I Survived 1 Year as the Strongest Character in Project Zomboid The Movie

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for a challenge I wanted to see if I can survive for a whole year in project zomboid but to complicate things I set loot to ridiculously rare and zombie numbers to insane I started in wintertime there was no food to be found and resources were scarcer than ever but to fight this I created strong woman the strongest character ever sponsored by War Thunder she's got every single positive trade but the longer she survives the more challenges the world will throw at her adding new cities to explore daily helicopters and zombies learning how to sprint I had multiple side goals besides surviving for a whole year first I wanted to rebuild a large downtown police station in Louisville that somehow went up in flames and then hold it against insane hordes in that City I also wanted to max out every combat skill and as many crafting skills as possible reach a very specific number of zombie kills and protect strong woman from her gradual descent into madness now relax crack open a cold one and join me on this epic adventure which began in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere I searched my starting house finding absolutely nothing besides a generator in the shed Moving On In Search of civilization I put my spiked baseball bat to good use on zombie skulls finding a water bottle hand torch and a duffel bag in the process then my gray robber trade really paid off Holy balls in a chopstick look at that Katana I reached 100 zombie kills before spending the night in a farmhouse and with a katana on my first day I felt strong woman was off to a great start on day two I cooked a delicious beef jerky and beer stew for breakfast because this is America and then I moved on when cooked that actually gives us 74 hunger I found an empty gas can in a gas station and spend a day searching for a working car I could Hotwire alas no luck in the evening I cleared out the army surplus store where I found a shotgun and some ammo day three was the first snow day so I stashed my stuff in the army surplus store and then I went dumpster diving I discovered that trash containers were a valuable source of fresh food now that all the hobos began craving brains I also found a working taxi and drove around to siphon more gas from cars with little luck I found an antique spear in a barn though and then I remembered I'm a silly Billy and there was a generator at my spawn house so I grabbed it and refueled my taxi on day four I decided to leave town I drove to a gas station and hunting store further north where I put my new spear to good use Hammer was on top of my list of tools I needed and luckily I found one in the gas station I also hid the jackpot in the hunting store we found a decent amount of ammo in the hunting store I then drove further east to a general goods store where I found a beautiful fire truck parked outside a cleared out the area of zombies reaching over 500 kills and then I made the store my new home for the next few days and then he said let there be light and light there was on day five I went to a Riverside bar but it was empty clearly the alcoholics had a field day when the apocalypse happened and they returned for a big fight just outside the bar as a reward I got a strong woman a shiny new car then I pushed further into Riverside to check a police station alas the Armory was empty but then my grave robber trade came to the rescue again insanely lucky and find a sledgehammer on a zombie body is this how it feels having the lucky trade I fought my way deeper into Riverside to reach the hardware store the next day Constant House alarms didn't make things easy for me but I put my crowbar to good use and achieved my first 1,000 zombie kills I was rewarded for my efforts with a box of nails in the hardware store oh look expecting snowall I really couldn't tell that the snow was falling indeed I got caught in a blizzard while driving home blizzard continued on day seven so I decided not to go far I went to explore nearby farmhouses I found a level three foraging book and then a helicopter showed up but it took me a while to even hear it due to the loud storm it also sounds if you listen very closely and these guys are quiet there's a helicopter around I wanted to make a pun about the wind here but it really blows since I was in the middle of nowhere I decided to stay there and fight on the zombies that followed the heli and for my heroics I was rewarded with a machete on day eight blizzard was still raging so I decided to stay at home I repaired the base barricading and installing new windows to keep the temperature up I also went to the gas station nearby and broke a window I was trying to grab oh come on why did I do that taking things easy I didn't spend the evening reading the forging book I found the previous day the blizzard finally ended overnight so I went to the industrial area outside Riverside the next day I found a ranch in a car then I used a pistol to attract a large crowd of zombies and once again put my crowbar to good use I reached 1500 zombie kills and was rewarded with a katana I found on a zombie I also found a shovel saw and two boxes of Nails in the factory plus this amazing bag Packer bag which apparently has 65 capacity and 95 rate reduction which is insane I returned to the factory on day 10 using a machete this time around to start leveling up my Long Blade skill there was one last storage area I wanted to sear where I found a sweet antique leather jacket then I also found an antique armor West at the storage units nearby on the 11 I returned to Riverside proper which was full of roaming zombies due to Constant House alarms I found a couple of boxes of ammo and some guns in the army surplus store then I drove to the fire station nearby there were so many zombies there my game actually crashed and when I restarted it it was 5:00 a.m. again unfortunate and we did some time traveling and there still seems to be plenty of angry zombies to deal with though but that didn't stop me so I went to clear the fire station where I actually reached 2,000 zombie kills I found a wood axe and a water dispenser at the storage units nearby but exhaustion caught up with strong wom at this point so I drove back home day 12 was to be my final day in Riverside so I grabbed a shotgun and started blasting put a fence between strong woman and a bunch of zombies and life is good I reached over 2500 kills before I ran out of shotgun shells but found another Katana on a zombie and decided to use it for the first time which got me to level six in Long Blade I then went to the downtown area to loot a bookstore where I found a carpentry level three book and two more machetes on day 13 it was time I said goodbyes to the general store so I packed everything I owned into my fir truck and then I drove towards West Point I found a jack on the road which was the last tool I was still missing then I arrived outside of West Point in the evening where I spend the night at a farm on day 14 I continued my journey throughout West Point to reach a gas station on the other side unfortunately my fire truck was total in the process but the thousands of rotting dead clog in the roads I didn't spend the whole day clearing zombies around my new home even using a pistol to bit them away and now we switch to machete and go back into the woods I reached 3,000 kills in level seven in Long Blade then I sorted everything I brought with me into storage on day 15 I spent the morning clearing the surrounding area of zombies reaching level seven in Long blunt I done built a front door and barricaded the ground level Windows of the gas station and I also added a door to my new bedroom upstairs the only thing I was missing now was a fireplace because then I could have slapped like a log I decided to explore a bit on day 16 I went to a factory deeper into town and I found two normal axes and antique axe there further on I found two more katanas and zombies and would you look at that that lady right there is bringing us another Katana I also reached level six in maintenance borrowed a water dispenser and crossed 4,000 zombie kills when I return home I realized that zets have broken my doors and windows again so I had to fix that I woke up on day 17 realizing I got the desensitized perk overnight which meant strong woman finally became a proper killing machine appropriately I then spent the whole day cleansing the trailer park of the undead I found a magazine that taught me how to build a basement and I also finally got myself a can opener which is a big bonus as most of my food was canned and becoming a vegetarian would just be a huge mistake I built my new basement the next day which I could use as a hiding spot when the zombies would be too mean to me then I ventured into town armed with a pistol that I used to pull a lot of zombies out of nearby buildings and then proceeded to clear the streets reaching 5,000 kills just a nice afternoon stroll on day night 19 I spent the morning searching for parts for my truck finding a new hood and a windshield I then pushed further into town than ever before where I found another Katana on a zombie and reached level 18 blunt and then spend the evening reading level three carpentry book once again I pushed deep into West Point on day 20 I fought the hores to get access to storage units which in the end proved to be pretty empty besides a propane tank and this and here we go that is another Katana delivery on day 21 I then went to a trailer park with a plan to get a new window for my bedroom because it was January and I didn't want strong woman waking up with frosted nips I had some technical issues placing the window so I ended up destroying a wall so I could fit it in in order to level up my tailoring skill I then started the next day by ripping apart zombie clothing on the street I proceeded to level it up all the way to level four at which point I realized I didn't have the next book I needed so I made a molet of cocktail instead and went into town to have a barbecue share the flame with all your new friends I kited them around so they burned down a couple buildings I already looted just because I'm a little pyromaniac and I like to watch the world burn and as a reward I found a pip BMB and a corpse for future burnings on day 23 I drove to a nearby housing area where I cleaned the cags I gathered from Zeds it was still early in the day so I went and explore the place mainly looking for food I also found a wood X in one garage and two industrial propane tanks in another in the evening I then used the milk I found to make pancakes a food beloved by the gods but do you know what else is beloved by the gods War Thunder the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made available now for free on PC and consoles you get to take command of over 2500 tanks planes helicopters and ships of 10 major nations from oldie Goldie biplanes and armored cars of the previous Century to the fighter jets and main battle 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for free on PC Playstation or Xbox by using my link in the pin comment or description below if you're a new player or you haven't played in 6 months you will also receive a massive bonus pack on PC or consoles that includes multiple premium Vehicles experience an income booster 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premium account time among other things things the offer is available for limited time only so grab it now before it's gone now let's return to the Grim dark reality of project zomboid where I went to a nearby Mall Complex on day 24 with a goal to find a bookstore I reached 7,000 kills trying to get in and my efforts were repaid as I found a tailoring level three book there I also found this hotties you know what I'll take this strong woman is starting to get lony out here indeed the apocalypse is a very lonely time and even a strong woman has her needs I also found a SI hwe which unfortunately had an empty battery so instead I brought back a crappy car to train my mechanic skill so I could return to the Hume the next day and install a fresh battery I brought it back to my home where I decided to turn the ground floor into a garage so I broke apart the whole place to bring in the three cars just push it a bit more there you go okay however my carpentry wasn't high enough to build a big garage door so went to the trailer park the next day and I got it to level six by disassembling Furniture I borrowed a TV on my way home then I built a garage doors and spend the rest of the day working on my mechanics and tailoring I then spend day 27 looting the housing area and clearing it of zombies where I found a mechanics level three book and a propane tank which I brought back home along with a couple of posters to make my home look prettier I spend the next morning Gathering denim strips from zombie corpses on the road then I worked on my mechanics skills and installed a green and a red light outside because in zombie apocalypse every day can be a Christmas Even if it was now February I spend the evening replacing ripped sheets with denim strips on my clothing and finally reached level six in Tailoring on day 29 I went back to the housing area to loot it fully I found a military police brassard on a zombie and equipped it alas for some reason zombie still refused to respect my authority but that all changed when I found an M14 Freedom delivery rifle now that's a smell of America baby I spent the morning of day 30 leveling up my mechanics to level four then I went deeper into the city I reached 8,000 zombie kills on the way however I had to leave due to house alarms causing a great migration again holy [ __ ] look at them all go over there so instead of fighting I spent the evening reading and finished mechanics 3 book but then I realized that my mechanic skill has broken and lost the multiplier XP bonus from the book I read in fact most of my skills had negative experience points look at this Carpenter level 7 XP minus 87 I knew that to push through the two levels of mechanics without a boost I'd need to work on many cars so I decided to start extending my garage which finally brought my carpentry XP back to positive so I could finish reading the next book that allowed me to go full on Jesus on day 32 I dismantled furniture at the trailer park reaching level seven in the process then I built double doors and level three walls on my garage extension I also built stairs and began working on a roof which wasn't the best but it was up there I spent the next day leveling up my electrical skill by dismantling digital watches found on zombies I actually found so many I could make a belt out of them but that would probably have been a waste of time I also stopped by a farm shop and brought back two rain collectors and a composter in case this winter ever ended and I could do some farming I added some posters and an air conditioner to my garage and also brought back a new family member we got a tiny little spiff over here look at how cute he is I went back to the town to loot and explore on day 34 my first stop was a supermarket where I found some ice cream then I stumbled upon a barricaded gun store alasa didn't have a sledgehammer on me next I found a fire station but while it was full of zombies it was pretty empty of loot I started day 35 by building a connection from the garage to the main house then I upgraded the door to my apartment and finished the roof with which brought me to level eight in carpentry I then went back into town to break into the gun store well what we got in here is mostly disappointment in the evening I then finished building the garage and completed my car collection it might be a bit tighter squeeze but it should fit in here on Day 36 I set out for an unexplored part of the town I found a giant mall in a factory and used it to smash now look at the blood spot spatter from this look at how far it goes it's still going it was indeed the most satisfying in weapon ever and I used it to clear nearby houses where I borrowed some furniture from a basement I furnished the place and then realized I could use a car battery to power the basement so I borrowed one for my mechanics training cars and turned on the power oh yes we got the light I returned to the housing complex the next day where I grabbed new flooring and a couch and by the end of the day the basement was fully furnished and looking great I think this looks very nice you have like your own PC over there you can watch the TV over here and just chill on day 38 I grabbed my shotgun and started blasting I went through the storage facility and then made my way to a housing complex where I eventually ran out of ammo these are our last shells let's spend them wisely I then switch to my trusty mall and reached 10,000 zombie kills and with that I decided this was my last day in West Point it was time to move on to a more dangerous area day 39 was a big milestone on my journey I set out for Louisville in my Hume leaving most of my belongings behind almost got stuck just before reaching the railroad bridge out of West Point Plus the heavy fog and a large number of zombies made it difficult to continue in my banged up car so I was forced to eventually abandon it I made my way to Louis on foot and broke to defense I found a couple of generators in the military area then I got lucky with a working car outside of a farmhouse where I spend the night green across the board and it has gasoline well this is beautiful the next day I set out towards the downtown police station deep in the city but first I went to retrieve two generators I passed the day before I then drove into the city passing Six house alarms and then I cleared a train station I was planning to base here before pushing deeper but since it was still early in the day I decided to try my luck oh yes the treats are pretty bad we're going to have to leave the car here The Horde kept on getting bigger so I decided to go full pyromaniac and threw a pie bomb at them thousands of them perish in the Flames as I kited them around deep into the night to the point strong woman was starting to get tired but I had a solution for that chug them pills the American way and those pills carried me until I found a safe haven I secured my new home the next day placing multiple sheet ropes and took out the stairs with a sledgehammer I then stored all of my important things like books food and extra weapons in my bedroom next I decided to check out the police station fighting throughout the whole day to the point strong woman became queasy from all the corpses so let's take things easy the next day I tried to gain access to the back of the police station I spent half of the day clearing the area and fighting off zombies and even though I was squeezy again I tried to push deep into the station alas the amount of zombies was just overwhelming to the point where it might be too dangerous to be up here so I had to tactically retreat back to my safe house alas on day 43 it was no longer safe as I woke up to find it on fire I quickly gathered my belongings but in my panic I missed some tools in all of my boxes of nails I don't know how much of this is going to burn but this is the perfect time to get out of here I returned when the fire died down only to find that everything was gone homeless I continued clearing the back of the police station dismantling Furniture to get the nails I needed so I could add some sheet ropes and then I destroyed the stairs soon after I realized that the main police station was full of zombies on fire and the whole place was Up in Flames the hoorde in here is quite massive which means my rebuilding process might take a bit longer than I thought I killed all the roaming fire zombies before they could reach my new Temporary Home hoping it would not end like the last at this point I needed food badly so I went to search the nearby houses but because strong woman was clearly a hobo I actually found most of the useful stuff in the dumpsters in the afternoon I checked on the police station just to notice the Raging Inferno continued to consume it I then dismantled some furniture for nails and planks and used it to build doors for my new home then I set out towards the river mansions on day 45 I borrowed a van at The Distillery then I grabbed a grill at one of the mansions and brought it back home I contined to dismantle more furniture and added a ladder for easy access and then I cooked a delicious stir fry on my new grill and that is also a level up in cooking you'll love to see it I again checked on the burn police station the next day I didn't hold much hope but was still sad when I learned the Armory did not survive the fire I then continued to follow the fire zombies deeper into the city as the fire was still spreading and Vengeance was on my mind and only after a week in Louis will I reached 20,000 kills when Netflix makes this into a movie eventually strong woman should definitely be played by a deep fake Arnold Schwarzenegger it was now time as I started working on my first major goal cic let's rebuild the police station is on I began by breaking down the burn walls and clearing away the ash I then headed to the nearby park to chop down trees for building materials but the main problem I encountered though was a shortage of nails as I knew I'd need thousands to rebuild the place so I started the day 48 with a drive to the Amazon warehouse I was certain a big storage like that would have nails alas I was met by a huge horde of zombies outside of the building and broke a killing them all [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we good oh we good I managed to find seeds a rifle sack of fresh food but no nails so I decided to drive to a hardware store deeper in the city which proved to be a stupid idea maybe it's better if I leave it took me the rest of the day to sneak back home through zombie infested streets with no Nails on day 49 I went to retrieve the car and generators I left behind on day 40 I abused the zombies that were still on fire to burn down a horde that was guarding my car and a lot of zombies jumped at this last chance for a smoking hot body I done placed one generator next to my home and the other at the nearby gas station in the evening I attempted to cook a stir fry in the microwave but I almost set the place on fire this microwave is clearly bad surely putting an iron pan into it had nothing to do with the fire nope not my fault the next day I walked back into the town to reclaim the van I left behind there were still many zombies on fire but I slowly dealt with them and then that is a level 9 in spear now then I looted the hardware store and finally found two boxes of nails and an extra Sledgehammer then I brought the van and the juicy booty back home I rebuilt walls of the police station the next morning that I chopped down even more trees to get the logs I needed I finally finished with the last wooden frames for the outer walls around midnight realizing I used a box and a half out of two boxes of nails I found which meant I still had a big problem that I couldn't quite nail down on day 52 I placed down wide floor to which made it much easier to see inside I then started leveling up my metal working skill and I reached level two by the evening then I went to search for more propane in the nearby storage area I went to a library on day 53 to search for level two metalworking book I was missing I got lucky with that one but not the level four tailoring book I've been looking for since West Point I spend a day 54 fighting zombies in a close Community nearby in search of propane I was actually able to find two boxes of nails and two sticks of butter so that was a great haul no propane but there's an actual generator on a corpse yeah you're just [ __ ] with me now game I also reached electrical level three by dispending digital watches which was quite time consuming at this point I added the blacksmithing mod so on day 55 I decided to drive to the University Library in search of blacksmithing books but it turned out there were still fire zombies around this could be a useful way to deal with the hordes as long as it could keep them away from the actual Library I did find all five blackx smithing books in the library and a bunch of magazines I also finally found that elusive tailoring four book then I went back home where I studied the first smiting book I drove to the Riverside Mansions the next day to grab two propane tanks there I left my car behind and snuck on foot to the entrance of Louie where I found four more propane tanks and most importantly a metal Barrel I needed for blacksmithing then I had to hight tail it back home the alarms have messed up this place pretty bad I spent the evening forging for stones to build a furnace which I continued the next day alas the heavy fog meant any stones out there would be easily missed in the end I still got my forging skill to level five and found all 15 stones then I built a furnace in the police station and burned logs in the metal drum to get charcoal fuel I got two stacks of charcoal and fired up the furnace to melt metal scraps but since I don't have Bellows to increase heat I'm just going to let it do its own thing overnight I woke up to six workable iron in my furnace on day 58 and used it to build an anvil so now I could actually make nails if I had smiting level three that man there was still a lot of work ahead so I made smiting tongs first then I turned workable iron into iron ingots I then went to the smal fences around to GA even more metal to smelt which got me to level three in metal working and for the first time this winter the rain came and I was thrilled to see some green again I melted plenty of scrap and used it to make Basic Metal walls outside which brought me to level four in metal working and that meant it was time to study the next book I reached level one smiting the next day by turning workable iron into iron ingots I also built stairs to the roof so I could make a small roof go garden now that the snow started disappearing and I continued dismantling more metal objects to gather materials which allowed me to finish my Smitty room I spent the morning of day 60 working on smiting and got it to level two I then started the melting process again and went to read the next smiting book and in the afternoon I reached level three in smiting after making some more ingots which meant I could now make small Metal Sheets and Nails I began day 61 by chopping trees then I built new floors in the Forge room this place now looks much much better but of course it kind of needs some light so I brought over a generator and stole a lamp from one of the houses nearby to be able to actually see inside finally I used my new found smiting skills and made 200 nails so I could build more walls and floors in the police station I then decided it was time to build a bedroom upstairs to make the place truly mine doing that brought my carpentry skill to level 10 making me a true God amongst men or in this case zombies of course it's still missing bed and pretty much everything else but it's a good stuff art so I went to the houses nearby on day 63 to find furniture and flooring for my new home I found a bed some carpets nice floors a TV a painting and a lamp it took me two runs to bring everything back but when I finished Furnishing my bedroom I was very satisfied with how it looked and there we go that is a very cozy bedroom the next day I began working on the Armory I spend the morning welding metal walls on the outside and then I took the van to the fire station nearby and dismantled some metal furniture I also grabbed a a couple of metal shells for the Armory and when those were installed I started bringing all my weapons over at this point I was running quite low on propane and I still had many walls to build I remembered I had an industrial tank stored back at my West Point base but driving back there would be like committing Sudoko but you see I had a plan so I drove to the Mansions again on day 65 where I spend the night now my plan was to kill as many zombies as I could on the roads to louw entrance and the giant zombie infested Hospital seemed like the best place to start a Again by shooting my pistol outside to get their attention and then I threw my pie bomb now let's hope we can set them all on fire next I did one of the stupidest things ever I ran through the hospital with burning zombies chasing after me I was sure I was dead me on at least a couple occasions but what can I say I have a heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the Louis will Zoo alberio my heart rate is going like 180 right now through award myself for surviving I confused zombies to the point where they just stood around watching me eat my lunch slowly burn to Ash which netted me 1,000 kills in just one in-game hour I spent the whole day kiting fire zombies around and by the end of the day my kill count had gone from 28 to 33,000 and I also maxed out my spear skill lots of zombies were still on fire the next day so went back to kiting and killing them again I ended the day up to almost 35,000 kills and got to level 9 in Long Blade as I drove back home in the evening I reflected on this little Excursion which cost me three katanas and 3 kilos in weight but it it was totally worth it in the end it was almost 7,000 zombie kills that made the roads out of Louisville at least a bit clearer so I decid to drive back to West Point on day 68 I made it to Louisville entrance where I placed my car's Hood then it was smooth sailing back to the West Point base as long as the car doesn't die we should be all good I was hit with a Pang of nostalgia seeing that place after a whole month again I collected one industrial propane tank and three small ones which made the whole trip well worth it then I spent the evening leveling up my tailoring skills I returned to Louie the next day and on the way back this happened good thing you didn't see this it never happened that added to all the zombie damage so my truck ended with 0% hood and damage engine for which I still had no skill to repair it on Day 70 I was back to work and I built a couple of metal walls which brought my metal working to level six I then headed out to dismantle more fences and other metal items which are then melted and made into even more small Metal Sheets which brought my spitting skill to level four hitting two skill milestones in a day meant I spend the rest of the day studying books I wanted to build rain collectors on the roof of the police station on day 71 but I realized I only had two garbage bags and you need four to make one so and dumpster diving again one would thing garbage bags would be easy to find but I had to fight Mania zombie and check Mania trash can before I found six extra bags on the way I also cleared out zombies at a prime wood chopping spot nearby and we all know how much strong woman love wood I then spotted a very good quality ambulance parked behind some stores alas it had an empty battery so I noted it on my map for later I then build two rain collector barrels and a composter on the roof and I also planted cabbages and some broccoli so that I could grow my own food I thought it would be smart to make a kitchen nearby so I started building walls for it near my new bedroom I brought over a fridge and some counters and transferred all the food finally I started up the generator to keep my produ fresh and thusly I was officially a resident of the police station I spent day 73 searching houses for more kitchen utilities I managed to find some additional counters an oven and a couple other smaller things I furnished the place and then I plumbed both of the sinks so now I had fresh running water in my kitchen supplied by the barrels I built the day before looking much better already on day 74 I studied a cooking book grabbed some flooring for the kitchen and bored a window I also installed a couple of outdoor Lambs because the night was dark and full of Terrors and so was my station on day 75 I went to the Army Surplus store clear the path slowly taking out all the zombies on my way there I was lucky enough to find some ammo a couple of magazines and an AK-47 but my luck didn't stop there as I also found two pairs of night vision goggles which were insanely cool but I got to admit it's actually hurting my eyes the next day I broke the upstairs floors to remove access to my station from the prison roof it was a tedious task but nowhere near as tedious as clearing ashes on the ground floor which took the rest of my day on day 77 I went full on Lumberjack and I decided to to start leveling up my axe skill which was the lowest of my two-handed weapon skills I made two trips and brought back a total 27 stacks of four logs which might sound like a lot but it was just a drop in the bucket compared to what I needed to rebuild a station I built walls and Floors then I went back to Melting fences for metal reaching level seven in metal working in the process then I set out to a repurpose building in the town to see if I could find any useful items left behind by the military atas all I found were leftover fire zombies they've been on fire for over a month now it is about time they die I had to Bo my antique axe to good use reaching level five in axe skills soon after and due to lack of any military loot I brought back metal lockers to add to my garage I went back on day 80 because I wanted the wi tiles for my Armory naturally the zombies had another idea and set the building on fire oh oh great exactly what I wanted I quickly killed the fire zombies and luckily the blaze was contained to only one small area so I was able to bring back all the house I needed and the Armory turned out really cool but at last the place is finally complete and I think it's looking pretty nice I checked on my little farm the next day and noticed my cabbages were ahead I then borrowed some beige tiles which were not my favorite color but when I finished the garage it turned out pretty nice I also built a couple more metal outer walls but I noticed that my propane Supply was running low once again on day 82 I looted a hidden gun store nearby and got my hands on some ammo and attack 9 Pistol I also recovered the ambulance I found a while back nice and easy due to my constant propane shortage I decided to install a mod that allowed me to get propane at gas station which meant I finally had the supply I needed I also built a metal workbench and continued melting fences so I could spend the next morning making Metal Sheets I finally managed to reach level eight in metal working and that meant I could finally build and upgrade my metal walls to level two we're definitely going to need a ton more metal but this is a good start on day 84 I drove to a video store in search of mechanics videotapes because my mechanic skill was still stuck at level four atas the journey wasn't easy and I had to ditch my car the numbers of zombies here are just ridiculous I used my sneaking skills to get away from them but when I finally reached the vit store I had to find a big battle the Z poured out of every nuke and cranny like diarrhea out of a hobo after his first fine dining experience at last oh my hard work was wasted for the store was completely empty so like a proper slav I went to rob a liquor store instead dead day 85 was fully dedicated to metal working I went to a housing complex nearby to melt fridges sinks ovens and toilets I collected a ton of metal bars for smelting 28 small and 32 normal Metal Sheets a proper treasure Hall on day 86 I woke up to my first batch of cabbages being ready for Harvest which got my farming skill to level three I then went into town to search for more meaty food and I was able to find beef jerky and a sausage at a local butcher shop and I promised myself to never let anyone convince me that sausages are just the worst on my way back I came across a police vehicle which I brought back home all it now needs is a proper working battery and it's going to be amazing the next morning I built outer metal walls around my station until my propane supplies ran out then I went to the apartments to get more metal hitting level 9 metal working in the process I then melted it all and ended up with 105 Metal Sheets which brought my spitting to level five I finished building the last metal walls before the end of the day then I upgraded a couple of level ones to level two the next morning I then went to the park to chop some trees for materials atas when I returned I found my walls broken and zombies dabbing on my generator if that isn't rude I don't know what is I had my revenge then I started rebuilding the broken frames and to add extra defense I tried to park a couple of vehicles next to the walls but new zombie groups kept on coming trying to break my home on day 89 I built a small en closed shed to keep the generator quiet then I went back to the apartments to get more metal so I could repair the Broken Walls when I returned was greeted with another zombie group meaning my new little shed clearly didn't work but I had another idea how to make the place more secure so I set out to find dumpsters on day 90 I drove around searching for them and I was able to bring back 12 by the end of the day I had a big fight next to some apartments I've not explored before and it made me realize that Louis will was still severely infested and I reached level eight in a skill while dealing with the nasty infestation and the dumpsters is going to finally be mine on day 91 I finally upgraded all all metal walls to level two and got my metal working to level 10 to celebrate I went out to grab more dumpsters and reach 40,000 kills but I also did this come at ah no no no you mutter trucker despite the scratch I was able to bring back a dumpsters and two large fridges but I wanted even more alas I soon ran into a massive horde of zombies so I was forced to bring out my good old friend pie bomb Oh yes I CED the burning zombies around trying to keep them away from the buildings but unfortunately some of the dumpsters were destroyed in the fire all this hard work just to see her precious dumpsters burn I did manage to save a couple then I snuck south of the police station to scout that area that seemed decently quiet alas when I returned there the next morning chaos reigned Supreme and the Zeds were everywhere even falling off the roof and this place is full to the brim it was a long hard fight just to get back to my car but then I returned with a desert eagle in hand and fired off a few shots to lead the zombies in the opposite a direction which was a completely safe and reasonable thing to do Run Away Little Girl run away I went back to work in the police station on Day 94 I chopped down trees in the park and turned the logs into 180 planks so I could build new floors and add walls for a new workshop area I then gathered more wide tiles to build a corridor that would run straight through my base I also grabbed a couple more beige tiles to finish the garage and a brown carpet for the workshop area because who doesn't have a poop stained carpet in their workshop on day 996 I broke down all the half bured walls in the ground floor then I got my first harvest of broccoli in I did not use any broccoli in my lunch but it still got my cooking skill to level seven which meant I could now use rotten food in my recipes although I hoped I'd never be that desperate the next day I went to grab Brown tiles for the Learning Center I was building because we all know any education room has to look as Bleak as possible the room is complete I don't know if I'll ever put the windows in here because this God forsaken town has no unbroken Windows anymore after building some more walls and Floors I ran out of nails so I used the remaining iron to make 160 new ones which allowed me to finish building the walls of my future Library I went back to the crossroads on day 98 to get more wood and fighting a couple of stragglers there brought my maintenance to level 10 with the logs I gathered there I finished building the frames and most of the walls of my future library but then I ran out of nails again I went back to the apartments to find metal to melt and on my way back home I found this this police officer just had a generator randomly on him it was clear to me that the zombies were also setting up a base nearby which meant I had to hurry up rebuilding mine I made a bunch of nails which I used to build the rest of the library walls then I went to houses nearby to get her Birchwood floors and my library was starting to look really cozy I headed towards a zippy market near The Distillery on day 100 there was a prime logging ground there and I wanted it free of zombies I cleared a police blockade on my way and then it was time to fight and I got to let them know I'm here I almost got myself killed when I fell and scratched my leg but despite by the setback I was able to fight my way to the market and steal three new dumpsters back at home I then placed two generators on the roof of the police station which was enough to provide coverage for the whole place Illuminating the entire building that I still had to rebuild I gathered and replanted a new batch of cabbage the next morning which got me to level four in farming then I drove to the area I clear the previous day to gather more wood which allowed me to build floors and walls in my future gym and library and I can't believe I'm going to say this but bottom floor is now fully complete that meant it was time to rebuild the Upper Floor as well and I started with a new kitchen door then I spent the entire day destroying every single burned wall upstairs after a whole afternoon of sledging the inner walls are all dealt with I then cleaned up all the Ash and trash up there for which I was rewarded with a zombie break in and because these zombies hate me they decided to break into my new freaking gym alas the new freaking gym would not be a new freaking gym without proper equipment I got to say I really love how this turned out I made two trips to the library the next day where I borrowed shells and books for my own Library which zombies really didn't appreciate just like the Librarians when you drop a wet fart down in the Science and History aisle and that's why I built my own library with Blackjack and hookers okay there might not be any hookers left but this place looks really dope now on day 105 I drove to the courthouse nearby to borrow chairs tables and cabinets from my Learning Center because you never know maybe one day strong woman will find weak men to repopulate Earth with a bunch of mediocre children who definitely need a place to learn I refueled and fixed my generator the next day and then I began working on floors and walls upstairs I ran out of planks along the way so I had to get a hold of more wood which allowed me to finish the last of the outer walls in the evening I was back to log in in the morning then I stopped at the apartments to dismantle more metal paraphernalia because I really needed more nails and with all that spare metal I was able to craft a a lot more almost 1,400 nails to be exact on day 108 I made my way back south to the skyscrapers of death clearly my previous attempts to bait the Zeds away were anything but masterful for the corpses still rain from the sky like they were blessed by Toto I spent most of the day fighting the giant hordes and breaking a katana in the process until strong woman got sick even strong woman cannot be around 500 corpses for too long I washed the stin off of her back at home which was strong woman's first proper bath in weeks finally she no longer smells like a gaming convention I then build the outline for my future bar storage and gaming room then I drove back to the lumber area atas my car battery died so I had to make the long walk home and back again to replace it I Ying the hardwood back home where I built floors from a bar and gaming room the next morning before realizing I missed a couple of outside walls in the storage area so I had to fix that then I drove to the apartments to borrow cinnamon tiles for the bar but I think this is going to look pretty cool I finished the bar flooring the next day then I visited the apartments again just time for the Green carpet that fit very nicely into my future gaming room at this point strong woman was losing weight rapidly and the Cabbage Farm wasn't helping with that so I decided to go fishing I found a safe spot up north and by the time the fishing abundance reached zero I had a nice amount of fresh seafood meets back on the menu boys I harvested cabbages on day 113 then I went to gather more wood I finished the flooring in the storage area then I added walls to the gaming room I chopped even more wood the next day for I was now really determined to finish rebuilding my station in the next week I built a lot of floors for what was to be my grand Gallery then I decided I had enough of wood chopping so I drove to town to grab everything I needed to make my gaming room cozy a broad bag gaming machines soda stands and shelves for comic books then I went PC shopping the gaming room is looking pretty neat I wanted to decorate the bar so I drove down south to The Skys rapers of death where zombies still reign supreme in the local pub strong woman clearly had some Irish roots for she fought for the booze like if she had butcher's Nails fueling her brain with red hot rage I bar with all kinds of bar furniture some more Orthodox than the others oh man that statue is going to fit nicely in here I fought hard to get the last pieces I needed but in the end the bar turned out nicely by day 117 I have eaten all the fish I've caught previously so I ventured back to the river but a fishing abundance there was still at zero so I fought my way further down the beach until I found a new fishing spot teaming with fish and now after fishing for most of day next to a corpse she has gotten crazy I reached fishing level three in the process then I was back to Wood chopping the next day and I continued to work on the upstairs flooring until I ran out of wood on day 119 I broke three axes getting even more locks I needed for the rebuild project and by the end of the day it was almost done it's midnight once again and only small piece over there is still on floored and naturally I needed more morning wood which was slightly complicated with the many many environmentalist zombies who protested my mass def firstest station I then finally finish the floors and began working on walls in my art gallery I went back to spear fishing on day 121 which netted me one truly giant Pike then I you guessed it chopped down even more trees I turned the logs into a maze of walls for the gallery and now that those are built we're going to need to floor this place so I drove back to the apartments like a thief that always returns to the scene of the crime to borrow new tiles I placed a section of cinamon tiles in the gallery then I decided to switch it up and build a wide tile area as well to have a clear divide between various art of course the constant zombie raids did not help so it took me a whole day to finish that then it was brown carpet time because who doesn't like basically having [ __ ] on the ground I kept the poop section to the minimum then I went for Green carpet next and that's the green section but of course we have one last one remaining for that one I decided to go with red carpet which I borrowed from nearby Office Building and then the place truly looked like art all that was missing now was actual art so I drove to the zombie infested actual Art Gallery I was not picky with the pieces I could save from the undead hands for all art was worth saving some more than the other now that's the statue we need I decorated my gallery with paintings statues busts and other significant pieces and here are the Ashes to commemorate this Fallen police station naturally I kept the toilet as the featured centerpiece but then it was time for some serious work I returned to the skyscrapers of death on day 126 with a single goal in mind to reach 50,000 zombie kills I blasted with my shotty first and then and this time around I don't care if we burn the dumpsters Let it Fly I burn the Zeds like the Wolves burn Prospero cutting them through the Forsaken streets and burned out husks of buildings shooting as I went maybe using the shotgun wasn't the best idea the giant battle throughout the whole day and the zombies became a ball of fire that was getting harder and harder to avoid but all the while the DS were adding up this might not be the best place to be right now actually the whole Louis will might not be the greatest place to be but a little bitty scratch never hurt nobody and slowly but surely the numbers Stand Out by the evening and this should be the last one 50k ladies and gentlemen we've done it with my goal of rebuilding the police station now complete it was time I focused on other things mainly finally fixing my broken mechanic skill I knew I wouldn't be able to get the XP bonus from the books so I just had to brute force it all the way to level six I parked a couple of cars into my garage which naturally brought visitors to my doors but the work was worth it and this whole day we got like a 100 experience the next day I went to search nearby houses for high calorie foods but instead I found some zombies that were still on fire since the time they burned down the station and strong woman took them out in a blaze of glory I also found an extra Sledge on a zombie then I was back to learning mechanics the next day I broke into three new vehicles in the parking lots nearby and drove them back into my car Butchery Saloon that is my new car park now I worked on every single car throughout the whole day30 and by the end of the day I've done the math and I realized I needed six more full days of mechanics before I'd be able to reach level five I spent the whole of day 131 tirelessly butchering my poor Vehicles then I studied the final cooking before going back to work in the garage I went to visit Jim's auto shop on day 133 which was protected by a horde of Zeds who had some interesting gifts for me gas can and fresh bread Don't Mind If I Do alas Jim had absolutely nothing useful for me so in my disappointment I then went to rob a liquor store like a true slav on day 134 I said enough is enough let's just get this done so I locked myself into the garage for the next 4 days and I worked all day and all night even adding the good vehicles parked outside to my practice route no matter the weather until on day 137 I finally hit it you can't believe it it's level five let's freaking go I was now able to repair my ambulance engine which was another huge win but naturally I didn't have any spare engine parts so I went to harvest them from abandoned cars the next day I drove around Scavenging every single vehicle I could find even though zombies tried to chase me away just like angry parents when you try giving their kids free candy and peace and quiet easy money I used the parts to fix my ambulance on day 139 100% let's go and we still have 33 SP engine parts so I patched up the police car as well I also repaired every part I could to 100% on both vehicles and installed a new battery and windshield on the ambulance I also refueled them both because I was getting ready to split you see after working on the station for months I needed a change of scenery so I decided to load up the cars and leave on a new adventure my ambulance just got a new skin what the what the [ __ ] happened there I spent the whole day filling the trunks with food weapons guns and ammo and then I was ready to leave on day 141 now let's try not to die alas not dying was easier said than done when you Tred to push through a horde of zombies while Towing another vehicle oh my God oh my [ __ ] God I escaped through the trees trying to ditch the Zeds but in my hurry I forgot to turn off the ambulance there's my oh oh my God fine I will kill you all alas once again that was easier said and done but I didn't let a couple of hundred zombies stop me and I rushed into the battle aggressive like a Russian bald eagle riding a bear I tried using the trees to my advantage but it turned out the zets had all the advantage there oh oh oh oh that's bad oh that's bad oh look at that she's fine I have no idea how strong woman managed to survive that but I did not give in and I did not give up until well into the night after resting in a nearby house I decided the time to play was now long gone and it was again time for fire I evacuated into the forest because we all know trees are not at all flammable and then all I had to do was wait and watch my kill numbers grow until finally goodbye you [ __ ] it's time to leave this [ __ ] hole the wood and my ambulance was completely ruined and I wanted to fix it but all I found was a small car which gave me an idea it's got a work in battery it's got gas perfect recovery vehicle I also spotted a very cool looking hwe then I used my recovery vehicle to go recover my police car but naturally zombies had a say in it again apparently these guys don't like me taking the car back I brought it to my temporary home but I couldn't just stop there and I went to grab the hum I saw the previous day as well I loaded all my belongings into my new prod then I decide to drive towards the big Lille Mall o I can hear alarms ooh well that's taking everything off the street so that's fine I made it to the festival area which I decided to use as an outpost so I spent the rest of the evening clearing out the Zeds before spending the night camping on top of a trailer and that was a year ago yes I recorded day 145 in March of 2023 but then I lost all interest in strong woman until now but you see I wanted to make her journey spicier so I added a ton of new and cool mods taught zombies to Sprint and added new giant cities for her to explore so on day 146 the second part of strong woman's Adventure officially began and I returned to my temporary home to consolidate my inventory I literally have everything on me and with me but no propane torches this is the stupidest thing ever I realized one of my bags was actually missing but this was not the time nor the place to cry over spilled twitch streamer bathwater no this was the time to leave Louis will somewhere around here is where my last humy died and you can see why I brute forced my way back to my West Point base which I ransacked in hopes of finding a propane torch that could keep my humy operational for longer alas no luck I laugh West Point the next morning although the visibility and the road conditions were far from perfect [ __ ] it let just go oh my God there is so many around here but I managed to reach the countryside alas my car has suffered quite a lot of damage the fact that I can actually see myself in here is not a good one I soon reached the bridge crossing the river to durker them and its environs I explored a couple of small houses then I barricaded myself into one to safely spend the night the next morning I crossed a bridge into the Suburban town in search of a new home excuse me zombies this is my gas station now I cleared out the place finding a katana in the process then I decided to make the small upstairs apartment my own I built a new door and connected the generator then I stashed all of my food into the kitchen on day one 50 I sorted my entire huming worth of food weapons and tools into the storage upstairs then I built the front door added some more barricades and finally constructed a rain collector Barrel on the roof I woke up to a plane flying over the next morning so I took my car further into town to hopefully bait the zombies away from the gas station I spotted a new hwe while driving so naturally I had to make it mine only in America there's a hry parked outside of a school I fought the whole school worth of zets for it and while it didn't have a bull bar was worth it I then added two more rain collectors on the roof and planted cabbages on my new small farm I then realized I did not have a pipe wrench to actually Plumb the barrels so I went to search for tools on day 152 I found nothing at the first storage area I checked so I drove further into town where I finally got lucky after taking care of a horde oh let's go propane torch we did it we found it yes as a celebration I give strong woman a new haircut then I went back to town to get the metal pipes I needed to craft a bullar another airplane showed up and its noise remained stuck in the background for the next 2 days but it was not all bad as I got the pipes I needed and installed the new bullar oh yes look at that we have a big bullar on it now you'll love to see it I also repaired the hood and added some door armor it was very foggy the next morning so I decided to do some spear fishing which netted me two small fishes then I tried to forge as well alas yeah that's unfortunate there's nothing here in Darker Dam so I can't really Forge so while I didn't find anything I found a lot of Zeds I still wanted to fix my hry but I needed a scalpel to get new windows so I drove to the pharmacy in search of that I also checked the school in case it had infirmary alas finding nothing I had to push deep into town where Runners rule Supreme oh my God come on a little laceration couldn't stop strong woman from kicking butts and taking names but I never found what I was looking for I stayed at home on day 156 nursing the scratched arm and fixing my torn clothing I also added new storage and spend the evening fishing then I was back to the town center you guys are going to ruin my new outfit we can't have that now can we I searched the storage slots finding a little of use then I looted a library and a hardware store oh pip Ranch let's go you'll love to see it that allowed me to then Plum two sinks in my house for fresh running water which was delicious like bottled Nestle water which of course they make from pristine tear of dehydrated African children strong with woman woke up feeling chilly the next morning so I decided to replace the broken windows I borrowed them from a nearby house and replace the kitchen windows first because I needed an extra platform to reach the ones in my bedroom all right that looks much better I like it I choed down a couple of trees on day 159 to barricade my downstairs window some more then I went to the neighbors again to borrow their washing machine I installed that in my bathroom then I decided to reinstall the windshield from my secondary humy to my main of course I still wanted a scalpel so I could eventually have good quality windows but for now I went to dismantle a bunch of metal appliances so I could then craft and install a windshield armor and a roof storage oh yes this bad boy is starting to look pretty damn good I love it I decided to do some exploration on day 161 so I drove past the town following the farm roads I found and explored a small and empty dog building then I ran across an old abandoned Factory I fought through its dark corridors like a ratman on a cruise Al last finding little of use I have a simple rule in life when zombies start falling from the sky I leave I chopped down a couple of trees the next morning which I then used to make 11 box traps because my cabbages were getting close to harvest and I knew I could use them as bait I also spent some time spear fishing which really paid off that is some good amount of fish you'll love to see it let's go but I wanted a safer fishing spot so I chopped down a couple more trees to build a small fishing shack a plane flying by attracted a couple of Zeds but they stood no chance against strong woman who finished her little shck by the evening there you go that is a nice little fishing spot I went back to exploration on day 164 and I drove to the darker Dam cargo docks I explored the area looking for nothing in particular and finding even less can we please get one of you stabbed by a scalpel that' be nice alas none of them were a victim of nurse and since most of the warehouses around were pretty empty I had to return home with only a little bit of zombie loot I stayed at home the next day practicing first aid fixing some of my clothing and stealing windows from a neighbors r which let's be real is not an uncommon activity down here in the South slav lands I woke up early on day 166 because I wanted to drive to the mainland to forage why does it have to be foggy on the one day that I decid to go foraging you see I was looking for stones to rebuild a blacksmith's furnace because I was now running very low on nails after building the fishing shack while the weather and the Zeds didn't help I did manage to get all the stones I needed and hit level six foraging in the process I build a furnace the next morning then I harvested all the cabbages that were now seed bearing which netted me over 100 cabbage heads I replanted them all then I went to dismal metal shelves to get some scrap metal to melt in the new furnace and I use the extra sheets to make a silencer oh yes this gun looks so much better now I love it on day 168 I built an anvil with a workable iron I got from the furnace that I drove to the Wilderness where I could safely place all of my traps if the rabbits get caught over here it's really their fault I couldn't have made this more obvious that it's a trap I was eager to check them the next morning to see if the rabbits really were that stupid one broke and we got five rabbits out of that that's pretty amazing I rebated the traps stor the rabbits into the freezer then I fixed my generator and spend the evening training my tailoring skill since my foraging was still in negative XP I drove to the mainland to fix that it didn't take me long and on my way back I checked the traps again where six more rabbits got caught which brought me to level four in trapping cooking my catch also got me to level 9 in cooking then I spend the evening reading the next foraging book I decided to explore again on day 171 and I drove further north until I hit a small town the hordes flocked to me like influencers flocked to only fans when they realized they can put a price deag on their bodies but for boys like me reality struck soon when we realized ugly doesn't sell well okay airplane you're really not helping the situation right now I fought my way to a big storage lot where I put my master baiting skills to good use again get me that key it took me a while to get keys for all four sections and explored a whole lot and I didn't find too many useful items but still the day was a success the death is here and her name is strong woman I took it easy the next day I practiced first aid I checked my traps and I spent a while fishing which was now much easier using all the various bugs I found while foraging on the mainland on day 173 I drove back North to the small town to explore some more and I found a big construction store of course zombies were waiting for me there ready to pounce like dormant neck beards waiting to Rous from their Slumber to no life a new MMO it's me I'm that dormant neck beard oh yeah I am become death destroyer of worlds now I found some decent loot but that sight was the coolest thing ever and I happily put it to good use until this happened oh come on a helicopter again really that's not that's not good I didn't want to be stuck out there with a heli above so I took the farm roads back home I checked my traps the next morning only to find absolutely nothing then was mechanics time I decided to fix my hwe a bit more so I borrowed two doors from my secondary truck I also repaired the bow bar the trunk lid and the front door I also wanted to fix the crappy brakes and suspensions so I drove to town the next day to cannibalize a couple of trucks all right look at that Greenery I got new brakes and my humy was slowly starting to turn Greener as I got it to 62% overall condition I went to check my traps the next morning then I drove further to the mainland to forage I found lots of herbs and bugs and level seven in foraging and combined with trapping and fishing it made my food storage overflow my rabbit fridge is actually full I can't put the rest in here that's amazing I drove back to the docks on day 177 it's time for a Great Train Robbery I did find a box of nails which was proper treasure but otherwise what I mostly found was a lot of zombies and a little bitty Jeep oh this could be this could be a fun card to have I continued further north past the refinery where I wanted to loot a couple of warehouses zad thought that human rights count for the dead as well so I had to show them the error of their ways but just as I finally fought my way inside a heli showed up screw you heli I'm going home the next morning I quered the Council of spos and what should strong woman do next and the council said go wash yourself [ __ ] you are very dirty and so I did then I got a fresh haircut but then this happened are you kidding me there's a helicopter and an airplane oh Cil of spos whatever shall we do so I went to check traps again which finally got me to positive XP and that meant I was able to study the next trapping book I drove back North on day 179 in search of a military Camp somebody had a barbecue and now somebody else is going to be barbecue I didn't want to burn the place down because you see I came here to find a scalpel in the medical tent I knew was there the zets came sprinting at me out of the trees like a bunch of fed ERS but I was operating on any means necessary mentality all this thing makes a beautiful sense found the tent was protected by Runners and crawlers normies and also this Unholy amalgamation of Dead flash holy what the [ __ ] how many crawlers are there but the fight was worth it because I finally got my scalpel and then I was out of there faster than a Call of Duty player turns on misogynism after they hear a woman's voice in their chat well I did make a small stop along the way and grab that jeep at last my hum turned into a turtle so I had to fight my way out again and promised I'll be back but not right away first I harvested a new batch of cabbages then I checked on my traps only after that I went to town to borrow a car which got me to the abandoned Jeep I installed a new battery and fueled it up then it was mine doesn't have doors but it also doesn't need them but on second thought doors might be a good idea in zombie apocalypse so I decided it was Pas time for a little garage at my new home I chopped down a bunch of trees then I built a proper garage around the pumps ladies and gentlemen the garage is done but of course it was not done yet it needed flooring I chopped even more trees than I floored up the whole place and the floor is all done as well let's go but again that was also not enough so I drove to school to borrow some of their carpets which I finished Gathering the next day I also got some white Tils for the fishing shack then I finished the blue flooring now that looks good but I'm not done yet next I made plaster and covered all of the walls wide then I grabbed lights as well with garage now finally done I started working on the Jeep I crafted cab armor and installed that you got some armor now I guess that's pretty decent a plane flying over brought some guests but that didn't stop me from spending half of the day calculating just how many metal sheets I needed to fully armor it up so I drove to town the next morning to melt anything and everything made of metal no matter if it was a shelf or a fullon car rack that then allowed me to craft and installed armor doors and windows and turn the Jeep Green Oh yeah this is starting to look like a proper monster I love it I didn't installed a new muffler inflated the tires while while planes blast the skies above I didn't drove to town in search of heavy duty vehicles I could borrow new brakes and suspensions from alas all I found was a lot of zombies so I decided to drive north back to the docks in day 187 but of course the first car I touched did this oh come on really you dick the Zs came at me from every direction like USA air striking Middle Eastern Farmers when they smell a whave of oil but just as I thought I cleared the parking lot this happened oh they said they're all [ __ ] alarm you bastards that triggered reinforcements that I had to defeat before I finally had the chance to cannibalize two trucks for their good quality Parts I hit level six in first a the next morning on my way to check my traps oh look at that that's not a rabbit then I went back to work on the Jeep replacing the old crappy brakes and suspensions with new ones and I also repaired the tires with duct tape yes that doesn't sound very safe but this was America in the '90s it was magical time where [ __ ] like that just worked I also borrowed all of the time from my spare hum to replace the shitty ones on my main oh look how much better this looks now we got good tires all we need to fix now is the gas tank but the gas tank had to wait a little bit longer because I went back to the docks in day 189 I grabbed a couple more spear items broke into a bunch of cars and got my hand scratched in the process are you [ __ ] kidding me I didn't use the scalpel to craft windshield for my humy and replace the old one the next morning I siphoned out all of the gas just so I could uninstall and fix the shitty gas tank okay I think we're finally and decently okay then I went for a ride in my Jeep and notice this holy [ __ ] I didn't even notice we have a gun in here now oh yes that's awesome I checked on my traps then I fixed Jeep's windshield as well on day 191 I drove to the town to borrow some shells from my garage so I would have a place to store all the many spear Parts I have accumulated all right this place is looking much much better now I love it but what was now missing was some cars I could practice mechanics on so I walked to the town to grab some but naturally a hel showed up right away luckily I have cleared out most of the Town residents in the past so I was free to borrow all kinds of spare parts from a crash truck and then installed them on a slightly less crash truck that I then brought back home I also fixed up a minan whose windows and brakes I borrowed previously and in no time my garage was complete okay the garage is not as big as the one we had back in Louis but it will serve its purpose but I did not go to work on the cars right away because I got distracted by fresh ripe Tomatoes which got me to level six in farming my freezer was now full so I drove to the town to find a new one but I also found this ooh a solar panel part you know what we'll take that maybe going green was indeed the future but no one told that to the airplane flying [ __ ] that kept on buzzing over my head attracting all kinds of Undead visitors hey leave those doors be what are you doing and because screw green I didn't chop down a couple of trees for new traps and studied the next first aid book I went to place my new traps the next morning and I found an M16 rifle on a random Zed in the middle of the forest I then drove to the mainland to forage and even a plane flying over couldn't stop me from reaching level eight I made sure to get out of the negative XP so I could then study the final forging book I grabbed a rabbit out of my traps then I went fishing using the many bugs I forged well that was quite a day of fishing look at this oh my God that is so much good stuff I placed down a new freezer to store the fishes then I drove back to the docks on day 196 damn we drifted boys you see I had an itch I needed to scratch and that was looting that warehouse that a h scared me away from last time so I Fought The Many Zombies there using my axe like it was a natural extension of my arm because everyone knows grafting on extra limbs is good for you and then finally surge the place finding a lot of good booty industrial propane tangs Double Damn I found a gym next doors where I tried and failed to pick up balls for strong woman not that she needed balls because she's got balls more than any man I fought my way across the bridge where I looted another set of warehouses until my bags were full I knew SPI for join the council the next morning and the council gets a rifle then I harvested and replanted cabbages checked on my traps and stole a sofa from the neighbors then I spend the evening training mechanics in my garage I wanted to train tailoring as well so I drove to the town to GA some comrs from the friendly neighboring Zeds I also hit level 10 in X which was another Milestone on my journey to max out all of my combat skills short blunt and blade remained now with short blade being by far the lowest and my least favorite skill of them all let's get this thing uh going see how well we can do with this one but I tried and I stabbed a bunch of zombies repeatedly although if the police asks anything it was their fault I didn't practice tailoring in the evening and hit level seven in the process I was reach level five trapping the next morning then I was back to stabbing or in this case slashing with had a handy hand sign now that strong woman was offering handies to anyone even though she was tripping everybody on the street okay okay okay I see you I see you the extra rangs allowed me to train tailoring again in the evening then I wanted to check if machete counted a short blade now since with the simple weapons overhaul mod I could now attach it to a belt come here my test subjects let's do this let's try it out alas it didn't and neither did the garden shears which was a bummer but then I got very lucky while exploring a random house oh I can make meat Cleavers oh that is actually very lucky I read the magazine but when I tried to make the cleaver I realized it was all a lie and the cleaver was not on the smithing list so instead I went back to tailoring reaching level 8 in the evening I removed all the letter Patches from my cloting on Day 2011 and replace them with new ones for better protection whatever this protection actually is right now I didn't studied the final tailoring bog then I trained until my thread ran out so it was headsight time again the next morning just so I could rip the Zeds apart but I got a tiny bit over zealous with my car horn and suddenly I was besieged from all sides like if I desecrated a UNESCO Heritage side I have stirred The Hornet's Nest with this but the zombies couldn't stop me in fact the only thing that could stop me was the fact I gathered over 200 200 thread I remembered I still needed door armor on my hanvey so I drove back to the town to dismantle a bunch of car Rex which gave me all the materials I needed I then crafted the door armor and installed it all right look at that it's all pretty pretty green 75% overall condition now then it was time to focus on tailoring again and I hit level 9 in the evening I went to check on my trams the next morning then I cooked a delicious meal when did I reach cooking level 10 I don't remember reaching cooking level 10 with that mystery unsolved I didn't continued working on tailoring until strong woman got bored so it was Adventure Time Again on day 205 I back North to the military base and put my handy Scythe to good use get sth ooh short blade let's go I came at them in a true slav fashion a scythe in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other which meant all I needed now was a red hat but instead I found this let's see what the military hit out here obsidian blade oh let's go I spend the day exploring and fighting fighting and looting and I found a decent amount of weapons and ammo back at home I placed down new crates so I could store all the military loot then I went back to training tailoring which I finally got to level 10 that allowed me to read padding to all of my clothing for better protection then I decided to train mechanics again after checking on my traps and practicing first aid I spent most of the day in my garage slowly taking apart the two practice Vehicles which got me almost no XP I fixed my generator the next morning reaching level four in electrical skill in the process then I wanted to test how much xp I'd get from working on my spare humy and the answer was still not much a heli flying above dropped a loot box for me so clearly it was flown by a high executive from blizzard which was 100% confirmed when I opened it did you drop an empty shipment that's a cruel joke buddy I decided to do some exploration again on day 209 so I drove further north than ever before I stopped at a big Rail Yard which had many nukes and crannies to explore okay this sounds like fun oh my God there's been a couple here huh I also found a sweet looking humy and a borrowed it spirit tire and mud flaps then I continued my exploration wao somebody stored a lot of corpses in here that wasn't me back at home I realized my driving from previous day had some serious consequences oh we lost the bull bar I ruined the engine oh my god I didn't even notice so I repaired the bullar and the hood installed the mud flaps and the new tire but of course I had no spare parts so I drove to the town to find them after harvesting my cabbages I ruined every car I could get my hands on which netted me $39 nine spare engine parts and I used those to fix the hum engine back to 71% then I spent the rest of the day working in my garage it was very foggy the next morning so I went spear fishing for a while when the rain chased away the fog I drove to town to explore homes I haven't visited before I borrowed a new barbecue looted a market but the real treasure I found hidden in someone's bedroom 318 shotgun shells that's amazing holy [ __ ] that's 13 boxes I woke up to Undead visitors on day 213 and after in one inappropriately I reached level seven in first aid that meant I could now practice medicine with a scalpel which was definitely safe then I head into my garage for the rest of the day next morning I decided to return to the mainland again to do some foraging who put that tree there come on I swear my driving skills are great when I actually look at the screen but that aside the day was a success as I hit Level 9 forging in a deep forest I also hit a couple of Zeds but by then my backpack was looking nice and full of bugs so I to put them to good use in the evening but I craved Adventure so I drove back North on day 215 I decided to see how deep into the city proper I could get alas alarms and bad road conditions caused a bit of an issue please run run but in Immortal words of Bob Marley he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day looks like strong woman is back to her old self just killing a million zombies at the time and indeed there was at least a million on that parking lot so so I was glad I brought a katana with me but not even my ninja likee skills could save my car look at my car oh no I masterfully baited as many car lovers as I could but if I know one thing about car lovers I know they always overcompensate for the lack of packaging in their pants do you guys really like my truck I would like it back though I decided to spend the night camping on a roof so I could get back to Whole Sale Slaughter the next morning oh see you there boys did you just take my hat but the park lot of death attracted more closeted weirdos than your casual Furry Convention although strong woman wasn't ready to start leashing the Zeds quite yet how's my car guys are you taking good care of it you take good care of it I stabbed them I slashed them and I blasted them all the while wishing I had a m of on me but not even Corp sickness could stop strong woman ladies and gentlemen I finally got it I decided to stick around and explore for a while Al last the storage Lots I wanted to loot had a slight problem so you can open this but you can't go in side the next day I surged the nearby warehouses finding mostly zombies but those at least provided some short blade training you guys don't stand a chance against strong woman and her Mighty pocket knife I spotted a gardener zombie just as I was planning to leave so I had to move with some purpose to relieve him of that sighte then I finally pushed my way to freedom I stopped to explore another storage area on my way home atas I found little of use I harvested fresh tomatoes the next morning then I went to check on my traps since my farming skill was still stuck in negative EXP and lagging behind the other skills I decided to plant all the many many cabbage seeds I had now this was not a farm meant to generate food for me only to generate XP and while strong woman got very tired digging it up it was worth it that is a job well done let's go I went to explore again on day 219 but I found little of Interest besides what seemed to be an abandoned Survivor compound where zombies now rule Supreme what are you doing look at them oh my God I looted the place but besides a couple of boxes of ammo in the Armory the place was mostly empty I started the next day by harvesting broccoli then I went forging again who okay okay calm down not even rain and fog could stop strong woman from hitting level 10 and I even found a whole squirrel in the process I left with my Banks FS stopping at a farmhouse along the way where I found this treasure oh that's another obsidian blade let's freaking go I spend the day 221 in the garage but a quick realized I needed more carss to efficiently practice so I used my hwe to bring back three of the vehicles whose engines I broke in the past yeah I think that should do that should be the extra we need but of course I couldn't just work on them outside exposed to the elements and the Zeds so I decided to build yet another garage I borrow door hinges at the neighbors built a door connection to the station then I went to chop wood to build walls I celebrated my new plans with a freshh haircut then I chopped more wood built more more doors and added a roof and the roof is done let's go of course I wanted to also plaster the walls alas a plane flying above interrupted this joyous occasion and I had to deal with the zombies trying to trample my cabbages but then the new garage was done and with that I decided to just push through to the next level of mechanics so the next 5 days I spent working in the garage I woke up early in the morning and I worked till the evening barely taking a break to Harvest fresh cabbages then I was straight back to the garage boredom was my constant companion and food was my only soless but then after almost 200 days since my mechanics XP broke I've finally done it oh ladies and gentlemen it's finally there mechanics level six I can't believe it we've actually finally done it let's go after being stuck inside for so long I craved Adventure so I drove North on day 229 I explored a warehouse full of useful tools then I parted with the zets at the gas station Fresh Burrito Don't Mind If I Do let's go naturally a plane showed up attracting the whole neighborhood so I had to bail the next morning I drove to the dogs to ruin some cars oh boy we're good we're good nothing happened slide damage yeah that's fine but as Albert Einstein said what doesn't kill you makes you an atomic bomb I ripped out all of the engine parts I could from the vehicles at the parking lot until I hit 69 using that I then repaired my jeep's engine to 100% And also my humy back at home although strong woman was feeling the heat Jesus is 38° outside damam but the heat was exactly what I wanted for my giant cabbage Farm was now fully grown harvesting half of the field got me from level six to level eight in farming allowing me to then study the final book I actually hit Level 9 after harvesting what was left leaving hundreds of cabbage heads to rot on the ground 2,565 cabbage seeds look at that that's 51 cabet seeds packets I woke up to a visitor the next morning but since he brought Heavy Rain with him I decided to stay inside and read the next electrical book then I worked on my mechanics skill again the rain was falling so hard strong woman was actually feeling chilly outside but I still wanted to get some work done so I drove to the town to rob a school I used the towels I borrow to finish the roof of my garage then I went to check on my traps o one trap remains only huh I then looted two nearby houses I haven't searched before then I spent the evening in my shack hitting level four in fishing while filling my pack completely but that one last trap didn't let me sleep so I went on a deforestation spree on day 235 I crafted 19 traps and drove back to the forest this is no longer trapping this is now industry but the industry did not pay off because I only caught two rabbits by the next morning disappointed I then drove back to the town to search more of the houses I ignored previously this meant L electrical Appliance liances and stabbing the rotting Neighbors in the process fluffy food the bunny oh we need that and so fluffy food the bunny joined the Council of spos I then ran back into the forest all right now that's caught a few more traps indeed I caught 10 rabbits and I've committed this murder in Mayhem of fluffy food's Brothers All In The Name of progress although progress to the next trapping level remains slow I then went to fish in hopes to get that skill out of negative XP which I managed to do after catching a bunch of fish F and some shoes so all that remained was for me to sit down and study the next fishing book the next morning I finally got out of negative XP in first aid which meant I could now finish the final book I then harvested and replanted my roof cabbages then I went to check on the traps you are not a rabbit oh we have a lot of non rabbits here now huh oh they ate all my rabbits I also crafted a bunch of metal ples from the extra iron I had then I was back to expiration and I decided to check what's on the other side of the river mostly there were a lot of zombies who naturally congregated around a bar where I assume the majority of them spent most of their free time while they were still alive I then explored the neighboring households until a heli showed up wa he's shooting is he shooting at me ah [ __ ] oh no no no no none of that no shooting I ran from my car but I was annoyed I didn't explore everything so I returned the next morning I went through the remaining Zed like a tornado through a meth lab trying to make my way into a Riverside shop alas I couldn't get in without being eaten by Zeds so I decided to explore further south instead what did you grow in here I wonder I mostly found zombies but one of them had a special gift for me another SPO for the council let's go it was now September and it was starting to get colder which meant strong woman needed to put on some pants there we go strong woman has changed some stuff I added padding to her new clothing then I went to nearby Warehouse to borrow a couple of storage crates I stored my guns and ammo on the new roof then I decided to sort my melee weapons as well which took me way into day 242 but each type of weapons now had their own box nice so there's my storage it's finally looking a bit better I then went through all of my guns uninstalling attachments and checking ammo supplies which allowed me to pimp out a nice silent shotgun an M16 for future use since it was pretty crappy weather outside the next day I decided to once again and spend my day working in the garage which in the end got me to level seven in mechanics I began the next day by harvesting ripe Tomatoes then I went to check on my traps nicely stack up please yes yes just come to the group come hug everybody I scared off the invasive Forest Zeds then I went home to touch a corpse inappropriately under the watchful gaze of the fluffers all hell fluffy food the master of cabbage then I finished the Day by fishing well into the night on day 245 I drove back North through the docks I broke into a warehouse and spent most of the day looting and fighting zombies then looting and fighting some more ooh alarm ooh that could be a problem that could be a problem instead of making it my problem I decided to return home where I could practice first aid next to fluffy food in peace then I fixed a baseball bat I look very cool with this aluminium baseball bat now h h i then went back into the garage until I got bored in the evening fluffy food told me about a Survivor encampment I should go visit so I drew Way North next ooh [ __ ] we're good we're good it took me a while to get there and I could hear the cold bodies banging inside so I baited them out let's Ring The Dinner Bell shall we alas I did not quite appreciate just how many guests would be arriving for dinner and since strong woman was to be on the plate she had to pump her right hand something fierce to satisfy all of the potential customers allowing me to finally begin exploring what do we have upstairs oh [ __ ] that's a trap I search most of the makeshift buildings finding little of use so in spite I decided to ruin their vehicles okay okay fine I'm leaving let's get the [ __ ] out of here the next morning I harvested some fresh broccoli then I hit level 9 in first aid while trying to reach my zombie infested traps why is there so many zombies in the trees excuse me but not even the rod fiends could stop me from hitting level six in trapping meaning that the fluffy bunny sacrificial ring got new friends I harvested carrots on day 249 then I repaired my generator again after that I drove to town for no other reason than to stab a bunch of zets who were clogging the roads alas I got slightly overzealous all right let's get ah bastards oh there's a bunch of Runners there's a bunch of Runners there's a lot of Runners [ __ ] off I might have been a tattoo enthusiastic when I tried attracting the hordes but you can't blame strong woman for her enthusiasm in stabbing people in the streets she's American after all okay more Runners more Runners more Runners what the [ __ ] were you all coming from alas not even the runners could stop her from reaching level seven in short blade after dispatching hundreds of zets in neat little death piles I went back to town to stab more Zeds the next morning but my real goal was exploration now let's see what we got in here oh beginnner Electronics kit I needed one of those let's go I found fresh meat sweets and burritos then I went back home to play around with my new electronics kit it gave me decent XP but I was lacking electrical wires to practice more so after I checked on my completely empty traps I went through the houses in the neighborhood to destroy their TVs and other electrical appliances while I got a decent amount of materials I got only a little wire which got me roughly half of the way to the next level then it was mechan mechanics time again so I spent most of day 252 in the garage until strong woman got bored then I went back to fishing in the heavy rain the next morning's trapping was quite successful which meant that fluffy food Circle grew once again I then drove back to town to dismantle more TVs and stab more Zeds oh hello friend you [ __ ] scared me that got me seven electrical wires which I then used to practice with my kit I also studied first day then I ran into the forest not a single rabbit what is Fluffy food going to say fluffy food demanded sacrifice and strong woman could just ignore his voice in her head so she drove to the town to stab more Zeds and sacrifice them on fluffy food's bloody altar I fought them on the road and I fought them on the fields I fought them on the bridge and I fought them while planes flew above like the giant dildos they were laughing down at me the airplane is not making things easier for me but I held that bridge like a gandal f a vagina yelling you shall not pass at The Walking Dead the bridge the bridge the bridge is on fire we don't need no Bridge let the [ __ ] burn but the horde never stopped coming and when another heli showed up I pced out I started day 255 with first aid practice then I harvested rooftop cabbage I also washed off the blood and filth of the previous day Slaughter so I could then peacefully work in the garage which got me to level 18 in mechanics that allowed me to then study the final mechanics book the next morning then I went to check on my traps what are you guys doing on my bridge sh where'd you come from this is not alled naturally there were more of them hiding in the woods but at least this time around they didn't eat my rabbits with fluffy food's second circle of hell now complete I actually reached level 10 in first aid then I cooked the true American salad just look at these calories look at that number it's great energized with that salad I then went fishing alas all my fridges were now full and I had no place to store my catch so I decided to build an extension to the fishing shack I build the walls and I installed a giant fridge which needed its own generator to fuel it up I then built a roof and drove to the school to borrow the flooring these are my tiles lady I also cooked up some plaster which I finished applying the next morning there you go now I consider this done let's go then I drove back North to the docks to check out a couple more warehouses but naturally zets had a say in it Sprinter how can I kill you if you keep on falling to the ground fools a broke inside what seemed to be a cousin of louisv Amazon on Warehouse I searched the whole place loading up on way more than I could possibly carry although my treasure might not seem like treasure to everyone got to grab important stuff junk piles I left my junk on the Roof then I went to check on my rabbits holy [ __ ] that's a lot of them in here waa whoa whoa whoo where the [ __ ] did you all come from the woods were truly getting dangerous now so I went to steal TVs for my neighbors instead I used the wire to practice with my kid the next morning which got me to level five in electrical andan drove North to meet the t- boys clearly the British has invaded this place they have been hoarding all the tires in Kentucky but strong woman couldn't allow the Brits to invade America once again and just like at the Tea Party in Boston she threw them back into the sea Where Were You All Hiding before I then explored the giant storage area until my backpack was full finding an antique Katana in the process it seemed like all the corpses scared the rabbits away so instead of making fluffy food happy I went to work in the garage until the evening the next morning I painted some warning messages for the zombies you come here you're gone then I painted my fishing shack green and since I was now almost out of negative XP for trapping I decided to craft a bunch of new traps again it was starting to get cold rainy and miserable in the forest but with a Fresh Catch I was now finally out of negative XP oh yes the industry returns back at home I then study the next trapping book and since I haven't fished in a while I decided to do that on a plane interrupted me excuse me sir that's private property I dispatched the stragglers in the morning then naturally another heli flew by clearly those warning skulls didn't help but that didn't deter a strong woman from her daily tasks of washing her clothing playing with her electrical kid and ruining her cars I started day 265 like a proper American woman with a burger then fluffy bunny demanded more sacrifice so even though it was very foggy day I drove North to the the docks first I need to solve some domestic issues here I decided to explore storage Lots which naturally meant I needed to borrow keys from the former owners show yourself to be the masterful biter that you always knew to be I looted the whole area and broke into a couple of cars alas I found little of use the trash pile is getting bigger and nicer I like it I harvested cabbages for my Rabbids the next morning which finally got me to level 10 farming another skill Cross of the list another heli flew over while I checked my traps but it couldn't stop fluffy bunny from getting even more powerful fluffy food the bunny is getting his evil Circle quite Eed out now I then went fishing until the fishing abundance reached zero then I practiced electrical again in the morning and then drove to the town to clear the roads again it's time for some good old fluffy food mandated murder and what fluffy food demands that's what fluffy food gets and what he got was a lot of blood harvested by my faithful handythe which harvested The Souls of the Damned until it could Harvest no more jokes on you zombies I got more hand sits maybe if big farmer spent a fraction of money they spend on bribing us officials on actually developing a zombie cure strong woman wouldn't be in this mess but here she was and the road wasn't going to clear itself starting to look better this road with the streets now clearer I decide to drive far north again no no don't do that don't do that I reached an unexplored section of the town that seemed pretty empty at first but soon the Trees close to the road became alive with the sound of zombies but since fluffy told me I needed to go here well here I was the fact that you guys are here as well that's a you issue really I fought through the streets and explored a diner what are you guys doing in the kitchen excuse me kitchen is not for unemployed people then I stormed through what used to be a furniture store but nowadays they were selling walking corpses since the drive was long I decided to stick around for a while longer looking at the council spos to provide me with guidance but I didn't really need guidance all I needed was my hand sighte which reaped over 1,000 Souls at this point and there were a lot more souls to reap as I explored a gas station and a gigart nearby hello my friends have you come here grocery shopping as well and since the shopping dead never rest there was always more to reap but if strong woman were to rebuild Society she needed to sew as well I'm going to steal all of your plant containers hell yeah somewhere along those zombie infested back streets where the boys came from I hit Level eight in short blade before looting a camping supply store the next morning it was Cinema time guys is is Dune on I want to see the second Dune please where can I buy the where can I buy the tickets I bought popcorn and even asked to be the movie projector operator but still they wouldn't play Dune for me so I hit them with this classic dad joke I'm going to rename myself to exit so my name shines in every movie theater across the whole world yes that was terrible I know but back when we were kids in the '90s that was the peak of Comedy for us before I left the city I quickly searched a police station which proved to be quite a maze and I was amazed I found absolutely nothing in there you put Jane Eerie Audi book into your Armory what the hell is this safely back at home again I repaired my trusty H sides on day 271 then I was back to the forest to party with rabbit zombies I also played with my electrical kit washed the blood off of me read the new electronics recipes I found then I quickly jumped back into the garage where I continued to part the next day naturally I got interrupted by a helicopter which dropped a package for me just after I hit level 9 in mechanics he dropped it right in the [ __ ] Bridge did he I grabbed the supply boxes and opened them getting mostly toilet paper but also some fishing supplies I wanted to put those to good use on day 273 but first I went to check on my traps meeting all kinds of interesting friends along the way you guys love the sound of rabbits huh the 10 rabbits I caught got me to level seven in trapping and thust Le fluffy food Circle got improved once again I then finally went fishing until my backpack was full it was crappy weather the next morning so I decided to fix the broken bullar on my hwe I also repair the trunk lid and install two new tires then I crafted two new composter boxes because I noticed my current one was completely full and I still had a lot of rotten stuff lying around I was then back to fishing then I placed a couple of fishing nets it was still rough weather outside but fluffy food demanded blood so who was I to deny him that once again I returned to the gandal bridge a Slaughter the runners and I Slaughter the Crawlers all in a day's work in a tropical thunderstorm even though it was now October so I don't think it was tropical anymore the bridge is officially free now let's go but the nearby houses weren't so free so like a proper American woman I had to go liberate them by stealing their TV I cleared a couple more stranglers then I harvested broccoli on day 276 I also caught nine more rabbits than I realized this guys we need more fridges for all the animals we have not that anybody can eat all of this but we need them so I drove to the town to borrow a freezer and decided to also explore the local Church Father forgive me this is my first time in the church what do we do here oh we slay the devil and while exploring the place I found something I totally didn't expect to find in a religion that still lives in the Dark Age I knew the church was green look at that we can finally make something with uh our solar panels it's now been more than a 100 days since strong woman crossed the river to derker them and while there was still a lot to explore here she was slowly getting ready for a new adventure but since that Adventure would require a lot of fighting she needed to stick around here a little longer if she were to ever level up more of her non-c combat skills so first I went to check on my rabbits then I used a little Bait fish caught in my Nets to go fishing oh this freezer is full already that was [ __ ] fast I placed down two more Nets and then hit level five fishing in the evening I caught more rabbits the next morning then I went to chop down a tree to make more TR traps I crafted 12 crates then I used the bait fish again to go fishing until fishing abundance reads zero I washed my clothing on day 279 I harvested cabbages then I was back to the forest oh yes the industry grows even bigger I caught even more Bait fish but I didn't go fishing next instead I went to work in the red light district I harvested Tomatoes the next morning but then fluffy food advised me to take a break from work so and back to the docks there were a couple of warehouses I wanted to explore but not necessarily for the usual Reas reasons one's men trash is another man's treasure although there was some actual treasure in another storage shed I searched ooh electrical wire don't mind if I do give me more atas it did not give me more but I did find a bunch of zombies some pink paint and more junk oh yes trash pile grows even more I harvested fresh radish on day 281 I refueled both of my generators then I went back to the traps I also had 42 Bait fish for my Nets now so naturally I had to do some fishing then I was back to the the garage in the morning the eight rabbits I caught got me to the next level in traffing alas I now had almost 50 rabbits worth of negative XP I had to work through I needed some time to think of a plan how to tackle those rabbits and the best way to clear my mind was to go kill some Zeds and just like fluffy foot said there's always another bridge to clear and this bridge ain't going to clear itself I broke my hand SI on the thick zombie skulls but if quick Ben taught me one thing he taught me that you always need a shaved knuckle in the hole zombies this is my last last handside so treat it carefully okay after that side road brawl I returned back home to work in the garage then it was time to scale my Rabbid farming operation oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] Runners where you at where'd you go poor guy got stuck in a tree but thankfully he was the last one trying to stop this cruel industry from taking over the forest that's 30 traps now place there better be some rabbits in here tomorrow that meant and now needed 10 cabbage heads per day to fill the traps so I planted a new small patch just in case my Supply ran out I returned in the morning to see what we've got and what we've got was 22 beautiful rabbits after that Massacre I went back to working in the garage slowly edging closer to maxing out mechanics the first eight rabbits I caught the next day got me out of negative XP and since there were still plenty of full traps I decided to read the final traing book right there and then and now we can check the other traps I replac one of the broken traps then I went home to train mechanics and I finally hit level 10 in the evening with that one crossed off the list I was now fully dedicated to trapping and I caught 21 rabbits on day 287 I went fishing to end the day then I was back to the forest on a foggy morning 19 more rabbits got me to level 9 in trapping then I was back to fishing Again Naturally I returned to the woods in day 289 is that my rabbit zombie my rabbits I then decided to quickly check on the Gandalf bridge where of course hordes were congregating again so I had to to teach them the way of the Scythe oh boy oh boy oh boy oh good we're just passing that one was just passing alas the way of the Scythe was not forever so I had to switch to my military knife here I go stabbing again I repaired my two generators the next morning then you guessed it I went to check on my traps adding 21 more rabbits to the pile of death then I went fishing until the evening when strong woman contemplated the mysteries of life the universe and fluffy foot for fluffy food told her to burn the forest down then on the morning of day 291 it finally happened ladies and gentlemen the industrial murder has finally paid off we are Level 10 but with that done there was only one way to deal with the death traps and the Monstrous rabbit pile fluffy foot told me to do this oh Jesus oh Jesus uh quickly quickly quickly bandage bandage I almost died the Damage Done to strong woman's body was highly critical she was in agony and well the forest was on fire back at home I cleaned the burns properly and applied a pus to the neck wound as well I also replaced my ruined cloting that I drank myself to sleep I went fishing the next morning to pass the time then I made an extra pus but the previous days events didn't give me peace so I had to return to the scene of the crime I almost died for this I hope fluffy is happy with what you done I replaced my dirty bandage at home then I stayed inside de side reading informational literature before drinking the pain away I decided to fix my Hume on day 293 so I took both of my training trucks out of the garage to be able to work in peace I replaced every single brake and suspension then I repaired all the tires with duct tape as well I also repaired the trunk lid and fixed the bll bar and this bad boy is up to 81% now which is slightly better than it was before I cleaned my neck wound the next morning wow we lose a lot of HP from just this so I decided to go for it for medicinal plants on the mainland I filled my backpack with the goodies and crafted two plantain puses I was still hurting the next morning but I decided to go explore a bit although I stuck to the safer Country Roads I looted a couple of houses and broke a couple of TVs then I got drunk again I harvested and replanted fresh cabbages the next morning then I fixed my generators and spent some time fishing until I was out of bait I also played with my electrical kid then I watched TV in the evening my neck was still messed up on day 297 so I decided to go through through all my belongings and decide what I will bring with me on my next adventure I continued with that the next day and I also crafted two new silencers for an extra sidearm and M14 battle rifle oh yeah that's going to be a beautiful new rifle of course my trunk was getting so full I had to start throwing things out then I also loaded in my spare generator and just like that I was ready to go I said goodbye to the Council of spios and when I went to say goodbye to fluffy food he was suspiciously missing from his circle of hell goodbye my precious home I probably forgot something but well [ __ ] it I took the Country Roads leading down south and I got lost a couple of times oh [ __ ] that's a lot over here Jesus but then I was back at the house where I spawned all those 300 days ago I made sure it was safe then I spent the night there and on the morning of the Day of the Dead it was time to assault Raven Creek oh yeah oh yeah this seems more like it the fog didn't really help especially since I ran into a horde before I even hid the entrance to the military Outpost outside of the city but my Moto for this adventure was nice and easy and safe so I took it slower than a government employee works until my last H siide broke all right guys calm down now I need to go fix my bandage with my bandage fixed I pushed for the gates where many many more of the rotten dead awaited me oh we are in and we're going out again this was strong woman at her finest fighting hundreds of Zeds again something she missed during her stay in durker Dam farmside oh my God there's still oh my God look at how many there are still in here Jesus look Prometheus got his ice eaten by birds so we could freely use fire so who was I to oppose that I gathered them all up in a nice ball making sure to take out any burning sprinters but since safety was my number one priority I then drove away and parked in a forest where I could spend the night naturally a horde awaited me in the middle of the road the next morning I stabbed those then I switched to my M16 and started BL blasting those left at the gates the range on the gun was great so was able to clear out the whole Road through the camp with ease atas strong woman quickly became crazy I then brought my car into the next blockade all right not as bad as I thought right now I sniped the ones past the blockade then I broke the barricade oh yes we are through I didn't spend the whole day stabbing and shooting shooting and stabbing my way forward these guys will never know what HD them I even managed to clear the burn bur hole in the fence although I was now down to my last few 556 bullets I tried sleeping in the car a last strong woman seemed to be afraid of the Zs around just like American men are afraid of women having basic human rights so I had to drive back to the forest for the night at least she was no longer queasy the next morning so I drove past the hole in the fence where a welcome party awaited me I shot the couple who followed me through the hole then I pushed on and there it is boys there's the tunnel I've been looking for I dispatched the fiends who broke to the side doors then I broke through the barricade to explore the quarantine checkpoint in the middle of the tunnel W that guy just fell from the sky I actually found a new box of 556 ammo then I was threw it to the other side there were still a lot of zombies to deal with inside and outside but because overconfidence is a slow and Insidious killer I took it safe and went back inside the tunnel to sleep stabbing more zombies the next morning got me to Short blade level 9 then I played with a Zen stuck behind the fence which was easy like shooting fish in in the barrel but then I had a brilliant idea like what could possibly go wrong if I do this right they flooded through like a sewer water on a Sunday morning but my trusty knife and rifle kept them at Bay we good here boys or are there more coming of course there are always more coming you see I broke that fence for a reason because after chopping through a small Forest while keeping the tree hugging Zeds at arms length I could see the light oh I can see the fence I can see the fence let's go I broke through that fence as well and just like that I have avoided the whole giant mess of going through the main Raven Creek entrance after spending the night on a roof I was ready for the most intense Drive of this whole play through come on let me through boys just let me through the fog the constant alarms the obnoxious car wrecks and about a million Zeds moving through the city made for one terrifying experience don't be on the road don't be on the road cars and or zombies but I made it through to a more industrial Riverside where tall fences would keep me safe and prevent Zeds from reaching me alas first I need to take care of a hoorde or two Let's Line them up boys Let's Line them up I stabbed and slashed my way down that road which was more packed than a Furry Convention and since according to my Discord half of the people in the internet are either furries and or are fantasizing about banging their relatives I wasn't sure if I wanted to be there this is the place that I wanted to make my home you guys don't get to be part of it that one Broken Window was the only entrance to the place which i s sem I secured then I went to retrieve my humy which rang the dinner bell again maybe I should not have gone back for the car just now after dealing with that horde I climbed to the roof to chill in a generator shack and indeed it was getting chilly out there so I wanted to keep the place secure and I started by some rooftop sniping I then went to check on the neighbors but the other neighbors came to me as well sir I saw you go in here sir where are you going what the what the hell are you guys doing I chopped down a tree to barricade the window which soon came under the attack I also connected the generator and that rang a dinner bell for the for Zeds how dare you 5 minutes after that there was another group in that window and another one in the morning I fixed the outer layer of barricades cut down a couple more trees then I built a rain collector on the roof I then went to visit the neighbors again to borrow a sink and when I returned I saw this did you seriously break through while I was gone why would you do that you bastards I installed this sink and Plumb that then I brought my generator to the roof and connected it there I had a nice brawl with my Undead Friends Day 308 because I wanted to borrow a couple of doorknobs and hinges so I could build a small room for myself in my new home but I needed more wood a man chops down one tree and this is what comes out of the [ __ ] Forest I was hearing some Whispers from my pocket that this Forest needs to burn but I ignored it and went back to building go now we have a nice little room I like it I then Place some dirt on the roof so I could plant cabbages and potatoes the next morning I was back on a mission let's go to the beach beach let's go to the Zombie Land but it didn't just go to the beach to party with his ANS I followed it to the nearby lowcost apartment complex AKA hobo where I borrowed a proper bed back at home I then broke into a side room yeah this is going to be my bedroom I like it I placed down the bed then I buil a door to my new bedroom and added a light I woke up to the first snow of the Autumn on day 310 but that didn't stop me from visiting hobo Stan again I stabbed the residents who resented me borrowing their kitchen appliances that's all in my backpack this Packer bag really is overpowered huh back at home I set up a small kitchen and built another rain collector Barrel on the roof there you go we have running water Boys in our new kitchen SL bedroom then a hel showed up which brought all kinds of visitors to my front window that I tried sniping through the fence but in the end I had to deal with them Mano Amano or I guess w aomo you're going to repair this you know that you're going to repair this [ __ ] for me a nice group awaited me again the next morning but after I dealt with those I decided to try an old trick that used to work in the past I have no idea if this still works but composters used to be Unbreakable by zombies and indeed it worked the zombies abandoned their Relentless pursuit of my window and I was free to cook my first delicious meal in my new kitchen which strong woman really needed after losing a lot of weight fighting her way into Raven Creek then next morning I broke the stairs leading across my fishing spot then I grabbed everything from the hwe and began sorting it into my new home which took most of the day and I even level up sprinting to level three while running around I then placed down a fishing net then I went to visit the neighbors again I borrowed a couple of pieces of furniture to outfit my new bedroom okay this looks a bit more lived in I like it I like it I chopped down a couple more trees which meant more Zeds showed up but I needed that wood to build a proper door to my rooftop Farm my neck wound was now fully healed as well and also I could finally wash myself properly after all the fighting I replaced my fishing net which was broken then I went on the roof for some target practice like shooting fish in the barrel I cleared them all out then I tried fishing with that one little Bait fish ahead alas I caught nothing I went to fully search the big neighbor Warehouse the next morning all right boys what you got for me let's be real they didn't have too much exciting stuff for me but after disposing of about a 100 Zeds in there my backpack was getting kind of full my radio then told me to expect a heli the next day but that didn't stop me from visiting hobo toown again and sure enough a plane showed up you know what maybe it's better it's down here and not at my home I snuck inside the apartments and borrowed a room full of blue carpet alas I couldn't quite place it on the floor in my bedroom I did plaster and paint the walls I built previously then I chopped down a couple of trees so I could build floors in my bedroom which I could then carpet properly there we go that looks much better now at then and checked my fishing trap and went fishing at last all I caught was a pair of shoes the next morning I decided to check if the roads were any clearer now roads are definitely not clear then I just wanted to go for a short ride to a video store nearby but of course I had to First dispose of a couple hundred Zeds who all got impaled in my poker like they were professional only fan streamers I then surged the vid store oh we got a couple of movies we can now watch all right I grabbed a bite to eat then I was determined to clear the street near my home I stabbed my way up the road all the way into the night which was now coming much sooner as I was getting close to December let's keep on stabbing oh you fell you poor guy on day 319 I checked my fish trap again and then went fishing for a while look at that we actually caught a fish this time around Perfection I tried foraging to find bit but unfortunately there was nothing to find here so instead I chop down a couple of trees and extended my fishing area so I could build a new fishing shack I'm the king of the world or I guess this sewage treatment plant I placed down another trap then I used the five little Bait fish I got to catch another Pike in the morning I didn't wash my clothing which in hindsight was a stupid idea because right after I went to stab some Zeds in search of twine in the warehouse which I did find enough to make one new fishing trap I harvested and replanted the first batch of Raven Creek cabbages the next morning then I went to check my fishing traps that one right there has a katana in them hello sir can I get that I wanted to grab that unless I got slightly delayed by the many Zeds on the street who were hissing at me like a bag of snakes stab them in the butt stab it in the butt I followed them to the nearby warehouses which had absolutely nothing of use for me but I did reach level 10 in short blade after more than 4,000 kills that meant that only short blunt remained now so I took out my hammer and started nailing the Zs It's hammer time I went fishing on the morning of day 3:22 but when I turned back inside I found this fluffy fluffy what is this human meat fluffy what have you been doing clearly he's been up to no good here in Raven Creek but I fought hard to suppress his dark Whispers which were saying subscribe to Coco because more than 90% of you watching his videos are not actually subscribed po po face Pap face I then remember to go grab that Katana then I decided to go for a ride down the street on day 323 oh there's alarms around here that could prove to be dangerous and indeed it did prove to be extremely dangerous as I was assailed by hundreds of Zeds and when a bunch of those were sprinters it was really hard to position yourself properly well I did say I need to level up short blun so here we go oh [ __ ] but I did need to switch to Long blunt for a moment just to take care of a couple of Runners then it was back to Poker time which proved to be one badass weapon man look at that snake that I have created I'm not even on the street where I wanted to be strong woman walked down the road like she liberated half of Bosnia and soon I was back in the street where I wanted to be oh now a helicopter shows up as well well that's a shitty move clearly it was not the best day for exploration so I dispan his EDS around my car and drove back home to fish the next morning I decided to give it another try I have returned [ __ ] I cleared the street then I broke inside a gun store which held a decent amount of useful ammo and since winter was coming I decided to check out a couple of clothing stores as well although zombies continued to harass me I had 12 little Bait fish ready the next morning so I decided to fish until fishing abundance reads zero catching four Pikes in the process the day was indeed great day for fishing I fixed my generator the next morning then I went to check the Mean Streets of Raven Creek naturally zombies were more than happy to party with strong woman again and she was more than happy for That Sweet short blunt XP you know what up here would be an interesting base kind of like it but maybe that was for another playthrough for today I pushed further up the road reaching level eight in short blunt in the process I cleared my way close to the neighborhood gas station where I returned the next day with my spear generator in tow okay this is going to be dangerous this is going to be [ __ ] dangerous at first of course there were a couple hundred Guardians there which proved to be a slight issue especially since quite a few of them knew how to run who would have thought that so many people would want to go shot hopping at the gas station clearly a lot of people ran out of gas just before the apocalypse began me and my mighty nighty stick are going to destroy you all alas it was mighty nighty stick that got destroyed first but joke was on them I had a Nutter ready to go I fought my way back to the station which was slowly getting safer that's an old lady running at me I've not seen an old lady run that fast since the Americans came to peace keep the balans I then looted the station grabbed a spare popsicle fridge and connected the generator it was snowing the next morning so I just went fishing in peace until strong woman got bored I then set up the popsicle fridge on the roof so I could store my fish in there it was snowy and dark on day 329 and with the days being much shorter now the peak fighting time went way down so I borrowed a TV from one of the houses because in that weather there's nothing better than watching TV inside oh [ __ ] that's some tailoring XP from that I then harvested one set of potatoes which were inflicted by a disease then the snow turned to rain so went to the two car Rags that were annoying me on the road come on let me zombie let me let me let me do it let me do it oh you mother it was getting cold outside in the morning but that didn't stop me from driving South to check out the fire station it seems almost like I have once again bitten more than I can chew huh but of course there's no such thing as too much for strong woman so I danced with the Zeds on that parking lot like it was a balcon hood party although a barbecue was missing but for her this was all just a good morning exercise even though she was was dreaming of extra fries all along now that's a job well done if we ignored this wriggling mess on the floor here I smacked those creepy crawlies and then had a quick meal before exploring the station that held absolutely nothing of use for me I then fought my way to the warehouse nearby which at least stopped up my food supplies so the long war was totally worth it December began the next day and what better things there to do in a cold December morning than fishing I caught one small Pike then I found a bunch of nerds grinding on my back fence so I had to dispose of those the next morning I drove back towards the gas station because I wanted to go check the situation further up the road where I knew there was a big police station oh look at that that's a night stick delivery man right there the fog didn't help the whole situation because I had Zeds dropping on me from every direction so I had to take it nice and easy is that bunny ears on you oh I need to check that fluffy would want that for sure I did eventually make it all the way to the station but I did the decid not to open that can of worms today on day 333 I harvested my first batch of potatoes and when I was done replanting those the cabbages were ready as well I then decided to visit Hoban again where I wanted to borrow a couple of Windows got the windows that I wanted let's get back home now alas I couldn't replace my broken windows from the inside so I built a platform to get to the first one then I went to chop down a bunch of trees so I could finish the platform the next day and installed the new windows there we go now we have Windows that's going to keep us was warmer for a while and I needed to insulate my home because it was starting to get chilly inside I then went up the street to deal with the rabble encroaching on my territory and I checked out a couple of houses in hopes of finding an antique oven the next morning I went fishing again and I pushed on throughout the whole day alas I got barely any XP I did catch a bunch of fish and when I finally returned back inside I noticed that fluffy food's pile was getting bigger fluffers what's going on here buddy since it was getting colder every day I decided to go back to hobo done on day 336 oh t- boys are here as well would you look at that they've come all the way from darker them those crappy Apartments clearly custom made for hobo YouTubers like me had antique ovens inside and I decided to borrow one I did have to move my plans so I could then install it in the bedroom there you go that's going to provide some heat for us when we need it that gave me an excuse to chop down a couple of zombie hiding spots and pick up all the twigs and branches left in the ground so I could then fuel up the oven the radio mention area activity for the next day but there was no way that would stop strong woman from checking up on the police station in the morning which was stupid on the level of people who were incapable of voting for anyone that's younger than 80 I fought my way all the way to the garage entrance feeling brave with my mighty nighty stick in my hand and just when I had a clear path ahead it happened the plane is here the plane is here and I'm right next to one of the tallest buildings in Raven Creek I finally turned on my brain and decided to return home to go fishing in instead I washed myself in the morning which was another stupid idea because I couldn't read my thoughts of that station and I just had to go visit it I tried to be sneaky but very soon I ran into Zeds or I guess they ran into me I also hit short blunt level 9 just before I made it to the station let's see what happens if I shoot a couple of times is it going to ring the dinner bell we'll see you soon indeed it did Ring The Dinner Bell alas the zombies were well behaved and nice enough to spread out so I could easily fight my way into the garage there's always trees where you bastards can hide I created a shortcut through a wall so my Undead friends had an easier chance to come say hi and then I said hi to them with my good old shoty because this right here is going to be my future entrance into the station but not now I returned in the morning finding the intersection populated by the moaning hordes again I fought through those and made my way to the back entrance okay I might have cornered myself a bit I had to bait them back to the street to deal with everyone who wanted to party next to the dumpsters which for some reason was a big thing when I was a teenager yes we were all D back in the early 2000s wearing our hair across one eye and wiing to Evan Essence all right it's time to open this can of worms then as soon found a key while fighting through the dark and claustrophobic corridors which allowed me to access the Armory we got some ammo we got some ammo that's pretty good and then fought past the many Runners to get back to my car and return home a warm welcome when I come back home huh I prepared my generator the next morning then I stabbed the fans Bros next I went fishing but because I soon ran out of bait I had to switch to my Spears instead which finally got me to level six on day 341 I returned to Hoban again all right it's pretty peaceful out here I like it I explored the apartments disassembling every TV I could get my hands on even though the residents weren't too excited about my actions that expedition got me 10 electrical wires which meant I could again practice with my electrical kit and I reached level six in the pr and then remembered I could weave twine from ripped sheets which I could then combine with wire to make fishing traps so let's go find some zombies to rip their sheets apart I asked them politely if I could rip off their clothing because guys never do anything without consent in no time I had 140 rip sheets which I could then weave into 35 twine that got me 16 fishing traps and then I went back to fishing I checked on the traps again the next morning which netted me six little Bait fish allowing me to fish again I did it I'm out of negative XP that meant I could then study the next fishing book and then return to fishing on day 3:44 I drove to the neighbors houses in search of more TVs howdy neighbors you guys got some TVs I could borrow I searched a couple of houses dismantling every electrical appliances I could get my hands on from TVs to Old Juke boxes and even treadmills fighting my pesky neighbors throughout the whole day W that's a lot of you hiding in here come on all together I get her 13 electrical wire which got me out of negative XP after I used it with my practice kit that meant I couldn't study the next electrical book then I went back up the street you guys got any TVs for me indeed they had TVs for me although not everyone was willing to contribute to my training regime oh that's a lot over here I actually crafted my own makeshift radio back at home which gave me a decent chunk of XP and since it didn't mention any air activity I decided to drive back to the police station the next morning wa why is there so many here at the police station again clearing those streets was just a quick breakfast for strong woman who rejoiced in The Good short blunt XP all those hard zombie heads would provide oh let's get hammered boys I mean you guys are going to get hammered not me my goal was to push past the station to a Survivor compound that usually has good loot and a lot of zombies and at least that second part was correct oh look they have TVs for sale here I tried to clear out as many of them as possible ible and then just grab their TVs to dismantle later atas the undead kept on pouring out the windows interrupting my hard work so I had to fight my way back to my car to escape but I escaped with five TVs in my backpack which I didn't dismantle the next morning at this point I realized there's no real chance at level up electrical or fishing to max level before day 365 which meant only one skill remained and that skill was short blunt so I drove back to the city to train it while I visited the Survivor compound again let's do this boys oh oh you fell you poor little thing I cleared away from a hum then was back inside the perimeter ready to hammer their smooth brain skulls I explored the second floor where I knew they'd be hiding their ammo reserves dismantling their TVs along the way no no do not interrupt me no lady come on I also ruined their PCS then I spotted a neat car on my ex fill that Ranger gives me an idea I practiced with my electrical kid the next morning then a heli showed up and brought a surprise for me a you mother so when to clear the streets around my home that I was back on a mission on day 350 even though it was cold outside and I was pursued by a plane I still pushed onwards on food back to the city center in hindsight I should have probably checked the weather report the previous day I fought through the many small groups who made the streets their home then I refueled my gas cans at the station you see I needed those because I then pushed past the police HQ all the way to the Survivor compound where I spotted that Ranger car previously all right let's do some meic I installed a new battery and refilled the truck then I brought it back home and I needed that car just so I could do this enjoy that boys and I'm going away I retreated back to the gas station and started fighting there and that's when Raven Creek truly showed why it's such an awesome City oh my God look at that that's all still here even though I clear this place like a million times already in hindsight I should have probably brought a Molotov but my shotgun worked quite well as a baiting tool so I could get rid of small groups with my hammer can you smell any zombies I'm right here I slowly chipped away at the big horde clearing it one at a time that thing big ooh okay I thought too big I thought too big but there was no such thing as too big for strong woman and even snow melted around her with how hot she was running swinging her Hammer like Big Bad John there it is ladies and gentlemen all of them maxed out you'll love to see it all that remained was for me to rec claim my car now and I did that with my shotty the next morning fluffy told me how many more kills I needed we're going to finish this series with 66666 and what fluffers says that's what fluffers gets so I went to quickly stab a couple of Zeds for him then I harvested a fresh batch of cabbages went fishing for a bit and watched a movie in the evening I used my new truck to bait the Zs to a back street on day 353 and just went H with my shy until the street was clear then I watched another movie the next morning I decided to repeat to maneuver on a different street where strong woman could show herself as the apex predator of Raven Creek and she's going to Apex this [ __ ] out of you I was kind of hoping I could get my aiming to level 10 as well but with how little XP I was getting I was pretty sure I didn't have enough ammo for that and besides I was getting closer to that fluffy mandated kill count so I just went home to watch a space movie I was running low on fireplace fuel at this point so I decided to go chop down a couple of trees and prepare my lock supply for the cold winter days a plane showed up next but that didn't bother me because I just went fishing I drove further down south the next morning but I miscalculated and I baited way too many Zeds the harest was going to be too great what was I thinking naturally I couldn't cross the fluffy mandated kill count so I had to abandon the truck and make the long track back home on foot where I enjoyed yet another movie in the evening I wanted to give the hordes around my lost truck time to dissipate a little bit so I just went fishing on day 357 atas I caught mostly socks and shoes then I was back to watching TV a couple of Zen showed up at the front door the next day with strong woman stripped for fuel then she made sure they disappeared even though that made her not very happy and since she wasn't very happy I allowed her more TV time then she had a nice conversation with fluffers but all that inactivity naturally made her bored so I decided to go get my truck back still a lot of zombies down here I blasted them apart with my shoty all the while nervously looking at my kill count but I managed to connect the cars and get out with done it we didn't kill too many we got the truck let's go day 360 was pretty foggy so I went to reset my broken fish traps then I went back to fishing I realized if I did this for a couple more months I would get to max level of fishing but of course I didn't have a couple of months because at this point the game already told me I survived for a year while in truth I still had a couple of days to go I then went to check on my neighbors making sure to dispose of their corpses properly until the snow turned into Heavy Rain it was a whole new year the next day and strong woman was greeted by a raging snowstorm she took out the one zombie that came to her fence then she just stayed inside where it was cozy and warm what do you mean blizzard imminent the blizzard is already here what are you talking about but even in blizzard work never stops so I went to harvest the New Year's batch of potatoes the next morning a plane showed up oh we got a gift it's Santa let's go check it out but of course I wasn't the only one looking for the gift in the cold weather in fact there were many Zeds looking for the present and since I couldn't risk killing too many and I had no idea where it landed I had to abandon it to the zombies so instead I went fishing and watched a movie the weather cleared up a bit by the morning and fluffy said go out there and make your final kill so that's what I did ladies and gentlemen we got the kills and then grabbed the corbs just like fluffy wanted and gathered its meat all right let's cook human meat stir fry I spiced it up with veggies and got it cooking until her whole room smelled like roasted pulled pork all right fluffers you've been a great companion let's do this let's eat human meat and then it was here strong woman has survived for a whole year she killed 66,6 66 zombies and survived everything this cruel world has thrown at her she maxed out all the combat skills and almost all of the crafting ones as well and she has survived in a couple of the most lethal cities in Project zomboid thank you War Thunder for sponsoring this video and my friends what are you waiting for go play War Thunder today for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and if you click my link in the description or pinned comment below and use it to register right now you get a bonus pack of goodies including multiple premium Vehicles in-game currency and more thank you to my channel members and patreon supporters and thank you all who made it to the end of strong woman's [Music] Journey
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 125,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid Gameplay, Project Zomboid 100 Days, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid 100 days challenge, project zomboid strong woman, project zomboid strongest character, project zomboid all positive traits, I survived 1 year in project zomboid, Project Zomboid 1 year challenge, Kokoplays Project Zomboid, Kokoplays MB
Id: n460dOnWe2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 46sec (7846 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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