I Survived 100 DAYS as IRON MAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I woke up in a destroyed laboratory with my head all fuzzy ah what's going on what happened just then a large robot descended from the sky hello Tony he just called me Tony finally there are no strings on me my plan is to wipe out every single sad pathetic human on the face of this planet you all are a disease who are you wow you must have hit your head really hard I'm Ultron you made me to better the world and that's just what I plan to do have fun with your house guests Ultron flew away as a legion of his minions began to attack me I began to fight them off surprisingly I was still a good fighter even with memory loss thank goodness for muscle memory as Iron Man I had the ability to fly shoot satellite missiles and launch a beam out of my arc reactor I used all of these abilities to give the robots a good beat down they outnumbered me greatly but I was able to keep my distance from them in the sky while shooting them down with my satellite missiles whenever I could I charge and fired a powerful laser from my arc reactor burning the robots to a crisp thanks to my incredible Powers I was able to win okay what now we find a new place of operation sir ah who said who's that it's Jarvis sir your personal AI we must hurry Ford of ultron's goons could be nearby you're right let's go build the new base on day two I started scouting at a location for the new Stark HQ the upcoming area is both nearby running water and nourishes local Wildlife then we'll build there as a man I had fancy mining gadgets allowing me to chop down tons of trees quickly wait Jarvis aren't I rich why am I not paying people to do this for me it appears that Ultron has your bank account locked sir unlock it and you can build virtually whatever you want okay consider that on my to-do list using my materials I built a basic wood structure my plan was to eventually turn it into Stark Tower 2.0 it ain't much but it'll have to do for now what's next Jarvis well sir Ultron is exceedingly powerful and has intentions of destroying the world we must stop him but currently your suit is not powerful enough we must upgrade it and how do we do that you have powerful friends scattered across the globe sir Ultron may have sent them into hiding but if we can find Black Panther no spider Spider-Man War Machine and the others they could each train you and give you a piece of their attack making me the Ultimate Iron Man precisely sir I'm so excited to see all the awesome powers I get and you should be too watch until the end to see how awesome I become on day three I set up and search my first Ally Black Panther on the way isolate a few cows made a furnace and cook their meat usually I would prefer my personal chef to do this but whatever I kept moving feeling a bit unsure of where I should go where is this place wakanda is well hidden and sure to be heavily guarded then I'll have to look for Clues and keep my guard up I explored for what felt like hours until discovering Redstone Dust on the ground odd I followed the trail for what felt like forever until I finally made it to a massive door guarding it was a giant deadly ravager this must be the entrance [Music] and I guess I gotta go through you too using my suits I took to the skies and began to shoot my powerful laser attacks down onto the Beast the ravager bombarded me with brute strength destroying the terrain blow me and attempting to break through my armor with his powerful horns normally my attacks would defeat him off like this with these but he was wearing impenetrable vibranium armor I did my best to beat the Beast Down with everything I had using my satellite lasers to poke down his health bit by bit after a fierce battle I managed to take the guardian down woohoo upon their death they dropped a key which I claimed is my prize wakanda here I come I entered the fabled city it was beautiful and unlike anything I had seen before wow just then a guard walked up to me Cherie will see you now I balled the guard into a throne room where the Black Panther was waiting for me your highness what do you want Tony really no small talk or anything I am not only Queen but also the protector of wakanda what do you need long story shorts I need vibranium an experiment gone wrong is gonna wreak havoc if I don't upgrade my suits and say no more my cards will upgrade your soup for you thank you Sherry I followed her guard into a laboratory and stood onto a platform stay still and the Machine will do the rest aye aye Captain the room began to shake and the light started to flash when suddenly my suit became black it was now made a vibranium with it I got a vibranium sword and two hearts amazing I was about to leave when suddenly Ultron appeared on days eight through ten Ultron was looming over wakanda thanks for taking care of that ravager Tony now I'll be able to really eliminate these humans as well how did you get in here this is a hidden city I think you left the gate wide open sir touche Ultron summoned a powerful Mech to do his bidding and flew off I put my new and improved suit into action and began to Duke it out with the map he was incredibly powerful and could not only fire bullets but also blast me with a powerful laser wow vibranium doesn't give me fire resistance I utilized everything in my Arsenal to try and take him down but while I was able to land powerful attacks he returned them twice as hard the mech was beginning to be too overwhelming until wakanda's forces stepped into Aid me in battle the wakandan Warriors swarmed the mech and used their Advanced weapons to dwindle down his health bit by bit I did my best to Aid them with my own attacks and with our combined power the mech began to break down with the help of wakanda's army we were able to defeat the imminent threat I quickly noticed that the mech dropped a letter that read to game more Tech the next Target will be someone as tough as Iron Man himself as tough as me they must be after Roadie I thank the kind Warriors of wakanda and set off in search of my good friend War Machine as I traveled I took a pit stop to mine a bit of materials to upgrade my base later as I continued to mine I accidentally stumbled upon a strange cave what is this place which seems to be a cave sir on days 11 through 14 I explored the mysterious cave further as I headed deeper in I spotted a trail of red banners on the wall I feel like I've seen this before that's the battle of the evil group Hydra then I better walk carefully I pressed on until finally stumbling up on a strange wall with a sign only the worthy may pass beyond these walls I bet I'm plenty worthy I took out my mining Gadget and tried to mine it down to no avail looks like I'll have to come back with a stronger suit suddenly I heard the sounds of footsteps and ducked down into cover we gotta find a way past this wall boss wants whatever's behind it and apparently it's crazy powerful give me some we use that power to take down those pesky Heroes Heroes these guys are bad news I flew over my hiding spot and landed a surprise attack on the soldiers they tried to fight me off the best they could but they were no match for my upgraded suit I made quick work of them maybe next time just don't say your evil plan out loud upon their deaths they dropped a map titled Hydra HQ this could be my ticket to the wall I'll check this out soon on days 15 through 18. I continued my search for war machine when suddenly I heard the sound of fighting in the distance looks like that's my next stop I took off in the direction of the noise to discover War Machine fighting off Emma Frost war machine was as tough as a fighter as ever but he was beginning to get overwhelmed a little help Tony Stand Down Elsa Elsa I'm not letting that go Emma began to attack me with her powerful ice magic War Machine and I had no choice but to fight for our lives it was us against the master of ice while War Machine shot attacks from afar I used my wrist Cannon and my vibranium sword to deal damage up close Emma was not a weak foe she could manipulate ice in bombard us with snowballs from a distance the battle was tough but with the combined strength of myself and War Machine we managed to take her down Ultron is getting stronger by the day I can't get too cocky upon her death she dropped a letter which I quickly picked up thank you for your Allegiance Miss Frost you will be spared if you take down War Machine as well as the mutated human that has skinned as hard as Stone Ultron could he be talking about the thing I need to find him before Ultron does with the dust settled I was fine only able to ask for the suit upgrade I wanted anything for you Tony War Machine took my suit and worked on it for a while when he was done I put it back on to discover I now had white accents two more hearts and the ability to use War machine's Weaponry whoa thanks you want to help me take down Ultron for sure on days 19-21 I returned to the base to show war machine where we'd be hiding out this is the base of the great Tony Stark rude but this place could use a facelift maybe I can help with that I turned around to find none other than Pepper waiting for me pepper I'm so happy to see you I bet you are but enough chit chat this place isn't going to build itself pepper and I began to expand the base even more building up and adding some new blocks other than wood during the expansion I made sure to add two rooms both for her and War Machine to stay in things are looking a bit better around here I know had two more mouths to feed so I took this guy in search of some food during my travels I discovered a village in ruin hooks like Ultron is here I better help these people I swoop down over the Village and help them extinguish all the fires I even patched up a few of their homes while I was at it thank you Iron Man take this for our gratitude the residents gave me weed seeds and iron hoe and an iron bucket so I could start my own garden thank you this is just what I needed I flew back to the base and got to work on our own personal weed farm after a bit of work I finished and the base was looking much better all right Tony time to check out Hydra HQ on days 22-24 I followed the map I got from the Hydra soldiers and arrived at Hydra HQ the place was crawling with guards if I set one of them off it could be bad news for me looks like stealth is my best bet through this one I believe I can assist you with that hologram activate suddenly my suit transformed into a Hydra uniform sweet infiltration time I walked into Hydra HQ with these and started to Snoop around the facility eventually I stumbled into a room with a giant safe that's just what I'm looking for looking for what I turned around to find a Hydra officer waiting behind me my glasses I dropped them Oh I thought you were gonna say the code to our super secret safe I found it on the ground just now that too really be careful with your things dude the guard tossed me the code and left phew I use my new code to open the safe and walk inside there were countless riches as well as an upgraded mining Gadget this could break right through the wall on days 25-28 I returned to the unbreakable wall with my new tool in hand here goes nothing the tool did just the trick I was able to tear through the powerful wall like butter when I made it through the other side I discovered a lone nether portal that's odd I walked through it and waiting for me was a beacon of light I flew towards it and discovered Doctor Strange's powerful Earth Talisman I wonder what it does unclear sir but my readings indicate a massive amount of power emitting from its core huh whatever it is if it falls into the wrong hands it could be trouble suddenly something sped by and hit me ow watch where you're going I looked back and re realized the dude had taken the mysterious artifact get back here I chased after the mysterious Bandit but even with my flight abilities they were quick we were neck and neck until finally I managed to Corner them when they turned around it was none other than Ghost Rider Nowhere to Run hand over the artifact why would I give something like this to you you're the one who created Ultron that's why I need it to stop him fine how about this if you can complete my underworld trials I'll give you this Earth dollsman and of Greater suit can you handle it count me in on days 29-31 Ghost Rider 9 began My Underworld trials the first trial was to clear an obstacle course over a pit of lava but I can fly not for this trial here's your boots and you fail lame I began the trial jumping from platform to platform the best I could as I got further I discovered a strange cave blocked by a wall of lava in the distance I wonder what's in there I'll have to come back when I have fire resistance I press just on and clear challenge one for the second trial Ghost Rider made me challenge a swarm of gas in an aerial battle The Horde pelted me with an onslaught of fireballs but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from upgrading my suit I retaliated with my own attacks and took out gas after gas after a fierce battle I managed to take out the whole swarm not bad rich boy but you have one more challenge the Ghost Rider took me to a racetrack the final challenge was a motorcycle race between me and Ghost Rider I've provided you with a powerful bike May the better hero win you're going down bones we stood ready at the starting line until finally we took off the two of us were neck and neck but Ghost Riders still had the edge over me he managed to take the lead I use my suit's Rockets to propel me forward I couldn't lose this battle no matter what thankfully it gave me just the edge I needed to win the race not bad kid here's strangest Talisman is promised and let me upgrade that suit of yours too Ghost Rider casted a spell empowering my suit even more I now had a totem of undying as well as two additional hearts with this Ultron doesn't stand a chance on days 32-35 I returned to the Overworld to find Ultron and his goons destroying a village now's my chance I took to the skies and sent a surprise attack onto Ultron I thought that surely I could put up a fight with my upgraded suit unfortunately for me he was able to evade it you will never win Cody get him then Ultron flew off leaving me to deal with his swarm of goons unfortunately for them I had gotten stronger since their last encounter I use strangest Talisman to bend the Earth launching chunks of rock at the goons with my new power I knocked down each of the Tinker Toys one by one after a lot of fighting I was left with the aftermath of their attack oh he's still too strong how am I supposed to protect these Villages you could attempt to hack into his system and destroy him from the inside huh that's not too bad of an idea but how can I do that just leave it to me sir I flew after him and finally spotted him setting another Village Ablaze alright sir this is your chance sneak up on him from behind you got it I slowly crept behind Ultron once again being much more quiet than last time now I used one of my attacks to fry its systems causing him to drop to the ground like a fly I'm going to enter ultron's mind to inject the virus prepare yourself when I came to I realized I was now inside of a strange realm what is this place we are inside of ultron's Mind sweet time to find that panel to inject the virus I began to explore the vast world of ultron's Mind most of it was a void but after some exploring I came across a maze of bookshelves Ultron has so much knowledge I need to take him down fast I navigated the books until finally discovering a strange panel that's it go there and inject the virus sir I rushed over as fast as I could but suddenly Ultron dropped down in front of me that's cute thought you could actually defeat me back down or I'll make you I'd like to see you trying the two of us clashed in a battle of Epic Proportions inside of ultron's mind we are both able to wield swords so it was a battle of skill instead of brute strength I used my vibranium blade to land hits on Ultron close up but he was no pushover he was able to block some of my attacks and land counter hits of his own each blow I took made me weaker and weaker to his power I did my best to block his Onslaught but he was just too powerful Ultron took his chance and landed a brutal blow that kicked me out of his head and brought us back into the real world ah just kill me now I could but I want you to watch the world burn old project disguise leaving me alone and defeated am I gonna be able to stop him on days 40 through 43 I tried to think of better ways to defeat Ultron while traveling back to my base once I got there pepper walked up to me Tony I'm home sick I want this space to look more like Stark Tower sorry honey but I don't have the block yes you do have fun building well I guess it's time to get to work with that I officially started my Recreation of Stark Tower I started with the bottom level placing blocks over my original build after that I continued upward using a combination of polished andeside and glass looking good so far after I was done building Ghost Rider approached me I need a place to stay in the Overworld look no further I immediately got to work building him a ghostwritery room filled with red and orange accents as well as skeleton skulls you like it like it I love it later in the day I was just vibing when the Human Torch arrived Tony Tony I need your help the thing he's being imprisoned by Ultron and you can't save him why Ultron built bio scans to track major heat signatures he'll spot me immediately say no more happy to help on days 44-46 I set out to find the thing after a lot of traveling I found him deep inside a cave he was trapped in a cage Ultron standing directly in front of him let me out of here you bag of bolts oh that's rude especially considering you are quite literally a pile of rocks regardless no I will not let you out you and the rest of the Fantastic Four are too powerful and could thwart my plans your plans to take over the world to destroy the world yes but do so I need an army which I am currently building I have to find where he's building his soldiers I've grown tired of this conversation for the little thing with Ultron gone I snuck over to the thing Tony whisper now scream when we're out of here right right I broke him out using my mining Gadget and we booked it out of there after a lot of running we made it back to the Human Torch thank you so much Iron Man seriously Tony we really appreciate it in fact let me see your armor I handed over my armor after a few seconds the Human Torch returned it I now had two more hearts and flame resistance sweet now I can go back to that weird cave I spotted in the Nether on days 47-50 I was exploring when suddenly I spotted a strange sign advertising Comic-Con that sounds fun but I really should be trying to take down Ultron ah couldn't hurt to stop by I traveled in the direction of the convention and arrived at a massive building this must be it I stepped inside of the convention center to discover the lobby was full of people dressed in colorful hero costumes finally a place I can go and not stand out I was wrong people wouldn't stop walking up and asking me questions wait are you the real Iron Man In the Flesh or ironed what's Captain America like in person I can't remember what is your soup made out of vibranium the questions went on for what felt like ours until I couldn't take it anymore okay no more questions I stormed out of the convention center feeling annoyed man I'm never going back to one of those things on days 51-54 I decided to head back to the nether to explore the strange lava cave I spotted earlier okay let's hope the Human Torch wasn't pulling my leg with his fire resistant stuff with my fire resistance I was able to easily Traverse through the lava unharmed thank goodness I kept moving forward and found a giant room but it didn't look like it belonged in the nether weird all of a sudden someone ran past me with immense speed ow what the whatever it was they were too fast to see and they wouldn't let up hey whoever that is cut it out I'm not here to hurt you they did it over and over until they finally stopped in front of me yeah right science man you're going to mess with me like all the others have no I'm not I'm not my name's Max and Quicksilver my sister and I were prisoners forced to undergo experimental surgery that gave us Powers we broke out and sought safety in year of all places how do you like it like it I hate it it's too hot well if you'd like I can RP protection at my base it's not nearly as hot that sounds great on days 55-57 I returned to the base with Quicksilver I'm gonna build you a room should be done in a few hours don't worry Tony I've got this without a moment to spare Quicksilver ran around the base building a room instantly wow that was amazing as Quicksilver got settled I decided to do some expansions of my own I started by working on the tower adding more height using polished andesite I was making good progress but the work felt endless man I can't wait to get my money back so I can hire Builders afterwards I made a storage room to hold all my resources and treasures I like it sir I require your attention shoot jarv I've detected a large presence of radon in a nearby biome which indicates to me that somebody is working on something radioactive Ultron precisely sir thanks Jarvis I'll head that way now on days 58-61 I traveled towards old trans Factory my readings indicate it should be right up ahead sir Jarvis was right we arrived at a large ominous looking Factory I landed on the roof to take a peek inside Ultron was in the middle of the room being repaired by a strange device so that's how he fixes any damages not only that sir but it appears he is constructing robots at a much quicker rate than initially thought you're right this is too many I'll go give Ultron a piece of my mind right now I broke through the ceiling to give Ultron a good Target too enough games Ultron I'm technically your dad and I say it's time for bed [Laughter] Ultra tonight took to this guys and engaged in combat we Brawl for a bit until we were forced to take the battle outside the factory he had the same abilities as me and was able to shoot projectiles from his wrist launchers as well as fire a powerful beam from his chest you getting the gun I'd gotten from war machine I tried to overwhelm him with bullets but his armor was too strong if rage isn't working I'll just have to take him up close I tried going in for a heavy blow with my vibranium sword but Ultron forced me to back off once again I did my best but Ultron had the one up on me he even managed to damage my arc reactor time is ticking Tony if you don't think son Arc Reactor soon you're dead on days 62-64 things were looking very Bleak my arc reactor was busted and I was nowhere near my tools Jarvis call Nick when I woke up I was in a strange room I had a new arc reactor installed in my chest granting me two more Hearts where where am I you're at an undisclosed Shield facility it was Nick Fury Nick I can't thank you enough I don't need things I need answers Ultron yeah uh they were meant to be a protector of the planet I guess creating him caused an explosion in my lap giving me memory loss I swear sometimes I think I'm a red-headed guy named Max that must have been a big explosion anyways I trust you can eliminate this Ultron threat you always do Fury that handed me a super cool weapon wow thanks Nick no need to thank me now get back out there soldier I'll be making some goals to see if anyone else can help I'll let you know who reaches back on days 65-67 I was on my way back home through a desert biome ah this is nice it feels like I haven't any time to relax relax I fell into a hole Landing inside an underground bunker what in the world eh no worries I'll just fly out I tried to activate my thrusters but nothing happened Jarvis it appears your thrusters were damaged in the fall sir in fact your entire suit is overheating I would suggest taking it off and repairing this one once we're back home Jarvis was right so I took off the suit once I did so I was greeted by a strange man I see you've fallen into our trap Mr Stark oh no I'm getting some major Deja Vu we need you to build us a nuclear weapon yep definitely getting Deja Vu yeah I could build your weapon excellent after our brief conversation the strange man left the room I assume you're going to build something else Mr Stark you already know jarv to execute my plan I was gonna need materials but I was very limited underground especially without my mining Gadget guess I gotta do this the old-fashioned way I use the materials I had on hand to make a stone pickaxe then mine some iron underground to upgrade to an iron one I even had enough extra to make an iron sword just in case so my readings indicate some valuable gems are nearby then that's our next stop I mined until finally discovering a cavern full of diamond this is perfect suddenly I heard a low growling noise I turned in the direction of it to find a massive Naga uh nice monster on days 68-71 the Beast lunged to me he wasn't about to let me have his treasure I had no choice but to defend myself without my suit the battle was tough I was only able to defend myself with the iron sword I had just crafted the Naga was killed in Flight it would not only shoot corrosive projectiles at me but would also dive down to hit me from above I tried my best to evade its attacks and hit it when it came close but it was just too fast oh why do you have to fly my boots are busted suddenly skeletons began to spawn which gave me an idea I began to slice Down The Horde left and right until one of them dropped the bow perfect now that I had a bow and plenty of arrows I began to shoot at the Beast above with my new Range weapon I managed to take the monster down I even gained two more Hearts huh I guess doing all this dirty work has made me stronger I mined my diamond prize granting me the materials I needed for my plan time to get out of here I returned to the underground bunker where the strange man was waiting is that nuclear weapon and finished one second yes it is then let me see it gladly just then I put on a Mark 1 Iron Man suit and started blasting at the villain it wasn't long before he died time to get out of here I stormed through the underground tunnels and as I expected they were crawling with bad guys unfortunately for them my new suit was able to mow them down like nothing I shot Flames left and right the final grunt died and dropped a map titled Xiang Chi well that's convenient on days 72-75 I made it back to base I realized that more and more Heroes were joining my HQ day by day and I needed to make sure we had enough room to accommodate I immediately got to work building up the tower more after a while the exterior was really coming along with the outside done for now I began working on a room for the Fantastic Four I use black white and blue colors to match their aesthetic which really made the room pop Thanks Max no problem whenever Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman become a fan terrible we'll make sure to send them here awesome after that I went to go check on my buddy Rhody hey man how's it hanging I'm all right but I will kill for some pork chops right now you know what I got you I quickly flew to a nearby Field using carrots to make a group of pigs follow me I made it back home building a quick little pen for the piggies I then slaughtered a few of them unfortunately for me I didn't know what I had just done what do you think you're doing huh I turned around to find Spider ham standing before me you just brutally murdered my people what the Jarvis why is there a spider pig here it appears someone is best with the Multiverse so you dang bacon lovers don't even think about where your food comes from This Means War sorry how can I make it up to you hmm I do like a good character too done I handed him the rest of the carrots I had oh boy I mean you are forgiven this time Tata spider ham walked away stuffing his face full of carrots I guess that means peace is restored between humans and pigs after that strange encounter I cooked up the pork chops and gave a few to war machine thanks man no prob on days 76 through 78 I was fixing to leave to follow Xiang Chi's map wait a sec Jarvis what's the status of my other suit I have prepared sir it should be safe to use again sweet I quickly put my upgraded suit back on then flew off to find chongqi he was Far Away forcing me to fly through multiple biomes but I didn't mind too much since the weather was great ah this is nice suddenly clouds gathered in the sky and it began to rain what the what was the forecast for today Jarvis today's forecast is class guys sir out of nowhere storm touchdown in front of me hello Tony sorry to rain on your parade but this is the end of the line Ultron is going to spare me if I can take you out sorry you messed up the minute you teamed up with a killer robot the two of us began to fight in an epic battle with the sky we both swarmed around each other in a dog fight and I started shooting at her with my guns she kept striking me with lightning but my new armor was prepared to withstand those blows we both fought with all of our might despite the onslaught of lightning I managed to take her down I gotta keep moving eventually the weather cleared and I reached a huge crowded Forest this looks like a trap you are correct sir it appears to be some sort of labyrinthine maze designed to corner and suffocate those who do not know how to properly navigate it huh I have an idea I took to the skies flying over it with these boom work smarter not harder I then reach an Immaculate circular opening in the forest meeting Shang Chi trespassers are not allowed on these sacred grounds please I just want to talk despite my pleas Shang ignored me and charged me with everything he had he swung at me with masterful martial arts powers and kept hitting me with a powerful Flurry of Blows I tried shooting my guns at him but he was super fast and kept dodging out of the way I started using my arc reactor beam and that did a significant amount of damage it was a difficult battle but I eventually managed to win okay now will you talk I don't think I have a choice explained everything I knew to chongqi about Ultron and his evil plans to destroy humanity and so this guy is building an army to destroy the world yes and you built him yes why peace in our times a shield around the world I don't know I did it and it's done okay fine I've been making modifications to my suit to take him on do you have any Tech or 10 Rings magic that would help actually I have just a thing Shang Chi performed a spell and magically upgraded my suit I now had two more hearts and Powerful brass knuckles that let me do a fluria blows use it wisely Iron Man I will on days 82-85 I return to the base and decided to do a bit of sprucing up it's about time I have my own room I got to work on something for myself I made sure it was big and luxurious as well as filled with tons of red and yellow accents that compliment me as Iron Man while I was at it I added an extra large bed all for myself with that my room was complete this looks more like McDonald's than Iron Man's room oh well I'm loving it I still had energy so I moved on to extending Stark Tower I built it even taller and began to fill in an area with glass when I realized I was running out hey Pepper you got any more materials Fresh Out dang it I need to get my bank account back already just then a ditzy robot came running by in a hurry mumbling something to himself if I don't get this done in time Ultron I gotta follow him on days 86 through 89 I tail the robot to a shopping mall he was purchasing a bunch of different robot Parts wait he must be ultron's Aaron boy which means he has my bank info I Ambush him quickly defeating him and freezing my bank account you know what this means shopping spree I started shopping like crazy buying myself a snazzy suit some sick Shades and even a private jet man being rich is the best my fun it was quickly cut short by Nick Fury Ultron is threatening all of humanity and you're shopping oh uh I was just get back to work on days 90-91 I was scouting over the ocean when I spotted something strange I flew underwater finding a laboratory I broke inside discovering it was owned by Doc Ock an octopus in the ocean how original I began to investigate but while doing so I accidentally triggered an alarm with little warning a horde of little robots began to swarming they all charge of me and started zapping me when they got too close I used my laser to start picking them off but they kept surrounding me no matter what I did I couldn't keep the robots away they continue to swarm like the horde of ankle biters they were I had to change my game plan when I was surrounded I started fighting them all off with my fists which was surprisingly effective with my upgrades from Sean G I was now able to hit the Bots with a flurry of attacks quicker than before despite their numbers the robots didn't stand a chance against my new melee upgrade using a combination of my abilities I struck each of the robots over and over again honestly it was kind of fun eventually I was able to pick them all off one by one upon the final robot's death they dropped a note Dr Octavius I thank you again for your support once you capture Spider-Man please drop him off at this map's location I looked on the ground but there was no map to be found I have to find that map before they heard Spider-Man I explored around the lab and found that the map was locked behind a keypad let me take care of this sir Jarvis hacked into the keypad causing it to unlock thanks Jarvis I grabbed the map and immediately set off to find Spidey on days 92-94 I travel to the location on the map to find Spider-Man was already kneeling before Doc Ock any last words doc I think there's someone behind you oh please Peter I've grown tired of these little games of yours just let me enjoy this don't you have better things to do than picking on a kid I use my arc reactor blast eviscerating Doc Ock wow that was easy I guess he was just a normal human after all whoa are you like the Iron Man like Mr Stark from Stark Industries the one and only why is there Sue look so weird I thought Iron Man's whole thing was like red and gold I've made a few modifications I'm sure you could tell from how powerful that last attack was thanks for saving me Mr Stark can I return the favor well I am fighting Ultron but that's too dangerous for you please come on please no way I can't have you getting hurt how old are you anyway 12 hey I'm 16 12 16. same thing you're a kid but normal kids can't shoot webs from their wrists listen I'll make it worth your while just give me a chance and you won't regret it what could a high school student possibly offer a billionaire let's see which charm and uh memes my point exactly well you said you're fighting Ultron maybe I can help you upgrade that suitors it'll be your coolest upgrade yet I handed off my suit to him and Spidey got to work spinning webs onto it after a while he handed it back to me in my new suit I had two more Hearts the ability to shoot webs and I was now very sticky gross but efficient on days 95-98 I returned home with Spidey and got to work on a room for him I added plenty of red to his space so that it screams Spider-Man and he seemed to really like it not too shabby I was still feeling good after getting my final upgrade so I decided it was finally time to finish my base I started by filling in the unfinished glass portions and completely finished the building itself once the main structure was done I added the final touches completing my reproduction of Stark Tower it's glorious I think it looks amazing sweetie how about we have some dinner to celebrate I have just the thing in mind as Sunset began the two of us enjoyed our view from Stark Tower with a fine steak dinner thank you for taking the time to make this for me it feels good to be home anything for you hun you know sometimes I get a bit nervous about you being a hero I never know if each time I see you will be the last but at the end of the day I know you'll always come back home I promise I won't let you down no matter what sort of difficulties I face I'll never go down without a fight I'll always be here to protect you oh how sweet just then I turned to find Ultron standing right next to us how did you get here does that really matter surrender now and I won't make you suffer you won't get away with this I already have suddenly Lee pepper was teleported away pepper what did you do we're gonna end this once and for all Stark Ultron flew away leaving behind a terrifying Robo Mech I had no choice but to fight the mech had a powerful laser attack that I was immediately bombarded with I fought it off with my wrist cannons and took off to the skies I was able to slow down the map with my new Spider-Man Powers but unfortunately that didn't stop it from blasting me with his powerful Sonic laser I weakened it with my arc reactor chest Blaster and then flew in for the kill thanks all the powers I had gotten I was able to take down the mech and claim a map as my prize don't worry pepper I'm Coming For You on day 100 I arrived at the location on the map to find Pepper was already trapped inside of a cage standing next to her was Ultron pepper I'm Gonna Get You Out of This I Swear not this time Tony I'm going to kill both of you and then the rest of you pathetic humans let's start with sweet old pepper first no Ultron fired a massive attack but before I could hit pepper War Machine intersected it Brody did you really think I'd let you fight this Maniac alone I'll take care of pepper you focus on Ultra with pepper with pepper each other shooting at each other with our wrist cannons we clashed in the sky like Two fighter jets bullets and lasers flew wildly around us as the battle began to unfold even at such great speeds Ultron was still surprisingly accurate I had to be careful not to get hit too much too many blows from his precise computer-like aim would finish me he was so powerful he started hitting me with his machine gun and I was forced to land he landed next to me and we transitioned into hand-to-hand combat even in that he was just too powerful he was weakening me a lot despite all the power I gained Ultron was still too strong he landed a fatal attack but thanks to my totem of undying I managed to survive I flew away to reassess yikes no more redos Jarvis is there any way we could try to hack him again we can try but if we fail again my systems will shut down and you will be unable to use your suit meaning if we lose again you will be as good as dead in the real world I gotta try I charge full speed at Ultron and landed my supersonic attack again causing him to fall to the ground just like that I returned inside of ultron's Mind in front of me was the control panel just like before but Ultron was already there waiting do you really you can't even defeat me in the real world and you expect to beat me in my own mind you forget that I'm the one who created your thoughts prepare to meet your maker Ultron We Begin slicing at each other dealing massive psychic damage I needed to take him down quickly so I could give Jarvis a chance to hack into his system but he wasn't going down easy his mind was strong but mine was Stronger the battle was fierce but I was able to slash my blade deep into Ultron winning me the fight now's my chance I rushed as fast as I could to the panel and Jarvis began uploading the virus upload complete no suddenly I was returned to the real world where Ultron submitted to the attack he died saving Humanity once and for all I did it
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,849,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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