I created the WORST airline in the World... Fly Corp!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to fly Corp now some of the OG viewers may remember this game played it a good couple of years ago now but we are back and we are going to head into the Discover the World game though there are scenarios free play and even custom scenarios which we'll probably check out next time so in this mode you need to unlock a new territory every 6 minutes and basically the way this works we are trying to build an airline so we're starting off in Germany we've got Berlin which is the capital you can see that's got like a circle around the Circle and then a couple of other cities we got Hamburg dorf and stuck guard top left you can see we got 250 quid oh and by the way I should mention the devs have sponsored this video so thank you so much for the devs for supporting the channel and if you want to check out fly cop your please boost the link in my description and honestly this game is really really good value like it's actually a decent game I promise you so yeah go check it out anyway where wa wait now if we draw from Berlin let's say to Hamburg you can see that's going to cost us 76 quid uh so this is our first route and you can see we now have a little plane going from Berlin to Hamburg when it gets to Hamburg it will head back again and remember every passenger I take pays a little bit of cash so as this sets off again I can click on the plane I can see there's one passenger on board so we go from 174 quid when it lands to 175 quid so very cheap train tickets but to be fair quite cheap to open a new Airline so 106 quid boo Hamburg dorf I've then got 73 quid which I can't afford to do dorf to do go or Berlin so we're just going to have to wait for our cash to go up a little bit now worth noting if we click on this this bar at the bottom that's how many people it can actually hold so once we get to 50 passengers waiting uh an alarm will sound and if we don't do anything about it it's game over now the aim of this game mode is to literally discover the world create a fully International Airline and as you can see there's quite a lot of countries in the world so this is going to be fun anyway our goal if you remember from the start is to unlock a new country every minutes and you can see top right our goal at the moment is to go for the Netherlands which is just up here so if we click on that you can see we need 300 quid in order to unlock that so for now let's try and get stuck G connected I need 156 quid to get to Berlin now I could go to dorf it's a lot cheaper but then people are going to be doing like a round trip and dorf and Hamburg they're going to get pretty full up so I reckon yeah there we go we got enough money let's head to Berlin level one plane sorted and uh can you see this plane's red if we cck on the plane that's because planes can only hold a certain amount of passengers you can see they're 20 out of 20 hence it's red uh but we can upgrade these which adds more passengers and makes them fly quicker cost 100 quid to go to level two and then there's loads of different levels and then there's other colors so like yellow means it's sort of semi full up and that's the same sort of thing the actual airports as well so Berlin you can see it can hold 50 people we can upgrade it to level two that will add an extra 100 people and but for now as long as planes are leaving I think we're all good oh what's this a business Man flying from stockart to Berlin filed a lawsuit against our company because the flight attendant accidentally spilled coffee on him it was due to turbulence though he wants 209 quid that's basically all I have he wants to bankrupt me just cuz he got some coffee on his lap the trial scheduled for this week do you want to hire lawyers it will cost 104 quid now I imagine if I hire lawyers we we have a pretty high chance we might not actually lose this lawsuit so he won't have to pay 209 so I guess the the chance of paying just 104 for my law is probably worthwhile so I will accept that if I rejected I imagine I would just have to pay the full 209 anyway Munich has just opened now again would rather go to Berlin but that's pretty pricey may just go to stockart for 59 quid B now that's good oh no unfortunately the businessman won his case now we have to pay him 105 quid what's the point of paying the lawyers we got ripped off okay so now we're down to just 43 quid not a de we've only got 2 minutes 30 to unlock the Netherlands and some of the these are getting worryingly full yeah look Hamburg is in trouble as soon as that plane lands that's got a lot of people on it Hamburg is in trouble yeah trouble is I just got to wait until we have enough money to unlock the Netherlands okay so Netherlands 300 quid that is unlocked ah Hamburg Hamburg right upgrade for 100 quid oh okay nearly nearly lost that I think Berlin is probably going to do the same thing that is a full plane so I think when when that lands we'll probably get the alarm oh no we're good we're good yeah I will upgrade Berlin while we're there though um and I never unlocked Netherlands we got interrupted so unlock that so there is Amsterdam can we connect over to Berlin we need 181 quid let's speed up time ah start guard start guard unlock it upgrade oh I don't like the alarms it's so scary right Amsterdam to Berlin speed up time let's get that cash so once we have 181 quid boot there we go so now we have a link between the Netherlands and Germany and everyone should go via Berlin which I should probably keep upgrading cuz this is going to be the sort of main routes we got Frankfurt down there as well I mean I could go via stuckart cuz I think I've already upgraded stuckart airport and then another thing that might be worth doing these planes are like pretty full so I might upgrade that to level two so you can see they look slightly different they can hold 50 passengers and they're a fair bit quicker still full up though blooming out anyway we'll upgrade This Plane as well boost maybe the Hamburg dorf plane as well I'm upgrading everything still there you go level two plane Berlin is man Berlin's it's a busy place to be it's a very busy place to be you can actually click on all these and see like where most people want to go obviously the top route is Amsterdam because it's the only way anyone can get to Amsterdam so might actually be worth adding like a cheeky little route like across there 58 pretty cheap maybe one from Frankfurt as well cuz then people from like Munich can like do like a proper shortcut rather than going all the way to Berlin yeah I like that I like that a lot I like you a lot so from this point we got to go for Sweden now Sweden is up there and it's going to cost 321 quid so I might just do that I think the 6 minutes just gets added onto like this timer so there's Stockholm we can do Stockholm to Berlin 271 quid if I can save up 571 quid I can start with a level three plane trouble is I don't know how many people want to go that way and I probably need to upgrade burin like the actual airport first so let's upgrade that can hold 300 people now oh what's this it's recommended cancel all flights to dorf due to bad weather there'll be no passengers for a week okay dorf is out of bounds which has actually cut off my Munich to Amsterdam route um although Hanover has opened there so maybe we could do we could do Frankfurt to Hanover for 88 and then that to Amsterdam for 109 cuz then these guys down here they still have like a a route to get over to Amsterdam without having to go to Berlin although since Berlin is so big I do probably want to take most my passengers to there ideally we've also got keep an eye on Stockholm is so this is quite a long route it may be worth upgrading that plane so yeah 100 quid that can now hold 50 passengers cuz at the moment that's the only route out of Stockholm so yeah big plane got 13 out of 50 people on that looks good to me all right so Austria is next so Austria is down here so let's get that unlocked 343 quid unlocked we have vien so we'll do Vienna to Berlin we need 183 quid a little bit of fast forwarding time and then Bo yeah I feel like I need to connect like the bigger cities maybe Amsterdam over to Vienna that's 320 quid though quite a lot of mol still we'll do that I might then upgrade that plane as well just cuz it's like a long route oh look nurenberg that's where the the big old race courses isn't it so let's shove that over to Berlin it might be worth like upgrading some of these planes like between the big cities Amsterdam and Berlin probably want a bigger plane to be honest yeah Berlin Vienna it's getting quite busy upgrade and since I've last played you can now come over to here and there's like all sort well you can see all your stats but you can also see like your different cities so I can see Amsterdam it's only level one it's pretty busy so I can literally I can do the upgrade here so Bo that's Amsterdam upgraded to level two now we can then see the routes and like what planes are on them and then we can actually see the planes as well you can see which ones are full up so nice and easy just to be like a yeah Handover Berlin upgrade it h over Frankfurt give it an upgrade norenberg Berlin upgrade it so you just upgrade all your busy ones uh very handy little page that anyway up here we've got 1 minute 20 until dorf is back unlocked for now though I might let's get Munich connected to Vienna cuz I think yeah there was only one way to get to Munich and it wasn't via like a capital and then we probably have the cash to get Belgium unlocked now I love I love Belgium chocolate so let's let's get it unlocked Brussels is there also home of the Sprout so connect that up to amp down for 62 quid I want to get it over to Berlin I need a little a bit more cash oh no there we go because we got so many more planes now we're earning way more money like way quicker ooh a gardening Festival is being held in Munich the number of passengers looking to visit this city will increase by two for our week okay so yeah you can see Munich down here now has some arrows so more people are going to be wanting to get there than ever so I reckon let's connect up to Berlin and maybe let's upgrade that plane as well I think it's going to be pretty busy we've also got Dresden not going to lie that's the first place I haven't actually heard before so connect that up to Berlin as well and then oh Hanover was nearly full there so probably upgrade Hanover I'm guessing Munich might want upgrading everyone's trying to get to Dresden from Munich I guess we could just fly there 127 quid boost the thing is I don't like dropping like below like 100 quid like say dusel dorf had an alarm I need that 100 quid to like pay for pay for the upgrade I mean actually I'll just do it now just to save myself but yeah ideally you don't want to drop down to like zero money cuz you'll probably really need it to get out of like tricky situations anyway not A lot's going on in uh Sweden up there is Sweden like quite a spread out country is it not very populated like throughout I sort of would have expected like a few more cities by now anyway oh a new airport has opened in gothamberg there you go in Sweden nice so we'll connect that up Bo maybe upgrade Stockholm to a level two airport as well and then frankfurt's pretty busy maybe I could do like a route over to Brussels anyway let's click on Frankfurt where do people want to go Hanover and Berlin where's Han oh they can they can go to all those places oh they can't get to Berlin actually okay let's do direct to Berlin from Frankfurt Home of the sausage and speaking of sausages our next country to unlock is Hungary so sorry terrible joke terrible J so let's unlock Hungary 393 quid we've got quite a lot now we're in 1300 uh bdha pest let's go I'm thinking we go to Berlin first so Bo we'll upgrade that plane as well and then I'll probably do a Vienna to Budapest as well and then make sure Vienna's upgraded nice I feel like Brussels should be involved in this somehow so could I fly over to Vienna from Brussels 335 sounds reasonable might upgrade the plane and by the way as well as upgrading planes you can actually add like planes to like the line so say this one from Berlin to Stockholm like both of those are quite yellow plane's quite full as well so upgrade the plane cost 200 but I can just click on the line and I can actually just buy like a new lowlevel plane 100 quid for a level one plane so it could be worth doing that on some of these routes once we sort of start upgrading our planes and it gets quite pricey I think for now though the majority of stuff is green although I say that plane leaveing Stockholm nearly full up that so yeah I could pay 200 quid is that at 100 people okay let's do that oh and also our PR department recommends us to donate 268 to charity it will improve our reputation and increase the number of passengers and hopefully help the charity out right does that not occur to these business businesses no probably not um yeah I can afford 268 quid it's for charity and yeah also look at this plane now double engines so Berlin to Stockholm is now a big boy 65 passengers so yeah if I didn't upgrade that they wouldn't be able to fit on there but as I mentioned before to upgrade that again is 400 quid so if I did want to do that probably worth just buying another plane anyway unfortunately our charity campaign didn't get us more passengers but there is some good news one billionaire decided to buy a lifelong ticket for 1340 what are the prices what are these prices he paid 1340 quid for a lifelong ticket on an airline yet he's a billionaire billion and he only spent a grand I think we got ripped off honestly still whatever we now have 2 and a half Grand so I'm not going to complain too much but I'm still going to complain oh down here Lind get that connected to Vienna Bo then ah Stockholm oh Stockholm nearly went mental that where does everyone want to go oh to gothamberg how many people want to go there 72 we may have to add like another plane so we got that I'm going to upgrade that one to level two as well so now there's two level two planes going from there yeah I think that should cover Sweden for a while the next goal is France should I just unlock it now yeah get unlocked cost 420 to unlock nice so there we go we now have access to Paris so I think we'll go to Berlin Berlin seems to be like our core at the moment and I might start straight away with a level three plane 630 quid but yeah look at the look at the engines yeah mostly because it's quite a long route um but I think that's sensible I think from Paris we'll then go to Brussels then maybe if we can can we reach over to Vienna what's that going to cost 300 quid yeah that's pretty good and we'll make that a bigger plane as well just cuz it's got It's got further to go so I think having a bigger faster plane makes sense oh poor Luxembourg not unlock that um you can actually unlock these like if you want to just like randomly you don't have to follow the go in fact I will I've unlocked Luxembourg so let's get that connected up to Paris should probably upgrade Paris as well just in case oh down here yeah Leon so you go up to Paris as well then Luxembourg connect you to Berlin so the next goal is Norway which is up here we're actually we're we're quite flush for cash right now so I might sort of sneak ahead you see we got 17 minutes on the clock till we die but if I stay one step ahead we're good right Oslo I know of Oslo from the was it the Winter Olympics were held there yeah we'll unlock that over to Stockholm and then perhaps we could come down to like Amsterdam or Paris is quite a long way though although Stockholm to Paris could be worth doing oh it's so far though it's so far I probably want a level three plane yeah let's do it let's do it all right the next goal is Spain ah stockh home stockh home ah ah upgrade oh that was close right our PR department is advising us to launch a massive ad campaign that cost 310 quid according to their forecast we could increase ticket prices by two times for a week without losing demand 310 quid for twice the ticket price yes please that is going to be cash anyway Stockholm seems to be quite busy because most people want to go to Oslo I think with our shortterm increased income you can see it here expensive tickets let's invest that and go in Oslo to like Amsterdam perhaps Bo let's upgrade it twice I want to see will it like catch up the one in front oh look how big and fast it is it is going to catch up oh it's going to be tight actually it's going to be tight come on little plane stay ahead stay ahead little plane oh no they got to crash they got to collide oh they landed like identical times almost that's cool right anyway Amsterdam to Paris is now open oh Mars nearly forgot about Mars so up to Parry then all Budapest is a bit angry where do they want to they want to go to Mars why why would you do that I mean we could go to Mars I might though unlock like Switzerland maybe so 500 quid to unlock that so burn oh it's burn I thought it would have been Geneva in Switzerland I might now spend a bit of cash just upgrading my cities like the full ones we've done that and then planes oh there's some planes that need upgrading I don't know if I have enough money to do all of them no Amsterdam Paris you need a bit of an upgrade so that's the Amsterdam Paris on yeah let's just upgrade that oh I just added a plane oops still two planes same as upgrading almost no isn't upgrading is better cuz you get 50 rather than 20 passengers still they're all connected let's just keep an eye out on the red so oh that Berlin Stockholm that is a that is a full plane Bo upgraded right and then I'm thinking should I just go for Spain I got 2,000 600 Quid trouble is Spain's quite like it's quite far away from the rest ofy so it's going to be quite a long journey so yeah unlock so we got Madrid we'll go up to Paris probably do a level three plane if I'm honest and maybe Madrid to like Budapest oh man level three plane would cost so much oh no but look the Olympics are being held in Spain there's going to be three times as many passengers trying to get there okay I need to do that big plane then so Bo that is done oh we got Barcelona so we'll connect that to Madrid maybe barca to Mars as well just so there's like another route over here right we'll see how that gets on worth noting that expensive tickets thing has gone now so money isn't climbing as fast as it was although every route I do will gain US money quicker and then let's get Denmark unlocked B so Copenhagen oh is Copenhagen over there on an island it's not actually in Denmark ah Brussels Brussels Brussels I panic so much when I hear that alarm anyway just upgrade the upgrade the airports and it's fine so Oslo to Copenhagen Amsterdam to Copenhagen and also Berlin ah burn burn burn burn burn burn oh stupid stupid stupid stupid I don't like these alarms I think Paris needs an upgrade as well B oh nice that's nice okay yeah let's get nce connected so go to Mars a cost what are the odds of that nice and it's nice nice yeah I should probably get that connected up to Paris though so Bo there's that done all right so the Olympics are over there's no more increased demand to Bain so that's good we have just unlocked Bill Bal by the way all very footballing cities at the moment oh man burn has there's something going on in burn burn they want to get to Barcelona oh wow let's add a direct one yeah so something's going on at burn everyone wants to get there at the moment and Berlin's also pretty unhappy by the way check out that plane level four what a beast that is but yeah we're going to have to upgrade Berlin B There we go and then Romania's next Now isn't Romania like is it like down here oh yeah oh it's massive how did I miss that so we'll unlock Romania now I feel like the the faster we unlock these the more like routs we have the more do we can make the trouble with Bucharest is BL in miles away from everyone we oh so expensive to go from anywhere yeah I think for now though we may need to upgrade Budapest and we'll just leave that as like the only the only way to get to bookrest Budapest a book arrest what's going on in Paris why is why does so many people want to get to bordo where is bordo o o o o right where is bord down there okay we need to upgrade that line so we'll make that plane a bit bigger 50 got okay we're going to have to do like another plane oh cheeky Valencia down there better get that connected all right and then next in the go is Algeria where is Algeria I thought it was like sort of over here somewhere wait where is Algeria does it not ex where is it on this map oh it's there oh Alger is in Africa how did I not know that editor edit that out please please don't leave that in oh no with it be in Africa and it's going to be massive yeah it is massive it's like the size of Europe viena oh no a financial crisis has Shock the World our financial department recommends us to reduce ticket prices by so cut them in half for a week if we don't cut our prices the number of passengers will decrease by three times for a week but not necessarily people may still fly tell you what I'm going to have faith in the people I think they'll still flight so I'm not cutting prices and oh sevil another footballing so connect that up to Madrid and then do we unlock Algeria 675 quid I guess so oh thankfully the capital is right on the coast so that is good get connected to Madrid please um I feel bad for the United Kingdom like that's my country and it's been it's been missed out although for some reason do feel like British people do feel like left out of Europe anyway like I always feel like we're like the hated country of of the Europe anyway s it I am I'm unlocking the UK come on UK get involved all right London connect to Paris Bo um I reckon oh where should we go next maybe Berlin then maybe down to Madrid I think that's a good sort of range sorted cop cop all right tell you what I think I just need some like bigger planes I might even go into the the bigger plane menu yeah look at all these full planes we need some bigger ones to definitely upgrade the cheap ones and then we'll start doing yeah amstan Paris needs to be big Madrid Berlin oh I can't afford anymore Bulls yeah Madrid Berlin though that's a big one yeah that's that line right better upgrade that to a level three all right then man we got so many so many routes that W upgrading oh a new airport has opened in Birmingham get connected to London B what are the actual airports look like at the cities they're not oh they're not too full actually Berlin's getting quite packed but it's okay oh yeah top five cities by load is Berlin oh look at the number of passengers that's so many I think that's just because I've like connected most things to Berlin cuz I started there oh the Olympics being held in Hungary it's the Olympics again already that's a bit soon anyway so Budapest we need to add some routs oh we also need to connect Glasgow to London oh I got three grand on me though all right as I got three grand let's just buy all of these upgrades for all the sort of full planes we have so yeah that's much better decent oh that was like the full three grand nearly spent still oh we are making some money now I think cuz the Olympics are on like everyone's traveling Bulls London London bling out anyway let's get Morocco unlocked now oh I can't actually afford it okay maybe not then we'll fast forward time a little bit now we can unlock it so now Rabat we'll do up to Madrid I reckon probably make that a bigger plane as well all right Copenhagen has some bad weather so there's going to be no passengers heading up that way thankfully I don't think that like strands anyone I think we're still connected everywhere else because I've done like quite a nice little web I don't think that can hurt us I'm not sure if is it worth connecting like these together rather than just going like always to London where does burm want to go maresh I don't remember doing Mar I haven't done mares ah I was going to say I don't remember connecting to maresh that's cuz you haven't met your knob oh these guys want to get to mares as well maybe I'll do over to rabbat that's good uh let's go get Serbia unlocked nice Belgrade we'll connect over to you we'll go up to you as well maybe we'll do a Paris to Belgrade one all right next up it's the Western Sahara presumably that's down here so Western Sahara 885 quid to unlock it's going to get quite difficult to pronounce some of these right Constantine connect over that way oh we got Malaga go up to Madrid our PR department recommends us to donate 481 to charity now last time it didn't work but charity still got some money so I'm going to donate again cuz I'm a nice guy oh no the charity campaign didn't get us more customers oh but another billionaire bought a ticket and prices have gone up nice all right oh London London London 400 quid upgraded all right what's going on with London where do most people want to go new Castle Southerners don't want to travel up north that is not realistic still the good news is we do actually have some fat cash so I might go unlock the next country Poland so warsa go over to Berlin then maybe we do like a long one over this sort of area maybe over to London perhaps right nice tunisia's next now I know that is in Africa so that's down there oh Grand to unlock that's quite pricey actually I've got three grand yeah let's do it then we connect over to there and then maybe up to Belgrade and maybe Barn that's sort of in the middle that is most my money gone now though now we have half an hour though just to like keep on top of this speaking of which I've missed out I'm going to destroy the Polish words are so hard to pronounce just by looking at like the spelling of them to me that says cwise I know it's not going to be pronounced that at all so I can only apologize if you're polish and watching this I don't know I'm not even going to speculate connect to wara all right so yeah I'm just going to spend like a little bit of time just making sure all of this is connected well before we unlock another country O A Worldwide Logistics Association recommends us to upgrade all first level airports because of their low capacity we can do it right now for a 50% discount it will cost us a grand I haven't got a grand we can get a loan if we don't have enough money right now okay yeah let's take a loan so we're now negative money but all of our airports are now level two and above banging okay so things going pretty well we got to a point where we've only got 15 minutes left so let's get Bulgaria you're unlocked that's down here next to Romania so that's a grand we can then connect over to you over to you oh October Fest is been held in Munich it's going to be three times the passengers okay where is mun okay Munich's down there it's got reasonable connections be fa I may do a little burn over to Munich level three plane I'm sort of just doing level three planes whenever I build a new route now as well just cuz I sort of have the money what have we got to get Croatia so that's isn't Croatia like around around here somewhere where oh there it is yeah Croatia yeah oh no Belgium is quarantined due to a virus outbreak all flights are cancelled all right Bosnia next that's next door and then malola which isn't that south of Italy yeah there mol's tiny what it's tiny I thought it was a little bit bigger than that I'm not going to lie that's what she said okay Lithuania next that's up here I had a look over here cuz I got scammed on eBay when I was a teenager and I wanted to know like where the people scam me from I wasn't just assuming it was lithan by the way I was actually like the police told me that's where it was that's where my money ended up so I knew where that one was anyway our financial department offers us not to build first level airports oh so I always start with a level two airport but it'll cost me 7,200 I can loan it I've only got five grand yeah so it be minus 2 Grand so I can't unlock Lithuania yet oh and I can't rescue myself if anything goes wrong like ah soax is not connected to anything come on money come on money right we have money we can connect it 160 F all right then we can get Lithuania unlocked vus get you connected up over there Czech Republic next that's down there nice oh, 1500 quid oh and over here Wales wants to be connected there you go Cardiff capital of Wales over to capital of London England is C all right then Czech Republic unlocked our blooming bird migration has cancelled flights to Bordeaux all right then we got turkey over this week all right so then bellus is unlocked oh fuel prices have gone up opening new Roots is more expensive okay so for a week we're not going to open new routes we're just going to upgrade and add planes to the routs we already have that although no I can't do that cuz look this place isn't connected but look at this PL look how many planes are are actually does it tell me how many planes they have total planes 147 nice we've got a six I got one more City to unlock and we moved 418,000 passengers in just an hour so yeah let's get Albania unlocked in I know it's expensive but that is the 69th right game wants me great for Egypt but I'm just going to like unlock these in whatever order I think so let's do Portugal oh a tornado touchdown in Luxembourg and the airport was severely damaged airport level decreased oh no right where's little Luxembourg there it is oh BL it's level it's just level one let's upgrade it level two only cost me 100 quid to be fair I want to like travel the world a bit like can we go over to like Australia no we can't I think we can only do like adjacent countries oh we can actually oh we can do America already do I want to go to America that's quite a journey I can s it let's do it two grand america is unlocked what have we got Washington DC probably over to London oh my goodness has five grand New York is unlocked as well I mean ideally I want a level three at least so yeah level three plane I might even add another level three plane to it then we got to connect to New York and oh there's a contest for the best airline with a huge prize it'll cost us 900 quid to enter should we join yes we should oh we lost no no oh look how sad we are just sat in the hallway on the floor so another level three plane for that route we got to get over to Detroit as well but right hopefully like the passengers on these will actually pay us like quite a bit more cuz it's so far I don't actually know if that's how it works but would be nice right I think I may have to upgrade the plane cuz like if I want to add a new plane to this line it's like a grand for a level three but I could just upgrade these for 400 and then remember they move faster as well so I think that's probably worth doing getting a load ofel fours on this line maybe this can be a level five have we seen a level five plane yet oh no oh look how big it is it's a big boy 1,600 to get to a level six I might actually do that like hopefully before it lands will I have enough money I'm not sure if I will it can hold 500 passengers though and it's completely full 500 passengers so we won't be able to see what a level six plane looks like yet but I will come back and do that in a bit we've just got some other stuff we got to keep an eye on like War salt and z blooming out blooming out right so let's see when this plane lands 500 passengers hopefully my money should jump up by at least 500 but I'm sort of hoping cuz it's so far they might pay a little bit more than a quid each for a flight so as this comes into land keep an eye on my money we're on 4,200 so that went up to oh no I thought we landed at New York we're not going to Washington so 4,500 when this lands 5,3 ah upgrade upgrade so many passengers landed there was like nowhere for them to go maybe it went up like two quid a person I'm not really sure though I might upgrade this plane to level six yeah maximum level looks like Thunderbird one like with the wings out decent but yeah anyway as I said before you can unlock the entire world on this such a cool game mode um next time we will be checking out a different a different sort of thing custom scenarios so be sure to check that out and if you want to check the game out yourself this was a sponsored video so be sure to boost Link in the description for now I'll say peace love and loads of planes look how many there are they're everywhere bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 432,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: cMZgWcd-rHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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