I Survived 100 DAYS as THOR in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one i spawned in as a young thor i was on the balcony of the royal capital in asgard itself as an asgardian god of thunder i had a crazy amount of hearts wow i'm strong right off the bat when checking my surroundings i noticed my brother loki talking to my father odin come here thor and join your brother i have gifts for you what is it as you boys know you are not normal children you are gods among men as such a god must wield a powerful weapon what did you get us father for you loki i believe two swift daggers are in order with them i can eliminate nfo quickly and quietly thor i have this a hammer not just any hammer mjolnir forged from a dying star cool wait aren't these a little unsafe to give the children you are gods now go play my children and stay out of trouble with that loki and i began to explore our beautiful home of asgard we ran to the end of the rainbow bridge to get a full scope of the city this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen whenever i grow up i'm going to rule these lands i am loki ruler of asgard that's not true yes it is no yes we continue to argue all night about it but that was normal we're brothers after all on day two loki and i continue to explore asgard in all of its beauty wow this place is so cool it is but i'm thinking it could use a little mischief what do you have in mind let's go mess with that frost giant i don't know come on where's your sense of fun brother ah okay we went down to the prison cells to say something cheeky to him hey you how's the weather up there that's incredibly offensive yes right like frosty the snowman can get offended just then the frost giant snapped busting out of his cell and attacking us he charged at us and began to beat us down with his massive fists we had no choice but to fight back we took out our weapons and began to go with the giant cut it out man we're literally little kids you shouldn't be doing this frost giant children know their manners and are punished for acting out of line ross giants are dumb the battle raged on but neither of us showed any signs of letting up just as we were about to make our final strike odin appeared what is going on down here who could have gotten yourself killed but you said it dad we're gods we can do whatever we want i did not say that i won't stand for this disrespect i've kicked people out for less on day three i woke up and realized i was now a teenager as a teen i had 15 hearts and felt even stronger than before whoa this is sweet i decided to take another stroll through asgard to flaunt some of my new strengths however while i walked i saw that loki was now a teenager too hey you're a teen now too isn't this cool yes it is we should celebrate what did you have in mind just a little prank the two of us took the flint and steel and approached a nearby home okay time for a little fire just like that loki lit a single block ablaze what's the plan now we wait until the poor sod realizes that their house is on fire then we put it out unfortunately for us asgardian homes were incredibly flammable the house burst into flames putting the entire neighborhood at risk of burning what do we do i'll tell you what we're not doing yelling father what were you thinking we weren't thinking we're sorry you boys won't listen to reason i have no choice you're both banished from asgard vanished but this isn't up for discussion hand over your weapons we did as we were told and headed through the bifrost sending loki and i into a whole new world i'm gonna die here on days four through eight i was in the overworld all alone and left completely without resources this stinks but i guess i should gather what i need to survive i started by punching down some trees and used that wood to make a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe next i added to the mines and gathered up plenty of cobblestone which i used to upgrade to stone tools now that i had a stone axe i continued chopping down trees getting even more wood than before that's enough gathering for now i better build some shelter i searched until i finally found an open field perfect for building there i used my wooden cobblestone to create a basic house pretty solid start all that work got me hungry so i killed some sheep for their meat and wool which i used to make a bed finally i cooked up some mutton for dinner and enjoyed it in my new little house as much as i liked what i had made for myself i couldn't help but miss asgard i wonder where loki is on days 9-12 i woke up to find heimdall waiting at my door what are you doing here shouldn't you be guarding the bifrost oh hurry you have to come back to ask god what i just got kicked out just trust me i left at vault heimdall who led me back to asgard however when i arrived the entire city was in disarray who caused all this from the flames a strange woman approached me hello brother do you mean brother like sup brother or are we straight up related second one anyways as god will be no more very soon impossible her father won't let this happen our father is currently dying in this room i felt my heart drop into my stomach i didn't have a moment to waste i rushed to the throne room to find him badly injured mother no i'm sorry i banished you there isn't much time take me old rebuild asgard before i could respond my father died in my arms no i couldn't let my father down or the people of asgard i ran outside to see if there was anyone i could help save during my patrol i heard heimdall call to me it's too late to save the realm but i'll send as many as guardians to the overworld as i can good luck heimdall same to you though i went through the bifrost unsure of what the future of my people held on days 13-15 i returned to the overworld and transformed into an adult i now had 30 hearts and even more strength the power of mjolnir is mine once more i will not waste it i vow to rebuild asgard to its former glory for my family i started by expanding onto my house adding additional rooms including a chest room it's not asgardy enough it's missing something i set up to the mines and found some coal iron and heaps of gold i quickly smelted the iron ore into ingots and crafted an iron pickaxe i then used it to mine all the gold ore i needed i returned back to my home and retouched the house with my new gold blocks it'll work for now with my upgrades completed i ventured out in search of more materials and potentially some asgardians i could offer refuge on days 16-19 i flew around exploring the overworld until i came across a village being attacked by a monster i quickly landed to see what was going on ashgard was the first to fall but won't be the last this must be hell is doing i gotta stop this i rushed in to fight the beast he was no match for my godly abilities i thought all the asgardians were dead no matter just another to accept our fight continued i admit he was stronger than i expected him to be each of his hits would do a surprising amount of damage towards me luckily with mjolnir i could fly which i used to my advantage when i needed to heal up i also used my lightning abilities which hurt the monster badly after a fierce battle the monster fell leaving me victorious the villagers of the town started cheering for me thanking me over and over again hello great hero would you be so kind as to join us for a feast it would be an honor food i'm starving very good follow me this is delicious i need more dude he's eating all of our food he saved our butts it's the least we can do another a feast for the ages on days 20 through 23 i continue to search for materials i could use to expand my home while chopping down a tree for some wood i heard some rummaging nearby what's that noise i began looting around to find the source of the noise until finally i came across an animal looting someone's belongings excuse me rabbit does that belong to you who are you i am thor odinson god of thunder and mightiest warrior vasgard well what's left of it god of thunder huh how about you whip up some lightning and give my tracker a truck hey not on me you idiot i meant hey that actually worked you're welcome yeah yeah but don't do it again what do you seek rabbit the name's rocket i'm looking for my friends we call ourselves the guardians of the galaxy we got split up because of some unforeseen circumstances i've been asked rocket if he be down to join my cons i could use a partner what's in it for me i'll help you find your friends if you help me find mine deal but not looking like that take this rocket gave me a new suit which gave me armor protection not bad rabbit thank you with the deal made we set off back to my home base on days 24-27 with rocket's help i started expanding the base we added a second layer to the house making it much bigger next we built a sizeable farm soon as guardians would populate the town and they would need a reliable source of food after wrapping up rocket had a favor to ask so thor i was wondering if you could do me a favor i'm kind of wanted by a shady mafia shady who you know mafia the bad guys come on gotcha where do i find this mafia man rocket then drop me a map to the place make sure you take out the green suited guy he's big trouble rabbit what did you do what nothing i just took his doormat is all no biggie he don't need it all right i'll do this for you make sure if any asgardians come by to welcome them with open arms yeah yeah sure all right just get out of here with that i promptly left new asgard using the map i flew towards the location after quite a bit of flying i found a town with my brother loki running it on days 28-31 i tried to approach loki but i was quickly stopped in my tracks by one of his goons whoa whoa whoa what do you think you're doing i'm here to see my brother loki ha that's hilarious you're toast kid the goons lunge at me and began attacking me i took out mjolnir and began to strike them with the power of thunder but they were tougher than they looked they were highly skilled swordsmen and does a good amount of damage whenever they landed a hit luckily loki came in to break up the battle brother you finally made it what a surprise what are you doing how long have you been here i run this town the people here love me well that's cool but can you come home and help me rebuild asgard it's been destroyed no can do brother what asgard is dead along with everyone that we knew and loved we have to rebuild i love ruling these people myself i don't need you what about hella we need to stop her she could come here next if she does she'll feel the wrath of the most powerful god in the universe me loki fine stay here and have your fun also stay away from rabbit he's my friend you're friends with a rabbit just to stay out of my way brother frustrated i stormed out of the village on days 32-35 i was traveling back home when i was suddenly stopped by a group of shield agents we need to ask you some questions what brings you to the overworld what are your motives what step aside i've done nothing wrong freeze i ignored them and they began to send heavy fire at me however their bullets were completely ineffective i was a god after all calling reinforcements more soldiers or something is stormed in to try and subdue me they tried to overpower me with brute strength but unfortunately for them i could easily overpower them please this won't get anywhere for you the soldiers kept coming and i was about to fly away when a strange man with an eye patch emerged stand down man what do you guys want from me i'm nick fury i'm trying to gather earth's mightiest heroes to form a team and i thought you'd fit right in sorry i have bigger things to take care of right now i understand but if you ever change your mind give us a call on days 36-39 i finally returned home to find some asgardians waiting for me in the front of my house are you the son of odin we heard we can take refuge here welcome to new asgard i'll build you a home as quickly as i can i got to work and constructed a home complete with everything it has guardian needed to live in luxury thank you thor please take this golden gooseneck i'm always happy to help later that day rocket approached me hey dude did you kill loki nah he's my brother but i did get the bounty removed from you brother huh well good enough for me things were settled in new asgard so i went mining for some more materials i gathered tons of cobblestone so i could use it to further expand asgard i also came upon a good bit of iron which would prove useful in upgrading my armor after a lot of mining i finally found a bit of diamond an ore fit for a god after a successful mining trip i decided to get some shut eye on day 40 i had a horrible nightmare i was once again at asgard as it burned all around me i felt as if all of my power had been drained from me as i watched her bury my home in flames i have to stop this i flew to the top of the royal capital where i found my dad dad i hope you know how much of a disappointment you are no stop if you were strong enough you could have stopped her please i save our people son i jolted awake in a cold sweat i have to stop hella and rebuild asgard on days 41 through 45 i had a hard time thinking strain after my nightmare i felt like a failure for my dad and my people if only i was strong enough just then i bumped into someone by accident hello sorry didn't see you there the mass stranger took out a blaster and fired at me on all cylinders i thought the bullets would be pathetic but any hit from his blaster packed a punch i took to the skies to avoid his attacks and struck down lighting onto him whenever i got the chance i came in close to deal massive damage okay okay i yield i yield i'm thor what brings you to this area i'm star-lord looking for a friend of mine he's a raccoon looking guy have you seen him unfortunately i haven't i do have a new rabbit friend though he might be able to help you and lead the way i took star-lord back to new asgard and introduced him to rabbit rabbit i'd like you to meet will oh thank god man you're still in one piece yeah with no thanks to you okay okay that nova tnt was a little more powerful than i thought it'd be a little more powerful you blew up a freighter regardless it's good to see you okay quill you too man i decided to build a place for starlord to stay since he seemed to be hanging around for a while it wasn't much but it was a start hope this works it's all right but definitely give it more flair later once i finished i remembered i had a few diamonds from a few days earlier so i crafted them into some boots not too bad on days 46-49 star-lord came up to me to give me a mission i need help saving our buddy groot hella sent some of her minions to capture him any enemy of hella is a friend of mine i accept great he looks like a tree so you can't miss him good luck and then set off towards the location to find groot i knew i was close when i spotted a group of her minions with a captured tree creature hey release that tree at once once they spotted me they rushed into attack and i did the same they were able to fly but luckily so was i i struck them down with my lightning but they were incredibly evasive hold still i took down the final monster thinking the battle was one until a giant monster revealed itself this creature was much stronger than his smaller counterparts but i was the god of thunder i took him down with my powerful lightning and evaded his own aerial attacks once defeated the monster dropped a ton of gold blocks wow this is perfect for new asgard i took out my pickaxe and freed groot from his prison no problem you must be groot i have seen your friends that's why i'm here actually you ready to see them i am groot awesome let's go we then headed back to the base where he was reunited with his friends star-lord and rocket while they were catching up i chose to start building another house for groot to stay in i started by getting some shears and taking the leaves off of an oak tree i then got to building i went with a tree look and love how it turned out once finished rocket came up to me super excited hey i wanted to thank you for saving my friend i made another armor upgrade for you to show my gratitude here try it on wow thanks rocket this is gonna help a ton on days 50-53 i continued to look for more asgardians in need of shelter i found a small group which i happily directed back to my base with a map is there food the finest in all the lands are pets allowed if they don't eat people then yes they thanked me and i took to this guy once again in search of anyone else who was nearby during my travels i spotted a village and decided to see if they knew anything about the whereabouts of my people excuse me sir have you seen any i accidentally zapped the group with lightning splitting them into a group of witches and lethal villagers oops sorry a little thunderboy perfect for my potions moving boys the witches and lethal villagers started to attack they threw different potion bottles at me and fired their weapons i could easily overpower them but i didn't want to hurt them ah please stop i pleaded with them but the onslaught continued i had no choice but to fight back if i didn't they would hurt the innocent villagers i was much more powerful than them taking down each of them with relative ease okay i feel super bad about that don't accidentally throw your hammer at villagers noted i returned to new asgard and saw the asgardians i had recruited arrived safely to get my mind off the witch village i decided to expand the city some more with new structures for them to live in thank you all in a day's work citizen on days 54 through 57 i left my house to find another thor talking to my friends what the heck who are you whoa imposter what no you're the imposter imposter all right this is getting real saucy two thors which is the real one rocket decided to hold an interrogation to decide which one of us was the real thor each of us guardians will ask a question only the real thor would know well you start okay what is my favorite cereal huh how would i know that captain crunch correct that's one point for thor number one captain what quiet thor number two we're asking the questions around here i am groot oh i know right i'm sorry what did the tree say i am rude i understood you groot i took your language as an elective course on asgard dang just then the second door transformed into loki and took off running goodbye come back here on days 58 through 61 i chased loki through a number of biomes but even a god would have to slow down eventually when i caught up he immediately began to attack me i had no choice but to fight back i used mjolnir to strike him from afar then try to come in close but the minute i did he teleported away from me where'd you learn how to do that i've learned a lot since we've last spoken all of a sudden he created multiple clones of himself which all swarmed onto me at once they might have been copies but they all felt just like the real one i knew i wouldn't get anywhere fighting an army so i took the skies and shot down lightning from above i managed to take out each and every clone leaving only the real loki remaining oh brother you've got me why did you flee for me tell us after us both don't you get it might as well have some fun while it lasts now isn't the time for fun when will you learn that before i could say another word he vanished before my eyes that slippery snake on days 62 through 66 i walked out my door to find all the guardians waiting for me hey we got a lead on the whereabouts of one of our teammates tracks we're gonna go look for him you wanna come nah i'm good here the guardians left leaving me some time for myself everything was going great until suddenly a horde of hell's minions attacked you may have taken my old home but not my new one i flew into the fray clutching mjolnir tight as i summon lightning from the heavens i shot down the foes one by one and landed to get in some close combat as well they were tough but no match for the power of a god unfortunately for me they had me up in numbers more and more kept coming when will this end just then hella appeared from the crowd i finally found little thor odinson i will crush you for what you have done to our people why i'm only showing them the same hospitality i received i'm tired of being imprisoned i'm taking this wretched city back she began to attack me with a flurry of thorns and powerful attacks with her fists not only was she powerful but she was fast and similar to loki could teleport i used all the power i had to try to take her down but my attacks were completely ineffective i couldn't fight anymore and waited for her to make the final blow that would end it all ugh why don't you just kill me now watching you struggle is half the fun [Music] [Laughter] hella left with the remainder of her minions leaving me defeated in new asgard mjolnir isn't enough i have to find more ways to train on days 67 through 71 the guardians returned from their mission with one of their friends at their side you look awful what happened it's a long story who's this i'm drax maybe there's something i can help you with i explained the situation with hella and how i was no match for her power actually i have some information on the location of a rare artifact it's said to possess a lot of power if you can get your hands on it take this map and you'll see what i mean thanks i'll start preparing for the journey i started by expanding new asgard more and prettying it up so we'd be in good shape while i was away i replaced the cobblestone with quartz and added plenty of gold accents to call back to our asgardian roots it took a lot of work but once it was complete new asgard had an entirely different feel even better than before with my expansion completed i went mining and found even more diamond i could use for upgrades i crafted it into some new armor and set off towards the location on the map let's do this on days 72 through 75 i followed the map drax gave me until i finally arrived at a battle arena this isn't a dungeon i investigated it further to find that the arena was full of people with warriors battling at the center welcome to the contest of champions battle it out climb the ranks and win the rare and valuable stormbringer prize whoa that must be the artifact i need that i signed up without another thought was put directly into my first match the other competition were pushovers so i knocked it out of the water fight after fight i won even throwing mule near to one of my opponents why haven't i been doing this sooner finally i made it to the championship match who can stand up to a god for the final match thor lord of thunder will be facing none other than the hulk just then the whole burst into the wall and the audience went wild the championship match commenced but the hulk didn't earn his title for nothing he slammed his fists into the earth which sent shockwaves everywhere every direct hit also gave me gamma radiation poisoning it was no question that he surpassed me in strength but i did want up him in something speed i threw me only at him from afar and even took this guys to shoot lightning at him you can't hit what you can't catch i continued hitting him down with mule deer whenever i could get an opening after a lot of back and forth i finally took down the green giant and the winner is four yes i did it i was awarded stormbringer for my efforts and left the stadium with the audience roaring behind me on day 76-79 i was flying home with my new prize and went to test it out on some mobs it was incredibly powerful which knocked down all the mobs with ease ha another step closer to victory when i finally arrived at new asgard i found loki waiting for me outside my home i heard about your battle with heller and i want to help got my hands on a recipe that could amplify your powers immensely i just need you to get a few things what's the catch there isn't one why do you always think that i have bad intentions cause you always do but i don't have much of a choice i agree loki handed me his grocery list and i headed off in search of the ingredients the first thing on the list were poppies which i found easily in a plane's bio easy second was some honey i found a tree that housed a beehive nearby i retrieved a bucket of honey with almost any hiccups the final ingredient on the list was the power stone what how am i supposed to find that i was about to give up when i noticed there was another page on loki's note i turned it and read what it said p.s the power stone is guarded by a beast on the peak of a mountain love loki well i guess i know where i'm headed next on days 80-83 i pinpointed the location of the power stone and landed at the peak of a mountain there a monster waited for me inside its lair here goes nothing i charged into battle trying to get the one up on the beast but it was more powerful than anything else i had faced before each of his punches would send me flying back and it had the power to manifest gems from the ground i did my best to evade his attacks and land some of my own i used my ability to throw mule near to hit him from afar then took to the sky when he got too close after a furious fight the guardian finally battled don't mess with a god it dropped the power stone which i picked up as the final ingredient i returned to loki with all the new loot and handed it over to him for the potion excellent work brother now i can get to work i waited for a little while until finally loki returned with a potion which he tossed over to me bottoms up i drank down the mysterious potion feeling my body change almost instantly i had finally reached my most powerful form fat four why do i suddenly want to play fortnite [Laughter] loki okay okay here's the real one he gave me another potion which i drank and transformed into my true final form i now had 50 hearts and unimaginable strength now this is more like it thank you brother on days 84 through 87 i wanted to spiff up new asgard more to make it feel more like a unified city time for some good old-fashioned building i started by adding more buildings to the town beefing up the neighborhood as well as some more residential areas for the asgardians to enjoy this included a community center and a central plaza for everyone to hang out in lastly i added lampposts to light the new paths as well as some benches for people to sit on this completed the renovations i had in mind making the city more lively than ever this is great but i'm gonna need a front line to protect new asgard that nick guy said to call but with what suddenly nick fury walked up to me you called my offer still stands if you're up for it yeah i'll join your team but i need you to help me take out hella shield has your back i built a small shield hq for the agents to stay in while they were here to help i made sure to add in a map room as well in the event of an attack i finished constructing the hq officially completing new asgard in all of its glory you'd be proud of this father our people will live on on days 88 through 90 i saw loki hanging out by himself so i decided to go up and talk to him hello brother i was curious as to why you came back what happened to loki land there was a teeny tiny problem wow the humanity apparently a loki from an alternate timeline wanted to dominate the place then let's take it back together we both left new asgard after some traveling we made it to loki land he wasn't kidding the entire place was infested with gators we both started battling it out with the scaly beasts they were technically all loki's so they were pretty tough die foul beast with a lot of persistence we managed to take down all the evil alligators finally loki land is ours once again great let's go home shall we what don't you want to stay no i've grown bored of this place on days 91 through 93 i plan to do some recon on hella huh i'm too muscular and handsome how am i supposed to stay discreet just then loki walked up to me i've got you brother he then threw a potion turning me into a snake oh heck yeah i love snakes now in my new form i headed off i traveled for a while eventually finding a hella outpost full of guards wait a sec is that snake eavesdropping on our conversation are you insane that it's a snake it's uh being a snake man i just want to have my lunch break no can't do pal we gotta stay here the invasion of new asgard is only in a matter of weeks they're going to attack new asgard with that information i headed back to new asgard once i was back loki turned me back into a human a battle is on the horizon but i am gonna be victorious on days 94 through 96 star-lord came up to me with a request hey thor i wanted to know if you could help us look for the final member of our team her name is gamora and we can't find her anywhere sure thing what's she look like she's green can't miss her i'll look around i took this guy and searched the last member of the guardians of the galaxy it wasn't long until i found her but when i did she was talking to the mad titan thanos where is the power stone daughter i don't know even if i did i'd never tell you daughter why would i help you wipe out half the universe anyway that's insane the hardest choices require the strongest wills daughter the universe requires correction and if you won't help me you're only standing in my way just like that they started fighting each other i had no choice but to step in and help who is this a friend of yours he's helping me stop you and that's all that matters the purple monster was definitely a challenging foe he wielded a giant blade one that could do tons of damage luckily gamora was a skilled fighter we both took turns striking thanos weakening him after a lot of hits back and forth i managed to get a good hit on him ending the fight how are you so powerful it was probably the power stone smoothie i drank earlier super delicious you did what you fool i needed that stone sorry dude it was the only way to make me stronger we will finish this fight another day asgardian someday soon thanos teleported away leaving just gamora night to talk thanks for the help i don't think i could have stopped him by myself no problem glad i could help you wanna tell me who you are and why you helped me oh right the name's thor god of thunder the guardian sent me to find you star-lord is here where are they i'll take you to them follow me on days 97-98 i returned to new asgard and reunited gamora with the rest of the guardians finally the entire team was together again you actually kept your end of the bargain so i'll keep mine the guardians of the galaxy are here to help thank you i know you will all be powerful warriors i knew that hello's invasion was on the horizon and preparations needed to be made so i checked in with nick fury to see the status of his men we're ready when the time is right very good we're gonna need all the help we can get after that i returned home to find loki inside hello brother are you ready for battle of course i'm just a little worried why would the god of mischief ever be worried she could arrive at any moment not even as god's greatest warriors could stop her even so she doesn't stand a chance because she's up against the two sons of odin you're right if you've got my back then i have yours on day 99 i heard the sound of footsteps approaching new asgard in the distance hello was getting close this must be the invasion everyone get into position everyone stood ready as the enemy army revealed themselves over the horizon led by none other than hella herself ah so you prepared my entrance that's a bit annoying you will not succeed in taking new asgard sister i took down a kingdom this little town would be a breeze both our armies charged forward in the battle that would decide the fate of asgard my men were strong but her own warriors had improved their skills since the last attack the two sides faced off with each other viciously the sounds of clashing weapons and gunfire filled new asgard my men were very resourceful and used their knowledge of new asgard's landscape to their advantage push him in push him in thanks to the help of my friends i was able to set my sights on hella it was finally a fair fight just the two of us for my father hella threw her thorns at me from afar just as before but this time they were slower and more powerful she also quickly teleported to evade my attacks however i was now far more capable for the battle thanks to the power from loki's potion my attacks did incredible damage your real pain know that she started to teleport in small spurts away from the battle in an attempt to flee but i wasn't gonna let her get away that easily my men stayed and held her army off while i pursued her on day 100 i followed helen back to old asgard where i noticed it looked weirdly different this place has seen better days hella waited on the opposite side of the bridge ready for battle this is it little brother you versus me we don't have to do this sister lay down your weapon and fight for our people it's too late for that my people outcast me long ago they thought i should be feared so i'll give them something to be scared of then you leave me with no choice let's tango we charge into battle matching each other's strength and speed with devastating blows i threw mjolnir as hard as i could trying to disorient her but this proved to be useless she was basically invulnerable still i trudged on her skills were impressive this is useless brother lay down your arms and join my army just then hella took to the skies i followed close behind using mjolnir as a means to close the gap we then landed on a nearby roof and continued the battle you've ruined enough as guardian lives hella it's time for this to end i won't stop until my last breath hella continued to throw her blades at me dealing massive damage i saw i was beginning to lose this battle so i retreated back to the rainbow bridge to even the playing field i feared my end would be soon but luckily loki arrived i've got your back brother excellent let's do this together loki and i began to duke it out with our sister with his help the tide of battle began to turn in our favor we hit her back and forth her disorientation increasing by the second two versus one how pitiful no mata i'll destroy you both who said anything about two versus one just then loki cloned himself each of them charging into battle they overpowered her almost immediately hitting her off the rainbow bridge i jumped down to join loki and his clones she was outnumbered and quickly losing she tried to run away from our small army but i quickly pursued her on foot with anger in my heart i sent multiple bolts of lightning onto her killing hella and ending this war we did it we did it just like that asgard and my people were saved from the clutches of hella
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 6,037,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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