Minecraft but Golems Beat the Game for Me

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tons of custom Golems have been added to Minecraft and they'll all have funky abilities that'll help me beat the game but first I need to unlock them I've got here the wood Golem grower don't ask where I got this but there's a headless Golem somewhere very angry just need a little wood here would you believe it don't make fun of my jokes leave me alone okay all right here's my wood Golem very nice his arms look like Twigs but I'm not gonna judge I Am Golem man all right Golem come tonight get him dude you look like groots but uh happily married if you catch madrift check him out oh my goodness he's got some crazy claws dude I have this Golem controller here he's so cute dude come on buddy let's put those claws to good use scratch up those blocks yeah smack em hey yeah oh dude I may never have to mine a block this entire episode that's what I like to see come on buddy treat that iron like it said something mean about your wooden mom come on there we go he mine's a little slow but then it all explodes at once yeah I got Ford coal can you mine wood too uh no mindable blocks bummer it's like feeding chicken nuggets to a chicken that's just rude I'll call you Tristan oh looks like we got a walkway over here come on tree stand where does this lead whoa it's like an open mine shaft or something what do you make of this buddy we got a little bit of copper there we go oh goodness I hey get back zombie monsters tree stain don't worry I'll protect you this guy's got something give me what you got ow tree's dead I'm a good guy yeah help me buddy he's not helping me yeah yeah all right all right we got ourselves a copper Golem grower very cool oh we can make a copper Golem just need a copper block all right just gotta do a little bit more chopping hey there we go I have a pickaxe but I'm not going to use it careful Tristan we've got monsters a loose yeah I'll protect you oh this guy's a tall boy what are you six one yeah more like six dead got him okay okay okay don't worry Tristan yeah oh gosh I really could use a gold to help me fight yeah oh God got him okay 12 copper should do it tree Stan you're about to have a new friend there we go just one right you might be having a little friend and go hey the copper Golem the perfect Golem guide and will protect against dangerous magic very cool I did not even know I was in danger of dangerous magic so that's helpful ah he's cute but also looks I don't know angry I love you copper Golem please don't punch my kneecaps one thing I didn't even notice until right now check this out oh yes I'm pretty hungry I've got nothing to eat what am I a chicken I can't eat these seeds how about we make a little trade huh yeah so I can trade one seed for five apples to treat them that's awesome would you like one there you go bunco so we'll grab a couple more seeds for our journey here come on Mr Golem guide where we headed to this tree this is our new Mission oh this way okay all right I guess we're going this way the copper Golem has spoken oh are we heading to the Village over there buddy hello friends you have an iron golem that I can borrow giant evoker what the oh gosh no voker no thank you I have no armor I don't like this come back here yeah yeah my sword is doing no damage my man what the heck was that why is this health going down no thank you I don't want to be eaten by alligators today please oh what the heck just happened copper Golem was that you dude is he protecting me against Magics looks like he dropped some items here we've got a emerald golem grower and a block of emerald wow I'm rich boys let's make our copper Golem whoa hey you're cute dude oh you're from the Minecraft Legends huh well welcome to Minecraft this is pretty much it there's a bunch of squares and you break them and uh that's pretty much it Excuse Me Trace then he's just like I can write them oh dude I love it man okay so one of his powers is uh the power of me being able to sit on him thanks buddy interesting I can also use his power to rain down emeralds and flatten mobs one of these Golems is not like the other all right buddy let's see what else oh I love it we've got a flat husk around here yeah so it makes him super weak once they've been flattened and the power drops Emerald blocks Tristan I'll take some emeralds please I don't know what I'm gonna use them for but it's nice to have money number go up equals happy brain dang son the emerald golem is pretty fast dude they see me rolling we got a fast way to get around oh gosh and fall and kind of the power that helps me fight he doesn't quite fight for me but uh it's close it's time copper Golem where we heading to Next buddy that's unhelpful let's try this again shall we this way hmm hey there we are that looks like something special oh goodness the husks have swords oh my steel swords bro okay this is getting more difficult already smash them yeah oh that makes it lots easier emerald golem attack boom I like it man it's like straight up Looney Tunes out here hello Mr Skeleton Man and smash that's incredible oh they've got like a TNT monument in here or something Gollum attack ah it looks like squishing cockroaches in here stand back boys yeah go away yeah oh they just keep coming dude did I take them all out are they gone the TNT Monument is mine thank you very much I like having explosives one of these is not like the other we got ourselves our TNT Golem grower oh cool looks like we need some Sandstone all right Mr Golem you mind helping me mine please thank you kindly oh I like your little spin move you did there okay there we go Sandstone arms this guy might look awesome oh check this guy out holy cow you're incredible looking dude now we've got a serious Squad here check it out check it out I squat down when I release my squat he explodes but not really and break the wall this guy's incredible the strength of the Sandstone keeps them together explode wow all right now that's a power don't worry boys I love all my Golems equally oh mobs too yeah yeah tested no chance okay okay we're getting pretty powerful now miss ing where we headed this direction I'm coming it is so nice to get up blocks and mountains with this thing hey check it out dude a mansion come on boys let's go explode it yo Mr TNT Golem you might help me out with his door over here and boom yeah dude now that makes things nice and easy and explode pave the way oh hello my boy TNT Golem do you mind thank you very much oh I hear a lot of hers yeah get ready for battle oh goodness okay swords are dangerous good to know explodey Golem you're incredible dog I like my explody boy oh man I have no armor boys I don't like this don't shoot me I think I just blocked that Arrow what's around corner number one more bad guys excellent excellent tiger get him kaboom help me buddy yes okay okay I'm almost dead iron yeah giant slow ravager yeah there we go there we go if I don't break the wall he might not be able to get through here there we go keep going TNT Golem I'm proud of you oh gosh he's out he's loose one more hit boom baby we got him we got ourselves a ravaging Golem grower very cool but uh first things first I need some of this iron for armor dude that was rough oh there we go much better finally no longer naked I'm uh role-playing as an iron golem Mr tree stand you might give me a couple more iron blocks or not get him boom perfect Cobblestone legs and body iron arms boom Oh my gosh look at this guy dude he looks terrifying oh interesting we can ride him now ah snap look at us dude conquering Mansions like it's our job he also sniffs out oars so I guess I can get diamonds and stuff nice and easy now oh sorry Mr Cow he runs over mobs I guess oh I can also Roar to scare mobs away wow very spooky okay my squad is looking powerful and colorful look at you guys very cute copper Golem there you are don't get squished dude and go little guy this direction we head to come on everybody let's follow the little guy sorry sorry I meant to say uh short King interesting looks like we're headed underground oh my oh wow hey yeah get ready for battle it looks scary down there ouch there's like 50 mobs down here bad may excuse me guys get get em ready monsters scream at him oh they're scared now hello little guy yeah dude oh this is incredible this makes it so much nicer be afraid yeah yellow oh they're so scared they're jumping into lava dude oh boy don't find this get them oh this is incredible dude blow them over yeah yeah now we're talking what's up buddy see you later oh man oh man oh that hurts that hurts okay okay don't let me die here ah there's a lot of guys you guys like bowling yeah I think that was a strike yeah okay okay I'm getting a little close to death here uh let me hop off and Munch on some apples real quick there's so many monsters man oh my gosh these guys just don't stop coming be afraid I am the champion that's it yeah be afraid you're just running into my face that's clearly hurting you what is your strategy here guys I'm not even doing anything my hands are off the keyboard clearly that hurts you maybe you stop doing that yeah it's time for some hand on hand combat bring it on I'm not gonna let my Golems fight all my battles ah take this helmet boy yeah I'll send you straight to heaven oh okay okay oh this is way scary without the ravager help me boy yeah dude smile these moms just keep coming man oh gosh that's a lot of bad guys I've fallen I've fallen and I can't get up this is an unnatural amount of redstone this has to be something right smash it if it's not I'll be embarrassed yeah okay uh normal Redstone no I got something hey we got the Redstone grower I just conveniently found and just need some Cobble deep slate make ourselves a redstone block and we can build our next Golem oh my you're huge dude I recognize you you're from Minecraft dungeons right you're also massive dude our Army's Getting Nuts more sick a redstone Golem has some pretty sick Powers hey yeah he smashes the ground sending out a redstone Shockwave he also activates Redstone devices interesting okay I see something oh it's a nether portal dude oh gosh ouch portal igniter is locked okay so uh Mr Redstone man can you just smash the ground or something boom did that work come on man do your thing that worked okay I don't know what he did apparently you just smashed the ground and everything works well boys looks like we're heading into The Nether oh gosh and we're right by a fortress and by right bye I mean inside it all right what are we looking for well I guess if we're gonna beat the game we gotta get a couple of blaze rods at least a redstone Contraption interesting my boy I think I got a job for you smash it complain all right so that did something uh a bunch of things are moving what did that do oh let's make like golf balls and go in the hole get ready for battle I'll say it get em boys introducing the get em boys bundle get the T-shirt water bottle and poster in one big boy bundle say that five times fast the posters are hand signed by me and Chester well Chester doesn't have arms so he posed for it and I drew him but close enough head on over to crafty dot store today get em boys yeah smash them yes yes yes Golem Golem explode perfect perfect oh did he die already he died already well that was easy we've got the magma Golem grower I was ready for a giant boss battle but you just smacked him into another dimension all right just need some magma blocks and a couple Nether Bricks give him some arms perfect and now we've got a new buddy the magma Golem dude this guy looks rad oh gosh guys can you not stay in so close to me the magma Golem picks up mobs and throws them and then they explode wow that's intense okay it's your time copper Golem let's head on to the next one careful boys might have to do a bit of Parkour here oh there looks like a Bastion okay come on Tristan yeah do your thing buddy there's gotta be something cool around here right come on boys oh buddy you doing okay in there just enjoying the hot tub huh oh my goodness stairs are this way oh this is no ordinary Bastion what the heck is going on it's like a meeting of the piglands I've gathered you all here today to talk about all in favor of doing more of it say oink looks like we have a consensus hey guys how you doing this is so creepy dude hello King Midas you're ruining the show crafty I am the show thank you very much well since you're here if you want to make it out alive you'll have to fight no problem I got my squad with me oh gosh objective defeat the piglets oh they do a lot of damage yo yo yo yo yo all right magma Golem get him smash boom Oh gosh okay okay now we're talking you can't stop me yeah take that and take that this might be my favorite Golem dude oh this is incredible we're all out of soldiers already dude not bad I'll let you live crafty take this as a token of my respect oh we got a new Golem head that's what I'm talking about looks like I need a tough block hey is that a tough block hey conveniently it's here place down the tough block and on a new Golem oh you're tiny what's up buddy Grant strength regeneration item duplication oh snap all right well we got an ender pearl here from one of the piglens can you duplicate an ender pearl for me dude okay that works I tossed down ender pearls he grabs it in yeah four ender pearls okay I've got an item duplicator this is incredible oh the little guy might be the most powerful dude I'll take some more ender pearls 32 wow that's cursed I like it do you mind duplicating something these rods for me as well my boy thank you I'm just realizing I've been in the middle of this arena for like 10 minutes King Midas thank you for your gift we'll get out of your hair we made it back to the Overworld to grab a few more seeds for apples Thank You Tristan and I might as well grab a piece of gold to duplicate to get some tasty golden apples for my journey I do love eating Precious Minerals I made some eyes vendor with my 97 ender pearls because it was time to beat the game stop right back up you stinky monsters that means we're here boys place My Eyes of Ender and boom Oh and Boom come on boys let's do this thing let's take out this stinky Dragon what's up Mr Dragon I brought my friends hope you don't mind okay well the only issue is I don't have any mobs to do damage to the dragon but I have a plan Mr duplicator give me some arrows please buddy oh gosh this is not gonna be easy come on boys he's gotta take out these crystals no problem yeah one more boom crystals destroyed all right let's get out of here and I've got an end Golem grower there we go the end Golem yeah oh he flies yeah man and golem attack get him dude I love his tiny wings oh he does a lot of damage the battle of the Dragons oh this is the coolest dragon yeah go Golem yeah we've got em dude nice job my man well the Golems are better than dragons Lessons Learned great job everybody I'm so proud of you especially you Tristan thanks for watching and comment down below what we should beat the game with next bye-bye
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,559,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mod, minecraft 1 million, custom hearts, meme, memes, minecraft meme, minecraft map, minecraft golem, minecraft beat the game, minecraft golems, win, winning
Id: Zrxd9uxHMTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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