switch to the yellow oh my God Iron Man's back so we can start deleting their AI dude I'm stuck now Ultron can't move I've gotten rid of his controls and he's aimbotting them still will they die let's go back down to that code room we found okay here's the code let's grab some of this obsidian and let's block off this hole so they can't get down here okay now when I hit this lever I did the code right that is the code I inputted last time something's not adding up here that's gonna do with you wait there's a stake in there hold on I have an idea I need to get something I can cook real quick I need a piece of food I can put in a smoker okay I have an idea let's dig back up we need to get a piece of raw food are there any animals around here you die okay we got a piece of mutton okay we're back down here again okay let's throw the mutton in here purple yellow red orange blue okay I'm like 99 sure that code said purple yellow red orange blue and they're here so we're leaving let's quickly get them with the gauntlet whoa I'm being sucked in it's a black hole okay so I'm in a black hole that should suck them in and keep them distracted while we go up here and defuse this bomb okay they're all dying so it is as Falls it is purple yellow red orange and blue yes oh my God we won all three of your bombs are gone guys I wanna defuse your um it's gone Thanos look at me look at my big Iron Man face that's right your bombs diffuse which means I win how did you solve my puzzle now I'm dead when I came the first time I did the sound puzzle and then I figured out the furnace thing the second time well you know what that means the villains lose and Iron Man wins thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 2,139,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as IRON MAN in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Iron Man, Minecraft Iron man, Iron Man, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: h1crnRYdSnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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