I Survived 100 Days as a TREE in Minecraft

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imagine you're a Minecraft tree just sitting in a forest letting your leaves Blow In The Wind when suddenly a couple of lumberjacks from a nearby Village come over and cut down all of your tree friends and family you would want revenge right but you're just a tree what are you gonna do well for the next 100 days I'm gonna becoming a Minecraft tree and I'm gonna get revenge of the Lumberjacks that killed my tree Brethren on day one I spawned in as a tiny little sapling whoa what is that um okay so those are the three Lumberjacks and I have to survive 100 days against those three and so I'm gonna just sneak off this way all right we've missed one over here but come on let's get it oh god let's go okay now I only have five hearts of Health right now so I do not want to fight these Lumberjacks oh God now luckily I can upgrade my tree to have more Hearts later but I'll tell you about that in a second once I get away okay let's go let's go I'm really short so I should be able to fit in one high Gap he's getting away okay let's go over here let's find some double grass I have a really good idea here I see it I see it right here I'm gonna go right here come back a little sapling you're gonna turn it into a campfire where'd he go do you see him you must have went around here somewhere did not okay let's go we don't think they saw me I think we're good I think we're gonna think we're good okay let's go this way he's back here oh no they found me okay okay I have no idea we'll have to try something else but I have an idea I have a sapling maybe I can hide in the sapling I'm gonna go ahead here get up this hill where they can't see me okay they can't see me and please tell me they just run right by come here sapling cool let's go with no idea okay I don't think they're following me okay I think we're good I think we're good okay that was a close call but since I have a second to talk let me tell you about my tree upgrades right now you're gonna notice I only have five Hearts but luckily I can turn from a sapling into a bush into an oak tree all the way into a crazy tree with 50 Hearts but right now I'm still weak let's really get far away from here and start working on a shelter hey guys Zach the editor here I've hacked my way into our merch store to give you guys a Black Friday deal for on you merch that just dropped use the code on screen to get 10 off the checkout link is in the description below okay this looks like a good place to call my base I want to keep these trees up so that way I can blend the base in here so let's just go cut down some trees over here real quick and let's get some basic tools okay let's make a crafting table get ourselves a wooden pickaxe now let's get ourselves some Cobblestone now Ava stone pickaxe now let's make a bunch of sticks and get ourselves some ladders and now I have an entrance to a base now let's actually dig out that base okay basic shelter complete it still needs a bed and stuff to speed up time but this will do for day one tomorrow we'll keep working on the base and hopefully finish it up from days two to five I finished up the tree base it took a little bit longer than I thought but that's because I wanted to build an escape tunnel in case I found myself trapped inside by The Lumberjacks okay complete and now that I don't have to worry about where I'm gonna sleep at night we can actually start upgrading from a five heart sapling so we have three different upgrade menus we have our tree Evolution menu we have our combat menu which gives us some crazy tree powers and then we have our utility and combat upgrades that get our trees some crazy power it's like vinestorm beehive bazooka where I can literally shoot out bees that will attack The Lumberjacks but anyway first things first let's get ourselves Deep Roots the first combat upgrade that'll unlock it I have to eat one poisonous potato Harvest 50 leaves and kill one of The Lumberjacks now luckily getting the leaves is easy so let's make some shears and now let's cut down some leaves okay pretty far away in the forest so let's just cut down these leaves oh I don't even have to pick them up I'm done 50 leaves harvested done see how easy that was now we get to get one Lumberjack kill and eat a poisonous potato and I'm gonna do the poisonous potato first because it's kind of pure luck to get one so I'm gonna go ahead and start looking for a village so we can start getting a bunch of potatoes and seeing if we can get a poisonous one okay let's see if they have potatoes here oh I see one up here yes we finally found one of the farm please have potatoes yes we got potatoes are there any other Farms oh I see another Farm okay let's see how many more potatoes we can get okay cool we got ourselves nine potatoes which was some bone meal we can quickly turn into a lot more and get a poisonous potato hopefully pretty quickly okay it's day seven 93 days more to go but we're doing good so far I haven't seen The Lumberjacks in a little while which means my base has got to be pretty hidden but anyway we gotta get ourselves some poisonous potato to unlock Deep Roots so let's go grab a bunch of our bones make ourselves a hoe and let's just see if we can get poisonous potatoes with what we've got [Applause] two stall our bone meal we did not get a poison this potato which means we're gonna eat a lot more bone meals so let's quickly go make another portal and go get some bone blocks there we go one Diamond acquired I just need two more for a diamond pickaxe okay we've got the diamonds we need let's make a crafting table and quickly make that diamond pickaxe now just go mine some obsidian okay we've got 10 obsidians now let's go build another portal back at the base okay the Portal's done we just gotta light it up and boom now we can go to the nether which is exactly what we're gonna do because we need bone blocks I don't see any bone blocks so let's just pick a direction and hope we find some oh let's go I see some bones I also see a bastard with a ton of gold but we'll get that later okay we've got 63 bone blocks which is definitely going to be enough they'll just grow a bunch of potatoes and get that poisonous potato okay let's turn all our bone blocks into bone meal and now let's plant a bunch of potatoes and now let's grow all the potatoes okay all the potatoes are grown now let's just hope we get a poisonous one I saw one I saw when I saw on this I saw a few I saw a few we definitely got a poisonous potato I saw two at least nice we've got three poisonous potatoes now let's eat a poisonous potato and there we go now we just need to get one Lumberjack kill and we can finally get our first upgrade because I am sick of being a boring old sapling okay it's time to get a lumberjack kill so let's go back to spawn and see if the Lumberjacks are still there because I only need to kill one of them my goal is not actually to fight them it's to go in get a sneaky kill and run okay I'm currently at spawn but I don't see anyone here now normally they've been building their first base it spawn but I don't think they did this time yeah there's absolutely nothing here meaning they built a base somewhere else so I actually gotta go find it luckily The Lumberjacks base wasn't too hard to find and on day 13 I started my attack what is this I think I may have found their base oh I see a nameplate I definitely found their base I found a rail system where does this lead oh yeah I see him okay don't let him see me let's beat him outside let's quickly like the building on fire okay one side come on I missed you we got him go we gotta get out here oh my goodness we're low old one's coming on okay he didn't see me oh run he's include okay let's go do the upgrade nice brief Deep Roots there's one chasing me right now there's one chasing me right now let's light him on fire and let's use D oh no light fire here let's use Deep Roots on him oh my God okay cool that gives him poison too for a bunch of seconds which should be enough to kill him please no dude let's go get out of here and we're gone awesome with our first Power Deep Roots unlocked we are super overpowered I mean anyone who gets hit by this gets poisoned too so yeah with that officially done it's time to go ahead and get the Johnny Appleseed upgrade to unlock it we need 30 seeds 20 apples and five golden apples so let's go get a bunch of seeds and apples real quick because that's the easiest part okay we've already got four apples so we just ate about 21 more and while I'm getting our trees I'll just keep breaking some leaves like this and getting some easy seeds okay I've got 25 apples but I just kind of realized I had to murder a bunch of trees to get these apples does that make me a bad person anyway we've got all the apples and the wheat seeds so all we need left is to make five golden apples meaning I should probably quickly collect five more apples and then we're gonna steal that gold from the Bastion and use that to make them into golden apples okay we're at the Bastion now let's just grab some of these gold blocks on the back which would definitely be enough to get us to five gold apples we need okay let's grab some of this gold okay let's grab this one okay there's another one over here okay it's below me two blocks okay there we go oh wait you see him yeah I'm gonna fight them do I have a bow I don't have a bow oh okay let him come for me oh they're rushing me they're rushing we need back off oh we got a crit on him he's low [Music] oh this way let's go up here you have an idea okay let's see one fell one just died one died one died there's one right here let's get him I'm going back up he's low he's done one more one more where'd he go where's the last one go oh there he is let's use our roots on him oh I'm poisoned I'm poisoned I'm poisoned we got the routine poisoned I'm dead nice let's go we got him that was actually insanely close they almost got me there okay there we go we got seven blocks of gold which is 63 gold ingots which is more than we need to make five gold apples so let's go on home before The Lumberjacks come back okay let's go and let's make five golden apples so first let's take these four and surround them in gold and there we go we got five golden apples now let's unlock Johnny Appleseed it's basically gonna give me an infinite Apple which is this one in my hand and not only can I infinitely eat this apple but while it's in my inventory if I take any damage there's a small chance it's also gonna give me a golden apple or even a god apple and I could totally cheese this let me show you if I go over here in the water and start to drown you're gonna notice that I gained two golden apples in my inventory just from drowning so let's go and let's eat the infinite apple and you're gonna see just as a quick cooldown and then I can eat it again and now let's take some more damage and see if we get even more golden apples boom We Got a Gun I got it was sung it's Appling I'm sick of only having five Hearts so let's actually become a bush bush is actually have a full 10 Hearts but it also has strength one and speed one but that's not the best bit you see when I become a bush I actually get one extra block of reach and if we look at further upgrades you're gonna see I get two blocks then three blocks then ten blocks I'm gonna be able to hit people super far away from me and that is what is gonna make our tree overpowered so let's do it let's become a bush we need 64 dirt 64 wheat seeds and 64 flowers now I'm pretty sure I already have the wheat seeds done so let's just grab a ton of dirt and flowers first let's make a couple shovels and now let's just start digging up a ton of dirt okay we've got the dirt now let's grab a bunch of wheat seeds while we're here okay that's definitely all we need I know we have the rest at home and finally let's go grab a bunch of flowers okay we definitely have enough flowers now so basically just grab these seeds from this chest we literally have everything we need to officially become a bush which I'll do tomorrow okay it is time to go from a tiny little sapling into a bush oh my goodness this is amazing look at this this is hilarious okay I'm a bush and now I'm walking what am I Bush and I'm walking okay this is funny sneaky bush I love this model way too much this is amazing and also check this out I can reach this tree from all the way back here because my reach is now one farther so I'm these Lumberjacks don't stand a chance but with that the first three upgrades are complete but I'm not gonna lie I'm still fairly weak so let's get ourselves another combat upgrade to get the next one we need to kill five iron golems kill 25 villagers and get three Lumberjack kills we're gonna unlock trees that we can summon and we'll fight for us so I'd say that's pretty useful now to get all the kills we're gonna need I'm gonna have to do a few villages to get all those Iron Golem and villager kills so let's go to the Village that's closest buy and start there okay here we are I'll just take out a bunch of villagers okay let's start with you big and ugly one Iron Golem down now to take out the villagers okay I've killed everyone in this Village including the gollum on to the next one kills and now we just need three Lumberjack kills okay went to The Lumberjacks base but it looks like they couldn't get the fire I said earlier under control because this space is totally destroyed and all they left behind was a bunch of junk so I gotta go look for their new base let's go find that since the Lumberjacks had to make a new base I obviously had to find it but I truly didn't expect to find it as fast as I did yeah I see bass it should literally just be up this hill let's sneak up on it we're a bush stand still one's on the roof okay I need three kills here so this is gonna be tricky okay we're good we're good oh they're messing with each other they're messing with each other yeah let's destroy this tree let's get down here I don't think they noticed oh this is it this is the play this is the play okay I thought they saw me there there's someone coming there's someone coming go for the chicken go for the chicken going in I'm going this is the chance oh my gosh oh Ryan oh they're shooting at me they're shooting at me go on fire what is this he fell in our traps oh we're in trouble hold on good thing I had that got apple on me we were totally gonna die there we go we're up we're back up whoo foreign right there I can water bucket into the Ravine it's Ravine we're going in I don't care how deep this is but we're gonna go for it we have the water bucket oh that hurts oh we took a lot of damage let's go oh there's water already down here okay let's go let's go we need to get far away from these guys yeah they're coming in they're coming one just died one died there you think we could hit it I need help I'm dead oh my God he's insane thanks he's done there's one more we need to get out of here though I don't see the other one okay let's start building out of here oh you're away here Mercy I'm here for you okay the water should be pulling him down oh okay well he's dead let's get out of here before the others come back nice we're out here we're out of here we're out here let's go yes we're out of here now that we've gotten the three Lumberjack kills that we need we can unlock our tree friend upgrade and there we go we have it this is Bob and Bob is my tree friend if I attack anything so will Bob let me show you so if I punch this cow right here here to see Bob is gonna murder it thanks Bob but yeah he'll do that with literally anything including the Lumberjack meaning he's gonna be super helpful in creating my tree Army and surviving until day 100. okay the next upgrade I want to go for is called portable roots and this is gonna make it so every single ore that I mine is doubled now to unlock it I need 200 Cobblestone 200 dirt and 200 wood none of which is that hard so let's just start getting it okay Cobblestone complete now let's go get the dirt and logs wait a minute never mind we actually probably have enough logs when we were collecting apples earlier meaning all we need left is dirt easy foreign [Applause] portable routes which you know I gotta try out so if I go in this hole that I just dug and I use it you're gonna see it as I walk forward I just mine everything in front of me and everything that I mine gets automatically double so if I want to buy these diamonds right here I just have to dig down right next to them and use my new power and you're still gonna see we just got 12 diamonds let's try it on this gold as we can see there's only one gold ore here I now have three gold wait this ability is broken I think it's tripling the oars that's amazing this video is 100 days as a tree meaning we got to become a full-on tree now to do that we need 128 clay 128 charcoal and 20 diamonds so let's quickly make another shovel and now let's go grab a bunch of clay they were going just like that we have the two stacks of clay balls we need okay now let's go and let's turn all the clay balls into clay and we now have 128 clay now we just need 128 charcoal and 20 diamonds so let's go get some charcoal all we have to do is take some of our logs and start smelting them and with that smelting let's just go grab nine more diamonds and there we go we've got 20 diamonds now now let's go back up to the base and grab our charcoal and then we can become an oak tree no I didn't put that block there oh my God I knew it'd be weird there they are where do you go can you go in to go swim swim oh my God they just took out my base oh no go away skeleton okay where'd they go here they are here they're there I better reach them so they can't hear me in the water oh he got me okay one step one step one's dead we got another God Apple oh God nice two down two down where's the third one oh it's literally right here nice that should do a lot what's up tree oh my gosh oh my god oh easy yes let's go he's done he's done he's done but our base is toes dude nothing survived literally nothing in my base survived we literally just lost all that charcoal for the upgrade too let's get out of here and let's build a new base I guess after my base was destroyed I not only had to rebuild but I also had to get all of the charcoal again wasting a ton of time with under 70 days remaining I need all the supplies possible to survive and welcome to the brand a new base so this base was actually on the side of a cliff that I completely covered in stone so from the outside it still looks natural beyond that there's not much to it furnaces chest beds you get it but the most important thing is that we can become an oak tree I made all the charcoal we need again so let's go ahead and let's do that now I look like an actual oak tree I also have strength to speed to and can reach two extra blocks I can reach that stone all the way over here but with the base and the upgrade out of the way I need to get myself an enchanting table not only is my iron armor looking really broken right now but I can almost guarantee that The Lumberjacks have one at this point and I don't want to be at a disadvantage for no reason so let's go legal minds of obsidian so we can make an enchanting table they've already got the leather and paper we need now let's combine our obsidian two diamonds in a book and just like that we have an enchanting table but now we gotta quickly build a room before it luckily with the mining ability that's actually really easy and there we go we already have a spot for phone you break split whatever gear comes next but so we can at least do enough damage let's enchant our diamond sword and our bow okay now that we got the enchanting table done let's unlock our next upgrade Forest friends now Forest Friends is gonna let me summon a bunch of different Forest creatures to help me survive any sort of fight but to get it I need to get 25 broad kills 25 wolf kills Andy 25 pork chops sorry for his friends in advance but I gotta do it on top of that I also have to give an item to an Olay and get five kills on The Lumberjacks which should totally be doable it's just kind of hard so let's start with frog kills I don't actually know where they spawn I'm assuming swamps but let me quickly look it up on Google okay I was right they're swamps let's go find a Swap and start killing some frogs okay I found a swamp and uh I'm not sure if they only appear at night or something but I'm just gonna keep looking around and see if I can find any okay I did a little more Googling it turns out they're likely tadpoles and they should start to grow really fast so it shouldn't take long for them to start turning into frogs especially because this server we have the tick speed turned up really high so that way things like trees Decay really fast when you cut them down oh frogs I knew it okay two frog kills see they're starting to spawn I just had to wait a little while oh my God they're everywhere okay there we go we got the 25 frog kills now let's go home okay now that we got all the Frog kills let's go kill a bunch of pigs for raw pork chop because that really shouldn't take much time at all [Music] okay we've got the 25 raw pork chop now we just gotta eat it which is super easy to do we just gotta take some damage eat some raw pork chop and jump again I actually figured this probably wasn't the fastest way to do this as I realized I need to give an item to an Olay which means I gotta find a Pillager tower that hopefully has some Malay so let's actually go look for that and just eat some pork chop along the way oh a pillow post I see one that took a little longer than I thought it would okay let's head over to the Pillager Tower real quick is there any Olay though oh yeah I think there's a lay right there okay let's buy some of these pillagers I need to find an L.A I found some there's delay right here we need to give them an item he's gonna free him first here's an item Cobblestone cobblestone I right clicked okay we gave an item two in delay nice we finished it now let's free all the elites because I feel bad runaway run be free be free my friends here all of you will track Cobblestone all of you thanks delay buddies give me my Cobblestone back okay now that we found the Pillager Tower we literally just need to kill 25 wolves and five Lumberjacks so let's just start looking for some wolves and getting those kills done with okie dokie with the 25 wolf kills complete we literally just need to get five kills on those Lumberjacks and since I haven't destroyed their base yet they're probably still living on that island they were living on before so let's go get that done with or that's what I would say but the reality is our armor isn't gonna hold up we need to get ourselves some diamond armor and since we could double literally everything we mine technically triple there's no reason we shouldn't have diamond armor I mean currently we have 14 diamonds meaning we just need 10 more so let's stop being lazy let's just get it done with okay there we go we got all the diamonds we need so let's make some diamond armor chest plate leggings boots and a helmet swap out the armor and now we're in full diamond armor which should be good enough to take on The Lumberjacks now so tomorrow we fight Oh either base is literally just over there and I'm not gonna lie I haven't really compared it but I don't blend in with oak trees really at all so let's eat it got Apple real quick and let's just get in there tree there's a tree here I need help okay if they definitely know I'm here let's do this I have a lot of Hearts so I can use that to my advantage and just Pummel them one kill oh my goodness yes I dated God apple on Fireproof he is smacking me out oh dude so that's super effective baby get out of here tree he's got some reach yeah oh my goodness you're right see another God Apple oh I just hit that come on last two we need at least we got him we got him let's pop another Golden Apple now let's take this base out okay I did a lot of damage to the base keep going you know what they're looks like this is their wood cutting operation I'm destroying this too okay there we go spicy let's unlock the upgrade real quick and G combat unlock we unlocked it we unlock for his friends it's actually gonna be helpful we got in a way we got two they're fighting for us get him buddy I'm fireproof now just get him keep attacking them there's Pixies what are those huh I'm dead I'm dead let's use this chance to get out of there while they're distracted by my Forest Friends okay one of them's still coming after me nice okay let's keep running they haven't showed up in a while I think I'm good to go I don't think they're coming after me okay with four his friends unlocked let's work on waterlogged bark it's a super defensive upgrade that's gonna make it so I don't take any fire damage from fire or lava and I gain resistance too when I'm actually in water like I suck up water through my roots get it then unlock it I need 50 Mangrove logs 18 water buckets and 128 lapis lazuli now the lapis I actually am already done with I know I have enough lapis so we just need the water buckets and Mangrove locks so let's quickly get those water buckets done with because those are only going to take a sec okay so let's start by grabbing some iron and making ourselves 18 buckets now let's make a dividend water source and let's fill all 18 buckets and there we go done now we just need some Mangrove logs and I haven't really seen a mangrove biome anywhere we're gonna have to go looking for that because I honestly have no clue where that could be finding a mangrove biome turned out to be extremely difficult and after walking over 15 000 blocks I still couldn't find one and just to make matters even worse I ran into The Lumberjacks while looking for it oh hold on The Lumberjacks are here oh threw in a decent bit of damage let's pop a golden apple we have plenty nice being a wolf to fight for us no Wolfie did he sit with my field oh my goodness they're all over me he's got me low he's gotta be low nice we got him we got one no he's gonna be low come on oh I can't even hit him I'm out of arrows get him friends get him okay let's get him let's go oh my God you how did you get back here I think I think they set their beds in their Village okay he's done we got a board though oh yeah they're all back they set their beds in the village and I got a ton of friends to fight oh my goodness let's go oh my God they're climbing oh dude we got him on the Run oh that hurt better oh how close they oh I don't have time to eat I don't have time to eat oh god let's get into the jungle get to the Jungle I can eat in the jungle and then hide oh God run oh faster we gotta lose him in the struggle we gotta lose him in the struggle oh they hit me they hit me that was not good turn climb this we're gonna lose him here we're losing we're gonna lose me ready for this watch this watch this watch this go behind this tree get with these oak trees let's go sit in this like group of leaves please just don't look this way one of them just died falling off lines oh my gosh I literally can see whatever one over there trying not to move so they don't see me okay come on leave and let's go this way we're gone we Dodge them let's go after surviving Against The Lumberjacks I went right back to searching for The Mangrove biome and luckily I found one just a few days later oh wait is that a mangrove is that what Mangrove looks like oh there's a Temple right here too yeah yeah this is mangrove oh let's go I don't even care about the temple we got the mangrove dude that was actually really hard to find oh but wait are these not Mangrove logs Roots the logs in the roots are different oh my goodness I had no idea okay we've got all 50 Mangrove Vlogs that we need so let's quickly look at this Temple and then head on home it literally took me all of day 51 just to get home that's how far this Mangrove biome was okay now we're back from that stupidly long trip to get Mangrove logs we can actually unlock waterlogged bar we've got all the mangrove Vlogs water buckets and Lapis we need wait a sec I just realized I'm two lapis short I thought I had enough but I guess I didn't I'm dumb let's quickly go grab two lapis I guess okay let's just plow through these lapis waterlogged which means I'm now fireproof and I gain resistance to in water so I'm in water and you're gonna see I have constant resistance too and the best part if I jump in lava you're gonna see that I don't burn that's right I am a fireproof tree because of how waterlogged I am gosh that ability is broken I love it but you know what I would love more having more Hearts because in that fight in the desert just a little bit ago they almost got me so it's time to become a dark oak tree and to do that I need five ancient debris 10 magma cream and 120 coal now I'm already done with the coal I really just need the ancient debris and magma cream so let's go to the nether okay I actually found some magma cream so let's just see if they drop us magma creams real quick no oh wait I don't die here right that scared me for a sec forgot I'm fireproof now luckily mining for ancient debris is gonna be super easy all we have to do is mine down here and get our y all the way down to about 10 to 12. and now we simply Rock and we pick all that up let's see if we got any ancient debris nope we didn't get any ancient debris so let's keep moving I literally it's right there on the ground yeah we got it wait but it didn't double it isn't it supposed to double it okay well it's still easier than doing it the normal way up here okay we made it down to the bottom and sure enough there is a magma spawner at this one which makes my life 10 times easier okay we've got all 10 magma cream that we need from this spawner so now let's just go home grab our coal and let's turn into an even bigger tree okay it is time to stop being an oak tree and to finally become a dark oak oh my God I'm so huge I can't even see myself in F5 Quake Pro oh look we can see ourselves now this is the dark oak tree I'm huge and I can hit things from soup like look at this I'm breaking blocks this far away okay well now that I'm a dark oak you're gonna notice I have 40 hearts of HP and on top of it I have string three speed three and reach three but with that out of the way it is time to work on our next combat upgrade to beehive bazooka now this thing sounds insane I can basically shoot bees out of a cannon another one lock it I need to get seven kills in The Lumberjacks Kill 30 bees Harvest 30 honey and ignite 2017 and T and cause I'm feeling a little bit tatterystofrik no God please no no I'm gonna start by getting the seven Lumberjack kills and igniting the TNT in their base now I already have nine so I just need 18 more so let's quickly go ahead and kill a bunch of creepers for their gun powder and then go collect a bunch of sand okay now let's put it on the Crafting Table and there we go that's 18 TNT and if we grab our TNT from earlier we've got the full 27 we need so now let's go to The Lumberjack space and let's pay them a visit okay I'm here again but I'm 90 sure they left because uh this is what it looks like I don't think they stayed here actually so let's go find their actual new base which honestly could be anywhere I'm not really sure once again I have to find The Lumberjacks new base because I keep destroying all their new ones Oh I thought they're basically from the greatest stuff on their base oh I didn't even see it I almost ran right by it okay there's no blending in once I get around this corner I'm a giant tree just a normal tree doing normal tree things no he sees me he sees me he sees me okay here we go let's do it keep spawning my minions go minions go oh one's coming in at me okay let's pop a god Apple nice we got one we got one kill nice we got him we got we got him we got him that's two kills we literally need five more okay let's get this guy let's get him are we climbing he's climbing where'd he go you go down here oh yeah he is nice we got him we got him oh we got another one down here oh God I can't even move fast run I think we've actually got a good chance here flying no oh we got TNT on it I shielded it but that's breaking my shield quick hold on let's get out of here luckily I have resistance in water so I don't think they're doing much damage to me oh wait I can just break out this is my ability I forgot about oh my God I even had this setup I'm stuck down here now oh there's two minutes for me oh wait we still gonna activate our TNT let's grab our foot and steal okay we got two more lit off I actually have an idea I have a really good idea nice there's four TT down here that's what I thought might happen nice we just doubled our TNT this is gonna make it really easy to set all this off oh they're getting Michael's eating Golden Apple nice let's set off more TNT how many more four more there we go we got all the TNT lit off that we need to light off now we can just fight and get the kills nice we got another one that's four that's five oh did my armor break oh my Armor's breaking I gotta be careful here okay they're all gone they're all dead oh we know they're not I literally see one up there no they're on the tower two are on the tower they're still alive he's down there I see him I'm gonna snipe him I think I can't get up I literally can't do anything have your own Tower again hold on I got more water I got more water dude they're taking all my water dude my Armor's toast too oh my goodness they are destroying me hold up oh I'm gonna die I'm gonna die hold on we're just leaving I can't get them off their Tower oh my goodness get off me they don't give up he's done he's done he killed himself killed he got himself stuck okay let's get out of here while we can oh he's coming in no he's trying to get me he's trying to get me ain't gonna happen Okay we survived we're home but I'm not gonna lie we almost died in that fight so so we're gonna actually make new armor and enchant it and I'm not talking about some puny Protection One enchantment no I literally want maxed out armor if possible and to do that we're gonna need to bookshelves so let's go league go make a ton of bookshelves and finish up this enchanting table with our new armor situated now we can safely go out and get some bee kills and gather some honey now doing this is actually really really easy the hard part is finding all the beehives so let's get it done with okay there we go with the last of the honey harvested we can now unlock the Beehive bazooka and this is how it works when I shoot it I shoot out three angry bees that will attack anything nearby that wants to mess with me but who said I could just do three b's I shoot out three angry bees oh no I can do a lot more this is my Angry swarm of bees but here's the thing about these bees they're not normal at all if they attack anything you're gonna see that they explode so let me show you if I shoot out some more and then I attack them they're gonna explode immediately see one two these bees are amazing or being anything God my jokes are bad today okay day 66 just over 30 days remaining that we have to survive and so let's keep cracking along those upgrades the next one I want to unlock is called far from the tree which requires 30 ender pearls and 20 grass blocks and getting that many ender pearls is really hard from Trading with piglens so our best bet is to get them from the end but uh right now I don't fit in my nether portal so let's quickly expand the nether portal and then we're gonna go to the Nether and start Gathering blaze rods to get to the end okay I made the new nether portal now let's go in let's go in and get those blaze rods okay perfect I found another Fortress okay let's talk about for Blaze spawner so we can start killing the blazes there we go we got the eight blaze rods we need now school we run back to the base grab our gold blocks and go back to the Bastion to trade for ender pearls okay let's just trap this piglet over here come on over buddy and we'll put that there and now let's wait for them to do all their trades okay currently have nine under pearls and I still see some in there the goal would be to get 16 Ender Pros as well so we'll let him keep trading for a sec and then we'll pick those up okay so in total we got 14 under pearls which is a little less than I normally get but it still should be fine okay now let's go let's turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and let's combine them with our ender pearls to give ourselves eyes a vendor now let's throw an eye vendor and see where it goes okay it's going straight perfect that was actually easy and now we go find a stronghold wait the I just turned around okay it's literally in between here and that mountain but which side of the river is it on oh god let's just start thinking down here we can use our capability to find it easier once we're down there well we're in we're in a stronghold okay now we should gotta find the Portal and the easiest way to do that yeah oh we found it we're in the right room okay let's break this oh and there's two eyes already in okay let's put these in and now let's go fight the dragon and we're in let's go okay let's go fight this Dragon oh wait a button just got the end hold on wait are they here okay remember guys we're trying to get the egg and just like that all the crystals are down now he's gonna kill the dragon and these guys nice we got one we got one okay the other two seem to be hiding up there they're waiting to steal the egg I can guarantee you of that here comes the Ender Dragon let's activate our combat Quest and let's get that kill we got him we got the kill we got another kill we got another kill hey leave the egg there for a second these Enderman off me okay right click the egg I moved it get these guys coming in no you don't no you don't he's done the other one's getting killed by my Pixies this is my chance we got it his Pixies are on me bro dude oh my God he got it he got it he got it look at him he's getting messed up by the Pixies getting Pixies done he's done oh my and then he just hit me three times and I died okay now let's use an ender pearl and get to the outer end because we not only still need a bunch of Ender Pearls but we still need to get the dragon head elytra and shulkershel needed to become a redwood and there we go we're in the outer end now let's just go start looking for some end cities and so I started looking all around the end for an end City that also had an end chip because that is the only way to get both a dragon head and a light truck but little did I know that I had bigger things to worry about because well I was looking for an end chip The Lumberjacks were building an insane trap around the end portal oh I see an end City up ahead third end cities the charm right you're gonna have a ship I think you might yes that's a ship that is definitely a ship let's start by getting the shulker shells okay we've got all the sugar shells we need now let's go grab the elytra and dragon head over on the end chip and there we go we got the elytra now let's grab the dragon head and there we go we got that too and now that everything's done in the end we can go ahead and get our tree butt out of here okay let's go back through the portal and there we go oh what is that oh God are they summoning a Wither oh I see what they're doing I hit the TNT it's going oh they're setting off TNT wait what the heck are they re-summoning the Ender Dragon take that yeah now you gotta kill the dragon again oh my God he's gonna kill me no oh my goodness I gotta kill them quick okay one's dead okay two down two down one more to go but God the Dragon's Back wait am I locked in here now oh my God the Portal's gone there's still one more I see him there we just eat Pearl wait what do they have beds here I think I'm gonna die to fire oh they just respond let's worry about taking out the Ender Dragon for now because I don't know now we only got these two cage ones to go last Crystal gone okay now we can kill this Dragon way easier there we go Ender Dragon gone for the second time ow okay give me that portal back and let's get out of here I cannot believe we survived that oh my gosh well with that fight complete we can almost unlock far from the tree we just need to get 20 grass blocks which is gonna require silk touch but we'll worry about that tomorrow okay so we need to get silk touched let's just throw our pickaxe on and see if we can get it okay we can't meaning we have to do some fancy enchanting let's start by putting a grindstone right here and we're gonna enchant these books and now you're gonna notice if we check our pickaxe we have something different here it's efficiency three but it's still not what we want so let's enchant another book oh there it is silk touch perfect now let's quickly run outside and grab some grass blocks there we go 20 grass blocks and we've grabbed all our ender pearls we get unlocked far from the tree which basically gives us the ability to teleport where we're looking watch and now I'm all the way out here want to go to the top of that Hill sure I can do that too so yeah this ability is super overpowered okay three upgrades to go and 26 days remaining wait a minute hold on one second do I have everything I need for one of the upgrades already I might elytra dragon head where's my shelter shelf oh my God no I can become a redwood already let's turn from this boring dark oak into our final version the Redwood look at me I am huge I am over 10 blocks tall and I'm absolutely terrifying do I even fit in my own base anymore okay the answer is no I definitely don't fit in my own base anymore but I was able to dig it back out and now uh I fit look at this I'm mining blocks from across the world okay I want to unlock force of nature now which requires 128 Vines so let's quickly head to a jungle and go share those Vines okay let's bring the vines back to the base wait what was that oh someone's building into my base wait do I have the dragon they're gonna steal my dragon egg oh there he is oh my God I am on fire I need to get that dragon egg I have water there I have water there my chest should be fine where's the dragon egg I got I got it okay we're good okay let's unlock force of nature unlocked it let's see if we can use it oh I need to oh we're going down hey hold on what does force of nature do standing on the same tile as any flower grass just happened to give you regen one gain the ability of bone meal beneath you in a large radius any entities in that radius will get stuck underground okay I need to get people near me and I can suck them underground so let's bait them out here in this field where I can fight them uh I'm pearling on them I I think we can kill him here I can't fight them over okay here we go this guy's getting close that was supposed to suck him underground but it's not oh my God they're so tiny and I'm so tall okay one's dead we literally got one they're poisoned okay two down he can't get me though there's no way dude I didn't know he could just Spam that I'm dead he's getting low get him bees they blow up baby oh I can hit me that Holy can't hit me he's done let's go okay they are dead but I think my base is too let me go double check oh no they destroy my chest okay I'm gonna see what I can recover from here but we definitely gotta go build a new base after losing the base I quickly made another one where this time I made sure height was not gonna be an issue okay so welcome to the brand new base I made it in the jungle on top of a tree since I figured it was fitting since I'm also a giant tree do I even fit my nether portal oh my God I thought I built this tall enough I don't think I have to go back to the nether so it shouldn't be a big deal but still there's only one more upgrade left to go and that is vinestorm and the last thing I need is to get a tier 3 Beacon and to do that I need another star now I killed a Wither earlier but I didn't get the nether star because I'm assuming someone else took it so we needed someone another wither kill it and then we'll be able to start making the tier three Beacon so let's quickly get some Wither Skeleton skulls after I fix this okay we've got all the Wither Skeleton skulls now let's go on home and summon and kill that wither okay let's go and let someone invite this weather look I'm literally as tall as the Wither I can just Whack Him this is actually hilarious oh my God he's already on half HP oh my God that was so easy oh we got the nether star that was a joke I'm so overpowered right now oh my God 100 days is a tree more like 100 days as a I don't know where I was going with that but I'm strong okay with another star in our inventory we literally just have to make a beacon now we already have the obsidian we need and the nether star so we really just need some sand to smelt into glass so let's quickly grab that now let's let the glass melt real quick okay the glass is done now let's throw our five glass right here three obsidian on the bottom and another star in the middle and we have our Beacon now to make it tier three Beacon we're gonna need to mine a boatload of iron now I believe to get a Max Level Beacon we would need just about 1 500 iron but for tier three we should only need about I think 315 but it might be 415 I'm not 100 sure I'm bad at math let's just go buying an absolute bow load of iron using our mining ability until we get enough I'm not sure how long this will take since I triple iron ore but let's see okay so we're at a nearby Mountain let's just try this out walking through oh my God this is ridiculous look at everything I just mined look at that to make sure we pick up mostly raw iron we're gonna go ahead here and actually get rid of a lot of this Cobblestone and split it up throughout our inventory would you just go away and so I kept mining until day 88 where I finally had enough iron to make a tier three Beacon okay I think we have enough iron we have five stacks of 64 raw iron which is over 300 so let's go back to the base and starts melting though this could definitely take a second okay I've got all the iron blocks I need so let's just go over to this tree over here let's try and build this Beacon I think this should be enough I need to start by doing a layer of five by five which is going to take up 25 iron blocks next I have to do a layer of three by three which is another nine and I simply put one on top right is that is that how that works no that is definitely wrong hold on a minute okay it looks like I'm gonna need more iron I need a layer of seven by seven still and what's seven times seven that's uh 49 I think I basically just need 41 more iron blocks which is basically double the iron I already got so let's quickly head back to the mountain and mine a bunch more it's melted okay I just finished binding for all the iron I need which was way faster this time because I think this mountain was just packed load of iron I also tested my wrath of nature ability on zombies and look it sucks the ball underground that wasn't working on players like that okay let's throw all this iron into the smelter as well which is probably gonna take a whole other day on day 89 I spelled it all of that iron which literally took it till the end of day 89. that was a ton of iron okay second time's the charm I broke down the whole entire thing and we're gonna rebuild it so first I need to do seven by seven so one two three four five six seven now I'm Gonna Fill This in okay here we go I really hope this is enough iron blocks now we do five by five and now three by three perfect we actually had 18 extra blocks and then we just throw the beacon on top we are at a tier three Beacon but we still need to upgrade it so let's throw an emerald inside and there we go we've officially given ourselves strength five around this Beacon and that completes our final upgrade and we now have vinestorm where everything around me is gonna get blindness get stuck and then thrown in the air let's quickly go find some jobs to test this on okay here's the zombie so he's stuck he can't move and he's taking a ton at Luna mall and then watch they're gonna get thrown in the sky and boom with that power I don't see any way I'm not gonna survive until day 100 but now let's go to sleep because all there is left to do is survive Against The Lumberjacks after getting my last upgrade I expected The Lumberjacks to come attack very quickly but I was wrong because it wasn't until day 95 that they actually made their final attack oh I see one there's one in the jungle they're finally here okay hold up I need to quickly make a shield I don't have a shield on me at the minute my arm is about to break too it's okay as long as I have the shield I'll be good where'd they go I just saw one of them I'm 100 sure the thing is they're probably coming up from underneath me yeah yeah underneath me underneath me oh he got me hit me now hit me down it's okay and climb back up I have Vines right here I got the door shut right now so they can't swim up I see them down there they're on fire they're struggling just to get up I think a bunch of my mobs below are fighting them I'm burning down his whole thing actually I'm just gonna light this whole place down here oh no they're setting my tree on fire oh oh one of them's in the base okay one's down I think I broke one of his armor pieces oh he got me he got me we need to completely got Apple we take him really fast okay another one down I should have made new armor okay they're dead they're dead they're dead oh I just saw one did he just come out of that Jungle Temple look at him I just saw another one hold on a minute let's get down there we gotta start digging our way over that jungle temple they fly right over the okay I'm fighting him one on one there's two of me either God Apple nice he said he's dead we need to get to that jungle temple they're trying to prevent me from getting to it he's done okay let's get over there we still got a bunch of bees protecting us okay we have our teleport ability ready we're gonna trick them here ready let's go in that tree nice now let's get to the temple we're here we go oh he teleported up top he's teleporting to the temple okay now we have to break through this thing I see bed okay I think I took out their beds oh this thing is toast no more beds five you okay we got another kill we got him we got him we got him I think he's out oh my God I'm so broke even with no armor right now I'm destroying them he's gonna be done he's gonna be done he's done my reach is so broken I'm on fire I'm gonna die no I'll save you I'll save you Jose wait why'd you guys log out a little too much it's impossible what do you mean you got too much reach you got too much health you got too much regen oh we can't do it we're done you're for sure you quit we're done well you earned it here they're done which means the tree wins and well since the Lumberjack surrendered it means surviving till day 100 was super easy after that the tree wins thanks y'all for watching [Music]
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 6,665,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as a TREE in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 days as a tree, minecraft 100 day tree, 100 day tree, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: jCgf4h76QTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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