I Survived Kenshi's IMPOSSIBLE Start Challenge

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howdy have you ever thought to yourself Kenji is pretty difficult but how could one make it harder well thanks to the impossible start mod by clouds in the sky we now have the ability to start a new playthrough limb lless 1 billion cats in debt and hated by every major faction in the game with the added difficulty of being thrown into a cannibal camp now the mod recommends starting as a skeleton and since I wanted to actually play kenchi and not just have two hours of me respawning as a greenlander in a cannibal Camp I'm going to honor that suggestion one last note this video features the first first three installments of this challenge that I released a while back but it also includes an additional 90 minutes or so of story including a solid conclusion the original Three episodes have been modified to include additional scenes different music and some new camera shots that were not shown in the initial releases just to keep everything fresh with that let's get into it meet girth he has no arms no legs and just went 1 billion cats in debt over some pictures of bored primates with funny hats we're also hated by almost every faction in the game and have a nice little Bounty of 100K on our head we start out in a cannibal Village but luckily for us cannibals don't really seem to have an appetite for robotic limbs instead seeming to only take pleasure in removing them and tossing them around like boomerangs left to his own devices girth began doing the only thing he could do in this situation crawling and crawl he did the stealth XP gains were worth the sacrifice of having no limbs in my opinion but seriously crawling is literally all we can do so it's all we did on the bright side we don't need to worry about food since skeletons don't need to eat but we do need to be worried about a wild beak thing walking in front of us or a leviathan deciding it feels like crushing our skulls through the Earth by the end of our first day we managed to catch a glimpse of a sunset over the hills poor girth was too busy kissing dirt to see it [Music] though as the light vanished Over the Sea we were left in a Perpetual state of Darkness alone in the iron tra [Music] if you're wondering why it's named the iron Trail well because these things are littered throughout the landscape yes they are alive and yes they will kill you as the sun rose on day two of our Trek to a better life we continued South there isn't much to do early on except wait and hope you get lucky at this pace it'll take a few days before we reach our destination so I took some time to just admire the views that evening I'd managed to reach the purple Sands where a Wandering tribe of shrieking Bandits came passing [Music] through luckily my stealth is at 75 already so they didn't seem to notice me by the morning of day three we came across our first ruin it's the only set of ruins in the purple Sands but there's a chance it's got some limbs here for us to use I figured it it was worth a shot since we were passing through anyway so girth began making his way over towards it naturally it took the better part of the afternoon to make it the few 100 ft to the entrance but we made it nonetheless the only downside well in case you haven't noticed girth's got no [ __ ] arms which tends to make lockpicking a little difficult after spending almost 4 hours looting the place we came away with nothing this was essentially a mini obstacle course designed to laugh at cripples and I fell for it you know there is something to be said said about watching your solo torso crawl through [ __ ] at a whopping 1 mph you can learn a lot about yourself through this process and what I've learned is that I'm incredibly impatient we're about to enter the shrieking Forest though so at least we're making progress don't mind the trees by the way they took one look at girth and felt the need to try and prove a point that size does matter but girth knows one of the more nerve-wracking portions of this crawl came towards the end of day four there's this small Valley in between some hills that I needed to pass through it was just my luck that it happened to be one of the main Crossing points between dozens of Bandit patrols good thing we've been leveling our stealth for 4 days straight which allowed us to pass through unscathed I have a feeling that if we had been caught we would have been disassembled and used as spare parts for those offbrand Walmart gamer PC setups a fate worse than death for most we're 6 days in at this point and making some decent progress look how far this little torso has dragged itself at this rate it'll take another day or two before we reach our final destination though if you're wondering where we're headed to there is a high village with a robotic shop to our South if we can make it there we can hopefully find a way to steal some Limbs and get mobile again from there the real journey can begin towards the end of my sixth day I came across a wander Spike from the holy nation Outlaws it was one of those bromances where we didn't utter a word to one another and just enjoyed each other's company for the few minutes we crossed paths never to be seen again as the sun rose on day seven I could see the hiver village in the distance it took several more hours before I was able to reach it but by that afternoon I'd finally made it to our destination now the Hiers here don't really seem to care about me even when they finally spotted girth scooting his way across the floor this in turn allow me to locate a hungry Bandit who'd been beaten half to death and take his armor off of him he wasn't using it anyway and I thought I'd make me look cool to the Hiers the only ones I really need to watch out for are the soldier drones since my relationship with the queen is less than Stellar these guys will kill me on site the worker drones don't seem to mind me though anyway my first order of business was to make my way to one of the shops I need to level my thieving up a bit before I try to steal some Limbs and the best way to do that is to enact the tried and true method of accidentally knocking things over and shoving them in my mouth when the shopkeep wasn't looking that was the plan until I walked into the shop and saw a [ __ ] ton of guards sitting around at which point I paused the game and spammed some economy limbs until I was able to get a full set after stapling them to my body I made a run for it and by that I mean I got my ass whooped by some guards while trying to walk [Music] out after catapulting girth into the air and leaving him for dead I simply waited out the reboot Time healed up and crawled to relative safety my thevery is still Level one so I figured taking a shot at the General Store couldn't hurt and went back in for more there was a bottle of cactus rum sitting on a barrel that I was able to reach I'm not sure how the guard didn't see me considering I was laying just a few feet from him but that didn't stop me from repeatedly dropping and picking up this precious 481 Cat bottle of rum taking my thieving all the way from one 235 before wanting to climb into an oven and turn it on the problem is that this isn't even close to what I need to actually complete my kleptomaniac Arc the arms I have right now have an 80% debuff to thieving the only way to get around that is to bump up that thievery skill some more in order to steal better arms and repeat the cycle by 3:00 a.m. I'd reached 46 and had developed a severe case of carpal tunnel but continued pressing on as of level 51 I was gaining just 7% per click and that was where I drew the line at 5:35 on day 8 I set out for the nearby city of mongr in hindsight this was incredibly stupid fogmen roam the area and will Slaughter you on site but Mongrel is home to another robotic shop which has high and even specialist grade limbs there so it seemed like a logical next step to me the biggest predicament will be just getting through the front Gates well there's the city now to just walk through the thick fog and hundreds of mindless drones roaming inside of it speaking of them hopefully the rest are as clueless as that group as it turns out when I remove my limbs my stealth shoots from a whopping 10 all the way up to 100 which means that it is statistically safer for me to crawl with no legs than to crouch walk with [Music] legs [Music] and that right there is why we crawl after several hours of crawling through the mud I remembered how terribly off-putting this lifestyle was and slapped some legs back on girth we arrived at Mongrel at around midnight going into our ninth day only to be assaulted by the guards almost [Music] immediately [Music] I'll have to employ other measures of getting inside it's also worth noting that girth's papier-mâché arms are completely destroyed so he can even heal himself if he wanted to I see we're going with the phasing through the staircase approach excuse me just going to squeeze through here look at him go like what a what a tight squeeze you know what good for girth he managed to sneak his way Direct ly underneath some guards and to kill a robot spider without dying I'd say that's worth a round of applause or I don't know a like on the video that'd be neat anyway now that we're inside we will simply need to invoke the tactic of not being seen by anyone ever all of these guys will kill me on site so best not to ask them how their evening is going initially this was a disaster everywhere I turned guards were on the lookout for me and if it wasn't guards it was killer robot spiders eventually I managed to find my groove though you see if you remove your legs you'll need to reboot for a few seconds causing the guards to drop aggro on you from there you just need to wait for them to walk away before moving back into stealth and continuing [Music] forward this took several hours but after repeating the process a ton of times I managed to make it to the front door of the robotic shop and once inside I began the process of spam clicking on some arms and legs until I was able to get myself a new set of Limbs [Music] obviously this pissed off the shopkeeper so I ran behind the building to hide and heal up until a guard found [Music] [Music] me [Music] having been effectively Scooby-Doo chased from the city I didn't have a planned destination in mind for girth it's not like I can just go buy a shack and start building anything either I mean I'm a billion dollars in debt I'll have to figure out my own path at least I can run 36 M hour now though I don't see a way anyone or anything catches me at this rate literally a robotic forced Gump if he's not being chased by Bandits though girth was constantly being chased out of town by drone soldiers it's truly a lose lose situation but I have a plant I don't fully trust myself with melee Comet yet though especially since we don't have a supply of spare limbs lying around these are all I've got I also don't have any weapons aside from these fists of Steel I do know where to get some though God look at how fast he runs it's it's [Music] incredible I made it to a way station that evening and after being greeted with a bolt to the skull tried to sneak my way in before also being spotted at this point I just gave up and sprinted in looking for anything I could use as a weapon unfortunately there aren't any swords or bows here but there are backpacks skeleton repair kits and bolts I grabbed some of each and set out for the Hub to Leach some Weaponry off the bar patrons leaving the way station in the [Music] dust of course I had to make a quick pit stop at squid to steal some maps as [Music] well [Music] [Music] just outside of the Hub is a lone Shack SLB bar/ Rebel Outpost since I didn't want to piss off everyone in the hub I targeted this building instead the guards didn't seem to really care about me at first even letting me grab a bow for the road the problem only started when I borrowed a junk bow from the shop counter which caused all of the guards to chase after [Music] me after luring them out into the open only one continued pursuing me and this is where he royally [ __ ] up see I have a bone out I Mayan not know how to use it but I have one this sparked girth's first actual fight and it went way better than you'd expect it to [Music] go [Music] [Music] after shooting bolts into the dirt for 2 hours I finally managed to incapacitate the ninja looting him for his cool black rag shirt and katanas and just like that we have weapons at this point The World Is Ours for the taking the only real hold up is the degradation of my robot body we'll need to find a skeleton bed to recharge at but I don't know of any that I can just use for free which leaves me with one option I'll need to start my own Outpost build it from the ground up and research my way into owning my own personal skeleton bed that'll take some time though and I have many enemies to get to the goal is to be fully self-sustainable sure I can steal building materials and iron plates but that would require instant runs to and from squin which is the closest city that has those supplies that being said I'll need to steal some initial items to help get me started before I can do that though I need to get my strength up almost as soon as I started mining for iron a group of dust Bandits decided to welcome me to the community the old girth might have taken this but the new and improved bigger stronger and faster girth isn't going to stand for these intim idation [Music] [Music] tactics [Music] the fight lasted for hours but over time girth was able to chip away at their numbers see girth alone doesn't stand much of a chance he can Wing some shots at the group and deal small amounts of damage while praying for blood loss but the true heroes are the dust Bandit Bowman sitting in the back as long as I can keep the bandits in front of me the Bowman will Friendly Fire their own men dealing more damage than girth and having an overall larger impact in the fight and that's not to say girth can't get some hits in on his own [Applause] [Music] though [Music] [Music] [Music] the after around 5 hours of fighting the dust Bandits waved their Frenchman's flags and ran for the hills but girth wasn't having it choosing to practice his MMA skills on a crippled Bandit left behind [Applause] one of the remaining Bandits attempted to intervene but was put down rather quickly while I was practicing some MMA a group of hungry Bandits made their way up from behind at first I started shooting at them similarly to how the dust Bandit fight started but I quickly realized that they didn't pose much of a threat and instead opted to let them [ __ ] stomp me into the dirt if nothing else I managed to get a few shots in with a katana and work on my toughness a bit I'm not sure sure how a robot can have physical toughness but I'm not going to ask any questions anyway back to mining I'm planning to use the iron to gain some quick strength levels before heading back to grab some building materials and iron plates from a shop and squin less than 3 hours after I started mining I was raided Again by another faction these guys are around the same skill levels as the dust Bandits but there's way more of them I didn't think it would be a good idea to try and fight a third group today so Gert sat at the bottom of the hill while these dip shits stood inside a blueprinted shack waiting for something amazing to happen it looks like they're still actively patrolling the area as well but they just don't really seem to care about us at the moment which is a good thing I I think for the third time in less than 24 hours our shitty little Camp was raided again I hid in the corner again which led to the same results of the raid Pary standing in the shack blueprints until getting bored and heading off to explore a different area that being said if we're going to continue to get constant raids like this it might be worth looking for a new location though I really only plan on using this place to recover at when needed on the bright side I can still mine while sneaking and they don't seem to notice me that is until a group of dust Bandits wandered [Music] over at first I thought they'd fight each other but they ended up teaming up in their shared interest of turning me into Karen from [Music] SpongeBob [Music] I really can't catch a break can [Music] I fortunately I was able to lose the Gus after running up a mountain ways before circling back to the iron node all I want to do is get this knocked out as quickly as possible so I don't have to worry about this ever again I know I could farm this out a little more but if I carry this dead guy on my back it bumps my weight up to 187 which I think should be good enough for some early [Music] levels this has got to be the most awkward thing to explain to some random passerbys like oh hey don't mind me I just have a backpack full of iron and a dead guy over my shoulders it reads like something some shitty Tick Tock Fitness Guru would tell you to do but hey you can't argue with the results I [Music] guess by Sunrise I was well on my way to becoming a gigachad there was just one problem I hate these things with such a burning passion after losing the Gus again I dropped a wooden backpack full of rocks back at the shelter and began making my way down to squin before we do anything though I need a bigger backpack which means it's back to the travel shop luckily for me most of the guards that chased me out of the city were still taking their sweet time walking home so the city was fairly abandoned compared to what it should be getting into the travel shop was a breeze as well and they even had some Building Materials in there for me so I grabbed another backpack the mats and some more maps before running out of the [Music] gate I still need iron plates though so I dropped my thieving bag and ran back to the general store where I was able to grab eight iron plates and 24 science books there should be more than enough to get me [Music] started I was able to build the shack out within a few hours and even start on the research bench before realizing that I wouldn't have enough material to make a stone mine in the end I had to disassemble the research bench in order to make sure I could build up the mine and the processor it's for the best though since I'll be able to make my own building mats with the same Stone processor once it's up and running working diligently girth was able to build out all three blueprints Before Sunset allowing him to log a few hours at the quy like a real bluecollar boy [Music] boy after working third shift at the Quarry girth clocked in at the stone processing plan at 7:30 that morning to see just how many building materials six Raw Stone could get him this is going to take a while though he's still an apprentice and working at 133% efficiency I'd managed to turn six Stone into three building materials which were then used to build out a research bench well I was planning on my research tasks the dust Bandits returned this time looking for a fight let's face it though girth is weak and tired he'd essentially been fighting for 3 days straight at this point and when he wasn't fighting he was slaving away at the Quarry and stone processor that being said mama ain't raised no [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] the plan was simple Target the war leader he was the one talking all the [ __ ] my mindset was if I can take out the leader the rest will crumble and run [Music] as it turns out I didn't even need to kill him just put enough bolts into his chest until he ordered a retreat with the day one it's finally on to researching the skeleton bed cannot come soon enough Burns Tower is located in the northern portion of the floodlands it's a bit of a hike but with two Scout legs I should be able to make it there in a day almost immediately the journey went sideways while I do have the ability to just Forest Gump straight through these guys it's way more fun to practice my 360 no scopes on them with my junk bow now obviously I'm outnumbered here but I can still use that Pat Tilman method of letting their own Bowman fire rounds into the backs of the other [Music] Bandits that's not the only effective method though see sometimes you can even get a little lucky and have some escaped servants come Waltzing in splitting the Dust Bandits into two smaller groups after watching them destroy each other for an hour or so girth snuck back in to finish off the stragglers I really only need one to pull this off so I kidnapped the strongest Bandit I could find and brought him back to base where I started mining iron as long as that camp doesn't despawn I can place the Bandit in one of the sleeping bags and then fill this backpack with iron which I can use to weigh me down while I practice beating the [ __ ] out of this guy this should give me a ton of martial arts strength and dexterity XP if I do it right but time will tell the Bandit's injury is getting worse though and I don't have any medical supplies to heal him with so I headed back to the nearby rebel base to steal some since my stealth is so high I was basically able to just walk in and take what I wanted including an eagle's crossbow and walk out without issue with the dust bandit in a recovery coma I returned home and continued mining that lasted for about an hour until a small Shea war party made their way up to the mountain side there's not really anything I could do here girth is too underleveled to really stand a chance I mean his best weapon is a dinky little crossbow used by roaming Bandit groups I used this as an opportunity to work on toughness allowing them to quite literally Pummel me into the dirt until they had their fill girth isn't doing too hot though his right leg is practically useless in its current state and he's one big shot to the stomach away from a complete Hardware shutdown since I can't run I just continued mining I figured there's not really anything else I can do right now it's either work on Gathering more iron or focus on research and since I'm still several days worth of research away from unlocking a skeleton bed I decided to mine girth was fortunate enough that no one really really bothered him over the next day or so allowing him to mine up a few dozen iron and stored in his research bench until we had a need for it I can't use the Bandit Camp sleeping bags since the camps are just crawling with Bandits so I snuck back into the rebel camp that evening hoping they had one sitting around unfortunately I was spotted almost immediately and was only able to loot the shop counter and a nearby Barrel running away with some books causing the entire Outpost to chase after me [Music] with a ninja's hot on girth's tail I did the only thing I could think to do in this situation and ran straight into a dust Bandit Camp causing a fight to break [Music] out this only kind of worked as two or three of the guards turned to face the dust Bandits leaving two to continue chasing me along with a smaller Squad of dust bandits in Pursuit after making it back to base I tried helping the dust bandits in the fight only to end up in a 1 V one against a guy wielding one of those Japanese paper fan things as his weapon only instead of paper it was razor sharp [Music] steel naturally as soon as one group of dust Bandits were defeated the Outpost was assaulted by a dust Bandit War leader while they sat there shouting at girth he engaged the ninja guard to be honest I'm not sure how this guy is still alive he's got like 15 bolts lodged in him two of them being direct head shot even with the dust Bandits sitting there and the ninja fight going on a group of hungry Bandits apparently felt the need to insert themselves into the frey as well I tried to kite them through another group of dust Bandits which took care of the Ninja guard but only really [ __ ] me over even more since now there were like 50 Bandits attacking me with girth incapacitated I'm not really sure what happened to the Bandit I was carrying I'm assuming he just ran away regardless we're still alive and able to sneak away once I made it back to the camp I found a dust boss dying near the iron node when I entered my shack though I found the entire war party of dust and it's just idling around miraculously I was able to sneak around them grab some bandages and save the dust boss keeping him as my new training dummy as the sun rose on day 16 I ran back to the hub to see if I could find a sleeping bag there luckily the bar was in the middle of assaulting a group of hungry Bandits and I was able to sneak by everyone including the bar counter for a shitty Katana that I could use to power level with at this point the only place that I know for sure has a sleeping bag is the travelgood shop and squin so I dropped off the dust banded at the shack locking him in inside like he was Gypsy Rose and set off for [Music] squin the raid was incredibly easy like always since my stealth is so damn high I can practically walk down the middle of the street without worry from the travel good store I was able to walk away with two sleeping bags some medical supplies in case I needed them in the future and a ton of books while on my way out I figured I should stop at the armor shop to see if I could find some Samurai armor as well since I read that a DEC set will help you level your combat skills much [Music] faster I was able to find some leg plates and armor to use but unfortunately I can't continue stacking shitty helmets or boots since I can't equip them I can however work on lockpicking here though since the shopkeep doesn't seem to notice me standing behind him you know I was worried this was going to happen but when I made it back to the shack the dust boss was gone this has happened to me in other playthroughs as well so I should have known better and it's not the end of the world by any means though like there's still a whole dust Bandit Camp below me that I can just pull guys from not to mention the constant assaults taking place in our little Camp regardless I placed the sleeping bags almost touching each other this way I should be able to kidnap two Bandits and there's a chance I can hit both of them at the same time doubling the XP I would gain in order to kidnap dust Bandits though I'll need a higher assassination level since mine is sitting at a whopping [Music] one [Music] I was able to get it up to 15 before girth was spotted this actually wound up leading to a fight between dust and hungry Bandits so I sat back and watched hoping at least one dust Bandit would get taken out and as it turns out I didn't have to wait too long as two dust Bandits were dropped and forgotten about while one was plain dead the other was merely crippled so I knocked both of them out and brought them back to my [Music] base this was a huge pain in the ass since as soon as one was inside the other would Escape so I ended up beating both of them into Comas until I could position them properly oh I also moved the sleeping bags inside so that I could lock the door that way even if they woke up and ran I could knock them back out before they fully [Music] escaped I could have placed both in the sleeping bags but if I carry one of the bandits my weight shoots all the way up to 276 which keeps me above that 90% encumbrance threshold to gauge how effective this is my martial arts is currently six my strength is 16 and my Dex is 17 all right let's try this [Music] out all right this isn't going nearly as well as I thought it was going to go I tried to switch things up by equipping a shitty Katana and that seemed to help a little but still not what I was [Music] expecting I managed to do some Tetris styled Inventory management which got me all the way up to 346 weight so I tried that for a while to see if it improve my results I think the biggest hold up is the fact that they just go unconscious so fast I don't know this whole setup is just super Jank and it's not really doing all that much in terms of results but I figured I'd give it a full in game day and see what I could do with it I did manage to kick one of the Bandit's legs clean off of his body which for being honest it's pretty [ __ ] sweet but it did more harm than good it it was still cool to see happen though since we're down to just one Bandit while the other is missing a limb and unconscious for the rest of the day I a lot of my time was spent kicking this doofus in the stomach and then putting him back in bed until he woke up before repeating the process [Music] during one of these fights the dust Bandit quite literally phased through the wall and just started walking away and I didn't want to piss off Jesus so I just let him go accepting my fate just kidding I hunted him down and fought him with a shitty Katana until he was practically dead and then dragged his corpse back to the shack that evening another raid came I left the Bandit with a missing leg since he was still incapacitated but took the other one and moved further down the hill where we continued training in peace once the raid party left I went back to the shack to find the crippled bandit in practically full health I mean obviously he could be better off but he's almost all green right now this is huge since I kept kicking them in the chest to knock them out so the play may be to actually get rid of a leg or two and then leave them resting in the bed that way I can Farm them without risking an escape whenever they were both in comas or needing to recover I'd simply work on Research effectively killing two birds with one stone I need a bigger building for a T2 research bench so I laid blueprints for one though I doubt I'll get around to it this episode considering we've spent almost all of it just [ __ ] around with Bandits instead of actually getting anything done this right here is what I was going for if I line up just right I can hit both of the bandits at the same time so far I've been able to get my strength up to 23 decks up to 30 and martial arts up to 19 not Amazing by any standard but still decent progress by day 19 I was getting bored of this admittedly so I did one final training session and then set out for Flats Lagoon if you're wondering why Flats Lagoon well they have a ranger shop there and I can raate it to stock up on some bolts before heading out to train my crossbow skill I just now realized I've been doing my objectives in reverse order but it'll honestly probably work out for the best since I can hit up Burn's Tower at the end and can completely heal up along the way to Flats I came across another way station so I made a quick pit stop there to see if they had any bolts that they weren't planning on using Well turns out they did but they have this weird tradition of launching them through your skull and limbs instead of just letting you borrow a few [Music] packs regardless I was able to escape with around 900 regular bolts that I can use at least I thought see regular bolts can be used used with the normal crossbows but Eagle's cross crossbows require long bolts meaning I effectively took a dozen bolts to the head chest arm and leg for literally nothing girth wasn't out of the fight yet though one of the guards plank had chased him for Miles initially I thought this would be a great trial run to see just how far we've progressed but poor girth never stood a chance he got absolutely decimated I actually don't even think he landed a shot for like the first 45 minutes of the fight it was that one-sided he ended up Landing a couple of shots throughout the fight but ultimately was left rebooting in the [Music] sand on the bright side he's a skeleton and skeletons are able to fully heal to an extent allowing girth to be back on the Move by late afternoon and arriving at Flats Lagoon by Nightfall [Music] [Music] I also love that girth doesn't swim he simply sinks to the bottom of the water like a pug and then jogs across the floor truly a spectacle to behold unfortunately I forgot that since every faction in the game has a minus 100 rating with us they like to greet girth with a harpoon to the skull every time they see him how thoughtful of them anyway I was able to break into the ranger shop and grab three sets of long blls which gives me a total of 150 of them ideally I would have liked to find way more but considering they were about to put me on the casting couch I'm just glad I got out alive well almost one of the guards chased me for a considerable distance but I had bolts now so let's try him [Music] out this bow hits like a [ __ ] bus it only took four bolts to put this sh down allowing me to snag some armor and a new Katana off of him in the process anyway I think I know of a place where I can gather more ammo without having to raid cities like this every time throughout the night I stumbled over an Armory ruin which had some skeleton eyes that I thought were cool but otherwise had nothing of value to me welcome to sniper Valley home to some of the most vile creatures in all of Kenji random skeletons roam these lands with eagles crossbows hunting anything they can find and I just came across one of their outposts as it turns out this is is a police barracks a bit underwhelming though considering there's nothing here regardless it's a prime location to fight some sniper Bots and walk away with a few extra bolts and maybe a stronger bow if we're lucky nearby I found an old Empire Supply Outpost girth isn't skilled enough to pick the lock but if the Russians have taught us anything it's that brute force can usually do the trick the loot in here is incredible I managed to find a model Edge type 1 blade iron club inside along with some ration packs that seem to be arguably the best food in the game while I was checking the place out I was almost caught by this guy his name is just three question marks but he's from the Second Empire and his stats look to be mainly 80s or 90s meaning I don't want to [ __ ] with him it wasn't until I snuck upstairs that I saw it though a Masterwork Eagles crossbow it's got a higher maximum damage by about 30 points and about 22 M of its max range and has a max reload time of 1 second shorter than the bow I have now all in all this thing could very well be one of the most powerful weapons in the game in the right hands that being said immediately after I grabbed the bow I dipped out the last thing I want to have happen was a potential one shot just because I overstayed my welcome and got caught off guard just to the east of that Outpost lies a much more s Mis one I like to call this place Skinwalker Ranch it's home to a group of skeletons who wear human flesh to pretend to be humans it's owned and operated by a man known as Savant these wannabe meat bags are a perfect candidate to try out this new boan unfortunately as soon as I started firing off rounds a group of Legion Scouts approached and started shooting at both the skin Bandit and myself not 100% sure who they're affiliated with or if they have any affiliation at all but I'm not planning on asking them first though I need to deal with this freak with the skin Bandit de I healed up and turned my attention to the legion Scouts I don't believe they have Eagles crossbows so I have the range Advantage there well in the middle of the shootout girth was ambushed by a patrol of skin Bandits knocking him unconscious and allowing the legion Scouts to retreat gert's right arm is completely destroyed and his leg isn't too far behind at this point I think it's safe to say I need a skeleton bed and fast the only problem well Burns Tower is damn near across the entire map to make matters worse as girth was walking to safety he was ambushed Again by both the legion Scouts and the skin Bandits luckily we were able to somewhat recover and continue our journey back home a originally I was planning to farm leviathans for some easy crossbow XP but given the current predicament I think I just need to focus on reaching Burn's Tower before any more unexpected surprises come our way near midnight I came across a group of scavengers seemingly having defeated a sniper bot and black gorillo I chose to wait until they left the area then looted the sniper bot for anything of value there was another Lane nearby but both were stripped clean further along the hill I found a scavenger healing his teammate so I knocked him out [Music] it looks like these guys carry bows that use heavy bolts which is something I've never used before in Kenji if girth was in a little better condition I probably would have taken a bow and tried him out but given that we're in a Do or Die mode I don't want to risk anything around 1:00 a.m. on day 21 I'd made it back to the police barracks and decided to hide out in one of the buildings until gir's leg was healed up enough to run again this is going to take a while though since I'm just sitting here waiting for it to slowly tick up there's no bat or anything that'll help it recover faster I've just got to be patient I'm just spending a good 12 hours or so just sitting around staring at a wall gert's leg was healed up enough for him to run again at close to full speed of course that's before you take into account the amount of [ __ ] we have stored in their backpack which is slowing us down considerably our right arm is healed up enough to use again though which I didn't think was possible without a skeleton bed but I'll take it that being said we have some friends with us I swear if it isn't big black gorillo beasts it's killer goats did I mention they run faster than me too to compensate I had to shed weight starting with the old Eagles cross when that wasn't enough I started dropping bolts and repair kits until I was finally able to gain the upper hand and slowly begin outrunning them even with that though the goats proceeded to chase me for a good 3 or 4 hours by around midnight on day 22 I'd made it all the way back to Flats Lagoon this is steady progress and I'm getting girth up to 28 M hour after moving his weapons to his backpack instead of carrying them on his person we still have a ways to go but we're covering ground fast by Sunrise we made it through the swamp and Under The Plains of the Border Zone and by 8:30 we'd made it back to shitz Creek I'm just spending a few hours playing Tetris with a research bench inventory I finally sorted my gear and set off for burns Tower the path to it will take us through the heart of the holy nation Empire so I can only imagine this will be a delightful trip funny enough instead of taking that route girth went off course and ended up taking a detour all the way into the fog Ls I'm not sure what possessed him to go this route but it was a nice trip down memory lane you know if a nice trip is witnessing pale Hiers cannibalize their enemies they even tried to attack girth but luckily he's got that Masterwork B that on-shot these demons I mean he can also run damn near 40 mph so I'm sure that helps as well a lot of this journey felt eerily similar to The Escape I'd made as a measly torso just a month prior passing through obedience was unsettling to say the least it feels more like a graveyard for ancient mechs than anything the entire landscape is littered with these extraordinarily massive skeletons All Laying half buried in the Sands then you finally get out of there willing to be greeted with these floating robot squid things that look like the Droids that Anakin and Obi-Wan land on when they're fighting on Mustafar the regions in keni continue to amaze me the more I explore the map it's truly remarkable just how much lur is jam-packed into the surrounding scenery along the road I found this abandoned tower that had some loot in it too aside from the ancient science books I managed to also find some locked weapons crates and chests on the second floor that I spent most of the rest of the day attempting to lockpick one of which was holding a higher quality ninja blade that I kept for myself there's a safe here that girth isn't skilled enough to pick yet so we'll have to come back to this one day in the future but for now it's on to Burns unfortunately Burn's Tower wasn't abandoned I mean that should be obvious considering the guy's name is burn and this is his Tower normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal but he was immediately hostile towards me and I'm not playing around anymore sh this may have been the first circumstance where girth was in complete control of a fight from start to finish I mean he barely took a hit after about an hour of fighting girth finally dropped burn but offered Mercy after seeing he wasn't a real threat to him we even repaired him and saved his life considering his chest was practically caved in that being said as soon as burn was able to he stood up and charged girth again [Music] this fight went about the same with the end result being burned lying in the mud slowly fading into nothing this time however there would be no mercy and girth left burn to die as he headed into the tower I spent a good hour or so just looting the skeleton repair kits from all these bins slowly working my way up to the second floor where the research bench sat that was when I was struck with an idea if the research bench is powered by the wind turbine I could effectively Farm burn for some easy combat luckily he wasn't dead yet and girth was able to kidnap him and bring him inside the tower everything was going according to plan until I set him down and then he literally phased through the floor disappearing into the void seriously I have no idea what happened to him he just sunk into the floor and I never saw him after that [Music] oh I came all this way it'd be a shame to let this skeleton bed go to waste first things first we need to find a beak thing I know they roam around Shem but there's also some packs that like to hang out around the high villages in the west and since that's way closer to my Outpost than Shem I figured I'll start there since Burn's Tower is abandoned now that burn transcended into the shadow realm I'm planning to use that as a safe space to recover at whenever girth inevitably gets his circuitry ripped apart almost as soon as he made it out of Mongrel girth was approached by some hungry Bandits now normally I just keep running since I have the speed of 45 kenyons but this was a great time to try out my new bow on a human target instead of a knockoff Wall-E for [Music] once yeah this is this is going to be a good time after seeing their leader get 360 YY no scoped the rest of the bandits immediately fled which was kind of a bummer but also I mean come on who's going to be able to withstand shots from this thing once my dexterity is boosted up anyway there's some scrawny cannibals in the area but as we figured out from the start they don't seem all that interested in girth instead focusing on the larger bigger targets which is hurtful but understandable I do think it's funny that all the scrawny cannibals look like ants if you zoom out though I'm getting sidetracked so back to hunting for beak things some Gus eventually aggroed on to me but they're not worth it so I just continued running and good thing I did because I ran right past a beak thing and it's all alone [Music] too it took a few bolts but girth was able to put this thing down relatively easily the only problem is that I don't have a medkit on me so I can't stop the bleeding and keep it [Music] alive luckily for us girth has super strength and can just Palm this thing by the neck all right in all honesty this was hilarious to watch for me like just look at this thing ragd dolling behind him with a gorillo in Pursuit no less and gert's just like n got to get back home if I speed up time the beak thing just starts bugging out because the game just can't keep up with the amount of cells loading and unloading constantly and I just I love it so much I was able to make it home before a Sunset and immediately got to work moving a sleeping bag outside and healing up the beak thing it's in a blood loss KO at the moment with minus 232 blood so we've got some time to kill of course as soon as we got back girth was immediately attacked by dust Bandit so that gave me something to do while we waited for the beak thing to recover this time however things went a little differently see I don't have a junk bow hitting for three damage anymore I have a Masterwork Eagles cross that hits for around 150 damage meaning these guys drop like flies in total it took just over an hour and five dead Bandits before they decided to retreat now all I need to do is wait for the beak thing to recover and it'll take a day or so but that's fine there's no shortage of work to be done around the camp I still need to build out the stormhouse up the hill so that's what I focused on by late afternoon on the following day our beak thing finally recovered enough to be normal again not sure what normal means for a big thing but it's good enough for me after partaking in some Tetris level Inventory management I was able to get my weight all the way up to 404 which gets me to 92% encumbrance and if I pick up a dead Bandit it jumps a whopping 1% up to 93 all that's left to do now is reload the save and we should be good to [Music] go [Music] all right things are progressing way faster than whatever we were getting with the bandits last time around it looks like it's just stuck on the bed which is great for us since it can't attack I'm still running into the same problem as last time though where I'm only targeting its stomach so I'm knocking it out incredibly fast no one tell Peter though I don't want them doxing me because I kidnapped little foot from The Land Before Time on the bright side it looks like the big thing still gets the healing bonus from using the sleeping bag so it only takes around 2 hours or so for it to heal back up to a reasonable State and I can just keep mining iron during that time to continue stacking weight since I've got the attention span of a goldfish I was playing Retro Bowl while waiting for the beak thing and didn't even notice that girth was hanging out on the casting couch instead of mining when the bandits were finished with him he simply got back up fixed himself up and took out his repressed rage on the beak thing yet again we're up over 10 levels in martial arts at this point and about two or three in strength I don't even know what my deck was but it looks like we're doing really well so far which is very reassuring to me that afternoon I swapped over to the shitty Katana so that I could work on my melee attack and Katana skill some [Music] more one fight brought me up three levels in katanas and about five in melee attack so I'm going to continue this through the night and see what I can get up to whenever the beak thing would get low on blood too I would just swap out the katana for some MMA training so that it didn't fall into a blood loss coma again for shits and giggles I even tried out a saber since I had no XP with them and managed to get up to level eight before I had to hide from another Bandit attack unfortunately the bandits aged onto the beak thing and dropped it into another coma which really sucked but it is what it is I'm not sure what I was thinking early on here either and I'm glad I came to my senses sooner than later I just went two days doing nothing but training combat and now I finally had a chance to try it out I used the Eagles cross to take out a few enemies before switching to martial arts and good God girth is going to be unstoppable I can use martial arts to take out practically anyone and then use the bow to hit any of the archers or retreating enemies it's the perfect combo after the battle I looted some of the toothpick bolts off the dead crossbowman I'm going to use them to train on the beak thing once it's recovered a bit and while training some more girth was attacked by a pack of garu and looking back came way closer to death than I originally realized luckily I took a page out of the Dust Bandit book of phasing through walls and was able to heal up [Music] unnoticed all right so here's my plan if I try to level crossbows by shooting the beak thing it's going to take forever since it'll keep going unconscious but if I build something to put in front of it I'll be able to level up quickly without actually doing damage to it since I don't want to waste all this time building building things right now I figure I can just stand behind this iron node and hopefully just fire arrows into it that being said it'll have to be a time where I'm not getting absolutely dominated by a lone bone [Music] dog God I love this bow as it turns out you can't use a bow on a beak thing like this in its current state it sucks but it's not the end of the world by any means we'll just need to figure out another way to level and as I said that a perfect opportunity presented [Music] itself [Music] after dealing with the hungry Bandits I kidnapped one moved the sleeping bag outside next to the Rock and made plans to try the same method meod on him once he recovered all right I'm over this plan time for Plan B naturally we'll need to stock up on some bolts before we head on our way [Music] though it's crazy to think that most of my day was spent hunting for leviathans which is hilarious when you consider just how massive they are while scouting the area I came across a group Camp ran by the reavers [Music] initially the fight was going well but the longer it went on the worse things got after about an hour or so of fighting girth took damage to his left leg leaving him with no way to escape with that in mind I chose to go down [Music] fighting after knocking him unconscious the reavers enslaved girth there's actually a really cool exchange with one of the guards where he gave this big speech about how this is the start of a revolution and this is G's chance to prove himself and all that but as soon as he walked away I just broke out and made a run for [Music] it as I was was escaping I noticed they' taken my Masterwork Eagles cross so without a second thought I proceeded to swap out of range combat and let girth start literally kicking the [ __ ] out of everyone in the camp after spending a few hours looping around the camp I realized that one of the downed enemies was holding on to my [Music] crossbow so I looted it off of him and sprinted out into the hills to make some necessary repairs we have the advantage here since girth can heal much faster than any of the Reaver Soldiers the big issue though is that they can spot me from the guard Tower before I get close enough so any fight is going to end up tripping the entire camp with that being said it looks like the slaves are trying to revolt so it's only right that we give them a hand [Music] unfortunately I forgot that literally everyone hates girth so even when you free the slaves well they still attack you alongside their captors this was the last time I ever try to help [Music] anyone also they took my bow again now luckily for girth he has 100 stealth when crawling which makes it it practically impossible to be seen by anyone the guard with the Eagles cross is at the gate with everyone else so it looks like the only way to get back is to kick [ __ ] off [Music] [Music] again there's still a decent portion of the camp to get through so I chose to spend my daying doing that since it's way more fun than just shooting [Music] [Music] leviathans [Music] by around noon most of the camp was dead with a few more bleeding out as I walked out the front gate however I noticed reinforcements making their way over I thought about engaging them and even took a few of the slaves down with the Eagles cross but it just didn't seem worth it I'd made my point on a positive note girth's crossbow skill is almost up to 30 now so we've made substantial progress in the past few days here now originally I was going to exclude this portion of the scene since I got absolutely [ __ ] stomped but I ended up getting into a duel with a sniper bot and he completely [ __ ] me [Music] up Tad insult to injury he also protected girth from Land bats while he healed up which I thought was just the biggest cucking since Adam 22 that being said I figured it was right for girth to return the favor once the sniper bot fell to the land [Music] [Music] bats it may have taken several days of hunting and multiple side quests but I finally came across a leviathan while on my way home and just couldn't pass up the opportunity so enjoy this Farm Montage turns out it's pretty easy to kill these fers if you just pin them between some trees the hardest part wasn't even the leviathans it was Escaping The Drifters who would just randomly show up and start attacking [Music] me for those of you wondering how effective this is as a Training Method well it may have taken around 10 hours to kill the damn thing but dirt's crossbow skill went from 30 to 42 we also get these cool Leviathan Pros that you can either keep as a trophy or sell this whole process is very similar to trophy hunting but instead of a lion or something cool like that it's a walking tumor the size of a small town that being said I'm going to try to find one more to hopefully get my crossbow up to 50 before heading home well this wasn't a leviathan I did stumble onto the world's shittiest Pokémon fight between some G and Beak things I didn't want to stick around to see who won those so I just started sprinting in the other direction this up working out great though since I walked right into a second Leviathan and use that to farm out a few more crossbow [Music] [Music] [Music] levels i r 6:00 a.m. the following morning I'd officially run out of bolts though I was able to get crossbows up to 48 which should be more than enough for now sadly I won't be able to grab another Leviathan Pearl but the levels were well worth the amount of bolts I went through the Journey Home was relatively quiet for once I didn't come across any Bandit groups or anything like that and actually the only stop I made throughout the entire run was at the way station in order to get some more [Music] bolts [Music] that being said I never shy away from a fight with the way station guards simply because they tend to carry some pretty decent [Music] gear [Music] outside of that I made it back to shits Creek that evening we're running into a storage problem though my research bench is completely full and my thieves backpack is loaded since I don't have anywhere else to continue hoarding my junk I placed blueprints for a general storage chest and got to work making some building materials if I'm being completely honest here I've been severely neglecting this Outpost so I figured it's time to put in some work on it I don't need anything crazy since this isn't going to be a permanent home but I do want to get a working skeleton bed and maybe some prisoner cages so we can start recruiting some [Music] helpers now that everything's all sorted correctly it's time to become Blue Collar we're going to need at least 32 Stones since it's two Stone per building material so so girth grabbed a monster popped a leinard zard and got to work seen as we're operating at a whopping 133% efficiency I think it may be time to bring on an extra hand now the way I'm used to going about that is by either paying 3 to 6,000 cats and hiring on help or uh forced Freedom via caging and converting my enemies but there is another way or at least one recruit that I can get for free nearby lies the dust King Outpost inside set Outpost is a dope by the name of cat who will join up with you once to free him to do that though we'll need to fight through a few dozen dust Bandits but seeing as we've been doing since we first built this Outpost I don't think it'll be much of a problem girth arrived at the tower just after midnight and after picking the lock in the gate was able to sneak into the [Music] grounds it looks like they're all getting ready for the world's lamest slumber party so I decided to just wait a bit longer for them to fall asleep before sneaking in a good thing girth spent his youth perfecting the Naruto run made famous at the Battle for Area 51 some years ago utilizing this form he was able to sneak past most of the bandits even killing a guard and looting the armor for cat good thing girth is so good at sneaking because as soon as he let cat out he charged one of the bandits immediately undoing all of the work girth just did to get here let me paint the picture there are currently three floors up on a tower with at least 15 Bandits below them so I had cat make a run for it while girth got to put his martial arts skills on display the only issue here is that no matter how much damage girth can do he can't prevent cat from just getting jumped by the other squads guarding the front door he can however Brute Force his way through pick up K and escape with him killing any of the bandits who were stupid enough to give Chase I mean it also helped that a group of hungry Bandits was passing through and decided to pick a fight with the dust Bandits but that's not how I'm choosing to remember this he kind of sucks at everything like arguably worse than beep having several stats in the negatives to start but at least we can just throw him on the stone processor or in the stone mines and he'll work until he drops actually speaking of beep in all honesty I completely forgot that Mong girl hates my guts I actually went unspotted for longer than I thought I would but there was no way I was going to be able to keep this up forever I did come up with a pretty half decent idea though there's a fogman camp nearby so after AGG gring literally the entire city I baited them down into a battle against the fogmen allowing me to run back up to the city with minimal resistance having finally made it back and gotten a good chance to scout out the city beep isn't here which means he likely got killed by fogman when I first passed through almost 30 days ago it's a bummer for sure but there isn't much that can be done without importing the save again I don't really feel like doing that so rip beep gert's pretty beaten down again though and since we're in the neighborhood we might as well make a quick pit stop at Burns Tower before heading home oh I almost forgot about the safe from the ruins near Burns Tower too but I managed to pick the lock on it since my lock picking has improved significantly inside I found a specialist grade spring bat which uses heavy bolts along with some skeleton components and a high-grade swamp mask anyway I made it to Burn's tower that evening and after a quick rest on the repair bench began making my way back to shitz Creek fully repaired and ready to party while girth made his way back to the Outpost a Shea war party made themselves at home in it initially cat was able to avoid detection getting his stealth up to level 29 before finally being spotted and unfortunately once they spot you it's over I'm not sure how he even managed to survive this but he did I mean he's going to need one of those scooters that Jimmy from South Park rides around in but he is alive as soon as girth made it back the Peril was attacked by a group of hungry Bandits again at first glance it didn't look too good but as soon as girth put his sword away it was over there's nothing more satisfying to to me than watching a character just drop four enemies in one move dude's literally the robotic Karate Kid oh and Cat managed to survive as well so all in all not a bad start to the day as soon as he can walk again we'll get him back on the stone [Music] processor well we technically doubled production with two of them on it I mean the max is only 40% so 26 isn't that bad it's bad of course though as soon as we started working another raid kicked off in this case girth fired first and took out the war leader before he even finished his speech kind of kicked the door out from under him get it because he's he's missing a leg anyway after that all it took was a few more Bandits to go down whether by bolt or sword it didn't really seem to matter [Music] [Music] to send a message girth took a few shots at the retreating enemies only to land what might be the best shot I've ever had a character hit in my time playing Kenji like seriously just massive damage at like what 200 plus meters if this was what it's like at level 49 I can't wait to see what 75 and 90 are like anyway with the raid done it was back to processing stone or at least I thought You' think these guys would get the hint at some point [Music] right [Music] [Music] you [Music] this one was pretty quick even though they brought like 20 guys to the fight because I agroed them so early they didn't actually really know what to do and didn't seem to acknowledge cat at all which was [Music] great [Music] after about an hour or so they kind of just got bored and went home allowing us to finally get to work on The Outpost thankfully we were able to spend most of day 35 working uninterrupted I say most because at the end of the day a group of triangle Bandits got into it with some escaped servants which spilled over into our Yellow Tape forcing girth to slaughter all of them while cat bled out in the [Music] [Music] [Music] corner [Music] by the afternoon on Day 36 we finally wrapped up construction on the stormhouse now for the fun part we still need building materials for things like storage but we need 10 iron plates for the research bench which means means it's back to the rebel Outpost when The Outpost didn't have anything I hit up the Hub and when the Hub didn't have anything I ran all the way back to squin initially all the shops were closed like they heard girth's thick ass was coming to town and they shut everything down but after leaving and re-entering the city the general good store had opened up and I was able to run in and grab some supplies during that Escapade cat was attacked and knocked out but what I'm assuming was a bandit group unfortunately for him as soon as he got up he was knocked back back out because half of squin decided they wanted to follow girth back to shit's creek I found the best way to deal with this is to Simply let them Pummel you into the ground and get their anger out of their system and then they'll just walk away leaving you for Dead with cat and yet another coma girth was able to build out the t2 research bench and begin studying wind turbines and T3 research I'll need a wind generator to power the base without having to farm biofuel so we'll do that first and then use the turbine to power everything else similar to how burn had it set up at his Tower first things first we have a basic wind turbine that's powering our T3 research bench we have most of the extra stuff learned already but I still need things like batteries electrical crafting tech level 4 and imprisonment all of which are going to be vital to getting us out of debt which if you couldn't tell already we've clearly been making a dent in it's definitely been our primary focus the entire time here anyway we need electrical crafting to unlock skeleton repair beds but there's something more important that we need first and that's engineering research which you can either buy or find at some ancient research facility runes across the map considering our uh predicament we'll be forced to take the second approach cat will be staying at the Outpost I gave him a Leonard zard and some Bush light so he should be pretty happy for a while as for girth well it's time to hit the road one of these ancient research facilities can be found on an island to the West so I set that as our first Target we only really need two engineering research to unlock skeleton repair beds but obviously the more the merrier the one thing I do really love about skeletons aside from not having to watch The Hunger rate is the fact that they just tank acid rain like zero damage gets done to them it's such a nice change of pace from what I'm used to and I'm just dreading going back to the alternative thank God for robotic limbs though because being able to Traverse the map in 4 hours is [Music] incredible girth was able to reach the coast by that afternoon and begin quote unquote swimming towards the ruins this is another kenchi gem the skeletons don't swim they just kind of walk on the seaf floor like the skeletons and Pirates of the Caribbean the first one not the coed out fever dreams that the later installments brought initially I didn't have much luck but after an hour of searching I managed to find a chest containing three engineering research a new Katana that's way stronger than what I'm rocking and five more skeleton repair kits now I probably don't need those but it's better to have an abundance of healing items and not need them than to need them and not have them in my opinion I found another engineering research next to the first chest but that was really it the remaining chests had a few weapons like pole arms and metal sticks to swing around and I'm not all interested in those with a total of four engineering research in hand girth began making his way back to shitz Creek ideally he'd be able to get home the same day and could spend the night researching I've also kind of decided that I don't want to just keep cheesing my way out of basic [ __ ] by stealing things I feel like that kind of takes away from the sentiment a bit and if you can just take whatever you need so going forward I'm only going to steal things I can't work around when it comes to supplies I'm planning to make the rest myself since I can now craft iron plates and building materials the only items I see myself stealing in the future are different robotic limbs or maybe some more repair kits or backpacks but even then it feels like anywhere I loot has some type of medical supplies sitting in it anyway he didn't make it back that day but girth managed to reach shits Creek just after midnight on day 42 as soon as he reached the research bench he dumped the engineering research in and added skeleton repair beds to the queue from there he spent the entire night wiggling his hands over the bench waiting for something amazing to happen it's it's worth noting that the bench is only operating at about 64% efficiency due to the lack of wind reaching the turbine but anything is better than nothing I suppose that being said as soon as the sun rose efficiency shot up to 95% which is the cap so I was happy with that this is going to take some time though there's well over a day of research to get through especially considering that tech level 4 is 10 hours by itself the big one I'm looking at is imprisonment though that's what's going to fix our relationship with some of these factions I'll talk more about that in a bit though for now I'm just going to speed through this portion and I'll see you all when our research is completed well howdy it's been about 2 days but we've managed to knock out pretty much everything we needed to there's obviously some more [ __ ] we could research but we'll focus on that another time since it's almost Nightfall I placed a few blueprints for a prisoner cage and a skeleton repair bed These Blueprints cost a total of nine iron plates five electrical components and two copper I have the electrical components and some of the iron plates but we'll need to grab the rest still since I have an iron processor now the plan is pretty simple over the course of the night girth and Cat were able to gather two copper and the N or so iron plates needed to build up the skeleton bed and the Prisoner cage now for the cheese if we want to start making progress towards repairing relations with the world's most important factions we'll need to First imprison them only after caging our enemies can we force them to love us starting with the tech Hunters why the tech Hunters first well it's all part of a larger plan see Tech Hunters control Flats Lagoon and we're going to need to use and abuse flat Lagoon if we want to get out of this billion dollar deficit initially I was going to ignore this but I feel like we've gone a considerable amount of time without some combat so here's girth kicking the absolute [ __ ] out of some WABE karate kids called the gorillo [Music] bandits oh I'll even throw in some land bat and boneyard wolf action so here you go [Music] [Music] [Music] all right on to Flats Lagoon what am I doing here these guys hate us well that's precisely why we're here see I need a tech Hunter to test out my new prisoner cages after a relatively short battle with a group of tech Hunters girth was able to incapacitate and kidnap Li I did get some pretty Instant Karma though after stopping to take out the soul gorillo Bandit who survived our previous engagement as soon as girth dropped him he was mauled by some Boneyard wolves that actually almost killed him anyway girth managed to make it home by early morning on day 45 and after placing lift in the cage disarmed them of their belongings these included things like specialist grade Samurai pants high-grade plate jackets ratten hat and shirt along with a pretty garbage saber all that's left to do now is wait and try out the new skeleton repair bed it took most of the morning but Li finally woke up from their coma which means we can get to work by talking to Li we can ask them to increase our standing with their faction this boosts our relations by 10 points for each conversation [Music] after only an hour of this method the tech Hunters were no longer hostile towards us and by noon they were officially our first allies at this point I decided to recruit Li as we'll need a considerable amount of bodies in the future Li ended up being a fantastic Edition just look at their stats an absolute unit for us with that being said I queued up some more research for us to prep for the next objective I'm going to have LIF focus on that while girth goes to hit up some more ancient libraries together ancient science books and Engineering research after half a day of travel girth reached an ancient lab guarded by security spiders luckily for us girth has built up some pretty solid skill with a bow so dealing with the spiders is as simple as running loops around the exterior platform and winging shots at the spiders until they drop these guys come with AI cores electrical components and iron plates all of which are extremely useful to us the rest of the day was spent fighting several more security spiders and looting them for their AI [Music] cores by around 1:00 a.m. on day 46 five security spiders lay dead outside of the ruins and the loot room was fully accessible most of the locked chests contain things like medical supplies and general loot but the ancient safe had seven ancient science books and eight generator cores since these cores are so heavy and I have a very limited inventory space I left five of the cores there there was also a locked safe that I was unable to open since girth didn't have the required lockpicking skill so I just made a note and sent girth back to base by midm morning girth had made it home and dumped the AI cores and ancient science books into the research bench which allowed the group to begin researching on Harpoon turrets there's still a ton of supplies that need to be gathered via manual labor so I'll let Li and cat continue to make progress on that what we need now is Manpower well maybe not Manpower what we really need is more like robotic slavery to do this I sent girth to venge you'll see why shortly I also placed a blueprint for another prisoner cage so that we can double up production after a day of searching girth managed to find a group of weak throw roaming around this is huge for us since we can just knock out and kidnap the robots bring them back to shits Creek and then convert them to our cause because of this I grabbed cat and Li and sent them over to girth to carry a few of the robots [Music] back while waiting for backup girth got a good taste of the [ __ ] hole that is venge coming in the form of God Ray death beams from the Stars regardless girth was able to kidnap one throw and drop two others keeping them alive until cat and LIF arrived the following morning unfortunately almost as soon as they reached girth all hell broke loose they were ambushed by two groups of weak thr who were able to swarm lift and Cat leaving only girth standing to face them that being said we just spent like 40 days molding him into a John Wickes robot so I wasn't really all that [Music] worried [Music] on the bright side once the battle wrapped up cat and Li were able to recover allowing the group to kidnap three of the Fallen throut to bring back with them the only downside well Li and cat can barely walk so it looks like we'll be taking up shelter in the nearby Way Station ruins while they [Music] heal we don't have any sleeping bags so it's just going to be a waiting game for now almost a full day after the battle cat was strong enough to leave on his own so I sent him and girth back to shit's creek naturally as soon as he left someone called in an orbital strike on him almost completely obliterating cat as he set foot out of the ruins I chose to keep lift here for another day since one of their legs was still in the negatives and it didn't really make much sense to try and get get them to limp back home at this time honestly in the time it's taken I probably could have just had girth run three different throw back but where's the fun in that I have no idea how it happened but cat was also knocked unconscious on his way home losing the week throw on the process oh and the week throw that lift was carrying also died at some point overall just an absolute [ __ ] show of a trip honestly it'd be fitting if this is the way cat goes out lovely well with cat dead and lift dying in the sand I just had girth run his throw back to shits Creek I figure worst case I can just amass an army of robots and just slowly build that up best case lift can make it back to safety with the throw safely locked away girth got to work peacefully negotiating an alliance and not at all holding the poor weak thrill hostage until the deal was [Music] completed once the alliance was forged I moved the weak throw into the stone mines and sent girth out to retrieve Li girth will have to move quickly though since lift just passed out and is being eaten alive even at 40 m an hour he's not fast enough to save Li meaning in an attempt to start a robot army it costs us the two humans on our team when girth finally did make it to Li's body all that remained was a pond of blood with nothing left to lose it's back to farming for weak throw since we're now allies with the thr Masters we don't even need to incapacitate these guys we can literally just pick one of them up and run them back back to base they're not even hostile towards me anymore so it makes the entire process just so much easier to work with the biggest hurdle at this point is just constantly having to deal with girth getting lost or stuck in the mountains of the Border Zone whenever he makes his way [Music] home after recruiting a second throw we were attacked by a Shea war party normally I'd have everyone hide and waited out but now that we have prisoner cages it only makes sense to Ally with these beasts [Applause] [Music] [Music] took a few well-placed shots and then over on toughness but girth managed to take out a few of the shecks and bring one back to the cages now all that's left to do is wait until it recovers from its coma and we can get started on the alliance negotiations to compensate for the fact that we had a Sheek sleeping in one of those cages we built out the second cage before continuing our mission to gather up more weak throw over the next several days I mainly focused on capturing as many weak throw as possible I even developed a system where I'd send a weak throw to meet up with girth at a crossroad so that he could deliver one and then get back to hunting as quickly as possible the best part is that dust Bandits like to hang out here so I even get to get some pretty clean shots in with the crossbow every once in a while just to keep things from getting too boring during all of this the Shea Warrior finally woke up so we were able to forge an alliance with them before letting him head home one of the greatest benefits of allying with the sheeks is the fact that whenever a raid starts making its way to our base a sha war party will show up to help defend it it works out great for situations like this where girth is away so all my throws are in [Music] [Music] danger [Music] after the fight wrapped up I recruited two more throws and then grabbed one of the paladins and threw him in the prisoner cage until we worked out a way to end hostilities brought on by the holy nation at least for now in total we managed to add 10 weak throw to the team I felt that that was sufficient for what we needed them for and at this point I think it's time to start making a dent in our 999 m997 459 cats the good oldfashioned way drugs currently we have 66 building materials and 39 iron plates considering we don't have the funds to purchase some pack animals the next best thing is these guys they're all busy mining them so while they continue to stockpile resources I sent girth out to find us some backpacks to carry everything him before that though want to watch girth take on a patrol of hungry Bandits using nothing but his [Music] [Applause] [Music] fists [Music] what a God as soon as he made it to squin girth was approached by a random she looking to start some [ __ ] I've never seen this happen before but as soon as he opened his mouth a ton of nearby Shea Warriors came over and just jumped the guy knocked him out and then just took him away never to be seen again on my first run I was able to steal five wooden backpacks which allow you to stack resources in them remember when I did that with iron like an hour ago good times good times look how far we've come anyway this is all the distract you from the fact that girth was seen while leaving which ended the alliance with us and the tech Hunters no big deal though we'll just need to capture another and throw him in one of our cages until they reconsider [Music] naturally as soon as I was wrapping up a group of triangle Bandits came over to start some [ __ ] as [Music] [Music] well I thought this was pretty funny but I love that the she guards waited until there were like two Bandits left before coming to assist like they just sat back there the whole time watching girth take on six contestants from skid row and only decided to come help after the fight was practically over all right well as soon as we got home I realized that this Tech Hunter was a mercenary and I can't talk to him for some reason so I did the only reasonable thing I could think of it's all right though it just means we'll need to go kidnap another from flas Lagoon or something I don't know we'll figure it out later in the meantime it's back to squin for round [Music] two all right everyone's got bags now even this guy they didn't have enough wooden backpacks so he got the large backpack which is meant for I don't know carrying things large is a bit of an understatement though if I do say so myself you know most people actually prefer the normal average size backpacks they're pretty reliable and tend to get the job done with the team all geared up it's time to pick up out our next Outpost location out in Shem there's some big puddles of water we can use those to build an offbrand Rim World killbox by forcing our enemies to swim through said puddle to reach us if we wall off the rest of the land we can use that to build out our plantations a better player would have made this symetrical and fully planned out everything that you need to deal with the Growing Pains of this land but I'm not that guy so this is what we ended up with regardless we're going to need like 60 or 70 building materials a ton of copper and iron plates and that's not even accounting for any of the interior object where the battery banks will need to build out before leaving the blueprints I renamed it something generic to throw off any suspicions as to what it might be since we're in the neighborhood girth swung by Flats Lagoon real quick to grab another tech Hunter for [Music] [Music] negotiations after getting back to shitz Creek I loaded up most of the throws and prepped ah head out all before realizing that I needed some copper for the wind turbines so I set a few thr on to mining in the meantime we'll need to get some hemp to research how to farm it so I sent girth off to the only place where I know I can get some see if they would have changed the name of their upost to something more secretive like ours no one would even know they have a hemp here aside from having to get around the security spider the whole process was super easy there's hemp just sitting in barrels inside some of the buildings so it was really just as simp simple as walking in grabbing the hemp and then running home back at shitz Creek we can dump the hemp into the research bench and start learning how to grow things in the ground once that was taken care of we met with the tech hunters and formed an alliance all that's left to do now is get the [ __ ] out of here well sort of we still have a [ __ ] ton of research to work through so here's what we're going to do we're going to send all the thr out to start building deal as the Texans say and in the meantime gert's going to hang out here and study things like liberal arts and how to increase killing capacity of Harpoon turrets you know basic College stuff anyway the throw managed to make it partially down the hill before getting absolutely decimated by a pack of [Music] G the only lasting impact from this is that one of the throw lost their right arm so you know no more girth things I guess that being said look at these little guys go well again you know for a few minutes until they were attacked by dust Bandits at this point I just sent out to get the thr over to our new Outpost since apparently they can't figure out how to stay out of trouble I will say it's pretty hilarious to me watching these thr get [ __ ] stomped but then girth can just come in and take on the entire band of a trol while carrying a throw on his [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] just before midnight on day 59 we managed to get our entire group to our new not a drug Farm Outpost first things first I removed all previous jobs and set these guys to just be Engineers for a bit while that's going on I sent girth back to shitz Creek to continue research of course as soon as girth left the weak throw were ambushed by a pretty large Patrol of hungry Bandits since they are in fact weak throw the fight was actually pretty close with only two or three throws still standing at the end of the engagement [Music] because of this I sent girth back yet again to heal up some of the thrl as well as deal with some members of the band of phones who were just [ __ ] around near me for some reason for like the third time as soon as girth left another group of Bandits showed up leading to another fight [Music] they won this one pretty easily though so at least there's some improvement by late afternoon we were fully out of building materials and to make matters worse a pack of G came running through knocking everyone [Music] out I thought about leaving the group there and just sending a few throw back to keep stacking building materials but considering everyone out here hates us and we suck at fighting it was safer to make the TRU back to shitz Creek than just sit here in the desert keeping everything consistent the week through all were attacked by a group of triangle Bandits while I was typing this [Music] up [Music] [Music] I was going to skip the whole portion since it was just more grinding but there was a pretty large battle that took place on the morning of day 61 that I just had to include here basically two raids triggered at the same time consisting of dust Bandits and triangle Bandits this was by far the largest Battle of the entire playthrough so far so I felt the compulsive need to include it [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] 2 then as that cluster [ __ ] was wrapping up a squad of hungry Bandits roamed in making this a giant free-for-all I mean it didn't help that all the throws were on the ground like 30 minutes into the fight but girth held his own and it was a ton of fun to watch I tried to incorporate a good mix of katana and martial arts really the only thing missing was a few well-placed crossbow shots but gert's backpack was in the house so he didn't have any bolts on him after the fight was finished the big Focus was getting everyone healed up these th have been through hell the past few days and all of them needed repairs desperately so that's just what we did while girth continued focusing on research the throw each took turns in the skeleton repair bed until we were all fully healed and ready to party all that's left to do now is research and good God we've got a ton of it to get through after 4 days of doing nothing but staring at a table we're finally ready to hit the road this time hopefully for good I have all of the throws moving at a shared speed but have girth just following behind them in case we run into any Bandits and the event that this does happen and make no mistake it will I'll just have girth talk to them about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while the rest of the group continues on their Journey aside from a few run-ins with some slavers and a couple dust Bandits the Trek was pretty [Music] smooth one of my favorite moments came right as we reached the Outpost when a group of hungry Bandits came charging over a hill at the group this whole scene reminded me a ton of the two towers not not the George Bush ones the Lord of the Rings ones specifically that scene where they're making the journey to Helms Deep and they fight all the wars and legalises on the hilltop just lighting up the riders only this time instead of riders it was starving vagrants from Minneapolis [Music] anyway now that we're here it's time to Finish the build there's walls that need to be erected still battery Banks need to be built turbines need to be upgraded all that fun stuff I also added our basic defenses nearest to the gate are two double barreled Harpoon turrets the rest are just your standard run-of-the-mill Mark 2 Harpoon turrets essentially if anyone gets in they won't make it through the river it'll be like Vietnam but instead of in the trees we'll be in the sand or something I don't know still working on that one nearing the end of a day of hard work we were made aware that a triangle ban of Thea would be coming our way since we can't have a raid screwing up our progress I sent Earth out to deal with them in the dunes in perfect timing a group of hungry Bandits was passing through so I cided the triangle Bandits into the hungry Bandits breaking out into another free-for-all styled [Music] fight [Music] yeah [Music] as we continued building out the Outpost I noticed that I up and built the house backwards and to my knowledge I can't dismantle it at the moment now looking back through the footage this is because the house for some reason belongs to Xander's Outpost this actually happens with the battery Bank later on as well and I'm not really sure how to fix that so we kind of just lost a house also I apologize for this next portion because for some reason I must have overwritten a portion of this script but I want I want to be transparent so here's what I wrote I wanted to do kind of like an Outpost Tower but it's we just got raided by a massive group of hungry Bandits and I wanted to Showcase just what these Harpoon turrets can do this is going to be great because my editor is going to see this and just have a f day with that comment anyway currently there's a few dozen hungry Bandits swimming towards us they've literally walked directly into the pond making them sitting ducks they just get slau Ed I love it even if I didn't get to test out the double barreled turrets yet hopefully soon though so most of the Outpost is built out all that's really left to do is get the gardens built out for that I'll need something like 180 hemp I was about to send girth to the secret drug Farm again when we were given a golden chance to use the turrets seriously these things are awesome I'll have to figure out something for this corner next to the Copper node but if they go straight they just get gunned down before they make it more than halfway with the hungry Bandits dealt with girth picked up one of the throw and set off for the drug Farm luckily the farm is close by so we can keep making runs together as much hemp as we [Music] need between girth and the throw we're able to grab 80 hemp per [Music] run each large farm takes 30 hemp to start so we'll get two Farms up and running with a the third practically finished which is honestly plenty to get started with we can just take the hemp from the first harvest and add it to the subsequent Farms with two Farm started I assigned one throw to each and then two throws to the water tanks to keep our stock up these are going to take a few days to grow so I'll see you when that happens the biggest issue we're running into right off the Jump is that skeletons are shitty Farmers typically you want to go get some greenlanders to handle your crops but they require food so we just have to deal with the fact that this is going to be an incredibly tedious process for a few days until we get all these hemp Farms up and running that being said we were able to get a third hemp Farm started with the Harvest from the first two I have three more plots built out right now but even if we just get one per Harvest that'll be huge for us this is what life is going to be like for the next few days and until we get our Plantation built out a little more and our throw sufficiently leveled at this rate we should have the other two Fields ready to go by the end of next Harvest then we can start focusing on mass producing the finest narcotics east of the Border Zone while we wait for the Harvest to start churning out results girth's big mission is to continue to recruit thr I figured this would be a good side quest to work on since eventually we're going to need at least six thr working on the farms with another three to four just for Narco production at this point I just tried to organize my current thr into working squads the thr Army will stand as a holding Squad while the rest are self-explanatory the hemp Farm is for the field workers at six Farm plots I have each working two fields for hashish production I have four machines but since we're just starting out I only assigned two workers to it that leaves me with three leftover throw when you take into account that one is assigned purely to transport water from the wells to the tankers this is what happens when we don't have actual guards the fight honestly would have been winnable with just the throws had the dust Bandits not shown up but again this is the price I pay for not having adequate guard stationed on the bright side at least it was a spectacle to watch [Music] unfold [Music] a lot of the fights so far have been very up and down and they're becoming a little more exciting to watch as we continue to improve in combat that being said we have girth weapon that quite frankly no one seems to be prepared [Music] for we have two throw that are missing limbs but other than that everyone is going to be fine I set the two cripples to be our Runners not sure how that's going to work but in my head they'll be the ones transporting the hemp and hash to their correct chest in our storage room this leaves one lone throw to kind of just do whatever I do want to get a corpse incinerator built out and then get started on a little side project with girth to keep myself occupied while we produce enough substances to make Pablo Escobar blush one of the reasons I love Shem so much is because just look at the size of some of these patrols you just don't get that in the Border [Music] Zone the only issue we seem to be running into was the fact that our battery banks are all connecting to Xander's Hideout so I sent girth over to see if we could work something out with [Music] them [Music] after a quick talk with the neighbors I stole Xander's arm to give to one of the runners and brought him back to the Outpost to make sure he was going to die I'm hoping that if I can kill him The Outpost will unclaim and my batteries will assign to The Outpost instead of his shitty setup kind of reminds me of like the neighbor who steals your Wi-Fi or like the old school neighbor would take the cable television for free I don't know it's just a funny setup for me so it's been about 4 days since the band of Bones fight and I was going to skip one more day since I'm wrapping up some research but we got our first legitimate raid on the definitely not a drug Outpost Outpost these guys are from the United cities and they're dressed in samurai gear there aren't many of them compared to the other patrols we've seen in the area so this fight should be pretty easy to get through even without girth the goal is to gun them down before they make it to shore considering their combat skills are all in the early 70s or ' 80s and we don't have anyone even remotely close to that for some reason the throw didn't lock on to the samurai war party until they swam ashore and by that point we might as well have bent over and spread cheeks for them because we got [Applause] pounded the fight lasted less than 2 hours during which all of our throw were knocked unconscious and the samurai didn't lose a single soldier just absolutely dog walked I like to imagine the fight would have been different with girth here but let's be real he'd struggled to win a one-on-one against any of these guys let alone taking on the entire war party we'll need to prepare a little better for next time but I'm just happy everyone was able to recover without losing a throw on the fight while healing up a pretty large hungry Bandit Patrol was clearing up a nearby group of dust Bandits so I kept an eye on them in case they decided to come hit up our Outpost during the attack one of the United City Samurai made their way back into the pond for some reason he must have gotten lost on his way back or something I don't I don't know it doesn't matter what does matter is that he took a few stray bolts leaving him unconscious in the water and allowing us to loot him for some better gear if you're looking for some semblance of karma the retreating hungry Bandits walked directly into some beak things and were subsequently eaten alive so there's that when we weren't fighting Bandits it was business as usual we're still at six hemp Farms but we're up over 500 hemp or so in the storage we'll start hash production in the morning though for now it's all about stockpiling as much gear as possible and pushing back our enemies luckily for The Outpost girth's done with his research so he can basically just stand guard while everyone else gets to work whether fortunately or unfortunately the throw have grown to love G and will often abandon their current tasks to defend him with their janky and corroded bodies even if he's perfectly capable of fending for [Applause] himself all right production is finally underway it may have taken a few weeks to get everything set up but we made it so here's how it works works the farms grow hemp we have one Runner who brings the hemp to storage and another Runner who supplies the hemp to the processors we have two throw who work on said processors creating hash that hash is then stored in crates in the building next door we'll be selling in bulk so best to get a stock pile before we head out obviously if we have more throw working on the processors we'll be able to produce more hash at a faster rate but that'll come in time I did some quick math on the selling price at Flats Lagoon and if we only sell narcotics we'll need something like 1.3 million hashes which would take potentially hundreds of days to complete so in the meantime girth will be getting into the arms trade he'll be crafting several weapon varieties to test which one will make us the most cash and then Mass producing said weapon this should help eat into the deficit a bit and will serve as a nice change of pace from constant drug production whenever I get bored of this I'm planning to just go recruit a few more throut ideally we have a few more Gardens and at least two more thr on the processors to reach maximum production in the meantime I've been using the runners to work on the open processors in between loads by the end of our first day of weapon smithing girth was already moving past rusted junk and we had produced around 30 hash not a great rate for that but I'm sure we can start to speed that up especially considering the fact that we didn't start on that until the afternoon early the next morning we completed upgrades on the weapon Smith bench but now we need fabric I know I've been all over the place with this but honestly I'm just going to steal a ton of it and keep it moving I think I've spent enough time doing this legit that being said I'm not going to steal items to re sell I think that would defeat the whole purpose of the grind if I just stole a bunch of robotic Limbs and then sold them back instead I'm just going to steal the fabric needed for these weapons and then continue making everything else I targeted adog and squin since they have the easiest General good stores to break into I figured two full backpack should be enough fabric at least for now I can always come back in the [Music] future [Music] after hitting both adog and squin I didn't even have a full backpack so I hit up the rebel op post your shit's creek to see if there was anything I could take from there unfortunately it looks like the rebel op poost has been completely abandoned there's no one there and no fabric to loot at this point I figured I'd have better luck just hanging out around squin and adog for another day and grabbing more fabric from them the goal is to do one bulk sell on day 90 and then see how much of a dent we can make and then do big bulk cells every 10 days or so not much happened for the rest of the day I placed a blueprint for another processor to keep the farmers busy in between harvests but I need copper alloy plates still so we're just waiting on another thieving run from girth at this [Music] point by the time the sunrose i' gathered about eight copper Alloys which is enough for three more processors as for the cloth we now have 130 of it so I'm hoping that'll be enough to last a while now it's back to weapon smithing currently we have around 100 hashes which isn't a small amount for an average playthrough however we're 1 billion cats in debt so it's nowhere near enough for what we need the downside of trying to manage all of this is the fact that we still don't have adequate security so if I'm not paying attention these massive groups of hungry Bandits can wal in and just skull [ __ ] us and once the hungry Bandits are in anyone else can just swim on over luckily we have girth I will say one of my favorite things about kenchi is being able to see the progression in a character and eventually getting to a point where one guy can basically turn the tides of a fight the way that girth is able to and once the hungry Bandits are in anyone else can just swim on over luckily we have girth I will say one of my favorite things about is being able to see the progression in a character and eventually getting to a point where one guy can basically turn the tides of a fight the way that girth is able to that being said now that it's over it's back to weapon smithing barring any chaotic surprises I'll see you all on day 90 well I know I just said I'd see you in 4 days and it's been about a day but we were raided by a group called The Black Dragon Ninjas and I found a feature called Shoot first ask later and toggled that and I wanted to try it out so here goes all right so as long as we have guys on the turrets I feel like we're Unstoppable like no one can get through constant harpoons like that it's like D-Day for Bandits but instead of mg 42s it's [ __ ] harpoons getting fired out of a stationary turret speeding at them going mock Jesus a direct impact is either going to leave them bleeding out or literally sever a limb from their bodies there's no way out of this without suffering extreme casualties or being m another wave of triangle Bandits had been caught up taking on some of the remaining soldiers from Xander's group so I had girth meet them instead of halting production again that being said I completely forgot to give him his weapons so here's some martial arts [Music] fighting at least I thought this was the war party as as it turns out there was an entirely separate Bandit Patrol making its way over and I just flat out missed them because of that you get to enjoy another Harpoon battle I guess thankfully the keni gods threw me a bone here and had a group of hungry Bandits aggro onto the triangle Bandits causing another fight and significantly weakening the [Music] [Music] attackers as this was wrapping up a boob party showed up followed by a beak [Music] thing just pure chaos all around and at that point I felt confident enough to send my throws back to work and let this fight kind of resolve itself [ __ ] dude even the blood spiders got in on it on the bright side with every band of bone soldier that falls we gain another set of Merc armor for our th anyway since our iron plate Refinery is now fully automatic I added two additional hemp Farms I'm not sure we really need them but it'll keep at least one of the farmers fully occupied well it's day 90 here's what we're working with I have no idea how much this is I just know it's a ton gert's going to be carrying some weapons he made plus a few katanas that we stole off some enemies but with that I sent them off to flats for our first big sale I did some math along the way and came up with about 300 as in our inventory each wooden backpack can holds 72 and their personal inventory can hold an additional 10 a fully stacked throw can now carry 82 hashes while making our way over the group was attacked by two Bak things as well as a nomad and his war party of goats I [Music] guess both fights were pretty easy and the only time a throw went down was when they walked in front of girth's long shaft did bow and took a bolt to the gut because the thr all have horrible strength in athletics they can't keep up with girth at Max Speed meaning he's got to run at a Brisk jog this makes a short trip to Flat Lagoon take the better part of a day which is a little ridiculous I could probably transfer all this loot in the same amount of time just by making runs with girth solo so I'm going to try that out on day 100 and see what I end up with there's no sense in taking four throw off duties for a day to jog to a location when girth could make two or three runs in the same amount of time by himself all right let's get started weapons first [ __ ] I left the weapons bag back at the fight and I have no idea where that was thank God it didn't despawn honestly I don't know what I would have done if it did probably just stole a bunch of [ __ ] and out of spite anyway while he runs back let's see what we can sell the hash for about 250 okay not not bad at all this is going to taking forever the weapon sold for another 40ish grand so all in all this run made us about 300K meaning if we want to get out of this debt it's going to take us 3,333 runs if we do that every 10 days that comes out to just over 91 years before we're out of debt that's just not feasible so what if instead of that I I don't know I just bum rush the bugm that make you happy I feel like that's a fair trade-off awesome glad we all totally agree and there's not a single person who is going to feel emotionally slighted by this enough to lose their [ __ ] in the comments good now that we're on the same page I'm going to go grind out some Sabres for the throw and I'll see you in a few days all right it's been about another 4 days and I think we're ready these three have the rest of our Contraband so I wanted to sell that real quick before we head out we managed to scrape off around $450,000 honestly if I wanted to just leave my PC running overnight and come back it'd be interesting to see what I could get it down to but I've been working on this project for like 3 weeks now and I just want to get this bad boy wrapped up so let's just get to it I just realized I made that sound like this is a nice walk over to the Bug Master when in reality we got to go straight through the swamp and into hell to be honest I'd be surprised if we didn't lose at least one throw on the journey and I'm fully anticipating everyone getting killed when we enter really my only goal is to kill the bug Master before we get [Music] swarmed [Music] aside from the swamp Raptors and ninjas we did manage to get in the good little prequel fight as a buildup to the main event after catching the attention of some skin spiders [Music] [Music] we made it to Iraq that afternoon not to be confused with Iraq even though they look about the same at this rate we'll reach the bugm Met around Nightfall while walking along the eroded path we encountered several spider patrols which doesn't seem like a huge deal but they are whittling away our [Music] health as we approached the bug Master's Den there were a group of bounty hunters being slaughtered by skin spiders out front we tried to help them out but then I realized they just come after girth if they survived so I left them for dead and pushed into the building mother with the spiders cleared out all that remained was the Bug Master originally I tried to send girth in for an honorable 1 V one but he didn't even land a shot so I thought to myself why bring an army of weak throws if you're not going to use them yeah yeah I realiz the world [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] realiz the world is [Applause] in the end most of the throw were cut down girth probably wouldn't have won the fight had he not been able to land a few key shots with his Eagles cross and even then it was close we have the Bug Master now though but we're not done yet we still need to make it out of this place alive girth's right leg is in bad shape so I had the survivors move up to the roof and hide out near the cages for most of the day until girth was able to run again the target here is to make it to the old front lines that's the safe Zone if I can get there I shouldn't have to worry about getting swarmed by skin spiders I read the map in the bug Master's chest that shows locations of an ominous City in the ashlands but that's another another story for a different day luckily we only ran into one skin spider and were able to reach our safety net before midnight from there it was a nice jog to reach our home of shits Creek the following morning back where it all began it's time to end it although we weren't able to really put much of a dent into our debt I think grabbing one of if not the strongest NPCs in keni is a worthy tradeoff everything we could get with cash we can make ourselves or steal if needed so I don't really see much of a point in spending a month just sitting in front of a monitor on max speed waiting for something to happen thank you all so much for watching this has been some of the most fun I've ever had in keni and I hope at least some of that translated to video form if you have any other challenge playthroughs you'd like to see just let me know in the comments as always I want to give a very special thank you to my YouTube members and patreon supporters you guys play a crucial role in allowing me to make these larger projects and I can't thank you enough for all your support until next time I appreciate you all stay safe and thanks for stopping [Music] by [Music]
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 216,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Kenshi, Kenshi Torso, Kenshi Skeleton, KenshiGameplay, KenshiMods, KenshiModded, Ken Shi, Kenshi2, KenshiTorso, KenshiStart, Hardest Start, Impossible Start, Hardest Challenge, KenshiCannibalStart
Id: lHILFbqSf3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 30sec (8250 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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