I Survived 100 Days as NARUTO in Minecraft

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which anime character is the strongest some people would say it's Luffy the king of the Pirates well other people would say it's Goku with his Godlike Powers but both these people are wrong the strongest anime character is definitely Naruto which is why I have now added Naruto into Minecraft with all of his crazy ninja powers and now I'm gonna try and survive 100 days as Naruto in Minecraft all while three members of the Akatsuki try and stop me from surviving will Naruto be able to control his tail beast and make it to day 100 let's find out on day one I spawned in a forest as baby Naruto wait why have I bandied Naruto this video is 100 days is Naruto oh God and I only have five hearts of HP but luckily I have this Naruto upgrade menu so I'll be able to get more Hearts later but for right now we gotta run away from those three Akatsuki members who are allowed to start chasing me the second I leave this Stone area oh God and they already have swords too I gotta be really quick about this how am I gonna Escape okay you know I'm just gonna go for it we're gonna climb this hill and use our small baby Naruto body to hide in some trees and hopefully get away okay we gotta be quick and find a tree we can quickly hide under and get some wood we want your powers Naruto okay I got it right here we got a treat with one high cap we'll hide behind it and hold shift but give us time to get one two oh we're not gonna be able to get three we need to keep going okay this way oh I heard a sword behind me get back here Naruto okay let's go here oh throw my tail throw my tail or my tail down here where'd he go where'd he go uh he's down the hill this way I'm coming I'm coming we gotta take his powers guys we're gonna go this way oh quick quick quick quick quick they ran right by okay let's get it onto this water dive in okay quickly make a crafting table make a boat do you guys see him no you can't escape what's worthy oh the water oh God oh my goodness we gotta get out of here okay it looks like he has some sort to keep up with us but just in case we need it and run get back here baby you can't escape the Akatsuki okay let's get him let's see if we get from behind where's that baby oh hey use the tree use the tree use the tree no this way no oh yes he's dead oh I knew that fall damage made him low let's go and we are out of here okay we're definitely far enough away now where we can start working on our first base because that is baby Naruto and only having five Hearts we need to have a super hit in first base and luckily I found this giant cave that looks like he goes down to bedrock so we're gonna live here so my five heart baby won't die okay so let's start by grabbing some wood before we go down to the cave okay we've got 14 logs which will definitely be enough to get started so let's jump down to the cave and let's find a spot to build our base okay so right if it's bad I see this waterfall and this screams that I could put a hidden base back here oh my God look at this it's already carved out this is literally perfect okay let's make our way super deep down this way and make a crafting table now make a wooden pickaxe and grab three stone now make a stone pickaxe and let's start digging out the base okay start digging this out this place is full of water I'm not gonna be able to build a base here so it said let's just build a base in this pillar and now instead this will be my home on days two through six I finished up the Naruto base and actually I'm very happy with how it turned out it may not look amazing but trust me it is definitely super hidden okay so welcome to the baby Naruto base this is a base I built that only baby Naruto can get into so the entrance is in this ladder but to actually get to this ladder you have to be one block tall and go through this tiny little tunnel so getting to me is super difficult but now that we're here we have all the basic survival Essentials we need like our furnaces our chests and our bed and the bed being the most important because that'll literally cut down the time to day 100 in half but anyway now that we have the base done it's time to actually work on some Naruto upgrades so we don't just have fun cards so first things first let's stop being a baby and let's become Genie Naruto which will increase our hearts to 15 and we won't be a baby so to actually unlock any Naruto I need 32 orange die 20 wool and 16 ink sacks now I currently already have four white wool remaining but I don't have any ink sacks or orange dye so let's get to work okay so first things first is there's water right behind me let's go see if there's squids so we can get the 16 ink sacks we need I see some squids they're spinning in circles okay let's get him come here that's one okay that's ten exact oh I see another squid okay so we have all 16 ink sacks that we need so now let's go find some sheep and share them for their wool okay cool we have all 20 wool that we need so all we need left is 32 orange dots which uh the sun's setting and I don't know how to make orange dye oh apparently I just need to find an orange tulip or combine red and yellow dot that's super easy but we'll do it tomorrow because we get a run back home before it's night time because I do not want to be outside when it's night time with only five Hearts okay it's officially day eight we need orange wool let's get to work now we're basically just gonna be looking for either red flowers yellow flowers or obviously orange flower which uh speaking of there's a bunch of red and yellow flowers right there so let's go grab those it's daytime you should be gone okay so with them dead let's just grab the flowers now now let's turn the red flowers into red dye and the yellow flowers in the yellow dye and let's combine them together to make ourselves 14 orange dye which is basically half of what we need so let's keep looking for more flowers okay here we go if we combine this red dye in this yellow dye that's the last orange dye we need which means we no longer need to be baby Naruto with only five Hearts because we have everything we need to become a getting so let's do it we're now getting Naruto which means we have 15 hearts of HP but we also get jump to speed one and strength one so we are already so much stronger but unfortunately we're basically just a human we have no Naruto powers like his Rasengan well luckily if we go to the combat upgrades we can start unlocking some of them so let's start by simply unlocking a kunai which is those fancy ninja knives you see them all through but anyway to unlock the kunai we just need to kill 20 Mobs with a bow find 30 iron ore which like that is super easy and then I just gotta kill two of the Akatsuki with a bow and we'll be all set so let's quickly go back to the base and start on the easiest part which is mining 30 iron which is kind of perfect because the sun is starting to set okay so here's a big cluster of iron ore here this is gonna get us a bunch right off the bat okay we've mined all 30 iron already now let's just go to sleep and work on unlocking the rest of the kunai tomorrow okay so right now I don't have a bow and I need one if I'm gonna get 20 kills with above makes sense anyway let's go make a bow real quick so let's quickly go down to the cave and let's find some spiders oh I see one perfect I actually see a few there's one oh hey two strings I literally just need one more string hey you give me your string okay perfect we got the string now let's just make some sticks and just like that we have about now I only actually have two arrows for my bow right now so now we need to make a bunch of arrows so let's take our gravel and let's put it all on the ground and now let's break it all and now we're gonna do that a bunch more times okay now we get a bunch of Flint now let's just go get some feathers from some chickens so we can make arrows okay we've got all the feathers we need which is perfect because the sun's sitting behind me so we need to head home but before we go to sleep tonight let's go and let's make a bunch of arrows so let's combine our feathers with our sticks and our Flint to get 62 arrows which is definitely all we need to get the entity kills which starts with these sheep and just like that we've got our first enemy killed with a bow now let's do it 90 more times okay there we go we've officially killed 20 Mobs with a bow so now we just need to get two kills on the Akatsuki with a bow and we'll unlock our kunai upgrade so first let's head back to spawn and see if the Akatsuki set up a base there since they've done that in past videos well if they're not there we'll figure it out then okay spawn is literally empty there is nothing here like nothing at all so I guess it just means we gotta go look for the Akatsuki base wherever it might be so let's get searching on days 11 to 14 I look for their base everywhere but I just couldn't find it it turns out they built a super hidden underground base inside of my least favorite bio no wonder I couldn't find the Akatsuki oh what is that oh I see Target blocks oh wait are those natural no this has got to be hidden entrance not doing anything oh oh it is their base panda bear is giving us a little bit of a oh he sees us oh oh hello I found you out where's the entrance right here I found it it's a trapdoor oh they have two they've too oh God don't let me close he went through me I'm dead okay we got him but we got one with the boat back off back we need to bring him to an opening we need to get him out in the open if we want bow kills twice and and he's running oh God they're getting me good this is an intense ninja fight dude they're swords I just need to get one more no he bled himself nice they hit each other oh we need to run we need to run oh we're lower level we need to go we need to go in and go okay we're healing there's one on me right now oh dude nice he's dead he's dead we need some more oh we need more help I got an idea let's find this tree oh oh we gotta with the bow kill this one ah nice and now we gotta get out of here we just unlocked kunai we gotta get out of here oh no they're in my tail still there on my tail so we need to unlock it let's go unlock kunai okay we have it we have it we're gonna be right behind me yep here he is oh dude his eyes let's try it out it causes bleed too nice I can just Spam these things it uses some energy but yes okay we got him he's dead let's keep going we need to get out of here okay so we officially unlocked our new kunai ability which is kind of broken because we can just Spam kunai look at this it's kind of broken but not as broken as the next ability we're gonna work on which is Naruto's substitution jutsu this is literally my favorite tutu from Naruto because if you're attacked you can turn into a lot which honestly is perfect so you guys that was getting beaten up a ton during that fight imagine just turning into a log instead you know I gotta unlock that so actually get it we need 64 logs 64 sticks and a campfire wow that's easy I can do that all in one day okay let's just cut down a bunch of trees to start with okay we've got all the logs we need now just go to the base and make everything okay let's start by turning these oak logs into planks and then turning them all into sticks and now we just need a campfire which we can make with three logs a piece of coal and three sticks and boom just like that in a single day we can already unlock the substitution jutsu which like the kunai's are cool and all but this is even cooler and since it's still daytime outside let's try it out okay let's go to the skeleton and let's use it boom we've disappeared in a bunch of smoke and now there's a log in our place oh and the skeleton gets blindness so it's super easy to escape okay so with all the tier one upgrades officially complete it's time to work on some of our tier two upgrades now all of these seem cool and all but I definitely want to work on Naruto's most famous move Rasengan okay so actually unlock Rasengan okay so let's start at the hardest part of unlocking Rasengan which has gotta be killing the blazes with snowballs like that's ridiculous look I could just get the kunai kills on the mobs and get it done with or get the Akatsuki with the kunai but blazes with snowballs that's hard so let's just get it done and since we don't have another portal we gotta go make one so let's get some diamonds for diamond pickaxe and then we'll go get some obsidian okay we have all the diamonds we need so let's make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and now let's bind ourselves some obsidian okay we found a place to make some obsidians let's just now go down here it looks like there's actually already obsidian I'm just gonna make my own obsidian pool right here and get to work okay we got all the obsidian let's get out of here and let's just dig behind our chests right here and let's put our obsidian in let's make a flint and steel and let's light it up and now we can go to the nether but there's just one more problem we don't have any snowballs nor have I seen any snow so let's go look for some snow I look for snow everywhere near the base and there was literally nothing close by so I had to travel out a bit far just to get some stinking snowballs oh I found some ice and there's snow on top perfect plus where there's ice there's likely a snow biome so let's just go this way okay let's see if there's any actual land biome over here so we can get snow because I could just take it from the ice but that's not gonna be enough I don't think to kill all those blazes I think it takes a lot of snowballs to kill Ablaze oh I see land ahead let's grab a boat okay we've made it it's literally a snowy Beach we'll just dig up all this snow for snowballs [Applause] okay I've got a bunch of snowballs hopefully that's enough because now it's time to take on some blazes okay we're home now we just gotta go jump in the cave over here and jump on in and now he's gonna jump down into this waterfall and swim back up our waterfall and now we're back at the base so let's just go to the Nether and kill some blazes with our snowballs nice and easy right now so just check out your face oh he did it he did it he did it oh it's on the floor it's on the floor oh the hunters are here all right I'm going down okay surprise ah oh no dude Founders are here oh God okay he finally fell yourself oh God I got an idea ready oh he fell nice they're falling oh there's water down there though tipping kunai them before they get up nice we gave him bleed bro I can't get to him okay he's bleeding again nice nice that should get him oh he lived again keep him down there keep him down there tried so hard nice we got one oh he's back above I see him above me he got past me that's right that's right all right sounds like he's breaking down to me I'm gonna let the defeat narrative I said oh my God nice that's not gonna work though oh goodness we got me bleeding he's done he's done oh oh God no yes we got him did they take anything from my base they literally left most of the good stuff behind well that's great news at least our stuff survives even if our base didn't I guess instead before we go take on the blazes let's go build a new base somewhere where I don't have to worry about being blown up when I get back well that was a big waste of time that time I spent getting snowballs gave the Akatsuki a chance to try and beat me already like we survived but now we have to waste time building a brand new Naruto base okay so welcome to the new Naruto base yes it's behind me and yes it's literally just in a tree but Naruto's from the hidden Leaf Village so this actually makes sense get it because it's a base hidden in the leaves okay anyway let's just go into the base basically to get inside all you do is jump on this tree you walk over here and you're in and it's a little squishy but that's actually by Design so right here we have some furnaces we got all our chests a bunch more stuff but in reality this base isn't real I mean it's real but it's not my main base you see this is where I'm storing some stuff just to make it look legit but the real base is actually hidden below so if we exit the tree and look right next to it there's a hidden ladder that goes down under ground which leads to the real base where we have our chests our crafting table and our furnaces and of course our nether portal so we can go kill some blazes with some snowballs okay so first things first let's find another Fortress so we can kill some blazes oh God you're spooky okay I see a Bastion over that way so he's probably going the opposite direction this way okay we made it to another Fortress so let's quickly build up to it and now let's just find a blaze spawner oh I hear a blaze spawner for sure oh I see it it's right up above me okay we found the blazes now would you have to actually kill him with snowballs not our sword I just need to clean them up a little bit okay here we go now we just wait for them to spawn and it should take seven snowballs to get these kills oh here we go seven and just like that we got five Blaze kills with snowballs let's get out of here okay with the blaze kills done all we have to do is get 30 kills on Mobs with our kunai and then we need to kill some makotsuki with our kunai but we'll do that right after so first let's get some mob kills starting with you one okay we officially have all 30 kills that we need with the kunai so now we just gotta find the Akatsuki and get revenge for our last base which will then help us unlock Rustin gun so let's head back to the Akatsuki base okay their base is literally up here in this bamboo okay let's hold shift as we get close because last time they saw me approaching oh I see their names okay get ready with the cool knife we're gonna spam this at them give a bunch of them bleeds dude there we go okay that should give him a bunch of bleed oh there's one behind me okay back off let's get him out of the bamboo you got me good he just launched himself at me climbing this tree jump down nice we got one with the kunai we only need two more oh wait one just died of bleed nice we can get this guy we can unlock our same gun oh that did a lot of Health this way fine oh nice we got him let's climb this tree let's climb this tree let's come this tree I got a brilliant idea ready let's get to the top nice we made it let's quickly unlock Rasengan and now we have Rasengan now we've got to use it on them okay ready oh my gosh what was that oh look at this it's so broken okay there's one coming up behind oh he gave me bleed he died though okay let's climb to this tree now their base is over here in the bamboo there's some Vines over here to the side let's jump down catch these Vines nice now let's jump along the bamboo oh I fell nevermind we're going to their base okay let's go down the hole nice here's their beds I don't even think they realize I got in their base I'm taking all their oars oh they're here one's dead oh my God oh my goodness eat some food next second bled and go over ascending bro he's done Russ ain't gone baby this base is now mine or it would be if I wanted it oh I can't blow up the walls just by using racing gun on it well I guess we'll just take their beds and leave but with Russ ain't got unlocked we now have Naruto's main move okay we made it back to the base okay now that we've unlocked Rasengan which is a stupidly broken ability we can now work to unlock our next Jutsu which is the multi-shadow Clone Jutsu this is literally one of Naruto's main moves where you can literally make thousands of himself it's insane so let's unlock this to get it we just need four ender pearls 16 crying obsidian and 12C pickles that's really that hard as we just really need to trade with some piglets and find a warm ocean for some sea pickles so let's start with the easiest part which is definitely gonna be the sea pickles because I already know where a war motion is so fighting the sea pickles should be pretty easy okay so we're in the warm ocean area but now we just have to find some sea pickles I found a sea pickle it's right here let's grab it and there's four C pickle let's see if there are any more down here oh yeah there's a few right here okay and just like that we have all the sea pickles we need so now we should need a bunch of stuff that you get from Trading with piglens in the nether so let's go there and start doing some trading okay it's day 33 we're in the Nether and Sebastian's literally right over there so let's go get it and we made it hey now let's just squeeze our way inside here okay now we need to get some of these Gold Blocks oh you guys are spicy now let's make our way down to the bottom because there's way more gold blocks down there okay perfect now just grab all these okay we actually just got some crying obsidian in that chest so we only need nine more okay so let's turn all of our gold into gold ingots and let's go to these pickles in this hole and now that they're trading they should start giving me some ender pearls in crying obsidian trading with me but we officially have the ender pearls and the crying obsidian that we need so uh bye guys but with those items in hand we can officially unlock multi-shadow clone Jutsu but we'll do that tomorrow when we can actually test it okay we're at a place where we can easily test this so let's unlock multi-shadow clone Jutsu and let's use it oh my goodness look at them all it's a ton of these so as long as I have no items out it is very hard to tell which one of these is the real me I just need to stay around them but the best part is if they get attacked they all scramble and start beating up whoever I attack so the hunters will really have no idea who's who come my name crew follow me so with multi-shadow clone Jutsu officially unlocked it's time to work on yet another Jutsu now we already have tier 2 getting Naruto tier 2 Rasengan and tier 2 multi-shadow clone Jutsu so now it's time to get our first tier 3 upgrade which is gonna be the summoning Jutsu this is gonna let me summon a giant frog just like from Naruto if you know who gama bunta is and if not it's a giant frog and I want to unlock him so to actually get him I need to use Rasengan on a warden 20 times oh I'm so dead I also have to cure a villager and I have to with my Rasengan now I'm not gonna lie that means getting a weakness potion and I was just in the nether so nah instead let's go out and see if we can find an ancient city so that way we can blast a warden 20 times with Russ and guys is it me or ancient cities getting harder to find lately because it would take it till date 37 just to find one oh there's an ancient city literally right next to me oh and some Diamond okay now let's go into the ancient city I don't see any shriekers below but just to be safe let's go here okay there's a Shrieker right there let's see if we can destroy it okay go away go away Shrieker yes we survived no Shrieker okay let's open up this chest nice we got a god apple and a bunch of junk and this chest two more God apples well perfect I could definitely punch the warden 20 times now but let's just quickly check one more chest before we start that battle lame okay let's go battle the warden and that's probably gonna stop an award right there or not okay here we go what's up this is something award in here Warden is right next to me here we go okay we're saying gun okay we need another guard apples nice view I'm trapped in a hole only five more times yes we did it's run oh we need to get out of here I think the warden's trapped over there we can get out of here let's just not accidentally summon another one okay let's just build up here here we go and just like that we're out of here okay just like that we've resang on the warden 20 times now we just need to cure a villager and then take on the Akatsuki that actually Kira villager is kind of tricky we're basically gonna need to throw a weakness potion at a zombie villager and then feed it a golden apple okay so let's start by putting on some crafting music and now let's begin crafting let's grab our golden apples and let's quickly make one Golden Apple and now we just need to get ourselves a weakness potion so let's go to the Nether and get ourselves some nether warts and blaze rods okay let's quickly just build over here and now we're good let's take on some blazes these rods now let's just go find some Nether Warts okay so now that we got all the blaze rods we don't need anything else to actually unlock a weakness potion because unlike most potions this one doesn't require Nether Warts which I think it's the only one that doesn't anyway let's go home okay now we need to go get a fermented spider eye which is simply crafted with a brown mushroom a spider eye and some sugar so let's quickly kill a spider for a spider eye okay got the spider right now let's go get the brown mushroom which we could literally get just right over here but this is a red mushroom I need a brown one but there should be one close here we go here's one and now we got a brown mushroom now we just need a piece of sugar which uh there's a river right there and look there's some sugar cane give me can fermented spider eye we got it now let's just go make ourselves a weakness potion and then we could cure a villager okay so let's go ahead and start by combining a bunch of our Cobblestone with some blaze rods to make ourselves three Brewing stands now let's grab some sand and let's quickly turn it into some glass okay let's grab all our glass and let's turn it into glass bottles which now just needs some water now we'll put these bad boys in here we'll add a blaze powder and our fermented spider eye and this will give us three potions of weakness there we go now we need to turn them into throwing potions so let's grab some Gunpowder and now let's combine that into our weakness potions to turn them into throwable weakness potions here we go we got three splash potions of weakness and now normally I would go to bed but nighttime is the perfect time to cure a villager so let's simply go to a village at night and get one cured black guy did not find a village that night I feel like oh I found a village no but the moon's setting quick we're almost there I just need to make a zombie villager but the sun's Rising okay there's literally zombies right here next to this house please be a villager in here yes get him this guy get this guy no not me get the Villager get the Villager he's right here we're going out of his average range yes go for the Villager is this guy still coming for me bro no they're burning no okay well maybe getting a zombie villager was harder than I thought cause now it's daytime on day 40. and uh now I can't get one so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna stand in this house until night time in protest of what just happened okay the sun's setting night is here we can now actually get a zombie villager hopefully we got a villager right here oh there's a zombie okay mobs are spawning let the game begin now I can't let any of these zombies actually detect me I just need them to naturally get the villagers so let's simply destroy all the doors in the village so that way zombies could just easily get these guys okay I see a zombie going for some of the villagers look they're getting chased yes no not me okay I gotta just leave I gotta leave the village oh there's a bunch of zombies going to that building I think they got one they got one get him he's getting away yeah go in the house trap yourself do it the horde is waiting for you get him no dude this villager is invincible they got him he died oh I just watched him die and there is no zombie villager but there's a lot of zombies I'm guessing that doesn't make a zombie villager like I thought how are we supposed to do this let's go down there and take out some of these zombies and see well this seem to be a giant waste of time not only am I just dying to poison right now but just to make matters worse oh God I might be in half heart I ain't hype but now I'm really stuck time to use Google okay I just read online that when a zombie kills a villager there is a chance a small chance that a villager turns into a zombie but now that we just wasted an entire day 40 and the sun's Rising behind me I feel like staying here and waiting for a zombie villager to spawn it's just gonna be a waste because I see them in caves and in snow biomes under igloos all the time so instead during the day instead of just waiting around let's go to the snow biome that's kind of close and see if we can find an igloo I think I see one I think I see an igloo oh it is we found an igloo now let's see if you have anything hidden underneath okay do you have the hidden thing oh it does it does we're gonna be able to cure a villager this way oh let's go does it give me the supplies too it does it gives me a golden apple and a potion of weakness I didn't even have to waste my time making these things whatever let's do it what we gotta do is break these bars throw the potion of weakness on this dude they'll start to shiver and then we just feed him a golden apple and now look he's shaking now we wait there we go hey look we did it zombie doctor he just turned back to normal I didn't know it made a cool sound like that play that sound again creepy anyway we officially carried a villager we are the zombie doctor so now let's simply head on home and tomorrow we'll take on the Akatsuki okay hello on day 42. we gotta go take on the Akatsuki so let's do it let's just go to their base and quickly take them out okay we're getting close wait a sec I think their base is still abandoned oh they just left okay well it turns out the Akatsuki move bases because uh their beds are still gone so I guess instead we gotta go look for their new base so let's go find it up until day 46 I was looking for the Akatsuki baits everywhere they are really good at hiding their bases this time but like always I found their base eventually and now just needed to take out the Akatsuki with Naruto's Rasengan oh okay we got a temple let's check this out real quick oh this Temple is already looted and I didn't loot it the Akatsuki might be nearby this is all looted wait wait I see something oh I see them I see them I see them look at them the tiny dots over in the upper part of my screen oh we got them let's stay low to the ground let's use our teleportation YouTube to get nice and close okay here we go we can use this hill for cover gonna be super careful they're right there do they see me oh they see me oh they don't they don't see me oh no he didn't even see me oh wait oh he got stalactites below hold on he's done he's done oh he gave me bleed I gotta be careful I gotta be careful okay we're bleeding again with some more bleed there we go let's block off all the holes they have up here so they can't get up let's kill him with Russ and gun it doesn't count because he took ball damage instead he's also gonna die in Fall damage gosh darn it stop dying and fall damage oh [Music] no they both just died in seconds he's dead hey no no stop I'm not getting any kills from this they don't count oh no this is not good I'm actually gonna put a wall here don't fall this time please they all died they all just keep falling you know we gotta lead him out of his base or we're not gonna get any of these Rasengan kills I got no idea actually look we got him trapped oh yeah it worked it worked one wrestling on kill finally this is not gonna work either no I have this one block two you fool let me out please oh my goodness dude oh he took a lot of fall damage let's go to him oh gosh nice we got him oh nice two more got the other one on us nice no he's running he's running we got him oh he's eating oh my god oh he's done he took fall damage doesn't count though we need to eat missed us I don't know where he is though there he is right next to us only one survive no Naruto please don't do this to me that's five oh wait what dude he just subjute suit on me we got him we got him we got him surprise [Music] we still got him oh yes we got him that's all the kills we need but they're on our tail we need to get going quick okay let's confuse him ready we're gonna lose him just like this we're gonna go in this cave we need an empty slot get rid of our shield and ready they don't know which one I am look look what is happening they have no idea which one I am wait which one's him though I'll just sit back in the crowd and they can't do anything okay oh they're killing me no he's running he's running he's running and with that let's get out of here oh no he's still chasing well I have a better way to lose him ready and just like that we're gone okay now that we've officially gotten all the kills with Russ and gun we can unlock the summoning Jutsu and get Gama bunta so let's summon him right here ta-da and now we have gamma boots on our side and he'll fight anything that we fight like if I punch this pig he burns the pig to death look let's do it again is great look at this guy and now with him on our side the Akatsuki doesn't stand a chance I hope so with gamabuta unlocked next it's time to become chuni Naruto which I can get by simply getting 30 diamonds 30 emeralds and 30 nether quartz and I already have the nether quartz so we just need more diamonds and emeralds so let's whip out the pickaxe and go down to the mines okay we got all the diamonds we need because we got six more at home and now we just need to go get some emeralds but the diamonds took longer than usual so we'll get the emeralds tomorrow when we actually find a mountain biome okay so since we just need some emeralds now let's go back to the vet earlier where we failed to get the zombie villager because there was a mountain right next to there and that's gonna be our best bet okay this area looks super promising this definitely looks like a mountain I could go down to this cave maybe and get some emeralds oh actually hold on there's emeralds right here look at this I found some now he's gotta find a bunch more okay we've got all 30 emeralds that we need now let's just go home grab our nether quartz and turn into tuning Naruto now with our 30 emeralds 30 diamonds and nether quartz we can go from being again into a tuning with 25 hearts of HP strength two speed two and jump four okay so now that we're a tuning we have to pick another upgrade to work on which has got to be Ross and shuriken because that's literally one of Naruto's strongest moves I mean look at it in the anime that's so broken and you know I gotta unlock what was that 100 stuff they've got to be right oh yeah they're here they're here they're here oh I don't have my shield they're doing my shield where is it where's it where's it oh boy okay it's on let's teleport okay we're gone we're gone we're gone let's give him some blindness now we can hide here there he is get him okay they're taking on the Frog okay one's dead I'm down I'm down it's actually shredding through my defensive mode I hear someone burning oh there he is he's up from the sky we got him you did it gamma Boo too I did nothing in this frog just took all of them out this frog is broken but you wanna know what else is broken our entire tree base it's just gone all that's left is like this smoker a few logs they literally just nuked my base which is not fair at all luckily we kept some of our stuff stored down below but we definitely have to move bases so let's grab our stuff and let's move to a new Naruto base my tree base is gone which honestly kind of stinks because I like that tree but complaining won't bring my tree back so I worked on my new base until day 57. okay so welcome to the brand new Naruto base I'm sure you're guessing where it is but it's actually hidden right behind the waterfall right behind me just like in the show when Naruto has to train in a cave before the matara war so I decided to build a base behind a waterfall too so let me actually show you the base you go behind the waterfall and then you got this nice entrance right here and we can shut the door behind us so that way you can't see the entrance then usually go down the stairs and you're officially in the brand new Naruto base it's pretty simple bass we got the furnaces in the chests in our bed but we also have some new stuff like the enchanting table a nice new nether station and all these really pretty waterfalls but with the base now complete we are already much stronger in fact we already have full enchanted diamond armor and tools meaning beating the Akatsuki just got even easier but we're still not done with our upgrades and next we've got to get the final tier 3 upgrade which is called chakra stance basically this lets me change my chakra stance between defense and offense giving me crazy defense and offensive Buffs including things like automatical Critical Hits and doubling all ores I mine but luckily unlocking chakra stance is easy we just need 20 Magma Cream 30 glowstone and 500 Netherrack so let's go to the Nether and let's go grab some netherracking glowstone okay so now we just have to go ahead and start digging up some Netherrack and just like that we have all 500 nether Aqua we need so let's go grab some glowstone and there we go we officially have all 30 glowstone now let's just go find a Bastion so that way we can get the 20 Magma Cream we need okay we found a Bastion we need to find one with a bridge and that's what we got so let's just uh dig you and dig you okay so now we make our way down to the bottom there should be a Magma Cream spawner okay I've got all 30 magma cream and now and now here okay so we can officially unlock chakra mode which is a brand new ability that I'm gonna show you real quick so if I activate it you're gonna see that have suddenly turned purple and that means I'm in defense mode I kind of turned like a purplish bluish color and in defense mode I get resistance to haste two I double all ores but unfortunately I get weakness too because it's defense mode but if I activate it again you're gonna see I change colors one more time now I'm red which is offense mode in an offense mode I get looting five automatic crits and constant regeneration however I'm extremely slow this is literally me sprinting and that's basically chakra mode but I want to test the ore doubling because that kind of sounds amazing and I want to see if it works on Ancient debris so let's go and let's put an ancient debris down right here now if we bind this it should double it didn't I'm guessing they don't want me to have infinite ancient debris so let's try a different ore instead look let's try this gold ore you'll see I mined it and I got two if we do with our silk touch pick you're gonna notice we get one silk touch and one non-silk touch but anyway now that we have our chakra stance unlocked we've got to work on one of Naruto's most famous Jutsu and most powerful Ross and shuriken which if you haven't seen this just cue the explosion watch out the Subway's coming yeah that's what this does now to actually unlock it I need to kill 10 iron golems with gumabunta I also need to get the Subspace bubble achievement which basically means I have to walk a thousand blocks in the nether build another nether portal and leave and then finally I just need to kill some Akatsuki with gamabunta which we've already done before so I don't see that being too hard so let's start by getting 10 Iron Golem kills with our good buddy frog here so let's quickly smell it's a bunch of iron because basically in total I'm gonna need 360 iron so while that's all smelting let's go down to the vines and let's quickly go get some more and just like that we have all the iron blocks that we need now we need to go find ourselves some quick pumpkins which we'll grab right here now let's just sheer all these pumpkins now let's get gamabunta to take on a bunch of iron golems so let's build our first guy right here stick a Jack-o-Lantern on top and we've got our first Golem let's punch the Golem which will start a battle between gamabuta and the Golem and gababunta loses but the one advantage is I can keep spawning him in meaning the Fight Continues one down nine to go and just like that kamabuta is taking out 10 Iron Golems which means all we need now is at home because it's night time and there's mobs outside so let's go home okay now that we got the gumabunta kills we need we need to get the Subspace bubble achievement which basically means we gotta go into The Nether walk 1 000 blocks and then teleport again so let's grab five obsidian from the chest and seven from up here and now we have everything we need to make another portal okay so we're currently at x negative 381 so we need to get that to x negative 1300 which is in this direction over here so let's start going this way foreign that's convenient let's see what you guys got for Luke and good thing we found this bastard because for our next upgrade we actually need a banner pattern and we found one here so that makes life super easy but if we look at her ex we're actually at negative 1500 so we should have gone far enough so let's go and build another portal right here and let's get Subspace bubble ta-da and now we gotta go all the way home so a Subspace bubble officially unlocked we just need to get four kills on the Akatsuki using Gama bunta okay the Akatsuki base is literally just behind this hill so let's go in and let's get some kills with Rasengan okay here we go ready and go oh my god dude there we go that's one we're done let's quickly get outside and now let's get him gamabuta that's two no I could not get away please there we go nice coming boots you got him he should just get one more there we go we got all four now let's unlock Ross and shuriken and let's try this ability out let's throw this rust and shuriken at their base oh that was so cool let's throw another one no more base dude he's sure kicking it sure Reckoning it how do you say that word okay we used to go to large part of their base okay let's go inside there we go their beds are gone and I just blew two of them up nice no oh that was close but we got him and just like that this base is toast okay so now that gamabunta has gotten a bunch of kills in the Akatsuki we've unlocked Ross and shuriken I basically throw a Ross and shuriken and then I can guide it like a missile so as an example let's throw one and I can make this thing go anywhere look at this I'm fully controlling this and I can make it hit anywhere so with Russ and Cherokee unlocked there's only two more tier four upgrades to go we can either unlock sage mode or we can work on Joni Naruto but I want sage mode so to actually gets Sage Mode we just need to get 20 sponges and a bunch of dead coral and luckily we can skip the trip to the nether because we already have a banner pattern so let's go grab our boat and let's head to a warm ocean okay we made it to the warm ocean now we should need to find some sponges and grab some Coral okay we officially have all the dead coral that we need so now we just need to grab some sponges okay so I looked around for sponges for a little bit I literally couldn't find any and so I did some Googling and it turns out sponges don't spawn in coral reefs they literally only spawn in underwater monuments so we gotta go find one okay here's the underwater temple I found it okay now for the hard part let's get past all these Guardians and die okay now just look for some sponges okay we've got 22 sponges now let's get out of here okay so with the 22 sponges and a bunch of dead coral and we'll grab our Banner pattern from our chest and now let's unlock Sage Mode which right now does nothing so let's go outside and test it it's Another Roadside and somewhere safe let's activate Sage Mode my eyes now glow a yellowy orange and I now have Naruto's whiskers and while in Sage Mode you're gonna notice I have jump boost six speed six strength six automatic crits infinite chakra no knock back and increased reach look I'm breaking grass all the way over there oh my goodness look how fast we're moving we're so broken in Sage Mode oh wait Sage Mode's over now I'm nauseous oh God I actually have weakness nausea and slowness but anyway with Sage Mode unlocked we only have one more tier 4 upgrade to go and that's to turn Naruto into a Joni with 40 total hearts of HP and a ton of good stats we just need to trade in full enchanted diamond armor one totem of undying and another right ax so let's start by gathering everything we need to get a totem of undying which is just some glass panes some paper and a couple other miscellaneous items so let's start by grabbing some game okay we've also all the sugar cane that we need now let's just grab some sand for some glass panes okay we got all the sand we need since the sun's starting to set let's head on home and tomorrow we can trade with some villagers to get ourselves a totem of undying so I went and crafted the paper now I'm laying the glass melts till we turn into glass panes and then we'll head to a village and trade for the Woodland Mansion map okay let's grab all our glass and let's turn the rest of it into glass panes and now we have everything we need to get ourselves a totem okay so let's go and let's break this and put down our cartography table and now this guy should become a cartographer now let's trade him a bunch of our paper for emeralds and that'll level this guy up a little bit and now we train him glass panes for emeralds that'll level them up again and now we can get the Woodland Explorer map which will get us to a woodland Mansion now just look at the map and we can see where the tiny dot in that upper right hand corner who raid our Hunters here oh no I see them they're up on the mountain you know what we're not even gonna bother fighting these guys we're just gonna go ahead and get out of here and go to the Woodland Mansion let's go okay we're definitely far enough away from them now but they definitely saw which way we were going so let's quickly just keep heading this way until we get to the Woodland mansion and so we headed to the Woodland Mansion however I didn't realize that after my quick encounter with the Akatsuki that they actually had decided to follow me all the maps finally loading we're getting close I don't see it but we're getting close there it is the Woodland Mansion let's get up there now let's just break our way inside and get ourselves a totem okay we have to go down a floor there's none on the top floor oh he's up here he's up here he's up here I'm in offensive mode but he is upstairs oh I see a hunter's name they're here too oh I hear one in here oh and a voker guess we got the totem oh they're behind us let's switch to our Chalker mode ready without an offense no dude okay that's one down oh my goodness two down I got another one that's two totems of undying okay I see one of the hundreds he's below I got him they're all dead and with two totems of undying in our inventory we can get out of here okay so we're officially home and now that we have the total of undying we just need to get full enchanted diamond armor and another ride ax so let's make our way down to the mine and let's get a bunch of diamonds and just like that we have a bunch of diamonds which is definitely enough to get us full enchanted diamond armor and the netherite ax so let's simply start by crafting ourselves a diamond chest plate diamond leggings diamond boots and a diamond helmet then we're gonna make some sticks and make ourselves a diamond ax now let's grab our three inch of debris from this chest and our one netherite scrap from this chest and let's go at least both those three inch debris which gives us a total of four netherite scraps now we simply combine these four netherride scraps which if we add that in the diamond ax to a smithing table we get the netherite ax we need we officially have everything we need to become Johnny Naruto who is basically permanently in Sage Mode hence the orange eyes and my amazing red outfit we only have three more upgrades to go the combat upgrade 1000 years of death the utility upgrade that lets me summon the nine tail fox our final Naruto upgrade Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village that actually unlock all this stuff is gonna be kind of difficult because we need to go to the end if we want to unlock it so let's quickly go to the nether grab some blaze rods and ender pearls so that way we can make it to the end okay so let's start by killing a bunch of these blazes is okay we've got 15 blaze rods which is definitely more than enough so now let's head to a Bastion and get some ender pearls okay we've got a bunch of piglets trapped in the hole below me so now let's just trading a bunch of the gold that we got earlier okay they got five stacks of gold that should definitely be enough okay it looks like the piglets are all done trading we got two full stacks of Ender Pearls plus an extra four we can officially leave the Nether and start heading out to kill the Ender Dragon okay so let's start by crafting The Eyes of Ender by turning half our blaze rods into blaze powder and combining it with our 16 ender pearls which gives a 16 Eyes of Ender which is definitely all that we need now let's simply throw the First Eye of Ender and see where it goes oh great it's it's going that way I'm gonna throw the next eye just on the edge of this hill right here oh it's already going backwards no way okay so let's just dig down right here until we get into the stronghold okay we mined into a cave right here and we're pretty deep so if we don't see it we may be in the wrong area no we're not look right here I knew we were close and now let's just find the Portal oh I found the portal let's go put all the eyes in so let's go in okay we ended up in a giant hole let's dig our way out here real quick okay now let's just go take out the dragon's end crystals oh the hunters are here I literally just saw them get the end thing in chat we need to hurry up all the crystals are dead so we just gotta take instead you know what I'm summoning the frog frog take them out okay I got an idea we can take them out here ready nice he's done we killed one space it's two down I almost killed gamma boots no oh man I'm dying I'm dead yes they're all dead okay we just gotta kill the dragon out before they get back come on one more shot this is it we got him oh that was a snipe okay the Ender Dragon's dead so now let's just go ahead and steal his Dragon egg and now the dragon egg is ours okay so with this Dragon egg in hand all we need now is to get some shulker shells and elytra so let's go over here to this teleporter and let's toss in an ender pearl and now we just gotta find an End City with some elytra and we can get out of here I looked around the outer end for a lighter until day 78 and in the meantime I was able to grab all the shulker shells that we needed oh I see an end City it's literally Straight Ahead this is only the second end City we've found oh and it has a ship so let's simply just teleport over there now let's get up to the ship and we made it now just dodge all these levitating things go down below the ship and grab the elytra and now let's get out of here okay so let's toss our ender pearl up there and head on home okay so let's just simply get back to the portal real Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters let's go into Stage mode so that way it's gonna be easier to kill them oh better yet let's just launch some Ross and shurikens at them oh no what is that is that a shuriken dude and here they are oh one's buying this one mine get him with this let's activate Sage Mode which should let us knock him back a ton nice that's one dead nice two dead no dude and three dead stage mode is broken oh they're back see you later oh bye bye I'll see you all later oh wait Dave City in it oh God and let's break this portal we just gotta break one hole in the top is all we have to do no he got me off let's get our better pickaxe out nice he's dead what he wouldn't tapped me this is it we can get out of here it's broken and we're gone yes and we are out of there let's go we've escaped the end and we have the dragon egg shulker shells and elytra to show for it but now that we're done in the end we just need four end crystals and we can become Naruto the Hokage of the hiddenly village so let's simply grab our extra blaze rods and end their pearls and let's turn him into four eyes Avenger now to finish the end Crystal we just need four gas tears and a bunch of glass and since we already have the glass let's quickly run to the Nether and get four gas tears so now let's just quickly find some guests oh I see one we got our first guest here now let's just get three more nice we killed one gassed up there let's see if we can get this other one with our kunai nice we got him he'll die from that okay we officially have the four gas tears we need to know just go home and make some end crystals okay so let's go and let's combine our glass Our Eyes of Ender and our gas tiers to get four end crystals and with those unlocked we have everything we need to become the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf village with 60 hearts of HP and in Naruto's nine-tailed fox chakra mode we are broken we also have jump eight speed four and strength four and now with the Hokage form unlocked there's only two more tier 5 upgrades to go one thousand years of death in the ability to summon the nine tail fox let's start by unlocking a thousand years of death because that ability just sounds fun so let's start by blowing up 5 000 blocks with our Ross and shuriken let's just shoot it right here at the grass and that's 133 300. and just like that we've blown up 2000 blocks and now we need to get 10 mob kills with the Ross and shuriken except we can't get the kills with the explosions we have to just lightly touch them with it without hitting the ground let's give it a shot so let's try with this sheep over here we're gonna shoot it and try not to hit the ground ready okay it kind of blew up but we did Kill the she before the explosion now let's just do that nine more times and just like that we have all 10 mob kills and now we just gotta kill the Akatsuki 10 times with the Ross and shuriken and will already be done with our tier 5 combat upgrade a thousand years of death but first things first we gotta find the Akatsuki base I got to the new Akatsuki base on day 84. and once we got all the kills we needed we could finally unlock 1 000 years of death okay here's a village here they like to be near Villages and around them so this could be good oh my God no I found their base look at it it's right there on the hill we need kills with our Ross and shuriken so let's sneak around the back and try and get him that way now let's sneak over this side and now we just gotta get him with Ross and shuriken okay eat some food and let's fire it off okay first one out okay I got one oh my God they're coming from this way blue one up one's on us let's use him to protect ourselves kids get some more explosion kills okay we blew one up nice one's running this way thanks you got him that's five blown up nice we Bloom up there we go we got another one as they come in we're gonna get him here over the hill let's eat some food oh God we're not just well now that our chocolate end let's change the defense mode now let's go oh geez okay oh I'm dead oh we blew him up we got him that's 10 of 10. teleport this way now let's lock a thousand years of pain okay here we go okay I said I'm flying let's get this guy thousand years of death okay one of them went flying there's one behind us let's get hit there he goes and he's dead no should we get him with the bow on the way down oh if I hit that oh no he died now let's just go ahead and let's get out of here and just like that we've unlocked a thousand years of death if it isn't obvious it sends people flying like if I hit this cow a thousand years of death he's gone and just like that we have our final combat ability finish which leaves us with only one ability to go which is summoning the nine tail fox now we already have the elytra that we need so all we need left is another star in the heart of the sea so let's start by getting a harder to see which we can find by simply locating a shipwreck okay I remember there being a shipwreck somewhere near this warm ocean so let's see if we can find it it was somewhere around here so let's check out this one first in the middle of this Reef perfect the buried treasure map and now he's gonna follow this map until we get a heart of the sea we're really not that far we just need to head Southeast which is this direction so let's start going okay we're getting close let's go this way okay it's literally gonna be right off the coast here okay it's literally gonna be below one of these blocks could even be below the gravel hold on it could just be below this one oh it is let's go and we got the heart of the sea which means now we just need another star and we'll be a fully upgraded Naruto now let's just go to the Nether and let's get some weather skeleton skulls okay we officially have all three Wither Skeleton skulls that we need so now let's just grab some Soul Sand and then we'll go battle the Wither okay so let's go ahead and summon the wither right here and now it's time to battle the Wither just like that the weather's dead and we've got his nether star which means we can now summon the nine tail fox let's simply unlock the upgrade and let's summon the nine tail fox oh my God he's huge and uh he does not like gomobuntu in fact he just attacks everything in sight oh my goodness anyway now that we can summon the nine tail fox we are full strength Naruto which means now we just gotta survive until day 100 and as much as I'd like to say it's gonna be easy after losing in the last video I really don't want to get my hopes up and so I waited for the Akatsuki to make their move I knew with time running short they were gonna try some big attack very soon and that attack came on day 93. okay so now let's just go enchant this fresh bow so it's a little bit stronger because power one just ain't cutting it anymore so let's quickly head back to the base and now let's go get this bow enchanted now let's just throw the Bowen throw our lapis in and let's give it power four oh that's so much better oh there's people over here people here let's go into Stage mode stage mode is broken they're gonna destroy it otherwise we don't need to base okay let's go up top nice we're up top now let's go and let's get him up here and let's summon kurma ready he's near me oh no dude tail fox you want to fight Kurama dude I got the literal nine-tailed fox on my side oh my God the fox is destroying them all right I think I bled the fox okay they killed the nine tail fox okay they're all three still there they got beds nearby somewhere okay we sent one flying he's almost dead dude that's another one dead no oh my God he's done that's two down they're definitely spawning somewhere up there pretty far back let's go over here and let's see if we can find our beds real quick they're definitely somewhere over here oh I found them he's going to our bed no not the bed first bed gone nice that's one dude no he got me nice that's another one done he's done he said he said he's dead do they have any beds nope I quit no they don't we win the nine tail fox was too strong to handle so you guys quit Naruto just has plot armor dude we can't win with the akotsky quitting that means Naruto officially wins The Challenge and this video is over subscribe
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 5,732,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as NARUTO in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days as naruto, Minecraft 100 Day naruto, 100 Days as Naruto in Minecraft, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: vdABStSEl0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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