I survived 100 Days as a Chicken in Minecraft

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today i am a minecraft chicken and i am stuck inside of a farm for the next 100 days now if i can survive the 100 days inside of my friend's farm without being turned into nuggets i win this challenge but if i fail well that means he wins but we'll go into that later so this is the farm and as you can see nearby they run a chicken restaurant in the local village on the farm there is a silo now this silo spawns in chickens and it spawns in bread to feed the chicken so this is where me and my chicken brethren all come from is this silo and where we get all our future food there are five different places where they kill chickens on this farm i have to avoid these five buildings to basically avoid being killed and if i get put inside them i have to survive whatever trial meets me inside of that chicken farm and this is where my journey will end if i get caught so i do not want to get caught and be put into these nugget pits what the heck where am i'm a chicken what the heck is going on uh i'm in a chicken farm literally i'm surrounded by grass okay let's get somewhere i could see so i'm a chicken right now um oh look who it is oh wait looks like we got ourselves another chicken boys yep farm livestream treat me well today oh my god okay apparently unicorn has now turned himself into a farmer and i'm a chicken on his farm and i have to now survive 100 days on his farm to get through this so right now as it seems this is my main chicken area so i need to kind of get a lay of the land here okay so let's see what i can see right off the bat okay so i just need to avoid buildings one through five that should be easy enough and then i just need to wait for food to come from that to survive and then beyond that uh i guess i got a chicken coop here and some other stuff so so let's let's go check out our chicken coop okay so there is stuff in here we have an iron door okay that's not too helpful but we have something back here it looks like we have a secret tunnel of some kind oh it leads us outside of this area okay well i don't know if i'm supposed to be outside that area and i think if i get caught outside that area i actually get sent to one of the buildings so i don't really want to get caught outside of the main chicken coop otherwise i will get sent to buildings one through five so this is gonna be really hard so uh i'm just gonna kind of wait in the farm to kind of see how things go on this farm and then kind of figure out my plan of action for escape from here okay so on my first day i really just gotta get some resources like that 100 is what i gotta do i see there's coal here and my builders would not put something like that there on purpose okay gotta be careful the farmer unicorn's literally right there i can see his name through the wall he's right over here again we just wanna be very careful here let's go up this hill apparently this place actually has scary dogs here that also like to eat chicken and yeah you can see one right there right over that fence the whole fence is surrounded oh he's coming around this corner hold on okay he's just patrolling right now if i escape and get caught by a dog i also apparently am going to get sent to one of the one through five buildings so i really don't want to get caught by the dogs outside the fence so i do want to stay within this brick fence to the best of my ability and just gather resources from within now i only have two hp by the way so i could die really fast i don't want to cut down the full tree it might have to take a little bit of a haircut but i just need a few pieces of wood here and the reason i'm gonna get this wood is just so i can make some basic tools that will help me out in this uh surviving 100 days in this chicken farm thing okay that fell down sweet she's got to fall oh unicorn's right there we're going to be careful here it's right at the fence where the chickens come in so let's go back into our chicken coop here he's coming to the chicken coop okay he's coming in he's coming in he's coming in so we'll act like a chicken act like a chicken [Music] oh he's killing the chickens oh we gotta move we gotta move we can move he's killing he's he's taking chicken right now where are we gonna hide we gotta let's get underneath the coop let's get underneath the coop and behind this okay there he is oh he's just killing all the chickens so okay it seems like it seems like every few days he comes in here just to kill a few chickens okay he's leaving okay okay let's go ahead and let's begin by making some wooden planks here let's make a crafting table and let's go ahead and let's put this in this back area that i can kind of i guess call my work cut so from here we'll make some sticks wooden pickaxe and let's mine some stone up okay so then we'll go ahead okay now we have a stone pickaxe so we can work a little bit more efficiently so we're just gonna work on this to get blocks for the minute because blocks are gonna be really useful throughout this for trying to avoid dogs unicorn and anything else we may try to avoid because things are only gonna get harder as the days progress okay so we got some cobblestone here that should be good for now so let's just put our tools to the side and let's just go wait around and see what happens next after the first 10 days i had nailed down how this place seems to function basically every three to five days farmer unicorn comes out and kills at least five chickens so i have to avoid those days the best i can if i get caught i'll be brought to one of the numbered nugget buildings where well that that's where they bring the chickens to turn them into nuggets beyond that the main concern is the dogs the villager guards and being caught out of the main chicken coop and even better yet nearby the farm there is a literal chicken nugget restaurant if i destroy that there is going to be no need for chicken nuggets anymore meaning i can not just save myself but all my chicken friends so that has become my goal to do within these 100 days so it is currently day number 10. we've gone ahead and mined out our little area we haven't really smelted anything yet but we've basically just been surviving off of bread and everything else and my main goal now is to see if i can get some iron so i can start getting some upgraded tools to maybe even defend myself against the dogs because i feel like the dogs are gonna be a real pain in my butt otherwise so i believe i saw some iron the other day literally in a cave that's right near the chicken coop so we're gonna head over there to that chicken coop and see what we can do here that's the cave i was talking about i need to get over here don't see unicorn anywhere so i think i'm okay luckily we have slowfall the villager guards don't do anything unless we touch them so as long as i don't touch them they really don't react so we're good let's check over here okay let's go okay i found some iron i found some iron okay this looks like it might be five or six iron wait oh god unicorn's coming up put it away i thought i saw something what act like a chicken like a chicken what insane hell are you doing out of your pen little guy to shoot you right now but you know we do lock our our nuggets nice and fresh so how about this little guy all right i'll make you deal come on with me all right we're just gonna take you down to a little chicken house come on what's happening oh god okay i guess this is better than death what is happening my little guy it's a great little place where lots of chickens like to gather lots of seeds i think i'm being brought to one of the nugget houses i'm almost positive come on keep going you don't want to get shot now do you oh god all right little chicken okay it's it's as simple as one two three all right you just go ahead step on inside god i hate all right you you just kind of hang out in there little buddy okay yo you'll be you'll be smelling fresh in no time i got caught so now i'm in the okay i have to be careful because this is where i can lose okay okay a conveyor belt careful it might put me into lava i see smoke coming up below over there okay let's see oh yeah there's fire below there oh i knew it i knew it okay we gotta be very careful here they're literally trying to get me killed okay so i can land on the top of the doors for safety here i think okay good we did then i can get the door lever okay we did it we did it we dodged the fire okay that was close okay let's jump on this conveyor belt take it over here okay we open the door okay i gotta work my way back this way we go here there's two doors there's the oh this door was just like a checkpoint back here and this door which is like a crusher going oh it's a puzzle it's a puzzle okay go here go here switch to the side go this way oh oh we almost got smushed go yes yes okay what is this two five six oh my god okay am i out did i escape i think i survived the first one i'm out i'm literally out okay shut the door so they don't know anything anyone left oh my god we are literally gone let's get back into the cave real quick we put the iron back we lost the iron but let's just get back to the chicken coop for now oh my god i cannot believe we got away with that oh my goodness i thought that could have been the end of this challenge but no we are still in it let's go so after almost dying in the first nugget building things were not going my way unicorn was hunting down chickens at an even higher rate than before i thought every three to five days he was killing at least five chickens well now he's killing at least 10 chickens they're like doubling down on chicken production so i need to be extra extra careful from this point forward and if he's gonna be doing as many checks as he is i definitely need to make sure i have several ways to escape his clutches going forward so that's exactly what i do next okay so we're gonna dig this hole here uh and i want this to be our safe house cause unicorn there's no way he gets under here and where it's kind of hidden behind this staircase i'll even go ahead and actually to make it look a bit more natural if i put a couple pieces of dirt there yeah yeah it does and then what we do is we dig right here and boom we're in our tunnel okay so this is going to be our secret escape room now this room is not meant to be big all it is meant to do is give us a place to hide from unicorn if he goes out now every good escape room does have a secondary way out so we have to then reconnect this with the other side or like somewhere else in our little area so that way we know we're safe you know so let's go this way let's dig this way and build an escape room okay here we go here's some dirt this is right behind the farm so this isn't too useful so here's what i'm gonna do for this with all the wheat and stuff i'm gonna go ahead and use the seeds i have to re-grow the wheat in front of that secondary hole to hide it so that way unicorn can't find it um so let's make ourselves some sticks make ourselves the hoe there we go and then we really just need a piece of water or something to keep it active so for that reason we're gonna need that iron to make a bucket so yeah this is gonna get pretty intense pretty quick let's get the iron for the bucket next so we're gonna have to go ahead and we're gonna have to go out this way okay i don't you you unicorn's up top so i'm gonna be v okay he doesn't see me whoa okay we gotta be careful here okay i think i'm okay oh no unicorns coming around unicorns coming around oh god oh god get up get up this will get up okay we're good okay i think he's going to actually kill chickens he is he's going to kill chickens okay this is literally the perfect time well he kills chickens yeah while he does that i'm going to go ahead and get into the cave below and let's get that iron there we go there we go okay we just need three to get a water bucket we don't need iron for anything else we got the three iron good let's just go let's grab some cold water down here real quick okay it sounds like he's done shooting he is he's making his way out i'll just hide right here okay oh he's gonna be on that path oh god okay well he brings him to building one i'm going i'm going back to the place okay go go go okay so let's go ahead let's make our way up here get up here and we're gonna go in here now we can go ahead and we can smelt our bucket and now i went ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and craft a bucket now with this bucket i can go ahead and finally get myself an infinite water source okay we put that down the second corner now we have an infinite water source that we don't have to worry about now we can go ahead and build our final crop area which is going to be back here we'll put that there we're going to put this here we need to make sure that it blends in now right now it kind of already does blend in but we really just want to put a piece of wheat like right there and so we need to make sure it has water so we're going to dig under this block here dig under here and put water underneath here that'll turn to grass and now we just plant some seeds here now we need to wait for these seeds to grow now that could take a while especially where i don't have bones so we're going to be really oh unicorns coming in okay we gotta hide we gotta we can't finish this now we can't finish this now oh no we're just walking by okay we're good we're good we're good okay so if he's just walking by then we're okay oh the bread fell from the dispenser cool cool let's bring this inside and put this into our chest and perfect okay cool so our plan is in action our escape room is hidden and now i mean we just got to keep surviving let's go okay it's currently okay it's nighttime so none of the farmers have been out at night luckily so i should be okay i've been i've been mining every night so far and i've been able okay no way i see a name plate okay so unicorn's here late today because the last few days i've been mining i've been getting a lot of iron i want to complete my iron armor set and to do that i need to keep mining in that mine shaft but okay oh he's coming okay we just need to get over to that mine he seems to be going to the building once so i'm gonna use that to get to this mine shaft here i need to dig a better way into that mine shaft i'm gonna do it right here oh my god it does it connected up oh it connected up let's keep navigating this place let's go see if we can find more iron do you up here some more oh my god there's so much okay i'm gonna be able to get full iron armor here easily so let's just find a few more we just need a little bit more pieces okay let's go out let's go back oh no he's coming up he's coming well well well if we ain't got a little late night intruder dang it man all right just stay still for me little buddy actually no no no no i can't pass up an opportunity saying what you little fellas alive and through my machines let's see bill number one's under construction we've had a recent break out so uh we're gonna we're gonna put you in build number two come on let's go okay well building number two is right here so i guess i'm going here and i don't really seem to have much of a choice he'll just shoot me with his shotgun otherwise so i guess we're going to building number two dude i'm literally 20 days in and i've been caught twice crusher oh god now don't pay the signs don't mind all right little chicken here right you just worry about being nice and delicious all right there you go oh my god okay get in there okay oh no once again we just got to play it smart okay so let's see so first things first what is below us another fire so i'm actually going to see if i can kind of uh i did it okay okay so let's jump down okay let's go this way oh god oh god i'm on fire oh god just stay alive okay so i had to navigate my way through the conveyor belts once i was finally not on fire so i quickly oh dope i'm back on fire never mind i'm on fire okay let's just get here for a second let's cool off please don't burn to death i got i got food here just in case now what's here this makes me nervous i see two dispensers full of fireballs okay i'm gonna jump down here in three two one go oh god oh i knew this was gonna happen oh i'm almost done i'm almost done for please please oh i lift it okay we made it past that we made it past those okay now we gotta jump over just a couple fire pits okay or fall into the fire pit that works too okay i see magma up ahead okay that that is definitely gonna move on me oh just get past it quick okay what do we got below us can we get some more conveyor belts okay i think i mean oh wait i see smoke i see smoke okay we got to make sure we just clip this to the side and we did it okay we're not on fire but i don't think we're out of here yet the question is do i have to hit this button i can't tell if that did anything let's climb up here maybe there's got to be a way out of here right oh wait a minute is that my way out i could be going crazy here but my way out might literally be this parkour i might have to literally parkour my way out using all their wiring and stuff oh god oh my god i think it is can i make that please oh i made it okay i made it i made it it almost fell back in it don't fall back in jump here oh no i fell back in oh okay be quick oh no oh no oh no jump over here climb that i see it i see it that's hard okay oh that's so difficult how am i supposed to do that back up this way and there's no way i can get up there huh oh wait no it blocks on me i can aha okay there we go and we get up here here and we're out the door here we go yes we're free okay now we gotta be careful let's actually jump off the high part of this tower and let's glide our way back into the chicken coop we're gonna glide over to this one okay i don't see him i hope i can make this glide back in this will really stink otherwise please oh no okay we should be quick we gotta be quick we gotta be quick ready we're in we're in okay and shut okay we're good we're in we're in we escaped oh thank god that was so that was so difficult oh my goodness okay we survived we survived the next 20 days went by fairly smoothly actually i avoided getting caught pretty much at all costs by hiding in and around the chickenpin and really doing whatever it took to be sure i was the one that was not gonna be killed i was able to get some upgraded gear and even though it took forever the escape route was actually completed during this time the wheat had finally grown in and now the escape route was practically invisible or that's what i thought because on day 53 this happened okay so let's just replant all the seeds and get all the wheat get as much food as we can so we should gather up oh god he's coming he's coming oh god we gotta go back we're gonna go back we go back need some chicken for mine what in tarnation oh did you see it oh he saw i think he saw me i think he saw me there's a little crate crazy fella running around excuse me oh god oh oh what he just saw that chicken dude he just saw the chick why did you run in here he just watched it oh he knows he knows he knows you just gave us away oh my goodness what uh oh he's got that one he's at that hole oh god that's it i'm getting my boy what's his boy i very quickly found out what he meant by his boy god i hear him they're coming back they're coming back oh there's dog oh oh that's a dog that is definitely a dog oh we gotta get out of here where is he oh well well finally come too huh today i guess the dog caught me and i ended up here my dog caught you and you ended up here wow it looks like he can hear me now listen here partner all right you've uh you've been causing trouble around here i'm starting to recognize your face all right i don't like troublemakers know much all right so uh we're just gonna toss you in this ear pit okay okay we're in another one good luck getting out of this one okay we just got to figure out a way out of this one it's pretty straight oh my god okay that's a lot of fire is this like a dropper it looks kind of like a dropper but i'm very nervous here we go okay here we go we're gonna dodge the fire oh okay we're doing it okay we're doing it this is this is doable oh yeah we can get down pretty far here oh my god i can see it oh my god we're gonna do it right here hug this wall and look they have collectors to collect the chickens that fall but i'm not a dead chicken so you can't collect me i'll see you later okay they have a bunch of people here but they're not really attacking so i'm not going to worry about it there's unicorn i don't even see his name so i think i think he's gone i think he's gone i think we're just good oh my god okay luckily we escaped from that one pretty fast that one looked intimidating but was actually the easiest one yet so uh mission accomplished i guess we're still alive day 54 now yeah over the next few days i really was motivated to try and get my final goal completed of somehow destroying that chicken nugget restaurant to do that i was gonna need explosives like tnt and to make tnt you need sand and you need gunpowder so i was gonna need gunpowder from creepers which i could only farm at night so that's what i did beyond farming creepers i went ahead and i upgraded my gear i got myself the leggings that i needed and i got myself the helmet that i needed on top of that i was even able to make myself an iron sword to help defeat some of the future problems i may run into okay so let's go let's go get some creepers real quick let's go see what we can do luckily the farmer villagers actually don't seem to be okay they're skeletons out i gotta be somewhat careful i got a shield so i should be okay honestly i'm a chicken with a shield so fighting creepers shouldn't be too difficult yeah i was gonna say that did not work and i gotta be careful because of that if they explode that's gonna bring unicorn back out here so i need to hide now that we just caused an explosion okay i don't see unicorn i think we're okay okay i think we're in the clear he didn't wake up from that one luckily there's another creeper there he will see the explosion in the middle of the night and be very curious as to what happened so once again hit and run hit and run hit and run oh we got him whack run okay we got it okay cool we need to keep grinding creepers keep grinding creepers until morning there you go after i was able to successfully collect a bunch of gunpowder all i needed was the sand to create the tnt okay so we got the 36 gunpowder all we need left is a little bit of sand and we can go ahead and start making some tnt to start looking at escaping this place so we're gonna need a shovel here so let's go ahead and let's see uh we have one iron left let's make ourselves a shovel now we can go back out and let's go out and get some sand we should be very careful because i think it's daytime now it is that means unicorn is gonna be out and about in fact i already see his name okay let's just go up here and check okay there he is i can see his name let's go around the tower three that we just escaped from and let's make our way over to the water here yeah this is exactly what's looking there's water over behind building three and we can just start collecting this sand so let's just start breaking it and we'll collect this all in a second here now we have 36 gunpowder so we're going to get third we want to match that with sand i believe let's grab all this sand how much does that give us 22. we almost have enough we almost have enough that's all we need nice it is it is it is okay we got all the stuff we need now we need to sneak back to the chicken coop and we can craft our tnt so that's what i did i snuck back to the chicken coop and i crafted our tnt there we go we have seven pieces of tnt which is gonna be plenty to escape now we're gonna keep these in this chest here for now because we don't want the farmer to risk getting them but that is a massive haul and now i can start examining the walls on the outside to see if there's any weak spots that i could blow up and escape from this is gonna get crazy because we are almost at day 100 on day 100 i get to make my big escape plan to see if it works so here we go 10 more days passed without any incident and i had identified several weak points along the wall that i could use my tnt to escape the first was by the main gate where a tnt blast could easily help me escape the only problem is unicorn has placed a guard there so he would be notified immediately if that's what i tried to do so that plan was not gonna work however another weak spot i found was when looking into building number five i noticed that one of the walls at the bottom of a some sort of pit seemed fairly weak so i was gonna have to try to escape there meaning my next move was that i had to get caught i have to get caught bread just dropped out assuming it's gonna continue four and five uh are next meaning i'm probably gonna be put into four before five i'm hoping they put me straight into five but i just i doubt it's gonna happen so i pretty much have to get myself caught now i just heard unicorn outside so i know he's here so let's go ahead let's get outside the pen and let's let's definitely just get ourselves caught real if we're gonna do this we're gonna have fun with this ready yeah you better come down here play this way fly this way okay he's definitely gonna find you i'm putting you on my factory oh god okay okay we definitely gotta go oh actually you know he's not gonna expect me to hide in his own building so let's go to his own building okay yeah let's hide on this staircase unless he sees me i don't see oh no he's behind me he's buying me he's fine okay let's just jump up here jump up here oh oh he's going up the other one he's going to the other one you see him i know you're around here somewhere oh he sees me okay great uh okay jump oh no he's right there oh don't jump don't jump whoa okay this isn't going to be good i don't i've caught you i don't think i'm getting it boy i've got you fly boy make one more move see what happens i'm not gonna move because i actually want to get caught you know what i do with problem chickens i stuff them with all the other problem chickens come on move on make your way to number four i really hope i can live this okay here cool do i want to go down there all right listen here pecky all right you're gonna stay down there all right i'm gonna be sending a little friend down there with you and i'm certain one he is isn't coming back alive all right come on you're a problem chicken too you're too sentient there is another chicken here okay cool okay well mr other chicken that's here hello i'm also a chicken okay here's the deal i've already tried to escape this place but it turns out this is a co-op chicken escape room basically so i need you i think to step on that pressure plate because i cuz then i can i can go in here and then i think if i hit this button i open something for you yeah step on the pressure plate yes okay you are a genius sentient chicken okay awesome we can get out of here if we just work together okay what's this next part dude okay it adds a parkour i'll do this okay there we go now i'll do it for you yeah come on over yup and jump yes okay uh here you step on that because i think i need to jump here and go over you behind the door and hit the lever come on in yes okay we're getting out here down here okay we each got to pick a direction do you want left or right i'll let you choose okay i'll pick left there you go oh nice perfect we're doing it okay we're doing good oh that's lava okay i'll step over here and i think i can extend it out for you and you can open this door that's above me i think glide glide glide okay i made it this way okay we got another door on the outside here you go on the outside i'll stay on the inside this time okay now we're gonna have to do these one at a time i'm yeah perfect okay one do you get off that though am i gonna do you have anything to put down on it like eggs or oh feathers yeah yeah put feathers on i'm gonna jump to the second one there we go jump to this third one there we go once twice yes i did okay come back through come on through come on through okay cool we did it oh we we've got to be getting close to out of this place i think i opened something okay cool yeah you're blocking i'm assuming arrows from hitting me i got past the first three nice yes oh we're so good at this next three yes and then you're free perfect come on in friend we're almost out of here okay we got what appears to be a fence in the way and two of these oh oh this is bad oh god oh god okay uh uh uh okay i'm in trouble i'm gonna wait wait no i'm not in trouble okay chicken i need you to do whatever's in your power to break me out of here i don't know what his plan is he said yes though please break me out of here chicken oh i'm on fire please okay i'm alive i'm alive don't worry i'm just burning [Music] yes yes you're a legend chicken you're a legend okay i need to get water quick i'm on fire oh okay cool we need to get out of here before unicorn catches us okay come on chicken friend come on after getting through nugget building number four i knew that the only nugget building left that i hadn't been to was number five and to escape i was gonna have to be captured and go there so i waited ten more days and then it was time to make my move so here was my goal get captured get sent to building number five use tnt to escape the wall inside of that building run to their nugget restaurant and blow it up setting all these chickens free for their entire futures to just be chickens so let's hope this all goes my way because if not i'm in a lot of trouble let's go okay right now i'm basically just waiting for unicorn to come in and come kill some chickens like he normally does because when he does that i'm gonna go ahead and get myself caught by pecking him i've noticed that when i peck him and get him angry he almost always brings me to one of the buildings so the only building i have left to get to obviously is building number five so if i peck him i should be going to building number five where i can then go through with my plan but we have to make sure we have our items before our plan begins the first thing i need to do is i need to grab the tnt that we have so we're gonna take the sticks that we have we're to take some of the cobblestone that we have and we're going to make three different levers here now we're all ready to go oh he's already outside he's outside killing i have to go outside let's go time okay here he goes i got to get around and peck him ready here we go get a peck in let's get a peck let's get a peckin you little that's it am i gonna have to get my ball on you i knew it he's gonna get his boy and now watch it i'm gonna run out the front door and point that's it if you don't stop right now you're gonna get shot partner okay pretend we're scared pretend we're gonna get shot that's what i thought that's what i thought now listen here you all right you're real thor to my side ain't you boy i'm taking you to the holding cells the holding cells that's not building five yeah yeah yeah come on forward oh it must be building five okay oh for a second at the holding cells we're not building what to the rack come on wait what i've never even seen these what is this place oh no wait are these just stone blocks is he just proving yourself to be an extraordinary chicken and i like that about you so i reckon i reckon i'm going to be putting you through a different little shin dig that we got going on here at the farm yeah i have no idea what he's talking about i'm just going to go in and i'm assuming i'm about to get blocked in just stay in there all night slacker right boy i'll be back for you in 10 days wait 10 days 10 days i don't have 10 hope you ain't enough oh no and so yeah 10 days passed with me inside of a stone box cell being able to do nothing and do you want to know why it turns out that nugget building number five isn't even a nugget building at all it is a place where they basically have dogs kill chickens and they try to see how long they last and they think it's a sport let's be real no sport is that cruel so uh no that ain't a sport but anyway i was crammed in that box for 10 whole stinking days and at the end of the 10 days he did come back and he told me i had to go find a dog so not only did i have to go fight a dog i had to somehow get out of this place before this fight and this was it was getting chaotic quick anyway you're gonna see how this plays out because this is this is chaos day 95's here woohoo we did it in a box it's been 10 days but he's still not here speak of the devil he's here on 10 days how you doing little chickadee hanging out in that boxer right the solitary confinement didn't break it now did it all right now listen here boy i'm gonna take you out and we're gonna take you on to the arena how do you feel about that yeah you're excited aren't you you're excited little guy he thinks i'm excited i'm obviously not excited but i'm going along with it's really my only chance to escape during this time i went ahead and i made sure to prep my levers and my stuff ready because i was gonna have to use this tnt pretty quick and since it was day 95 i was close enough where i knew once i escaped here i'd be able to survive to day 100 so i just had to go through with my plan however i didn't expect what was coming next all right here it is pathway to the arena all right go on get yourself in there okay so where i came in i knew the weak wall was the wall to my left but i had no idea that when he opened that gate there was going to not just be one dog but many many dogs plural all right little chicken boy i bet you think you're tough but i reckon you ain't worth the feathers worth of day work so i reckon uh this is where you your tear in the ends oh that's wolves okay hold on hold on okay my shield's on i got my sword now he doesn't know i have a sword and shield but he thinks i'm gonna have to fight these kids let's just see let's get on out there i'm gonna need to get that wall here we go so let's just see oh they do a lot we got that one nice we got a bunch of them there's still three more egg the chicken's fighting back he's not used to this okay here we go i'm going in there oh oh okay here we go we gotta put the pressure plate down oh i put the t down wrong oh god i put it i set it off i set it off go nice we got through the wall let's go right here go okay the wolves are still chasing us we need to go we need to okay there's another wolf right there we need to get out of here quick oh god oh god okay we just need to get to that restaurant and set it off and we are setting all of the chickens okay he's definitely coming we just need to get to the restaurant and blow it up before he gets there and stops me we can do this we can save chicken kind all this village eats it's chicken nuggets and it's time to turn it around okay he's gonna be on his way let's blow our way into the back wall let's blow our way into the back wall here we go oh i see him up there careful okay we're in my business okay it's his business okay we need a clown we need to build up we need to build oh he's shooting at me we're a chicken he can't break into a one-high gap okay these are the bathrooms they don't really matter we just need to destroy his main kitchen one there two there three there and where do we put the fourth one in the main dining area here we go set that off set that off we need to run we need to run oh he's right there up please blow up quicker yes it's all gone the kitchen's gone i destroyed the restaurant it's rude and with that i had officially escaped the farm on day 95 and so obviously to complete the challenge i went ahead and i did some survival for just five days out in the world it was super easy got to day 100 i survived the full 100 days inside the farm asterick it was technically 95. so without further ado if you guys enjoyed this video you know what to do i need you to slap that like i need you do me a favor and please hit that subscribe button guys if you guys don't know our subscriber growth has pretty much grown to near zero subscribers per day so if you'd like to help us turn that around please hit that subscribe button we post awesome content at least we think so so once again please please please hit that sub button and we'll catch you all later bye guys
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 6,302,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, 100 day minecraft, minecraft 100 day, unicorn mann, minecraft roleplays, roleplays, roleplay, minecraft daycare, daycare academy, daycare, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, 100 day mob, ryguyrocky chicken, ryguyrocky 100 day, ryan minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft update, minecraft chicken, ryguyrocky mcc, mcc, 100 day chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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