I Survived 100 Days as an ALLIGATOR in Minecraft

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alligators are terrifying they not only have the strongest bite of any creature on Earth but they also can run over 30 miles per hour that's insanely fast in fact alligators are so crazy that I have added them into Minecraft with all sorts of alligator related Powers I mean my alligator can do death rolls run extremely fast and of course he can fly what you've never seen an alligator fly before anyway Michael is an alligator in Minecraft is to survive until day 100. all three crazy people from Florida try to stop me but my alligator Powers be enough to survive until day 100 or am I gonna end up as nothing more than a pair of gator boots on day one I spawned in as a baby alligator oh look how cute I am but I only have five hearts of HP and then that is a problem because behind me there are three floor Ed necks we're gonna do everything in their power to stop me from getting to day 100. luckily I do have this alligator upgrade menu where I can get more hearts and unlock super cool alligator powers like the death roll you see on screen right now but we can't unlock those just yet but right now we just have to leave this Lily Pad platform and get away from the Florida man okay let's go this way we're an alligator so we should be able to breathe underwater longer than the Florida people okay let's go ready three two one go they can't shoot us as good down here yeah I could see them boating above me oh my goodness quick let's get to this Birch Forest oh God oh God I'm gonna wrestle you Gators oh God they're right behind me oh the bullets are whizzing by go go little alligator go okay let's get across right here guys there's no on the other side the top back in the water you're gonna have to pick the fish oh God they're still right behind me go little alligator go oh another portal out in the distance we've got to get to that nether portal okay here's the chest loot it quickly we get a sword okay let's go this way it's around here hiding the grass hide the grass oh there's a dolphin yes he gave me dolphins Grace oh that's so useful Google thank you Dolphins I heard alligators taste like chicken into the force into the forest okay now let's cut down this tree real quick where is he okay now let's break this log okay quick make your crafting table now let's turn these nuggets into an Ingot and now we can make ourselves a shield and actually if we look at our alligator quests you're gonna see we can unlock our first alligator upgrade we're getting two Critical Hits on these Florida men so with the sword and shield in hand let's quickly get to critical kills on the Florida man oh okay nice and with that all the Florida men are dead so we can get out of here and start working on our first alligator base okay we got away from the Florida man anyway let's work to finish our first alligator upgrade since we already started all we need to do left is get 15 kills on mobs and water and break a wooden sword both of which are easy but I'm not gonna worry about that right now because currently I have two hearts and so we need to kill some sheep for some mutton so that way we can get our hearts back to full okay we've got some muttons now let's quickly gather up some more wood and now let's make some wooden planks and a crafting table now let's make some sticks and make a wooden pickaxe now let's take it underground and grab three stone and now we have a stone pickaxe now stick up a bunch more Cobblestone and now let's cook up our mutton so now we're not starving okay our food's done and the Sun is starting to set so let's go into our crafting table and quickly make a bed break the crafting table and now let's simply bury ourselves underground until morning okay it's officially day two and all we have to do to get our first alligator upgrade is break a wooden sword and kill a bunch of mobs in water so as an example if I grab these seeds on the ground you're gonna see I get a bunch of these chickens to follow me and if I leave these chickens into the water I can now kill them and start working on the quest but now we need to kill 12 more which might be easy if we just kill mobs that are already underwater and there we go just like that we have all 15 kills we need and now we just gotta break a wooden sword so let's put down our crafting table and let's quickly make one now that we have the wooden sword we just have to break dirt 60 times here I am just breaking some dirt and I heard the wooden sword break but that was only like 30 blocks whatever I'm not gonna question it because with that Quest finished I can officially unlock our snapping lunge ability which makes it so I can do this and if I'm in water it launches me even farther and anything I hit while lunging ends up bleeding let me show you so we're swimming right here and want to attack this squid we're gonna lunge into it and now the squid is bleeding and the squid is slowly going to die just like he just did this move is awesome and now that we have our first upgrade unlocked we can finally work on our first alligator base I Feel Like It's gotta be near some water like here so let's go in let's break into the side of this Sandstone right here and this is where I'll build my secret base and so I built my first alligator base but I'm not really sure how safe this one is because I've seen the Florida men like 10 times already which likely means they're living close by somewhere and that could definitely spell trouble okay with that our first alligator base is complete if we go past this sign right here under the water you're gonna see we enter into our base which has our bed crafting tables furnaces and chests and basically everything we need to survive and now that we have a base of operations let's keep cracking away at Alligator upgrades and the next one I want to work on is called land and water adaptability basically I swim super fast in water and I run super fast on land I also get things like hey snapback and critical hits underwater but to unlock this ability I need diamond boots three water buckets and 32 strip Mangrove logs so let's start with the easiest part of this by grabbing our iron ingots and making ourselves three water buckets there's three buckets now let's just grab some water well that was easy so now let's just work on getting the diamond boots okay so let's just swim ourselves over to the mine shaft and let's start looking for some diamonds okay here's a couple diamonds right here here's number three and last but not least four oh and five okay we've got all the diamonds so now let's just head on home and let's make ourselves some diamond boots and now that we have the diamond boots and water buckets we just need to get 32 strip Mangrove Vlogs so let's quickly make some sticks and an iron ax and now we have to go look for a mangrove swamp which might be kind of tricky since these things tend to spawn pretty far but let's get looking because we aren't gonna find a mangrove just sitting around I spent all of days eight nine just looking for a mangrove so I could strip some logs and I couldn't find one anywhere until day 10. oh wait wait A Man Group I see mud we found a mangrove which means now we're just gonna strip these logs oh this is roots I need to actually find the wood where's the wood at oh I see it it's way up in this tree it's red and now you get a nice red block let's start stripping all the other wood inside these trees and getting that as well now in total we're gonna need 32 of these things so let's get cutting okay we officially have all the mangrove Vlogs so now let's unlock land and water adaptability so now we swim super fast underwater with our Dolphins Grace which means now we can head home much quicker okay we are we home so let's just go back into the base and now let's wait there's obviously this holes in my ceiling oh oh he's coming he's coming all right guys let's end this before day 20. they're blowing themselves up all day gravel trapping hold on oh God hold on I'm in trouble oh geez oh okay oh surrounded nice we can go we can get out of you ready oh God they can't get me here what are you doing hey oh my gosh now we can hit them we can hit them let's use some of our abilities on them oh all of our stuff's on the ground let's grab these chests okay we've got all our stuff that survived the attack in these chests but our base has already been found so I am moving out here with my stuff and building a new base somewhere far away my first base was found and destroyed already luckily we survived the attack however that is a massive setback this early because I have to focus on building a shelter instead of upgrading my alligator welcome to the brand new alligator base if we jump in this water right here and we swim all the way down into this cave you're gonna see some lights down here that's because my base is at the bottom of this water cave in this weird air pocket thing but it works out because I got all my chest bonuses portal basically we have everything we need and now we can keep upgrading our alligator Sam yes I named him Sam no you're not allowed to question it let me know in the comments what you would name them though anyway we almost died when our base got destroyed so I think it's time to stop being a baby alligator with only five hearts of HP and turn ourselves into the team Tyrant who's a bigger alligator with 15 hearts of HP but getting the teen Tyrant isn't gonna be easy we would need a music disc a Scoot and an enchanted golden item which is hard very hard well luckily there's one place where we can get a bunch of that stuff all in one go that's an ancient city because finding music discs and enchanted golden apples is super easy inside of an ancient city so let's just go start digging under some mountains till we find one so let's get going and see if we can find one as soon as possible okay we made it to an ancient city it's currently right below me we just gotta get down there without setting off a Shrieker nice no we sit on a Shrieker dang it now let's just start looking around for some chests okay so we're looking for either an enchanted golden apple or a music disc this just says neither moving on none in our second chest with this one yes we gotta music this there we go now we just have to find an enchanted golden apple okay we got a bottle of enchanting but still no Golden Apple oh this is not gonna be good this is totally gonna set these off go oh dang it okay nothing yeah as an enchanted golden apple finally we have everything we need from the ancient city and now we just need to get some Scoot and we can become a team Tyrant but this is gonna take a little bit of time and school requires me to breed Turtles which is a pain in the butt okay so making a scoot Farm is gonna be a little bit difficult okay so let's get to work on this scoot Farm good is the green stuff that drops when you breed baby turtles which means first things first we have to find a beach that has Turtles on it so that way we can breed them okay perfect we found some turtles and now I'm gonna show you how we can trap them so first things first let's swim in the water and let's use our shears to break some of this seagrass now let's move over to our Turtle friends as they all love seagrass so let's dig a hole right here and now if we hold the seagrass these Turtles should start to follow us into this hole come on Turtle friends yeah he's in we got him yeah and just like that we have four turtles in the hole so we have to do is build the turtle breeding farm so let's first level off the area by getting rid of all this extra sand up top here okay now that they already cleared I'm just gonna build the following and now that I've built four sand squares we're just gonna carve out the middle of them like this so that way we get this grid-like pattern and now that you have this grid you're pretty much ready to go so let's just cut down some trees real quick to get some wood fences and now let's put these fences all along the edges of our farm okay once you have your fences down put some white carpet along the edges so that way you're able to jump in but the turtles aren't able to get out and now let's just dig down the sand one more in all of the Open Spaces [Music] and then once you've done that you just stick some water in each of the four corners right there there there and there and now once the water's in place it's pretty easy from here so now let's go to the center of our farm and we're gonna put a hopper right there and that Hopper is there to collect any scoot that's gonna fall from the breeding Turtles okay so now the fun part let's get the turtles inside okay so we got all our turtles in this hole right here so let's grab our sea grass and start luring them over to our farm okay so let's break this sand here so they can get out so now the turtles can start coming this way so they should start to follow us come on totally friends I know you want it come on and just like that we have three Turtles trapped in our farm now let's go get the last guy over here who's deciding he wants to escape no escaping for you come on we're getting out of here okay we have all four turtles captured now let's just feed you to some seagrass and YouTube some sea grass and now our Turtles are gonna lay some eggs and there they are there's the two eggs we got this little triple egg and this little double egg and now he's gonna play the waiting game for these eggs to hatch but that's gonna take a while so let's head home and let's start working on our next upgrade which is our death roll ability you know that thing alligators do in the water where they grab you and then they roll yeah I'm gonna get that ability it actually unlocked death roll we need to attach 10 mobs to a single lead get two mobs to enter the same boat and we need to kill four players with our lunge attack so let's start by getting 10 mobs on a single lead all at once and we don't have a lead but to make one we just need four string and some slime ball and since I got the string we just have to go get some slime so let's make our way back to the swamp spun and wait for night to see if we can get any slimes okay we officially have five slime balls and now if we combine our string with our slime balls we're gonna get ourselves 10 total leads and now we just have to attach 10 mobs to leads and now that we got 10 leads let's go get 10 mobs okay so let's just grab this cow right here and all this cow friends come this way now let's go grab these sheep over here now let's go grab this sheep we just need one more and there we go we have 10 mobs on leads behind us and now it's time for you all to go goodbye foreign delicious but anyway now that we have 10 mobs on leads done with we just have to get two mobs into the same boat or get four kills on the Floridians but before we do that let's go check out our scoot on the beach and see if we have any yet okay we're back at the farm the eggs are gone officially so there could be scoot in here let's check our Hopper Booyah there it is two scoops okay cool we got that so before we go get four lunging kills on the Floridians now that we have the scoop we can actually become a teenage Tyrant we just have to go home and get the music disc there it is and now we are a teenage Tyrant you're gonna notice I'm an alligator with emo hair you know like a teenager but that doesn't matter right now because we have 15 total hearts of HP speed strength and haste too which means our alligators actually super strong now but we still got work to do and since it's still daytime outside let's go get two mobs trapped in a boat real quick as that's gonna be super easy with the 10 leads we have on it okay so let's just cut down this tree real quick right here now let's make a quick crafting table and let's make ourselves a boat okay I see chicken over here let's go grab this chicken okay we got this chicken on a lead now let's just drag them over to our boat I think we can get him to get in the boat if we just drag him near it right okay okay we have a chicken trapped in the boat now let's go get another okay I see a chicken over on this hill over here let's go grab him you're coming with me come on come on chicken almost there get this chicken in the boat now [Music] oh chicken's in a boat go away which means all we have to do now is get four kills on the Floridian so obviously the Floridians could be literally anywhere but luckily snapping lunge we're gonna be able to navigate around much easier so let's quickly swim to the surface and let's look for the Floridian space so that way we can get them with our snapping lunge attack so all I needed to do was find the Floridians and get four kills it was supposed to be as easy as that but finding their base took forever like I couldn't find it anywhere and it was already past day 25. did I just I'm 90 sure I just saw something red in that Mangrove oh it's a base look at that I see their names this is definitely their base we should blend into the jungle now we need four kills with our lunge break through the wall here and I'll kill him come on kill him yes hey that's one kill with our lunch ability out the door go go go go go okay they definitely know we're here now this way and get ready to lunch him again ready oh I'm bleeding if we got the Florida man oh yeah that's hurting him nice that's three that's three oh he's hurt oh he's done we got him that's four for four we can officially unlock the ability so let's go in here let's quickly go combat let's unlock the death roll okay now we need to get him with the death roll ability okay let's see they're all honest ready whoa we're death rolling them yeah let's get him oh we got him we're getting them yes he can't do anything as long as we keep oh my goodness okay let's get out of here we got the new ability let's get out of here come on get climbing pretty good get back here oh oh oh this could be in a barrel roll nice we got him we got him we got him he's dead nice diving this water we can swim much faster than they can let's use this water to get away we're definitely losing them now let's go we are we what oh God they're coming in on a gunboat two gunboats oh we gotta go oh that's a dead end oh standard water oh they're shooting me come on boys we can't let that alligator Escape you don't escape an alligator yeah no don't get trapped standard water this way quick oh God they're right behind me oh God like she's done he's done and they're all dead yes now let's get out of here before they get back here with more gunboats we've officially unlocked our brand new death roll ability and it is super overpowered it not only grabs the enemy and causes them to take a ton of damage I also get resistance too while I'm using it making me near Invincible but now that that's done it's time to work on our last tier 2 upgrade tough team which is gonna double all ores we mine and give us a special alligator Omni tool and if you don't know what Omni tool is it's like a pickaxe action shovel all in one but anyway to unlock this ability we're gonna need 32 bones 32 bricks and 32c pickles and since we pretty much live in a cave let's go down to the vine and let's go kill some skeletons for their bones go we got a bunch of Bones down 32c pickles so let's head back up to the base and tomorrow we'll get some bricks that actually make bricks in Minecraft you need to get four individual bricks and put them in a crafting table like this but to get those bricks you need to smell clay balls and doing some quick math man we basically need two full stacks of clay balls so let's quickly make a shovel and start digging because there is tons of clay In this River there we go that'll do okay now let's start Gathering up this clay here we go ready oh yeah that was super easy one little area and we already have two stacks of clay balls now store our clay balls inside of our furnaces and now we just wait for these to finish smelting okay cool all the bricks are done now let's turn them into actual brick blocks by combining them in the crafting table like so and bada bing bada boom we have 34 bricks which on a quick look is all we need and now we just need sea pickles which luckily should be pretty easy to find as we just have to get to a warm ocean and start grabbing some oh I see a warm ocean in the distance which means we can now get ourselves some sea pickles yeah here's four here and there we go just like that we have 54c pickles which is way more than we needed which means now we can unlock tough teeth our brand new multi-tool that works as a shovel pickaxe and ax basically I don't need tools anymore so with our tough tooth in hand let's head on home okay now that we've unlocked the tough tooth upgrade it's time to work on our tier 3 upgrade and more specifically it's time to unlock Gator slam and this ability is gonna be op I slammed the ground and can make entire structures collapse literally look at this video of me caving an entire Basin on itself this power is broken and unlocking it is super easy we just have to Lunge it goats 20 times get the sticky situation advancement which is this one right here where I have to jump into a honey block to break my fall finally we have to get six kills on the Floridians with the grab and roll or death roll ability none of which is that hard so let's start with the easiest one which is getting sticky situation all we need to do is take some glass bottles like this and go looking for a beehive in a forest and so long as the bees have produced honey we'll be able to get some honey bottles okay here's a nest that's dripping with honey so if I use one of my honey bottles on it you're gonna see I get a bottle of honey but the bees are now gonna attack me and now the hive is reset to normal so I'll just go find three more beehives okay we officially have four honey bottles which is perfect timing too because the sun's starting to set but anyway with the four honey bottles we can now craft a honey block and tomorrow we can jump on it okay so if I put the honey block on the ground right here and then we take a bunch of cobblestone and build next to it and we jump on the honey block we didn't get sticky situation what what am I doing wrong maybe he wants me to do that thing where you kind of Hit the side of one like this like we could go oh that was it I had to do this sideways honey thing yeah and just like that we got sticky situation done with now let's go find a mountain with a bunch of goats on it and then we can use our snapping lunge ability 20 times on them to take them out okay you found some goats of this mountain now he's gonna lunge at them a bunch we gotta be quick about this so it's lunch once oh they die quick okay so we're gonna have to be quick about this ready so let's get them once okay bro let's try it with this get them once okay so I've already killed three goats and I thought I was gonna be able to get goats more than once with the lunge ability but they just die way too fast so we're gonna have to find 20 separate goats okay I've officially cleared all the goats on this mountain so now we need to go find another mountain and kill 10 more goats oh there are goats up here yes we found more goats you okay there we go we've officially killed 20 goats which means I can finally leave all these dumb snowy areas and head on home okay now that we've killed 20 goats we just need to kill the Floridians but bunch of times using our death roll so let's hop in the water and head to their base so we can pay the Floridians a visit okay their base is literally right through this Mangrove it's definitely somewhere in here oh I'm right there I'm at the base I see it's right next to me let's get to the side of the base start breaking in we're literally in their chest right now hold on we are hidden under their base they have no clue okay sneak behind him and grab them they drag him down here help I've been taken I've been taken they have no idea I'm completely gone I'm back and hidden under their face I don't know where I am there's nobody in here he was just here dude I swear I swear to the good Lord himself he was just there's nobody in here oh he found me no thanks we got him it's too but go this way into the woods grab him he's got me I'm in his Jaws he's got me and I'm dead we got him he's dead okay there's one on us here we go let's get him as well oh no I grabbed a frog I didn't want to grab a frog I'll teach it for killing my friends oh gosh he's killing a chicken oh it poisons me let's grab one of them ready grab them and just start bringing him over here time in the water grab this one swim over here nice we got him at six for six fighting in this Mangrove is so good for me okay let's go this way now let's unlock our brand new ability Gator slam and let's use it on their base there's one definitely behind us yeah let's get him real quick okay quick let's get back to their base wait let's get inside and let's use Gator slime on it ready watch this we just get right here and we simply use our new ability Gator slam oh he's coming in ready and watch this the whole base just caved in get over here oh my God he destroyed the base the whole base just caved in let's break down the whole thing ready ready let's get over here let's get over here and Cave it the rest of it in but he wants to get in the water oh we killed him with it nice oh I'm caving the whole thing in their base is doomed oh all their beds are broken from that ability let's go dude can I send them up oh the gator will teach you for kill your base oh my God next we got one let's death roll him and just like that this base is ours anyway the mud hut is officially destroyed and we've unlocked our brand new ability so let's head on home and with that Battle complete we've officially unlocked Gator slam where yeah we kind of caused blocks to cave in on themselves we also said Bob's flying if we hit them with it so overall this power is really cool and I can't wait to cave in more bases with it anyway with slim unlocked it's time to become a 12-foot Terror now I don't know if you've ever seen a massive Gator that's like 12 feet long but they are huge now to unlock one we just need 16 blocks of gold 16 glowberries and 32 prismarine shards so let's start with the easiest bit which is going to the nether for some gold blocks okay we're in the nether now we just have to find a Bastion somewhere and speaking of here's a Bastion right here so I'll just break some blocks real quick so we can get over to it and we're in now let's check the center chest for any gold oh here okay so I opened that chest and we just crashed our game but it wasn't the chest nothing in here actually crashed me it turns out it's those guys right there see that piglet yeah whenever they shoot one of their crossbows off my game just kind of goes so yeah we've actually gone ahead and set up a Quick Command Block that's going to replace all of their weapons with gold swords instead of crossbows now that we fix that problem though let's get back to Looking for Gold Blocks because we need 20 of them they're right off the bat there's a chest that's right over here so let's use our tooth and start digging our way up there now let's see what's inside and we got ourselves a gold block and an iron block and a bunch of arrows now let's grab this gold block right here this gold block and you know what let's just go grab all the gold blocks of this place real quick thanks we got a gold Block in this chest hey look a crossbow that's what crashed me earlier you don't think if I shoot it's gonna crash to you so let's just load it up and okay yeah no more crossbows now we want to go down this tunnel here and at the bottom there's these three squares with faces on them and if we break through these you're gonna see there's a bunch of gold below these blocks look at all this booyah nice we got three gold blocks in this chest in two more in this chest that's 20 Gold Blocks now let's head on home to finish the upgrade so let's go through the portal and we are home during our murder oh my gosh oh he's here through here the hunters here hold on grab him don't let them TNT the base stay near the chest ah help me oh my God I'm gonna die grab him no you don't come on kill him oh no yes we got him we win we win oh yes yes they tried to blow up my base it failed man I literally caught them off guard I don't think they were expecting me that quick and now just like that my base is saved I honestly thought it was Doom there and if I'm being honest this base kind of is doomed because now the Florida men know where this base is so it makes no sense to stay here because they're gonna come back to blow it up so let's grab all of our stuff from the chests and let's move to a brand new base far away and turn this base into a massive trap for the Florida man and so I finished turning our second base into a massive trap that hopefully would trick the Florida dudes and blow them up I also went ahead and finished our third alligator base and that's because this time I've hidden it inside of a cave underneath a mangrove tree making it nearly invisible okay so welcome your faces to the brand new gator base I made sure to hide this one really well and since I was doing so good fighting the Florida men inside of the mangrove that's where I put my new base in fact the base is actually hidden somewhere in this area and I want to see if you guys can find it ready I'm gonna spit in a circle and you tell me if you see the hidden base let me know in the comments if you got it right do you see it probably not and that's because the bass is actually hidden right down here you go beneath this tree fall down here and then you're gonna find this super small cave where you simply jump down this hole and you're inside of our brand new base we've got an enchanting table another portal all our chest and my favorite an auto smelting station with lava generators this base is game changing because not only is it 10 times better than my other base but it's also 10 times safer anyway with the new base unlocked we have to keep unlocking new alligator upgrades because we still have to become a 12-foot Terror and later on I want to unlock the jaws of death which is apparently like an inescapable bite move where I can just drag the floor to people around wherever I want but we're still pretty far away from that one so let's keep getting the 12-foot Terror or that's what I would say but I actually have all the materials I need to already become the 12-foot Terror we've got our 21 Gold Blocks right here we've got 50 glowberries in here in our 32 prismarine shards right here which allow us to say goodbye to our emo-haired Gator and hello to the 12-foot Terror a giant alligator with much bigger teeth and from this point forward this is where the alligators get crazy no more funny hats and hairdos just pure terrifying Gator power so obviously being a 12 foot terror is going to be pretty cool because we have 25 hearts of HP you're gonna notice we also now have Speed 2 Strength 2 and haste too which is really broken anyway now that we're at 12 foot Terror let's work to unlock another tier 3 upgrade called Alpha carnivore which is an ability that basically gives me a ton of golden temporary Hearts which is basically an ability that gives me a bunch of golden temporary hearts for every single piece of meat I need so you can see why this ability is broken and why I need to unlock it so fast but speaking of to unlock it we just need to get 64 blocks of amethyst 64 rotten flesh and three instant health potions I still want to show you guys the trap at my previous base that I built let's head back to that base and go to the giant amethyst crystal that's there so that way we can finish this Quest and I can show you a cool trap okay here's Base number two well the Trap is over here to the left so let me show you I left everything pretty much how it was with only a few slight changes I emptied all the chests I basically want to make this base look still lived in and you're gonna notice there's a tripwire hook right there and if anyone steps on this tripwire TNT is gonna rain down from the ceiling up above here and blow anyone who enters this base to bits in fact if we go by another portal you're gonna see I actually built a secret way up to our Redstone area that way you guys could see all this beautiful engineering magic but anyway we don't want to accidentally set this thing off so let's quickly mine up some cobblestone in this wall and let's use this to get over our trip wire so let's build over the trip wire like this and now we can enter into this geode where we can find tons of amethyst blocks and there we go just like that we have 64 amethyst blocks which is good because now we can take down this Cobblestone and reset the base back to normal perfect that'll do now let's get out of here and wait for the Floridians to explode okay now that we have 64 amethyst let's work on getting the 64 rotten flesh next let's hop into the cave and now let's go kill some zombies okay well that was super easy we've got all 64 rotten flesh we need which means now we just have to get three instant health potions meaning let's go to the Nether and get some Nether Warts okay cool I found another Fortress okay now the words are gonna spawn near some staircases Booyah netherworts there they are now let's go kill some blazes so we can make a brewing station okay five Blaze Rod should be enough and now we have to go make a glistening melon in the Overworld which is made simply by surrounding a melon slice with a bunch of gold nuggets so let's go to the Overworld let's grind a melon okay so to find a melon is actually gonna be kind of tricky to do because melons aren't the most common spawning item so let's just keep looking for villages till we find a melon oh I see one I see a savannah Village okay now we have to go get a melon at the Village there we go a melon we got six melon slices and now we can make a bunch of instant health potions which we need to finish the alpha carnivore upgrade okay so let's start by making ourselves some Brewing stands let's put them right here and now we just need some glass bottles so let's grab our sand and let's throw it into our furnaces okay so now we have three glass from each of these chests so we can turn all of that into glass bottles which we can quickly fill with water and add to our Brewing stands now we simply add another wart to turn these water bottles into awkward potions and now we simply add a glistening melon and we'll get ourselves the instant health potions and there we go just like that we have three potions of healing and everything we need to unlock Alpha carnivore and you're gonna see when I unlock it nothing happened and that's because I have to eat meat for this ability to work so let's quickly head to the world and I'll show you exactly how it works you're gonna see if I eat this piece of meat that I actually gain a golden heart I also got regeneration and poison immunity during that time and this ability is stackable like right now I have one golden heart but the second I'm hungry again I can eat another and so you'll see just biting that second piece wheat I now have two gold Hearts so yeah this ability is really really broken okay so now that we've finished Alpha carnivore we have finished all our tier three upgrades meaning there's only six more upgrades to go and the next one on the list is actually called Gatorade where I can basically lay an army of alligators that are gonna fight alongside me to unlock them I just have to kill three zoglins I also have to get light as a rabbit which is an advancement where I have to walk on powdered snow without sinking in and finally we just have to slam the Floridians 20 times with our slam ability and we'll unlock our Gator egg so let's start by killing three zoglands because we just have to get some hoglens into another portal okay we're in the Nether and there's a slight change of planes you're gonna notice my quest menu is completely changed and now it says hogland's killed five where before it said zoglin kills we basically had to quickly get a change on our mod maid because our Nether Portals were broken and they weren't teleporting hoglands to the Overworld so we've got a mix on The Mod meaning now we have to go kill some hoglands which we can find right over here okay well now that we finished killing all the hoglets let's just head on home and let's make some leather boots now let us walk on powdered snow so that way we can get the advancement light as a rabbit so let's quickly make ourselves some leather boots now let's put these leather boots on and let's swim over to a snow biome okay we're at the giant snow mountain now we just have to go find some powdered snow on top okay I found some powdered snow in the mountain and you're gonna see that when we walk into it we actually automatically go to the top getting us the light is a rabbit advancement and now we should need to slam the Floridians 20 times so let's head back home and gather up our supplies and then we'll go attack the Floridians base ow we are so close to being able to use the baby alligator attack where we just summon some eggs and spawn tons of small Gators but first we just have to find out where the Floridians are living that's gonna be the base let's get their attention we're gonna slam the base they're gonna see us run up here ready and slam okay I just caved the Basin and a bunch of the sand in our bases wow what'd he do okay that should get their attention now we have to slam we slammed one of them once we just have to do that 20 times so let's get them around the corner here and boom we got him okay there we go we just killed two of them okay let's go this way quick get to the other side of the building now run at them quick and slam okay they're both dead nice we got two of them keep slamming the outside of the base there we go that's 28-20 we can unlock our new Gatorade and Escape ow he's pulling me get him failures he asked me on a leash I can't get away I'm swimming away I can't swim away what if I whack you oh that cuts the line let's quickly Dive In The Water let's get to the bottom of the ocean real fast and get in this Ravine and now that we're safe down here let's unlock the Gatorade ability and let's use it to escape this place okay let's quickly eat some food and get another temporary heart I see a boat above me we can definitely take a boat see we can take out the gunboat nice we took out the driver we took out the driver nice let's go back to the surface and now let's put down a ton of our eggs ready now let's protect them they take a little bit to hatch but after 10 seconds they should start hatching into alligators boom there they are now watch my baby alligator army take them out what are these dude there's Gators on me oh my God there's baby Gators oh yeah get them get them boys they can't do anything against the baby Gators now let the babies fight so we can get out of here okay so now that we can lay eggs and make baby alligators fight for me we are ten times stronger by the way fun fact did you know that baby alligators sound like lasers I'm not even kidding listen to one of them anyway there's only two more tier four upgrades to go we have the king of the swamps which will give us 35 hearts in strength three and my personal favorite Steve Irwin's protection you know the crocodile hunter Steve Irwin do people nowadays know Steve Irwin like I know people my age know Steve Irwin but he hasn't been famous for years so if you do know Steve Irwin let me know in the comments below because I'm curious who actually does okay so it actually unlocks Stever but we just have to get 32 cookies a heart of the sea in a totem of undying so let's head back to spawn because there's actually show you a jungle near there where we can start getting cocoa beans to make ourselves the 32 cookies we're gonna need better craft a cookie you just need one cocoa bean and two things of wheat to get eight so to get 32 I really just need four cocoa beans okay here's the jungle now let's just go look for some cocoa beans okay there we go we got 12 cocoa beans so if we grab our wheat from our chest and combine them with our cocoa beans we easily have enough to make 32 cookies now we just need a totem of undying in a heart of the sea we'll worry about that tomorrow okay so let's start by getting that heart of the sea to the ocean so we can find a shipwreck that way we can get buried treasure that then leads us to the heart of the sea okay I found our first shipwreck let's check this one out okay I see chest in here it just has a bunch of like gold gold nuggets and iron and stuff let's check the lower part of the boat though because a lot of times there's a chest hidden and right here here it is it has the berry treasure map let's go and now he's gonna follow this map to the buried treasure so we just swim this way for a while we should reach the area where the buried treasure is okay I'm guessing it's somewhere under here in fact I'm willing to bet you it's under this gravel block because of how weirdly placed it looks let's find out let's break it boom it's right there I knew it and there's the heart of the sea we need so let's take the iron the gold and the extra goodies and now let's head back home so we can start working to unlock the totem of undying the last thing we need till we get Steve Irwin okay so there's kind of two methods we can go about getting totems of undying we can either do option A which is go to a woodland Mansion or option b which is start a raid and kill a bunch of villagers I figure I figured probably just go to a woodland Mansion so let's quickly leave the base first let's grab some sugar s tons on the coast okay there we go we got all the sugar cane we need and now we see a bunch of sand which is convenient because we're in a desert so let's just dig up a bunch of sand real quick okay there we go there's a stack of sand and since we have the rest of the trading materials at home let's head on home and tomorrow we'll trade with some villagers okay so first things first let's go ahead and let's make ourselves two compasses then let's also turn all of our sugar cane into paper finally we're gonna toss all of our sand inside of our smelters and since we already have some glass down here that I forgot about let's just take that over to the crafting table and turn it into glass panes which luckily is already enough glass to do the trade and then besides the 18 emeralds we have we just have to make a cartography table which is literally this easy and so with everything in hand let's go to sleep and tomorrow we'll pay the villagers a visit okay we found a tiny village but this should still do because all we have to do is put down this cartography table and wait for someone to take the job which this guy's coming in hot look at him okay let's do some training villager I'm gonna trade you a bunch of paper for emeralds and that's gonna level you up once and then you're gonna like change and then I trade you glass panes and I level you up again and You're Gonna Change again we can trade this guy for his Woodland Explorer map finally and now we can see which direction we gotta go in the map basically is telling me I have to head really far Southeast so let's dive in the water and let's start going Southeast I spent all day six just heading to the Woodland Mansion however I didn't realize the Floridians actually spotted me on my way to the mansion oh I can see the Woodland Mansion it's right over there past this Forest now let's break through the glass and we're in the Woodland Mansion now let's just start taking out some evokers okay we only needed one total of my dying and I already have two well let's see how many more we can collect in here because totems are super useful at keeping us alive I literally just saw Floridian I see one in the corner another illusion let's get him oh what he joked me no you don't okay we got a third totem they just went right past me they didn't even see me hold on can I cave this Basin on them yeah watch this watch this watch this I just gave the whole building in on him oh there's another one on us let's use death roll on him let's use death roll on him nice he's done he's going upstairs it looks like we can get him here he's the last one in here dude I'm so low no oh we killed him with our slam nice okay this place is absolutely trashed so we're just gonna take what totems we have and just get out of here and with that we have everything we need to unlock Steve Irwin but when I activate him his ghost appears in front of me hi Steve I haven't seen you in like 20 years and he says crikey in chat anyway now that we have Steve Irwin you're gonna see he just kind of floats there basically Steve Irwin's gonna chill here for 30 seconds and anyone who tries to shoot me with a projectile well it's not gonna work because he's there and when he vanishes he drops me a god apple and says see you later alligator but anyway with Steve Irwin unlocked there's literally only one more tier 4 upgrade to go we just have to get the king of the swamps which requires an enchanted netherite helmet 64 yellow terracotta and then the final thing we need is just a nautilus shell but it's the hardest item on that list because you have to wait for a drown to spawn with a nautilus shell and then just because it has a nautilus shell doesn't even mean it's gonna drop it but since the odds of getting an olive shell are actually ridiculously low like four percent let's just go to the nether instead and let's go mine some netherite [Applause] no way I just mined an ancient debris and it gave me two netherrite scraps and an ancient debris and since we have an agent debris at home that's literally all the netherite we need and just like that we have four netherite scraps and if we combine those with four gold we get another I didn't get and if we take off our helmet and combine it with another I dig it in a smithing table we get a protection one another right helmet we just need to get a nautilus shell and 64 yellow terracotta now so let's go get some yellow terracotta okay we're at the Badlands biome yellow terracotta spawns everywhere here so let's just mine this stuff up and there we go just like that we have 64 yellow terracotta which means all we need left to become a king of the swamps is a nautilus shell and this is where things get kind of tricky and so I grinded drowned for a few days till I finally got one with a nautilus shell and with the luck of the Gods I got the shell on the first try and now we have everything we need to turn into the king of the swamps okay so now that we are the king of the swamps there's literally only three more upgrades to go well let me actually tell you about this new alligator a little bit more in depth not only do we have string three and speed three but you're gonna also notice we have 35 hearts of HP making this our strongest Gator yet and there's still one more to go called Giga Gator how is this not Giga Gator look how huge I am anyway there's three abilities left to unlock we have mutated scale jaws of death and Giga Gator and all these upgrades require stuff from the end like normal so let's go to the Nether and start getting together some eyes vendor so let's start by heading to the Fortress to get some blaze rods okay we officially have all the blaze rods that we need so let's get out of here and let's head to a Bastion so we can get a ton of gold blocks and trade for ender pearls okay we found a Bastion and now let's build our way to the top of this Bastion real quick because there should be gold all the way at the top here there we go there's a gold block right there okay there's our first gold block now let's go get a bunch more oh yeah there's no more gold blocks in this place so now let's trap a bunch of piglets okay now let's go ahead and let's build a quick little pit right here and now let's turn our gold blocks into gold ingots and throw them into this hole and now let's lower a bunch of piglets here come over here friends okay I don't know where that other piglet went but at least we got three trading so we're just gonna let them do their thing oh we got 60 under Pros you're all dead I don't need you anymore I don't need you anymore okay cool I'm in this pit now but as you can see we have 16 total ender pearls now let's just head on home and battle the Ender Dragon okay so we're officially done in the Nether and now we just need to take on the dragon and do a bunch of damage to him with some beds as you can see on the quest above and so oh I'm like 90 sure they just fell for our trap at our second base dude there's nothing what is that anyway we have to go get some wool so that way we can make some beds to damage the Ender Dragon okay give me some of your wall you too okay that should definitely be enough wool so let's go ahead and make our three beds and now we have everything we need to head to the end so let's quickly combine our blaze powder and our ender pearls to get 16 eye a vendor and when we throw the first one it goes this way so let's keep running this way till we find the end portal okay my eyes are starting to go down and you're gonna notice I actually found some stone bricks right here so I literally think this is the top of a stronghold like if I break through this is this just gonna be a staircase I'm 90 sure it is oh my God it is now let's just go find the Portal oh yeah I see the portal room let's break the spawner now let's put all of our eyes in and there we go we're officially at the nether portal so now let's simply go take on the dragon let's start by building over the mainland and now let's start taking out his crystals wait a bunch of the Floridians just got the end they're here okay let's just shoot this Arrow like this we don't have time to build up yes we got it okay all the crystals are gone okay we gotta go we gotta go we're gonna be quick about this okay let's get down real fast let's put on Steve Irwin as he's gonna prevent it from getting me with any bows he's got me hooked let's cut him off there we go he's dead I need this Dragon to land so I can get him with my beds as that's kind my quest they don't want to damage him too much in case they kill him this dragon's taking so long to perch perch you dumb thing fine ladies perching before they come back bed sleep blows him up let's do it again yes we got him with three beds finally we're done with that dumb question oh there's one on me one of them let's kill Florida man yeah death roll baby no no no okay he's dead we just gotta do a little bit more damage to this Dragon one hit yes we got him oh we're low though we're low though we can't let them get the dragon egg we need that for our upgrade so let's just hold him off for a sec let's kill this guy nice let's get this one nice we got him okay let's dig underneath the egg put the torch underneath now we have to break the block no you no wait what no I got it thank you did he get it did he get it did he just get it oh God oh God oh God please please you're going in the portal go you're also going into Portal okay well he got away and I don't have the egg on me so I'm guessing they got the egg because it's not here anymore but I didn't see them actually grab it so I have no idea where it is but we'll worry about that later because for now we have to go to the outer end because we need to get elytra for the mutated scale upgrade so let's go and let's build our blocks this way and there we go we're in the outer end and now we just have to find an End city which could literally be anywhere so let's start exploring around till we find one it took a couple of days but we eventually found an end city with a lighter inside hold on I may have just passed an end chip and didn't even notice oh my goodness I literally just missed an end ship oh is there another NCD in front of me too wait what there's two end cities does this one have a ship it does it has a ship too well the one over here is way closer so let's just do this one for now okay so let's just Chuck an ender pearl up there yeah nailed it and we can go down into the ship kill this shulker right here and now we have elytra and we're the elytra in hand we're officially done in the end so let's throw our ender pearl to get down and let's head on home Okay I lied I'm not leaving the end I couldn't resist I want to get that second pair of elytra and let's fly on home okay we're back from the end we've got elytra and there's only three upgrades to go now let me tell you what we got to do to actually become a max strength alligator so obviously for mutated scales we need to get our dragon egg back and get 16 magma cream from the nether for Jaws of death we literally just need to get hero of the village and for Giga Gator well we need a lot for Giga Gator so let's start with the easiest part of this which is going to the Nether and getting the Magma Cream because to make an End Crystal we're gonna need stuff from the nether anyway so let's quickly head down there grab those Magma Cream we need and kill a bunch of guests for their gas tears okay see Magma Cream just over here so let's quickly kill it come here little buddy okay there we go we have 17 total magma creams which means now we just need to go and get some gas tears and there we go four out of four gas tears obtained anyway another way of those making the end crystals is super easy we just need four eyes a vendor and a bunch of glass and since we already have four render pros at home we just need to get four blaze rods oh let's head to that Fortress over there and grab some and there we go we have three blaze rods and since we're already at another Fortress and later on we're gonna need a beacon that means we gotta kill wither skeletons so I'm not gonna waste a ton of time going home just have to come back here let's just kill the wheeler skeletons now well that was super easy we already have all three Wither Skeleton skulls we need let's go battle a Wither so let's put our soul sand down like this and throw our three Wither Skeleton skulls on top luckily we have a bunch of grab abilities so we can use those to grab the Wither and not let him go and just like that the withers that and we have his nether star which means now we can make a beacon and pretty much everything else we need to finish this alligator up okay now that we're not battling the Wither we just have to go ahead and get ourselves some stuff from an ancient city because to get the Giga Gator we need three skulk shriekers so let's quickly head to our ancient city but before we go to the ancient city we need to use our enchanting table and get ourselves a silk touch pickaxe okay that took way too long to get silk touch but we got it and now with this in hand let's go get some skulk shriekers okay there's a bunch of shriekers right in front of us so let's just grab these okay here's one here here's another one right here here's the final one right here quick it's going off please don't Summoner Warden yes we got all three and now we can get out of this ancient city and head on home and now with the skull Tweakers in hand there's only one more goal left and that's to steal the dragon egg back okay their base is literally just up there up that beach all we have to do is find the dragon egg the second we pop out of the water and go oh God this has changed I found the dragon egg though the dragon egg is literally at the top of the tower oh but how are we gonna get up there wait if we do this hit him down let's just go up there let's just go up there ready nice we made it we made it we made it let's right click the egg it fell it fell fell down yes I got it oh I got the egg yes no we already has it dude get back here since we're near the end of the challenge let's slow them down and quickly go in here and slam their base oh God okay there we go keep caving it keep caving it in let's drag this one underwater okay we got him underwater now he's done okay next we caved in the middle of the base good job and now that that's done let's get out of here break this block whoop out this door we're back let's steals our gunboat yeah what I am out of here oh they're coming at me with a lighter oh no okay you know what we're faster without the boat time okay we have to take this guy let's bite this dude he's dead yeah get over here oh God I died instantly there's the other two let's get him oh nice we killed the Gunner and they're both done yes let's go we are out of here now that we got to dragon egg back we could almost become a max strength Gator first we can unlock mutated scale which allows my alligator to fly like he's in creative mode and with the touch of a button I can also turn completely invisible and reappear whenever I want I also can make four end crystals in a beacon so let's start by taking some obsidian and some glass like this and putting our nether star in the middle to get an easy Beacon and then to make the end crystals we just have to turn the blaze rods into blaze powder combine that blaze powder with some ender pearls and we get eight Eyes of Ender which we combine with a bunch of glass in our gas tiers we get our four end crystals which means we can also unlock the Giga Gator which as you can see is absolutely beefy not only does he have some thickica legs but he's also got a massive scar in his face and giant teeth he's also got strength four and like a billion hearts and so with flight and Giga Gator now unlocked there's only one more upgrade to go and that's the jaws of death an inescapable bite attack that I really need to unlock and again it isn't that hard we just have to get here of the village so let's start looking around for some Pillager Towers so we can kill some bannermen and so for the next few days I looked around for a Pillager Tower because I couldn't find the one I'd seen earlier in the video which was a problem because with under 20 days left I was running out of time let's go we finally found one a Pillager tower now we have to wait for a Bannerman to spawn and we need to kill a Bannerman there we go a Bannerman let me kill you and get bad Omen now let's head to a village and become a hero okay before we go to Village I gotta ask this question do you really think you deserve hero of the village after you're the one who causes a raid at a village because there's no way you deserve to be called a hero after you cause the raid did I just enter one oh no there's one right below me well perfect place to do it let's start the raid okay let's just find out where the pillagers are seems like they're spawning down here and there we go just like that we are the hero of the village meaning we can turn into a Mac streaked Gator and unlock our final ability the jaws of death and I gotta show you what these Jaws do let's go into this Village real quick and find the Iron Golem and you're gonna notice when we right click them this power that a little alligator comes from the ground and pulls the Iron Golem Underground meaning he'll slowly suffocate forever yeah it's a really broken ability and now that we have it unlocked alongside mutated scale we're ready to take on anything the Floridians throw at us now that I'm a full strength alligator I'm basically Unstoppable and now my goal is simple survive till day 100. obviously the Floridians are gonna make it a pain in my butt however I think we could beat them even with their gunboats why are gators moving oh they're here we want oh my God what is that we're gonna have to fight my Army of many Gators I have hundreds of them in here oh they're so dead dude I don't even have to fight them it's not okay I can't get out oh you guys are stuck in the minigator pit yeah have fun oh they're so dead give them a whack the Floridians just showed up at my base and got massacred by my alligator Army that is so funny I did not expect that to happen like that you're gonna have to try harder than that Floridians after the Floridians found my base I knew it was only a matter of time till they came back with some sort of crazy plan but little did I know that plane was gonna involve a boatload of potions oh they're here they're literally right here over here in the water hello oh I see you hold on let's get back to the base I'm gonna lose them in the swamp you hop into this cave go over this way down here okay we're in now we'll wait for them down here if they fall in this water they get trapped by my Gators oh they're up there hold on was that a potion in their hand through the potion nice nice nice once they're all dead we can hop down oh wait they're gonna kill them all no yeah get trapped no he got out what get out of my base we can't let him in the base I'm not even gonna let him in you come here now let's block off the base with some mud okay let's kill him nice he's dead oh okay oh my God I can't do anything when he does that one just got down the base one just got down the base put him in the pit okay nice we're keeping them out we're keeping out of the base for now quick we gotta find their beds let's find out where he's coming from oh yeah here's one I'll take that thank you very much and yes that's one dead I think I saw a bed right here yep I see bed where is he there he is there he's there he is look at this he's right in here oh he just threw a post at him you know what let's use our Jaws ability and get him trapped underground real quick would you go away so I can kill the other guy okay he's trapped underground and now you are dead which makes you the last one I have to deal with what are you gonna do okay you're dead Okay we just gotta find out where he's spawning where's this last guy spawning oh is that his bed oh hello no no no I am burying you got his bed he's underground yes I'm getting him stuck him underground keep sucking him keep sucking him yes he's done no come on gives up they quit yeah are you guys done alligator shouldn't be able to fly alligators oh but I can fly turn invisible and I can send you underground I want to hear you say unicorn man who wins Giga Gator wins Giga Gator wins thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,813,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as an ALLIGATOR in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days as an Alligator, Minecraft 100 Day Alligator, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: 8gesW5k2kLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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